Seeing Double

Story by Lost Soul on SoFurry

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Tyler finds more than he expected when he visits his local nightclub.

Tyler handed over a crumpled note to the beefy German Shepherd standing in front of him, and tried not to fidget nervously as the canine glared at it for a moment, before turning an eye onto Tyler and looking him over. He shifted uncomfortably and wished he had the privacy to bang his head against the wall; he had several crisp notes, fresh from the ATM yet in his nervousness had managed to grab the roughest looking note he had. Several long seconds passed as the canine appraised him then, finally, he stepped to the side allowing Tyler access to the door.

Stepping forwards Tyler pressed his hand against the door and pushed forwards, quickly stepping over the threshold, only to nearly flinch as the loud music and the sight and smell of crowds of bodies washed over him. Furs of every species writhed in a mass on the dance floor, their shadows flickering in the darkened interior as lights flashed on and off, constantly changing their positions. He felt strangely conscious of his clothing as he stepped further forwards letting the door close behind him; to humans clothes were needed for keeping them warm and modest, but for the majority of furs, it was limited to modesty, a pair of shorts or trousers was common.

Yet here he was, clothed in trousers and a simple plain t-shirt, among a crowd of nearly naked furs. A brief gap in the jostling dancers revealed to Tyler the direction of the bar and he immediately headed to towards the more familiar territory; he'd gone to a few night clubs when he was younger, but hadn't enjoyed the claustrophobic atmosphere much so had avoided them for the last few years.

Until a close friend had become concerned by Tyler's solitary habits and badgered at him until he agreed to finally go to a popular nightclub in town to socialise. However he still wasn't keen on the idea of dancing with so many people he didn't know, and the bar offered him a way to keep his promise and avoid the crowds. Spotting an empty stool between two wolves he made his way forwards, slipping onto the stool and waved for the bartenders attention, one of the few humans in the fur dominated building.

When the bartender approached he asked, "Double whisky and coke please," sliding a clean note over to cover it. With practised movements the bartender prepared his drink and handed him his change before bustling down to the far end of the bar leaving Tyler alone with his thoughts and drink. He'd only taken a small sip, letting the flavoured whisky fill his mouth before swallowing, before he felt the odd sensation of being stared at and turned his head to the right to see the wolf there studying him, with a slight smile on his maw.

Tyler couldn't but help stare at the wolf, finding himself admiring admiring the wolfs' beautiful golden eyes, and his lush, grey fur that was all the more on display since the wolf only wore a pair of dark cargo shorts.The lustrous eyes seemed to bore into him and the smile turned into a grin, revealing glistening white teeth,

"See something you like?" He asked happily, his grin growing wider with the innuendos affect as Tyler blushed and immediately looked away only to end up face to face with the same face as he looked to his left.

"Oh, I think he liked the something," chuckled the mirror image and Tyler almost strained his neck looking back, before blinking as he realised the two wolves on either side of him were identical twins.

"Oh dear," chuckled the first wolf, "I think we confused him."

The second wolf chuckled, his laugh sounding the same as his brothers as he wrapped a furry arm around Tylers shoulders,

"Sorry about that mate, my brother and I-"

"-Like our games," Finished the first, wrapping his own arm around Tylers shoulders as well, "I'm Rex."

"And I'm Lex."

Tyler blinked, stunned by the cheeriness and lack of personal space the twin wolves seemed to have, finally managing to utter weakly, "I'm Tyler."

"Good to meet you Tyler," the twins echoed each other.

Tyler nodded weakly, still trying to get used to having two wolves he'd only just met pressed up tight against him.

"Sorry for insinuating that you were gay," Rex apologised, finally pulling his arm back at the same time as his twin, returning to sitting upright in his seat though now turned towards Tyler, who couldn't control the heavy blush that rose to his cheeks.

"D-don't worry about it," Tyler stammered, only for Lex to burst out laughing.

"I don't think we need to insinuate anything."

"I think you're right brother, although we shouldn't be forcing him to admit it." Tyler blinked a bit shocked at the sudden change in attitude from the twins, from the cheery straightforwards nature to a genuine bashfulness. They seemed honestly sorry for taking things too far and Tyler felt himself calming down slightly,

"It's alright. I'm not in the closet or anything, I'm just not used to people calling me out on it."

Indeed, Tyler had had several boyfriends, both humans and furs, yet most of his friends still assumed he was straight, Tyler simply hadn't felt the need to correct their view.

"Well..." pondered Rex.

"As long as you're okay with it," added Lex.

"It's fine," Tyler reassured them.

"Good, because we're gay as well," Rex replied cheerfully.

Tyler couldn't help his eyes widening at the revelation but he had to admit some part of him had known, the pair of wolves had a certain air about them, seeming slightly more touchy feely than normal.

"Of course," Rex said with a slight smirk, "Most people in this bar are gay so it wasn't much of a guess."

Tyler blinked then frowned turning into the urge to have a talk with his friend about not mentioning exactly what he was being set up about. Predictably Lex managed to ask,

"So this is most likely you're first time here, any reason you managed to somehow enter this nightclub and not any others?"

"A friend suggested I needed more of a social life and pointed this club out," Tyler explained, before reaching for his drink and almost downing it in several gulps.

Both wolves seemed to raise an eyebrow at this before Lex waved the bartender over and ordered a second drink, sliding it in front of Tyler before raising is own.

"A toast to friends too clever for their own good," he grinned purposefully at Rex who leaned across and cuffed him lightly, though raised his own glass as he pulled back,

"I'm your twin, not your friend," he chuckled before Tyler found himself joining them and drinking down his second glass.

"Depends on your definition of friend really," Lex chuckled, "Annoying but worth it."

Tyler found himself grinning, "Yeah. Great friend, just cares for an unsociable, ungrateful lout like me."

"Aww you're not so bad," said Rex slapping him on the back, "You haven't run off screaming away from us yet."

"Just don't ask me to dance," chuckled Tyler, finding it surprisingly easy to talk to the two carefree wolves.

Tyler quickly found himself enjoying the company of the wolves as they supplied him him a third then fourth drink as they talk about the pros and cons of listening to a overcaring friends advice and a surprisingly similar interest in computer games. They also seemed to enjoy asking pointed questions about his love life, or rather his non-existence of one at the moment beyond one night stands.

"So why don't you tell me about who you two bring to bed?" Tyler finally asked as he finished his fourth glass, feeling the alcohol getting to him.

"If you joined us in our bed we would tell you," Rex said pointedly, grinning.

Tyler blinked, the shock making it through his clouded mind but found himself puzzled at how weak the "No thanks," sounded.

"Are you sure?" Lex asked, "You don't sound so certain."

Tyler fidgeted and his eyes drifted down to his watch and blinked, noticing it was much later than he'd planned to stay here for.

"I think I'd better be getting home." he answered hesitantly.

"You didn't answer the question," Rex grinned.

Tyler slid off his seat and paused to catch his balance while he contemplated the answer, "Will you be here tomorrow?"

The two wolves shared a look then shrugged, and Lex answered him, "We'll be here for another hour, but no promises on tomorrow... unless you're saying it's a date?"

"Date?" said Tyler, the alcohol making it come out a bit confused sounding.

"Yeah. You, me, Lex, a movie maybe, definitely a bed." Rex explained.

"Both of you?" Tyler wasn't sure he could be more stupefied with or without being drunk.

"Yep," they both answered at the same time happily.

Tyler thought on it then surprised himself by answering, "Sure, see you tomorrow."

They grinned happily in reply then waved him off as Tyler slowly made his way out of the nightclub, feeling slightly surprised at what had just happened. He'd thought he'd be bored, or at the most just end up talking to one or two people, not arranging a date with two wolves who made no hidden notions on their planning to fuck him.

He'd parked the car in a multistory a fair walk away thinking he would have left the club before it was truly dark, and he found himself surprised at how quickly the streets around him became quiet. He'd barely turned a corner into an alley way he'd used as a shortcut on the way there, leaving the loud noise and bright lights, when he bounced off a slightly damp, furry chest.

"Wha' the hell is yer problem." a voice slurred as Tyler looked up and met the eyes of the wasted feline, a dark orange Tiger, his fur seemed to reek of cheap whisky.

"Sorry," Tyler apologised backing away slowly, "I didn't see you there."

This seemed to be the wrong thing to say as the cat blinked stupidly and snarled, "Didn't see me?" Tyler could see the cat adn almost hear the schnick as the cat's claws descended, "I'll teach you to not see me!"

Before Tyler knew what was happening the drunkard slashed forwards, claws scraping across his chest as he instinctively fell back away from him yelling out in pain and shock. Any drowsiness or fogginess from the alcohol blown away from the sharp pain as he fell against the alley wall.

"I'm gonna teach yer stupid ass a lesson you-"

"Touch him again and you'll spend your days drinking in hell," a deep voice suddenly growled from the entrance of the alley.

"Or you get the hell out of here and we'll forget your face and not report you to the police for assault." Added a second voice, matching the tones of the first. Glaring the cat looked behind Tyler then despite his inebriation evidently realised that he was outnumbered and turned, muttering darkly as he walked away from them, swaying and bouncing occasionaly from the brick walls.

Tyler panted as he leant against the alley wall, his hand clamped to his side; It'd didn't feel too deep but it was on fire and he winced as he shifted to look at his saviors. Rex and Lex stood tall and strong side by side between him and the feline, watching the drunk stagger away and around the corner to the alley before finally turning to face him.

"Really appreciate the help," Tyler said, smiling weakly at them.

The hard anger in their faces instantly melted and before Tyler knew what was happening both wolves had rushed to his sides, Rex yanking his shirt up without hesitation as Lex supported him.

"Hey now," Tyler protested blushing, trying to lower his shirt ineffectually as Rex studied his wound.

"Don't fidget Tyler," Rex chided him, lifting the shirt higher making Tyler flinch as it pulled off his wound, "Doesn't look too bad luckily, just skin deep. You'll be fine with a good wash."

"So I don't need to go to the hospital?"

"No," replied Rex, carefully lowering Tylers shirt and Tyler couldn't but help noticed Rex's eyes were lingering on his bare chest, before sharing a glance with his brother, "However it would be advisable to get you home soon."

Rex and Lex quickly turned Tyler and began herding him towards the parking lot,

"Home? You're going to take me to my house?"

The twins shared a glance, smiling at each other before they shook their heads,

"We're taking you-" Rex began to reply, only for Lex to finish up for him, "-To our house."

"Huh?" blurted Tyler confused, "Why your house and not mine?"

"Because we're looking after you of course," Rex chuckled.

"And we live only 5 minutes away," Lex added with a grin.

Tyler couldn't find a reason to object and when Lex opened a car door for him he slid in obediently, but after they'd started out and left the car park he couldn't but help wonder out loud, "Why were you close enough to help anyway? I thought you said you were going to stay at the club for another hour."

The wolves shared a look again through the windscreen mirror and Tyler couldn't but help notice a slight grin on both of their muzzles.

"When you left alone we had talked for a bit," said Rex,

"And we decided that we wanted to ask again if you wanted share our company a bit longer." finished Lex.


"Your friend had a point, being so unsocial is unhealthy,"

"And we like you and want to get to know you better."

Tyler blinked at the frankness and replied hesitantly, "Well I... I like you too."

The twins grinned at each other and Tyler felt the car slow down.

"Good thing you like us since we're here," commented Rex as he parked the car and turned it off, climbing out as Lex opened the door, exiting and holding it open for Tyler. Stepping out Tyler looked at the house, not sure what to expect but the plain, simple looking house wasn't it.

"Come on, lets get you sinde and cleaned up," Lex said with an arm around Tylers shoulders urging him forwards as Rex unlocked and opened the front door for them.

The houses interior was warm and comfortable TYler found as they entered a main hallway and Lex guided him upstairs while Rex closed the door behind them and headed into what Tyler saw was the kitchen. Tyler followed Lex into a large, spacious bedroom complete with a lush king sized bed; Lex padded quickly across the room and pulled across a empty hamper while with the other hand he gestured Tyler towards an en-suite bathroom. Stepping in Tyler stared at the large shower in its enclosed stall,and before he knew it he was already pulling off his t-shirt, wincing slightly as he saw the bloodied tears in it. Turning he blushed when he saw Lex staring unabashedly at his chest, a slight smile on his muzzle. Reminding himself that the two wolves were helping him and he shouldn't overreact since neither of them wore shirts at all, he waved his shirt between them,

"I think it might be better to just bin this."

Lex nodded and took the shirt, dropping it into a nearby bin before asking as his smile faltered a bit, "How are you feeling now?"

Tyler hesitated and stretched slightly before shrugging,

"Better. It doesn't really hurt anymore and I think Rex was right; It wasn't very deep, and I think it was the shock that made it hurt so much before."

"That's good," Lex's smile returned as he took note of Tylers hesitation, "Feeling shy about being naked in front of me?"

Tyler didn't answer but knew his heavy blush was an obvious answer.

"Well then, if I went first would that make you more comfortable?"

Before Tyler could protest he found himself staring in wide eyed shock as Lex hooked his thumbs in his own shorts and with a deft tug yanked them down to his knees where he proceeded to kick them off into a corner, seemingly mindless of how Tyler couldn't but resist stare at his revealed groin.

Tyler felt his hands flex slightly as he stared at the large, plump light grey sheath below which hung a short furred sack complete with two heavy balls that looked twice the size of his own. He could already imagine the feel of lush fur in his hands, stroking, squeezing. In the space of a blink the wolf had closed up at him and Tyler jerked his head up to meet Lex's happy grin.

"You may be a shy one but there's little hiding what you want," he chuckled and Tyler almost flinched as he felt the wolfs' soft, warm paws brushing against his navel as he worked deftly at unbuttoning his trousers, yet Tyler couldn't bring himself to stop Lex.

Within moments Lex had gripped both his trousers and underwear and in one swift tug yanked them down and Tyler could feel himself shivering slightly at such close contact from the very warm wolf.

"There we go," chuckled Lex, "Not so hard now that we're both naked, is it? Now hurry up and lets get into the shower."

Tyler stepped out of his trousers, turned and moved into the shower, trying to control his nerves as he was fully aware of Lex staring at his now naked rear. Turning the water on he waited a few seconds for it to heat up then stepped forwards under the torrent of water and sighed deeply as it washed over him, soothing the slight burn from his wound. He'd almost forgotten about Lex until the naked wolf wrapped his arms around him, pressing his nuzzle into the crick of his neck as the rest of his body pressed tight against him.

Tyler let out a sharp yelp and twisted around in the wolfs grip to come face to face with Lex's smiling muzzle,

"What are you doing?!"

"I thought that was obvious," chuckled Lex as he lowered his head closer towards Tylers, "I'm seducing you."

"But-but," Tyler stammered, strangely not able to think of a good excuse. They were both gay and Lex was really good looking, and finally he blurted out, "What about Rex!"

Lex seemed to grin even wider than before as he leaned in to nuzzle Tylers neck as he whispered into his ear, "He'll be fine as long as he's the first to fuck that good looking ass of yours."

"What-" Tyler was cut off as a moan was forced from his lips as a soft, warm paw around his rock hard cock which seemed more sensitive than ever as the wolf's paw gently stroked up and down his length.

"I don't see why you keep objecting," Lex chuckled at Tyler's reaction, "This part of you certainly seems happy about the idea of having two wolves breeding you."

Tyler found himself leaning against the shower wall as Lex slowly stroked up and down his cock as he leant down towards him and licked his cheek lovingly before suddenly pressing his muzzle against Tyler's mouth kissing him hungrily. Tyler resisted for a moment, more out of surprise than anything else, until Lex gave his shaft a firm squeeze and he melted into the kiss. He didn't resist as Lex began to pump his cock, the firm, soft paw wonderful against his sensitive shaft causing Tyler to moan delightedly into the kiss.

After a while Lex pulled back from Tyler, licking his lips while his paw remained wrapped around Tyler's achingly hard cock.

"Not so shy anymore?" Lex asked teasingly, then as Tyler opened his mouth to reply he deliberately squeezed slightly causing him to moan instead before Lex continued, "That's good then since I want a taste of that handsome cock of yours."

Tyler found himself nodding weakly and staring as the wolf, his beautiful grey coat now a shade darker from the saturation of water yet Tyler still felt the urge to run his hands through the fur as Lex slowly lowered himself to his knees, paw never leaving Tyler's cock. Grinning up at him, Lex leaned forwards taking an obvious deep breath of his genitalia before chuckling lightly at how Tyler couldn't stop an obvious shiver of lust, which turned into a moan as Lex's broad tongue dragged up the wet underside of his shaft.

Lex pulled back with a smirk and looked back up at Tyler, golden eyes bright with amusement, "DId you like that Tyler?"

Tyler nodded weakly and replied, "Very much so."

"Good." Lex responded with a grin before devoting his attention to Tylers erect cock. Tyler groaned slightly, shivering with pleasure as he watched the wolf's tongue begin to lap at his shaft; the rough texture was wondrous as it ran from the base to the tip of his cock, flicking against his exposed, sensitive head. The paw not holding his cocok moved to his hanging scrotum, cupping his balls lightly, rolling them within the soft, warm grip as Lex's muzzle closed the distance to his shaft.

Tyler leant against the wall and let out an uncontrollable moan as Lex went down on his cock quickly, his whole shaft disappearing within seconds down the wolf's maw. He felt like he was in heaven as the hot, wet mouth engulfed his cock, the wondrous tongue curled around his shaft as Lex began to slowly bob his head. The magnificent head worked his cock hungrily, each subtle curl and lick of his tongue filling him with pleasure, every bob of his head bringing him closer. Tyler wasn't inexperienced but he'd never felt such an experienced mouth, such fantastic pleasure before.

"You're so... good," Tyler panted, "I'm getting... close... already."

Lex pulled back slowly, sucking powerfully on his cock until he finally came off his shaft with a lewd schluep, grinning up at Tyler as he replaced his mouth with his paw around the saliva slicked cock and immediately began to pump vigorously as he replied,

"Rex and I like to practise with each other often," he smirked and Tyler couldn't stop the rush of erotic lust as he imagined the twin wolves locked in a 69 position, sucking each other off until they emptied their large, furry balls of thick, hot cum into each others stomach. "Now cum for me before Rex gets impatient and joins us in the shower."

Tyler's reply came out as a strangled moan as Lex dove back down on his cock, sucking powerfully as he fondled the sack, tongue rubbing Tyler's s shaft.

"Oh god,"Tyler managed to get about, "I'm going to..." he trailed off with a groan, his hands unconsciously reaching down and gripping the thick, sodden fur of Lex's head as he pushed him down fully onto his cock while his testes began to empty themselves.Tyler's cock throbbed within Lex's maw as it emptied his fresh, sticky semen down Lex's throat as the wof sucked hungrily, milking him of his full load and proceeding to swallow every last drop.

Tyler sighed as his orgasm finished, fingers spread in wonderfully soft fur as Lex continued to lick and suckle his softening his cock as he cleaned it before finally pulling up, licking his lips as he got up and Tyler let his hands fall away from his head.

"Sorry," Tyler apologised, "You were just incredible and I got carried away."

Lex grinned and surprised Tyler by leaning forwards and giving him a quick kiss on the lips, before reaching round and turning the shower off.

"It's not a problem. You were quite tasty actually."

Tyler blushed, but couldn't help smiling at the compliment, which grew as Lex left the shower and left Tyler staring at his happily wagging tail, raised high enough to clearly show off his pink, puckered tail hole. He'd barely looked up before he instinctively raised a hand to ward off the fluffy towel that Lex and passed to him with a smirk that told Tyler that he knew he'd been staring at his butt.

"Let's dry up quickly Tyler, Rex will be wondering what's keeping us."

Tyler resisted the urge to point out that it was Lex wanting to suck him off that took so long in the shower and instead proceeded to dry himself off with the towel, feeling more comfortable than before about being naked around the wolf. While Tyler admired the lush fur the twin wolves had and wondered what it would be like to have his own pelt of such fantastic fur, he had to admit he wasn't attracted to how long it seemed to take Lex to dry off even with vigorous rubbing.

Lex grinned at Tyler as he finished drying his fur, patting down the few patches that were sticking up before using a paw on his back to guide him out of the bathroom to meet an already fully naked Rex sitting on the end of the bed facing them, tail swishing idly. Tyler had a momentary urge to cover himself up as Rex met his gaze, looked with obviously down towards his crotch then back up with a grin,

"I take it Lex couldn't keep his paws off you then?"

Lex grinned and reached down, wrapping a paw around Tylers softened cock causing him to yelp in surprise as he replied, "Oh, I only had a taste of him, and such a delicious cock he as as well," he waved his spare paw at Rex and added jokingly, "And your one to speak, you'd be knot deep in him by now, not with a good meal of delicious cum in your stomach instead."

Rex leaned back, spreading his legs to show off his own package which was identical to his twin with ripe, full balls and a plump sheath with a the bright red tip of his cock peeking out,

"Luckily it seems you'll be fine without needing the medkit," the wolf commented, slowly stroking up his sheath and grinning as Tyler's gaze followed the paw, "and considering how you can't seem to take your eyes off my cock I don't think you'll have any objections when I tell you to get up on the bed-

"-and beg for your saviors to fill you with wolf cock." Lex interrupted as whispered into Tylers ear sultrily, "beg to suck my cock. Beg for Rex to breed your tight, cute ass."

Tyler blushed at the sexual tone the twins set, and knew his answer was clear to both of them as his cock rapidly hardened with the paw cupping its length. He hadn't had much experience before with submitting but he felt himself wanting to towards the dominant wolves;he wanted to thank them for coming to his rescue, he wanted to feel their warm, lush fur pressing against him and more, he wanted the wolves to fuck him, more than he thought possible. With a shy smile he nodded, not entirely sure of what to say immediately and Lex released him as he moved forwards, climbing onto the bed besides Rex and moving into the center of the bed.

Lex followed him, moving in front of Tyler before resting on his knees facing him, "I'm going to ask... more like warn you I suppose," He began, his voice suddenly low and caring unlike the joking, sexual hints tone earlier, "We aren't going to force you into anything, so if we want to be dominant we want your permission."

"Your permission to be rough," Rex continued for Lex, "to order you about, to treat you as a bitch whose sole duty in life is to satisfy our cocks."

Tyler was taken aback by their frankness but could see they truly cared for him. This was one of the ways they wanted to show it and enjoy themselves at the same time. Tyler found himself nodding, "You have my permission." He wasn't against being treated like a pet to their dominion and even felt that he was really looking forwards to being taken completely by the twin wolves.

"Good," Rex said with a toothy grin, "Now on your hands and knees."

"Then beg," Lex growled lightly,his tone suddenly more authoritative than before, "beg for a taste of me, to be allowed to suck on my cock before I allow you to receive my seed," the wolf had moved close to Tyler's face, comfortably resting on his knees, legs slightly spread. The large sack swayed enticingly, his sheath plump and the first inch of his bright red cock had already emerged.

It wasn't just that Taylor wanted to return the fantastic blowjob he'd received from Lex, but honestly wanted to taste him, to have his mouth filled with wolf spunk.

"Please Lex. I want to suck your cok, let me me taste you, taste your musk, your scent. I want to suck your bright red cock until you empty those beautiful balls of yours and fill my mouth with cum."

Tyler had a moment of warning as Lex wrapped his paws around the back of his head before yanking his face forwards, smothering Tyler into his crotch with a moan. Tyler, stunned for a moment at the sudden roughness took a second to come to his senses as the furry sheath and balls rubbed against his face. The shower had cleaned Lex's scent of everything, stripping it down to his bare musk which Tyler found himself breathing in deeply. After the first deep breath Tyler found himself going with the pressure against the back of his head and rubbing his face against the lush, musky groin, loving the musky, earthy smell of the wolf as it filled him. He licked out slowly across the sack, feeling the strange texture of fur against his tongue even as he tasted the wolf's earthy musk more sharply as he felt Lex's heavy balls nudging aside from his tongue.

Meanwhile Rex had knelt behind him and gripped his butt cheeks spreading them apart as he leaned in, breathing in Tyler's musky taint beforesticking his tongue out and dragging it in a long, rough lick against Tyler's tailhole. Tyler couldn't prevent the moan that escaped his mouth as he licked the other wolf's furry scrotum; he didn't think of himself as very sensitive, yet the wet, sand papery texture of the tongue against his pucker made him shiver with pleasure, making him moan into Lex's balls.

"Such a tasty human," Rex growled in between licks, "I just want to eat him up."

Lex chuckled and rubbed the back of Tyler's head fondly, "He certainly is a delicious pet," he let out a moan as Tyler moved from the sack to his sheath deliberately, "and has such a nice tongue."

Tyler let his tongue curl slightly around the sheath, feeling the strong heat pulsing from within as the cock firmed and grew. He found himself moaning as he Rex began to push with his tongue, spreading his rear open as the saliva slickened organ lapped at his rear. It was an incredible sensation being rimmed by the wolf while his mouth was filled with another wolf's scent, and hopefully soon his creamy essence.

Tyler ran his tongue slowly up the sheath, filling his mouth with wolf musk as he trailed up to the emerging, bright red cock flesh. His licks grew shorter and quicker across the sheath as Rex's tongue pushed deeper inside of him, spreading slick saliva over his silky inner walls. Tyler shivered and groaned as he felt Rex slowly pull out of him with a schluep, giving his hole a final kiss before sitting up. He shivered as he felt Rex's hot, hard length slap down against his tailbone, smearing his lower back with sticky pre-seminal fluids. He was tempted to turn and look, to gaze upon Rex's endowment but knew that as each wolf was identical so he only had to bring Lex to full mast to see that which fucked him.

Tyler felt the warm breath of Rex wash over his ear before the wolf growled low, "I'm going to ravage your ass human. Breed you hard and fast until my knot ties you to me and I fill your insides with my seed."

He felt himself bracing instinctively as the wolfen cock slipped between his cheeks, the pointed tip pressing against his puckered hole, spurting a wad of warm, clear pre against it. A soft pressure against the back of his head made him realise he'd stopped licking, having focused on the imminent penetration. His bottom lip trailed up the sheath, up the few inches of bared cock to the tip, where he let Lex's cock finally slip into his eager mouth. Lex's moan was loud as the taste of salty, musky wolf filled his mouth.

Lex's moan was outdone by Tyler's and Rex's combined as the wolf thrust forwards, burying half his shaft deep inside Tyler's ass. The force of the thrust pushed Tyler's head deep down onto Lex's cock even as he lost himself in the sensation of being spread wide open by Rex. Pain flared for the moment of initial penetration then faded quickly to be replaced with deep, thrumming pleasure as the wolf wasted no time in pulling out and ramming himself back in. Inside him the wolf's heat was intense against his flesh, pressing hard against his sensitive inner flesh as Rex thrust deep inside him roughly, the large amount of pre he spurted barely adequate to keep his movements smooth.

Tyler found himself struggling to concentrate on the delicious, hot shaft that filled his mouth, every bob of his head accentuated by the wolf breeding him. Only Lex's paws on the back of his head guiding him prevented him from choking as Tyler found his nose being pushed repeatedly into the wolf's crotch fur. All he could taste was the rich pre, the smell of wolf musk filling his nostrils as the shaft finally reached it's peak, the tip prodding down his throat.

Rex's body pressed against his, chest fur rubbing against his back as he pounded Tyler's ass, thrusting in hard, long strokes that made his heavy balls slap audibly against Tyler's own. Lex's moans as Tyler worked his tongue along the cock flesh as he sucked on the length hungrily were almost blocked out by the heavy breathing in his ear. He'd never been with a wolf before and was a bit surprised when Rex began to nuzzle the back of his head as the wolf's hips pistoned powerfully. Rex licked at his nape, occasionally rubbing his jaw over his head and biting down gently as he nibbled on Tyler's neck.

"Such a tight ass you have, my lovely little bitch," Rex growled softly as into his ear as he worked his cock deeper into Tyler so that soon his knot was pounding against Tyler's hole. Lex chuckled softly at his brothers words and added his own as Tyler took his entire cock into his mouth and throat, right down to the knot, "A wonderful mouth too, sucking so hard on my cock like he lives for a taste of my cum."

Tyler moaned, the sound muffled around Lex's delicious cock as he listened to the wolf's breeding him demean him, yet he didn't feel insulted, only more eager to be filled by the twins. His throat undulated lightly around Lex's tip as he deep throated the wolf, lips parting around the large, bulbous knot at the base and his jaw couldn't stretch any further open to accommodate it. Every time he raised his head, never managing to get halfway off the cock, Rex's next thrust would push him back down on Lex who ran his paws through his hair fondly as he moaned out,

"I'm getting close bitch, and you're going to swallow every last drop of my seed like the slut you are."

Tyler lost all control over the bobbing of his head as Lex pressed down hard on him, his tip lodging down the back of the throat unable to delve further thanks to the knot. Even with Rex's snarling in his ears as he occasionally licked and nibbled his ears and nape, the wolf's knot slamming against his slowly yawning hole, he couldn't go any further down on Lex. The paws in his hair tightened their grip as Lex's murring growl shifted tones to a pleasured howl that filled the room. Tyler had a moment to feel the hot cock throb powerfully before his attention was lost as Lex began to orgasm; hot, thick ropes of creamy spunk pulsed straight down his throat and into his stomach. The sheer amount of cum being produced by the large, furry balls as they began to empty themselves was too much for Tyler's convulsing throat and he found his mouth filling with the rich, musky cum.

He could feel the wolf's sperm begin to spill from the corners as he struggled to swallow as fast as possible, feeling the heavy weight of the creamy semen as it rapidly filled his stomach. Lex's howl degenerated into a contented murr as his climax petered off, the large ropes of cum becoming a few, final weak spurts before Lex slowly pulled back and out of Tyler's mouth. Tyler struggled to swallow the last of Lex's seed as he closed his eyes when the large, pointed red cock slick with cum gave a few weak spurts of stick cum against his face, painting his face white.

He had no time to think of the rich flavor of the musky, salty cum that filled his mouth before Rex's jaws clamped around his shoulder and the unmistakable sensation of the large, bulbous knot finally rammed itself into his rear making him yell out in pain. The pain of his hole stretching so wide flared for a brief moment, drowning out the sensation of the sharp canines biting into him. Furry hips flush against his own he was faintly aware of Rex's heavy balls slapping his sack a few times as the wolf gave a final few buck of his hips while he growled into the bite, the sound muffled but loud in Tyler's ear even as he began to climax.

Tyler moaned loudly, his throat finally free of the wolf cock and able to voice his lust filled pleasure as his insides began to fill with fresh, creamy wolf seed. He could feel Rex's shaft throbbing within him, responding to every involuntary clench of his ass muscles as it began to pump him full of wolf seed. Thick ropes of creamy spunk flooded his insides, forced deeper by the knot blocking the exit. Tyler moaned, feeling a strange relief as his insides were seeded by the wolf, the liquid heat soothing against his sore anal walls. His moan pitched slightly as the wolf bucked his hips slightly, making the knot shift within him even as the shaft within him continued to throb with each spurt of semen, forcing the rest deeper and deeper.

Eventually Rex released his bite, his tongue lapping softly at the bite as his cock throbbed weakly with the last few spurts of semen into Tyler's cum filled hole, before he gave a contented growl. Tyler felt the wolf's arms wrap around his body and gently ease him onto hise side so they lay spooning, tied by the knot while in front of him Lex sat back smirking at the sight of them, his cock still hard and now glistening with Tyler's saliva and spent cum.

"Such a great fuck toy you are," Rex murred softly and Tyler found himself snuggling against his warm, furry chest, "your hole is so wonderfully fuckable."

Tyler felt himself smiling despite the feeling of having been so heavily used; all he could taste and even smell was Lex's spilt semen, while his rear felt fantastically stuffed with wolf cock and cum.

"That was wonderful,"he breathed out heavily, "Thank you Lex and Rex. You were delicious and felt so good..."

Rex chuckled and tugged gently on his knot, causing Tyler to groan as the knot began to spread his sore, achingly stretched insides open on it's way out. With a loud plop Rex tugged free of him and he felt a sigh of relief mix with his groan as a gush of spent semen escaped his gaping hole.The wolf then moved to join his brother at the head of the bed and Tyler found himself staring at two still very erect cocks, both glistening with their respective spilt seed. Staring at them Tyler found his tongue licking around his lips, tasting some of the remnant wolf cum that coated his face.

"You look like you enjoyed yourself Lex," Rex chuckled, pointedly looking at Tyler's cum stained face.

"Oh I certainly did, but I wonder if you got the better hole dear brother. You rarely get so worked up when breeding someone."

"He really is a fantastic fuck," Rex smirked in reply, and opened his maw again as if about to say something but paused then glanced meaningfully at his brother, "you know, you haven't had a chance yet at that nice hole of his, and he's well lubed and stretched out now..."

Tyler felt his rear twinge slightly as he looked upon the two predators with a sudden feeling that they weren't done with him yet. The twins shared a knowing look then turned and grinned at him as Lex asked, "Front side or back?"

"I'll take the front dear brother, someone needs to clean up your mess after all."

Lex mocked an affronted look, "I made a mess? Have you looked at the mess you made of his rear?"

"Well I get to clean your mess up while we both add to mine."

"Do I get a say in this?" Interjected Tyler as the two wolves shuffled closer back to him.

"No," said the twins at the same time and advanced with smirks towards Tyler; Ren came round his front, and Lex behind him, both holding him down gently so he lay on his side on the bed and he found himself not resisting their advances. The twins pressed up against him and he found himself sandwiched between their hot, furry bodies. Rex's hard shaft, larger and hotter than his ground against his cock while he could feel Lex's grind against the cleft of his cum leaking rear.

Tyler stared into Rex's golden eyed gaze and felt himself calm as two wolf cocks slowly slid down his groin, leaving a slick trail of spent seminal fluid in their wake. He found himself instinctively closing his eyes as Rex leaned into his face, the broad wet tongue lapping at his face gently as the wolf cleaned off his brothers spent semen before whispering softly,

"Try and relax my lovely human condom. You've got two more loads to take before you get to sleep."

He let out a moan in reply as the two seeking cock tips prodded against his sore, still gaping pucker. The wolves pushed in perfect unison and he moaned freely as he was quickly forced wider than when he'd taken the knot. It hurt more than anything but the sensation of the two wolves sliding into him, lubricated by Rex's load, was wonderous. He wasn't the only one feeling overly stimulated as both wolves were giving off loud moans of their own as they slowly pushed inside him with a leud squelching sound as they displaced the large deposit of wolf semen inside him.

Rex seemed to manage to regain his composure and speak out, "You're so fantastically tight my lovely fuckable pet.

"Such a fantastic hole, one I could fuck all day," Commented Lex behind him.

Tyler felt himself shake as the twins suddenly pulled back as one before thrusting back inside, spearing him deeper on their combined shafts. He couldn't think straight or even begin to concentrate on the pleasurable side of it, instead lost in the sensation of being used like a fleshlight by the wolf twins. All he could think on was the pleasure and pain of being taken so completely as the wolves began to fuck him.

Lex's tongue ran across his brother's bite mark before swapping to the unmarked shoulder as Tyler shivered at the electric sensation that shuddered through his body. Rex's paw slid between their bodies and wrapped around his aching shaft, eliciting an extra loud groan as he almost jerked back into Lex's brilliantly soft chest. Every thrust came with another pump of the wolf's paw, grinding it between their chests, making him buck slightly every time they thrust. Tyler loved it; the feel of the two cocks slowly working themselves deeper into his achingly wide stretched rear, their bodies pressed tight against his while Rex began to jerk him off.

Suddenly Rex's maw pressed against his face and Tyler found himself groaning into the kiss as the wolf's tongue pushed aside his, licking around his mouth before pulling back with a smirk, never once losing the rhythm of thrusting in sync with his brother.

"I taste so much of my brother in your mouth," Rex chuckled softly, giving him a squeeze, "Now why don't you cum for me?"

Tyler hadn't realised how close he'd been to the edge until the wolf told him to cum, emphasising his words with a joint thrust almost to the point where there cocks were entirely sheathed inside him and he gave his cock an extra firm squeeze. Crying out loudly, Tyler jerked within their grips as his balls tensed and he felt himself blow his load all over the wolf's paw and their chests. His ejaculation was much shorter, and smaller than any of theirs but Rex seemed to take delight in it nevertheless, pulling his paw up and licking Tyler's spilt sperm off it.

"Tasty morsel isn't he?" chuckled Lex over Tyler's shoulder.

"Delicious," Rex admitted grinning, "Definitely a keeper dear brother."

Tyler soon found himself lost to the sensation of two wolf cocks slowly but steadily thrusting into him. Unlike before they weren't forceful or rough, but the sheer width of them combined more powerful, more stimulating as they spread him wider than he thought humanly possible. The twins never thrust too hard to make it too painful, instead working with perfect synchronicity as they thrust gently together, pulling out slightly before thrusting just a bit further inside him. He tried to relax and avoid clenching but he couldn't control his rear muscles at all, instead he was subject to feeling them get deeper and deeper inside him. Both wolves were growling, moaning and grinding their furry chests against his body as they began to lick and nibble his ears and neck, Rex taking the site of his previous mark.

His moans turned into a gasp of surprise as he felt their knots suddenly bounce against his hole and felt a shiver of fear as the knots began to thrust against his hole, yet it was Lex who put a voice to his worry,

"Think he could take any more? I don't want to ruin him for any fun we have in the morning."

"Oh, he's quite stretchy. I think he could take us and be fine for a morning rut."

Tyler didn't manage to voice his half-felt objection as the wolf's immediately proved how much they'd been holding back in their thrusts by suddenly slamming their cocks into him, knots almost managing to push into him. His voice broke as he cried out from the pain as the wolves thrust their hips again and again, their combined knots somehow finally sliding inside him on the third thrust.

Jaws clamped hard around both his shoulder as the wolves shook around Tyler who felt stunned at what had just been forced inside his body. The sensation of their bites, even the pain of being tied seemed strangely dull as he felt their shafts throb powerfully as their balls tensed and pulled up before they began to flood his insides with the last of their contents. hot wolf seed pumped deep insides him as he felt his anal muscles attempting to clench around the knots, instead just milking the twins of all their semen. Each heavy throb was echoed by the brother wolf as they spurted thick ropes of creamy spunk inside him, quickly making Tyler feel the odd sensation of being stuffed from the wrong side. He was almost sure if he could see himself he could see the outline of the wolf's cocks inside him with a mildly bloated stomach, full of wolf spunk.

After a minute the wolves pulled back from him slightly, panting heavily as they looked first at each other then Rex met Tylers shaken gaze.

"You ok Tyler?" Rex asked and Tyler blinked at the first use of his name since they'd started but finally found himself nodding honestly. He'd never had so much pain before during sex, but he'd loved every minute of it despite his protests,

"It was wonderful... thank you," he admitted, voice weak and quiet, "you were both fantastic."

"Well you were lovely," grinned Rex.

"So hot and tight," added Lex, chuckling softly.

"You know," said Rex in a contemplative voice, "you don't need to go home tomorrow."

"There's no reason you can't stay with us for a few days," Lex expanded upon his brother's statement.

"We'll take you out for breakfast-"


"Some fun on the bed,"

"A not so clean shower,"

"We'll even let you be top. Pound Rex's ass!" Lex said happily.

"Sloppy seconds in Lex's!" Rex chuckled back before they two wolves looked at him for an answer and Tyler had to blink, still feeling a bit slow, and very stuffed and full, leading into drowsiness.

"I would love to stay here for a few days," He finally said, "Though maybe not taking both of you at the same time again," he chuckled, "though I'm sure you can think up something just as fun for the three of us to do in bed." He finished off with a yawn, suddenly feeling very tired, with the great warmth of two furry wolves pressed against him and he had to wonder if he could fall asleep mounted and tied to the both of them.