Silverback Episode 7

Story by Jazcal on SoFurry

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#7 of Silverback

Quick transition part in order to set up the next batch of episodes. Let me know what you think!

Snow and I went back to the village and presented the poacher's bow to the Svet. The whole village rejoiced and hailed us heroes. The Svet offered us a hero's banquet, but we both declined. I told them we were told by the Gods to return to our city. They understood and told us that if we ever needed anything in the forest, the village was always here for us. They also told us to follow the river and take the third stream on the left to get out of the mountains quickly and safely.

Those two words described the whole of the journey home. It was too fast. The entire journey home was beautiful and full of life. Animals of all shapes and sizes flocked to our location to thank us. I translated everything for Snow, who seemed to in the best mood of his life. There was no way I was going to let him down again. It took us 4 days to get back to town. Every night we sat by the fire under the stars and talked while the food was cooking. Every night I wanted to confess my true feelings to him, but every night, I went to bed defeated. The last two nights I mustered up the strength to tell him in feral, but I knew he couldn't understand.

When we got back into town, we parted ways to head back to our houses. When I got home to my small, cozy home, I discovered a pile of letters in my doorway. On top of all the bills and usual appointment requests, was a letter. I opened it up and read it.

Hey Jazcal, this is Felix Mofetsa from middle school. I was wondering if you wanted to get together and catch up now that I am back in town. If so meet me at the address at the bottom of the page any weekday from 8AM- 4PM. I hope to see you again and see where you have ended up in this ever changing world.

_ Signed, Felix_

I couldn't help but wag my tail. Felix was one of my best friends besides Snow in middle school. But his parents decided to move during 7th grade and I hadn't heard from him since.

I took a week to get caught up on appointments and deal with anything Tiger had to send to me. Then I set out to meet Felix. The address was near the gym Snow worked at on 69th street, but I had no idea what was at it. When I arrived, I was in front of a building that looked the exact same as all of the other shops on the street, brick structures with windows in front. The sign read "The 69th Bar". Never would have guessed that Felix would work at a bar, I thought to myself. I entered, but I did not see my old skunk friend anywhere.

I approached the bar and asked the bartender, "Does a skunk named Felix work here? If so, is he on shift?"

The bull snorted a bit and replied in a deep voice, "I think so, but I would ask the komodo at the end of the bar there. She is the coordinator."

I thanked him and asked the same question to the komodo. "Yes he is on today. Give me a sec and I'll see if he is available." She said as she disappeared into the back of the bar through a door immediately to her right.

She returned a moment later and said, "Yes he is ready for you. If you will follow me through that door to your left, I will take you to his room."

This is weird, I thought to myself as I followed her down a hallway with many doors on my right and left. We stopped in from of the door labeled "Felix." She unlocked it and opened the door for me to step through.

"The door will lock behind you but you can open it from the inside. We ask that you place your personal belongings on the desk immediately to the right when you enter. He will talk to you beforehand about pricing" she said with a smile on her face and motioning for me to enter.

As soon as I stepped through she shut the door behind me and I heard the click of the lock. The room was dim and there was a curtain in front of me. I placed my stuff on the desk and pulled back the curtain saying, "Felix, are you here? It is Jazcal. What is... oh my Gods!"

Behind the curtain was a bedroom with lavish furnishings and on the bed was Felix dressed rather scantily but covered.

"Shit Jazcal! She didn't tell me it was you" he said immediately looking embarrassed.

"What the hell is going on Felix?" I demanded while looking him over quickly while I had the chance.

"She told me there was a dog who asked for me by name. I assumed it was a client. I am sorry this happened" he apologized while coving himself up a little more.

"It is okay, I mean, we had P.E. together so I have seen worse, and smelt worse."

"True, well technically we have the room if you wanted to..."

"What? No! Let's just get out of here."

"Fine, fine. I was going to give you a discount but oh well."

"Dude I came here to catch up with you, not bust a nut over you."

"Okay, give me a second to change" he said as he went into the bathroom attached to the room.

I gathered my things and we left. As we walked down the street back towards my house I had to ask him, "So... you didn't tell me you were a prostitute in your letter."

"Sorry, I didn't think it would happen like that. Anyways, how have you been? You still friends with that husky, Snow?" he asked.

"Yeah, he works at the gym down the street and I own a feral veterinary clinic in the suburbs. Did you want to stop by? I am sure he would love to see you again and we can hang at my place" I replied.

"Sure, that sounds fun and Jazcal listen, I am going to make it up to you about what happened today. Anytime you need a little girl action, I got just the one and I'll cover the tab."

"Whatever, just forget about it Felix."

We swung by and got Snow who was happy to see Felix and we all headed to my place catching up, reminiscing about the old days of flirting with girls and Felix not being able to control his skunk stench when we got close to a taker. It was like old times laughing and having fun. We got to my little house and transferred the socializing to the kitchen, where we made sandwiches for a quick meal. Snow excused himself to the bathroom leaving Felix and I in the dining room.

"Jazcal, let me ask you something, and don't lie to me. You like him, don't you?" Felix inquired.

This caught me off guard and I scrambled to figure out how he knew. "What do you mean?" I asked.

"You know exactly what I mean. I can see it in you. You are always looking at him, even when I am talking like you didn't want to miss a single thing he did" he explained.

This was the part of Felix I hated. You couldn't hide anything from the guy. He could read everyone like a book without even talking to them and have a pretty good idea as to who they were and what they did. Slightly disheartened, I confessed, "Yes, yes I do. A lot, but you can't tell him okay? This is between you and me for now."

"Alright, but why? Are you afraid he hates gays? I mean look at me. I am bi but he still likes me."

"Yes but you aren't in it for him only. He has never commented on anthros that are gay, but he also has never had one confess to him that they are in love with him before."

"I think you are just being foolish, but I will respect your wishes" he finished as he drank from his water glass.

Snow re-entered the room, "Hey guys it was great hanging out with y'all but I think I need to be headed home. Got to get an early start you know."

"Yeah, I think I should hit it too" agreed Felix.

As they were leaving and I waved goodbye from my front door a bunny on a bike rode by screaming, "He's dead! The Chancellor Krind has been murdered by the Roarsi!"

"What the..." started Felix.

"We need to talk" said Snow.

We returned into the house and sat in my living room, quietly thinking. I spoke up first. "What does this mean?"

Snow sighed and said, "War. War is what this means."

"Yeah, especially when they kill our diplomat to their country in cold blood. There is no way the king will stand for this and the courts will support his decision fully" said Felix.

"What are we going to do about it?" I asked.

"I am going to hang low and hopefully the draft doesn't kick in" said Snow.

"Me too" said Felix. "What about you Jazcal?"

I wanted to agree, but one thing stuck out in my mind. Don't be afraid to take a risk. Is this what he meant? "If it comes to war, I am enlisting. Besides, there will most likely be a draft and enlisted get better pay, so might as well."

"Just like old times, if I didn't run the girl off with my ass, you sure did with your crazy ideas" said Felix.

"Let's just hope we are wrong" said Snow resting his chin on his paws in thought.

Silverback Episode 8

Sure enough, the king demanded that Roarsi join the nation and forfeit their ruler to the justice of our glorious nation. Naturally they declined and a war ensued between the Roarsi and an alliance consisting of us and the small nation of Ave. True to...

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Silverback Episode 6

We climbed down to the valley floor and spent the night in the beautiful forest with the soothing sound of the river nearby. Morning came and we set out to the village. During the entire walk to the village all I could think about was, _what am I...

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Silverback Episode 5

We hiked for a few days through the forest, slowly but we were making progress. I was able to follow the sound of the call in the direction of the mountains in the distance. The scent got stronger and I grew more curious of its wild flavor. I assumed...

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