The Bigger Man Part 2

Story by Zielregen on SoFurry

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#2 of Commissioned: The Bigger Man

The curse sets in, and the dick-shrinking fun begins for Brandon... although really, he's the only who's not going to be enjoying it.

It was just as well that Debra left when she did. Brandon did not have a driver's license yet so he had to take the bus home. This meant he would have had to leave soon anyway. The ride home was uneventful; the other students and even the bus driver knew by now that they should leave him alone lest they want to wind up with their pants around their ankles and their exposed dicks posed in front of the open side window for other motorists to gawk at.

At home it was just him and his two siblings, Sarah and Seth. Their parents were out of town for some business conference or another. They were both consummate business professionals and seemed to be out of town more than they were home. They always left Sarah in charge, but that hardly mattered to Brandon. Even though he was the youngest of the three, he made sure to exert his authority over his siblings any chance he got. They were nowhere near as genetically gifted as he was, and he made sure to never let them forget it. Since he was a guy, Seth received more abuse than Sarah by far, but Brandon wasn't above poking fun at his sister's small rack. He loved to flex his pecs around her and make casual snide insults about how his tits were far larger than hers could ever hope to be.

Sarah may not have been blessed with a shapely body, but she had been born with another, very specific gift. She had an aptitude for magic; a fact which their aunt, an old spinster by the name of Martha, had picked up on during their last visit. Aunt Martha was a powerful witch in her own right and had given Sarah one of her old grimoires to study and hone her skill. Sarah was finally confident enough in his powers to orchestrate her revenge.

Sarah spent the weekend plotting and planning when and how she would make her move. When Monday morning finally rolled around she was all but certain that her little stunt would be the perfect karmic retribution for her brother's bullying ways. She lurked nearby and watched as her douchey little brother strode proudly through the halls. Like always, most eyes were trained on Brandon's every move. Everyone was waiting to see who he would haze today. Sarah smirked as she watched him stroll into the center of the hallway. "Showtime." She thought with a chuckle.

With a slight swish of her wrist and a wave of her finger she sent her spell flying. A small trail of nearly invisible magic sparkles flew from her hand and wafted over towards her brother. The magic made contact with her buff bro's skintight denim pants. Brandon's pants hit the floor almost instantly leaving the jock that everyone was so terrified of standing there with his pants around his ankles and his tighty-whities exposed to the elements.

Brandon froze for a second as he tried to figure out what had happened. It seemed hard to believe that someone could pants him. Not only was he the biggest, baddest bully on campus, but his pants were skin tight. It took him almost five minutes of hopping and jiggling just to get in and out of these, but they had just fallen to the floor like a loose towel. It was so bizarre that he wasn't even mad. He was kind of impressed, actually

He glanced around to try and figure out who could have done it, but no one was within arm's reach of him and he hadn't seen anyone running away either. Everyone was standing deathly still with their eyes fixated on him... and the obscene bulge in his briefs.

Brandon was never one to turn down a chance to ham it up for an audience, especially a captive one like he currently had. He flashed his smuggest grin as he eyed each and every one of the people in the halls.

"Is this what you wanted to see?" He called out mockingly. "You didn't believe the stories so you had to look for yourself, is that it?" He added as he reached down and shook his hefty package playfully. There were some murmurs through the crowd, but nobody said or did anything to indicate that they were the culprit.

"Look. You can come forward." Brandon said playfully. "Believe me, I know that you guys can't get enough of my awesome body. I totally agree with you even. It's a shame that all of this..." He said as he gestured towards his huge muscles and thick cock. "has to be hidden from my adoring public.

Sarah raged internally. Her little prank had backfired. Brandon wasn't humiliated at all! In fact he was loving every second of it. His state of undress was actually fueling his ego. She grumbled silently at this realization. She knew it would take something more than this to really humble her douchebag of a brother, but she had hoped that she could whittle away his ego for a bit instead of doing something truly drastic.

"No, but seriously. Who was it that wanted to see my dick so bad that you had to feel me up in public?" Brandon asked. His voice was taking on a more menacing and mocking tone as he glared at everyone in the audience. Every student that his gaze fell upon recoiled in fear.

"Was it you?" Brandon asked mockingly as he grabbed a scrawny nerd by his collar and pinned him to the lockers. "I bet it was you wasn't it? Nerdy little fag couldn't wait for another chance to ogle my big, thick, manly cock. I bet you just couldn't wait to see how much bigger, how much better, how much manlier than yours it is." Brandon said as he pulled at the struggling guy's belt buckle. The nerd tried his best to escape but he was pinned down. His looked pleadingly from side to side as if asking someone to step forward and either save him or confess. His loose pants fell to the floor as soon as his belt was unbuckled leaving his in just his boxers.

"Let's see what you've got shall we? Since you were so interested in comparing." Brandon said with a sneer. A few quick tugs was all it took for Brandon to divest the nerd of his boxers too. His dick was hardly small, but that was little consolation to him. It looked puny next to the jock's massive bulge.

Sarah felt her stomach turn. It was bad enough having Brandon act like that at home, but watching him to it to others was too much. To make matters worse, this whole situation was her fault. Had she not tried to humiliate her brother, he never would have lashed out at the nearest geek he found.

She shook the thought from her head. She knew that wasn't it. Brandon was always out to prove his masculinity and superiority which is why he liked to torture Seth almost daily. She had just given him another excuse to flex his muscles, literally and figuratively. If she wanted to teach him some humility she would have to try a different approach.

She mulled it over for a moment while she watched the scene play out before her. The more she watched the more her rage built up inside of her. For all those years... Brandon had always been an insufferable brat, but he really got to be bad when puberty first started to hit. Brandon had started his career as a gym rat as early as twelve, and by thirteen he practically lived at the gym. Once Brandon's dick started to grow he had never shut up about it. His muscles and his dick. Those were the two sources of his pride and arrogance... If she could just knock him down a peg in those regards, maybe he would learn some humility.

Her jaw dropped as the idea popped into her head. For anyone else what she had planned would seem a bit severe, but Brandon was a grade A toolbox. It would take something extreme to get through to him, and it's not like she had any love for the guy. He had made her and Seth's lives hell since he had been born. Just thinking about how bad Seth had it made her ire spark up all over again. Her poor twin brother was a nervous, skittish wreck, and it was all Brandon's fault. All those years of mocking and humiliating. Brandon could stand get a good, long taste of his own medicine.

It was then that a devious sneer spread across Sarah's face that would rival that of her younger brother's. She had the perfect curse. It was sure to strip Brandon of his pride and power, and best of all... he would be doing it all to himself.

Sarah was casting the spell before she could even attempt to second guess herself. Magic flew from her fingertips like green flames and engulfed her brother's entire body before soaking into his skin. The swirling vortex of pure energy should have been easy to see, but nobody other than her seemed to notice a thing. The only noticeable difference was that Brandon seemed to balk for the briefest of seconds before returning to his torture of the wiry teen.

Sarah could hardly contain her glee. She knew she had to get out of there before she started cackling and gave herself away. Her mind was flooded with images of what her asshole sibling would be like once he had begun to feel the effects. She wondered how far along he would be before he came by begging for someone to help him. Her sinister smirk spread even wider as she imagined him begging her to lift the curse. She almost broke down laughing as she imagined Brandon continuing to be consumed by her hex while pleading for her to help him. The thought of Brandon down on his hands and knees honestly begging her seemed like the perfect karmic retribution.

The bell rang signaling the start of the first class period. "Shit." Brandon growled. "You're lucky this time, shit stain." He spat menacingly at the terrified teen. Brandon practically threw the nerd to the ground as he bent down to pull his pants up.

Brandon didn't really have need to hurry. He just had P.E. for his first period. The first fifteen minutes of that class was basically just a bunch of dudes hanging out and changing into their uniforms. The real reason he wanted to hurry was because those guys tended to forget who was in charge if he wasn't around to remind them.

He ducked into the locker room a few minutes late, and sure enough, one of the guys in there was being very vocal about his weekend exploits. Brandon knew the voice instantly.

Curtis was an enigma to Brandon. The red-headed guy didn't seem to have much going for him; he was loud, obnoxious, weak, and fairly mediocre downstairs, but somehow the curly haired dude seemed to hook up with a new girl every day or so. It appeared that last weekend was no different.

"Yeah. So we were gonna go to my place, right? And the whole time I'm drivin' she's got her hand all up in my business, right?" Curtis told his story while gesturing towards his chubbing up cock to indicate that "His business" was his dick. "So I was like 'naw, bae. Wait till I park the car, at least, a'ight?' But she won't stop, and so I'm drivin, a'ight, and she just whips it out. Like right on I-14. And she's all 'Oh baby. That's a fat cock. It's all gold n thick like a corndog.' A'ight? And then she starts going down on me. Like deep throating it. She just keeps going on and on as she's sucking. She's all "Omnomnon. It's so thick. Ommmn. It's so long. Nommm. It's so big."

By this point Curtis was so engrossed in his story that his dick was standing at attention, but Brandon was far less amused. Every word that that prick said made Brandon want to punch him even harder. Fortunately Brandon knew how to deal with dudes like Curtis who forgot their place.

Brandon pulled off his jeans as quickly and as quietly as he could and began stroking his dick as he snuck up behind Curtis. Curtis was so into his very animated storytelling that he didn't notice what was happening until it was too late. Brandon threw an arm over Curtis's shoulder and caught the weasely tool's throat in the crook of his arm.

"What's this I hear? Someone think YOU have a big cock? A thick cock?" Brandon hissed. Curtis struggled to shake the bully off of him, but he was no match for Brandon's raw physical power. As it was, Curtis could barely breathe let alone escape. "What? Did you pay her to talk like that?" Brandon sneered.

Brandon's dick had been slightly chubbed up before he had pounced, but now that he had his obnoxious classmate squirming under his raw, masculine brawn, Brandon's dick hardened in record time. "Haha. Nooo. Not like you could afford good pussy anyway." Brandon said with a malicious chuckle. "What was it she said "like a corndog?" hehe. I get it now. You hooked up with some fat fuck didn't you?"

Brandon tightened his grip on the squirming redhead which caused his huge bicep to bulge out even more and dig into the side of the guy's neck. Curtis was terrified and not just for the usual reasons. There was a very real possibility that Brandon could snap his neck with just the rapid expansion caused by a dramatic flex of his second most prized muscle.

"That's how you keep getting girls, isn't it? You go trolling for the biggest losers you can find. You get someone who is so desperate for a dicking that she'll even go down on your pathetic, shrimp dick." Brandon said mockingly. Curtis couldn't argue even if he wanted to. It was all he could do to pull in forced, ragged gasps of air through his constricted windpipe.

Brandon could actually feel the wiry guy shuddering in terror and humiliation, and it just spurred the bully on more. Brandon loved how powerful it made him feel to have someone so completely at the mercy of his glorious muscles, but had he known the lasting effects his act of domination would have, he would have been far more considerate. Sarah's curse was already setting into his muscles, and the results were irreversible.

Brandon tightened his grip on the taller dude and shifted his position so that he could slip his now fully boned cock into the gap between the guy's legs. "How's that?" Brandon asked with an audible sneer. "You want to play at having a big, thick dick between your legs? Well how does it feel now?"

Curtis couldn't look even if he wanted to. His neck was completely locked in place by the douchebag's arm. Brandon seemed to catch onto this and released the guy's throat, but he had no intention of letting him off that easy. Brandon grabbed the redhead's arm and began to twist it. Curtis cried out in pain. It felt like his shoulder was about to pop clean out of its socket.

"Now look!" Brandon commanded mercilessly. Curtis winced from the pain, but did his best to stare at their cocks. Even though several inches of Brandon's cock was obscured from view between his legs, the jock's huge cock still jutted out farther than his, and it was far, far thicker. Curtis's average cock looked like a roll of quarters resting atop Brandon's can of Arizona Tea.

"See how pathetic it is? How small it is? You're nothing compared to me." Brandon hissed as he twisted Curtis's arm even farther. Tears were running down the sides of Curtis's face both from pain and humiliation. Curtis was sure that Brandon was going to snap his arm clean off, but right when he felt like his arm was about to break, Brandon let go and shoved the taller redhead onto the floor.

Curtis landed face own on the tile and quickly scrambled onto his back to stare up at his tormentor. He hoped this meant that his torture was over, but he knew Brandon better than that. Sure enough the bully was still glaring down at him menacingly. "I don't think you appreciate your position." Brandon said with a sneer as he stroked his fully boned cock in anticipation. "Prove to me that you know who is the big man here, and maybe I'll let you off easy this time."

Curtis knew where this was headed. It was hardly the first time he had been called on to perform this task, but he still hated it. He looked up pleadingly at the rest of the class who had gathered around and silently stared on as Curtis took his punishment.

"What's wrong? Have you forgotten how this works?" Brandon asked mockingly. He then pointed as his huge dick and explained, "Get over here and suck my dick. Don't just lick it. Don't just put your mouth around it. Really suck it. Tell me how great it is. Tell me how it is the biggest dick you have ever seen. Tell me how yours is a joke compared to it because we all know it is true, and if I so much as feel a tooth touch my dick I will punch each and every last one of them out of your faggot skull."

Curtis knew better than to try and resist. Brandon could more than make good on his threats, and it wasn't like he could expect any assistance from anyone else on the team. They were all just as afraid of Brandon as he was.

"That's right. It's good to see you're finally learning your place." Brandon cooed as the slimmer guy went to work on sucking him off. Brandon's cock was far too thick for Curtis to ever hope to get it into his mouth, so instead he licked and sucked at the tip. He had only just begun and already he could taste Brandon's pre on his tongue.

Brandon was caught up in the pleasurable sensations of having his dick sucked as well as the sheer rush of power that came from forcing someone to get on their knees and worship his dick. He was so enrapt that he couldn't think about anything else other than reveling in the power and pleasure. Had he known the cost that his sexual acts now carried with them he would have been more willing to keep it in his pants. Already Sarah's curse was settling into his cock and balls.

Brandon was on such a power rush that his dick began to shudder in a matter of moments. Curtis could tell that Brandon was nearing climax, and that was just as well for the redhead. The sooner the jerk shot his wad, the sooner Curtis could wipe off and be done with it.

Curtis closed his eyes and waited for the inevitable shower. Brandon did not disappoint. Within moments Brandon had both hands wrapped around his dick and was pumping it vigorously while aiming it right as the humiliated dude's face. "You really like my cock don't you?" Brandon cried out mockingly. "You just can't get enough of a real man's dick, can you?" Brandon didn't even wait for an answer. He let out a feral grunt as his cock lurched and began spewing spurt after spurt of thick spunk onto the guy's face.

After five solid spurts, Brandon's cock stopped spewing. The bully had let loose enough spooge to thoroughly coat Curtis's face. The jizz dripped off his chin and down his chest, but it seemed less intense than Curtis had expected. He was pleasantly surprised to find that the layer of spunk wasn't as thick as last time. He only hoped that that meant that it would be easier for him to wipe off.

Seeing that his task was done, Curtis began to get up, but Brandon quickly stopped him. "Where do you think you're going?" Brandon hissed. Curtis didn't have an answer. He merely froze in place and awaited further instructions.

"That's what I thought." Brandon said with a sneer. He then nodded towards one of the guys in the outer circle. Brandon gestured over towards his discarded jeans and said, "Left pocket. Bring it here."

The guy quickly complied. Within a matter of mere seconds he was back at Brandon's side with the tape measure. Brandon snatched it from the guy's hand without so much as looking at him. Brandon glared down at Curtis and sneered as he unrolled a large section of the tape measure.

"Since you seem to have forgotten, I think I'll show you just how big a real man's dick is." Brandon explained mockingly. His dick was already hardening all over again as he thought about how he was going to humiliate the redhead even farther. Brandon couldn't wait until he had the tape measure laid out across his huge, thick, fully boned cock and had the tip of his massive dick lined up with the legendary one foot marker.

Brandon then handed the spool to Curtis. "On second thought, I think it's best if you do it." Brandon said menacingly. "Maybe seeing it with your own eyes will help you remember it next time."

Curtis silently nodded and accepted the tape measure. Already Brandon's cock was rock hard in anticipation. Curtis placed the end of the tape measure against the base of Brandon's dick like he had so many times before and slowly began to line the tic marks up along Brandon's enormous shaft. 8... 9... 10... the tic marks counted off the length, and then... 11. Curtis's eyebrows raised in confusion and curiosity. He had done everything right, but Brandon's precious footlong was an inch short of the mark.

"11?" Curtis announced in confusion. Brandon had been flexing and gloating as he awaited the inevitable announcement, but the second he heard the wrong number read he flipped into a rage.

"What!? Can't even use a ruler right? Just how stupid are you!?" Brandon shouted. He all but kicked Curtis across the room as he stole the tape measure back. Brandon then placed the tip of the measure against the base of his cock and proceeded to count off the marks. Once again the tip of his dick lined up perfectly with the eleven inch mark.

"Fuck it." Brandon said dismissively. "That's what I get for measuring right after getting my rocks off." He announced trying to play it off as him just not being at his max size, but he knew better. He had been fully boned. That was as big as his dick could get, and it was still an inch shy of where he knew it should be. There was something else that ate at him too. The tape measure covered a lot more of his girth than he was used to. It was a little less than half as wide as his dick. It should be barely a third the width of his cock.

None of it made any sense to him. Could his dick really have shrunk? If that were the case then it hadn't just gotten shorter, it had gotten thinner as well, and from the looks of it, the changes had not been proportionally. His dick looked a bit skinnier than it should. This bothered him a lot since the sheer girth of his cock was one of his major points of pride.

Had Brandon not so fixated on his precious cock, he probably would have noticed another region that had seen some reductions. His previously enormous, grapefruit sized balls were now the size of softballs. They were still massive by normal people's standards, but they were a few sizes smaller than what Brandon was used to.

Brandon shook the notion out of his head. It had to be a trick of some sort. He had just busted his nut across some poor schmuck's face. He must not be back at his full power after that.

"What are you ladies standing around for!?" Brandon barked suddenly. "We've wasted half the class period already! Gear up and get practicing. I know I'm hot, but I am not going to lose a letter grade because you pansies couldn't stop ogling me."

The crowd quickly dispersed, but the scene that had just played out was still at the forefront of everyone's mind. The students began to whisper among themselves as they discussed what they had seen could possibly mean. People's dicks don't just shrink, do they?? Nobody believed that to be true, but no one there could think of a more just reward for the hulking freshman.

The Bigger Man Part 3

Brandon went through the day with the sight of the ruling seared into his mind. It just didn't make any sense. He was so preoccupied that he hardly even stopped to harass anyone in the halls. Sure, he would slam random, unsuspecting nerds into lockers...

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The Bigger Man Part 1

Heavy footfalls echoed through the busy high school corridor. Students and faculty alike parted like the Red Sea before the blond teen to whom the footsteps belonged. Even without having to look up, everyone knew that Brandon was coming. His custom...

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Peas in a Pod Part 3

Harvey and Collin followed after the pair of hulking orca twins. The twins had introduced themselves as Geoff and Jeff, but aside from that, the two former humans knew little about them. What Harvey and Collin did know was that somehow these twins were...

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