Hung Like a Horse

Story by solstice_fennat on SoFurry

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A commission for Pyrex the Koala, this is my first finished tale in almost two years. There will be more coming, though, so don't any of you fret.

Hung Like a Horse

By Solstice the Fennat

Sean woke in utter darkness, his head pounding as if he'd spent a whole night binge drinking. For a few moments, he thought that's exactly what had happened, but something didn't feel right. For some reason it felt as if he were being held up by his arms, some sort of soft but unyielding substance holding him still. He could feel the weight of his gut hanging a bit, which shouldn't happen if he was laying down.

Confusion gave way to coherence, and Sean became aware that he was most definitely not in his bedroom. His eyes adjusted to the darkness, and what he saw made a cold lump of terror form in his rather large belly. He was in a small, sterile room, barely large enough to hold him and whatever strange device had him held to the wall.

He couldn't see much else in the room, lit only by tiny displays that he couldn't read. Wherever he was, it was miles removed from the last place he could remember being: the parking lot of the video game store he worked at, as he rummaged around for his keys. All he remembered after that point was a pinch in his neck... and then blackness. There had been a voice, someone saying his name, but he had no idea who it had been.

Suddenly, the room filled with light, emitting from recessed spots on the walls and ceiling. Sean cried out in surprise, realizing that soon, he would know just who... or what... had captured him. Squinting, Sean could see a vague humanoid shape in the doorway to the room.

A few moments later, the form came closer, and he heard a hauntingly familiar voice resound in his ear. "Shh, relax... you'll get your voice back soon. And your sight. I'll take good care of you." Sean felt hands grope his chest, making him blush. It was almost the way one would grope a woman, and Sean certainly had the chest for it. Thumbs stroked over his nipples and he felt cool air blown over them. Despite himself, Sean felt his cock twitch and swell. He had to admit, if it weren't for the confusion and fear he was feeling, he would probably be as hard as he'd ever been.

Gentle caresses stroked over his belly, pushing in against the soft and yielding flesh. "You are such a gorgeous specimen, Sean. I've been hoping so much that you would be compatible. You've got just that perfect _ plushness_ to your body that I love. And that my employers need."

Sean knew that voice, that maddeningly familiar voice, but in his state, he couldn't put a name to it. It was definitely male, though, and someone he knew well. He worked his jaw, trying to ask what was going on, but all that came out was a hoarse-sounding croak. Half a moment later, he felt his captor's hand slap his belly lightly, setting the flesh jiggling for a few seconds. "Now, now, I said you'd have your voice back, Sean. Until then, don't try to talk."

Hands draped themselves over his shoulders and he could feel soft cotton pressing against him. "Maybe if you're a good boy I'll even let you down and exercise you myself. And we can snuggle a bit."

More and more detail was coming into focus, both visually and mentally, for Sean, but with his captor whispering in his ear, he couldn't see who it was. All he could see was short blonde hair and the back of a set of pale blue nurse's scrubs. Who did he know with short blonde hair? The name still continued to elude him. "Oh Sean, I've been watching for months. Learning little bits about you when you least expected it. Talking to your friends. Getting a little sample of your blood when you donated two weeks ago. You're just perfect for the procedure, and you're all mine now."

In a single moment of pure clarity, Sean finally figured out who his captor was, an instant before he pulled away and smiled. "David? You?"

David, his coworker and longtime classmate at college, grinned back at him. "Me, Sean," he said simply, and then leaned forward to kiss Sean right on the lips. "Me."

"David, don't!" Sean begged, the sight of that needle and the silver fluid within making him shudder. This couldn't really be happening to him, could it?

David grinned, "Oh hush, it'll hurt only for a little while, and then you'll change. You'll be ready for the next step. I know you'll like it. I know it'll be wonderful for you." He lifted the needle up and pressed the end up against the base of Sean's cock. "Just breathe. It'll be over in a minute."

Sean didn't even have enough time to react before the needle went in, pushing deep, all the way to his prostate. Quite predictably, it hurt, but not nearly as much as he would have expected it to. When David depressed the plunger on the needle, he felt nothing but a horrible cold. Sean let out a little sob, wondering what it was going to do to him.

"Watch, Sean. Watch what happens," David said. Sean could see that his 'friend' had an erection all his own. How many times had David done this to someone else? How many times had David dreamed of doing this to him?

David pressed a button on the tablet he was carrying, and suddenly the far wall changed, turning into a full reflective surface so that he could see everything in detail. He took a moment to study the machine that held him. He was on an angle, with his arms over top of him. A strange strap with what looked like a penis-shaped gag with a hose in it hung from the ceiling near his head. Bands of some strange substance held his arms at his wrists and elbows. His legs were spread wide by the machine, held by more bands of that unidentifiable clear substance. Underneath him, between his legs, were what looked like a long, wide tube with a hose on it, and another strange contraption that looked like a curved finger.

A few moments later, Sean's confused inspection of the machine was brought to a halt when he began to feel warm all over and his skin began to itch. With wide, horrified eyes, he watched as his own body began to change.

First was his hair. Originally short and a pale sandy brown, it started to grow rapidly, and became a bit more wiry. Even as Sean watched, the colourturned to a deep red chestnut colour. Every second made his scalp itch like mad, and he began to sweat all over, and his heart beat rapidly, approaching a dangerous pace.

"There's something about thin people that makes this process fatal. But you, Sean, you'll make it through fine. For some reason, if you don't have a certain level of body fat, it consumes your organs. So be thankful, hmm?"

Sean groaned, the itch becoming maddening, "Please, stop it, do something, _please_David." All that David did was shake his head, and reach up to pat Sean's cheek. Within moments, Sean had what could only be described as a beautiful, luxurious mane, complete with forelock. His eyebrows had grown a little bushier, yet at the same time, his five o'clock shadow had disappeared completely.

"What's happening..." Sean whispered, horrified. The changes continued as his chest hair began to thicken and spread a bit, the fuzz going all the way to his navel and beyond. His nipples began to thicken and darken considerably, making the itch migrate to his chest. He couldn't help but notice that a bit of his expansive belly had disappeared, presumably to facilitate the changes within his body. He was still very pudgy, but that unhealthy level of fat that he'd always been unsatisfied with was disappearing.

"See," David said softly, "There's a lovely aphrodisiac on the market. EV. Equine Vitae. Heard of it? Bah, don't answer. Bet you're feeling the itch at your butt now." David reached out and slapped Sean's thigh.

Sean let out a little whimper, nodding. The itch had, indeed, migrated to his tailbone. If he'd thought it was distracting before, it was positively maddening now. He felt something growing. He felt a lump form in his stomach when he saw hair coming down behind his rump. He finally began to understand what was happening. "You're turning me into a... horse?"

David shook his head, "Oh no, not entirely. We need a mix of human and equine hormones. We tried to mix synthetic hormones, but the results were less than pleasant. Thus, this solution. Find those suitable for the... change... and then make use of them. Just make them disappear, and harvest the mixture in a much more direct way. Now watch, and see what I have ready for you, my dear."

Groaning, Sean watched with wide eyes, unable to tear his gaze away from the spectacle before him. Something in him was fascinated, compelled by what was happening to him. As he watched, his scrotum darkened in colour to a deep ebony. The itching moved inwards, accompanied by a deep aching feeling at the core of his balls. Moment after moment, he watched as his balls grew larger, each one becoming the size of a large orange or a small grapefruit.

That itch became maddening as it migrated to his cock, intensifying as even that part of him began to change. Until now he'd been circumcised, but that skin was growing back, and also turning that deep shade of ebony, splotched with a little pink. Soon, Sean couldn't even see the head of his cock in the heavy skin that surrounded it. An insistent voice in the back of his head, one that had fantasized and dreamed of something similar, told Sean that he should just enjoy what was happening to him.

Soon he felt his cock rising, but not like it would when getting erect. A low moan escaped his lips when he saw that his foreskin was attaching itself to his pelvis, millimetre by millimeter. Not only that, it was thickening and widening, eventually becoming an equine sheath made of ebony skin blotched with pink. Despite himself, Sean couldn't help but admire the fact that he was quite literally hung like a horse.

Though he couldn't see the change happening to his cock, he certainly felt it. Inside his sheath, the itch played along the length of his shaft, and somewhere near the base, he felt another deep ache that he couldn't quite identify. Finally, mercifully, the itching and the aching faded, and he was left shaking and wondering if it was really over.

David reached out and stroked Sean's ebony sheath one hand and hefted one of his massive balls in the other, eliciting a gasp of pleasure. Sean couldn't believe how sensitive he was. Already he felt his sheath filling out while his tail twitched nervously. The touches and caresses that David were delivering felt wonderful, Sean had to admit. "No, no, I won't like this," Sean muttered, trying to keep himself from moaning with pleasure.

"Oh hush, dear," David said, "When I hook you up to this machine and it starts to milk you for hours on end without any rest, you'll be in heaven. When days turn to weeks, you won't think of anything but the next time you cum."

Sean's jaw dropped; that's what the machine was for? That's why he was here? He felt the wide, flared tip of his equine shaft slip free of his sheath. He had to be at least three inches thick, with an even larger flared head. The head pushed up and lifted a bit of his belly. And why did the thought of being milked for his seed over and over, presumably forever, have his cock getting harder and harder?

David grinned, and leaned down to run his tongue around the edge of Sean's flare. Sean tried to kick and twitch, but all he could do was buck his hips a little. "We'll play a game, Sean. If you can look me in the eyes after I've let you spray your spunk all over my face, and say you don't want more... we'll reverse this."

Sean shivered and bucked his hips again when David's hands began to play up and down his shaft. Within half a minute, a full fourteen inches of horseflesh was jutting proudly out of Sean's sheath, pressing against his belly, and already dribbling a bit of slippery pre-cum.

"Try flexing it, Sean, just once..." David urged, releasing Sean's cock from his grip. With little better to do, figuring he could just play along for a second and then catch David off-guard a bit later. He flexed his pelvic muscles just once, and was surprised when his cock slapped against his round belly with enough force to make that expanse of skin sting a little. The accompanying wave of pleasure that washed through his shaft, however, made him cry out in bliss.

"That's how horses do it, you know. Masturbate, that is." David almost purred, and then resumed licking at the hole at the tip of Sean's cock, all the while stroking up and down that spire of flesh. Sean's eyes rolled back in his head. His cock was a hundred times more sensitive than he could remember, and what David was doing felt good.

"David, just s-stop... oh god that, your tongue is in my cumslit... no, just don't, ch-change me ba-ACK!" Sean stammered as skilled hands manipulated his length, and David's tongue once again ran around the lip of that flare. He realizes that David must have done this many times before. But they wanted to milk him for cum! He didn't want that, did he? For a few moments, he considered what it would be like to feel pleasure like he was feeling, over and over.

For just a few seconds, Sean let himself fall into the ecstasy of David's ministrations. Skilled hands stroking up and down, occasionally fondling his balls. An expert tongue once or twice rolling around the glans, and then darting into the cumslit, and then up and down his shaft. It seemed to be taking longer than it should to be bringing him to his climax, but eventually he felt it coming, a rising feeling of inevitability that he couldn't ignore.

David pulled his head away and held Sean's cock just beneath the flare, "Just say the word, and you're mine. Ours. A nice fat slave, milked over and over. Forever." There was such finality to that one word, such a promise of ecstasy, that without any further stroking, Sean came hard enough to make him scream. Jets of viscous semen began to jet from his cock, spattering on David's face. Sean could see the tent in his 'friend's pants as he got a facial like none other. For nearly half a minute, he kept on spraying jets of semen, until finally he was spent and left gasping for breath.

David was silent for a while but for the little slurping sounds he made as he wiped his face then licked his hand. When he saw that Sean was finally recovered enough, "Just one word, Sean... look me in the eyes." He lifted up a still-sticky hand and took hold of Sean's chin, forcing him to meet David's gaze. "Focus, honey. Say it. Stay or go. Yes or no?"

Sean shook his head, trying to clear the cobwebs again, trying to focus enough to form a coherent thought. It had been the best orgasm he'd ever felt, and he was being promised that he'd never stop having them. But he'd never go home again. What did he have to lose though? A boring job with insane customers day in day out? A long distant family that he never saw? Daily drudgery over and over, or a life of sexual bliss? "Stay..." he finally said, and David smiled toothily.

"Good boy," David said softly, "Nobody's ever said no in the end. Let's get to it, shall we?" Almost immediately, he grabbed that cock-shaped gag connected to the hose hanging from the ceiling. "Say it one more time, before you can't say it again," he admonished.

Sean groaned. It was almost cruel, making him assent a second time, making him admit that he wanted this. He would probably regret it someday, if it didn't drive him mad first. "Stay," he croaked.

David pushed the cock-gag to Sean's lips and waited for him to open his mouth. As soon as Sean had done so, David pushed the gag in, and fastened the straps around the back of his head tightly, leaving him voiceless.

"Suck on it," David said firmly. When Sean did, a vaguely fruity-tasting and viscous fluid came from the tip of the gag. Instinctively, Sean swallowed. Within moments, he began to feel hot, and his cock, which had gone half-flaccid after the orgasm, quickly hardened and pressed against his belly again. "That's right... just a little bit of concentrated EV in the nutrients, and you're ready to go again..."

David attached a few electrodes to Sean's head, one at each temple, then one over his chest, and finally two more, both at his pelvis. They were cold, and covered in an adhesive that stuck fast. David tugged on them a couple times to make sure they didn't come off, and then attached some wires to them.

Next, David pulled the strange tube up from between Sean's legs. Pushing his new milking slave's belly up and away, he began to slip the flexible rubber tube over Sean's stiff shaft.

Sean groaned loudly as the tight, warm, almost skin-like latex was pulled down over his shaft inch by inch. The inside was lubricated, and he felt almost a dozen harder rings of latex rub down his shaft. When he felt the tight ring of latex at the end of the tube resting snugly at the base of his cock, he let out a moan.

"Aaaand to hold it in place," David murmured, obviously enjoying himself from the look of the bulge in his pants. He pulled a strap around and wrapped it behind Sean's balls, making sure it was snug, then placed another ring around the base of Sean's cock. "The next part is going to feel... odd."

Sean bucked his hips, almost trying to fuck the sleeve that was fitted around his cock. The whole while he was thinking 'my god this is forever, what am I doing?' When David took the strange finger-shaped device and drizzled a small amount of lube on it, he let out a moan. It was obvious what was about to happen.

There was a bit of discomfort as the curved instrument pushed up underneath Sean's new tail, and he let out a little whine. It didn't hurt, but it certainly felt odd. David manipulated the device for a bit, and suddenly Sean felt a wave of pleasure run through his loins. His cock jerked a bit and squirted a bit of fluid into the tube. "Ahh, there," David said. He pressed a button and Sean felt the base of the toy inside him swell, almost to the size of a tennis ball. He jerked and thrashed a little, and then tried to push the device out to no avail. It was locked inside due to the bulge in the device.

David grinned and stroked Sean's cheek gently. "There you go, dear, you're all ready," he murmured, and all of a sudden he was freeing his own cock and leaning against the wall to watch. "You don't mind if I enjoy myself, do you, my chubby little slut?" Before Sean could respond, David began to stroke his stiff cock. "One of these days I might even give myself to this. But not for a while."

All of a sudden, Sean felt the device under his tail begin to move and squirm, the tip massaging his prostate through the thin layer of flesh in his rectum. At the same times, the rings on the sleeve over his cock began to move up and down, mechanically massaging him through the warm latex. Sean almost screamed around the gag in his mouth at the intense pleasure that washed through him.

The whole time, David was watching, a hungry look in his eyes. He was pumping his shaft rhythmically, timing his strokes to mimic how he saw the machine milking Sean's shaft.

Sean bucked his hips and tried to bear down on the device at the same time, his eyes rolling back. He was no longer watching David, but he heard his captor take a few steps forward.

"We're gonna cum together... oh god, Sean, I'm holding back for you. I wanna cum when you cum," David breathed, "Give in, let it go. You'll have dozens... hundreds more, before your mind is mush."

Sean groaned and sucked instinctively on the gag, making more of that aphrodisiac-laced fluid fill his mouth. As he swallowed, his need for rutting, for climax grew, and he knew it really would only take a few more days before all he could ever think of was the next orgasm. "mmmph! MMM!" he exclaimed, and then felt himself explode into the tube, over and over, in an even greater quantity.

David could tell it was time, and with his own cry of ecstasy, he came, spattering a much lesser amount of his cum all over Sean's wide belly. As David rubbed those ropy spatterings of cum into Sean's skin, he murmured, "I'll be back, dear. When you've had a dozen more. And maybe then... I'll give you something different to suck on."

Sean felt the machine slow down and stop, and he slumped in his bindings, closing his eyes. He felt more spent than he ever had. His body needed time to recuperate from the mind-shattering climax, but he knew that soon he'd be hard again, and something would trigger the machine to start again.

David leaned forward to kiss Sean on the forehead, wiping away a sheen of sweat, "There's a good boy. Rest. And then give us more. Just think, you're helping us deliver so much more EV to the rest of the world. Thank you. If you want to just stop thinking for a while, and let go... drink up as much as you can. I guess, dear, you could say you're hung like a horse now."

David grinned and tapped a button on his tablet, and the door appeared again. When he was finally gone, Sean opened his eyes. All he could see now was himself reflected in the wall, a seamless view of what he had become. If he wanted to feel more, all he had to do was drink...

Sean began to suck, and soon he felt his equine cock hardening again.

The machine started up once more.

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Harvesting the Seed

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