Possessions (Chapter 18, book7)

Story by KitKaramak on SoFurry

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#18 of Twilight of the Gods Book7

Mature section near the end of the chapter. No adult words, it's all written to be emotional and passionate, but still certainly mature themes. Book seven is nearly at its conclusion. Just a few loose ends to tie up, then we can start on Book8's first draft.

Chapter -18- Possessions

Celestial Realm

** "Have you spoken to Ra?"**

Sekhmet frowned. "I have been cut off from him. I have been cut off from Ma'at. I do not know if they are in hiding or if they have been somehow imprisoned similar to the Shinto deities. All I know for sure is that my people are not dead. I can feel that much."

"What is the plan?" Tamamo asked.

"I am a warrior and a healer; I am not a politician or a thinker. I do not know what to do next."

Tamamo frowned. "You amass an army."

"I am a warrior, not a soldier."

"Neither is a General. Some of the world's greatest military generals never served as a foot soldier. They were warriors at heart, and understood the battlefield differently than their enemies. They lead with their hearts and won the day. You should amass an army."

"There are not enough of us to stand against the jötnar, Tamamo-no-Mae."

"I can take you to Earth with me. I'll find a mirror large enough that you can..."

"No. I have a way to Earth. The spirit of my kind is far too dense to pass through reflection like the newer deities. Only one mirror on Earth allows for all deities to pass through and it is lost to time."

Tamamo smiled. "No, it is protected by a family of select vampire scholars and their combat champion, Kalen Kincade. However, the portal in this realm that leads to that mirror has been locked away by the Grand Chancellor. It was feared that Loki may access it and send his warriors to Earth by means of that portal. I was the one that suggested it to be hidden when spying on Kiko Sigyn. How do you plan to go to Earth?"

Sekhmet listened then said, "The worshippers of my kind were savvy enough to build monuments that act as doorways to the physical realm. If I am to amass an army, I will start there."

Tamamo stared at the lioness for a moment then nodded. "The Esoteric Council and the supernatural people of Earth acted to prohibit our kind from Earth. If you amass a human army, they may think you to be God Almighty. This will be no better than what Loki plans to do on Earth, by giving himself power by tricking humans into worshipping him. You must be logical and practical in regards to how you go about working with humans. And if you're going alone, you won't have my council on how to act amongst the humans."

"I can handle humans! I've done it before."

"You have?"

"My headpiece. The solar disk with the uraeus. It allows me to transition back into a human-looking woman."

"You have a split personality?"

"It turns me back into the human-faced deity that stood alongside Ra. I seek the solar disk crown to transition, I fear there may be no other way. It is, however, locked inside of a museum on Earth. It was unearthed many, many decades ago and sits within the confines of a vault, away from the eyes of the humans. Egypt has asked for my solar disk to be repatriated to the hands of their museum but, like many Egyptian artifacts, these national institutions refuse to part with Egyptian spoils they currently possess. I will require it before I can show my face in public."

Tamamo nodded. "I know two human men who are capable of taking possession of this artifact. They will retrieve it for you if I ask them to. Their family was bred with an ability for just such occasions."

"Very well, fox spirit. I shall await your appearance in the monument of the great lion."

"Very well. Where is it?"

"It's obvious. An enormous statue of a lioness. I am told that someone has defaced it and shown a great deal of hubris by carving its face to that of a human man. I am not sure if there is truth to this rumor, however. You will find it likely half-buried in the sand, standing guard before the mighty pyramids."

Tamamo eyed her for a moment. "They are known as wonders of the ancient human world. They are ... were monumental sarcophaguses for the dead pharaohs. The statue you mentioned is called the Great Sphinx of..."

"No! The pyramids were not meant to be a place of burial! No mortal has such hubris to bury himself as a god!"

"No, but the mortals of the modern day may have the misunderstanding to assume they were used for burials. Although that is not to say that pharaohs may or may not not have used the pyramids to place their body, regardless of their original intent."

Sekhmet growled. The deep rumble reverberated in her throat. "I see I didn't kill enough of them. Did you say the statue is a sphinx? It in no way resembles a sphinx. It is a tribute to the heart of the lioness. The hunter, the warrior and the spirit of protection."

"I see why you are offended - it was tribute to you."

"Correct. I am curious, though, if the rumor is true."

"Rumor?" Tamamo asked.

"Yes. I am told that it was defaced, and made to resemble a human face. I have not, however, seen it in person."

Tamamo frowned. "It has been defaced since I last walked the physical realm."

"I see."

"I'm told the man responsible for vandalizing the human face was hanged."

Sekhmet smirked. "I will be amused to see a broken human face. Tamamo-no-Mae, I will wait for you in the vicinity of the so-called Sphinx. There was once a chamber beneath my statue, set back a ways, behind it. However, the water table of the Nile has risen and flooded it."

Tamamo tilted her head. "Behind it? I thought it was beneath the statue?"

"No. The Lioness Tribute is far too heavy; it would be impossible to have a chamber directly beneath. An earthquake would cause such to cave in."

"What is the purpose of the chamber, Sekhmet-sama?"

"I once appeared in that chamber. As I said, it is now flooded. I will find a nearby location to materialize. Seek me out and I will find you."

Tamamo frowned as they walked back through the Hallway of Reflection. "I will not appear as I do now, I'm afraid."

"I am the beholder of the sacred eye. I will see you as your true form."

Someone shouted from at the far end of the hall. "There they are!"

Tamamo looked up and saw an enormous group of jötnar. They broke into a sprint, racing up the hallway.

Sekhmet balled her hands into fists. "Go! I will hold them off!"


"GO, spirit fox! Now! I command it!"

Tamamo hurried to the last active mirror. She pressed her fingers into it. "Conner-kun! Please, hurry! I am out of time and the jötnar are attacking! Any female body will do; I need to flee this realm immediately!"



Simultaneously, in the Earth Realm...

Conner frowned and reached for Dawn's hands_._"Forgive me, it's temporary."

Dawn blinked at his forwardness. "Wait, what?"

"No time to explain." Conner pushed the small sun visor mirror against Dawn's fingertips. "I promise we'll find her another body right away. I can't let her die."

Dawn gasped as though in surprise and pleasure. Her cheeks narrowed inwards just slightly and she flailed back, falling into James' arms.

"What did you just do?!" James exclaimed. "She's my fiancée! Conner what the..."

Dawn's eyes opened and she looked up at them. The coloration of her irises turned from hazel to amber. Her pupils changed, slightly, becoming somewhat more vertical in shape. "Please, with all due apologies! Do not be upset! Please Parker-san," she said to James. "Please, I begged him. Do not be upset. It is temporary and Dawn is still here. I have only one thing to ask of you both at this time."

Conner moved closer to her. "What is it? Anything you want."

Tamamo, through the eyes of Dawn, offered a tired smile. "Food. I am famished." She eased herself from James' arms and cupped Conner's face then kissed him without thinking on the matter.

"Whoa! This is not_happening," James said, quickly pushing them apart. "Absolutely _not."

Tamamo brought her fingers to her lips and offered Conner a sly smile. "Human hormones. Feeling flush in the face; the race of my heart. I have forgotten all of that. We should find a body for me. Conner, I want to find an Asian woman. Let us make haste to Japan. Then I have a job for you both. I understand James-san," she turned to James, "you have been training? You will need to train with one another to work well together. We require an Egyptian artifact, then we must take it to Egypt where we will find an ally. But first, we must go to the Parker mansion in San Francisco, California. Another ally will be waking very, very soon. We should hurry - let us take the first flight available."

Conner frowned. "We can't take the express route, huh? You're not able to go back through?"

"Iie, Conner-kun."

James frowned. "What does 'ee-yah' mean?"

Dawn turned back to James, her speech took a Japanese dialect on certain vowels. "A simple expression meaning 'no.' Unfortunately I am to be one of the very last deities to leave the Celestial realm." She reached for the sun visor vanity mirror in Conner's hands, threw it on the asphalt and stomped on the mirror. It shattered beneath Dawn's shoe. "Reno-sama will awake soon. I am fascinated by ... and excited to ... travel the skies now tamed by mankind. Let us hurry."

James sighed. "This is..." he trailed off and rubbed his face. "I've never seen anything like this. Possession? If I didn't see your eyes change, I wouldn't believe this sort of thing is possible."

Tamamo turned away from James and pointed to a very, very faint ghostly outline of foxtails. "Let us find an ankle-length skirt to hide these." She reached down the front of Dawn's shirt and withdrew a necklace that James didn't recognize.

"Hoshi-no-tama?" asked Conner.

"Hai, the source of my spirit and kitsunebi in this realm. It travels with me when I come to this realm."

Conner tilted his head. "Can you transition into a fox when in another person's body?"

"I can. However, when I release the possessed, she would likely experience intense joint pain because of such." Tamamo smoothed the fabric on Dawn's body then shifted a bit. "Divine possession is hard on the metabolism, and transformation is excessively difficult on the human body. The sooner we get a body I can hold permanently, the better off we will be." Again, she shifted about. "There is an awkward sensation, to which I am not acclimated. I felt it over twenty-five years ago, but it is far worse this time." She reached down and pulled at the denim pants. "It feels good but strange and not preferable."

"Dawn is wearing boy-shorts." James frowned and folded his arms.

"Why would a woman wear shorts for boys? And how could a boy wear such a thing?" She reached to the denim crotch, pulling it away from her groin. "The last woman, over whom I performed kitsune-tsuki, did not wear such an awkward garment."

"You can't just go and steal people's bodies! Doing this to Dawn is bad enough but you can't go doing this sort of thing to people just because you want to!"

Conner, finding the situation amusing, said, "It's not the pants. It's the undergarment beneath them. The last person must have worn looser fitting panties."

James' face contorted in frustration. "I never would have agreed to this had I known it would be like this! And you shouldn't be allowed to do this to anyone else, either!"

Tamamo, as Dawn, turned to James and put her hands upon his face. "Be at ease, James-san. I seek a woman's body that will fit a strict criteria."

Conner nodded to his uncle. "She and I talked about it. She wants someone who is suicidal, or someone who was in a coma, or volunteer who is willing to experience something amazing. Originally I wanted to find someone else. I thought we had more time to search. I never intended for this to happen to Dawn." He turned back to Tamamo and asked, "Do you require certain physical characteristics or a certain intelligence level or something?"

The golden-eyed woman ran her hands through Dawn's soft brown hair. "The longer I stay in the body, the more their body will change to the characteristics I had in my original physical form. For example, if they had a weak memory before the possession, and I possess their body for an extensive period, the part of their brain that is home to memories would begin to increase gradually. If their metabolism is slow, it would increase. If their heart is weak, it would gradually grow stronger. I was in my prime at the time of my death. Now, let us go to America immediately."

James looked down at where Tamamo had taken Conner's hand. "Hey, look, I don't know how to handle this, or anything, but some lines should not be crossed."

"Pardon, James-san?"

"Have respect for the body of my mate."

Tamamo looked down at where her fingers had interlaced with Conner's own. She released his hand and offered a sheepish smile back at James. "I did not realize it. But I can tell, when I reflect on Dawn's suppressed personality, that she is quite devoted to you, James-san. I assure you she loves you."

"I know she does. I don't need someone to verify what I already know. Let's go to the airport and get this over with. The sooner I get Dawn back the happier I will be."

"Thank you," said Tamamo, "for your patience in this matter. Let us make haste back to San Francisco. The two of you are under my protection; we will see this through to the end as allies."

"Protection?" asked James.

"You have your abilities?" Conner asked.

Tamamo looked around the parking lot then held her hand out, palm up. A spherical space above Dawn's fingertips began to distort. The superheated air ignited, creating a crackling ball of flame the size of a softball.

James swallowed. "Okay now I'm ... starting to really believe."

The fireball fizzled out. The possessed body of Dawn turned to James and leaned up, kissing the side of his face. "That is the custom to show appreciation, is it not?"

"It's a little antiquated," James replied, adding, "but it still works."

Tamamo waved her hands with a soft smile forming at the corner of Dawn's lips. "Let us go! I wish to experience human flight!"

Conner put his hand on her forearm. "Just tone it down in public. Let's not draw attention to ourselves." He frowned, adding, "Tamamo, are you okay? Your eyes are glistening."

She offered a soft smile. A tear slipped down her cheek. "No, no. I am well, Conner-kun."

"You're crying," said James.

Tamamo frowned. "There is a lot of memories that came with me from the other side. The most recent ones are quite emotional. Dawn now knows what I know. We are both very sad, very scared, yet very glad to be safe. I saw the death of Jupiter and his son, Prince Mars. It was tragic. Sekhmet protected me, covering my retreat. She is powerful and ferocious in combat. Now Dawn is experiencing what I saw recently. This body is responding with hormone elevation to counter the stress of the memories. I am feeling a myriad of emotions at once. I am doing my best to contain it."

James nodded. "You speak very differently than Dawn."

"How ... differently?" she asked.

"For one, you don't use contractions."

Conner rubbed his chin. "You're right. I feel like I've heard you use them before but not often."

"Ah. My English. I will adapt in a short time from hearing it. Now, let us ... let's hurry." She motioned to the rental car. "This is the one, yes? I have access to Dawn's memories as well. I recall this to be the vehicle we currently possess."

"Let's not use that word right now," James said with a sigh.

"Possess?" she asked.


Conner got into the back seat.

Tamamo moved to get into the other rear door but James took her by the arm and guided her to the front door. "Why don't you ride shotgun? It, uh ... you'll enjoy the experience."

Tamamo grinned. "You wish to keep us apart until I am out of Dawn's body. I respect your decision." She slid into the front seat and waited for James to shut the door for her. She watched James walk back around the other side of the car. Tamamo turned to Conner, blew him a kiss with a grin, andthen quickly folded her hands with a lady-like posture.

James opened the left front door and slid into the driver's seat.



Sunday, July 23, 2049 - unknown time New Atlantis, the "Domed City of Scientific Research" ...

Topaz opened her arms and motioned to the laboratory. "See, boys? This is proof." She lifted the index finger of her left and right hands. "But you haven't seen anything yet. Come here. You won't believe your eyes." Topaz guided Fox and Vincent through the laboratory, into a hallway, and stopped at a door at the very end. "Prepare yourselves."

"What is it?" asked Vincent.

Fox rubbed the nape of his neck, brows furrowed with confusion. "I thought we're supposed to install a computer virus to let us wake up anyone who comes out of cryogenic stasis? That's the plan right, Paz? We infect the computer, then we wake up Carmen and get her home safe ... Right?"

"Agreed," said Vincent. "I want my daughter safe."

"We'll get to that in a minute," said Topaz. She opened a door at the end, leading to a back room.

Sitting inside was a middle-aged black man. He looked at Topaz, then turned his gaze to Fox and Vincent.

Fox blinked, immediately recognizing him. "Holy shit! Evan, is that really you??"

The man frowned at the cussword. He stood up and approached but stopped at a line painted on the floor. "Don't come any closer, Fox."

Vincent rubbed his chin, "I remember meeting you."

Evan Balmoral nodded with a slight frown. "Same. And, Fox, it's good to see you." He motioned to the empty air around himself. "There's an electric field around me. I don't want you guys hurt. I have two more hours left of my shift but now that we had that quake, I don't know if I'll be forced to stay over."

"Your shift?" asked Vincent. "You work here? What do you do here? There's nothing here for you to do. It's an empty room."

"Patience is forced to work on Falcon's science team. They keep me out of stasis to have leverage with her. They keep me around when they need me to do things from time to time. But, usually, I stay in this cell while she's on shift. That keeps me from causing trouble, I guess. It's a boring ten-hour day. But it's my life."

Fox balked. "Your life? What the hell do you mean by that?"

"Fox, stop," said Topaz. "He hates cussing, remember?"

Evan shrugged. "I'm married to Patty. We have a ten year old, who attends school and thinks everything is normal. My wife goes to work; I go to 'work.' It's my burden - I do it to keep my family alive. I don't want Falcon doing anything to my loved ones, so I cooperate. But that quake was really bad. I don't know what's happening but I have a feeling I might get stuck 'working over' today. However, it's possible I will be sent home on time in order to pick up my kid from school. I just..." He trailed off with a sigh then added, "don't break me out. I don't want my family in jeopardy."

"All this time, I had no idea you were here," Vincent said with a frown. "That's sick. All these things that Falcon keeps from me. It's nauseating." As if on cue, Vincent's phone beeped. He reached into his pocket, held his finger on the side button and said, "Send it."

A male voice came over the speaker. "There was a nuclear power planet that was still in operation on the District Coast. I'm not sure which state, but the quake caused problems. They can't use the control rods. You have to contain it with your freak power."

Topaz narrowed her eyes. "I know that douchebag voice. Jasper Cunningham."

"I'll be there shortly." Vincent released the push-to-talk button on his phone and slid it into his pocket. "Yeah. Jasper. He was some sort of experimental super-soldier from the mid 1990s or something. When there is an emergency, he becomes my immediate supervisor. I have to contain the radiation while the plant figures out what to do." He turned to Topaz and they shared a kiss, then he turned to Fox and they shared a kiss. "I'll catch up with you two later. Try and get Carmen out of here while I'm on the surface so that it looks like I had nothing to do with it. This will be my alibi. Also, while I'm on the surface, I'll check in with Karla and see how my brother is doing. I love you guys." Vincent hurried out of the room.

Evan rubbed his face. "I guess Falcon doesn't want the Atlantic to be contaminated. It must be a plant right on the coast for him to give a crap."

"Doubtful. There were several that went into catastrophic meltdown in 2025. Falcon likes to pretend he cares, and that he's somehow saving the world. He's a hero in his own mind." Topaz frowned. "I'm sorry you're in this situation, Evan."

"It's okay." Evan looked down at the floor and sighed. "I was once a hero in my own mind. So ... why are you guys here anyway? I mean, to find Vincent's daughter, sure, but she's not kept here."

"I married Vincent. She is my daughter, too, hon."

"No she isn't here," said Fox, "but Paz says she's close. Look, we're going to install a virus that will cause anyone in a post-stasis coma to wake up."

"What do you mean?" Evan tilted his head. "Coma? What's going on?"

Paz began pacing in front of the line painted on the floor that marked where the electric field was. "Basically, if you're brought out of stasis, you won't wake up. They inject some sort of tube into you, and put you into a medically induced coma, then freeze you. When you're thawed out, you're still in the coma. It's a failsafe. If the computer deems you allowed to wake up, it sends out a signal and the capsule sitting in your body will release some sort of chemical that brings you out of the coma. Fox is going to put a virus in the computer so that people will wake up right after being thawed. Then, all we have to do is figure out how to unfreeze all our friends. They'll wake up right away and we can fight our way out. Don't worry, we'll clear a path before coming for you and your family. We all leave together. Don't tell anyone except Patty. And do so quietly. I want this to be the best heist ever - we're going to body-snatch all our friends and allies. Everyone. Elvena, Carmen, Donovan Loupe, Karla's son Donnie, Johann ... everyone."

"Johann," Evan said with a sigh. "He'll still be twenty years old. I'm forty-five years old now. That'll be weird. I really miss him. He was my best friend."

Topaz nodded. "Well, we'll get everyone at the same time. We messed up coming down here, but leaving will be quick, clean, and silent. They won't even know we're leaving until we're already gone. Fox and I have been living here for a while, now. We've been casing the place."

Evan nodded with a weak smile. "I wish I could hug you guys. Just keep your heads down. You don't want to meet The Enforcer."

Fox frowned. "Who are they? What are their abilities?"

"Some lady. I heard a rumor she used to go after junkies when she was young, but now she's become a junkie, herself, and is obsessed over stealing people's powers."

Fox looked back at his sister, then towards Evan with furrowed brows. "Does Falcon help this woman obtain them?"

Evan shrugged. "I've heard Falcon gives her the abilities that she is genetically compatible with. They have a few of the same. She has some he can't use, and vice versa. She gets emotionally unstable in her downtime, so ... when she isn't needed, she lives in a glass tube full of liquid nutrient stuff. Everyone has heard of her, but most of what people say is rumor and all that. I only tried to escape once, before the birth of my daughter. She stopped me. It was scary. She's ... nobody should have that much power. She's obsessed with getting more. She wanted mine."

"What happened, did she get it?" Topaz fidgeted somewhat.

"I don't know. Weeks later, I was asked to perform menial tasks with my ability. So, maybe not. Either that or they won't wake her for trivial work. Just ... steer clear. If she comes your way, you run your butts off, okay?"

Fox and Topaz exchanged uncomfortable glances.

Evan rubbed his face. "So, uhm, what's the surface like, now? Do we have any flying cars yet?"

Fox chuckled. "No, no flying cars. That'll never happen anyhow. We'd have idiots flying them into buildings, by accident _and_on purpose. Anyway, the rescue operation won't happen right away. This is a thing that needs to be planned carefully. We can't rush like we did coming down here, twenty-five years ago. We have to make this a precision operation."

"I have nothing but time. But thanks for giving me some hope. I can't wait to see everyone else. I hear Rufus infiltrated this group. Then he left. I think I heard Karla escaped too."

Topaz scowled. "Yeah. That backstabbing twat isn't exactly my friend anymore. I'm the godmother of her kids, though. So I'm rescuing them out of obligation, but Karla and I do not talk anymore. It's no wonder her marriage is turning to garbage - she's not exactly a good person." Paz sighed and shook her head. "Sorry. Guess I'm still raw about that. Take care, Evan. And, so far as that quake," she gestured to Fox to explain.

Parker picked up where his sister left off. "The news said that the area where Myrtle Beach collided with Bermuda in 2025 ... the quake came from there. And it was bad. Real bad. It caused a tsunami that hit Florida and destroyed what little was left of it. Vincent told us that Jules is dead. But the good news is ... Sinopa and my son, Conner, left the house in Louisiana quite some time ago. The tsunami destroyed lower Louisiana, as well, and they'd have been killed if they were still there. Anyhow, Africa and Spain were hit by a different tsunami traveling the other direction. There were two waves generated by the quake. They basically went south and east. Last I heard, Sierra Leone was wiped off the map. Catastrophic loss of life. Even though the quake was a mere hour, it generated the tallest wave to hit Africa's west coast in recorded history. So much water dumped into the Mediterranean Sea, that Sicily flooded, and the Nile of Egypt flooded Cairo."

"Holy smokes." Evan rubbed his face again. "Back up to the part about where Myrtle Beach collided with Bermuda. Can you explain that?"

Topaz frowned. "Evan, about a year after we tried to attack Falcon together ... there was a quake that lasted for days."

"I don't think this city was latched into the ocean floor yet. We never experienced any quakes that lasted for more than a few minutes. Well, not until today, that is. That was the longest hour of my life. So what happened to everyone, in 2025? A quake that lasts for days sounds serious."

Paz sighed and shook her head. "You honestly didn't know?"

"Know what? Did something serious happen? Please, just tell me."

She grimaced. "Well, the entire east coast of America was ripped off and pulled into the center of the Atlantic. It shifted northeast, until Maine met southern Iceland. The strip of land moved through the Atlantic, causing a quake that lasted and lasted and lasted. Tens of millions died. It didn't stop until it met the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, pushing it up until several of the mountains surfaced. The official death count is thirty-seven million, between those who died from the quake, the floods, the starvation, and the radiation."

"Oh my God," Evan whispered with a devastated look. "Thirty-seven million lives, all because Johann and I thought we could pretend to be superheroes and failed at it."

"Evan, this isn't your fault. Nobody was prepared to fight this guy. It's like he had the power of a god in his corner. He was unstoppable. But now we know better. Now we can all escape, and rectify our failure."

Evan rubbed his eyes. "I still ... thirty-seven million."

Topaz frowned. She saw how the news broke his heart. "Yeah. I'm sorry you found out this way. But so long as Falcon is alive, he could do it all again. This domed city we're in, right now, is only seventy-five feet below the surface. That's how high the Mid-Atlantic Ridge was pushed upwards. And they drilled into the side of the mountains and found a city from a long, long time ago. I think it's the real Atlantis or something. Or maybe a city that the tale of Atlantis was based on. I just came from there. It's beautiful."

Evan nodded with a frown. "Yeah. I knew about that city. Patience works there. She's shown me pictures. I was taken to a section at the center, once, in order to turn a door into glass, then back into sand. They needed me to breech this big temple. But there's a door inside that I can't get through. It doesn't turn to glass. They said only one person can get through that door, and he died like ... ten thousand years ago or something. They said that Dr. falcon was trying to create a genetic duplicate, who would have to be born and grow up to become this Vince Clortho guy."

"Who?" asked Topaz.

"The key master." Evan sighed. "Nevermind. Ghost Busters. It was a comedy sci-fi movie from the 80s. Anyway, they said only one person can access this super door. Falcon wants this person at all costs ... whoever it is."

Fox frowned. He looked at Topaz with a knowing gaze. She nodded in reply.

"Do you guys know who it is?" Evan asked.

"Yeah," Fox coughed with a frown. He grimaced and nodded. "You might say that. Anyhow, just sit tight. We still have a lot of planning to do. It's good to see you, Evan. We have to leave while this part of the city is empty due to the quake safety evacuation process. We need to put this virus on the computers and go back into hiding. See you when things are ready, okay? Keep your chin up, bud."

"Take care, you guys. Remember not to be caught by The Enforcer. She is heartless and brutal. She's really freaking mean, too."

"We will stay out of sight," said Topaz.

Evan smiled in relief. "Good. Thanks for the hope. I really needed it. My kid has an ability. It manifested this year. It's just like my power, only instead of glass and silica, it's solid rock from dirt." Evan sat back down on a bench at the back wall and folded his hands. "Stay safe."

Fox said, "We will be back for you and your family. It may take a while, but it'll happen. Just go on as normal for the time being."

"We won't leave you," Topaz added. "No matter what. I promise."

Fox and Topaz hurried out of the room and made their way back to the empty lab. They approached a console on the side of a computer server. Fox got started, accessing the User Interface. "I have to write the code for this virus from scratch."

"You couldn't have written something at the apartment and loaded it in with a flash drive?"

"No, because these things would register an unauthorized drive being plugged into a data port. Keep and eye out while I write the virus. Then let's go back to the apartment and 'play house' together."

Topaz grinned with a slight shake of her head. "Was the supposed to be flirting? Fine, hell, I'll take what I can get."

Fox smirked. "Shut up, you know I'm still your favorite bad boy."

Paz gave him a playful shove. "You're not a bad boy, Fox. You're just a good boy who misbehaves from time to time."

Fox smirked again. "And what about Vincent? He works for the bad guy. Does that make him a bad boy?"

"Tch. Hardly. He's like you. Good boy, bad habits." She swatted her brother firmly on his backside and walked to the door at the far end of the lab. "Now hurry up so we can get out of here. I mean it."

"Paz, this computer is designed to snuff out new threats. My code needs to be backdoor'ed into the system."

She looked back across the lab with a shrug. "If you can make it work, I will make it worth your while when we get back."

Fox grinned. "I can write the virus and code it into a midnight audit program. Apparently this system is designed to run an automated audit report every night at midnight. It makes changes that will be automatically accepted by the operating system. So, I'll make it so the audit program adds the virus at midnight. Then the operating system will accept the virus as a friendly change instead of a hostile one."

"Good. Whatever you gotta do to make it work. If you get this done, I will rock your world when we get back."

Fox grinned at her playful promise and began typing rapidly.



Several hours later...

Topaz Nevada's legs lifted, encircling Fox's waist. She crossed her ankles at the small of his back and arched up against his body. She pushed her feet downwards, and used her heels against his toned rump to pull his hips against herself. "God yes," she grunted in satisfaction. "Just like that, baby. Christ, you're really into it today. Is that what you needed, Fox? A possession fuck?"

Fox offered no reply. He kept his lips latched on her neck, suckling to the point that her skin turned purple just above her left collarbone. He felt her hands start to move and captured her wrists then pinned her arms down against the pillow.

"I love when you get into it like this," she said against his ear. "That's it, Fox, I love when you take what you want," she cooed in a taunting way.

Again, Fox gave no reply. He braced his right foot against the bedpost and used it as leverage to aggressively rut her. Sweat trickled down the side of his face, meeting her shoulder. He kept his lips clamped down on her throat, nibbling and suckling with hungry fervor.

She returned the passionate ardor by clinched her body around him. The rhythmic cadence of gripping and releasing him felt incredible.

Fox loved the way she milked him, coaxing him to an imminent release. He drew his head up then looked down into her eyes. He saw the hickey, where he'd marked her neck. He saw her quivering bottom lip, where she was trembling from a climatic release, and he saw the goosebumps on her shoulder and upper chest. Seeing and feeling her body react was what gave him the most pleasure of all.

"I fucking love you," he told her. "I love you so much."

"Mm, prove it," she whined softly with need in her voice.

Fox leaned back down and slanted his lips against her own. His tongue met hers. He felt the muscles of her thighs tense up to the point that they began to tremble against his hips.

All at once, he groaned against her mouth. The sound was muffled against their kiss. His toes curled and his chest tightened. An electric sensation raced down his spine and he inhaled sharply through his nose, never daring to break the kiss as they climaxed together. A geyser of hot liquid pearl flooded the woman beneath him. With a grunt of delight, Fox painted her hot, pink walls with a coating of cream, which splashed against her cervix.

Topaz tensed her body. Her arms pushed up against his palms, loving the way he pinned her to the pillow. She bucked her body upwards, taking him to the hilt within herself.

All at once, she forced her wrists out from underneath his grip. Her arms wrapped around him; she clung to his body, broke the kiss, and gasped aloud in a sudden sensation of overlapping orgasms. Two different sensations at once; the pleasure made it hard for her to think.

"Oh my fucking God!" she exclaimed, followed by hard panting. "Fox, oh my God, I've never ... ngh!" She ended on a loud exclamation of ecstasy.

"I'm cumming," he whispered against her forehead, then kissed her brow. "God I needed that."

Topaz, however, was shifting wildly beneath him. "Oh my God, Fox, I've never had both at the same time," she panted. Her legs spasmed around his waist, clenching and relaxing over and over. "Oh, fuck, I never," she trailed off, trying to catch her breath. "What the hell was that?" she demanded, delight shining in her eyes.

Fox lifted his head a bit and smiled at her. "What?"

"Uhm, can I just say wow? Clitoral and g-spot climax at the same time. Forget about multiples, Fox. That was two different orgasms at the same time. Christ, what did you do different?"

"I don't know, but it was definitely more emotional this time."

Topaz dropped her head back to the pillow, taking deep controlled breaths to relax her body, which hummed with sensation from head to toe. "I love you."

"I love you, too, Paz." Their lips met. He brushed his tongue across her bottom lip, playfully, then ground his hips against hers to catch her off guard.

Topaz jumped, beneath him, hissing through her teeth at the unexpected fresh wave of pleasure. Her reaction inflated Fox's masculine ego.

He glanced over at the clock on the nightstand and silently applauded himself for lasting twice in a row. Although, he had to admit she was right, earlier. It was some sort of carnal possession fuck. As much as they both loved Vincent, there was a secret, repressed part of Fox that deeply enjoyed having Topaz all to himself.

Fox grinned down at her then canted his head left to right, brushing his nose against hers with a sly yet endearing smile.

Her eyes fluttered shut and she sighed in content. "Just throwing this out there, but ... I'm ovulating."

"You want to be seventy years old when our next kid is celebrating his or her twenty-first birthday?"

"Oh hush. We need to repopulate the world with a new line of Master-level Shadow Thieves. Impressive that you went twice in a row. Well done, babe."

"Well, that thing you did with your fingers was pretty impressive, too, Paz. You've got the golden touch." He kissed the tip of her nose with a smile. "If it happens, then yes - I'd love to raise one more."

"I'm not against it. But we're not having kids down here. We'll get Carmen and get the hell back home. You think you have one last romp left in you? You know what they say - third time is the charm."

"I think I might_be able to manage _one more time with a little coaxing."

Paz grinned. She reached a hand down, and grasped his rump firmly. "You really know how to make a girl happy. If you can go just one more time, Fox, you'll break Vincent's record. As of right now, you just tied it."

Fox, empowered by the challenge, eased his hips up, away from her. He rolled her over on the mattress, face down, and settled down on her body from behind.

His hand went down between them, guiding himself back into her then he eased his legs onto the outside of hers, and, with his tight toned thighs now against her outer thighs, Fox forced her legs shut.

Parker planted his knees on either side of her hips and began to buck again, creating a rhythmic cadence at a rather aggressive tempo. Topaz squirmed beneath him, crying out into the pillow. Face buried, she literally screamed into the sham to keep the outburst muffled, so as not to alarm the rest of the apartment complex.

He pumped his hips, railing the shivering body of his twin sister. He wrapped his left arm around her neck and cupped her right shoulder in his palm. With her throat against the pit of his inner-elbow, she flailed about beneath him, delighted by his rarely-shown aggressive side.

It turned the taboo romp into an intensely passionate affair. Topaz's head was swimming. Choose the taboo - her twin brother. Sleeping with a man other than her husband. The knowledge that the boys also had a relationship with one another, but that Fox still threw himself at her first and foremost. And at the core of it all, she loved how sensual and physical sex could be with Fox.

She knew his words were right - this was more emotional than usual. It was intense. It was romantic yet rough. It was perfect. With her thighs mashed together by his legs on either side of her, it caused her to bear down on him even tighter. And then the surprise happened...

She felt another hot, wet rush of release. Fox's third in a row. It took her by surprise, having not paid attention to anything but her own pleasure up to this point. Topaz lifted her head from the pillow, gasped long and loud and groaned in delight. "Holy hell, are you going again already??"

"God yes," he bellowed against the side of her face from behind.

And then the world shattered in an instant. Something neither was prepared for. A boot. A swift kick from the side. Both of them fell from the bed, landing unceremoniously on the floor. And before either could recover, there was another kick from behind.

Fox gasped for breath. The attack came all too sudden. He looked down, seeing his sister on the ground, curled in a fetal position. Her hands trembled. His eyes lifted then lowered. He saw the hickey then he saw something else on her ribs. A burn mark.

Fox Parker got to his feet and tightened his hands into fists. A group of men in black uniforms surrounded the bed with stun batons. More filtered in through the bedroom door.

Someone swung for his face. His instinct to protect Topaz became overwhelming. Fox switched into autopilot. He stopped thinking and let his body take over the way he trained it.

His hands moved to grasp the nearest stun baton. His other hand closed on a pressure point on the soldier's arm, causing the man's elbow to collapse. Fox guided the glorified cattle prod up against the soldier's neck. The man flailed back and struck the dresser by the wall.

Parker brought his naked foot up and kicked another baton out of a second man's hand. He caught it left handed then pivoted and shoved both electric prods into the next closest attacker's face.

Fueled by testosterone and the macho instinct to protect his twin, Fox Parker put his foot on the nightstand and performed a somersault up onto the bed. He placed his left foot on the bed post and kicked with his right, catching another man in the face.

Somewhere in the background, his subconscious recognized that his sister got to her feet. He plotted the room in his mind, careful not to swing wide so as not to hit her. Instead, he flipped off the bed and landed with one knee down, against one of the soldiers trying to sit up.

Fox thumbed the switch on one of his stun batons and tossed it over his shoulder to Topaz. He reached for another one on the floor then twirled them like two thick majorette batons. The hiss of crackling electricity was soothing to his ears but otherwise ignored. Parker buried one of the prods into the downed soldier's neck then stood up.

He performed a roundhouse kick, which was caught by one of the soldiers. To his left, he saw Topaz strike down another attacker. Fox tugged his leg, but the officer's grip was firm. He countered by bringing his other foot up, which caught the man in his face. Fox arched his back and reached up, falling back into a handstand. He pivoted on his palms then turned ninety degrees. He dropped into a split, careful not to hurt himself due to a lack of clothing.

Sliding down into the split, he thrust one of the cattle prods up and buried the leads into another attacker's groin, while using the other to send a burst of current into the knee of Topaz's opponent.

Fox got back to his feet then twirled the batons again. And, as quickly as it started, it was over. A pile of twitching, convulsing, and utterly defeated soldiers lay on the bedroom floor.

He turned back to Topaz. "Are you okay?"

"Are you fucking kidding?" she exclaimed. "I was having a moment, then I got into a fight. I think I'm still cumming." She reached for the bedpost then dropped onto the mattress, panting hard. "That's a first - I've never beat people up in mid-fucking-orgasm before. God, this could turn into some sort of new fetish. That was intense. I feel like I'm high as a kite."

"He shocked the shit out of you, Topaz - are you okay?"

She switched off her baton and threw it. The harmless fiberglass stick knocked over a hand-soap dispenser on a counter across from the bed then fell on the floor.


She afforded her brother with a lame grin. "The zap is what made me ... you know ... get off again. I must be some sort of sick closet masochist. You know how hard it is to kick a dude in the face when your thighs are shaking?"

"No, you'll have to show me some time. I'll fuck you again, then you can kick some guy in the face - preferably not me."

Topaz snorted with amusement then abruptly sighed in frustration. "Now we have to find a new place. Or get the hell out of here. We need to get Carmen. God. How the hell did they find us?!"

A female voice came from the hallway. "I tracked you down. I can sense your abilities - it's a neat little trick I stole from this blue haired bitch, before I replaced her as Dr. Falcon's logistical coordinator." A young woman stepped into the bedroom.

Topaz looked up. Her breath caught. The surprise winded her. She couldn't speak. She reached for sheets on the bed and pulled them up to cover herself from some intrinsic form of instinct at the back of her head.

Fox gawked, recognizing the woman immediately. "Aunt Nicky?!" He snatched his pants off the floor and lifted them up to cover his hips and waistline. "What the hell are you doing here? I thought you were dead!"

"Very far from dead, my dear nephew. And what do I find? You two twincest freaks are fucking each other senseless. And the twisted part? Dr. Falcon told me to wait until you finished. He said it was extremely important. He actually had us pump some sort of pheromone into the apartment complex to make sure you two really went at it. Not sure why, but it's disgusting. You're no family of mine. You're sick."

Topaz slid off the bed, pulling the sheets with her. "Wait, we can explain. It's Falcon's fault we..."

"Sit back down," said Nichole with fire in her eyes.

Topaz cried out in pain then dropped to the floor, again winded, but worse than before. She tried to gasp for air like a fish out of water. Her lungs burned and her body flailed about uncontrollably.

Fox's eyes widened. He glanced at his sister, convulsing on the floor, then dove towards her. He shoved a picture frame from the nearby dresser into her mouth. She bit down on the wooden frame hard.

"Smooth," said Nichole. "The last person I did that do ... well, let's just say they bit their tongue off and bled to death. Falcon wants her alive and full of your ... God, I can't even bring myself to say the words. I'm appalled. The both of you make me ill. My brother tried so hard to keep you two apart. Now I see why. You filthy little freaks."

Fox stood up, putting himself between Topaz and Nichole. "You might be my father's sister, but you'd better stay the fuck away from her or I won't think twice about..."

"Shut up, Fox." Nichole tensed her hand into a fist.

Parker dropped to his knees and reached for his throat. His chest became tight and his limbs cramped up within seconds. He fell forward on his hands then rolled onto his side, unable to catch a breath.

"I stole a rather impressive power from some kid twenty-five years ago. Johann something-or-other." Nichole walked to a closet and opened it. She found extra folded blankets on the top shelf and threw it at them.

While continuing her story, Nicky tossed the robe and dress at Fox and Topaz. "My dear niece, you get to see the Doctor this afternoon. He's going to make sure Fox's spunk stays and does its job. He's going to ensure conception. I understand why but it still bothers me. You get to live until you give birth. Fox, however, will be throw into cryogenic freeze, but not before I take your power and finally claim my birthright as a Parker."

Nichole folded her arms and paced the bedroom, stepping over the twitching and mostly-unconscious bodies of her strike team. "Now, as I was saying ... I took this kid's ability before we put him into stasis. He could somehow control molecules. He could freeze water vapor in the air. He could ignite oxygen and create flames. He could turn a toaster to molten slag then freeze it in a puddle of chrome. But then I realized he had never grasped the full potential of his gift."

Fox and Topaz both began to turn blue in the face. Their bodies twitched, unable to move.

Nichole smiled, watching them struggle. "I can manipulate molecules, you morons. I deflated your lungs. You feel that burning in your chest? Your lungs are collapsed. You can't breathe. It's not like having the wind knocked out of you because you won't recover. Lucky for the both of you, Falcon wants you alive. Topaz, you'll give birth while in a medically induced coma. Fox, you'll be frozen. You'll probably never wake up. I could care less. You both disgust me. Who fucks their sibling? I sure as hell never fucked Jonathan. The two of you should be ashamed of yourselves, but I imagine you're both a little too busy dying right now. Feel that? Your brain is shutting down from a lack of oxygen."

Fox's eyes rolled upwards. Topaz's gaze fluttered shut.

Nichole waved her hands and both the twins' chests inflated. She knelt down over them and pushed on their chests while using her ability to force them into a breathing rhythm again.

However, neither of them regained consciousness. Nichole withdrew a syringe from her pocket and removed the plastic cap. She stuck Fox in his arm and pressed the plunger halfway down.

She pulled the needle out of his skin then jabbed it into Topaz's arm and mashed the plunger the rest of the way down. She brought her sleeve to her mouth and spoke into a microphone. "They're sedated, Doctor. I'll have the medical teams bring their bodies to your lab right away. I want to investigate how they managed to steal Reno Nevada's body several months ago. They must've come down here with Carmen quite some time ago. They probably blended in and lived amongst us for quite sometime. My only question is why I suddenly woke up from my nutrient bath slumber at midnight tonight. I ran a diagnostic on the computer, but the system found nothing wrong."

Dr. Falcon's voice replied over her ear piece. "Nichole, it is possible there was a malfunction in the capsule of chemicals that wakes you when I need you. Also, my search teams have been looking for the body of Reno Nevada for months, now. I suspected that Vincent may have betrayed me, but I'm relieved it was the twins. I'm actually elated we captured them this way. I need Topaz Nevada to give birth to the child of Fox. I require the baby. That is why I asked your team to fill the apartment complex with that pheromone. It caused the twins to become wildly attracted to one another."

"It's nauseating. I don't care how you justify their actions. What happens next?"

"We find out why you can't sense Reno's power to track him down. Also, I feel as though I can trust Vincent again. So I want you to travel to America's old District Coast and help him to stop a nuclear meltdown using your abilities. Then report back here. Watch Vincent; make sure he doesn't call anyone, asking about his brother. He may very well lead us right to wherever Reno's comatose body is being kept."

"Very well doctor." She went to the window and signaled to the medical team to come and retrieve Fox and Topaz's unconscious bodies.

Next chapter: https://www.sofurry.com/view/696247