Barely Legal

Story by DarkSoulsSauron on SoFurry

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#5 of scraps

So, blackmambaz prompted me in an "interview question" for Eli, and it made me think about his sexual history (although this isn't related EXACTLY to his question). So I wrote this, which is his probably his most unique sexual encounter. After this story, only 5 people on earth know about this story. And all of you lovely furs of course ;)

Pw/oP is hard for me, so critiques are welcome

Eli and Soren were deep in the covers of their bed. The sweet-salty smell of musk, sweat, and Eli's wonderful body permeated Soren's nose as they gripped each other for a furious post-sex cuddle session. Soren gently kissed Eli everywhere he could reach. Slowly, they settled down, panting heavily with stupid grins on their faces.

One of Soren's tails absently fiddled with the hot pink panties that Eli was wearing. They were becoming a somewhat regular thing, something which Soren surprised to find that he couldn't complain about. He kissed Eli again, running a finger down his curved back in order to play with the waistband now. "You never busted these out when we were dating. I didn't know you had a kinky streak."

"Something told me you were more of a vanilla sex kind of fox, so I kept things simple for you. But I tried some things in college," giggled Eli, giving Soren a wide, cheeky smile. "There was a BDSM club that I was curious about." Eli gave his love a playful push as Soren raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Hey, don't judge! It wasn't like it was all about sex. A huge part of it was safety! A lot of people who try it on their own do it like idiots and hurt themselves or their partner... but I did ask a guy or two about some more... practical demonstrations." Eli couldn't resist a giggle.

Soren kissed his husband, slightly placatingly. "I wasn't judging. I was a little surprised, that's all. But now you've got me all curious. I bet you have a few war stories you haven't told me."

"I have a good story, but it's before college. Are you interested?" Eli gave Soren an alluring, green eyed stare that they both knew he couldn't resist.

Soren locked them both in an extended kiss, pressing them together for a good fifteen seconds. He smiled again as they broke apart. "Mmmm... you peaked my curiosity at 'practical demonstrations,' you naughty boy."

Eli laid his head on Soren's chest, slightly loosing himself in nostalgia. "It was probably one of my most interesting birthdays..."


Eli pouted into his phone, even though he was alone right now. "Awww. Mono? That sucks. That really sucks."

"Yeah," rasped Minerva. "It does. But Atlas said you were still welcome."

"Yeah, but it will feel weird without you."

"So what? You've hung out with him before. You've hung out with him before without me too. Go!" Minerva paused for a coughing fit so intense that Eli was sure that a lung had exited her body. "Go have fun. Ir's your birthday. He said you could take Artur too. Just have fun."

"Fine. Fine. I'll hang out with your brother because you ordered me too. Get better."

"That's the idea," croaked his best friend. "We can do something fun when I don't feel like shit."

Eli flipped the old razr shut, looking through his closet for something nice to wear. He went for a tight grey and sky blue shirt with a light, thin fabric. It showed off his curved hips and flat abs, a little treat for Artur. He took a light jacket, as even though it was February, it was rather warm out. Cold didn't bother him or Artur much anyway.

His ears pricked up as he heard tires crunching gravel and the chugging of an engine that probably was due for an oil change. Slipping his phone into his tight jeans, he dashed downstairs with a quick "Bye Mom, see ya tomorrow."

Smiling, he vaulted into Artur's aged SUV and gave the flareon a quick kiss on the cheek. "I'm ready to go. Minerva said it was OK to go without her."

"Well damn," frowned Artur. "So now we'll have to just celebrate your birthday twice once Minerva gets better. Speaking of which, happy birthday." He tossed Eli a flat package, wrapped in orange paper. Eli unwrapped it. It was a CD, although it wasn't an official album.

"I found this artist who does live mixes, thanks to our Lord and Savior the Internet. The guy's called Parov Stelar. I found a bunch of mp3s and burned them for you. I thought you'd like them."

"Can I test it out?"

"Go for it," smiled Artur, kissing Eli as he popped the disk into the cars CD player. Eli fell in love with it immediately. It was a fantastic mix of old swing and modern electronica. It sounded like good music to dance to. They got through half of the tracks by the time they reached the somewhat dumpy apartment complex, one step away from downtown Cedar Rapids. Climbing the stairs, they knocked on the door.

The hulking form of Atlas, Minerva's older brother who no shorter than his sister, although he was markedly more muscular, was framed by the doorway. He towered over both Eli and Artur, although neither of them could be considered short. His face was adorned with dark grey eyes, short, pointed black ears, and a blonde, well spiked mane of fur that began in a sharp, if receding widow's peak and ran all the way down around his shoulders. He smiled and spoke in a loud, hearty bark."Welcome little guys. Come on in."

The moment Eli and Artur entered the apartment, they discarded their jackets immediately. "Wow," panted Eli. "Why's it so hot in here? It's really humid too. It's sixty five degrees outside!"

"That's precisely why it's so hot here," said a voice that was deceptively soft for a such a big male. In the kitchen area of the apartment stood a tall lucario , with thick blue and tan fur and tall, lupine features. His loose jeans and shirt were unable to conceal the tough, muscular body underneath, although he was nowhere near as burly as Atlas. "It's warm out but the building's boiler is still blasting the heat because it's technically winter right now. The land lord isn't doing anything about it because it's supposed to get cold on Sunday. Even with all our windows open it's not doing much. Sorry about that."

"Who's your roommate?" asked Artur, giving the steel wolf a kind but somewhat awkward wave in greeting.

"Ah, right. I'm Lucas," smiled the lucario . "I've heard good things about both of you."

"I'm sure you heard about you're sister," said Eli, frowning a bit in both sympathy and disappointment. "Mono sucks. I had it when I was fifteen."

"Yeah, I know the feel too," said Lucas. "I almost had to drop some classes my freshman year."

"So," said Atlas, "What's first? Games, or video games?"

"Games," said Eli and Artur together.

"We found a game that's pretty awesome," smiled Lucas, pulling a big red box out of a closet. "It was pretty popular in Europe but hadn't crossed the Atlantic until recently."

"Hrm," said Eli, examining the box. "Settlers of Catan. Show us how to play. It looks fun."

They all sat down at a small brown table, slightly cramped now. It was clear this table wasn't used to hosting four people. The first game was slightly awkward, with Eli and Artur having to reference both the book and the older males about rules. They were thoroughly trounced too. The second game was much more interesting, much more vicious as the two new players became comfortable with the rules. To Eli's chagrin, Artur out played him with a lucky roll of the dice and the fact that he came before him in the rotation.

"Winners clean up," smirked Eli, slightly irked that he lost by what he thought was dumb luck.

"Yeah yeah, smart ass," grumbled Artur, although he smiled when Eli brushed his thin black lips against his cheek.

As they returned Catan to its box, Atlas took out another box, long and green. "Have you ever heard of Power Grid?"

"No," said Artur and Eli, again in unison. "What's it like? Besides entertaining, I can assume."

"It's like a mix of monopoly and risk," said Lucas, starting to set up. "Except it's fun."

"Is this another European Immigrant?" asked Eli.

"Yeah," said Atlas, shuffling the deck of cards.

"Hipsters," teased Artur. "How do you play?"

"Well, you start by bidding on power plants, then you buy resources, then real estate, then you power that real estate with your power plants," said Lucas as he began the slightly complicated set up procedures. He and Atlas started going into details, which Eli mostly understood. Both Eli and Artur were adept at getting at least the gist of complicated rules.

Again, the first game was slow, halting, and clumsy as Eli and Artur both made mistakes in their play, but with each mistake understood more and more of the game. The second game went much more smoothly, Eli winning this time. Now that all parties were playing at the same skill level, there was enough demand for a third round. Atlas got lucky by picking up some highly sustainable wind plants, giving him an early money lead. Once Eli and Artur realized how far ahead Atlas was, they formed a temporary alliance, desperately trying to block the arcanine from getting more real estate.

Atlas got into a furious battle with the two younger males, trying to vex the two just as much as the other two were harassing him. Lost in their grudge match, all three of them failed to notice how Lucas expanded across the map, powering more and more cities until, suddenly phase three ended. They counted their money, although it was an exercise in futility, as the lucario 's wad of money was larger than the other three combined.

"Good game, dear," said Atlas in his deep rumble of a voice. He hooked a large, dark hand behind one of Lucas' hanging black ears, pulling him in for a kiss. The kiss was short, but when they broke apart, their eyebrows rose in response to the look on Eli and Artur's faces.

"I never knew," said Eli. He obviously wasn't opposed to the idea of Atlas or Lucas not being straight, but the new label seemed... off. These two males seemed too masculine both in build and mannerism to him. His mind skipped a beat before he laughed out loud, a short, hastily muted bark. It seemed that even now he was still a slave to stereotypes.

"What's so funny?" Asked Lucas, slightly indignant now.

"Nothing," said Eli, shaking his head but unable to stop himself from smiling. "I guess I need to get my gaydar checked."

"I'm surprised Minerva didn't tell you," said Atlas, shrugging. "I've been out for a few months now."

"I'd be surprised if she told us," said Artur. "It doesn't matter how 'out' you are. It's no one's business but yours. Besides, do you think it'd matter to us of all people?"

"How'd you meet?" asked Eli as he gathered up his game pieces. "You're kind of cute as a couple. Or are you the kind of guys who don't like to be called cute?"

Lucas shrugged nonchalantly. "I was out since high school, and we roomed together for our last years of college."

Atlas let out a bawdy laugh. "Haven't your parents warned you that college is the phase of your life where you try out all sorts of...deviant experiments? To be honest I had been what you'd call bi-curious for a while. I figured Lucas of all people would be a good confidant. We talked about anything else anyway. Turns out life's a lot better when you swing both ways. I've been a lot happier since I've been out."

As the boxes were put away, Eli decided to try and move them away from heavier topics. "Hey, I'm in a movie mood. What have you got?"

"I'm sort of in the mood for Mel Brooks," said Lucas, also eager to move on. "What do you guys think?"

"That sounds great," said Artur, smiling. "I kinda want something lighthearted. You guys got any food?"

"Yeah," said Atlas, going to the apartment's tiny kitchen. He dug out numerous frozen pizzas, some chips, and a large box. "Since both of us are shitty cooks, have some birthday donuts. Do you need a candle or something?"

"Naah," said Eli, eagerly taking a strawberry iced donut before passing the box around.

As Lucas popped in the movie, Atlas fished numerous drinks out of the fridge. Eli noticed that almost none of them did not contain at least a small amount alcohol. "Do you want a drink, little guys?"

"Eehhh, should we?" asked Eli, a little unconfident.

Atlas shrugged his massive shoulders. "You're both eighteen right? You're old enough to vote, you're old enough to serve on a jury, and you're old enough to get yourself killed in the army. So I say, you're old enough to have a cider if you want. It's not strong, and you're staying the night, so it's not like you'd be driving on this stuff. It's up to you guys, but I'm not a prude."

Eli was curious enough to try one, sipping at the golden liquid. It was cold, sweet, but it did have a kick to it. He liked it, and passed the bottle to Artur, who also enjoyed the taste. They decided to share the bottle for now.

Atlas retrieved the pizzas from the oven as the movie began to pick up its pace. The apartment had a larger couch as well as a loveseat. Artur and Eli took the smaller couch, leaning up against each other as they laughed along with the film. The two larger males took the couch.

Eli kept glancing at Atlas out of the corner of his eye, trying to gauge if he was changing his behavior after accidentally outing himself. It seemed, to him at least, that after their initial slightly awkward yet raw interaction, Lucas and Atlas had become more comfortable about PDAs around the other two. Atlas was reclining on the large couch, with Lucas' furry blue head in his lap. The arcanine was absently stroking the lucario 's shoulder as they watched. Despite the fact that they were such massive, bulky males, or perhaps because of that, Eli thought for the second time they were cute as a couple.

As the movie we continued, Eli participated in the sort of absentminded eating that was just plain unhealthy. They all ate greedily, gorging themselves on numerous chip bags, five pizzas, and a second box of donuts that their hosts had bought. Eli and Artur were continuing to share cider bottles, and as the movie ended they had gone through three bottles together. Eli's stomach gurgled in protest as Lucas returned the disk to its case.

Atlas was grinning rather wickedly. "Wanna play a game kiddies?" Eli raised his eyebrows but nodded so Atlas could continue. "The Blues Brothers, and a game to go with it. When the music changes, take a drink. When someone tries to kill them, finish your drink. That's all. Think you're up for it little boys?"

Under normal circumstances, Eli would have refused. But tonight... the drinks he had already quaffed wasn't affecting him right now, and it_was_ his birthday. Why not? "Get us some cider then!"

Atlas got up, returning with a large case of cider, unopened and ice cold. "That's a lot of booze," said Artur, ripping the cardboard open and taking one of the cold bottles.

"Neither of us like beer that much, so this is just a light, casual drink for us," shrugged Lucas. "It's cheaper in bulk." Lucas returned to his position on Atlas' lap. They were sharing something harder that Eli had no interest in trying. It smelled kind of bad to him anyway.

Eli grinned, taking a light sip as the first scene of the movie began. He loved the soundtrack of the Blues Brothers. He loved the movie too. It tickled his funny bone in just the perfect manner. As both the night and the film ran later, the stuffy apartment only seemed to get hotter, all four of the canines panting. Soon enough they had all discarded their shirts, with Lucas and Atlas even discarding their jeans for gym shorts. It didn't matter that the windows were wide open, that the night was cooling, that they had fans running. The apartment was so hot and stuffy that even the fire types were affected.

Eli was certainly buzzed by the time Jake and Elwood took their jaunt into the payphone. However, at the moment Carrie Fisher attempted to blow up the phone booth Eli had just opened up a new cider. By order of the rules, he drained the whole bottle. And from there, he crossed the threshold. The rest of the movie ran past him in a haze, with Eli sometimes not remembering to drink on cue, which was probably all for the best. It was no surprise that as the final number ended all four of them were more than tipsy.

Eli smiled stupidly as Artur gave him a sloppy kiss on the cheek. "Ya had a good birthday, ssweetie?" slurred the flareon.

"Almoss," grinned Eli, sluggishly pulling Artur into his muzzle, leaning back over the arm of the loveseat. It didn't take long for them to start tongue wrestling, and not much longer before they began grinding their hips against each other.

"Get a room, ya two," grumbled Lucas with a lazy wave of his paw.

Artur broke away from Eli, smiling wolfishly. "Or why don' you drop ur pants n' join us." There was a long and deathly quiet pause. Artur's eyes were wide, obviously surprised at his daring even in his drunken stupor. He looked at Eli, his face shifting as he began to mouth an apology, but Eli put a slender finger on Artur's orange muzzle, nodding and smiling. Lucas and Atlas were shakily standing now, both staring at the younger males. Squinting, Eli was pleased to see conspicuous bulges in the gym shorts of the older pair.

"Well, ah," said Atlas thickly. "Why-a don't we, er, change our location."

The four eagerly but slowly lurched to the bedroom, all of them losing articles of clothing during the journey. Eli was desperately curious about what the sex would be like. Artur was cute and sweet and Eli wouldn't have him any other way, but Artur was not a masculine male. Eli had never tried being with males who were like Lucas or Atlas: buff and powerful and built like a Greek statue.

By unspoken consent by all parties, Eli was paired with Atlas and Artur with Lucas. Eli wasn't in the mood to mess around. He went straight for the goods, running his hands down the arcanine's massive black chest, feeling the muscles underneath. His hands moved fast though, reaching a fat black sheath that was already swelling up, crowned by thick, soft pubic fur. Placing his thumb and index finger around the circumference, Eli noticed how his finger couldn't meet his thumb unless he squeezed as hard as he could. Said squeeze produced a rumbling moan, causing the fire dog's knees to give out and flop onto the side of large black bed that he shared with Lucas.

It didn't take many more squeezes to coax the tip out of Atlas. It was pointed, thick, and an aggressive dark red that glistened in the yellow light that leaked under bedroom door. The light wasn't the only thing that was leaking. Both Eli and Atlas were fully out, and pre was making the fur on Eli's hands warm and wet.

Eli knew both he and Artur were very gifted when it came to their assets. But Atlas... dear god! As he stared at the massive red pole in front of him, Eli briefly flashed back to when he was a vulpix and still had not fully discovered his sexuality. He would hop onto his dad's office computer at ungodly-o'clock in the morning to search for porn, specifically for oversized males. One of the sites he once frequented had a joke tag for males who were as dangerously big as Atlas: barely legal. The only two things running through Eli's brain right now: first, was that Atlas and Lucas were probably bigger than the cocks he'd ogled in his porn seeking days, and second, that he desperately wanted said cocks inside him. Eli licked his lips in anticipation.

It seemed like the lust rushing through Eli's brain and body was giving him a sense of clarity he had not experienced since he was sober. Around Atlas' massive body Eli saw Lucas lying flat on the bed, his head on the pillows. Artur was on his knees on the side of the bed, already licking up the side of a shaft that compared to Atlas quite well.

Back to the big guy in front of him. Deciding to tease Atlas, Eli let his fingernails dance across the sensitive red length, coaxing the knot out as slowly as he could. While he was doing that, he took one of the black, low hanging balls in his tongue and coaxed it into his mouth, warming it as he covered it in slobber. Eli smiled as he saw the massive chest of Atlas rising and falling as he breathed heavily, the long fur of his mane actually bouncing. Eli moved on to the other, giving it just as much attention as the first. Eli kept an eye on the length above him, waiting till he had coaxed Atlas' knot all the way out before moving to the length. It still didn't take long.

Leaving the furry orbs behind, Eli placed his tongue at the base of the sheath before, slowly, slowly, slowly moving up. It was an exceptionally long journey. Taking the shaft in his hand now, Eli wrenched down, coaxing a loud groan out of the big male as his enormous length was rolled against his low hanging balls. Placing his muzzle around the very tip of the spear head, slipping his tongue out to lick at the copious precum that was building up. Eli kept himself there, looking up at Atlas, whose eyes were closed and was gripping the black bedspread with massive hands.

Eli slid his muzzle down the length, going as deep as he could go. Even with Eli's experience with deepthroating Artur, he still couldn't get as far as he would have liked. It was so THICK! Eli felt his jaws stretched as wide he could go, almost to the point that he couldn't easily slip out his tongue to run along the bottom. Almost. Well, if he couldn't fit it all in his muzzle, he still had two hands. One went back to the black furry orbs, still sopping wet. Weighing them in his hands, he let them droop as they continued to warm. The other went to the rest of the shaft, squeezing and tickling and even lightly poking with his fingernails. Atlas groan-growled, "Damn, you're a little fucking tease. Finish me, dammit!"

Eli couldn't ignore a request like that, retreating his muzzle so that only the tip was inside. He squeezed Atlas' balls as tight as he dared while he pinched the valley of flesh where the two wings of the knot met in the middle of the shaft. Incoherent groans were uttered from above Eli as a torrent filled his muzzle. Eli had to swallow as fast as he could to stop from choking. It took three swallows before Atlas was finished, shooting a last few spurts into Eli as he panted. Eli wiped his muzzle, still playing with the slobber-covered red shaft as he looked up at Atlas. "Damn," huffed the arcanine. "You should take lessons from him, Lucas. The little boy knows sure knows how to gobble cock."

"Oh, I'm flattered," giggled Eli, now rolling the shaft between two hands now.

"You want a seat, little guy?"

Even in his booze addled brain, Eli was still conscious of what taking a monster like Atlas might do to him. "You got lube?"

"Yeah. A lot of it." Atlas reached into a drawer on a nightstand, revealing a large array of bottles. He opened a large black tube, smearing copious amounts on his shaft.

"Oh, let me do it," grinned Eli, snapping the bottle out of Atlas' hands so that he could give the dog a hand job while he worked. Another low rumble escaped Atlas. As Eli spread the lube along that massive red pole, he got numerous whiffs of chocolate. At first Eli thought his drunken brain was playing tricks on him, but then he looked at the bottle. "Chocolate lube?"

"Yeah. You can try it yourself later. C'mon fox boy. Let's see what you can handle."

Eagerly, Eli crawled up Atlas' massive orange and black body, slipping a little as he kept missing handholds within the massive muscles that he was reaching for. He rubbed his thin, pale rump against the slick shaft a few times before poising himself above the spear head. He hung there, panting with the arcanine, their breaths heavy with their drinks of choice. The breath seemed to act like a stimulant to Eli, and with reckless abandon he almost smashed his tailhole against Atlas' gargantuan hardness.

Eli winced, biting down on his teeth as felt Atlas enter him. He felt his legs spread wider and wider as his tailhole was stretched wider still. He groaned through his teeth in equal amounts pleasure and pain as he tried to lower himself even farther. Strong paws gripped Eli's slanted hips, stopping him. "Take it slow, kit," grunted Atlas through his pleasure. "Even Lucas can't take it all at once."

Eli panted, half skewered and stretched out and desperate for more. The fox slowly leaned into the arcanine's orange ear. "Hilt me, fire giant," said Eli in a dazed, husky whisper. "Fuck me ragged."

"If you insist," slurred Atlas. "But ssssslowly. Wanna leave you in one piece for your boy toy, eh little guy?" Atlas began to slide his padded fingers up and down Eli's hips, exploring the feminine curves that were so foreign to him. With each motion downward the arcanine would apply firm pressure, so that by the time he had reached Eli's lower thighs the ninetales had slid down another inch. Each journey felt like a glorious but agonizing mile. Eli let out a low, drawn out hiss as he accepted Atlas inside him.

A loud groan shocked Eli back into reality. Eli didn't feel secure enough in his balancing skills to lean around Atlas' bulk, so he laid wrapped his arms around Atlas' chest and propped his muzzle on top of his maned shoulder. Artur was in the process of taking Lucas. Poor little boy must be stretched tighter than he was. Artur was never much of a bottom. But he looked like he was enjoying it too, silently mouthing what was definitely "more" as Lucas coaxed him down.

Eli felt something thick, throbbing and wet rub up against his stretched out rear. He reached back, trying to squeeze the knot he had hilted himself on but swaying back too far and having to sling himself around Atlas' neck again. Wriggling his rump along the knot again, Eli lifted himself up, up, up until Atlas had almost left him. The fox lowered himself again, forcing his body to relax as he let the full length back into him.

A low hiss escaped from Atlas now. "Oooooh god... you're so damn tight." His hands reached Eli's thin butt and gripped tightly. "You've got a fine ass kid. Can ya go faster?"

Eli obliged with enthusiasm, each pass up and down was less painful as his tailhole grew used to the great pole in him. Eli embraced the canine titan to get a better angle and balance himself, groaning as his own pent up cock slid between the valleys formed by Atlas' eight pack abs, leaving them wet with his own pre. Atlas moaned, his voice higher than his normal deep, gravely rumble. "Augh... I'm, I'm going to."

Eli stopped suddenly, halfway down the shaft. "Tie me," begged Eli. "I wanna take all of it."

"Brace yourself, fox boy." Atlas grasped Eli's hips even harder, slamming him against the knot. Eli let out a grunt as he felt his cheeks and ring stretched further, but he was no where near close to taking it all. The fox felt himself being lifted again, higher up on the shaft now, before being slammed down further. Another grunt escaped both of them as Eli took almost half of it this time. "Almost..." huffed Atlas as he lifted Eli to the very tip of his pointed endowment. "...THERE!" Eli felt himself rushing down fast. The knot entered his tailhole with an almost comical pop. Eli emitted a high pitch squeal as the massive girth pressed heavily against his prostate. He arched his back, his limbs tense, his hands forming tight claws that aggressively gripped the the rippled form before him.

The two canines emptied themselves into or onto each other. Eli felt his tailhole grow warm and sticky, with ample amounts leaking from around the pole inside him, saturating the fur on his rump and around Atlas' sheath and balls. Meanwhile Eli was shooting himself onto the thick chest of the arcanine with a deep sigh. Eli felt the strength leave his body, and he flopped himself again upon Atlas' shoulder.

From the sounds of lust coming from the other side of the bed Eli was sure that Artur had reached a messy finish as well. Squinting through his mental fog, Eli saw Lucas' face covered in white spray as his own release fell across his exposed red knot. It seemed Artur didn't have the guts to take it. Probably for the best, considering how stretched his cutie was.

Atlas looked over his shoulder at the other pair. "Hey! I thought this was gonna be group kinda thing!"

The other three canines brightened immediately, their burning libidos fueled by booze and an eagerness to explore each others bodies. The two younger males shakily dismounted the others, curious as to what would happen next. Eagerly, Atlas flopped his bulk onto the full length of great bed, raising his legs up and letting his burly arms hang off to the sides. "Pick your poison boys!"

For a brief moment, surprise wiped away Eli's ardor. He never thought such a masculine male would readily desire to be penetrated, to take what many thought was the lesser role in the intercourse. The idea of being able to top such a male got the ninetales aroused faster than a good sucking, and he eagerly placed his tip at Atlas' black ring, claiming that spot as his own. Lucas looked slightly disappointed at Eli claiming what was likely his favorite spot. Instead the lucario poised his softened length over Atlas' muzzle as Artur tentatively mounted Atlas, too eager to try the dog to worry about the state of his tailhole. There was a pause as they all lubed each other, the scent of chocolate mixing deliciously with the sweat and musk and booze that had permeated the bedroom already.

Eli started first, pressing his tip into Atlas. Again, surprise cut through Eli at the expression on the arcanine's face. He wasn't just enjoying it, he was relishing it, groaning loudly for all four's benefit. Artur was next, clumsily letting the fire dog inside himself. He must have been really loosened by Lucas, or at least he must have gotten used to the experience of taking such a large shaft, as he was able to hilt himself without much trouble. The flareon still released tiny gasps all the way down, but his face contained much more pleasure than pain, at least to Eli's addled brain. Atlas released another deep rumble before using his tongue to coax Lucas into his mouth.

The first minute was awkward, each trying to get to a rhythm that wouldn't jerk the other participants around or push Atlas around on the bed. Eli was having a hard time standing on his own two legs after who knows how many bottles of cider, so Atlas hooked his legs around his slender back. Still requiring support, Eli wrapped his arms around Artur's cute, chubby belly. After he secured himself, Eli gave his boyfriend a clumsy reacharound, coaxing more groans out of him. As Artur rose and fell along the red pole, Eli gently kissed him along the back, tasting his sweet, sweaty body as he thrust into the arcanine beneath them.

Eli was pleased to feel that Atlas had a rather fantastic ass. It was tight, had just the right amount of friction and he was clenching for him too! On top of it all, it seemed that his cheeks had a hint of fat on them, probably the only fat on his body. They issued quiet slaps as Eli slammed his hips into them. Deep groans issued from Atlas, whose mouth was still pleasuring Lucas, getting a nice muzzle fucking in the process.

Atlas' chest heaved as Lucas moaned, announcing his climax. Eli watched the arcanine's chest rise and fall as he greedily swallowed the results some still leaking out of his muzzle and dribbling down his chin. Watching their finish coaxed Eli further towards his own, barely allowing the fox time to tie before he too was filling Atlas. Great throbs ran through his whole body, though they were the most powerful when they coursed through his still swollen knot.

All that was left was Artur, still riding on top of the arcanine. His face was tightened into a grimace as his tail hole took ever inch of Atlas' shaft. His voice was muted and cracked as he whispered for Eli's ears only. "Help me tie the knot," moaned Artur. "Push me down. I want to feel all of it this time."

Eli rested his chin on Artur's shoulder in order to find a more comfortable position for their intimate exchange. His hips had stopped moving but his hand still jerked away at the flareon's swollen appendage."You sure, hon?"

"I want to feel it... all of it... at least once," grunted Artur as he leaned backwards into Eli's body. Eli nodded in assent before gripping his boyfriends chubby hips and pushing down, forcing Artur over the great fleshy bulb. Both Atlas and Artur groaned loudly as the canines tied, and Eli returned to jacking off the flareon. His fingers closed around the length and struggled to hold on as Artur impuslivly thrust into midair as he came. His cock throbbed so powerfully that Eli swore that he could feel it pushing his fingers apart as it shot sticky ropes onto the older male's chest. Eli felt his knot shrinking, and pulled out of Atlas' tailhole with a jerk of his hips.

The four were not for basking in the afterglow, and Eli threw himself onto the bed next to Atlas with his paws and hands high and wobbly in the air. He attempted to growl seductively as he offered his tailhole, cock, and muzzle to the other males, and grinned as their figures towered over him on the bed. The first to begin pleasuring the ninetales was Artur. He propped himself on all fours at a right angle to Eli's body before lowering his muzzle over the fox's flaccid length. His tongue lapped at the pink flesh, starting at the base and running up to the tip before turning around and running to the base again.

Atlas' dark red cock was hovering in front of Eli's field of vision, and the arcanine aggressively shoved his length into Eli's mouth. He giggled as his tongue rolled the soft, fat, arousal in his mouth. It predominantly tasted of the chocolate lube, laced with the heavy salt of cum and the metalic tang of ass and sweat. Eli had licked the pole clean before it was fully hard, but by then the salty-sweet cocktail of tastes was replaced by the heady traces of pre.

Lucas was last, but certainly not least. His shaft was only half hard as it entered Eli's rear, causing him to clench hard on and off in order to enjoy the sensation of pressing the fleshy rod between his cheeks. This treatment hardened Lucas' length incredibly fast, and soon the lucario was brutally smashing his cock deep into Eli, so hard that he keeled onto all fours when a thrust made him loose his balance. The wolf didn't loose his stride. He lowered his muzzle over Eli's ear and huffed quietly, so that only Eli could hear while he continued to fuck the fox's rear. "You like it, don't you? You like getting pounded out like a little whore. You like servicing other guys."

The words were a bit of a shock to Eli, at least to whatever scraps of consciousness was actually focusing on what was being said. The dirty talk was something new to him and surprisingly titillating. Eli's only response was a thick, subby moan, louder than anything Atlas had let out. The build up was still lighting fast, and his body was already begging for relief from the sensational assault attacking his body. His ass was stretched wide and deep, his cock swollen and wet, and his muzzle was full of a great throbbing maleness. His hands blindly reached for nearby bodies, and found Atlas' thick black balls. He firmly squeezed and was rewarded with a muzzleful of salty seed. His own release was not long after, and he felt droplets of cum drip from Artur's muzzle as he attempted to thrust his hips with his orgasm. His movements were limited by Lucas who rammed his knot viciously into Eli's abused tailhole before letting a satisfied groan release his muzzle, coating Eli's insides with another coat of cum.

Lucas untied immediately, not giving a damn if Eli's tailhole was ready to let another knot move through it, and Artur and Atlas retreated to find new positions. Eli had difficulties remembering further details. He seemed to shift his position before he even recognized that he was fucking someone else. First he was nose deep in Artur's pubic fur before suddenly finding his muzzle wedged between Lucas' ass with his tongue probing for drops of cum. And then he was sharing a taste of Atlas' balls with Lucas before he was curled on his back sucking his own dick as Artur was pounding him from above. But just as he was getting used to that he was being spitroasted as Atlas was sucking his cock before flipping around and sixty-nining with Artur while the other males picked their favorite ass.

The night ended quite literally in full circle. Lucas had his knot shoved into Atlas' muzzle, who was being suckled by Eli, who's balls were being slobbered up by Artur, who was being blown by Lucas. They're orgasms took longer now, and yielded less mess, and the four wordlessly but unanimously decided that they were finished. Eli finished off Atlas first, and turned to give Artur's body more attention once he was finished with the older male. Once they were all finished, Lucas and Atlas moved to cuddle with each other while Eli and Artur did the same.

Gently, Eli laid his head on Artur's stomach, running one finger up the side of Artur's body to play with his sticky mane. The other hand played with the chubby belly under his muzzle, causing Artur to giggle stupidly, joined shortly by Eli. "Had a good birthday?" mumbled Artur.

"Best yet," said Eli. Further words were crushed out of him as Atlas and Lucas rolled on top of Eli's legs. Their muscled bulk crushed Eli into the bed, but all parties were either too exhausted, too lazy, or too addled to notice or care. Artur was already drifting, and loud, conspicuous snores were coming from at least one of the older canines. Eli too felt himself falling asleep. He squinted at the clock. It was nearly three in the morning. "Love you, sweetie," murmured Eli as he laid his head back down on Artur's belly.

Eli struggled into wakefulness as the high noon sun peeked through the windows. His first attempt at opening his eyes was met with blinding pain as light assaulted his retinas. It took four more attempts to open his eyes before Eli could even see anything other than blurry shapes and colors. Atlas had rolled off of his legs, but they were still numb. He reached back to feel his tailhole and immediately regretted even thinking of the word. It wasn't sore. It wasn't painful. It was worse. Eli groaned internally as he finally began to understand the term "rip you a new one" first hand. Walking would be a struggle for days to come, for sure.

Surprisingly, his head and stomach weren't protesting the large amounts of alcohol and junk food he had consumed last night, although he had a severe case of cottonmouth. He ran a hand across his body. His normally smooth and silk fur was rough, tangled, and sticky.

His fur wasn't the only thing that was sticky. His hands were sticky. His face was sticky. His hair was sticky. The bed was sticky. His boyfriends cute chubby stomach, which his cheek was still resting on, was incredibly sticky. The whole room was rank with the musky scent of cum and sweat and booze of four different males. Eli rolled slowly off the bed, not waking any of the others as he made his way to the bathroom. His gait was steady, but slow, more of a shuffle than a step. Each step sent a large flash of pain in two directions, both starting from his tailhole and either shooting up to his back or down to his paw.

Eli entered the bathroom, not bothering to turn on the light until he had finished a long piss in the shadowy illumination of the clouded glass windows. His eyes protested when he finally did flip on the lights, but he needed a better look at himself. His cream colored fur was almost universally died off white, especially around the muzzle, crotch, and rear. His bright orange hair was certainly in need of a wash. Had their been bukkake involved last night? He ran a hand across his stomach and around his hips, feeling the sticky and tangled fur cling to his hands. He even twisted around and pulled apart his cheeks to take a look at the skin around his tailhole, which was unsurprisingly flaming red. There was knock on the door.

Artur's voice, muffled and slightly cracked, drifted through the door. "You done in there, Eli?"

Eli responded by opening the door. Unlike Eli, Artur had pulled on his plaid boxers, which Eli felt was kind of silly. Considering that all four occupants of the apartment had just finished fucking like ferals mere hours ago, modesty seemed kind of pointless. "We should shower before we leave. Our parents probably wouldn't be pleased with our recent activities."

"Yeah," muttered Artur, his affect groggy and detached.

Eli searched through the apartment for articles of clothing that belonged to him or Artur. Luckily, they had managed to mostly declothed themselves before they reached the bedroom, so their clothes actually hadn't picked up any of the ambient smells of last night's buggery. Eli returned to the bathroom with their clothes in his arms, using his tail to pull the handle of the door. As he walked in, Artur squawked, jumped a mile high, and his arms flew to cover his sheath and chest. The reaction was almost comical if it was under certain circumstances.

Eli shut the door and dropped the clothes. "What's going on, sweetie? Why're you so jumpy? You haven't ever been shy around me like this. What's up?"

"Nothing too big," mumbled Artur.

"Then what's the little thing bothering you?" asked Eli leaning up against the sink.

The flareon turned away, trying to find some angle to hide himself. "I just feel a little... weird after last night. Do you?"

"If by weird you mean my ass hurts like hell, yes," laughed Eli. "Are you feeling ok, sweetheart?" He reached out to touch his shoulder, but Artur jerked away. Eli frowned now. "What's going on, Artur? I mean it. You only refuse a cuddle when something is bothering you. Are you regretting last night now that we've all sobered up?"

Artur turned now and leaned into the corner of the bathroom where the glass shower wall met the wall. "Sort of... I... I certainly wouldn't have offered to have group sex sober, and I'm certainly regretting drinking so much. Are you feeling physically ill, by the way? I seemed to have lucked out. I'm not feeling that sick at all. The only thing that hurts is my head and my bum. Are you the same?"

"Yes I'm the same," said Eli, loosing a little patience at Artur's shallow attempt at distraction. "But that's not what's bothering you. Tell me what's bothering you."

Artur examined his reflection in the metal lining of the shower door. "Well. It started this morning... I just woke up next to the three of you and felt, well, ugly. I mean, look at you: you've got a fair face, a seductive body, fur like silk. And then there's Atlas and Lucas, and they're like effing body builders! And then there's just me."

"There's just you," said Eli, unable to stop himself from smiling. "You with gorgeous green eyes, a fabulous mane, a sweet smile, gentle hands, and a body that's-"

"Fat and ugly," frowned Artur.

"Adorably chubby," said Eli, kindly but firmly. "I've always said that. I don't find you unattractive. It's unfair to all parties to compare yourself to other guys." Eli attempted to hug Artur, to wrap him up in slender arms and tails.

Artur turned away for another time, flinching. "Don't touch me now. I'm all gross."

"Me too. I don't care." said Eli, this time firmly taking Artur and holding him close. "But there's more to you than physical attraction. You're a beautiful person, Artur. I love more than your body. Do you think I'd skip out on you just because there are other hot guys around? Do I really come off as that shallow?"

Artur's eyes widened in shock in Eli's embrace. "Oh jesus no! I didn't mean that." He extracted himself from Eli and turned away again, closing off his body. "Now that make me and you look terrible. No. No. No. This isn't coming out right!"

At this Eli too turned away for a fraction and closed his eyes. He sighed. "No. That was low of me to accuse you like that. I knew that wasn't what you meant. But you're being silly, sweetie. I was trying to say that to you." There was a long, dead pause. "Can you try again, Artur?"

"I just feel ugly next to Lucas and Atlas. They're cool, funny, smart, and damn sexy. After we've slept with them, how could I compete with them?"

Eli resumed the hug and kissed Artur on the cheek. "Listen. I love you and only you. It can be when we're alone or with company and whether we're having sex or enjoying a game together. I'll love you the morning after when we're both sore and stick and gross or when we're dressed our best. And that's why sex with you will always be better than with them. I don't love them. We make love when we share a bed, Artur. All that happened last night was a one time thing. Just a one time fuck. We probably wouldn't have done it if we were sober and we'll never do anything like this again, but we'd be lying to each other if we said it wasn't fun and we didn't enjoy it. Am I right?"

Artur gripped tightly now, letting out a muted "mmhmm."

"And I never let them kiss me," said Eli, as an afterthought. "Atlas tried once, but I only let you do it."

"I did remember that," muttered Artur. "Now I feel like shit. I didn't want to accuse you. I just was feeling, well, small compared to those other males."

"Well you've always been plenty big for me," said Eli. "I like being able to walk the morning after sex. We'll have to get our limps under control by the time we get back home."

"Yeah," said Artur, absently. "Hot water helps sore muscles."

"Maybe we should clean ourselves up, just us," said Eli after he kissed Artur on the cheek.

"Just us," said Artur. He kissed Eli back and gave their sheaths a playful squeeze before turning the shower onto its warmest setting.

Trial and Error

Crisp's favorite red shoes were on the table in front of him. The wolf's small green eyes were flicking across sheafs and sheafs of runes, most of them written by himself, trying to find the proper symbol that would put his plan into action. It had...

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The Coffin: Part 3

Marcus awoke, still sore, his arm sending sharp twinges through his whole body. He blinked blearily. So it certainly wasn't a dream, as Astari was alert as he sat on his podium. "Good morning," groaned Marcus, rolling his left shoulder to coax the...



Soren hopped down from the tree, three of the five kite strings in his hands. Eli was right behind him. The five kids crowded around them, eager to resume playing now that the park's trees were done tangling their toys. The pair turned and left,...

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