Wreck-him Bowser!

Story by Perrin Wolfbrother on SoFurry

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Exactly what it says on the tin, Bowser is going to wreck some lucky man ;-)

_Hey everyone! _

Sorry if I hadn't posted anything in a while, I did write something but for various reasons I didn't have the time to post them ^^ But here it is something, a one shot smut that was inspired by a simple request I read on Twitter, by a certain Bowser-lover husky ^^ I honestly wouldn't have gone for it if there hadn't been this movie, since it gives me the perfect setting :3

Well, hope you will enjoy it enough my friends, let me know what you think through votes, comments and faves! Thank you avatar?user=48220&character=0&clevel=2 Gritou for your help on this, you are the best!

"I'm bad, and that's good. I'll never be good, and that's not bad. There is no one I'd rather be than me!"

The circle of assorted villains finished the chant, some of them sporting what was considered a smile on such wicked face; the Ghost was one of them, seeming quite pleased on how the session had gone this time.

"Good work everyone! See you next week, and remember to practice on the exercises!" The orange entity said, dismissing the group for the evening. They all went to the exit, a few of them talking and chatting about what they had done that evening.

Not Bowser. He didn't feel like mixing with those losers, not that night. He stopped out of the box alone, grimacing at the bullshit the damn Ghost fed them. Yeah, repeating to himself that "It is your work, have fun with it!" was as useful as underwear for him, especially when he was fucking thrown in a lake of lava by an illiterate Italian plumber!

Snorting out his frustration, the koopa reached the station, waiting in line for the next train to Game Central Station. What really bothered the towering villain wasn't what happened to him when the Player won, hell, he liked lava! The thing he hated most was the catty comments he endured every day, delivered by that mean bitch of Peach!

"Why should I pass most of the time with you here? I wish I could be with Mario and Luigi!" and all the other crap she chattered about while they both waited for the final stage. The bitch knew that he had the hots for her, but she didn't care, locking herself up in her castle after the end of each day, partying all night with the Boneheaded Bros and their friends.

Looking up, the koopa king saw the train arriving, immediately heaving himself on a seat once it fully halted. The seat next to him creaked when it was occupied by the speedo-wearing, hairy and tall Russian that dared to grin when the more intimidating male looked at him.

"Big dragon! Doing fine?" Zangief asked, his words understandable despite his thick accent. That guy had been tormenting him for weeks, always trying to talk and getting too close to him. Fuck, his big thighs were pressed against his own beefy legs! Not that he minded too much.

"I told you, ain't no dragon, I am a fucking Koopa!" He replied, deliberately refusing to answer the question. It wasn't any of this buff wrestler's business how he was doing. His paws grabbed the seat in front of him as the train began moving, travelling the cable to its destination.

"Dragons spit fire, you spit fire, you dragon." The barely clothed man explained his twisted logic, before slapping his thigh as if he had thought of something. "You are coming to hit Tapper's now!"

"I need to go to bed, not drink, thank you very much." The green and yellow beast growled, knowing perfectly that he wasn't in the right mood for drinking that frothy beverage the bartender assured was beer.

"I do not take nyet as answer!" The black haired man declared, jumping off the train once it stopped at the Terminal. The koopa considered refusing once again, but he knew the other male would be pestering and maybe even physically dragging him to the bar, which would have led to them spending the night in the cells. If they hadn't been in his game he wouldn't have problem to toss Zangief aside, or doing something to him, but in Game Central Station...

Sighing, Bowser caught up with the other and walked out of the Pac-Man terminal and into the Station proper. They remained silent as they traversed the high ceiled building, and that suited him a lot; who knew how much the fighter would talk once he had alcohol in his gorgeously big body.

The good and heroic CPUs and NCPs scurried away as they passed, obviously fearing the two villains would react badly if they did something like crossing their path by accident. That annoying behavior piled up on the others, making him haste his pace to get quickly a mug in his paw; Zangief followed suit, easily keeping up with him, all the while shooting big grins at the bystanders.

In no time they were on another train, this one taking them to an open square with a seedy look, alleyways radiating from it. Bowser knew that those streets didn't take anywhere, just a wall, they were there just to give an impression; only the big, illuminated entrance to the bar took somewhere, and that's where they were headed.

Tapper's wasn't a fancy place, just a big room with long counters stretching from blue wall to blue wall, the bartender darting each and every way to send the booze to whom had asked it. The many stools were empty, which wasn't surprising considering the hour, the only presences were of losers who had lost themselves in the beer.

"Guess we are joining them." The big beast muttered under his breath, sitting on a stool, careful not to destroy it.

"Da, we are! Two beers!" Zangief shouted, raising an arm as he was crushing down on his seat, the wooden thing crying its protests to such a rude treatment. In a flash of an eye the bartender tossed two mugs at them, the villains quick to grab them before they were out of reach.

The koopa took a big sip of the drink, enjoying the tang he got from it, but when he put the mug back on the counter he saw the other man hadn't, his head full of hair thrown back as he gulped down the amber liquid without rest. He slammed down the glass only when it was empty, his arm up in the air to call for a fresh one.

"That's impressive." The spiked male couldn't stop himself from saying, drinking from his mug again to mask his outburst of niceness.

"In Russia you drink fast, else you drink ice!" The man bellowed, grabbing his new drinking but waiting to get it to his lips. "How is your life? Bet waiting in castle is better than fighting all day long!

"Nothing special, it is boring, I would prefer to have things to do other than sitting on my big ass." The koopa said, being strangely frank for once. The Russian fighter drank all of his second beer in the time he answered him, and asked for a third. And he was still at his first!

"But you are not alone, nyet? You have blond pussy to pass time with." Zangief breathed his opinion, making the beast almost choke on his attempt to finish his first mug. Luckily he managed to avoid that, though he chipped the glass by putting it down with too much force.

"You mean Peach? Bitch's as dry as desert world." Bowser lamented, taking the opportunity to call for drinks; the bartender was quick, as always, and in a few seconds they were handed another couple of beer-felled mugs.

"So you no fuck the Princess? Ride her all day long?" The fighter inquired, wasting no time to start drinking the newly acquired beer. His tone was hard to discern behind that ridiculous accent, but he sounded almost happy that he didn't do the slut in her ass.

"It's not like I refuse." He growled, the memory of how the prissy princess teased him so hot in his memory. It burned when she talked about the awesome threesome she had with those two fucking plumbers, while he was in a bar, drowning his sorrows with a naked, albeit hot, man poking at him.

"Then push her on her back and do her." The other male sighed with satisfaction after he finished the beer, already asking for another.

"Ain't like that. I like my bitches willing." He rebuked, emptying half his mug in his throat, getting frustrated with the conversation. The slut knew that he wasn't going to hurt her, and she took advantage of that all the time, leaving him with blue balls!

"I se-" The burly man stopped midword to burp loudly, not even trying to be discrete with it. "I see. You have penis or not?"

THAT made the imposing male choke on his drink, coughing away from his lungs what had travelled the wrong way. He stared angrily at the fighter, outraged that he had dared to pose such a question; the object of his anger didn't even noticed, having switched to sip his drink instead of pouring it all in his thirsty mouth.

"Of course I have a cock." He replied, reining in his anger just because that Commie bastard's ass was completely drunk after gauging five beers. Or six, he hadn't counted them.

"I see no underwear, you hide cock?" Zangief leered over the lower body of the koopa, his eyes slightly unfocused. "No dragon cock hanging loose there."

"Kids don't need to see my cock, only bitches. My slips are coded to show no bulge." Bowser explained, hoping that it would suffice. He was lucky that he wasn't asexual like those damn Q*bert's characters.

"Magic slips, da? I no see slips, must touch." The drunken fighter put his words into action, his hands going to grope the lower belly of his companion, trying to find the invisible hem of the underwear. In doing that his fingers bumped in the sizeable bulge of the King, their delicate touch running up and down the shaft and awaking it.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!" Bowser bellowed, trying to push away the harassing bastard, finding it hard to do without getting in a physical fight. The other managed to fend off his attempts and kept searching and, without knowing, teasing the hardening pole.

"I am curious, show me cooooock!" The Russian man slurred, then suddenly stopped, leaving the beast alone but with a ranging boner, mercifully hidden by the coded piece of yellow cloth. The drunken expression on the bearded face lighten up, as if he had come across an idea.

"Maybe you shy, I should show mine first!" Zangief declared and, before the koopa could protest, stood up and shed off the only flimsy, red piece of covering he had on his person, stripping with one smooth move and throwing the discharged speedo somewhere in the room.

"See my cock, now show me yours!" The muscled human demanded, but the beast couldn't respond, his eyes and attention focused on the big, veiny member that was out in the air. His fogged mind noticed that the dick in front of him was half hard, some pre even dripping from the tip; he hadn't seen such a juicy piece of meat in a long time!

While being lost in such thoughts he didn't see two holographic bouncer appearing just behind them, and in a matter of a few seconds they found themselves out of Tapper's, having been teleported by the bouncers

"Next time we're not gonna be this gentle." One of the bouncer said, a black dude that was even bigger than Bowser himself! The sudden change of place had been too sudden for the naked drunken man, who lost his balance and crashed against the spiked male, his cock flapping in the air and slapping against his impressive tights.

"What the fuck Zangief! I wasn't finished drinking!" The koopa accused the other, but didn't let him go, the vicinity to him actually arousing him even more.

"You no show cock to me!" The Russian fighter replied, the accusation flying completely over his head; even if he could barely stand up, his hands were again groping downwards, trying to find the elusive underwear.

The fucker had been annoying all evening long, had them kicked out of the bar... But he would be a pain in the ass if he had to fight him, and there was no harm to do as he wanted... Plus, his underwear was feeling too tight right now....

"Fuck." He snorted and he started to haul him to a back alley, where they would have some privacy, all the while the Russian was glued to him and prying his fingers on his body, even going so far as to grope his ass!

They walked in the empty alley, going as far as it went and then tossed the other male to the wall without effort, the fighter stumbling on his feet and clawing the bricked wall for support. Even like that he didn't avert his eyes from the koopa, a hungry light in them; his member had gained full hardness in the meantime, pointing up to the sky and looking positively massive.

"You show cock?" Zangief asked, sounding really happy, the koopa could almost swear that the big cock belonging to the man had throbbed as he spoke those words, and the Russian's hand surely rearranged his proud glory with a quick jerk. But he didn't care, he never cared, plus the man looked hot standing like there, boned up and naked in a public alley

"I'm fucking gonna do that!" He cursed, his big, four-fingered paws going at his waist, fumbling with the invisible hem of his slip. Only the koopa could find it, it was part of its coding after all, and even for him it was kinda hard, having to rely only on his touch; finally, he tossed down his underwear, the cloth pooling at his big footpaws as he stepped out of it, now finally showing his full majestic pride.

And his cock sure was majestic, what with the thickness, the smoothness of its yellow skin, an imperceptible curve pointing it upwards, the foreskin letting only his piss slit open, most of his cockhead covered but not hidden by it. His member stood above his cum-factories the size of golf-balls and ready to shoot their contents at a moment notice; that much was clear, thanks to the copious pre dropping from the cock to the ground, which filled the air with its musky scent.

Hissing at the marvelous feeling of being free, Bowser looked up from his dick to find his companion staring wide-eyed at his crotch, one hand unmistakably wrapped around his own manhood and slowly jerking it off.

"Wow... That's... Wow..." Were the only words Zangief managed to mutter before he fell on his knees, struck by understandable awe. Or so the king of koopas thought before the man moved forward, releasing his member to grab the one in front of him, his hand succeeding in encircling it just thanks to its big size.

"What the fuck are you-" He tried to protest, but didn't finish thanks to the sudden rush of pleasure brought by the warm hand moving up and down his cock, squeezing rudely on it.

"It is waste to not play with such great cock." The man said with a mischievous smile, shifting to sit on the floor, his hard on settling between his tights; then, without warning, he dove his head, opening his mouth to engulf the head of the dick he was currently handling, while his hand continued to move up and down.

Bowser said nothing, giving up on fighting pleasure, leaning to the wall with his spikes scrapping it. If the drunken fighter wanted to go down on him, who was he to stop him? The man looked extremely hot right now, trying to get as much of the massive cock in his mouth, sitting on the filthy floor with the proof that he was enjoying servicing the king.

And what a service! Zangief didn't only bobbed his head, he stopped from time to time to hungrily lick the whole shaft, moving aside his hand so that his tongue could run over the underside of the cock, then going back immediately after he began to suck again. That made him wonder what those fighters did when they weren't on stage...

Throwing his head back, the koopa growled in pleasure, letting the muscled man in charge; the male kneeled between his legs looked all too eager to please him, trying to take more and more of his member in his mouth, every time managing to get another inch in, his warmth and wetness massaging his dick so well.

"Fuck!" He exclaimed when he realized that the other male was pushing the massive sausage in his throat without gagging, almost getting all of it inside. The king had some sexual partners over the years, but no one had managed to accomplish that! It felt so good to have almost all his cock deep in someone else's throat, the rest of it being jerked by the willing hand, the other one playing with his balls idly.

The fucker there was enjoying himself too! Sure, he could see that he wasn't even touching his own big cock, but the beast's eyes didn't fail to notice that the thick tube of flesh was throbbing and moving a lot, spurting delicious pre on the ground. The koopa kept staring, enjoying the view of a masculine fighter sucking him off to no end, and as he was doing that he saw the fighter removing his right hand from his yellow balls, wondering why he stopped that.

The answer came right away, since the free hand landed on its owner's cock, jerking it a few times and gathering the big amount of pre it was producing, then moving behind, to reach the hidden hole between his butt cheeks, thrusting the coated fingers in the tight pucker. The only reaction from Zangief was a grunt, his head still bobbing and his tongue still moving and exploring the great member while the fingers wormed in, stretching and preparing.

The scene was so hot that Bowser almost blew his load right then and there. Judging that the other male was ready, eager and drunk enough to endure it, he grabbed the man from his shoulder, pushing him away from his cock and easily lifting him in the air, the fingers in the asshole leaving it from the shock.

The koopa sit on his ass, his ample back crashing loudly on the floor, while he moved the man to sit on his lap, not directly on his cock but just that their members touched, sharing their warmth in an obscene contact. He let go the Russian, wanting him to be in charge once again; fuck, it was just his thing, seeing someone wanting his cock THAT fucking badly.

And the best thing was that he didn't needed to tell him! Zangief took the cue and stood up, his aroused cock at maw level with him now; he was almost tempted to taste it, but he was too slow since the member was already out of reach, the man already lowering himself. He was already savoring the moment when his cockhead would be against the other's taint, pushing and pushing before gravity took its toll, that hole opening up for him.

He yelped in surprise when that didn't happen, feeling the meaty rump of the Russian massaging his cock as the man sat in his lap, his butt cheeks almost enveloping his member but just teasing it, the door to the pick pucker not opening. The smirking bastard began rocking his hips, so that the koopa could almost tell he was fucking him, but it was just a rouse, since it lacked the warm tightness of that ass.

That couldn't do. This man had forced him to go drinking, intoxicated himself while bothering him with chatter, lured him to get naked and into sex, and now he was fucking teasing him when he should be just fucking!

With a wordless growl, he grabbed the other male from his hips, lifting him again but not letting him go, moving him so that the king could feel the familiar hotness of a hole against the tip of his endowment, then pushed him back, not caring if that hurt his fuck toy.

But Zangief was no ordinary man, and took the thick cock easily, with only moans and grunts of pleasure, his body shaking when his hidden button was pressed, and that happened only with half the member in him! Inch by inch, the koopa pushed the other on his cock, feeling the tighness he had been craving enveloping his pole, the ass squeezing on it like no other did.

His paws left the hairy hips only when he hilt himself completely, the other man's balls resting on his belly as a proof of who he was fucking. Only then he let the feelings rush on him, moaning loudly as he enjoyed the situation, his cock embedded in such a nice place; he didn't move, wanting his bitch to do the work while he enjoyed his ride.

The Russian did as expected, at first rocking his hips as before, probably wanting to leave that massive cock in him as long as possible, the simple movement pushing his buttons. He hadn't lost his hard on through the process, and now his human cock was as hard as ever, jumping and spurting pre like a fountain.

Bowser wondered for a moment if he had to act again, the feeling was nice enough, sure, but he wanted something more, the unique sensation of his cock thrusting in and out. The man must have sensed his intention, because he stopped the rocking to push his hips up thanks to the strength of his legendary thighs, slamming himself down on the cock only when the tip remained in.

Zangief entered in a cycle, squatting on the impressive male and fucking himself on the member, grunting loudly as the cock invaded his ass again and again. The koopa was being as loud, if not louder, the cold air hitting his dick when it was exposed only heightening the pleasure, making the warmth of the offered cock even sweeter.

He growled, losing himself in the experience, that skillful bottom massaging and squeezing his cock in just the right way. His bitch was enjoying, his cock slapping against his hairy belly and the scaled one of the koopa every time he pushed himself down, each time with more force, as if he needed that badly, hard and quick.

They were beyond words, reverted to animals as they continued their rutting, the primal instincts taking over them, with the smaller human moving up and down the proud member of the koopa like there was no tomorrow. And for them, in that instant, there was truly no tomorrow, only sex, rough, manly sex.

The fighter grew more desperate, slamming himself down more quickly, his movements growing erratic as his legs started to tremble. The king faintly thought that the fucking was taking its toll on the other male, but really didn't care, wanting the feelings to keep moving, his paws flying again on the meaty hips, so that he lent his own strength, making the other almost glide.

Bowser didn't know if that was the last drop for the excited Russian, but it had done something since the human, groaning louder and louder, started to cum without grabbing his cock even once. Stream after stream, the seed was shot from the meaty cock, mostly landing on the powerful torso of the koopa, some getting in his open mouth, the king tasting the musky, salty and almost bitter taste of human cum.

He just gulped it down, not stopping to move the Russian on his cock, the clenching and added tightness doing numbers on his cock as he thrusted it in the spasming ass, while the owner of said booty kept groaning and cuming in utter pleasure.

Then, the orgasm was also on him, the beast keeping the man down as he emptied his balls in him, roaring his victory over the puny human, his cock spurting cum. It had been so long since his last fuck, so much that soon some white seed trickled out of the abused hole, going down to wet his balls, almost like it wanted to get back from its source.

Letting his partner go, Bowser leaned to the whole completely, the fighter collapsing on him, both of them panting hard because of the extensive exercise, the bigger male still deep inside the smaller. The afterglow was almost painful, but very welcome to the koopa, who now wanted just to relax and rest a bit.

"Big dragon was good fuck, as I expected. Should have brought you to drink much before." Zangief whispered, his voice sounding much more collected than before. The king looked at him and saw that he didn't seem to be drunk at all, his brown eyes as awake as ever.

"Y-You weren't drunk fucker!" He accused the other in utter disbelief, though he didn't do anything to move him aside; he wouldn't let that ruin his victory!

"I am Russian, beer is just yellow piss to me." The fighter admitted, chuckling. The human moved his hips again, the feeling tingling some chords inside the beast while he realized that the cock trapped between their bellies was already hard and ready.

"You are the fucker now. And I want another ride big dragon." Zangief winked, surely feeling that the cock in him wasn't shrinking at all.

"You bet your ass you do." The menace of Mushroom Kingdom growled, using his hips to push his fuck toy on the ground, cock still inside and ready for another round.