The Fantastic Life Of Diogenes Smith Continues...

Story by StGeorgesHorse on SoFurry

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#2 of The Life of Diogenes

Also edited.

               Diogenes was running headlong down the street. Sex with

that, that thing had been terrific, but the lion had scared him out of his

mind. Now he was running headlong down a cobblestone street, with gas lit

lanterns and strange beings on either side. Everyone seemed to be attracted to

him, as if he were some sort of freak. In his opinion, everyone staring at him

was a freak.

                It didn't

take long for him to understand that he was lost. He was afraid that at any

moment he was going to run smack dab into something far worse than a lion or

leopardess. He was beginning to wish he was back where he had started. At the exact

moment he tripped and fell headlong into the wall of a building. He hardly had

time to wince as his head hit it.


pain didn't hit him until he hit the floor.  He pulled himself together and stared wide



so Soon? I thought Pomeroy scared you off for good!"


lion looked apologetic. "Sorry! I didn't mean to frighten you. It's not every

day that we see humans here."


didn't bother getting up. It just didn't make sense.  One minute he was at a party, and the next he

was in bed with this... He still didn't know what she was. Well, yes he did. She

was lovely, sultry and oozed sexuality. Even the lion was some sort of feline

Adonis. He watched the big fellow as he stood there. He suddenly felt feelings

he had never knew he had.


extended a huge paw. "Here, let me help you up!" Diogenes stood, not letting go

of the strong fingers.


me this! How did I get back here? I was running straight down the street. I

know I didn't double back, and this room is on the second floor!"

                "You can

do anything you want honey, "purred Kakhra. "You're a prime."


prime fool you mean!"


She means that as a human, you are a prime user. No one comes here in human

form, not unless they're not presently in their own world. Where are you right


                Mr. Smith

looked at the lion like he was nuts. "I'm right here! I can't be in two places

at once!"


You were just running down the street and yet you came back here. Do you know




you wanted to be back here. You can be anywhere. You only need to choose."

                "But I don't

know anything about this place? Where is it?"

                The two

big cats looked at each other and shrugged. "We have no answer for you. We are

here because of people like you. When people exist no longer, I doubt we will

be here either."


was still holding the lion's paw. He unconsciously gave it a squeeze. To his

surprise, the lion yelped. "Hey, careful!"


sorry! I didn't mean to... Wait a minute! I can't hurt you!"


just did."


sat down. How could you hurt a dream? For that matter, how could a dream hurt

you? He was examining his arm. There was dried blood on it. It didn't make

sense. A dream was never this real, or so weird.


seemed to remember his little apartment. Yes, he definitely had an apartment in

the city. And he lived with, with...his cat. A pretty little black female feline

named...Mattie. His head whipped up. "You!"


leopardess cringed. "Me what?"




knew what he meant. "Yes, I guess so. I'm the one you created for yourself, a

longing for human comfort combined with your love of your cat. This isn't

really the first time we've met, but you were never human before."

                His eyes

narrowed. "No it isn't, is it? Why don't I remember more clearly?"


sighed. "Because before it was only a dream. For us, that's all our existence is.

When we get visitors, they too are ethereal; mere ghosts of themselves. But not

you. You have come to us as you are. You have never come to me like this



was I before?" But even as he asked, he knew. As he remembered, he felt

strange. His head swam, his arms ached, and his legs wobbled. In the next

instant he was looking down at his new paws. "What the hell!"

                But he wasn't

alarmed. They were as big as the lions, and a touch more interesting. He was

still agitated a bit though, for his tail was swishing like a willow in the



remember now. I'm a tiger! But this is only a dream!"

                "All of

life is only a dream. Many of us exist for only one night before fading into

the darkness. I must thank you master for allowing me to exist so long."


motioned to Kakhra. "Do you think?"



                "Do you

think he has the power?"


looked dreamy eyed. "In bed, oh yes!"

                "No! I

mean to hold this all together?"


was immediately put off that they were talking like he wasn't even there. "Hold

what together?"


leopardess motioned for him to come to the bed. "It is nothing. It has been

said that we are all fleeting, and that our creators are just as fleeting. If

we could enter your world, we might be real. But you are real, and you came

here, not as a ghost, but as yourself. You might have the power to anchor our

reality and preserve every one of us, no matter how unimportant."


shook his head. "What good would that do? If none of you are real, why should

it matter?"


we are real. We are parts of the people who imagine us. Sometimes they pull us

back through to your world, and at other times, we simply fade. The strongest

of us owe a debt of gratitude to you who have brought us into being."

                "So you're

telling me that this place is populated by creatures such as yourself. And that

they're all imaginary?"


delicious; was the sex we just had imaginary?"

                He had

to think. It had to be imaginary. He had never had anything quite so sumptuous.

"Yes it was. And the only way I could have sex that good was in my head.

However...that doesn't mean I wouldn't do it again."


eyes lit up. Pomeroy held up a paw. "There will be time for that. There are

others who need attention."

 The leopardess shot him a dark look.



                "Yes he

is, or perhaps you should say you are his. My creator seems to have

disappeared. That makes me a free agent for as long as I exist."


was still sorting this out. The world he was in seemed solid enough, except for

the freak falling through the wall episode. If it was a dream, or if it was

some kind of twisted reality, there should be no problem with him exploring it.





or submissive?"


did you.."




submissive. My creator liked to have control over powerful things. "

                "Well Pomeroy,

I've never ever had sex with another male before. Are you up to you and me

having a go at it?"


lion looked from Kakhra to the one asking the question. "You realize that once

you do, you'll have control over my existence? I will belong to you."


will not. You will be free to be who you are."

                The lion

thought for a moment. He hadn't had any interaction in a long time. "Sure! Why not?"

                Kakhra shot

daggers from her eyes, but she knew that Pomeroy was starting what needed to be

done. One master, who was stuck here forever, would anchor everyone he touched.

They would go from being the playthings of the many to the playthings of the one.

Since it was their reason for existing, there wasn't going to be one who

objected. But she didn't need to be happy about it.


hopped out of the bed and reclined in a chair. "Hey, there's nothing that says

I can't watch!"


climbed into her spot and stretched out luxuriously, just like a typical cat.

He had a grace about him that tingled Diogenes senses. In his new form, this

tiger body was an equal match for the one soon to be under him. He felt his

cock spring to life. He was almost shocked at the size of it. Kakhra read his



can be whatever you want darling. And you can come equipped as you like. Don't you



hard to remember everything from a dream."


lion looked back.  "Is it hard for me?"




Your cock!"


that. You know, I think it is. Uh, will we need lubrication?"


if you wish it. Otherwise, you may do as you please."


suddenly found himself full of confidence. If he was really in charge of the

situation, which would be the first time in his life, he might as well act like

it. After all, if it was a dream world, what could happen?


climbed and mounted the lion. Pomeroy buried his head in the pillow and tensed

up. His original master had been rough and nasty. He had dreamt up the most

outlandishly outfitted cocks to torture him with. And a dry insertion was the

norm. You may think dreams can't be made to suffer, but they can.

                He felt

the pressure on his backside and tried to relax. Surprisingly, the thick hunk

of meat slid it like a knife through butter. Diogenes pushed until he was

pressing tightly against his ass. "God you feel good!"


pulled his head out of the pillow. "My words exactly. Why are you being nice?"


worked himself around a little before answering. "What shouldn't I be? I don't like

hurting people, even if they hurt me. I just like to feel good."

                He was

going at it like this was nothing new. The lion still wasn't satisfied. "I'm

used to something bigger."


bad. But if it means so much to you, let's try this."  Pomeroy sucked in a breath as the friction

doubled. Diogenes grabbed his tail and slammed his hips into the lion.


wh, what did you do?"

                "I like

my cock just fine right now. So I simply tightened up your hole. The end result

is the same."


felt a wash of relief come over him. If this stranger could manipulate him so

easily, then there was hope for so many more. Normally only a creator had that

kind of control. At that moment, the lion didn't care if he turned into a

dragon and tore him in half. He was never going to fade now. And what good was

he if he couldn't return to play again?

                He was

so excited he began grinding back against the tiger. Diogenes was completely enthralled

by the situation.  When Kakhra joined in,

sliding her head under his ass and licking his balls, he nearly came. This was

even more than his imagination could have generated.


leopardess timed her tongue to work with his motions. She could see Pomeroy's

cock slide out, red and hot. It was technically against the rules, but she

pulled herself farther up and began licking it. Diogenes said nothing, so she

assumed she had permission. She was soon sucking him off. It was a first for

the lion, who had never had anyone cater to his needs before. The reaming in

his ass was so comfortable that he knew it had to be the will of the one

presently pounding it.  And now Kakhra

was doing a taboo and giving pleasure to him. He felt an uncharacteristic build

up in his balls. Never once had he ever been allowed to cum.

                He felt

he needed to ask permission. "May I..."


was hardly interested in his question. "You have permission to do as you like."


let loose with a roar. His cum shot forth with unbridled fury. Kakhra was

nearly unable to cope. All the while Diogenes was working his ass like a

locomotive. When he came, it was because the contractions emanating from the

lion's ass were too strong to ignore. He nearly tore his tail out as he used it

to repeatedly pound his ass into a sensual pulp.

                The lion lay there panting. When he found his breath, he wiggled his ass. Diogenes was

still inside. "I think I'm going to like having a new master. And I'm not lyin!


did an experimental push. Pomeroy groaned. "If you're not a lion, then what are



shook her head and grinned. Things were looking up.

The Fantastic Life of Diogenes Smith

              A man was running through the streets. In itself, this was not unusual. The fact that he was naked and clutching his clothes was a little more out of place, but still, it happened. No, it was the fact that the man was just that; a bone...

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