Tahikida, Chapter 3

Story by jcrescent on SoFurry

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The trip to the consulate was long enough to give Tahikida plenty of time to think about his life. Tahikida, is the nephew of King Arroz, his mother, head of the mages society in their kingdom His father is a data center typhoon who was smart enough to come up with some new ideas, and make huge money doing so.

Tahikida represented something different in royal families, he was a mixture of old and new ways. He was being trained as a mage and was expected to be the next head of the mages society, the first male to hold that position in nearly a hundred years, let alone a gay one. He was also expected to hold some high position in his father's corporation later down the road.

Tahikida enjoyed both parts of his life equally and mixes them in his life as if the two belonged with each other. Most of this is evident in the way he dresses, wearing modern clothes with the mages traditional jewelry made his already exotic appearance even more so. He also realizes the responsibilities he has as well. His uncle, the king, has shown him much love and respect, but has also charged him with speaking to gay youths within the kingdom. Now that he resides outside of his lands in a foreign country, he finds it hard to fit in with the people here, which is why he is thankful for his two friends Andy and Ramon, who have already spent a considerable amount of time outside their kingdom.

Then his thoughts drifted back to a certain siberian husky. Misha seemed like a warm caring fur, and he didn't concentrate on Tahikida's body when he spoke to him like other's he met, instead, he maintained eye contact, which Tahikida had a hard time keeping. Those ice blue eyes, the color of glaciers, so cold in color yet so warm to him. Although Misha was dressed in a loose school hoodie with baggy pants he could still see the hard muscle underneath, Misha definitely had a bod to envy, and just the thought of it had the lion's arousal peeking from the tip of his sheath in his pants.

" woah there Tahikida" He said to himself

" you just met, and he may not even be gay, he probably was being friendly..."

As soon as his arousal went away, the driver pulled in front of the consulate, a large stately building near the city center where all of the government buildings were. The Guardsmen once recognizing who he was, snapped to attention Being used to this, Tahikida waved them off,and headed to the top floor where his mother's offices were located, he ran into her right outside of her secretary's office as she was speaking to the snow leopard.

"Tahi" she exclaimed, and scooped up her cub into a hug, his mother was easily a foot taller than he, as he was smaller than most of his species.

"Mom, I know what this is about, please don't be angry..." Tahikida said, looking at his feet.

" Excuse me Marcus, I need to speak with my son for a little bit, you can take a 30 minute break if you wish"

"Yes, m'lady" was his quick response.

The two entered the office, a huge room filled with relics, chairs, a conference table, and a desk that could have easily been a couple hundred years old. They sat down on the sofa next to the desk

"Sweetie, why do you think I'm angry, I'm happy for you, I've been a little worried that you may have been sexually frustrated anyway so, I arranged that you'd have a little fun that night."

" I know its a part of a mages rite, but I still feel like a..."

" I know, my cub, trust me, one day, I have seen, soon, you will find your mate, and you two will make beautiful love, and as every day passes the love you have for each other will grow. It is your destiny, perhaps, you might have met your one already, you just don't know it yet." his mother comforted.

" What about dad?" Tahikida asked

" Your father understands more than you realize, but remember, you are his youngest son, and most beautiful boy, he will always be protective of you, thats just who he is. Anyway, I knew you needed comforting in this matter, but thats not the main reason I've called you here today, I'm here to give you the full rite of passage today, your days of being an apprentice are over, now you are to learn the heavy stuff, and in recognition of this accomplishment I am proud to give you this, stand up."

As he stood, his mother let loose his long black hair, said a quick spell, and there was a quick flash of purple light.

" Go on," she said " take a look in the mirror"

Tahikida looked, and with a gasp saw that his black hair had permanent one inch purple highlights at the ends, a symbol of an apprentice mage in transition, an honor bestowed upon those who have passed the novice level of teachings and were ready for those considered more dangerous. His friends Andy and Ramon both had these highlights.

"Wow, this looks amazing" he said

" It is your honor, wear your hair loose for the next couple of weeks in pride my dear, I'm pretty sure this will make your military brothers jealous at you for receiving such an honor at such a young age, most furs take longer to receive this, be proud." his mother remarked, a hint of joy in her voice.

"So, what happens now?" Tahikida asked

" You are to attend a public ceremony in your honor, this is an official event so traditional clothes will be worn"

The ceremony was held at the mages temple in the city, many official furs had gathered, and some curious to the mages society had attended as well, his friends, Andy and Ramon, were standing behind him. Tahikida was wearing the traditional attire of an apprentice mage, which was simply a white loincloth connected by golden rings, his mages jewelry, and nothing else, his hair hung loosely around his shoulders and down his back showing off his recent accomplishment. He was a stunning sight, and admired by many, especially by one who paid close attention to him.

His mother approached him and then turned to the audience.

"Today, we celebrate Tahikida, my son, and his transition to the next level, from apprentice mage, may his life be long, and prosperous, now begins the rite of passage."

She turns to Tahikida " Bare yourself"

He heard about this ritual, but wasn't quite prepared to deal with it so early, but he did as he was told and released the clasp to his loincloth revealing his beautiful body for all to see. His mother than began to chant, and a red energy surrounded her son. Tahikida began to feel pleasure all over his body, but soon that pleasure started to center around his groin and his tail hole, causing his arousal to slide out his sheath at full length.

Tahikida panted and moaned his pink tongue peaking out of his mouth, as his mother and the other mages started chanting louder and louder. It seemed that the louder the chanting got, the more pleasurable the sensations were, until all went silent as Tahikida started his orgasm, muscles tensing, that sensation in his tail hole causing sweet pressure against his prostate. Tahikida cried out in a high pitched voice as his semen flows from his member in strong spurts. The sensations grow so intense, that he blacked out only to awaken a couple minutes later in the arms of Ramon, who smiled down on him gently and raised him to his feet.

His mother approached him holding a purple loincloth with a small mages symbol embroidered in the front, he put it on him, while chanting a prayer. As this was happening, Tahikida met the glacier blue eyes of Misha, who was in the corner on the far right side of the temple, his eyes were warm and loving, and his smile seemed to be just for him. Tahikida locked eyes with him, his deep violet eyes full of fire and complete desire looked back at Misha and an utter look of want and need appeared on his face, but it wasn't only a sexual need, it was something else....

His breath caught, and he tried to regain his composure quickly before the end of his mother's prayer. She then embraced him once more, and kissed him on the nose.

" Welcome to the next level, my son" a roar of applause filled the temple.

" This ritual is now over, let us now feast in the honor of my son"

" Could you excuse me, for a little bit mom" he asked

" Certainly, my cub" she said knowingly.

Tahikida slowly approached Misha, his violet eyes afire once again, the look of want and need on his face as he looked into the husky's eyes. Misha's eyes smoldered in the same want for this lion he just saw so beautifully displayed, yet he didn't feel total lust, there was something more...

" Hi" Tahikida said quietly, his meek nature returning

" Well, hello beautiful, that was some ceremony, I wasn't exactly expecting that to happen, but I'm glad I came nonetheless"

"I'm glad you came too...I...um...I"

Misha framed Tahikida's face in his hands and brought the smaller lion closer to him

" I know, you don't have to say anything, I don't need to be a mage with sight to know what is in your heart."

" I usually can tell who is a mage and who is not, but you surprised me, I had no clue" Tahikida said, wonder in his voice.

Misha lowered his hoodie and revealed his long hair with purple highlights.

" You really are one" Tahikida said.

" I'm a non traditionalist, but I actively practice the arts, and have been in the service of the Society for a few years now due to my unassuming nature."

"I would have never known if you didn't show today...So, would you care to eat at my table, I would love to know more about you?"

"Sure, I'd be honored to, my beautiful lion"

So, begins a new friendship, will it blossom into something deeper?

Look for the next segment.