The legend of a warrior; chapter 19 - Alexis's tale

Story by Killer Tiger on SoFurry

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#19 of The legend of a warrior

How Destiny traced the path

Chapter 19: Alexis's tale

The stars shined in their entire splendor that cold, serene night over Kesteven. It was a perfect night for a thoughtless date between two passionate lovers like Killer and Alexis... but even in those moments, the sovereigns of the largest empire of all the Northlands couldn't be entirely free from their worries and thoughts, in reality. Anyhow, Killer had decided to have a night of tranquility from long time, already. He was sick of problems, worries and threats that all ended up being thrown on Alexis's and his way to be solved. All he wanted, for once, was some sweet time with Alexis, in a land pacified and bright. The start had been very good, with the time spent together with the twins... they had spent long hours of luxury and lust in the locker room, before head back to the showers and clean up the mess. But it was a group too hot not to end up again groping and later fucking hard under the hot water, so things had gotten frisky again.

But when finally he and Alexis had leaved, Killer had avoided accurately taking up any phone or radio. They had absolutely avoided leaving info or hints about where they were heading to, and leaved the palace rapidly to avoid being stick into any trouble. For a night, the world would have survived without them. Killer drove the black Aston Martin away from the ruins of the capital, away from the war, driving Alexis along the beautiful valleys of Kesteven up to a much smaller and calmer village left untouched by the last fights, where the two had could have a dinner in a restaurant like two normal lovers, quietly sitting at a table in a far corner to avoid as much as possible any attention. Killer hadn't wanted to be rude with anyone, when they had entered the place and the amazed clients had stood up and bowed... He and Alexis had patiently let them take them in, as the astonished people inside looked over the two giant warriors and sovereigns that had just entered, over the legendary beauty of the blond Alexis, her seeming-endless, seductive legs, the amazing, strong muscles of her abdomen that her black, short shirt and open, black-leather motorcycle jacket leaved uncovered, her fine and smart muzzle and her piercing, soul-reading sapphire eyes. Eyes traveled over Killer, too, and the people inside stared, probably shocked by the fact that the giant they had used to know as their defender and general had grown further in height, in strength and had built even bigger and more toned musculature... and of course, both he and Alexis grinned amusedly as they took in the glances that the people thrown at the huge bulge in his black pants, too. Both had kindly talked to some of the people inside, shaken hands... Killer had even let a few giggling and amazed girls come over and give a squeeze to his impressive muscles as Alexis had amusedly stared, grinning wide... but then, Killer had also been very clear on the fact he just wanted to spend some quiet time with the love of his life... and everyone had understood and let them be in peace as they strode to a table with their elegant pace and sat down to have the dinner of the one that was maybe their first, true date, even if they were married already from months.

Late at night, they had leaved and took the road again. The two had playfully wrestled themselves in the parking lot to decide who should drive the car... and even if the huge male had managed to pin down the lithe, smaller but yet so powerful female against the hood of the car, she had agilely slipped out even of his hold and grasped the key of the Aston, the two laughing as he finally let her have the wheel and quietly sat in the passenger seat, giving her indications about where to go.

The road he suggested brought them up the mountains of Kesteven, away from towns and villages to a far, little and steep field where a tall layer of snow covered the sleeping crop and where they stopped their travel. Alexis then had stared and smiled as she understood why he had guided her there, as in front of them, under the soft light of the moon, the valley of Kesteven shined slightly in its full beauty, the frozen river reflecting the moon, the villages and the huge capital blinking with their own artificial lights... even the numerous, lightened up cranes and building sites in the ruined capital had their beauty in such light and night.

It was late at night. It was romantic. They were alone... it was their first, real date ever... and everything was perfect. The only thing the two lovers missed was the freedom to melt themselves into sex, to join their bodies with all of their long tortured and imprisoned passion and desire, like if the dawn of tomorrow would never come. They had shared a giggly, joyful and flirtatious night in the luxurious car, pushing down their seats until they were almost on a bed, staying side to side quietly as her arms wrapped gently around his powerful, masculine form, her hand leisurely caressing his bulging, muscular chest across his black shirt, loving how the fabric seemed to strain to just contain his muscle even if he was so relaxed. It was like bulging, hard steel... and his strong arms were squeezing her gently against his side, embracing her both affectively and protectively, even if Alexis had need of all but being protected. Still, for the very first time in her life, she felt oh so glad to being protected that way. Coming from whomever else, such act would have made her growl and, probably, react violently to the offence. She was more than independent... she was a ferocious warrior proud to be able to come out from even the worst confrontation on her own alone, a dark angel determined to fly with her own wings of flames... and yet, coming from him, it was heaven. It was quiet, warm, gentle... and it was home, for her. His arms, Killer himself, were his home, love, lover, family and protection. And damn, she felt safe in his arms... she knew no one could ever dream to harass her while she was with him. And he could feel his love being reciprocated so fully, so passionately... beyond every possible limit and beyond any chance of understanding. Her hands felt like the touch of Heaven itself on his body... her soft breathing was music to him... he could even feel reciprocated even the protection he gave her, something that no one else could have ever provided him with, something strange and beautiful. Only an amazing and deadly warrior like Alexis, after all, could make feel protected such a giant behemoth of muscles and strength that could even turn a battle tank into a simple weight for training if he wanted to.

They watched to themselves most of the time... sapphire eyes lost in sapphire eyes... and their mouths joined infinite times, tongues wrestling slowly, teasingly, and yet so passionately and roughly. They stared to the shining stars and to the full moon across the transparent roof of the car, enjoying that romantic sight just like the couple of sweethearts that they hadn't ever could be, as the music played quietly in the background from the car's stereo and they shared a large bottle of good champagne that Killer had accurately prepared for that night in the Aston's frigobar.

They also allowed themselves to watch together a few movies in that long, peaceful night, when Killer opened the long unused flat-screen television that usually rested folded in the roof of the car, near the rearview mirror. Alexis had stayed gently curled against him, peaceful in his gentle hold, one long, seductive leg wrapped over his powerful body as one of his large hands lovingly caressed at her firm abdominals, the potent barrier that protected their son... she was starting to swell out a bit more, but still her appearance was of a beauty and perfection incomparable, with her belly firm and so muscular, and yet so flat and feminine, the diamond shining from her navel only adding to such seductive, gorgeous beauty.

Of course, being Alexis and Killer, watching movies couldn't not move to a bit of a frisky game, also because Alexis herself had chosen the movies to bring with them... and she had chosen movies with scenes that wouldn't have passed the censure in many places. Later at night, Killer found himself watching with her a sheer pornographic movie, which made him snort amusedly as the scenes of sex started to kick in and she snuggled closer, trading a grin with him. And as she had done all night, every time a new leading male would come on the screen, she would gently climb to whisper in his hear teasingly: "Your cock is bigger than his."

Killer couldn't deny it was sorta of a little, teasing pleasure every time, as he closed his eyes quietly and gave an idle nod. "I know." He answered every time, giving her a loving squeeze as their eyes playfully met in the air. The porn movie was mostly just a funny, for two passionate and "active" lovers like them: they paid to it little and discontinuous attention as they gently huddled and squeezed themselves into tight, wanting embraces, kissing deeply and lovingly as their hands never rested, tongues wrestling with passion as their hot breath washed over each other's features, eyes glinting with passion. Indeed, even if Alexis had chosen accurately the movie, picking up one long and hard, with very good chicks involved for the joy of Killer and the greatest stars of the business, the best and biggest males in porn for hers, they had nothing to admire or learn from it. Killer leered occasionally at the girls on the screen, but even the most beautiful one wasn't a real match for the femme fatale that he was embracing and kissing: Alexis was much taller But again, that too wasn't to be misunderstood: what she truly liked of it, was the fact that she was in the arms and in the heart of a male that would have put any of those actors to shame for both body, endurance, strength and, even, sizes.

The most noticeable males in the cast were a tall and athletic tiger with short, silky orange fur, a bulky and imposing dark-brown furred bull, a huge and muscular elephant and the best of all a big, tall black stallion that sported the biggest cock and the nicer look all at once, with his powerful, bulging musculature, the blond mane and his gigantic cock. Alexis could tell without doubts he was a full thirty inches easily, her sharp eyes helped also by the comparison with the bodies of the slender, 5.5-feet-at-the-most girls. Her eyes very rarely were wrong when estimating measures, with all the experience cumulated in the military... and thirty inches were a colossal size. Still, as she nuzzled Killer teasingly while their tongues wrestled restlessly in the air and her hands moved slowly and lovingly to remove his black shirt and uncover his muscular, masculine chest, she couldn't help but moan lowly, one of her hands sliding down his perfect, tight packed abs to squeeze at his jeans as they barely managed to contain his flaccid but ridiculously gargantuan member, grinning as she closed her eyes dreamingly and groaned, well knowing that her king had sizes even more titanic even when still flaccid. And she could feel them under her hand... Talking of feelings, besides, she wasn't interested in the slightest in other males... Killer was the only owner of her otherwise icy and solitary heart... but physically, there had been a time she would have felt more than simple interest for such males. Now, instead, as Killer released a hot breath at her touch and wrapped both of his huge, powerful arms around her, pulling the slender female up his larger, bulky form, she could feel only amusement at the thought that Wyvern was so superior to all of them.

Killer smiled wider as they kiss broke and they stared for a moment in each other's luminous sapphire eyes, seeing easily that enticed amusement in her expression as she slid down slowly from his side, rubbing their bodies together gently, her hand sliding up his muscular leg to caress teasingly his inner thigh as he progressively hold his breath, smiling knowingly as her fingers now stroked over the massive bulge that his huge cock made in his jeans as it sneaked way up his hips in his gigantic length. Alexis soon unzipped his jeans, glancing teasingly up at him even as she leaned over his legs, slowly pulling downwards his pants, eyes glinting with want as she licked her lips hungrily, seeming to stare at his grin and at his powerful muscles even as her hands now pulled down the strained boxers of the male, her muzzle nuzzling lovingly at the colossal bulge as she inhaled his well-known, enticing scent, a purr growing from her throat as she smiled enticingly at him. Her fingers run softly along the firmly strained fabric that barely contained her lover's maleness, a soft moan escaping her lips with all the wonderfully teasing tone she could ably manage as her hand come all the way up the snake-like, massive bulge to ruffle the long, flush fur of his happy highway, her other hand pulling downwards his underwear torturingly slowly as her eyes now stared at inches after inches after inches of thick, black flesh coming into sight.

"What are you waiting for...? Come on, unleash the beast." Killer said teasingly with a smirk as he spread his legs a bit wider, grinning wide as his hands gently pulled off the motorcycle jacket that Alexis was wearing, before starting to slide under her black top to squeeze her perfect breasts, bare as always of any unneeded bra, defiant and proud of their firmness that let her challenge and defeat gravity itself. She only grinned wider, hands carefully reaching to grasp his waistband and pull it away from his powerful body, pulling his boxers rapidly downwards, and with a small gasp from the tigress, his huge, gargantuan 3 foot long and still-soft flesh come into her view in its full majesty, mammoth thick and covered in big, tortuous veins. It was something she would never get used to... even when not hard, he was bigger than even the famous and glorified actors on the screen, that would have paled in a comparison with him even being at the full of their erections. It was monstrously thick, too, and differently from the actors on the screen, Killer had a level of stamina absolutely unmatched. He could go again and again and again without ever show any sign of fatigue... and so far, even her had never managed to get him tired of milk out of him more than a soft panting.

Alexis soon began to give him slow and loving oral as they stayed side to side in the car, the movie mostly forgotten as it went on idly, the two only trading a grin every now and then at how ridiculous it looked to them everything the girls on the screen said to praise the black, blond-maned stallion in the movie. Alexis just curled up close to his side, having a hard time restraining herself from sucking his massive shaft and take the massive meat into her throat, but slowly licking the flaccid, gigantic member as it easily come up to his chest, giving loving little kisses to his incredible rod. She gladly slurped and lapped along the thick, powerful black flesh of his cock and licked his heavy balls, watching with pleasure and desire as his titanic penis twitched a few times and started to harden, pulling his member gently this way and that to get different angles to suck and lick and worship.

As Alexis gently coated his whole, growing and stiffening shaft in sweet moisture, Killer began soon to contribute with some of his own juices as pre started to flow from his enormous head. Large drops at the start, that Alexis easily and eagerly licked up, but the flow rapidly got bigger and bigger, leaving her to slurp over his voluminous loads as his meat thickened and grew, rising towards his full glory as her loving efforts made more and more of his obsidian flesh shine with moisture.

Finally, her masterful ministrations had brought the muscular male to his full erection, the colossal member easily getting harder than steel, standing vertically erected in all his hugeness, casting a long, frightening shadow across the car and obscuring entirely his vision of the movie. He didn't care in the slightest, anyhow... he had nothing to learn from that, nothing new to see... and he was just blissfully letting his eyes slid closed, murring in pleasure as he made no effort to look around his massiveness, just enjoying Alexis's eager, slavish worshipping on his goliath cock. He just squeezed her gently against his side, closer, holding her tight as his fingers pushed up the fine fabric of her black top, uncovering her firm, huge breasts, giving only an amused, surprised grunt as the head of his gigantic cock brushed into the glass of the roof, pushing against the cold surface and giving him a shiver as Alexis stared at this with a small, pleased gape.

He opened his eyes and looked down at his side, meeting her brilliant sapphires as she suddenly gave him a sluttish glance, grinning as an idea flashed in her head. "What?" He asked amusedly, but she didn't answer. Her hand just grabbed the huge, by now almost empty bottle of champagne and moving it easily to set on his abdomen, just above his pubes, before stare at the image in front of her eyes, her jaw dropping with new wonder at the beast raging in front of her.

Killer grinned wider, squeezing her playfully as he tilted his head to rest against hers, whispering gently. "You should have known already..." His towering spear of thick male-flesh pulsated and throbbed with power at its full glory of many feet, the length of his massive shaft easily extending far over the whole bottle, towering over it impressively, putting it to shame for both length and width, as she smiled and purred, rubbing her cheek against his as she fixed such amazing image in her mind, trying to burn its apparent impossibility in her brain. "I knew... but still, it's amazing to see." She said back to him quietly, one hand reaching to wrap around his powerful fuck-meat, barely managing to held half of his massiveness in her long fingers as she started stroking up and down his enormous length, slowly, gently and lovingly. Killer smiled wide, quietly letting her do as his head rested against hers, an arm wrapped tight around her as his hand squeezed gently on her bare, huge breast, fingers trapping teasingly her nipple as his other hand lovingly stroked her flexing, powerful abdominals.

"You are just incredible..." Alexis softly said after a moment of common silence, smiling sweetly to the huge male. Killer smiled wider himself, squeezing her gently against his side as he nuzzled her lovingly. "You too, my one and only." He whispered softly as he slid his muzzle down along hers, their mouths soon joined, the two kissing passionately for a moment as he playfully bit at her lips, Alexis soon biting back amusedly as the two of them released low, deep purrs. When finally they separated, they stared for a moment to each other's eyes, Alexis reaching up a hand to twirl gently her fingers in his mane, making his smile widen a bit more as their eyes shined, her hand gently caressing his monstrous black cock before grasp his colossal shaft and squeeze gently on his hard, powerful flesh, fingers softly rubbing at it to tease that domineering beast.

Killer smirked and spread his legs a bit wider as she grinned up at him with a murr that was all but worshipping his power and that grown hotter as he leaned closer, his muzzle almost touching hers as he stood there in all his majesty, laying on a side and casting a shadow over her with much bigger and bulkier frame bulging with muscles. Alexis stared with a purr as he flexed powerfully for her, her free hand tracing on his bulging, masculine chest as she smiled knowingly at the awareness that if had been still clothed, his clothes would have been torn to tatters by such colossal muscles... then she turned slightly to glance to the still going-on television, nuzzling him gently on the way so he turned as well to look at the screen.

"Look at the big, tough horsie, lover..." She said playfully as her hand stroked back and forth along the immense length of Killer's shaft. He grinned amusedly at that, nuzzling her gently as they both stared for a moment to the screen, where the black, blond-maned stallion was banging roughly a tiny, screaming female deer against a wall, pumping himself powerfully in and out of her sex with his huge, thick black member. "I'd say he's thirty inches, and not thirty-five as the cover says." She added after a bit, smiling playfully as she teased him. And Killer could only snort laugher as he nodded slightly. They both had learned well in the army to value sizes and distances extremely well even with one only glance... and indeed, he could see what she was saying. "It's the business. They always pimp up the reality." He said with mild amusement.

"He acts as the super-alpha there and he's not even worth of your cock flaccid." Alexis observed with a wide grin, her matter-of-fact voice teasing him to the point he closed his eyes as his grin spread wider, murring lightly. "But after all, no one is..." She added softly as she lifted herself a bit to kiss his cheek lovingly. Killer smiled gently at that, eyes shining in love as his fingers caressed slowly her face, moving gently away a few long bangs of her golden hair as she smiled at him. He then softly leaned his head over her muscular abdomen, trying to listen to their growing son as his hand stroked lovingly along her tightly packed, rock-hard abs, lips kissing lovingly her muscular form as his eyes locked with hers. How long they had dreamed these moments... that little peace that leaved them free to share their love and flirt as two young, "normal" sweethearts.

After a few moments of that, Killer snorted amusedly his hand grasping the remote controller of the car's television and stereo, and he stared at her with a smile. "Can't we change this...? I'm tired of these faked moans in the background." He said playfully. Alexis grinned, arching her back a bit, abs and powerful, toned muscles flexing along her beautiful form as she let out a yawn after another short look to the movie. "Of course. Once, that much males, that much muscles and that much cock and fucking would have turned me on... but after you, it all looks pitiful instead." She said softly, winking to him with a grin as she paused. "That guy looks cute at the most, compared to you. None of the fancy titles he revels in." She added, throwing softly the cover to Killer, who grasped it easily and looked at it with a grin. The title, lame as one can always expect from a porn movie, was "The masters of cocks", and it was followed by various impressive adjectives that described the amazing dotes of the actors of it, and especially of the male black stallion, presented as the biggest cock of the world.

"Should we tell them that this is wrong and deceiving advertising...?" Killer asked with an amused grin, arching playfully his eyebrow as he looked at her, throwing aside idly the cover and turning off the television as he lay back down on his shoulder at her side. "I seriously think we should." Alexis remarked amusedly, grinning wide herself as she nuzzled him softly. "One day, Wyvern, I'm going to see you doing the actor in a porn movie and get the worshipping you deserve." She added playfully after a short pause, making him snort amusedly as he gave her a gentle squeeze around the waist. "Don't you think I bang already more than enough pussy apart from yours...?" He asked with a playful grin, snorting laughter. "You know, such a thing is not something husbands get to hear very often from their wives..."

"You know, such an awesome, powerful male like you isn't something that many wives can get to worship, neither..." Alexis replied easily, tracing a finger down his muscular chest as her other hand squeezed gently on his gigantic cock as she stroked it slowly and lovingly, the massive member standing at its full glory and titanium hardness. "And such a magnificent, astonishing cock is just unique." She added teasingly, grinning wide and licking her lips hungrily as she stared with wonder at his colossal member. Even if she knew him well and had seen his power unleashed so many times, she still couldn't hide the impression it made... not to consider that just a few hours before, he had been assaulted by Alexis herself and the two twins, who he had left wheezing and broken under a thick layer of his cum without grant them a pant of his own. And now, as always, he was just as ready to go again. She smiled lovingly as he grinned at her words, reaching up to kiss softly his cheek as her hand slid to her black jacket and wandered into a pocket, under the curious glance of Killer.

Alexis grinned at that, nuzzling him to make him watch in her eyes and moving rapidly her muzzle to meet his, her lips wrapping over his own and sharp, white fangs biting playfully at his lower lip as she kissed him hungrily, their eyes closing and breath harder with passion as he flexed his powerful body in pleasure with a low murr, enormous muscles bulging like tires against her body, making her flex her own instinctively and shiver at the feeling of his might. Their tongues battled and maneuvered against each other, wrestling themselves with passion... until Killer broke the kiss at the feeling of something being pushed against his colossal shaft. He looked down just to see Alexis's hands unroll a long meter along his thick length, a finger keeping attentively steady one hand between the flush fur of his crotch. He snorted amusedly as he turned back to her eyes with a bit of a playfully scolding glance, but he was grinning. "No..." He said playfully, shaking his head a bit, suffocating a soft laugh, but Alexis only grinned wider herself, nodding firmly. "Yes, instead. You promised." She remarked.

"Actually, I only gestured "later" to you... but if you want, I'll never deny you the chance to." Killer observed softly, smiling as he spread his legs and let her do with an amused glance. She just nodded, smiling wide as she was granted her prize, looking up to him with grinning eyes. "You grown a lot from the first time we met... and there are details of a hubby that a good wife should know." She said teasingly, her hands now working faster. "You were fifteen and half feet tall when we met... and I could almost look in your eyes. Now you got frigging sixteen-four and you shadow me."

"I thought you liked me being bigger than you. You told me you hated the idea to have to bend yourself to kiss your boy." He teased her playfully, grinning amusedly as Alexis gave a soft, amused snort. "Of course I do... and it's part of the reason why I want to know how much you grown here, as well..." She breathed as she leaned in closer, moving to place a soft kiss on his enormous, veiny length as the meter was unfolded along his long shaft, the female holding her breath teasingly as her hands worked in place the meter until it signed 66 inches, the length that Killer had used on her their very first night... and as she had expected, a long part of his member still towered over that point. It dazed her, because it was a lot more than what she had thought, even... but after all, she had always noticed his steady growing along time, but never measured it... and he was so huge already at the start, that it was hard for the eye to get even an idea. She traded with him a grinning glance, and then her hand moved again upwards, Alexis releasing a sluttish moan for every inch that was added to the frightening measure as she looked teasingly in his eyes... until she was left gaping in front of his seventy-four inches goliath member in its full, frightening glory as he smirked a bit down at her.

His hands slid along her perfect body with teasing lightness and slowness, before one set over one of her huge, firm breasts and squeezed firmly there as his other one reached up to stroke her muzzle lovingly as she stared a bit to his colossal member, apparently trying to fix the immensity and the glory of such sight in her mind to the smallest detail... or maybe just trying to burn the impossibility of such titanic maleness in her thoughts. "Such a slutty size queen you are..." Killer observed amusedly, his voice sweetly teasing her as he smiled softly, his hand moving up to caress affectively her golden, long hair. She turned slightly to give him a playful glance with the corner of her sapphire eyes as a grin extended over her features... and then she playfully shoved him, loving how it was like push into the armoured side of a battleship, with the difference that it was warm muscle instead of cold steel... "Hey." She exclaimed in playful reprimand as he grinned amusedly. "You like it."

"Of course I do." Killer answered softly, nodding a bit as he smiled. Alexis leaned over him, looking in his eyes playfully as one of her hands continued to lovingly stroke the colossal pillar of cock of the male, the blond femme fatale grinning as she continued in an even more teasing tone. "And it's your fault. You turned me into a size queen... I always had a thing for big, strong males..." She bent down to kiss lightly at his lips, giving him a teasing lick as she pressed against his muscular, masculine chest and squeezed his shaft before continue with a grin. "...But then you come to me, and my vision of the world changed, together with all of my life. After all..." Another short pause, while she kissed him again, her hand slowly stroking his unbelievable rod of flesh from the hugely-thick base to the massive head, where she eagerly coated her fingers in his thick, dense pre to spread along his immense length. "... you can't show this scepter to a girl and expect her to remain straight in front of its power, superiority, sizes... everything. And when she tries it... well. I think there's not a drug more addictive..." She purred, grinning as she wrapped her arms around his neck, hands twirling gently in his mane, her muzzle bumping against his lovingly as the two stared at each other's eyes.

Killer wrapped his own muscular arms around her slender, beautiful figure, squeezing her gently against his body as he smiled softly. "You know... at times you make me afraid that you love my cock, not me." He said playfully, making her snort laughter as her eyes glinted in amusement in a way that Killer could only love more and more every time. "You should know that your cock is just a little part of the Wyvern I love and married, lover. I love your body, indeed... but there's more. I love you as a whole. I love how you talk, how you move, how you act and think. I feel well only when I'm with you. And I know this will never change." She whispered lovingly, smiling as she nuzzled him with a sweetness that no one apart Killer had even been allowed to see in the icy, femme fatale and furthermore warrior Alexis.

The two shared a soft laugh and a passionate kiss, before they simply lay there, purring as each hugged the other, their muzzles stroking together slowly and sweetly. "Love... why don't you tell me something more of you...? I feel a great need to know more that I can about the angel that stolen my heart." Killer asked quietly as Alexis stared at him softly before nod a bit. "Why shouldn't I, lover...? Just... tell me what you'd like to know."

Killer smiled, then closed his eyes for a moment and finally put together his question. "You said you were furious when you discovered to be my promised wife..." He started softly, and Alexis nodded with a grin. "Yeah, I was. No one decides what I do." She remarked amusedly, making him smile and wait a moment. She immediately tilted her head to the side with a smile, in fact, and completed. "Apart you."

He nuzzled her lovingly, kissing her cheek as he pulled her closer and smiled. "You hated the idea to marry me... how that changed...?"

Alexis paused for a moment, smiling softly as she looked in his eyes... and then she started telling. "Well, it changed gradually. I hated the idea because I knew too little of you... but I'm too stubborn to admit I could be wrong. My idea of the whole question started to change when I first got to know something of you..."

Alexis moved away a bang of her blond mane with a snort, one hand combing her sweaty hair a bit as she pushed open the door of the locker room of the stadium. The other girls of the rugby team were following a bit behind, but the princess and captain of the rugby team had a mood still too dark to sing and scream cheerfully with them, even if the victory was, as always, mostly thanks to her and something extremely sweet to the dominant, aggressive femme fatale. Since the match had been played against the males team, besides, her satisfaction in having taught once more that no one in all Glacial could tackle her or escape her own tackles, was bigger than usual by far... and yet, she could only give a slight growl as she opened the hot water in the shower and grasped her shirt to undress her beautiful, powerful body. The reason for that fury was a very good one, though. Just a couple of days before, she had casually discovered the subject of a talk between her father, king of Glacial, and Seth Huxley, king of Kesteven. Without being informed, nor asked about it, she had been promised as wife of the prince of Kesteven. She had been climbed over in a decision on her very life... she had been sacrificed for the kingdom itself; sold to strengthen once more and beyond any limit the historical alliance of the two kingdoms. And unfortunately, her protests had been vain... which had leaved her furious, with the only alternative to beat her father to a pulp to get back her freedom. But as much as she burned in rage, she hadn't found the will to fight her good father with other than words... and when her mother had took part in the discussion as well, asking her that sacrifice for the future of the kingdom and its entire population, she had been pretty much disarmed. She knew well, between other things, how Glacial was threatened by the surrounding kingdoms because of its tolerant politics of cohabitation with all the races... and she was the first saying that, despite the little army that Glacial could rely over for its survival, it couldn't drop its tradition and its autonomy for the wishes and the threats of any outsider. But to protect the fragile paradise that was Glacial, Kesteven had to be tied at it with a double wire... Kesteven, the other great, always-under-siege kingdom of the north... a kingdom founded over its warriors and its military power that had let it not only survive but gain power and weight in the centuries. The alliance was old, and founded over friendship... but tradition, too, was precious. How would have the whole system reacted if the wedding of the future sovereigns would have been erased...? It was more than an alliance, after all... it was almost a fusion. The birth of an empire. Of a leading regional power capable to change the destiny of all the Northlands... and maybe, of the world...

But I bet that prince is just a puppet. Alexis thought with distaste as she thrown the shirt on a bench with rage as the other players stepped inside with their cheerful celebrating. I saw too much princes already... and of all them, not one had balls. The ones with shoulders decently wide are just muscles for show that spend half day pumping themselves up like balloons in a gym and the other half in front of a mirror. She made a bit of a face as her hands come down directly to undo the fly of her pants. She had no bra, as always... and was bare of any protection. Both were useless, because her body was firm and muscular, and even her huge breasts defiantly stood without the slightest hint of sag, their weighty size challenging arrogantly gravity itself in their dreamlike perfection. Her muscles, then, were a barrier more reliable than any protection. Her abdominals could have dented a sword, so much they were defined and developed... and as she undid her fly, the flexing of the muscles of her arm was evident as her ivory fur shined like gold. She was lithe and feminine... but under her fur, guns of amazing definition and tone could develop a strength unrivaled. A punch of hers had already proven many times to be a "Game Over" blow for any rival... and her fighting abilities were comparable only to her agility, that seemed itself in open contrast with gravity. Even for the feline that she was, her agility was absolutely never before seen. I hate the idea of having a loser of that kind at my side for more than five minutes... how can they ask me to marry one...? I want a male that makes justice to his gender... and to me. A warrior, muscles of real strength and not of hot air. Not a lazy, softballed prince. But a soldier.

She stepped into the shower and under the hot water raining down, closing her eyes as she reached up her hands to wash her hair, snorting lowly as her ivory fangs gritted slightly as her fury flashed in her thoughts over and over... only rising stronger, since she couldn't see any solution. Apart marry the fucker and eventually kill him after a little while. I can always make it look like an accident, after all... She snorted again, but at least her features changed for a moment in a predatory grin at the thought. Her hands rubbed at her own wonderful body, washing away the sweat, the dirt and the mud collected during the match, but now her ears were catching a distinct change in the cheerful chatting of the other girls in the locker room... and she don't missed to snort lightly as she realized they were looking along the pages of some girlish magazine as they so often did, looking at the famous or drooled-upon males of the sport, show-business and whatever else come to hand. How can they go dreamy over such show-off, creamed boys...? Or waste all that time over such junk of magazines...?

When she stepped out of the showers, walking to the bench were her jeans and shirt were waiting for her, idly draining her fur with a white towel, she gave a fast glance to the corner to see that, indeed, her guess was right. They were all crowding around the new number of whatever-girly-magazine-it-was... so she only walked along to her place. But her dark mood hadn't been missed by her team mates and friends, who started trying to console her... and, of course, to get to know why she was so irritate. Finally, Alexis decided it was useless to hide the reason, and as she pulled up her close-fitting jeans, she answered as casually as she managed that she had been promised.

A long, shocked pause followed as she continued to dress up with cold, measured calm hiding her rage... and then Laura, her best friend, a strong-looking white tigress with beautiful emerald eyes and black stripes along her fur coming from the sides towards her ivory, flat belly, found the courage to talk again. "Who's the lucky guy...?"

"I dunno if he's really lucky. I'm considering the idea I might kill him soon after the wedding and make it look like an accident to save the appearances." Alexis observed with cold, serious voice as the other girls stared at her and exchanged some worried and somehow amused looks. They knew she was more than capable to do what she had just suggested if she wanted. "Anyhow, it's Huxley. Killer Huxley." The princess added.

The girls behind her back hold their breath in surprise and awe as Laura snickered a bit. "You're kidding me." Alexis snorted lightly, turning to glare a bit at her from over her shoulder. "I've never been more serious, actually." She said flatly, hating how Laura just smiled and the other girls chatted between them cheerfully like it was a good news. "And you are pissed off for the guy they promised you to...?" Laura asked with soft, teasing voice. Alexis turned to her with a flat look, wondering if she had got some brain damage during the match just played before nod and say sharply: "Of course I'm. He's a prince... and I saw already more than enough of them to know they aren't the heroes of the fairy tales, but spoiled children too grown. And anyhow, the princes of the tales are girly, if you want my opinion."

"I'll give you they usually are... But you may be wrong about Huxley. Actually, I think you'd like him." Laura observed with an amused smile. "Would you like to give a glance to what we were just looking...?"

Alexis snorted slightly, rolling her eyes upwards a bit as she walked towards her friend. "You know I dislike that stuff..." She said tiredly... but then her eyes landed on the title of the article they were looking at, reading the name of her promised. What he is, a fucking actor or something...? But then her sapphire eyes bulged slightly in interest and surprise as she read.

Killer Huxley: Wyvern

The warrior prince

She traded a glance with Laura, who smiled and unceremoniously jerked the magazine out from the hungry, loving hands of a pair of the other girls to give full view of the long article to the princess, who soon moved her attention to the page nearby, entirely made up of a photo of the prince himself. And her eyes traveled with growing interest and pleasure over the imposing figure of a male that could only be defined a giant. He was surrounded by bulky, rejoicing soldiers in the Kesteven's uniforms, all apparently roaring in victory as their swords and rifles were raised to the sky. They were dirty, many hurt and all were covered in blood, clear signs of a harsh battle just ended... and in the middle of the crowd, towering over them all like a colossal bulwark, was standing a muscular male, his chest bare and rippling with muscles as his tightly packed abs looked like sculptured. He had a long, rebel mane of white, black striped fur and two sapphire eyes focused and cold as a icebergs as he too roared, lifting a huge, red-with-blood crimson-bladed sword over his head with an heavy arm bulky with muscles that made Alexis grin. Huge, hard, amazingly toned and bloodstained. He was also holding a machine gun in the other hand, resting idly at his side, she noted... and not a little one, besides, but a heavy machine gun with a belt of ammo dangling from it. And the major strangeness on him were the bone-spikes jutting out from his shoulders, knees and elbows, which only made him more and more impressive.

"He sure has got wide shoulders, at least." Laura teasingly observed, making Alexis grin and, after a short pause, nod. Her eyes, in the meanwhile, moved to read the few lines of text in the low corner of the photo with curiosity. One of the photos our brave reporters stolen after the Raid of Kesteven forces in Edwards territory despite the orders to keep the distances. The general Wyvern leaded his soldiers to an amazing victory in enemy territory, that fully justifies their celebration.

"He looks like an interesting boy, doesn't him...?" Alexis observed with low, interested voice as her eyes caught in other interesting passages of the article. ...He become general of the entire army of Kesteven very soon, after his brilliant service in all the three services, but especially in the feared Parachute Regiment, the elite of the kingdom... ...He overcome the selections for the Parachute Regiment with the absolute best results in the history of the unit... He serviced along the borders with Edwards, were he's reported to have repealed alone an attack of a Tank Group by destroying several Tiran battle tanks with his terrible strength... He become later definitely famous during his service with the parachutists in Sarawak, where he destroyed a strategic bridge by means of his raw, brutal strength, charging alone into an enemy base and fighting his way to the main pillar of the structure... he got out of the Royal Military Academy of Kesteven with the Sword of Honor as the most promising cadet...

"Interesting boy...?" A girl nearby exclaimed. "I'd give anything to have that giant in my bed at least once..." She continued in dreamy voice as the others giggled and many didn't hide their "me too". The same Elena stared for a moment at the page-wide photo of the muscular warrior before lean closer to Alexis as the princess continued to read along the article, feeling her interest grow stronger and hotter as she got to know more.

"He's already famous. This victory only adds to his fame, actually... I first saw him when he won the "No rules" Street Fighting championship of the Northlands after pulverizing every rival he found in Kesteven. It was on this and many other magazines..." Elena told, making Alexis's eyes sparkle a bit with growing attention. "Is he the champion...?" She asked, her curiosity now stimulated. The "No rules" was officially illegal, because of its cruelty. Everything was accepted and possible in those fights... even that one only warrior was faced by many. Even that the rivals killed themselves on the ring. In reality, it was tolerated in all the Northlands, with matches played regularly by fighters come from all the kingdoms and often from nations of the south as well... it wasn't a thing for sweethearts... and the same Alexis was currently thinking to have her way there as soon as possible. But of course, she had to do it secretly, to avoid the problems her family would sure have put on her road for joining such illegal activities.

"Not anymore. He leaved it to join the army stably and full time... but after winning it for three years consecutive, without ever facing a defeat. Not a single one. And he used to step into the ring only if there were three rivals at least to face. And still, most of the matches lasted half a minute at the most." Elena answered with amused voice. "He's still the champion of Kesteven army, though, if it interests you."

"Of course it does." Alexis said with a grin. "Finally a male that looks like a challenge and not like a muscular stuffed toy." She observed amusedly, turning the page to look at the continuation of the article and finding herself confronted by a few more photos. All were taken from a considerable distance, but they were still good images... And gods, she could still see how muscular and huge he was. The sword that he was holding in his hand was bigger than many of the soldiers around him... and still he wielded that gigantic blade of steel in a hand like its weight was absolutely unimportant.

"Gods... this boy doesn't have muscles... he's got nuclear bombs..." The girl on Alexis's side giggled, and the princess could feel a voice rise inside herself, saying that she was right... Until her eyes landed on another picture, far more interesting that any other, her eyes bulging a bit. "Holy fuck!" She exclaimed, taking in the image of the huge male, naked, who was raping a black wolf girl savagely as she writhed and wheezed and shrieked. Blood was flowing down the biggest cock she had ever seen or even dared to fantasize about... a thick, black and veiny shaft that made a shiver of interest and fear tightly mixed slide down her spine. She could see only half or so of it, which was even more impressive... and Alexis could only grin in malicious amusement as Laura whispered in her ear. "That's the other reason because he's famous."

"I should really read this kinda magazines a bit more often." Alexis observed with a grin. "So. Do you think I can keep this...?"

"You changed your mind reading of me in a magazine for girls...?" Killer asked with a wide, amused smile as he squeezed her closer, snickering softly. Alexis laughed a bit, nodding with a smile before kiss his cheek gently. "Yeah, I started to change my mind there. Looking at those stolen images and reading of what you had done in your life so far. It was already a lot... enough to amaze even me." She answered softly, smiling as she rested her head on his chest, closing her eyes as she enjoyed the feeling of his powerful body pressed against hers.

"I got a crazed life." Killer said evenly, grinning amusedly as he started the stereo of the car with the remote, adding a background of music to their little night of peace and affection. "It was... physical attraction, at first. That just grown stronger and stronger with time, as I started to gather all the info I could about you and whatever you did. I neither knew what love was... I just knew I wanted you. Badly. You were above everything I had ever seen and experienced, under all the aspects... the true feelings come later, when I met you of person. And understood you were the lover I truly wanted." She continued softly, with that voice so determined, and yet so loving and sweet that seemed to caress directly Killer's heart.

"Same for me. Unless it happened all together and in one magic moment, for me. When I lock my eyes on you the first time..." He said with a gentle smile, bending his head slightly to kiss her hair, breathing her perfume, drinking of her beauty. "How you used to live, love...?" He asked.

Alexis grinned a bit. "Oh, well. I had my adventures myself. I was into the car races, and I won my titles there... I was the captain of the rugby team of Glacial, and I won a No Rules championship myself soon after I had discovered of your performances there." She paused as her grin spread a bit wider and she looked up invertedly at him with a wink. "I had my tour in the armed forces of Glacial, just as you had... and I was trained to pilot mostly anything. I served for a rather long time in the air defence squadrons, flying on the Tornado fighters that Glacial had bought from Kesteven... I got my experience of air warfare, too, during the crisis with Ullswater and Lanark. My score was of seven enemy planes destroyed, before I got to my final place in the army, as sniper." She paused as Killer caressed her face idly with a hand, smiling as she apparently remembered an amusing scene. "It was a case. A pure case. The colonel of the Royal Guard passed by while I was playing sniper as I always loved to..."

Alexis's hand worked on the arming lever of the old Enfield bolt-action rifle with the usual, incredible speed. In the time many would have took to just move the shutter back and make the case jump out, she was already ready to another shot, the last one still echoing in the valley around the gardens of the royal palace as her target fell to the ground, hit precisely. Her technique was amazing, with her hand that moved at a speed unbelievable as her hold on the rifle rested firm all the time, weapon steady on the line of fire as she moved it rapidly to a new target, sharp, cold eye framing it on the iron sight...

And another shot rang out as the colonel slowly and silently approached... and the fast fleeting clay target fired from the catapult hidden in a deep trench at the end of the long field shattered in tiny pieces, soon followed by another. The princess's aim and rapidity was something to see to believe at... and even seeing it, it remained hard to fit in one's mind. She was faster than anyone else, to start with, and she was using a bolt-action rifle, besides. Plus, she was used to train herself on a field much longer than the normal standard... and with the lonely iron sight, without any kind of optics, against only fast moving targets. Motionless ones she had lost any interest in after maybe ten minutes of having in her hands a gun. She was just predestined to be a never-missing shot.

The colonel paused, slowing down further his movements not to disturb her as he blinked a bit, staring to her display of skills with his mouth slightly agape... surprise that only increased as she turned slightly, sensing his presence nonetheless, just as she fired. And even if she don't watched, the shot don't missed the clay target, the femme fatale grinning a bit as her beautiful eyes looked at the officer with benevolent amusement. The officer bent his head almost embarrassedly, staying silent at some distance as she easily worked back the bolt to eject the last case and loaded the rifle naturally with a new ten-round clip before arm it and carefully put it down on a table nearby as she picked up a huge longbow in black composite-alloy.

In a single, elegant and swift move, Alexis had the bow raised and an arrow ready, and in what seemed to the colonel the space of a blink or little more, she had fired not one but three arrows... which was amazing, also considering how damn hard to pull was that bow. The officer had seen many soldiers fail, attempting to use it... and yet the princess had used it like it was nothing more than a toy. But she still is "normal", at least... she missed, this time.

Indeed, the target in wood had been hit, but not in the bull's eye. He could see the three arrows stuck into it on the external circles... and only the fourth arrow that Alexis fired hit noisily into the perfect middle as she grinned a bit. The officer turned to her with a smile and said gently: "Well, majesty, it's still impressive, despite the first three..."

Alexis steamrolled him idly, softly talking as she moved elegantly to the table to put down the longbow. "I don't missed. I hit exactly what I wanted to." She said softly, before look at him with a sly smile over her shoulder. "You can go and see it by yourself, if you want."

He doubted for a moment... he truly wanted to see, yet he was afraid that walking there would have been sign of mistrusting the queen's word... But when she nodded slightly, tilting her head with a grin and gesturing him idly that he could go, he quickly paced along the field to reach the target. And was left gaping as he stared at the arrows out of the bull's eye. Two had pierced into two bluebottles, currently shattered against the target's surface but still recognizable... and the third had nailed to the wooden surface a grasshopper. It was by far the most amazing show of aim and eyesight he had ever seen... she was born to be a sniper... And there's always need of such capability on the distance... I know the Special Forces would pray on their knees to have such an element in their ranks. She may be a very good top gun for the air force... but she's still better as sniper.

"Could I dare to ask a thing, highness...? Never thought to be a sniper in the army...?"

"...That's how it started. I liked the idea a lot, especially when they put down clearly that my place would have been in the Special Forces. It was a bit of a struggle to convince my family to let me go in such dangerous role, but I wanted to follow your example, after all... And as much as I love pilot fighters, I always loved snipering and busting people up, to say it with your words." Alexis smiled as she looked up at him gently, her hand slowly and lovingly stroking along his enormous cock as she talked and he listened quietly, embracing her tight as she rested over his much larger, muscular body. "Soon after that, I had my first mission. A night we had to do a raid over a village near the border, just into the Ullswater territory, where a pair of huge convoys were heading, transporting heavy weapons, ammunition and stuff enough to conduct a small war. All that was set to be handed over to a group of rebels destined to conduct guerrilla and destabilizing attacks inside Glacial itself, to mine its internal stability. All that stuff had been jointly funded by many nations... we are rather sure that Raja was one of the heads of the operation, for example, and we always suspected of Ire, even. But maybe they only sold the stuff... they don't make many questions when someone with a well stuffed wallet comes knocking at the door to buy tanks, missiles and whatever." Her voice went dark for a moment on that consideration, and the hand that wasn't stroking his body closed tight in a fist as she frown a bit... but that quickly passed as he gave her a soft squeeze and a sweet nuzzle.

"They do it, indeed... it's a defect they have from... pretty much always. After all, money is always money, and Ire likes it a lot. It already happened that they were hit with the same weapons they sold, even." Killer observed quietly, his hands stroking lovingly along her beautiful body as she nodded and smiled slightly.

"I can't say I'm sorry for that." She observed, and then started again her tale. "Either way, we had to attack the place, stop the convoys and cause a traffic jamming to make of all those trucks and vehicles a good target for a patrol of Tornado that were loitering in Glacial's sky, at two-minutes distance from the target. At that point, our aim was to serve as Forward Air Attack Control team and direct the bombs over the objectives. We moved in four Kite helicopters... very new stuff, state-of-the-art technology coming from your garden." She smiled amusedly and nudged Killer playfully as he nodded. "Three were in Gunship mode, with a turret with a triple-barrelled gun under the muzzle, a minigun at each side sliding door and on the rear ramp and two 12.7, one at each cockpit's door. Enhanced electronic countermeasures suite, laser-blinder installed on the tail to sting in the eye any IR missile that could target us, IR and thermal vision system on stabilized turret, and also an IR-Radar device on the muzzle for the obstacle avoidance. Each gunship had a full load of fifteen soldiers, between heli-snipers and members of the assault team... and each chopper had also a pair of rocket pods and four Light Multimission Missiles ready. The third Kite was a transport one, loaded with a support team with heavy weapons, commando mortars and a 120 mm mortar hang under the belly." She paused, gathering her memories in her mind as she closed her eyes for a short moment.

"We come in flying truly low over the mountains... I remember being at the rear door of one of the gunship Kites, just on the side of the Minigun, and the ramp seemed to brush the trees. But at least, we knee we were invisible, as long as we could fly so fast and so low. We had no problems during that phase... just before overcome the last ridge and appear over the target, the cargo Kite dropped the mortars team in the forest and they prepared themselves for the fight as the men with the heavy machine guns and the Javelin missile launchers reached the edge of the ridge to have a full view of the village below... and then we hit. The three gunships flied at maximum speed along the river at the north of the village, just over the road crowded of transports, trucks and armoured vehicles, firing with everything we had. Not-armoured vehicles started to explode and light the night up as flames rose all along the streets... and soon the convoy was stuck in place as one of the Kite attacked with rockets and missiles the bridge just outside the town, making it fall to pieces in the river below as mine chopper and the other circled over the town to keep firing on the traffic jam below... it was like if we had set on fire an anthill. A lot of people was running back and forth around the vehicles, now... and there was plenty of targets." Her dark grin at that statement was something Killer knew well... and he could imagine that, even from a moving helicopter, she hadn't missed the chance to take down a good few enemies.

"But there was also plenty of reactions." She added with a slightly darker tone. "They started firing against us with everything they had, and it wasn't a little stock of weapons. They evidently feared our intervention... and had prepared several pieces of anti-air artillery well hidden around town. They hadn't been spotted by our scout planes... But at that point, they soon started pulling the guns out of their hiding places and made of the sky a noisy, flashing hell. They were also firing with all their machine guns, assault rifles, everything... and of course, many portable Surface-Air missiles were soon launched. Those were a worry, but only to a point... the Flare was very efficient at seducing them away from the choppers, and the few I saw coming truly too near were efficiently blinded by the Laser device on the tail, that automatically locked each incoming missile and fired its laser into the IR seekers, effectively making every missile blind." She paused a bit, releasing a soft purr as his hands come up along her sides, slowly, teasingly caressing her, until each one set gently over each of her sumptuous breasts, rolling them slowly, squeezing their divine firmness as his fingers trapped her hard nipples lovingly... And she looked with a smile up at him a bit, moving her own hand a bit faster along his gargantuan member, making his grin go wider.

"The true problems come later on. We were doing a second passage over town, moving towards a large courtyard that was perfect for the landing of the assault team... when the Radar alarm started screaming into the Kite. An air-defence radar had been turned on very nearby, on the mountain on our right side. Evidently, a unit of SAM missiles had been moved there, recently... and hidden in the forest, it hadn't been seen. Our pilot immediately tried to break the contact, suddenly making a tight turn, losing height and throwing out a good few cartridges of Chaff, trying to blind the enemy system... But we were damn too near, and in the same moment we saw the flash of a missile starting up from the forest as the Missile alarm too now went mad. Our pilot truly was a good one, and in that very short second tried everything in its possibilities to bring us away unharmed... but I saw the missile coming, and when it was near to our tail, it exploded, pulverizing the rear section of the Kite and opening large holes with its slivers in the side of the chopper. Almost everyone on board was reached by slivers... the gunner at my side fell dead and I saw his body fall out along with the loading ramp and most of the shattered minigun, while I was wounded only slightly by some smaller slivers since I had turned my face away and managed to half hide myself behind the protection plate in Kevlar of a nearby seat... also the pilot got his shoulder wounded, but fortunately, the protections of his seat and of the cockpit in general saved him, and with his prowess he managed to control a bit the helicopter in its fall. The Kite had lost the tail rotor, so the torque effect had practically put it automatically in autorotation, slowing down the speed of the fall... and he managed to keep the safer possible route of descending. Truly, if we survived, I owe it all to him and the Kite's resistance." She paused, shaking her head softly as she closed her eyes for a moment. "I don't even know what his name was..." She added at low voice as Killer squeezed her gently.

"Either way, we crashed in the middle of a narrow, later street as what remained of the rotors cut across the buildings around like razors... but goddamn, it was our salvation. The pilot managed to drive the Kite away from the otherwise sure, devastating impact over a roof... and most of the people on board survived. I jumped out from the rear ramp and into a balcony as soon as I seen a chance too, still before the crash... but the others were saved as well, when their crash-worthy seats sunk into the pavement of the chopper, absorbing most of the force of the impact. But our odyssey had just started up." She nodded seriously. "We were immediately in the middle of a gunfire and separated from the rest of the assault team, that had managed to reach the forecasted Landing Zone. The remained Gunship-Kites had been forced to move rapidly away to the north to avoid other missiles... and so we were alone. I was the only one already in an advantages position when the first groups of enemies come to see if they could terminate us... and it was a luck I had jumped over that balcony. I repealed their attempts with my fire as the others got out of the wrecks and pulled out the wounded... a furious fight followed, but we managed to break the contact by killing all the assaulters and gain a few moments to at least enter a big house there along the street where we leaved the most serious wounded, the ones that couldn't walk on their own. We gave them morphine, the first treatments we could, and made a big cross with phosphorescent scotch tape on the door, hoping they would have respected the conventions. They fortunately did, even if it took months after the end of the war before those poor guys could return from the prisons of the enemy... Either way, we had to fight our way across town to a "secure" place of observation from where we could do our job. Even our own forces weren't of help. The communications had mostly fallen, leaving us relying over tactical radio systems to not be fired over by our own comrades. The Tornados were already coming to bomb the convoys and our support group was firing from the mountain a rain of mortar rounds, bursts of heavy machine guns and Javelin missiles. We did it, and managed to accomplish our job by taking position in a tall, four-floors building at the eastern limit of the village... part of us fought to defend the goddamn place, the others started designing targets until the Tornados had bombed all to dust. The rest of our special forces were in the forecasted place, a pair of kilometres away from our position... and we could not communicate very well, but all in all, our job was done excellently. Our Thermal Binoculars worked perfectly, even if somewhat disturbed by the arsons and all the rest... and the laser trackers into the binoculars were ok. Look the target, press the button, and give the ok to the aircraft's crew. Stand-by, a fast countdown and you see the bomb it. You know the procedure..." She smiled a bit and Killer nodded with a soft smile himself. "Too well, even, to be sincere."

Alexis grinned a bit, nodding slightly and knowingly before start again her tale. "The worst part came later, anyhow. While the rest of the assault team was evacuated by the helicopters, we couldn't be reached, because of the strength of the enemy fire around our position. We were left behind with the promise of another attempt to follow a few hours later, when the Tornados would have been refuelled and rearmed and ready to take care of the enemy siege to allow the helicopters' landing. But it was far too much time... and we found out a couple of hours later that we could not resist so much. We were barely seven soldiers, and the enemy was bringing against us more and more troops and vehicles... and soon, any attempt to either resist there or leave the position would have finished in the same way, with us laying dead on the gravel. So we had to fight our way out of there and flee out of the village and into the forest, then try to vanish over the mountains as the enemy chased after us by all means possible. We had to fight and run for three days, trying to head first towards the border with Glacial and then towards the deep enemy's territory as they blocked our path and managed to repeal the attempts of recover that our comrades made with helicopters coming from Glacial. It was a continuous and desperate battle, and I saw my mates fall one by one... until, finally, me and a pair of wounded survivors were finally picked up by a Combat SAR team, one night, and brought back home." Alexis fell silent, her eyes closing as she rested against his powerful body entirely, in her mind living once more her very first mission and that escape that had become later very famous, when the secret had fallen and it had been revealed.

He waited patiently, squeezing her gently against his body and nuzzling her as he softly kissed at her neck, their breaths soft but hot with love as the silence remained for a few, short moments. "If I had some doubts..." Alexis started again, her eyes opening again to shine in the dark with their sapphire, icy light. "...I lost them all during that mission. It was hell. It was long and exhausting..." She paused, then grinned a bit and nodded firmly. "It was everything the war truly is. It's rare that things go as planned, in war. And I saw all what I needed, at my first exit. It sure was something."

Killer could only nod. Even he was impressed. He had often read and talked about that operation in the years that had followed it. Not just it had been, despite all, brilliant and successful, but the team left behind had written a glorious, bloody page of courage that he had always admired and pointed out as example for the Predators themselves...But the names of the member of that legendary team had always remained a mystery to the public, Killer comprised. "I never knew you were one of the escapists..." He observed softly, a hand twirling gently in her golden hair.

She grinned and nodded amusedly. "Well, it was kept secret, after all... and it's not like I knew everything about you, either." She snickered a bit, then become serious once more as she added: "I never liked that nickname that the press gave us, though... it makes us look like cowards that fled from their mission. We just fought, finished the mission and then fought even harder to try to get back to the base to be ready to fight another day."

Killer blinked, backing a bit as he understood that yes, it wasn't probably the best title to define that team that had been almost completely destroyed during days of desperate fighting against an enemy hugely superior for number, tactical advantage, fire power and... everything. It was just another one idiocy the press had said about warriors, as they always did. Even in the rare case when the press depicts the warriors as heroes, it generally does it in a stupid way... one of the reasons while he had always hated the press, the journalists and the reporters. But this time, he had made a mistake. "Sorry..." He said softly, closing his eyes this time. "I don't thought well over what I was saying. I talked just like a journalist." Alexis could only smile a bit at hearing that, and the tone which he had used for that title... "It really isn't the right term, sorry. I didn't mean to lack showing respect."

She looked up at him invertedly from where she was laying over his wide, muscular chest, smiling wide and somewhat amused of his sincere excuse, her eyes gentle with love. "Hey, hey. No worries. I know you'd never do that." She said softly, smiling as her hands caressed his face gently.

He smiled back, reassured, and then he closed his eyes. "So many times we could have meet in the past, way before of that fateful night, my love... and destiny always kept us running on two path so near, and yet so distant..." He observed softly, shaking his head a bit. And her eyes said him that she had understood fully what he was thinking.

"Our lives sure would have been different... and better ones, too." She answered with a soft nod. "But the important is that we met and furthermore that we are together." She paused, kissed him on his cheek sweetly and then grinned amusedly. "Either way, Wyvern, you did a good bit to avoid meeting me. I remember coming in Kesteven just after the battle of Wycherley into the delegation of Glacial's army, but being welcomed just by a couple of officers of the Predators." She teased playfully.

"I so regret that..." He answered firmly, shaking his head a bit as he smiled softly.

The large 4x4 vehicle slowed down as it approached a plain covered of reddened snow and torn bodies, where soldiers in white uniforms were busy gathering up rifles, serviceable pieces of equipment and dead bodies to give a name and a rest to. Some more white-uniformed Kesteven soldiers were patrolling the limits of the battlefield and the roads, and two of them saluted the tinted windshield of the Glacial-coloured jeep, signalling to slow down and guiding the vehicle to a safe stop near a group of refuelling tanks, some of which badly damaged from the battle just ended. A crane-tank was removing the broken engine from a big, smoking main battle tank while a new power pack was ready on a flatbed truck nearby. Everywhere, frenetic activity could be seen... as it was general the joy and the euphoria of a victory that was, by all means, epochal. And Alexis had no difficulties in understanding it as she stepped elegantly out of the vehicle, resting for a moment against the open door of the driving place as she moved slightly down her muzzle her sunglasses to glance at the impressive, frightening sight of the enormous battlefield, covered of a number absolutely terrible of corpses and vehicles destroyed. Far on the other side of the plain, the village of Wycherley was still burning, black smoke rising lazily to the sky in slow spirals from what looked like a true cemetery of tanks and armoured vehicles just out of the ruined houses.

Three more high-ranked officers of Glacial descended from the massive vehicle, and Alexis leaded them calmly towards the Kesteven officers incoming... finally I'll meet him. I'll meet Wyvern... Two young and muscular officers in the world-wide famous uniform of the Predators come forwards to meet the allied delegation, and Alexis noticed immediately how muscular and strong they looked. She also noticed the little wounds that they had just collected, and the uniforms that they had probably finished making a little presentable only seconds before... but she especially noticed immediately that, even as big as they were, none of the two could ever have been Wyvern. He was far bigger still, and his towering form and rebel mane would have been absolutely impossible to mistake. Oh, come on... where are you...?

The two delegations come to meet at middle road, and the two Predators sharply saluted in perfect military style. They must have been tired as hell, but you could have said instead that they were coming out from a moment of relax in a bar, for how they looked. Alexis and the other officers saluted back, and then the two Predators bowed in front of her, that apart from being colonel of Glacial's Special Forces, was the princess and future queen of her kingdom. She thanked them, but stopped their bowing, preferring by far to squeeze hands with two such warriors. A warrior has a royalty all special, and she had the maximum respect for it. Much more than for the royalty of nobility. She also took the chance to give a fast glance to the badges on their shoulders and she saw that one was from the second and the other from the third Predators companies.

"Where is your glorious general and commander, the legendary Wyvern...?" Alexis asked gently, her voice as casual as she could manage. It was, in reality, one of the very few moments of her life when she was feeling nervous... and she had probably never before been so impatient, so curious.

"The general Wyvern apologizes, but he's extremely busy in Wycherley and he can't be present here..." - Goddamn it, man... I'm so near the greatest male ever seen and I can't get to know him...? - "The First Company Predators practically sacrificed itself to maintain the right side of the battlefield and keep the enemy busy in the corner, so now he's helping recovering our dead, helping the wounded and generally he's trying to be at the side of his men. He sent us here to help you out and give you all the clarifications and the info you'll ask about..." -Sure. Like If I can ask you about Killer... - "... and be your guides about the battle and its events."

The officers around Alexis nodded and thanked the two Predators, and she had to swallow her delusion and go along on the professional path only, it looked like, so she nodded and pretended only an educated regret for his absence... Together with a true sorrow for the heavy losses that the 1à Coy seemed to have suffered. "Of course, we understand. It's noticeable of him, though... he's a good general to his men." She observed.

"Oh, he is. Bullet Magnet cares a lot for his soldiers." The second office remarked, smiling amusedly as the other gave him a bit of a nudge and a glare. The one who had just talked looked up at his comrade a second, and then smiled again. "We shouldn't use this nickname, you know... but it's a very realistic one. He likes to run ahead and crash the enemies by himself, but since they know and fear him like hell itself, they tend to open up a ridiculous amount of fire against him. So, stay near him means a risk extremely high to get a bullet. And unfortunately, we're not as hard as he is." The talkative officer shook his head a bit with a grin.

I may get some info nonetheless, at least... Alexis grinned herself as she lowered a bit her dark lenses to look at the two officers with her beautiful, cold and yet so seducing sapphire eyes. "He does, huh...? And what else can you tell me about him...?"

"...I just want to stay with you, in this moment forever..." Killer sang softly in Alexis's ear as he squeezed her close, his arms gently wrapping her beautiful body as she smiled and almost laughed at the huge male's actually quite successful attempt to follow the song that was softly coming from the car's stereo. She grinned, then gently moved a hand to the remote control and pushed a button, moving to change the song as Killer smiled to her.

"Nice, lover... but this one works better for us, I think." She observed softly, smiling as she nuzzled him and a much different song come to their ears, epic metal style. And a chorus sang: "...My fall will be for you. My love will be in you. You were the one to cut me, so now I'll bleed forever..."

Killer grinned himself, closing his eyes for a moment as he murred deeply in pleasure, Alexis nuzzling him lovingly with a low purr as her hands stroked teasingly along his huge member, from the base slowly rising to the enormous, flared head as thick, musky pre made it shiny and slick. Then she reopened her eyes and added in a quiet voice: "I milked those two officers very well, during our visit of the battlefield. For me, know the moves and the tactics you had used in Wycherley wasn't the most important thing. Indeed, the objective of the delegation was mostly different from mine... I just wanted to know more about you. At the end, I knew even of your rapes after the battle. I knew you had fucked Dark's bitch truly, truly hard..." She grinned wide, nuzzling him teasingly and squeezing his cock firmly just under the head as a heavy jet of pre exploded out of his gargantuan penis, adding to the large amount already making gleaming the enormous length. He snorted laughter, closing his eyes for a moment before look amusedly down at her. "You can't say I sent you people without info, at least."

She snorted laughter, then closed her eyes and shook her head a bit with a soft smile. "I give you that. But it was you that I wanted... And it was a shame that destiny maintained us separated." Killer nodded, squeezing her closer against his body as he sighed a bit. "It sure was... But tell me another thing, darling..." There was a pause, almost an embarrassed one, as Killer tried to find the way to ask his question... but he was saved that by Alexis herself, who laughed a bit and then grinned as she looked up at his eyes with a teasing glance. She stared at him for a moment, her grin spreading a bit wider as he understood that, as always, a simple glance had been enough for her to read in the depth of his feelings and thoughts.

"You want to know how I could keep my virginity for so long to give it to you, while having fun dominating males as I always say, huh...? That's it...?" She asked softly, smiling almost amusedly as her fingers gently stroked his cheek. He smiled himself, then simply nodded and she rested against him with a soft smile. "Lover, you males are easier than what you think." She grinned a bit. "It was easy to have fun with them... The hard part was stop myself and wait for the right male, instead of just give myself to the first one that entered in my bed." She shook her head a bit. "They were just foreplay... and I was helped to resist any temptation by the fact they all resulted pets. No one managed to resist me... and I wanted my boy to be dominant and strong. If I had to choose a male for me, I wanted him to be the best one, the strongest one... the one that could dominate me. Otherwise, it would have been like... submitting to a pet." She grinned wider. "Not my style..."

The five soldiers turned with nervous impatience towards the huge, double oak-door as they heard them open, some feet away on their left in the soft darkness of the room crowded of slender columns of marble. A moment, and the heavy doors closed with the same sound, and the regular noise of high, slender heels come nearer along the wide room, making them gulp in anxiousness and desire... and there she was, every one of her steps a show of elegance and seduction, almost a dance as her long, curving legs moved with such grace and yet so much determination. She was a goddess capable to seduce with the smallest of moves... and yet, she was always the warrior that made Glacial proud. Her walk gave the idea that, if a brick-wall would have appeared on her path, she would have walked across it without a blink. It was the same way she conduced her life and her fights. Whatever she wanted, she obtained. The Archer family was a Royal Family in danger... so far, there wasn't a male to cover the role of possible heir of the kingdom, and of all the females, she was the princess destined to the throne. And from her very youth, she had been educated and especially trained to many arts. Languages, technologies, fighting. And she added at all that her natural and amazing strengths: her beauty, her seductiveness and her brutal strength.

The blond female draw inexorably closer, her golden hair spilling a bit behind her as it descended to her waist, her tremendous breasts barely hidden under a fine black top as their firmness defeated gravity, her legs looking endless and perfectly shaped, wrapped into lucid-black boots that reached past her knees, her sapphire eyes colder than ice in their predatorily playful glance: a mix of pride and self-confidence, of independence and hunger for prey. She was grinning, and she walked past them with a bare, teasing glance of the corner of her eye as she reached the personal firing range she had in the dark room, a few steps to the right of the waiting, hoping males. She staid silent as she dropped her twin magnums and her sword on the platform, before turn and walk back to them, arms crossed as her eyes seemed to study all of them. She was the predator, and she was looking for prey... and they were all eager to be her prey. All of them, in fact, were hoping to be chosen. The submission phase had already been long done: that morning, they had been her rivals in her daily trainings... and the result had been humiliating for them. She had had zero difficulties in beating them down to the ground in every way possible. Now, they were wearing black leather collars and they were nothing more than pets to her... Not that it was bad at all. And they weren't the first, besides. Many soldiers of the Regiments of the Guards could be seen wearing those collars... and the number rose steadily day after day, with each of her trainings.

She walked in front of them, looking over them as they stood shirtless, arms crossed behind their backs... and all trying to flex and buff out their muscles more without making it evident, trying to impress her on instinct as they stared at the awesome and much taller female standing in front of them. She literally looked at them from the height of her twelve-plus feet, heels only adding to her slender but powerful form... and she grinned a bit wider as she idly flexed her own tightly packed and perfect abs, remembering them easily of who was in charge... and that they couldn't hope to impress her with so little. Nonetheless, she looked over each bulky, muscular soldier with appreciation, fingers running down the abdominals of the two in the middle as she grinned. "Good boys..." She purred seductively, and yet they could feel the malice of her being predator run down their spines. "We are gonna have some fun together, I think. I'd get ride of these pants, if I was in you."

The five boys didn't need to be told that suggestion-order twice: in all but a second, they had their pants around the ankles and they stepped out of their clothes as they stared at her like hypnotized as they were left standing there, lined up and massive bulges protruding from their boxers as her eyes examined this too with predatory interest. She said nothing, even if she gave a little grin of appreciation to the first in line, the biggest male of the group and clearly the most hung of them, from the evident strain his boxers were suffering at containing his heavy shaft. It was saying something... All of the guys were massive. Each of their cocks extended around their hips, their boxers barely able to contain their gigantic members. That grin of hers, anyhow, was evidently enough for the boy in question to smile a bit reassured of his position and grin to his mates with childish dreams of superiority without hopes.

Alexis walked closer to him, smiling with malicious entertainment as she wrapped her arms around his neck, leaning a bit against his strong body as her hands stroked gently down his back, sharp, perfect claws scratching teasingly at his hot body as she whispered in his ear teasing promises for the night that made his body shiver and his eyes bulge as a stain of precum went wide in his boxers. That got all the worse as one of her hands slid slowly, teasingly down his back and then along his hip, her fingers easily sliding under the waistband of his boxers to jerk there a bit, playfully, nothing more... But her touch was enough to make the big male gasp, desire and hunger rising in him as he was frozen in place by her dominant, predatory glance. She was playing with him, and he knew it well... she was the one leading the game... and he could do nothing. As his hands moved a bit towards her sides on instinct, a silent but freezing glare of the mistress kicked him back in his corner, making him pant in want as her hand now stroked lightly over his growing, throbbing shaft as she moved away his boxers, lowering them, slowly manoeuvring to free his big member from its prison as her eyes sparked with mischievous entertainment. "You should also drop those boxers... they will not be of any use." She said playfully as the underwear fall along the legs of the boy in front of her, leaving her hand to squeeze his rapidly hardening pink-fleshed penis, his flesh hot and throbbing in her hold as she leaned closer, her other hand pulling him against her pushing on his solid back... and she grinned as he bit his lower lip, trying to resist to his own excitement as her perfect, huge breasts pushed softly in his masculine chest, hardening nipples scratching him even across her black top as her gorgeous, hot body was so close...

Alexis grinned cheerfully as in a flash all of the other boys dropped their own underwear, staring at her with vibrating, tortured want, eyes bulging a bit as her hand closed firmly around the big, twenty-six inches member of the first of them, fingers squeezing on his hot, throbbing flesh as she started stroking her hand along it with prowess, milking from him large drops of cum as he shivered lightly and released a deep breath, staring with wide eyes to the empty room as she leaned playfully her head over his shoulder and whispered in his ear with false gentleness, her free hand grasping his wrist and guiding one of his own over one of her sumptuous, wonderful breasts. The guy started immediately to go weak at the knees as pearl of sweat started to roll down his features as he tried to resist... but his cock, painfully hard and throbbing, told the real story as he pushed on instinct back and forth in her hand, the male almost whimpering as her movements become harder and faster, her words in his ear almost a command. Come.

He had a reputation with girls... he wasn't exactly your virginal teenager without experience, so to speak. And yet, he couldn't resist to her. To her move, her beauty, her erotic charge that made him tremble in want... and it was after a mere couple of minutes that he couldn't take anymore of her ministrations. She sensed his incoming release and slid to his side with a grin, both hands now giving him long, hard and fast strokes as his back arched and his semen exploded from his stiff penis, arching in long ropes into the air before splatter on the floor of marble. He looked on the point of screaming as one of her hands slid to his balls, squeezing there hard to milk out of him all of his seed and essence, making him whimper like a kitten as she grinned and the other males stared in a state of arousal more than evident by their look, the look of their hard, ready and dripping cocks and the raising musk of sex in the air. And after maybe thirteen big blasts of cum, the male was exhausted and drained, panting in tortured pleasure, unfulfilled ecstasy that prayed for more and a sense of sexual fatigue he had never before thought possible. Alexis merely gave a lick at his sweaty cheek, grinning cheerfully and somehow savagely to him as she looked with interest for a moment at the large puddle of seed at his feet... "Well now boy, that was impressive of you. But I hope for your sake that that's not your contribute for the night, huh...? I have sooooo much more planned for you and your friends..." She purred in a sweetness almost credible, if not for the dominant malice radiating from her. "You'll not make me happy in the slightest, if this is what you are worth of, shortcake. From your reputation and the grin back there, I thought you were something more than a wank-off type." She added with voice now cold and mercilessly matter-of-fact sounding, leaving him humiliated in front of the others as payment for the audaciousness he had shown at getting a smile from her.

She leaved him without regrets, pushing on his chest playfully with a hand and forcing the bulky male to backstep awkwardly, once more surprised by her strength as an easy push of her hand moved his strong, muscular body like it hadn't a weight. She walked to the other four males with a patronizing smile over the amount of shiny pre they were dripping, and she easily slid a finger into the collar of the nearest one, pulling him easily on her path as she walked towards the doors of her room. "Follow me, pets..." She said softly. And everyone followed her gentle-sounding order.

As they stepped inside, the males missed a step at being faced by a giant photo in real-size of a roaring male armed with a crimson blade, that looked more like a mountain of muscles with a mane, some sort of god of war that a real person... But the fame of Wyvern of Kesteven was global by now, and they knew easily who he was... But it wasn't any good for them. Alexis grinned at their reaction, giving them a sweet but patronizing caress as they walked to her side. "Don't worry, pets... he's in a league all by himself. I won't measure you with the same meter I'd use for him." She smiled, and then, with a elegant and easy move, she removed the black top from her body, revealing her magnificent breasts in their full glory, and she walked towards her huge bed naturally, her innate grace something that even the best top model would have died for, sitting on the side of the bed and crossing easily her legs to slowly, theatrically removing her long boots, her eyes seeming to pierce across them as they stared like on hypnosis. Then, she stood again and opened her leather pants in front of them, leaving them free to slide down her never-ending, seductive legs before step out of them and put her hands in her hair, body fully exposed to their starving glances, if not for the black G-string she wore... "Here, everyone." She commanded, without any violence or command at all in her voice... and yet, no one could have ever ignored her words. They come to her, almost running for the want they had, almost crawling for their submission. The result was inelegant and made them look almost like zombies, somehow... but it was a sweet sight for the dominatrix.

As they come near to her, she impassively pointed to the floor with a single finger, grinning down to them dominatingly as they stared at her order and obediently dropped down to their knees, crawling to her like that... they could at least touch her, at the last, as a reward. Hands and tongues were encouraged to worship and tease her body, along her magnificent legs, her seductive thighs, and soon allowed to dare towards her G-string as well, as she grinned dominatingly, tilting her head slightly backwards in pleasure as her hands rested over their heads in dominance.

She then used them all for her own pleasure. On the bed, she had them all worshipping her, teasing and caressing and loving her whole body as they had turns in eating her sex, trying to give her the most pleasure as the desire of having her, destined to never become reality, and her hands and body and sexiness milked them all until they were sexually drained and exhausted. Once again, as all nights, she had won... And her wish to find Killer, the one and only male that would have dominated her, grown all the stronger in her. Her hot sex was still hungry at the thought, despite the efforts of the males that were leaving just in that moment... and Alexis smiled slightly to herself as she thought she should have picked up some more boys, when the last male in the line, exiting, stopped on the threshold of her room and turned back to her, gathering all of his courage up to ask his question to the wonderful goddess on the bed.

"Mistress..." He called submissively, making her turn with a gentle smile that was, for once, truly gentle. "Tell me." Alexis said gently, looking rather amused of that unusual audaciousness.

"There'll be a tomorrow, for us...?" He asked with little hope and big desire in his voice. Alexis smiled a bit, but shook her head without giving him false hopes. "Surely not tomorrow. But you've been a good boy... and you know what you do more than many others. One day, I may call you again to me."

"Now, now. That was hot." Killer commented with a grin. "You are always the best..." He added lovingly, nuzzling the beautiful female laying on his chest. "I want to see you in your dominatrix nature fully unleashed, sometimes... I remember well or you promised to fuck in a row some soldiers, during the battle...?"

"You remember well." She grinned herself, nodding a bit in obvious appreciation of the offer... but then she smiled again, lovingly, a purr coming from her throat as he squeezed her gently at the hips and, once more, softly and playfully sang in her ear on the words of the song now coming from the stereo. "...You know it's true, baby I'd die for you..."

Alexis smiled at his words and touch, her hand stroking along his colossal shaft with loving, teasing attention and passion as her other one moved back to stroke his cheek gently. "I know." She said simply, teasing him... and both snorted laughter as he nuzzled her belovingly, murring in delight at the ocean of sensations and feelings and shivers she was able to awaken in his body using one only hand to simply stroke his cock. She was amazing... the only word he could think to in that moment was amazing. And he knew he could have resisted only for some minutes still, at that masterful teasing. "Before you make me shoot..."

"I look forwards to it." Alexis observed amusedly, interrupting him for a short moment as she smiled, making him grin and tilt his head a bit to the side. "...I think there's still a thing I'd like to know better about your life... and that's about the fall of Glacial." He paused, well knowing how hard and painful a thing he was asking... but he nuzzled her sweetly, squeezing her body tight over his own and added: "If you can tell me, I need to know it. I must have those events added on Riaku's list of bad actions that I'll punish when the time comes."

Alexis don't laughed as she would have surely done about other events... but she wasn't surprised of the question, nor scared by it or irritated at all. She just seriously, coldly answered: "Add it to the list, but you'll not be the one punishing him for this action in particular." Her hand closed into a tight fist trembling with rage, but her other one kept lovingly teasing his huge member, spreading his own hot pre along the enormous length with passion. "This is my own pleasure. And only mine. When we'll go to Glacial to take it back, I'll fight myself against him and kick his ass as it deserves." She paused again, relaxing and turning a bit to kiss his cheek, her hand twirling in his mane to pull him closer into the kiss. "Great as it is when you do it, it's all the better done by myself." She said softly when their kiss finally broke. He stared at her softly, smiled and nodded a bit. "You sure have a point. It's yours, then."

"Thanks." She said simply, smiling as she nodded. And then, she started the last part of her story...

Riaku had chosen the right moment for his attack, that was sure. Wyvern was still out of the scene... something that had caused troubles everywhere in the Northlands, somehow. After Wycherley, his presence alone had been a powerful deterrent that had kept nations entire calm and peaceful in their corner much more efficiently than any army ready over the borders could have ever done. But Killer had leaved Kesteven and no one was sure of where he was. The voices, though, were very insisting on the fact that Newbury and a few other town and villages that had been crumbled in the last months had been victims of Wyvern's fury... And Alexis had no difficulties in believing to those voices, just as she was sure that it was true that Ire's forces and the international police had tried to capture him and miserly failed... But what mattered more, was that his absence had rapidly caused a progressive return on the scene of the kingdoms hostile to Kesteven and Glacial and of terrorist organizations like the NWOA both, so that Kesteven was starting to get busy once more in all kind of fights... and their Quick Reaction Forces were already committed in different low scale operations. Not very complex stuff, but the trouble-spots were spread widely along all the Northlands, so that many soldiers were needed and most of the logistic system was already well busy. Kesteven had generously promised his help to the attacked allied, but before of 48 hours at least, all what it could do was a few raids with his attack planes. Not enough for Glacial.

Riaku had been extremely violent and decided in his move. Furious raids of the air force had preceded and accompanied the advancing of huge armoured formations of Tiran tanks and heavy IFVs loaded of soldiers up to the roof. Those had been closely supported by wings of attack helicopters and groups of rocket and tube artillery in a true, savage blitzkrieg. Everything had been planned with accuracy... the moment of the attack, the times, and the place. A surprise was not truly possible, since Glacial feared an attack from a month or more... But surprisingly, Riaku had managed to cover and hide the troops he was preparing by making them move at night and remain hidden during the day into forests and even the numerous tunnels along the road of the mountainous Mottram. Then, he had attacked in the less-likely place along the entire border: a small and apparently unimportant two-lane secondary road that every general had defined unsuitable for such a large-scale attack.

But Riaku had well learned from Killer the concept of calculated risk. He knew that his forces would have made an endless, vulnerable column of slowly moving vehicles and soldiers, but he knew that the surprise would have been maximized, the defences in the area weak and he knew he could face the Glacial's air forces enough to grant sufficient security to his army. Shortly, he knew that as much as his forces made up a perfect target, there would have been almost nothing ready to shoot at it. And he had been right.

Now, Alexis was facing the results of the restricted strategic fantasy of Glacial's Command chief... which meant she was currently snipering from a safe position on the external walls of the royal palace as enemy tanks and IFVs roared in their run of approach. They were playing fast over safe, knowing well that if times got too long, Kesteven would have come to help Glacial... and despite the heavy losses, the columns of troops were now raiding into the palace's zone from the large breaks made in the gates by the huge tanks. Now, the tanks were surrounding the palace and firing point-blank with their cannons and machine guns against the windows and the roofs from where the Glacial's defenders were firing. The IFVs of Mottram kept running into the huge courtyard, moving as near as possible to the palace itself before stop, open their armoured doors and throw out the soldiers carried inside, firing with their weapons themselves and using powerful Nightsun lights to blind the Glacial's soldiers. In the middle of that dark night, such powerful light in one's eye would have blinded everyone even across sunglasses.

Alexis was leading a group of soldiers from the Special Forces, and they were keeping their front very well, even against such attacks. Her deadly shots were backed up well by a pair of other snipers and by the furious fire of a pair of gunners that knew what they were doing, and the resulting volume of fire had "convinced" the enemies to stop their charge and find covers... and that hadn't changed with the arrival of IFVs, since three were currently burning furiously in the courtyard four floors below. She was laying on her belly, huge X12 rifle in position and legs well spread as she aimed and fired shot after shot to everyone that was unlucky enough to be seen. After all, the tremendous power of the heavy rifle allowed her to easily kill even enemies hiding behind a wall... and she never missed to take down whoever she saw in her range.

She was frozen, though, as she felt a hand touch gently her shoulder as the colonel Murray, the same that had first wanted her in the Special Forces, lay down at her side and placed his own X12 in position. She knew it could only be bad news... whatever else would have simply been screamed over the tremendous noise of the battle burning in the entire town. A fast look over the butt of her rifle confirmed her worst feelings as she caught in the expression of her friend and, sorta, mentor.

"Alexis, the line is gone at the main gates. We are fighting inside the palace already... Riaku is there. He's fighting against the king already." Murray said without ceremonies, only making sure to be heard by her alone. The news would have been heavy on the mood of the already stressed, outnumbered and outgunned soldiers... something to be avoided accurately in such a phase of a battle.

The princess closed her eyes for a fleeting instant, knowing well what result the duel would have had. Her hand moved to her back, over her shoulders, to squeeze a bit the handles of her two twin swords, to be sure they were still secured there after all the fighting already done... and then she dropped the rifle and rolled on her side, laying on her back for a moment as she drawn out her small submachine gun, checking the magazine in a easy move. "Keep up the resistance here as long as you can. I'll take care of the rest." Alexis said coldly before kick herself of the ground and up on her feet, sprinting rapidly up the roof as enemy bursts of automatic fire immediately hissed raggedly around her, slamming into the tiles and pulverizing them as she vanished on the other side of the tented roof, allowing herself to slide down along it, making tiles fall down in the internal courtyard below. She grunted a bit as she reached the cornice and jumped easily towards a large window on the other side of the court, smashing across the glass and rolling over the floor before stand up naturally and sprint down along the dark corridor and then jumping down entire floors of the huge stairs of the palace.

The ground floor was by far the most devastated ones. The walls had been smashed by thousands of bullets and in many points the tanks had fired with their cannons, pulverizing ample parts of the walls... corpses were on the floor, of both friends and enemy, but she hadn't time to mind of that. She even ignored the violent but imprecise fire coming at her from outside, well knowing that, with the Nightsuns pointed at her, she would have never managed to see anything to shoot at... and, again, she had no time to lose.

She reached a pair of heavy double wooden doors closed and smashed into them with a shoulder, cracking them open with such strength that they seemed to explode, one dangling idly from a hinge as the other fell and skidded on the marble floor for a good few feet... and tens of heads turned towards her from all corners of the crowded hall. Not only heads, though... also the turret of a big, green-painted IFV that had apparently smashed into the doors of the palace and was entering the room as well, destroying the walls on both sides of the wide but not enough entrance as its engine roared. She needed no time to react, however, kicking herself in a jump to her right side a moment before a burst of 30 mm gun shells noisily shattered the floor in the area she had been occupying. She was already gone, though, her hand rapidly rising to aim the submachine gun and fire a short, accurate burst that hit point-blank into the nearest three soldiers as they turned to rise their weapons against her. As she landed in a easy roll on her shoulder that brought her back on her feet with elegance, she could see for a moment the tremendous effects of the small but high-speed bullets of her submachine gun... bullets flying so fast and with such resulting kinetic energy that they had easily pierced into the thick armour the soldiers were wearing, opening horrible, deadly wounds as smoke and blood and gore exploded out of the hit places...

But she had no time to care about that as the IFV moved forwards another bit, gun turning once more towards her and firing a long burst of rounds that destroyed entirely the wall behind her as she moved with elegance and speed, seeming to dance between the bursts of rifles and guns and the large chunks of walls and ceiling coming down from every part of the room as it was shattered. Alexis fired short, deadly-accurate bursts from her submachine gun, taking down a target after another as she jumped once more, this time leaping high into the air as several soldiers ran against her with swords ready to strike... and she stepped into the face of the nearest one, her combat boot smacking on his muzzle and shattering his features as a cloud of blood exploded from him, together with a shriek of agony, the blond warrior leaping higher still over their heads and emptying her submachine gun over a group of three soldiers that were not fast enough to compete with her and blast her first with their assault rifles.

The submachine gun clicked empty while she was at the climax of her jump, and she threw it away, violently hurling it in the face of a soldier that was about to fire his rifle at her from below before elegantly flipping once into the air and descend violently right in the middle of the confused soldiers, her twin magnum pistols ready in her hands firing two fast shots each to the enemies around her as she landed in a crouch. She closed her eyes on instinct and ducked forwards, though, as her senses screamed an alarm, a sword hissing in the air over her head, just where her neck had been... but she was already pushing her weight on her powerful arms, hands well placed on the cold floor, and she kicked both legs hard outwards and upwards, sending the stunned swordsman to the ground with his muzzle reduced to a bloody, crumpled heap. Many more were coming from all around her, and that wasn't good, apart from the fact the IFV could not fire its gun at her while she was in the middle of all those soldiers. She effortlessly and rapidly brought her body fully up in a handstand, through, and she grinned before use her strength to screw on the place, opening her strong, beautiful legs in a wide scissor as she complete a full rotation, knocking every men around her to the ground like bowling pins with such forceful and face-aimed kick. And as she completed the blow, she bent her arms and thrown herself up into the air again before a burst of gun's rounds smashed into the dazed and wounded soldiers in a vain attempt to hit her.

She flipped twice into the air, elegant as an acrobat and headless of the shots hissing near her as one of her hands slid to her waist, searching for a block of Pe4 explosive, but she had used them all already... and when she landed in a crouch over the angled front of the IFV itself, she knew she had one only thing to do. She wasn't as strong as her idol was... and maybe she couldn't upturn a battle tank, but she sure could turn an IFV to a helpless box of metal. Her right foot struck outwards immediately towards the machine gun coaxial to the long, main 30 mm cannon, bending the barrel that had threateningly moved and tried to frame her as her gloved hands grasped the cannon itself. She winced a bit for the intense heat that almost burned even across the thick combat gloves, but grinned as she bent the bore easily with her huge strength. She thought for a moment to make a knot into it, but she dropped the idea as other soldiers ran towards her and bursts of bullets started to slam noisily over the armour of the vehicle, chasing after her. She quickly descended from the vehicle, now inoffensive even if it tried to run over her until she placed a few shots into the main sight systems while sprinting towards the doors of the throne room.

She slammed them open and snarled as she was faced by the back of a full line of Mottram uniformed soldiers, who turned towards her with a mix of surprise and terror. She knew it was late... but she had tried to keep up her hopes in her chest. Now, she had no more illusions. She roared in a mix of disbelief, fury and sadness, firing over the soldiers in front of her with even greater speed than usual, her rage making her fingers faster still as each shot of her magnums took down a soldier, until both were empty and useless and her hands reached for the swords she kept crossed on her back, drawing them out and immediately slashing them hard forwards in a cross-like movement which sent four more enemies to the ground as she advanced... and finally she was out in the open. In the middle of the luminous but shattered room.

Her father was laying on the floor in a puddle of dark blood, a sword pinning him to the cold marble as it pierced his chest, his eyes faded and lost in nothingness, blood coming from at least ten more wounds, his forehead crushed. It made Alexis feel her world shift and shake under her feet... and it was even worse when she spotted her mother, as well, laying a few meters away in the huge room. She had been raped. To death... and Alexis could only close her eyes for a moment, two tears rolling down her cheeks as she snarled in desperation and fury alike... And when her eyes snapped open, they were focused with fury over the responsible of that all. Riaku, dressed with an ivory armour and white uniform, was standing in front of her, walking calmly towards her, a large-bladed broadsword held easily in his hand.

Alexis wanted to... shout something. But no words could come to her mouth to describe her feelings. Nothing that could give even a slight hint of her fury, of her pain. She only snarled, her breath harsh, eyes cruel with rage as her hands squeezed the handles of her swords so tightly to hurt.

"Alexis, it's over..." Riaku started to say, but the simple sound of his voice made the princess roar in fury and charge forwards, swords ready to strike. But the black male was a warrior more than worth of his fame, and without any fear launched his own strike. His much longer and bigger sword flashed in the air in a flash, forcing Alexis to duck as the blade passed near enough to cut neatly a few of her golden hair as they spilled around her. She slashed her swords towards him, but he easily backstepped and returned immediately to attack with stupefying speed and coordination, but Alexis answered with her own and deviated the blow with a firm strike of her blades. A horizontal, malicious sink followed, forcing Alexis to sidestep elegantly, and she kicked herself high into the air as he slashed back his blade to the side. She was starting to see why Riaku was so feared and famous. Why he was gaining a fame that could by now stand with Wyvern's one... he was strong, cold-minded and he used the sword with power, grace and the confidence of experience... But she was reputed invincible in the fencing, and had her fury adding to her strength. And she had absolutely no intention to miss this one fight in particular.

She agilely flipped into the air, landing near the wall and grunting a bit in surprise as Riaku, despite the weighty bulk of his muscles, moved with almost as much ease, sprinting forwards to strike again. She moved out of the way at the last moment, grinning as Riaku's sword sunk halfway into the wall of marble... but he draw it back free with a easy pull that made his huge bicep barely flex, clear hint of his strength. As to his speed, he was fast enough to slash the sword to the side and repeal her double blow before launch another vicious sink that she blocked with her two ones. She managed to trap his blade between her ones, and she tried to jerk hard away with a perfect, elegant move, but he managed to keep his hold on the handle and he balanced himself on a leg, slashing out a hard kick towards her. She jumped easily out of his range and launched her swords in the air, both hands going to her belt in the space of a blink, grasping the handles of two commando knives she kept there.

She launched the first, hard and perfectly aimed to his face... but a cross-slash of his blade easily deviated the knife towards the side. The second one, however, was coming just in that second and had free line to his neck. He grunted in surprise, but with incredible speed and readiness of reflexes, he grasped the knife with his free hand, stopping it a few millimetres away from his throat, rising his eyes towards her with a sly grin...

But Alexis wasn't there anymore. She had jumped in the air and grasped her swords as they fell, and now she seemed to appear just in front of him from the nothingness and she kicked hard forwards on his hand, pushing the knife forwards with a growl. He managed to tilt his head and move away enough to avoid a deadly blow to his jugular, but the knife sunk all the way into his muscular shoulder, making him snarl in pain and rage. And he managed for a bare breath to twist out of the way of a vicious cross-slash of her swords.

Now Alexis was in position of advantage, and she managed to place a firm kick on his chest, almost making him fall backwards as his eyes bulged in pain, but furthermore in surprise at her incredible strength... and almost in the same moment, he had to rapidly move up his blade to react to a sink of hers. Her sword slammed on his one and was deviated upwards, so that the blade cut across his shoulder once more, just an inch or so from where the knife was sunk in his muscles and flesh.

But in that moment, things happened so damn fast. Soldiers entered from all the doors of the room... and Alexis noticed with distaste that her position was now much harder, since a good ten Mottram's soldiers were now surrounding her with assault rifles aimed. Riaku rolled to safe distance and stood up naturally a few feet away... And that wouldn't have been a problem, but Alexis's eyes bulged as she saw her three sisters being dragged, tied and restrained, to him. Soldiers then started to jump against her, blocking her view of Ginevra and her other little sis... and she had to fight hard for a moment to gain her space again. Her slash sent three more enemies to the ground in bloody heaps... And as she fought in the terrible furball, she understood that they were trying to tie her and immobilize her... and she caught the shouted order: "DON'T WEAR OUT THE PRINCESS, IDIOTS!"

This made, if possible, her fury rise further. She slashed and kicked her way to freedom, her strength easily tearing the rope they had half-tied around her arms, many other soldiers killed by her blows as blood ran over her... all lives wasted to preserve her beauty. To make of her the classy bitch of Riaku. "No one wears me out anyway!" She snarled furiously as she stood again, the soldiers left backstepping in fear... but she was left horrified, staring to Riaku.

He was grinning to her, his pants down to his ankles and Ginevra forced to kneel in front of him. He was pushing into her mouth his cock, hard and fully erected... And by far the biggest one she had ever seen from real. His pink-fleshed penis could have suffocated the little Ginevra in no time... and he was squeezing her head in his big hand. Crush her skull would have been as easy as splatter a tomato, to him... and she knew he would have.

She snarled, closing her eyes and turning slightly as he ordered her to surrender... she didn't want to, of course... but she could hear Ginevra starting to suffocate. Poor little sis was virgin as a nun still, besides, with no skills at all at that... and she could hear her whimper. Every sound made her earth sink a bit lower. Her hands trembled in rage, but she could do nothing, reached that point. She couldn't condemn to death her sisters as well. Both her swords clanged over the floor of marble as her eyes dry of tears gave him the most terrible of glares. You would have been amazed of how he could not slump to dust at being watched that way... but he at least let Ginevra go.

"I know you hate me, Alexis." He said with a smile that made her snarl and tremble in tremendous fury. She could only kick the poor soldier that was crawling to her feet to seize her swords, making him skid a good few meters on the marble, agonizing... But Riaku seemed to ignore even that. "I'm sure we'll fix that with time. I'll be a good master for you... and a good husband."

"What a..." Killer paused, making a face as he grit his cruel fangs. He could not find words adequate to express himself with. "Kick him hard. I promise you we'll take back Glacial for you very soon... and you'll kick him hard. I'll make sure he doesn't cheats in any cheap way."

Alexis only nodded, grinning a bit as she rested back against his muscular, chiselled chest. "I'll sure do... But we should stop making this time hard on us. We should enjoy this night." She smiled, resting her head against his muzzle as both of them smiled. "You're right, darling..." He said softly.

He was standing, resting a bit against the front of the beautiful Aston Martin, his feet in the snow as his arms were out to his sides, sustaining him as he leaned on the hood of the car and murred lightly in pleasure as his hips thrust a bit back and forth, head tilted backwards a bit in pleasure, eyes half-lidded. Alexis was just as naked as he was, both headless of the cold air of the night as she rested seated over his titanic, hot black cock, a leg on either side of the gigantic shaft that protruded several feet forwards from between her legs and was so hard, stiff and powerful to sustain easily her weight, her feet only slightly touching the soft snow on the ground as she rested with her back against his sculptured body.

She moved slowly and teasingly over his gargantuan member, her hot vagina pressing on the boiling, black flesh of his cock as she ground over it, her juices of want and desire soaking his silk and mixing with his thick pre as her engorged lips stroked the member, lightly kissing his girth as she pressed down with her weight. Her thighs squeezed lightly the sides of his enormous length as both of her hands stroked hard and at fast rhythm along the first three or so feet of his colossal length, her hips moving back and forth along the rest, grinding the lips of her sex along his titanic, hard cock, making him murr a bit and flex his muscular body as he stiffened up a bit, feeling his orgasm closer and closer.

His arms were wrapped tight around her form, squeezing her lovely and gratefully as they crossed over her powerful, rippling abdominals, each of his hands squeezing a taunt, huge breast and rolling it teasingly, fingers nudging and stimulating her hard nipples, making her purr with her own pleasure as her eyes half-lidded, grinning backwards to him as he smiled and lightly growled in delight.

She moved a bit faster over his length, letting out a loving, expecting breath as her hands squeezed harder on his cock as they moved back and forth in strokes that were three-foot long and more... and she looked at him from the corner of her sapphire eyes, smiling and once more admiring his power. "Show me how far this huge cannon truly shots... show me how you let go your flood... unleash that tidal wave of yours... let it all go, lover... give it to me..."

The male grinned, flexing a bit more, making her murr as she felt his muscles press against her body like a sculpture of hot steel, grunting a bit as her teasing voice caressed his body as much as her hands, urging him on, making it all the harder to resist as he started thrusting a bit harder, his orgasm rising like an eruption ready to explode... and his roar echoed into the valley below as he come.

Alexis grinned, shivering a bit and thinking that his roar had to have made all the pussies in Kesteven tremble as her own had and made every male curl up in his bed in shame as his cock blasted out his sticky cum with amazing violence. His first shot alone pumped out white seed for several seconds, a thick rope of cum arching into the air and splattering noisily on the snow as it leaved a long, wide trail of cum for what she guessed was more than 24 feet. But it was only the start as again and again he blasted out thick bursts of his semen, delivering a load of astonishing sizes, some of it splattering on Alexis and on himself as his muscled bulged powerfully and his body flexed. Then, after what seemed to her an eternity of bliss, he slowed down, a few last bursts puddling in front of them before he come to a stop, grinning at her as she smiled up at him, both panting slightly before trade a soft kiss. There was no need of words to make him knew that he had managed to amaze her once more... besides, that wasn't the point... the matter was reassumed by the simple phrase they traded a moment later. "I love you..."

A few minutes later, they were into the warm car, both still naked as they thrown over their bodies their own clothes, Alexis curling up against his chest and muscular body as she welcomed her in the hold of his huge arms, the two kissing lovingly for a few more moments still before allow themselves to sleep... and he smiled to her. "Tomorrow night, I'll bring you dancing."

Alexis smiled amusedly, but she quickly saw it wasn't a joke. "Where...?" She asked with amused interest. He nuzzled her softly, and then answered: "In Ire. We've got a bank's server to violate to gain important info about the NWOA... but if you want to come..."

"You should neither be asking for that..." She specified amusedly, grinning a bit and making him smile before continue: "... we can have a bit of fun at the Midnight Sun. It'll procure us a cover, if we do things well, besides."

Alexis grinned wide. "The Midnight Sun...?" The night club was worldwide famous... but she had framed another aspect of the whole question. The place was in the same huge skyscraper that hosted one of the largest banks of the world... maybe the biggest. Surely the most protected and inaccessible one. "This means... that you plan a raid at the Kaufman's International Bank...?" She asked with an amused grin. It sure was a challenge... and just as him, she loved challenges. Especially, she loved win challenges.

He grinned back at her, amused, and then nodded. He loved how she always was entertained by the danger and the apparent impossibility of a mission... and how she always understood things in a flash. "Yeah..." He answered simply.

She grasped gently the long fur of his mane that descended to his chest, pulling him closer. "Then, big boy, we'll be the first violating the "unassailable bank"..." She wrapped her lips over his and kissed him passionately. The rest was love, passion, and a muddle of bodies in the dark.