A Forgotten Evil - Chapter 1 - Zecora

Story by KeeperSeen on SoFurry

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Zecora should have known better, really, she was far too experienced not to have realized that something in the air was off. Honestly, the zebra realized that she was starting to get somewhat inept at her magical practices if she would fall into a simple trap like the one which she had stumbled over in her exploration of the ruins which she had been told of several days prior. Perhaps it had just been her excitement over the prospect of some new territory to explore which had made her miss the obvious signs that the structure in question was enspelled with glyphs and runes which would alter her place via magical teleportation. Zecora would make sure to tell anyone who asked that she had been overly fascinated with the dilapidated structure to note the misplaced stone which she had stepped which, in turn had shifted her from where she had been to where she was now, inside of the dark, dank room which seemed overly ominous.That is, if she ever made it out of the ruin intact. A prospect for which the zebra was currently finding herself woefully unsure of. 'In trouble I am, this I can say, but how to get out, perhaps I should pray?' the zebra mystic rhymed, her natural linguistic tick showing through even in the depths of her own terrified musing.Closing her eyes to take a breath, Zecora let her thoughts ease into the blissful harmony in which she normally kept her focus before sighing in contemplation. When jade orbs opened the zebra realized that she was not in quite as much turmoil as she originally thought. Looking around the structure she currently could see no way out of, Zecro noted that it looked to be some kind of prayer room. Torches, unlit at the current moment, lined the walls while large pillar covered in moss were strewn about in a circling arc that looked to lead downwards instead of up. Take a moment to walk around the outer area in which the pillars were placed, Zecora let her curiosity roam for a moment as she tried to place dates to the age of the cracked stones.It took about an hour, perhaps longer, there was so little light to see with that it made the counting of time somewhat difficult for the zebra mystic, but once Zecora's curiosity had been settled she realized where she was.'Trouble this is, this I am certain, for I have found myself in the lair of someone sealed behind the curtain,' To anyone else, that would have sounded like the kind of mumbo jumbo for which you would give the speaker a very...wide breadth, though to someone as knowledgeable as the zebra what her mental utterances meant made her a frown crest along the corners of the normally chipper pony's lips. Narrowing her eyes until they looked as though they were about to close, Zecroa focused inward to try and see if she could find out just exactly how close to the 'curtain' she had stumbled. A second later the zebra whinnied in fright as she shook her head wildly, mane flying back and forth in wild abandon.'Oh dear, oh me, I am in trouble, this I can most definitely see!' Panic made the zebra stomp her feet against the floor, a noisy beat of fear that made Zecora panic rise even more before she calmed herself. 'I must get hold, for this is not foretold,' Normally, someone of Zecora's mystical caliber would have long since been warned of imminent danger, the likes of which the zebra found herself, but since she had had no prior knowledge of what was to come it meant that the fates had to give her more than enough reprieve to correct her situation before disaster overcame her.Planting her hooves firmly onto the ground, Zecora took several long breaths to calm her racing heart and then, 'I seem to have lost myself, this fear I must put up onto the shelf.' Looking around once again, the zebra realized that there was no way she could get out of the room she was in, her own magic was rendered impotent by the forces which lined themselves along the walls containing her being, so that meant that the only way to find freedom was to play the Devil's Gambit. 'Seeking that which should not be sought, truly I have playing with that which must not be wrought,' Zecora turned her head to the side, a downcast look pulling at her face. 'But if I do not, then it is I who shall become sought,' Huffing in defeat the zebra let out a rueful chuckle before taking a step forward towards the center of the spiral, her path taking her down into the dark.Several minutes passed in silence, the heavy clop-clop-clop of Zecora's footfalls having been drowned out in face of the pounding beat echoing inside of the zebra's ears as her sight led her to the heart of the spiraling path. What the zebra found, much to her distaste, was what she had hoped she both would and would not see. There, sitting upon an altar made of stone and steel, was a bright gemstone which glowed black as midnight. What little light there was to be seen within the room was swallowed up by the encompassing luminescence of the jewel in question though within the black depths of the radiance which shone before her, Zecora could see her path laid clear. 'Trouble I have found and trouble which I fear, my only way out I now grow near,' The hesitation within the pony was evident by how Zecora gently carried herself over to the table carrying the promise of her exodus from her current prison. 'I know you can hear me,' Zecora began, watching in fascination as the gem seemed to pulse like the beat of a heart as she spoke, 'now present yourself clear to me,' A hush fell over the world as the stone ceased its eerie croon.Zecora readied herself for anything as she crouched down, her rump held high as her jade eyes narrowed in concentration, sparks of light danced along the length of her hooves as he nose flared wide, tail snapping behind her with the force of a whip's kiss. When next the silence was broken Zecora found herself somewhat disbelieving of what happened next. "Hi! Hi!" A voice reached out from behind the veil for which separated the living and the unseen. "Nice to see someone came down here to greet me, it's been a while since I last had guests," The chipper chirp of the bodiless call made Zecora's uncertainty vanish as she listen to unrepressed glee surround her."Who are you who calls out to me? A ghost, a spectre or perhaps maybe a bee?" The zebra was rightfully confused as she looked around wildly for the creature which owned the baritone hum which spoke words of mirth and joy."Oh, you want to see me, well," the voice seemed to be caught in some confusion as it murmured quietly to itself. "You'll have to give me a moment, it's been a while since I last did this." When next Zecora blinked she found herself staring in awe as a radiant plume of red and black overtook her vision. Like the fires from an exploding roman candle the room sparkled with radiant red light before growing dark once again, though in the wake of the majesty of light and heat Zecora instead found the visage of a large stallion with a fluttering red mane staring down at her. The larger male made the zebra mystic take a step back in nervousness, the sight of the black monster in front of her, his glowing red-orange eyes narrowed in kind mischief giving the rolling muscles of the bigger beast a somewhat deceptive feel overall, as Zecora found herself stunned beyond belief by the other."Not a pony, that is true, but who can you be, this I wish I knew." Fear made Zecora's voice rise in pitch as the much smaller pony looked up and up and up at the stallion in front of her."Who me? Um...hmm," The black horse seemed to take a moment to think, his head moving off to the side to showcase his powerfully corded neck to the wide eyed zebra, before nodding and turning his full focus back onto the mystic. "I think...I may be unsure, but my name is Cere'Qul...probably." The stallion snorted a derisive whinny as he furrowed his brows in contemplation."You..." Zecora offered gently, a nervous step towards the altar she did take. "Are you not sure of your name." A shake of the larger male's head made a solemn look cross over the zebra's face. "This be a shame.""It's what happens after a while," The stallion said somewhat jovially. "you end up forgetting a lot of things when you have too much time on your hooves and no one to talk to." Another moment of contemplation later and the black beast found himself laughing like a colt. "I don't even remember why I'm here! Just that I'm here!" A blank look from Zecora later and the stallion stopped his chortling. "That's not a good thing, is it?" the zebra could only shake her head at the larger horse. "Hmm, well, um...what do I do know?" The honest confusion brought Zecora's guard to her feet as she shook her head in bemusement."Not sure, that I am, of the plight which binds you, but curious, I am, of how to untie you," "Untie me?" If it were possible a visible question mark would have appeared above Cere'Qul's head as he stared at the smaller pony in confusion. "Where am I tied to?" A flip of his red-orange mane found the black beast looking around in bewilderment as he could see no ties holding him down. Those at least would have given him something to play with while he was stuck...wherever he was stuck at."You do not understand," Zecora said with a shake of her head. "For this I must amend, but tied to the realm of the unliving, this you are trapped in," "OHHHHH!!!! Yeah, I'm stuck here, wherever here is," the stallion said with a few bobs of his head. "Though I'm not sure why or how, but I know it has something to do with that shiny on the table beneath me." "Figured this out, I have already done," Zecora said as she walked over to the altar, a concentrated look strapped fully onto her face. "but whether to hide and run, I have not summed." "Huh?" Cere'Qul blinked at the zebra in total confusion before giving her a weak smile. "D-do you always speak in rhyme?" "It is a problem I have always bared, but all in all, it is what I must share," Zecora sighed as she thought of things best left unspoken. "Well, that's, uh, nice. But it makes it a little hard to understand you." The black stallion chuckled a whicker as he watched a sullen look cloud the once pretty features of the pony's face. "Aww, don't let it get you upset. I find it...kinda cute, in a way." That got Zecora's full attention. "Hey, it could be worse, you could have no one to talk to and end up talking to yourself for several decades." At that, Cere'Qul looked somewhat abashed.A heavy silence permeated the air between the two for several minutes as neither knew what to say. It was a sleepy yawn from the stallion which broke the tension. "I-I'm...sorry...but...being like this...really drains me..." Cere'Qul shook his mane to rid himself of the fatigue which was slowly overcoming him. "'f you're going to...do something along the lines of freeing me...could you do so kinda quickly before...I fall...asleep..." Zecora watched as the visage of the larger male began to flicker in and out, a sure sign that his waning powers were in desperate need of recharging. 'To free him I should, 'less I be stuck in this place for all of time, but what shall become of me once he is allowed to roam free with my kind?' This was the question to which Zecora had been contemplating ever since she had laid eyes on the majestic stallion. It was obvious that the other had been locked away for good reason, though it appeared that that reason had been lost to time. In talking with the other horse it was clear that his mind had somewhat deteriorated from the lack of contact with others, so perhaps that meant that he was of little danger to those in the outside world, but what if it were all a clever trick? A trap made unclear by a cunning mind? Zecora wasn't sure if it were wise to chance the fate of her people, nay, her entire world on the mutterings of a obviously confused, or rather, attention seeking stallion, but if she didn't would she ever see home again?"Well, goodnight," The flaring eyed horse said, his form fizzling out as exhaustion rolled over him. It was in that moment that Zecora made a decision, one that she would often contemplate over for years to come.*"So this is the outside world!" The newly freed black stallion asked as he flipped his head around wildly while tasting the sweet wind brushing through his mane. "I think...yes, I've actually missed this!" A happy whinny ripped through the air as the black stud lifted himself onto his back legs, his forelegs kicking at the sky in eagerness to romp. "Thank you ever so much for freeing me from back there, Zecora!" The stallion dropped his legs to the ground, the earth trembled as he did, and then turned his face to the left to smile at his new companion.By his side Zecora chuckled somewhat playfully as she watched the excited beast pant and groan while shaking his mane to and fro. "A pleasure it was, this I can agree," Having jumped onto the altar to kick the black gemstone as hard as she could, the smaller zebra thanked her guardian stars that she had been right in her thoughts. Breaking the jewel in question had indeed freed the two of them from the chamber they were trapped in, though for Cere'Qul it proved to free him both from the unseen world and his lonesomeness as the grateful stallion nicker and laughed while dancing around Zecora."Come on!" The black stud cheered. "I want to see everything that's changed while I was away!" Zecora would have said something to the conjecture, mostly on how a horse four times the size of the average pony might have driven the populace into a frenzy, however, before the black and white mare could utter a word, her newfound charge dove off for the fields in front of him. 'What have I done, now I must run!'  Zecora whined before darting off behind the the black beast.Up above them two figures flapped along the sky as they watched the flame haired beast cross the grounds where the temple Zecora had been, gaily unaware of their presence.By the time Zecora was able to catch up to Cere'Qul the black and white pony felt as though her legs were going to drop out underneath her. "That was fun!" Cere'Qul said, his muzzle raised to the sky as he spoke. Down below him Zecora gave the other a tight smile, her muzzle was panting hard as her heart threatened to burst from her chest. "That is an opinion, one for which I have no..." Zecora felt her brain stop as she tried to think of a word that rhyme with opinion. 'Minion? No. Kenyen? No.' standing there with a confused look on her face, Zecora never noted how Cere'Qul moved away from her to take a drink from the stream nearby, the larger horse having only come this way once he had taken a whiff of the divine scent that was the liquid in question. Not having a corporeal form meant that the stallion had forgotten about some of the needs that went along with a body in question, so in leaving the zebra to ponder the quandary of her own thoughts, Cere'Qul went to go and slake his thirst.At the edge of the river the black stallion lowered his head to dip down, but stopped to take a look at himself. Firelit eyes blinked in wonder as the onyx horse took note of the form in which made up his physical form. "This is...me?" Cere'Qul thought. "I...don't even recognize me." the truth stung a bit as the black horse watched the powerful form which flexed at his command move like a puppet at a master's whim. "Just who am I?" Cere'Qul narrower his eyes, working his brain into overtime as he tried to recall some fact that might lead him to the answer which eluded him.A flash of memory made the stallion take a step away from the pool. Fire and heat...Flesh and feeling...Something old, primal...beating underneath his chest...A fight...with someone...another male...A place which seeped with red...and yellow...and sparked like the sun at twilight...Three voices in his head...all of them his own? Or maybe...not...?Pain!!!So much pain! Another male bit into his neck! There was blood and sweat...FEAR!!!!!!A hoof met his nose, breaking it....but he still had another...to fight with...Taking the upper hand...or hoof rather by bitting the other's leg off...ANGER!!! RAGE!!! HIS TERRITORY!!!NO RIGHT!!!!Another flash...Memory of another time...Him with others...Male...female...neither...both?They all came to him.Worshipped him with touches and kissed and...He was over someone...male...or female...A feeling of heat and tightness and pleasure...His blunted teeth wrapped around a neck...THRUST!!! He was in!So much heat!!!A heaviness underneath him!!RIGHT! So right! He belonged there! Like this! HIS! HIS! HISHISHISHIS!!!!!Another flash...Cold...alone...angry...sad...Alone.Fear...Quiet...Cere'Qul came back to himself just as he felt something underneath his legs draw his attention. Turning his head back behind him, the black stallion lowered his head and then gape as he watched twin spires push out from underneath his sheaths. He hadn't even paid that part of himself much attention as he was so elated with being free that nothing else seemed important, but now though, 'I...did I...why do I have...?' Cere'Qul tried to think over what it meant for him to have such endowments. They honestly seemed counterproductive to their purpose with the two of them fighting against each other as they rose forth to stand almost all the way underneath his belly before...'Gniod uoy era tahw?' A voice called out into the back of the stallion's mind.'What?!?!' It was the only statement he could think of to fully express his sense of alarm. Prancing backwards in confusion, the large beast looked around wildly for who could have spoken to him. Of course, all he saw were the jade eyes of a certain zebra looking up at him in confusion."Worry has overcome you, are you feeling well?" Zecora asked, the zebra having decided to try and take hold over her rhyming phrases after she found herself stumped over what word went in time with obfuscation."Uh...no. No. I..."'Merah rou kcab ekat!!!!' The voice inside of his head cried and Cere'Qul actually whinnied in fright startling Zecora. "Cere'Qul, what has you so mad with worry!" the pony mystic asked after seeing her new companion's eyes flicker from orange to red to orange again."I...I'm not sure." The black stud answered honestly. 'Niaga sruo eb llahs sruo si tahw!!!' He was ready for the next outburst, though Zecor wasn't."Shut up!!!" The black and white pony looked hurt as she took two steps back from the larger male. "No, not you, Zecora. This idiot inside of my head.""ENIMENIMENIM!!!!" a surge of heat welled within the black stallion's pricks and soon Cere'Qul found himself panting in some confusion as he actually began to feel his blood boil underneath his skin.The fact that the ground underneath him began to sizzle from where his glowing hooves were touching the grass probably didn't help any."Cere'Qul," Zecora careful stepped up close to the other male, mindful that this was what her fears had warned her over before back at the ruins, that she was dealing with something that went beyond the scope of her abilities to handle. It was obvious to her that the black stallion was not a regular pony. That was obvious just by looking at him. However, just exactly what the other was the zebra wasn't sure of. With his head held down, hard panting breaths ghosting out from in between his parted lips, steam rising from all around his sweat soaked form, the pony mystic had no idea what to say or do that would calm the other male. "Cere'Qul," "Enim saw ti!! Eh dah on thgir!!!" The flame haired stallion shouted, his muzzle snapped to the air as a surge of flame swirled out around him, scorching everything in its path save Zecora who shielded herself."Enim erew yeht!! Esu ot enim! Ekat ot! Evol ot!!" Of course Zecora had no idea what language the other was speaking in, despite her extensive knowledge of most things magical, just her luck."I-I don't understand you!" Zecora, against good common sense, walked over to the other male. The need to try and help him outweighing what should have been obvious a time to run away. "Uoy lliw eb eht tsrif!" Cere'Qul snarled, a very terrifying thing for a creature who was not meant to perform such an act. Blood red eyes glared at the smaller pony causing Zecora to take several steps back as she watched a demon stallion advance on her. 'Oh great Celestia...what have I unleashed...!!!' The zebra asked before she charged at the larger male. Caught offguard, Cere'Qul had no time to defend himself as he found himself knocked back by the force of a magically charged pony. Mind still reeling from the whirlwind of madness which had overtaken his thoughts, Cere'Qul had just enough time to whicker in fright before he found himself crashing into the river behind him. The larger mass of the bigger horse caused the water to rise up like a tidal wave as the onyx hit the pool like bolder, however, the fiery horse caused the liquid within the boil so fast that steam billowed up before the other could even get wet.When next a form moved it was with Zecora darting out of the water, her body glowing with wisps of green and blue light as her emerald eyes glowed hotter than firelight as she glared at the steam filled river before her. Seconds passed without Cere'Qul making a move. The larger form of the greater equine seemed to have collapsed within the pool. It was only after the steam began to wave and the water from upper area of the river started to flow like normal once again that..."He-help!!!" The sputtering noises of a drowning horse made Zecora lower her defences as she ran over to see what she could do to help.Somewhat embarrassingly Cere'Qul was busy thrashing around like a colt as his sopping form crashed over itself as the other tried to get himself out from the river. "Do not splash so much, you will only get yourself in a crutch," Zecora said, chiding herself somewhat for her rhyming once again, before she dove into the water to help the other horse out.It took a few shoves but once Cere'Qul was free the black stud sighed and then, "Thanks, Zecora," The stallion said before sighing and dropping himself onto the ground in exhaustion. The dirt underneath him was still scorched from his previous outburst, but still, it was better than the river."It is not a problem," The smaller pony said before chuckling softly, her wet made was draped along the side of her neck, droplets of water dripping onto the ground. "Are you alright now, though I must ask." Green eyes looked somewhat worriedly down at the panting stallion."I..." Cere'Qul asked after some uncounted moments, "I'm not sure." The black stud whinnied softly before turning his head down to look himself over. The flames that once danced along his body had all but disappeared as the larger beast found himself once again black and silky with strings of red covering his form. His mane was quietly shimmering with a darkish crimson light while the glow from his orange colored hooves shone like a weak firefly's bulb, so all in all, he looked...fairly demonic. Which, in this case, counted as normal.Again, silence reigned between the two equines as neither knew exactly what to do or say or think as they let the running river behind them continue to run on."Are you sure you should let me stay here, Zecora?" Cere'Qul asked for the fiftieth time making the zebra roll her eyes before turning to look at him wearily."You are invited to my home with pleasure, and, yes, you may stay at your leisure." The zebra mystic felt that in some ways the demonic horse was now her responsibility, she having released him from his prison and all, so it only made sense for her to take care of him."I...don't know if I should, I mean...back then...today...I..." Cere'Qul wasn't sure what he could say as he found himself terrified, if only slightly, of what had happened earlier. Just what was with that voice which had taken over his thoughts? And why, even now, could he still hear it stomp and roar at him, a desperate cry for something that the other didn't even know in its every utterance. "It is...ok, Cere'Qul." Zecora said honestly as she looked up at the larger male. The two of them had long since passed the trail which led to the zebra's hidden alcove and now the two of them stood together before the mystic's hut.The demonic stallion looked around a little unsurely as he noted the various masks and paraphernalia, all of which seemed to be watching him. "uh, you...live here, Zecora? Willingly, I mean?" Having been trapped inside of another dimension had given Cere'Qul a great sense of humility when it came to respecting the world in which he now lives...but still, this place just freaking creepy. The zebra chuckled demurely at the larger horse before nodding at him. "Come," Zecora nodded and the door to her tree opened allowing a yawning darkness to appear before the two of them. Cere'Qul, of course, stopped dead in his tracks. "We will go and work on finding out what has happened with you." "Or...I could stay out here...maybe a mile away...you...just to be safe," The larger beast said warily before grunting as something began to drag him forward into the hut. "No. No. You come in," Zecora said right before disappearing into her home.'Do I have to?' The stud whimpered before he was drowned in darkness for a second time within his life."Now, we will see what is the matter with you," Zecora said as she walked around the black stallion who now had beads and other materials strew within his flowing orange mane.Cere'Qul chuckled nervously before opening his mouth to speak, but before he could say anything to deter the mystic pony a green power was blown into his face. A shirt sneeze later and then world began to spin around violently. "uh...Zecora..." The black stallion tried to say after he opened his eyes and noticed that there were three of the same pony moving around him. "Do you have sisters?" "No," "Oh, ok, well I think I'm going to toss up the grass I ate earlier if you won't stop running around so fast." And then the world went...black. When next the world was returned to light...Zecora found herself underneath the muscled form of the towering demon stallion. "Uoy! Tsrif eht eb lliw uoy." And then Cere'Qul found himself meeting a wall again. The potions and fixtures along the shelves met the floor because of the sudden impact of the larger horse crashing into them, though that didn't stop the the black stud from picking himself up and shaking himself down. "Tsrif demat eb lliw uoy os? Elbatpecca." The dark horse spoke, a lick of his broad red tongue from out of his muzzle to show his glee."You will not be able to get away with you tricks here, for here, this place will be yours to fear," Zecora stood with righteous fury glowing in her jade eyes as she looked upon the male whose pricks were beginning to grow long in between his head. "!slaof gnorts raeb llahs evah llahs I tsrif eht! "Yltaeg em esaelp seod siht!" The stallion roared in glee, his massive phalluses surging between his legs as he reared himself up before stomping down hard enough to shake the tree he and Zecora were in. The fight between the two was brutal and to show this Zecora's home was made a shambles by both herself and Cere'Qul driving one another into the sides of the treehouse over and over again. More than once had it seemed as though the wood would collapse, or break entirely after the larger black horse was flung across the side of the room, but never once did Cere'Qul meet the outside world. It was only when the two equines were drenched in magical elixirs of a various nature and sweat soaked that a victor was called. However, it was not as one would have expected."Hguone! Gnol oot no nward sah emag eht!" Cere'Qul roared, the flames of his mane surged outwards burning the top of the treehouse making a thick black smoke billow before stomping his hooves onto the ground hard enough to shake the entire tree. When next the large brute moved it was with a slow and determined trot as he made his way over to the tired Zecora. Snapping her head to look at him, the zebra was not ready for what she saw."...su rof uoy era yhtrow...eram ym..." Cere'Qul crooned just as two hazy horse heads appeared along the sides of the black stallion's center head. Blinking in confusion, Zecora began to pace herself backwards as she tried to think of what to do next. She honestly didn't want to hurt the other, but as she watched the two other heads manifest themselves into almost solid-like forms it was obvious that she was to be royally screwed. In fact, by the look of the twin pricks swaying between the demon stallion's legs, she was going to be literally screwed as a thick sauce began to drip down from the twin tips of the black stud's thick lengths. "Slaof ruo htiw uoy deerb yam ew taht os su ot revo flesruoy evig won." Three voices called out as one making Zecora's head spin slightly as she tried to shake her thoughts clear."Not today you will not!" The zebra mystic said before she charged at the larger male, her form glowing with the green light which had overtaken her just minutes prior. Of course, her second attempt to piledrive the other equine into the ground was met with...Zecora being held midair by a strange psychic force. "Rehtom rieht as uoy htiw duorp dna ythgim eb lliw slaof ruo." Cere'Qul chanted, his three heads chuckling together as one as they stared deeply within the zebra mare's eyes. Like a ball being dropped down the side of a cliff, Zecora felt her thoughts falling into darkness as she drifted down...down...deep into...obscurity..."Eno elttil, devoleb tsom rou eb lliw uoy." The demon stallion crooned as he reached forward with his only corporeal head to nuzzle into the front of Zecora's face. Zecora tried to fight, kicking her legs to and fro as she did do, but there was little for her to hang onto as she slipped away into the dark. However, this was the zebra's playing field and that meant that she had backup for which she could all on. When the mystical pony's senses collapsed as Zecora fell asleep the room around Cere'Qul began to shake and shiver, as though seeing its owner's peril. The demon horse's three heads looked around in distress as six eyes watched the world around them shift and churn like paint spread onto a canvas. A bolt of light and sound hit the black stud from out of nowhere throwing Cere'Qul against the far wall, causing him to drop Zecora from where she was being held.The two extra heads of the demon stallion faded away like a flame being snuffed out in an instant and soon all that was left was a confused black horse shakily groaning against the floor. "Su...rof ned doog...a eb ton lliw...ecalp siht." Cere'Qul moaned before getting back up to his feet. Shaking his fluttering red mane, the demon horse listened as the tree began to groan, his senses fully aware that he was about to be struck again. Gathering his strength the stallion made his way over to Zecora, who was still down for the count, and then settled himself over her. Another bolt slammed into him but the demon horse barely moved as he whickered in defiance before raising himself up onto his back hooves."Sruo eb lliw eno siht tub!!!!" The stallion cried out and then let loose a torrent of hot, sticky pre-come gush free from him loins onto the little mare underneath him. Instantly a second bolt hit him square into the groin causing the stallion to cry out in pain, but soon a hush filled the room as Zecora groaned and then pushed herself up onto her feet. When the next flood of liquid sprayed from out of the demon horse's twin cocks they did so right onto the zebra's muzzle. "Mialc rou edam evah ew!!" Cere'Qul roared in challenge, to which, Zecora answered by blinking and then lifting her muzzle to press her nose into the stud's leftmost cock. When the zebra let her tongue slip out to lick at the long shaft the only sound that followed was the neigh of a great stallion calling out to the world in glee. "Sruo si ehs!!!!" The demon horse called out before thrusting his hips forward. Zecora seemed to be in a mini-trance as she slurped her muzzle along the hard piece of flesh which still oozed with juice. Glowing green eyes were tinted with a bright orangish glow, but that seemed to be a moot point to both horses as the larger stallion continued to sway his pelvis forward into the now opened mouth of his new mate. Large equinan balls swung back and forth between Cere'Qul's legs as he humped forward, somewhat forcing Zecora to choke on the hard meat that was now fully inserted into her throat. The bulge that formed with the mare's esophagus seemed to almost threaten to choke the smaller zebra as the girth rolled back and forth through the mystic pony's muzzle. However, Zecora seemed not to take notice of this as she rolled her face around while bobbing back and forth over her stud's cock. Not to be left out of the sensual play, Cere'Qul's second cock continued to gush pre-come out onto the little female's backside, drenching her down with stallion musk as the larger male made his claim for the other known both inside and out. Several minutes of slathering over the larger male's prick later and Zecora found herself being given a much needed break as Cere'Qul pulled himself back. The dazed zebra looked up at the other in some confusion, her eyes growing wide as she asked a voiceless question up to her mate,"No evom su tel os, su seticxe esaelp ot ssenregae ruoy." The stallion whispered while leaning down to nuzzle the tip of his snout into his mare's neck. The heavy scent of his musk made a shiver roll throughout the stud's body as his long, red tail flipped behind his back excitedly. Pulling back to lick his tongue along his edge of his lips, Cere'Qul pushed Zecora around so that her rump faced his front. As expected from their intimate play, the monochrome pony's cunt was wet with her own secretions as the need to breed had long since overtaken her. Fluttering his lips over those twin mounts, Cere'Qul licked his tongue down over Zecora's nethers twice before moving up to the tight little bud winking at him. With two phalluses it only made sense for the demon horse to want to bury himself into the smaller horse as far as he could, so when his warm and wet tongue slipped into the tight hole Zecora could do nothing but pant and moan in glee as she flung her tail up over her mate's face. Thanks to his magical nature the demon horse was able to spread his little mare open without hurting her, despite most of his body reaching a temperature hot enough to boil water. Drool leaked out around the rim of Zecora's hole as the stallion ate the smaller pony out with long, wet slurps of his tongue. The heated noise caught the attention of several figures watching outside, but none did anything to disturb the two equines.When Cere'Qul next pulled his tongue back out from Zecora's backside a string of drool ran down the edge of the horses lips. A quick flick broke the line of saliva connecting the two together. "Htrae siht otno kcab dnik ruo deerb llahs ew, won!" Cere'Qul whinnied right as he stepped forward and over onto Zecora's back.When next the world breathed it was to the sound two horses crying out together in carnal bliss. The male seemed to make the loudest shriek as he screamed to the surrounding earth of his rapture at the new mare which he had now broken in. Down below, the still mesmerized Zecora seemed to only show untainted happiness dressed onto her muzzle as she panted hotly while grinding her thoroughly spread pussy and tailhole against the arm thick spires which held her open. The next shove of Cere'Qul's hind legs into the smaller pony found a groan bouncing out across the walls as nature took its place inside of that treehouse.Thick forelegs rested securely onto the side of Zecora's head as her mate began to furiously thrust himself forward into her, his heavier weight somewhat dragging her down onto the floor as his twin shafts filled her body to bursting. The fact that that the demonic stallion's testicles were rolling back behind his body as his cum began to churn within his body, or the fact that lines of reddish orange energy pulsed alongside the larger horse's black frame, went totally missed by the pair as the black stud began to quickly hump himself forward into his mare.No words were spoken by the pair as they began to dance a dance older than time. There were no needed as the larger stud did what came natural as he bred his smaller mate with fast, almost furious thrusts of his hips. Grunting a neigh of concentration, Cere'Qul wasted little time in letting the zebra beneath him prepare as he split her open along his cocks, running both long shafts back and forth throughout the smaller pony with such force that they made Zecora's stomach bulge almost obscenely. However, that turned out to be exactly what the other horse wanted as she shiver and whinnied while thrusting her monochrome ass back against the male which was mate raping her.Gouts of thick pre-come ran free from both of the zebra's hole as Cere'Qul's plump testicles dribbled with the beginning of what would be a deluge of male sap so thick that it would spill from out of the smaller mare's throat. Lines of dark fire coils like ropes along the stallion's form as he bucked and rode Zecora hard into the afternoon, his pace growing faster and harder as he snorted along the pony's backside. If anyone else had seen the two together they would have been somewhat disgusted by how feral the larger stallion looked, his crimson eyes lit afire by his raw need to breed as streaks of drool dribbled down the side of his teeth, which just so happened to be gnashed together. The flexing veins running along the demon horse's neck seemed to look like living things as they send frantic blood coursing throughout the larger male's form.Chest hammering tight as he worked with extreme focus, Cere'Qul barely noted how his cocks rammed deep into Zecora's pussy and ass, all but splitting the smaller female opened. The juices which dripped down the pony's legs were a testament to how rough the stallion was being with her, yet at the same time, not a drop of red could be seen from where the two were united. Not that Cere'Qul would have given too much thought over this, after all, never once had any of his mates in the past complained over how brutal had been with them. Even when his teeth found their way onto the sides of their necks as he held them down while shuffling his hips into them with almost battering force-like ferocity. He sadly couldn't do that with the smaller Zecora, the little zebra wasn't big enough for him to take her nape into his jaws therefore he was left gritting them together as he pumped himself deeper and deeper into the mare. Instead, Cere'Qul had to suffice himself with the feeling his medial ring pop back and forth inside of his mate's rear end.The suction of those two holes, their tightness gripping him so hard that they actually made dark sparks pop in front of the demonic stallion's eyes. By the netherworld's light, it had been too long since he had indulged within the paradise that came from breaking a new mare open. How he had longed for this while trapped within the cold darkness of space between space. There was nothing that could compare with it; no wine as hot as the feeling of his twin pricks being massaged by a body too small to take what he was. No ecstasy as delicious as that of knowing that soon he would spill his cum into his mare, seed her with his children and then do so again and again and again until time ended. Nothing! NOTHING could compared to this indescribable madness and Cere'Qul promised himself that he would never be denied this pleasure as he ground himself into Zecora, wishing beyond hope that the next mare which he broke would be just as good once he found and claimed her.Hooves kicking up against the ground, Cere'Qul could feel the first of what would be a number of loads threatening to spill out from his balls into his mate's belly. How he longed to see her, as well as many others, thick and round with his foals. To have them spread out onto the earth as they had once before when the sun was put a smoldering sphere of red that neither rose nor fell. To see them charge across the land in droves of flame and sweat and lust as they dominated the world once again with him at the head of the herd. His fluttering mane dancing in the wind as an everlasting night followed his cry of ecstasy while his twin shafts rained down across the earth, trailing with the proof of his virility. The thought of such wondrous times made the stallion neigh as loud as he could as he worked to deep dick the smaller zebra, pulling his twin dicks out of Zecora so far that barely the tips remained within the smaller mare.The scent of lust ran rampant within the room while flickering flames dances all around. Acrid smoke billowed out of the treehouse causing alarm to the surrounding animals within the Everforest, however, none of that mattered to the two horses. Zecora was too far lost as she wallowed within the throes of pleasure. He stomach felt like it was ready to burst as her mate filled her time and again with his glorious cocks. His pussy had never felt so broken as she pushed herself back against her mate's hammering thrusts, while her ass felt as though it were being warped into a sleeve meant only to receive the demon stallion's cock. So twisted was her enjoyment at being used by the larger male that Zecora didn't even take note of the fact that she didn't even noticed that pearly ribbons of drool were leaking down the sides of her lips, though it wasn't saliva that she exuded. No, the thick lines were too syrupy for that.A few fevered grunts later and time seemed to come to a halt as Cere'Qul whickered and then whinnied as his first climax overcame him. The flood of rich, stallion cum that surged into Zecora filled the smaller pony to the bursting as the two spires within her pulsed and flexed while dumping the black stud's seed from his balls into her backside. Shrieking from the heat that burned like a fire inside of her, Zecora had two orgasms at once as he fluttering nethers and clenching tailhole squeezed, jerked and all but crushed Cere'Qul's cocks. Not that the demon stallion minded this in the least.In truth, the black stud found it amusing how his mate tried to hug him tight with her form as his fluids rounded her belly. The sight of Zecora, her legs being lifted off of the ground as her stomach grew and grew from the pent of stallion's seminal fluids running through her made for a very...erotic sight, at least to Cere'Qul as he lowered his head down onto the zebra's side to nuzzle her expanding form. Backside still thrusting forward to get every last drop of cum into her, the demonic horse chuckles as he watched the smaller female try to clench her lips shut to keep his see from bursting out of her muzzle, but there was so stopping the heavy load of male sap which found itself backed up inside of her via his medial rings." Eno elttil, tuo ti tel." Cere'Qul murmured as he licked the side of his mate's throat causing her to moan for him.That proved to be Zecora's undoing as the monochrome pony's throat quickly filled and then heaved as several cum filled coughs." Lufituaeb os. Slaof ruo rof rehtom trefrep a ekam lliw uoy." The demonic horse whispered, his tongue moved to the front of his mate's muzzle to taste himself on her tongue.It took several minutes but once Cere'Qul's body calmed down from the zenith it had just trailed across the black horse huffed a sigh before pulling himself back from out of Zecora's worn form. Sweat soaked and glowing with pleasure, both Zecora and Cere'Qul looked like the perfect picture of ecstasy as they stood together, the lager black male over the smaller monochrome female. When the demonic horse popped his twin shafts out of the pony a literal wave white sap trailed out of the female's twin holes. A thankful groan passed from Zecora's lips as she felt her belly and pussy release some of the cum which were stored inside of her. "Koot ti fi ees s'tel, won." The black stud said, not that Zecora could understand the strange language in which he spoke. When he broad muzzle found its way down to her cunt the zebra shuddered, though.A few tentative sniffs were met with a disproving whicker as the demon horse lifted his head to whinny unhappily.Zecora never knew what the other equine said as he roared something unintelligible at her, but when next she could collect her senses the zebra found herself groaning and then yelping as she was reintroduced to the two shafts which had broken her.Glass eyes wide with excitement, the monochrome pony could only neigh in glee as her pussy and ass were given a second workout of the afternoon.***Consciousness returned to Cere'Qul in bits as pieces as he shook his head to sweep away the cobwebs which had grown inside of his mind after he had breathed in whatever funky dust it was which the zebra pony had blown into his face.'Ahh, my aching head, and what is this thing that bouncing on my stomach?' the black stallion asked before gaping as he looked down at himself.Why he was on his back, that would be a mystery to answer for later, but as Cere'Qul gazed down at his torso he found that the thing which was causing his stomach to turn into knots was...Zecora...happily nuzzling and slurping away at his full distended cocks. Now, why his twin spires were fully elongated outside of his sheath, again, that was a mystery for later, but as the black stud looked on he found himself very intrigued by the sight of his hostess' body. Preferably the fact that the smaller zebra was sticky and dribbling with fluids from both her tailhole and her nethers, the latter having been stretched to almost a disproportional size as it seeped openly down onto his chest."O...k..." Cere'Qul stated as he looked around the room he found himself in, while wondering if this was all a dream. From what he could tell it looked as though a wrecking crew had come through to demolish the place. Books and potions laid bare onto the floor while the charred remains of both the ceiling and the wood underneath still smoked slightly from where they had been burned. The far window had been busted open, the front door was somewhat leaning onto its hinges, there was a sticky puddle underneath his backside...AND...Zecora was deep throating one of his pricks while grinding herself against the other.'This is either a really, really good dream...or something important happened here.' Cere'Qul tried to think hard over what could have taken place here, he strained to recall any facts which might have led up to all of this that would make sense, but at feeling the smaller pony dip her tongue down along his medial ring, her slim but supple tongue rolling around the wide flare while she bucked herself back against his other pulsating cock, the black stallion merely shrugged and decided that it could wait until after the orgasm he felt was coming.'Everything makes sense after one's balls are empty,' The stallion surmised as he bucked his hips forward, nearly choking Zecora onto the full length of his cock. The sweat, masculine scent of cum wafting about the air made the onyx horse whicker as his lips fluttered into the air like mad. The feel of the zebra mare's lips pressed tight against his loins, her nose almost touching his ballsack, while he delicate little hoof slipped up and down the side of his cock made the black equine groan and then gasp as he felt his boiling cum rise up out of his...somewhat sore balls.There was no time to warn the little pony as Cere'Qul grunted, humped and then moaned as he spilled his seed up into the mystical zebra's throat. Thankfully though, there was so little left inside of the stallion's twin sacks that Zecora was able to swallow everything that her mate offered her, well everything out of the cock inside of her muzzle that is. To the one that she was lightly rubbing against the flood of cum merely pulsed out onto the side of her face and neck, drenching her down so much so that it made her already cream colored fur look glassy while her black stripes merely turned white.Cere'Qul moaned and arched, his backside rolling against the slightly uncomfortable wood beneath him as he had the first orgasm in a long time overcome his confused mind.'Oh gods!!' The horse though, his eyes nearly rolling into his head as his dark mane glowed bright beneath him.When his orgasm began to taper off, a few dribbles of seed spurting up to land onto the long length of his unsheathed cock, Cere'Qul moaned and then sighed before lifting his head. What he found made the orange eyed stallion's muzzle drop."So," Zecora purred, her muzzle stained with his cum which ran down her hair onto her muzzle, "how long before you get other mares to play with us?" Jade eyes seemed to almost pin the larger male in place as Cere'Qul tried to stammer out something intelligent. When the little female's tongue slipped out to run along the length of her soppy lips, Cere'Qul managed to say the only thing that made sense at the moment."WHAT?!?!"

Author's Note: First chapter of many, This will be rather dark at times but it will have a solid plot going through out it. If you do not like it and wish to voice that. Please be civil, None of this "This R Bad l2write" kind of crap or flaming in general. Constructive help, ideas and suggestions to what you think would make it better are welcome as long as it's done in a civil manner.

A Forgotten Evil - Chapter 2 - Fluttershy

"Wait. Wait! Hold on! I did WHAT?!?!?!" Cere'Qul said, the black stud prancing back several steps as he looked at the recently washed Zecora as though the zebra pony was out of her gourd."Quite repetitively, I might add," The smaller mare seemed to...

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Dark Descent - Chapter 1 - Culling the Weak

AU:This is a  Story Following a OC character, Who is cruel and plays off the emotions of others to get what he wants. He's not for the faint of heart. Please take this into mind as this is a very dark fic that will involve canon characters from the...

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Ranch Rounds ch.5 - Houndoom, Mightyena

The sound of barking and growling drew Syn's attention immediately. It was coming from the bushes to the side of the main path. Something was rolling and thrashing about; it sounded to him like there was some sort of fight underway. The young man grit...

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