Dinner's finally arrived.

Story by IYamADocta on SoFurry

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#3 of Reuniting Bonds, crazy schemes from crazy college friends

Gloria hugged James tightly, her large breasts resting upon his shoulders. He tilted his head back, cradling his neck in her bosom. His deep brown eyes stared up into her opal pools. She stroked his chest gently as she nuzzled him.

"So how long have you felt this way?", she asked with a heavy sigh.

"Oh, for ages.", he said, rather enamored.

"I'm so sorry, I wish I knew. All this time...", she said with a mournful whimper.

"Don't blame yourself, I was always meek. I should've made myself clear sooner.", he said, attempting to absolve her of any guilt.

"I always thought you acted strangely around me.", she said, kissing him lightly on the forehead.

"Love is a strange thing my dear.", he retorted. She smiled brightly and giggled as she held him closer.

A knock suddenly came to the door and Zach's voice rang out.

"When you two are done come down, Ben and I ordered pizza, it should be coming any minute now.", Zach shouted. Gloria pranced over to the door and opened it, Zach's mouth stood agape as he stared her down.

"Oh we were just catching up a bit is all.", Gloria said with a wink as she hugged Zach a bit and whispered words of thanks into his ears. Though he had gotten dressed again he reeked heavily of Ben's musk and his own sweat, and his fur was heavily disheveled.

"Nice... Body...", was the only sentence Zach could muster. James with an unusual amount of confidence walked over to Gloria and gave her a rather hard smack on the ass. She giggled and the trio went downstairs, James and Gloria hand in hand. Ben gave them a stern look but soon broke out into a chuckle.

"I never was good at pretending to be mad. Congrats James, she's something alright, isn't she?", Ben said with a hearty laugh. He too had re-dressed and smelled of his lover.

"Oh yeah she is, I've been waiting many years for that moment.", James said as he wrapped an arm around Gloria's waist and the two gave each other a brief kiss. "Y'see Ben, I had a crush on Gloria here since, well since Junior High."

"More power to you then. Gloria and I both agreed that since our relationship was never all that serious that we were both fine with each other seeing others.", Ben replied with a large smirk.

"Well then... Thanks for your blessing?", James was rather confused.

"Don't mention it.", Ben said, and James and Gloria stared into each other's eyes before quickly lip-locking. Gloria's hand groping the catboy's tender ass, receiving a mrowl of pleasure from him. Ben and Zach gave each other a look and sighed somewhat. The two cut the kiss short and sat upon the couch together, arms around the other's shoulder.

"So? You say you ordered pizza?", Gloria asked, a rather ravenous look in her eyes.

"Yeah, it was Ben's idea. It turns out that we'll be getting a lot more than a pizza with this delivery.", Zach said with pride.

"Another food related sex pun? C'mon...', James groaned.

"Aww, c'mon James... The food is actually coming this time at least.", Zach chuckled as he waved a paw casually in front of himself.

"It turns out Timothy of all people is the only delivery boy on staff at the moment.", Ben growled.

"Timothy, nice find.", James was rather surprised that Ben knew about Timothy considering that he happened to work a good portion of the time when Ben hung out with their high school gang.

"Mhm, we need a canine for this series of booty calls.", Zach chimed in.

"Well, definitely a wise choice then...", Gloria said with a giggle.

The group waited patiently and soon enough the door bell sounded. Zach motioned for Gloria and James to cover themselves with the nearby blanket, not wanting to alert Timothy to their plans for a while. Zach opened the door with a cheesy smile and Timothy yelped somewhat, almost dropping the stack of pizzas.

"Zach, it's been a while my good friend.", the collie barked lightly as a blush stained his cheeks despite the puffy white fur, he could definitely smell the arousal emanating from the house.

"How have you been?", the housecat asked as he pulled out a wad of twenties and put it in the collie's back pocket. Patting his ass lightly, the standard sly smile creeping across his face yet again.

"Very busy, this is my last delivery of the night actually.", he said with a sigh of relief as he made a playful motion as if wiping sweat off of his brow.

"Oh great, perhaps you could come in and sit with us for a little bit, James and Gloria are here... Ben too.", Zach said, his tail curling around the incredibly slender canine's waist.

"Perhaps I could stay for a little bit.", he said with a small smile as he took off the cap of his uniform, shaking his head a bit and releasing a good deal of his hair which was near indistinguishable from the rest of his fur.

James and Gloria waved sheepishly at Timothy as he placed the pizzas down on the coffee table. Ben just smirked as per usual. Timothy pulled a chair over and the group began to dig in. Timothy ate a surprisingly large amount, a voracious appetite hidden behind the innocent looking tiny frame. Gloria and Ben gave him a run for his money though whilst Zach and James managed to daintily eat their way through their slices, even opting to use plastic forks and knives which Ben continued to heckle them about. The group spoke and laughed and eventually managed to devour all three pies, and Timothy didn't seem to mind as the blanket covering James and Gloria came loose from time to time, he'd been with both of them in that way before. Zach and James quickly took the trash and moved it to the kitchen and promised themselves that they'd clean it later. Zach pulled out a tray of breath mints and everybody quickly took several of them. Timothy began to unbutton his top slightly and removed the cheesy bow-tie as he took to lounging with the group.

"So it seems like you've all been having a good deal of fun.", he said with a smile.

"Yeah, we decided that with our week off, we'd relive those crazy highschool years. I'm sure you remember very well how much fun that was.", Zach said, his hand creeping down across Timothy's thigh.

"Oh yeah, I remember...", Timothy said with a playful growl, his ears perking up a good deal. Something began to strain against the tight work pants.

"So, you still the largest out of all of us?", Zach asked with an evil smile as he took off the collie's belt.

"No, I've shrunk a good deal.", he replied, his voice drenched with sarcasm.

"Well let's just see.", Zach said as he licked his lips and unzipped Timothy's pants. He was apparently going commando as a very thick black muscle began to erupt upward, the rapid expansion actually stretching his sheath as his arousal grew. Zach began to slowly stroke the shaft causing Timothy to whimper, coaxing out as much of the enormous length as he could. Ben's jaw was practically agape as the collie's erection finally stopped growing. It stood prominently in the air, nearly two feet in length and six in width, veins bulging along it. The rest of them were all well endowed in their own way but he was beyond enormous. The collie grunted lightly as he wiggled his hips a bit and struggled out further from the tight pair of pants, his balls, they were glorious too, like swollen oranges. The whole group gawked, Ben having never seen the sight and the other three not remembering Timothy's proportions all too well.

They crowded around him like children around a campfire, the three other males already agonizingly hard, Ben and Zach decided to take their pants off again though they felt somewhat ashamed, being so easily dwarfed by the collie's pride and joy. Ben and Zach were the first to take initiative, grasping the powerful orbs in their hands, gently massaging them, Gloria took her breasts in her hands and began to rub them across the powerful shaft, the folds of her womanhood already drenched with arousal. And finally James began to lick across the upper half of his shaft, his tongue moving deftly and swiftly as they all sought to pleasure the specimen in front of them. Timothy groaned, afraid to buck his hips should he disrupt their flow (or give James a concussion). All of them working in tandom out of sheer amazement. His chest began to pound heavily, struggling as he was on the verge of orgasm. His knot rapidly expanding to a frightening size, the thickest part of it at least another three inches in diameter. He was very close and he could feel it. He shooed them all away lightly with his hand as he took one slender paw, which couldn't fit around the shaft no matter how much he tried and began to stroke gently along its underside. His hips thrusting up violently as the knot continued to fill with seed until he blew like a gusher, he fellt back against the chair as his balls churned wildly, their pumping eerily visible as he shot upward, easily hitting the ceiling. As his orgasm reached its peak the bucking of his hips became more intense and soon the thick bursts of his canine spunk began to rocket out onto his adoring onlookers, splashes that easily coated their whole faces. He let out a loud howl as one final spurt came out rather weekly, popping up and then quickly falling down as a trail of cum oozed from him.

A rather unexpected knock on the door came, Timothy quickly hopped up, rather worried. James threw one of the blankets around his waist and peered through the peephole. A young fox in uniform was waiting agitatedly on his stoop. Her long pink hair covered one of her eyes completely and fell to her shoulders. Her amber eyes narrowed with annoyance as her arms crossed around her chest. She sniffed the air suspiciously, definitely catching the scent she had expected and then went back to tapping her foot impatiently.

"Please tell me it's not her.", Timothy hollered. Crouching behind a couch, just barely peering over it.

"Is 'she' a co-worker of yours, a rather testy fox perhaps?", James asked with a cocked eyebrow.

"Oih, I'm so fired...", was all Timothy could mutter.

"I'll try to get her to leave."

"She won't take no for an answer."

James sighed and opened the door, the fox rolled her eyes and flipped her hair, taking a very large whif of the air.

"Timothy's here, I told him to stop hanging out at the houses after delivering the pizzas.", she began rather rudely.

"I think you're mistaken, just a few of my friends and I here.", James said as he stepped in front of the door completely, his tenting still extremely obvious.

"I see covering up PROPERLY wasn't a concern of yours.", she said, ignoring his obviously false claim.

"I don't believe I invited you in.", James said dumbfounded.

"Timothy, I can smell you, your tails even poking up from behind the couch. Now stop behaving like a child and get back to work.", she shouted.

"Uhm, I can't right now... Could you leave for the moment and take my word for it?", he said rather sheepishly.

"I've seen naked men before Timothy, now get dressed and lets get out of here!", she really was a bossy one.

"Yeah, I'm just... Not comfortable...", he squeeked.

"Do you want me to fire you?", she began to tap her foot very loudly. Timothy sighed and stood up, his still erect member standing proudly. "Wait, what the hell is that?", she loudly proclaimed, jumping back slightly.

"You said you've seen naked men before.", he added, scratching the back of his head rather nervously.

"Yes but not that-", she then began to survey the rest of the room, "Holy shit... You're all freaks... Well... Endowed... Freaks...", the venom slowly fading from her voice as she began to piece the sentence together. Yet another sigh escaped her lips as she took off the cap and shook her hair up slightly, she began to unbutton her top slowly.

"Wow, what the hell are you doing?", Gloria erupted.

"No room for a sixth?", the fox asked dumbfounded.

"After that performance right there Jill?", Timothy barked with a surprising amount of confidence.

"Please, I'll be a good little slave for you all.", Jill said as she pressed up closely to Timothy. "Scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. I can be naughty too y'know."

"Very well, but you're taking this thing no matter what.", the collie said with a devious leer.

"Oh my, how ever will I be able to take that.", she said with a bit of mock sarcasm, the collie grabbed her rear end viciously and the two eyed eachother for a split second before breaking away and laughing slightly.

"I'm utterly confused...", James and Gloria managed to state simultaneously.

"We generally get into tooth and nail fights like that, he knows I generally don't mean anything by it.", Jill said rather simply. She unbuttoned her shirt completely and unhooked her bra, exposing a pair of rather sumptuous double Ds. Her pants were discarded at near light speed as were her panties. The patch of fur surrounding her womanhood that should have been part of the white streak that ran down her front was also dyed neon pink much like her hair. Her outer lips were engorged and dripping with her arousal which was clearly visible to all present.

"Now, get on all fours...", Timothy barked. Smacking his lips with joy.

"Yes master.", Jill replied teasingly. She soon complied, Timothy groaned through clenched teeth as he pressed his engorged cock head against her outerlips, struggling to part them. She howled, ready to take whatever was coming to her.

"Hmm, a bit too vocal, someone needs to take care of that.", Timothy growled, with a seductive undertone, his hands caressing Jill's hips.

"After that greeting she gave me, I feel the need to shut her up.", James said with a rather uncharacteristic snarl.

"Oh yeah, I've been a bad girl who needs to be taught a lesson.", Jill growled.

"I'll say.", James said as he rolled his eyes slightly, stroking his slowly re-growing length in front of her face.

"Mmm, oh my...", Jill said lustfully, kissing the tip of the catboy's length.

"So, missy are you ready?", Timothy asked and he received a pressing of her hips back up against him as a sign to continue.

Ben, Gloria and Zach all found a comfortable spot to watch and began to, well take care of themselves. James initiated, pressing his length against her pursed lips, she soon opened her mouth to receive him. Her eyes widening as she felt his manhood slide down her throat, her tongue brushing against its underside as she suckled it gently. Timothy chuckled slightly as he pressed against her entrance, struggling to enter, her eyes widened as she felt his large cock head continue to push against her. Small tears rolled down her face, though she took it all with admirable stride. Suddenly Timothy managed to slip the very tip of his head inside of her, Jill's eyes rolling to the back of her head as she felt Timothy's massive girth nearly tear her in two. James placed his hands behind her head, purring with pride as he continued to assault her muzzle. The warmth of her mouth and the vibrations from her muffled cries of pain stimulating him intensely. Timothy pulled out the small amount that he had managed to fit in and pressed against her entrance once again, this time her incredible tightness not putting up nearly as much resistance. The collie's giant length forcing its way deep inside of her, tears and moans of pleasure bursting forth from within her. A large blush spreading across her face as Timothy managed to fit half of his length into her before struggling to push further into her, his hips gyrating as he pulled out slightly only to slam himself in deeper with each attempt. On the other hand James continued his slow assault with a wide-smile spread across his face, her tongue frantically snaking around the intrusion, gobs of pre being shot down her throat which she graciously swallowed. Timothy pulled her hips towards him as he somehow defied all expectations and managed to insert himself to the hilt. Her face went beet red as her muscles contracted, a powerful spray of her liquids drenching their thighs.

"An orgasm from simply being penetrated? Oh this is going to be fun.", Timothy growled.

And this is where he really began, his hips churning as he developed a rhythm, his thrusting consistently piercing deep into her cervix. His chest rose and fell with each ragged breath that he took, his knot slowly expanding. Yelps of pain emanating from her, being pushed to her limits already. James managed to hasten his pace to one more in line with Timothy's. Long, drawn out, groans like a symphony from the two of them as they penetrated her mercilessly. Timothy felt her walls attempt to tighten again, which was impossible considering his sheer size, and yet another dousing of her fluids sprayed onto their thighs. As they continued the collie's knot continued to grow, surpassing even Timothy's own expectations concerning its size. Timothy groaned as he initiated one final thrust and let loose like a cannon inside of her and buried his knot deep within the haughty vixen. He desperately pulled her closer as he impaled her with his full length, burst after burst of his seed slowly filling her. She shut her eyes, moaning loudly as she felt yet another powerful orgasm wash over her. That tingling sensation flaring up each and every time she felt a burst of his warm seed against her inner walls. James was soon to follow as he brought her maw as close to his hips as he could, a stream of his seed traveling down her throat. The duo stayed near frozen like that, the only sounds in the room their drawn out groans and her muffled screaming. Her stomach began to rapidly expand a good deal as they filled her before all three of them collapsed onto the floor. James quickly pulled out, a long stream of saliva and cum connecting her tongue and the tip of his manhood. Timothy had a good deal of trouble, pushing away from her slightly as he struggled to remove his knot, finally with a very loud pop he managed to dislodge himself. He slowly removed the entire length, her poor womanhood stretched and agape. She cooed lightly, writhing in pleasure as his seed began to leak out of her, her fingers lazily stroking her clit.

James got up and stood over her, receiving a lusty growl from the vixen. Timothy gave her ass a vigorous smack before also lifting himself up. Jill sighed, staring up at the two of them. Timothy lifted her up, smiling warmly.

"Care for some sloppy seconds James?", the collie asked, lifting her up a bit and spreading her legs.

"Why the hell not."

"Alright, let me just restrain her a bit for you."

Timothy sat on the couch and pulled Jill atop his lap, his tip pressing against her puckered tailhole. She groaned lustfully and after much trying he managed to slip into her virgin asshole, horrible howls bolted from her maw as Timothy forced his way deep within her, not stopping until her felt her taught buttocks upon his lap. She spread her legs wide as he pinned her arms down, bucking his hips lightly as she made it known how much she was enjoying this. James sat down upon the edge of Timothy's lap, legs wrapped around him and Jill as he made his way into Jill's worn chamber. Despite the brutal thrashing she had received from Timothy's monstrous manhood she still seemed to have a decent amount of strength left, her muscles contracting tightly around James cock. James mewled lightly, the heat of her inner walls igniting a burning sensation within him, her innards slick like oil from her own juices and remnants of Timothy's seed. James grasped her shoulders as he bucked his hips desperately into her, needing to feel more of her delicate touch. Her silken walls grasped him tightly as he pounded away at the vixen, Timothy bucked his hips slowly, still struggling to fit most of his length within her innocent tailhole. They continued like this for some time, slowly increasing the speed of their thrusts, Jill's head rolled back as they forced their way deep within her, her chest heaved frantically and her tongue lolled out. James affixed himself to one of her breasts, nibbling on the nipple lightly. She began to show visible signs of sex flush as she achieved yet another orgasm, her muscles contracting tightly around the two as a gush of her fluids smothered James' hips. The catboy shuddered lightly, pre leaking from his cockhead as his thrusts became more powerful, even managing to rock her upward slightly, he could feel his release coming soon. Timothy was in much the same boat, her tightness combined with his intense size making short work of both of their resolves, Timothy's knot rapidly expanding, there was no way he was going to be able to fit it into her though. And soon enough it happened, James and Timothy let out loud, rather girlish, squeals as they hit their peaks. Burying themselves into new depths of the tormented vixen as their spunk coated her insides. They all groaned with pleasure as stream after stream of their seed made its way into her body. James and Jill both collapsed into Timothy's arms, all three of their fluids leaking out around their conjoined thighs. Timothy and James both took to affectionately licking the foxgirl's cheeks. A satisfied sigh escaping her rubbed her stomach. Face flushing red, this time with embarassment rather than her reaching a sexual peak. James eventually managed to remove himself, his legs rather weak as he made his way to one of the unfilled seats. Gloria, who after watching that show along with Ben and Zach had made her own little mess of her thighs sat upon James lap, holding him tightly.

"Seeing you like that, as Timothy's sexual equal despite the size disparity was... Such a huge turn-on!"

"I don't know, I actually think Timothy's size may have hurt him that time. What do you say Timothy."

"That may have been the tightest fit I've ever had, certainly my best experience, though I'm sure that someone more accustomed to my size would have probably gotten more from the experience.", Timothy said with a sigh as he began to gently caress her nether region, surprisingly still swollen with arousal.

"Well then, I'm going to have to come looking for you more often after our shifts end.", Jill said affectionately, kissing the collie.

"So, do I get credit for bringing them together or something?", Zach asked Ben.

"I wouldn't count on it.", Ben said, rustling the cat's hair.

And so the group took a series of showers, they all decided that realistically speaking solo showers would probably end up quicker than communal. Timothy and Jill soon got dressed again and left hand in hand with bright smiles and promises to return a little later in the week. The four friends all began to clean up the mess of the living room that they had made, hoping that a few glade plug-ins would help to quell the scent. And James had given them all guest bedrooms to stay-in Gloria managed to sneak into his room later that night, the two just cuddled much to her dismay. Her warm, luscious, hips wrapped around his.

Bears and Steak, mmm...

Well it seems my first chapter received a rather positive reception which I'm thankful for. This chapter's a bit long being split between two sex sessions, I'll probably have further chapters focus more on group activity but I felt it important to...

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Reuniting Bonds

It all started on a foggy autumn evening, a deepening of bonds that would rest heavily on the two for years to come. His black ears, which matched his hair and tail-fur, twitched uncontrollably as he heard footsteps approaching slowly. The young...

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