Bounty Troubles

Story by solstice_fennat on SoFurry

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And here we are! A story written for Rennec featuring his characters Zavin and Valora. I tried to put in some dry-ish humour, hoping to channel some Whedonesque wit. I think I did well. I hope. All I know is that Rennec liked it so I'm happy.

Sergal © Trancy

Bounty Troubles

Written by Solstice the Fennat for Rennec

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Sergals (c) Trancy (

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Zavin and Valora owned by Rennec

Zavin grumbled quietly, shaking his head for what felt like the hundredth time in an effort to shake off the haze of alcohol that was dulling his senses. If he'd actually been into the harder stuff, he'd probably be laid out on the barroom floor instead of creeping through the forest. That had, in fact, been the sergal's plan all along, to spend yet another night rip-roaring drunk, preferably with a young husky or fox riding him to sleep.

"Of all the fucking times for me to get a lead," he muttered to himself. For six weeks since he'd left the bustling metropolis of Sarn, he'd been tracking a lapine thief named Gral. The bounty was excessive for someone guilty of simple thievery, almost a thousand gold sovereigns. Of course, it was never a good idea to steal from nobility. And even worse an idea when said noble was rumored to have connections to the criminal underworld.

Zavin had tracked the elusive rabbit from one place to another, finally coming to a small town - just a village, really, with only a few houses, a stable, a blacksmith and a tavern - along the main road between the cities of Sarn and Khest. There, the trail had gone cold. With no leads, Zavin had decided to sample the local 'cuisine' as he liked to call it, spending a few nights drinking and whoring at the village's only tavern. He'd even had a lovely little tryst with another sergal who'd been traveling on her way to the harbor city of Khest.

Earlier that night, though, just as he'd zeroed in on a pretty little fox who was on a pilgrimage to the north, he'd overheard one of the more drunken patrons of the tavern boasting loudly about how he'd just signed on as a bodyguard for some skinny little rabbit named Gral. Just the _possibility_of finding the damned rabbit had sobered Zavin up. The only thing that Zavin liked more than the thought of teasing the devil out of an ostensibly innocent fox was the idea of finally collecting his bounty and getting back to civilization.

And so here he was, creeping through the woods and following a drunken raccoon to god knows where, with no idea how many bodyguards Gral had with him. And whether or not he'd have to kill them. He really didn't want to have to kill anyone; killing left a bad taste in his mouth.

Zavin cursed again when the raccoon far ahead of him stopped and looked like he couldn't figure out where to go. The sergal began to wonder if the raccoon was even sober enough to find his way back to Gral's camp. Just when Zavin had decided he'd have to take a much more active role in finding the camp by beating it out of the raccoon, there was a quick bark of greeting from someone unseen.

Keeping perfectly still, hoping that his forest green leathers and the charcoal dust he'd used to darken and hide the whiter portions of his fur would prove sufficient, Zavin watched as a coyote stepped out in front of the raccoon. When the coyote looked straight in Zavin's direction, he thought for a moment he'd been spotted. After a few more tense moments, the coyote slapped his drunken companion on the back and led him off in the right direction.

With as much care as he could muster, Zavin followed the two. A few minutes later, he saw the light of a campfire. Suppressing the urge to crow in exultation, he got as close as he safely could, and tried to take stock of the situation.

There were five individuals huddled around the fire, talking amongst themselves. The raccoon and the coyote he'd already seen had just sat down. A bored looking skunk was resting lazily against a tree trunk. There was another coyote, a small and lithe female one, but Zavin immediately identified her as the most dangerous from the way she held herself, and the impressive number of knives she had on her. And lastly, there was Gral.

For all the elusiveness of the rabbit, and the skill needed to successfully steal from a noble's own bedchambers, he'd expected something more impressive. Gral was the smallest of them all, with a small, thin frame, gray fur, lop ears and a black bandanna. He looked almost bookish, not at all how Zavin had expected.

He blinked when he heard them talking about someone the female coyote had caught sneaking around the camp. That wasn't good. He didn't want to leave a hostage for the group to use. He tilted his head, trying to figure out where they were keeping their captive. If he could just free whomever it was, he may have someone to help him take Gral down. A few gestures and some minor arguments told the silent sergal just where he'd have to look for the captive.

Weighing his options, Zavin decided to settle and keep watch until Gral and his thugs bedded down for the night. From what he could tell, the rabbit wasn't concerned about being followed. There was some argument about a watch from the coyote bitch, but Gral waved her off. Zavin grinned. All he would have to do was wait.

It was a good three hours before Zavin was certain that Gral and his band were asleep. Keeping as quiet as he could, the sergal crept around the perimeter of the camp, making his way to where he believed the captive to be.

The moon was full that night, and with spring only starting, there weren't many leaves on the branches, so the sergal could see the form of the bound and hooded captive quite clearly, tied to a tree ten meters away from the fire.

Zavin grinned and licked his lips when he saw that Gral's captive was female, and a nicely rounded one. Gray and white fur and a fluffy tail just screamed husky, making Zavin think of an old friend and sometimes lover. Maybe when he rescued her, she'd be so grateful that she'd go for a nice little romp at his room back in the village.

The captive jerked when she felt a hand on her hip, and without hesitation, she kicked, hitting Zavin square in the jaw. It took all of the sergal's willpower to keep from yelling in pain.

"Stop it! I'm here to help," the sergal hissed, hoping that the girl heard him through the sack over her head. He reached over to remove the sack and was immediately kicked again, followed by a swift punch.

Zavin stumbled back, wondering if Gral's band had been baiting him, but when the girl he had thought helpless tore off the sack, he groaned loudly. "Zavin, you idiot, what the fuck are you doing?" the husky said as loudly as she dared.

"Rescuing... you... Valora?" Zavin stammered. The girl didn't just remind him of his old friend. The girl was his old friend. "What the hell? I thought you were headed to Markrua. You _lied_to me?"

Valora sniffed, "And have you go after the same guy? As if. Looks like I fucked that one up. You may as well go, they're mine."

"Wait, no. I've been tracking that damn rabbit for weeks. He's mine. You know he stole from Lord Kahlis, right?" Zavin was getting annoyed. He didn't want to share a bounty he'd been trying to catch for that long. Even if it was with Valora.

"At least I'll use the money for something good. You'll probably spend it on booze and whores like you usually do," Valora said simply, forgetting herself for a moment.

Zavin snorted, "Really. All those books you buy are worthwhile? Seriously?" As it was with almost every time they'd run into each other (and they had done so with enough frequency that both of them had wondered what god they'd offended), the two began to argue.

Neither of them realized just how vociferous they had become, having descended into hurling outright insults and imprecations, until a voice, sounding both amused and annoyed, interrupted them. "Are you two quite done?"

Instantly, Valora and Zavin froze. In unison, they turned their heads to look at the speaker. Gral was grinning, and his companions were all brandishing their weapons threateningly.

"Good. Now I have your attention. Probably a bad idea to yell at each other like that, right? Why don't you both just drop your weapons and I'll tie you up and leave you here. I'll send someone your way in a couple days."

"Uh, fuck." Without looking at Valora, Zavin handed her a long knife from his belt.

"Zav. We're outnumbered two to one and you give me one knife? The fuck?" Valora asked incredulously. All the same, she found herself brandishing the knife. The only one she was worried about was the coyote with all the knives.

At the back of the group, the female coyote was watching Zavin and Valora with a keen eye. Of the five, she was the only one not looking at all concerned. Gral let out an exasperated sigh and said, "Just get them, will you?"

With a yell, Gral and three of the others charged at Zavin and Valora, with the odd female coyote hanging back for some reason.

Valora grabbed a second knife from Zavin's belt and stood back-to-back with the sergal. "Watch the 'yote!" she barked, and then their assailants were upon them. "Don't kill Gral!"

Readying themselves by standing back to back, Valora and Zavin prepared for the assault. "Feels like old times, doesn't it?" Zavin asked, lifting his buckler and sword.

There was no time for a response, and the two started to move as one. Block, parry, thrust. A slash here, a stab there. The raccoon was the easiest of them to dispatch, considering he was probably still a bit drunk. A quick parry of the raccoon's clumsy swipe with a hand axe and then a stab with his sword, and there was a dead raccoon at Zavin's feet.

That was easy, Zavin thought, and then he was head to head with Gral. Behind him, the sergal heard Valora cursing and taunting her assailants, the coyote and the skunk. They'd thought the husky an easy target with no armor, but they'd been up for a rude awakening. She didn't have a single cut on her, and had managed to get in a couple cuts.

Still, Zavin had more important things to worry about. Gral was fast, and despite his looks, he was quite the skilled fighter, one that used his small size and incredible speed to actually land a few blows on Zavin's leather armor.

All the while the other coyote was just watching, setting Zavin off guard more than he cared to admit. He was just lucky that the 'yote's inaction was seeming to bother Gral. A howl and the sound of a burbling choke behind him told him that Valora had managed to dispatch one of her opponents. The other, the skunk, thought better of going one on one with her and began to run.

Gral frowned as he saw one of his 'bodyguards' running full tilt in the opposite direction. Zavin took that moment of distraction to kick his foot straight upward, connecting with the rabbit's chin and knocking him back, where the rabbit crumpled into a heap. Worried that the coyote that had been hanging back was about to attack, Zavin whirled to face her.

The coyote was filing her nails with a dagger. She just stared at Zavin and said simply, "Well aren't you two a whole bucket of 'fuck no'. You're too much of an even match for me, even without those idiots 'helping'. You can have the rabbit. Kind of wanted that bounty too, but," She held up a small leather pouch. "I got what I was here for."

Zavin stared incredulously at the coyote and began to laugh. "You were going to... hah. That's the amulet he stole, isn't it?"

The coyote nodded, and made a quick motion with her hand. Zavin gasped when the knife the yote had been holding hit the tree right next to him. "Don't follow me," the yote said flatly, and walked away from the campfire. Wisely, Zavin decided to put away his sword.

Valora had busied herself with dragging Gral to a tree and tying him to it. She slapped his face a few times, hoping that the rabbit would wake up.

When Gral's eyes opened, Valora crouched in front of him and smiled, "Well then. You set me on one hell of a chase. I just wanted to conk you and carry you away. You're lucky you know. The yote was going to kill you, I think."

Zavin coughed loudly and said, "The yote said I could have him. My bounty."

Valora sighed and stared over at Zavin, "Are you serious? Can't we just share it for now?" It was a reasonable suggestion, and she really didn't want to get into another argument.

Zavin stared at her for a while then snickered. "How's this? We fuck. Whoever cums first gets him. You always liked games like that."

"Oh for the love of... Great Hunter shoot me dead, Zavin, is that the only thing you think of?" Valora asked, frowning.

"I could get behind the idea of you two doing it," Gral said, a leer on his face. Immediately, Valora slapped him across the face. Zavin winced on seeing that. It probably had hurt a lot more than it normally would, considering the rabbit taken a boot to the chin a few minutes before.

"Fine then, Val. How's this sound. You win it, you get to tell me to do whatever you want for two months. I win it, and you get to be my personal fucktoy for the same amount of time." Zavin grinned, not really expecting Valora to agree.

"And what if I want to rut with a bunch of cute boys in front of you, and not let you have a piece of anything for the two months? Totally celibate? _And_no booze?" Valora asked, smiling dangerously.

"Hah! She got you, sergal," Gral interjected. Despite his predicament, he seemed almost amused at the situation.

Zavin muttered a little, then said, "Why the hell not. You won't win anyway."

Valora glared at Zavin, tightening her grip on the long knife even further. For a few seconds, Zavin thought he'd gone a little too far. He flinched when her dagger flew past his head and sunk into the tree just an inch from the tips of Gral's ears. The rabbit's eyes were wide with surprise. "What?" She said to Zavin, "He was moving." To Gral, she said curtly, "Stop wriggling. Looks like you're going to get a show."

Zavin stared as Valora began to strip, shivering when he was reminded just how many knives the husky carried. Her hips swayed and waved as she peeled off her leather breeches and smallclothes all in one motion. Zavin couldn't believe that Valora was actually going to go along with it. Before she had finished removing the last scrap of clothing, Zavin felt his cock swelling in its' sheath. "Uh, Val, don't you think we should blindfold the bunny?"

Valora grinned toothily, "Why?" She stepped up to Zavin and began to undo the straps on his leg armor. "Oh my," she murmured, cupping his groin with her hand and giving a squeeze and a stroke. "You're hard already? I'm so going to win this one."

Gral, to his credit, had stopped squirming, and his mouth hung open. This was the last thing he'd expected to happen upon his capture. "Yeah, why?" he stammered in agreement, not even aware he'd said anything until Valora fixed him with such a glare that he turned his head away and tried not to watch.

Zavin stared at Valora suspiciously, confused by just how quickly the husky had agreed to his proposal. As he felt the last piece of his leather armor drop to the ground, leaving him in nothing but his underclothes, he murmured, "Didn't think you'd do it."

Letting out an almost girlish giggle, Valora replied, "Fun to catch you off guard. And get you to myself for once. Remember that time in Sarn, with the twin ocelots? Boy and girl? They both wanted you more than me."

"Ohh, yeah," Zavin said, and let the delightfully lovely husky finish stripping him. For a few moments, he forgot entirely about the challenge he'd given as her long and broad canine tongue lapped at the tip of his cock.

The sergal's tongue lolled and he began to pant as Valora's lips wrapped around the head of his cock. He'd really forgotten just how wonderful it felt to have the husky sucking him off. She was skilled, having used her body to get what she wanted just as much as her knives. "Gods you're good, Val..." he half-whispered.

"Uh, you're losing, guy." Gral's voice cut through the haze of pleasure. Valora growled at the bound rabbit in irritation, and Zavin realized that the husky had jumped him in the hopes that she could distract him long enough to get him off.

With no small measure of reluctance, Zavin pushed Valora away and grinned toothily. "Really Val? You thought I'd fall for that?" Zavin said, trying to sound incredulous.

"You were about to until the rabbit opened his fucking mouth," Valora grumbled, flashing a hateful glare at the rabbit, who just smiled and stuck out his tongue. Despite his predicament, Gral seemed to be enjoying himself. Who wouldn't, when presented with a private sex show?

It was the husky's turn to be caught off guard when, all of a sudden, Zavin had pushed Valora back onto one of the bedrolls, pinning her under him with his full weight. Almost immediately, he used his free hand to reach down and cup her sex. He slid a single finger single finger into her while seeking her clit with his thumb. She was already quite damp. He did his best to not be gentle, remembering from past experience that she liked to be held down and used roughly. He lowered his head and nipped lightly on the husky's right nipple.

Taking advantage of just how surprised the husky had been, Zavin pushed her legs up and hunched over her. "You know how long I can last, Val... when I'm paying attention." he growled, licking her face with that long serpentine tongue of his. He pinched her right nipple between forefinger and thumb and twisted a little, making sure to keep her pinned down under him still.

Positioning himself properly, Zavin rocked his hips forward with as much force as he could muster, hilting himself in her in one single motion. He didn't even hesitate a moment before pulling back and slamming forward with enough force to make her ache a little. Valora let out a low howl of pleasure eyes rolling back a bit. Zavin had never been so rough, so... eager. "Now _you're_gonna lose, husky. Val, right?" Gral's voice cut through the haze of Valora's pleasure.

It was Zavin's turn to glare at Gral, but the spell was already broken. Leveraging all of her not-inconsiderable strength, Valora pushed the sergal off (and out) of her. She let out a little whimper, wondering if it would just be worth it to let Zavin win. It had been far too long since she'd had a good, rough rutting.

Panting, Zavin rolled to Valora's side, grumbling a bit and continuing to glare at Gral. The rabbit shrugged and grinned, not trying to hide the fact that his pants were tented at his groin. "Okay. We gotta move, Val. This is weird with him watching. I think he's getting off on this. Come on. Just over there." Zavin gestured at one of the larger trees, one that was enough to obscure the rabbit's view of their contest.

Valora nodded, shaking her head to clear the cobwebs. Impulsively, she kissed Zavin on the nose, making him blink in surprise. "L-lets make this fair, huh? Remember Stendark? The Bird and Bramble Inn?"

Zavin grinned toothily and nodded. They'd spent almost an hour in their small room, heads buried in each other's lap. His cock twitched at the memory, a bit of pre spattering to the ground. The only thing he really didn't like about Valora's idea was that he could actually lose.

Fixing Gral with a murderous look while showing his considerable maw full of teeth, Zavin growled, "Don't. Move," before taking Valora's hand and leading her behind the tree.

"So me on top or you, Val?" Zavin asked, resisting the urge to just press her up against the trunk of the tree and start to rut. In hindsight it was probably a good idea he'd not finished in her since he had no idea what part of her cycle she was in. Last thing he needed was a half-sergal, half-husky pup running around the place.

The husky licked her lips like a dog waiting for a treat. "F-fair contest. Hold me down, okay? You on top."

"My pleasure," Zavin murmured, and pushed the husky to the mossy ground. This time there was no squirming at all on Valora's part. Resting his hands on her thighs, he held her legs open and straddled the husky's shoulders. As he drew in a deep breath of the husky's scent, he felt Valora's long canine tongue licking at his shaft. "Oh sweet goddess..."

"Not quite, but thank you," Valora said before taking the sergal's shaft in her mouth again. She couldn't help being a little eager, immediately swallowing the drops of pre that had formed at the tip of the sergal's shaft.

Zavin moaned, but unlike a few minutes before, he didn't lose his focus. A couple more seconds of taking in Valora's delightful scent and he buried his face in her sex. Using his much longer tongue, he licked deep, undulating the length and tasting the husky's juices.

Valora squealed, having forgotten that the sergal's tongue was that limber. With the way Zavin's tongue curled and hit just the right spot in her, she almost lost control then and there. Realizing that she was in real danger of losing, she began to take Zavin's shaft deeper than she was usually comfortable with.

Without even thinking about it, Zavin began to rock his hips, fucking the husky's face just as much as she was sucking on it. He closed his eyes, then pulled his face away a little, letting part of his serpentine tongue rest and undulate against Valora's clit while the rest stayed buried deep in her.

A low groan of pleasure was all that Zavin needed to let him realize he was probably going to win. He knew the way she sounded when she was about to climax, and she was probably right on the edge. He rocked his hips deliberately. "Val, when you cum, you're going to keep sucking until I'm done," he said, already acting like he was the victor.

Val growled around his shaft, and for a moment Zavin thought she might bite, but then she started doing something she'd never done before. She began to deep-throat him, something that the husky had never let on she could do. The tip of his shaft pushed into her throat just a bit and she began to swallow reflexively.

The sensations were almost too much for Zavin, and with a bit of panic, he dug his claws into the husky's thighs and began to lick as deeply as she was taking his shaft. Moment after moment he realized he was getting far too close to blowing his load.

Of all the things that either had expected to happen, neither had considered the possibility that they would both climax at the exact same moment. Panicked, Zavin let out a howl as he came, his cock pulsing and sending jets of his seed directly down the husky's throat. It was only a second later that her realized that Valora was moaning ecstatically, and her cunt was gripping his tongue tightly, spasming and twitching over and over. Next came the gush of her fluids right on his face.

Zavin envied the husky her much longer climax, which continued for almost half a minute before he was able to pull his tongue out. Panting, he began to lick his own face of the husky's juices.

"Oh... my god. That was wonderful," Zavin murmured, slumping to the side. For just a little while, he wanted to forget that there had been any contest, or that there had been no clear winner.

Valora nodded, licking a few stray bits of the sergal's seed from her muzzle. "Yup. We need to do this more often. So... what are we going to do about the contest? We both lost. Or won. Or... I dunno."

Chuckling a bit, Zavin replied, "I guess we could, you know, share the bounty? Or just let him go. He seems nice. Just a patsy. You know that the yote was probably just going to rob him and leave him for dead, right?"

"Yeah. I kinda thought that too." The two friends and sometimes-lovers lay there for a short while until Valora commented, "Uh, Zavin? Is it a bit too quiet?"

Zavin shot up and scrambled over a root to check on his and Valora's captive. What he saw made his stomach bottom out. "Son of a bitch!" he hollered.

Gral was gone. And what was worse, so were their armor and weapons, leaving them naked. Valora groaned. It was going to be a long walk back to the village.

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