Err, that wasn't supposed to happen either Pt2

Story by TheNovelist on SoFurry

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#95 of Exploration

As soon as Casdey had disappeared, I turned in my tripod and went back across the river. Salbar and Javid hadn't come back, but according to the very patient wolf/dragon hybrid they had been informed of my suggestion. Draco had also gone, he was going to the Summer world to talk to the elves. I was praying beyond distance that he would bring Kohana back with him, I so wanted to talk to her.

It wasn't Draco who arrived first though. Orion arrived, holding the wrist of Winslo. The bunny looked around, and conjured a single rose from nothing.

"Ah, I thought so. This is a very powerful magical place." he seemed amused.

"For those not versed in magical effects?" I asked. The bunny laughed.

"O.K., Magic for morons it is. There are certain places in the universe that are naturally magical in themselves, and a magician in said area finds it easier to cast spells, and more powerful variations of the same spell. This is no doubt why the creatures that set up that bubble chose here, it's easier to cast a shield when the land itself is helping you."

"O.K., I understood that." I replied,"So in turn you guys will find it easier to dispel the magic?"

"Indeed, although it looks as though not just magic can destroy that shield. An immense physical force could break it."

"Really?"I looked interested."My Eryx?"

"No." Winslo shook his head."That would definitely not do it by itself."

I looked downcast."Oh well."

A bang ended the conversation, as Draco arrived with both Edelveiss and Kohana.

"They both wanted to come." Draco said, as I rushed forwards, dropping rocket launcher and rifle to hug the elven goddess. Kohana laughed merrily and returned the hug.

"Alduin, good to see you.I trust you've been finding out about my gifts?"

"Immunity to cold, mental attack, my own little amount of magic, yes, and I have to repay you for it."

"And what did you have in mind?" the goddess smiled.

"Oh come on," Valmeero interjected,"Isn't it obvious?"

"I'll gently get her off with my tripod form, that should do something."

"Tripod?" Edelveiss looked confused.

"Me, Draco and Simba got implanted with robotic DNA, so we can change into different forms." I explained, changing again into my Tripod form.

"Now that is cute." Kohana smiled widely, running a hand along one of my front legs."So how do you intend to fuck me like that?"

Four tentacles came out of the sides of the hemisphere. Esme was now in magical consultation with Winslo, and the fire fox was introduced to Edelveiss. Javid arrived back with three two people, and one very large scaly creature. O'eola, Draca, and Mabel were beaming widely.

"I have so got to get me one of these." the black skinned wizard nodded at Javid's teleporter. Draca reformed into her half dragon/ half human form, and Draco immediately sidled over to her. O'eola spotted this.

"Are you two going to say hi to one another before having it off?" he asked innocently.

"Hi." said Draco.

"Hi." said his reptilian friend, beaming widely. Draca led Draco off into the trees.

"This was a bad idea." Valmeero looked at the disappearing dragons with amusement.

"I shouldn't worry, Valmeero." Winslo replied," we need about an hour to work out the most powerful dispel for this particular shield, magic on different planets works slightly differently each time.

"Do you know, I understood nothing about that last sentence except one hour?" I said cheerfully. Salbar arrived, hanging onto Sunrise's arm, he was in human form, and two seconds later, Runo and Hinori arrived also.

"What is this, magician's day out?" Runo looked around expectantly.

"We've run into a delay, we have one hour to mess around before we can do any casting." O'eola replied, playing with a pack of cards. With complete ease, he drew four cards from random from the deck, and all four aces were in his hand.

Mabel snorted."O'eola, stop casting the minor trick spell, I hope you don't intend to gamble against anyone."

"No,"the wizard replied,"I'm just bored, and Draca won't be having sex with me on account Draco is having it with her."

Runo and Hinori were already having a discussion of topping the other, and Runo was winning. Sunrise offered a gentlemanly arm to the cleric, Mabel.

"My lady, could we discuss matters privately?" Mabel looked around briefly, and shrugged.

"If we must.I have nothing better to be doing." she went off with Sunrise into the forest.

Kohana tugged at my tentacles."Come on then, otherwise there'll be no good places left."

O'eola had politely declined an offer from Javid, he was straight, and Edelveiss had led Orion away.

We met them first. Both had stripped completely, and she was lying against a tree.Orion seemed slightly dazed, and was kneeling in front of her exposed vagina.I looked at the fox, he seemed to be reacting in a very strange manner.

"Edelveiss, did you hypnotise him?"

"A refined variation of hypnotism, but yes.He obeys my commands, but does have free will. Now Orion,let's see how well you use your tongue and muzzle."

Kohana lay down against another tree, in the same position. I hunkered down over her, and she took one of my tentacles, and sucked deep on it, coating it in saliva. Then she gently pulled down my steel tentacle towards her ass.

"So Alduin has four of those?" Edelveiss looked interested."You could make four people happy, or two people really happy." I chuckled, as Kohana delicately inserted one into her ass. Due to the robotic modifications I felt none of the overwhelmingly powerful waves that took control of me last time. If I had been in bionic form, Kohana said, as she took a second tentacle and began the same ritual, I would have, but as the tripod it wouldn't affect me.

"So he doesn't have to worry about possession, good." Edelveiss said, and moved to the same tree Kohana was on, and Orion followed, like a fox in a dream.

"Is he alright?" I asked. Edelveiss smiled.

"Yes, he's just experiencing the feeling he's having the biggest possible orgasm, as long as he listens to me."

"I like the sound of that." I replied.

"Men do." Edelveiss chuckled,"Now, Orion, take one of Alduin's tentacles and coat it with your saliva."

"I appear to be popular." I said, straightly, as Orion obeyed this order.

"Alduin, while that thing is a highly dangerous war thing, with those tentacles it is an automated four dildo sex machine. Of course some people want you to fuck them." Kohana laughed, as she gently pushed my second tentacle into her pussy. Orion wordlessly inserted the one he had into Edelveiss' ass, and the elven goddess looked at the last tentacle.

"Kohana, mine or yours?"

"Orion's?" the other elf suggested.

"Good idea. Orion, you will allow Alduin to fuck you while you work my vagina.It will feel better than anything you've ever experienced."

"Will it?" I asked, as Orion kneeled down, and spread his legs.

"It will now I said it." Edelveiss laughed,"Go on, he seems to want it." The fox nodded at me, and I gently thrust the last into his own ass.

I will refrain from going into more details of the half hour that followed. I was thoroughly used, and thus serviced, and those receiving them likewise. Orion experienced multiple orgasms, being touched by the goddess. No powers were granted by Edelveiss to the fox, Kohana explained she was just generous to me after I had released her. Orion probably wasn't going to complain, especially after Edelveiss allowed him to properly fuck her.

But before long, we heard Valmeero shouting in the middle distance.

"If the company has finished enjoying one another's company, we have a spell to cast."

After we untangled, I retracted my tentacles and stomped back towards the dragon hybrid, using my Global positioning system to ford a course directly at him. This meant Draca and Draco, who were still finishing up, and hiding behind a bush, got a fright as I crashed through the bush. Draco looked up as I stepped clear over him.

"Are you actually aware we're down here?" he asked.

"Not until I broke through the undergrowth." I replied, while Draco explained to the female dragon what I had done with my transforming. Mabel, walking back with Sunrise (who was now in his dragon form), also spotted me, and I explained to her.

"It's a lot different." I said, off hand, and then changed the topic,"So did Sunrise fuck you as a dragon?"

"He did, and I'm beginning to wonder why he used his human form on the way here."

"It has advantages." Sunrise replied, stretching his wings, as we found the four sitting very patiently waiting. Esme, and her cats, Winslo, O'eola and Valmeero.

"Alduin, could you heat ray this bubble?" Winslo asked.

"High or low setting?"

"Just blast it."

I let loose with an almost full blast, and the ray struck the shield, and the bubble glowed brighter. Winslo looked at my ray being stopped in it's tracks.

"Interesting. It's conducting the blast around it, and into the ground, much like metal with electricity."

"So how are we going to take it out?" Sunrise asked.

"Very simply, all of us who can cast decent magic, no Alduin, that doesn't mean you, cast dispel at it. This will nullify the effect of directing physical blasts, and then those who aren't magical can dump a couple of attacks on it. Even the smallest puncture of the bubble will cause it to fade." Winslo said.

As soon as everyone arrived back, Winslo repeated this for the rest of the magicians. The twelve stepped into an orderly circle around the bubble.

"Right, now incant after me. INCANTATEM NULLIFIO!" the bunny did a complex spiralling motion with his hands pointing directly at the bubble. A blue jet of light surged from his fingertips and struck the bubble. It distorted. O'eola and Draca shouted in tandem, and their beams struck the circle. The three dragons added their power, the two elven goddess', Orion, Mabel and finally Esme, until the entire shield was surrounded by spikes of blue light. I took a step sideways, and stood beside Winslo, he was concentrating the spell.

My heat ray spoke, aiming high on the bubble. It struck the bubble like a drop of water, and strange waves of power distorted the bubble.

"More power!" Winslo shouted. Draco and Valmeero nodded at Salbar, and let go fire bursts, just as the lizard charged. He flattened into a run past the beams, and brought down the sword on top of the globe with all the power he could conjure in his muscles.

There was a small noise, like pop, and a huge wave of magical aura was blown outwards. Salbar was forced back a step, and the wizards staggered backwards.

The bubble was broken, and we could see a great cauldron sitting innocently on a smoking fire. Beside it was a very small table, and on the table was a white sphere. Inside the cauldron was a bubbling froth of oozing liquid, and I changed into my human form, stepping forward.

"Why put this much power behind a shield to defend a rock and a cauldron?" I asked aloud.

"I have no idea." Esme said firmly."And while I meddle with the affairs of dark wizardry,I have never seen anything like this."

The sphere was so perfectly constructed, a perfect ball, and I reached down and picked it up.

"I swear that if I ever get free, someone's going to pay for this!Are you listening to me?!"

With a cry, I dropped the ball back on the table, and fall backwards. The voice had just struck through my arm, and telepathically communicated.I had felt the voice in my mind as soon as I had made contact, it was nothing like I had ever felt. Everyone looked at me in worry, as if something bad had happened to me..

"Alduin, what happened?" Valmeero asked, coming to my side. I sat up, and looked at the stone.

"Something is trapped in that rock, be it good or evil." I crawled over, and took the stone again.

"I mean it, I don't care who's within range, I will lose my temper!"

"He's annoyed, obviously." I said to the clustered magicians around me.

"I am not annoyed!" the mental voice replied,"I am seriously racked off, and will be more so if someone doesn't let me out of here!Who are you?"

"My name is Alduin Raptormaster, we have broken the shield set on this cauldron and your stone. It looks to have been set by Casdey, or at least she guarded it."

There was a snort of laughter from the stone."Hah, Casdey wouldn't cause me any trouble what so ever. I was ambushed by ten of them, and they cast alter form on me, and turned me into this stone."

"What's the cauldron for?"

"The antidote." the stone mentally replied.

"I'm sorry?" I said," They kept the antidote right next to you?"

"Thinking was never something Eviloths was good at." the stone replied."But should they want me for any reason, I was there, to be used. How did you break the shield?"

Everyone was listening to me having a one sided conversation with this rock, for of course they couldn't hear the telepathy. All of them having had previous experience with magic, and all also having experience with mental telepathy by touch (the tentacle monster for example, you have to be touching it), they knew better than to ask silly questions of me until I had finished conversing with what ever was speaking from the stone.

"We brought many magicians here, and cast Dispel Magic together, and got the non magical to attack the shield by force."

"Ah, there is a number of you?" the voice sounded approving, and I almost nodded by impulsive habit, even though that would be a waste of time, on account that the spirit had no eyes to see me nod.

"Indeed. What is your name?"

The stone appeared to lose more of it's miffed nature." My name is Mendra, I am one of the spirit guardians of the forest."

I turned to Esme."Mendra?" the witch reacted surprised, obviously she was aware of the name, and she spoke in confusion.

"How in the forest did they manage to take him?"

"Outnumbered ten to one, and cast alter form on him, or at least, that's what the stone says." I shrugged, while Mendra added his own affirmation.

"Well, Alduin, Mendra is one of our most popular and powerful guardians, we must revive him." the witch nodded.

"Right, so all I have to do is drop the stone into the cauldron?" I asked the stone.

"Ah, you're one of the non magical ones?" the voice from the stone chuckled.

"Leave it. Is that how to do it?" I said firmly.

"Yes, Alduin. I shall have to teach you some magic sometime."

"Been there, done that, was no good at it." I replied,getting to my feet. With delicacy, I gently lifted the stone and held it over the simmering cauldron. Everyone backed quickly away from me, so I was soon in a circle with a very large radius. Everyone was waiting with bated breath on what would happen as I dropped the stone. I was standing with my back to the river, and with ceremony, released the stone.

It fell slowly,well, seemed, to fall slowly, into the frothing mix. The smoky ooze closed over it, and all of a sudden there was a terrific explosion. I was blasted backwards, and I felt myself lift, and fall down the bank. As I fell back, I could see a shadowy figure in the clouds of smoke.

I landed hard beside the river's edge, but got immediately back to my feet, charging up the hill to see what had arrived. I felt no pain, which was a pleasant surprise after that blast, but I had taken worse. The cloud covered everything, but it vanished after a few seconds, and we saw what we had freed.

It was eight foot tall, covered in jet black fur, and had hulking muscles. A long solid staff was in one hand, and on the top was a circular ring around an almost parabolic crescent. It was cat like, and it's pointed ears flicked in relief from his imprisonment. Razor sharp claws scraped against the harsh ash, and he looked around at his surroundings, purring in contentment. Esme came forwards.

"Mendra, thank the forest that you are free."

"It's a pleasure to be back, Esme." he said, growling gently.

Valmeero stepped over to the cat creature.

"Mendra, was it? My name is Valmeero."

"I know everything about Central, Valmeero, even in my stone I could sense thoughts in the human's mind."

"If we can lay off the ESP...thank you." I replied, on the crest, looking at everyone.People briefly glanced at me, before turning back to the cat creature.

"Will do, Alduin." Mendra chuckled, looking at the surrounding land.

I sat down as the magicians began talking to one another about the various spells that had been cast. Mendra was brought up to date by Valmeero about our arrival, and my handling with Casdey. Mendra seemed very amused that I had not even broken a sweat fighting the squirrel, but I seemed to be getting very little attention. This suited me down to the ground, I could sit back and compose poetry.

Javid and Salbar were discussing the merits of Salbar's sword skills, the wolf seemed very impressed at the slash that had burst the shield bubble. Draco and Simba were sitting together, discussing I haven't the faintest idea what about. Actually, now I came to think about it, I didn't want to know. Sure Draco and Simba have perfectly normal conversations, but it was better not to ask.

I felt perfectly content, I didn't even have a scratch after the explosion that brought Mendra back. So I lay back, and began thinking about various things, while listening to the magicians.

"So Casdey was guarding me, they must have some pretty awful plan they want to unleash." the cat said to Esme.

"Evil wizards always have plans they want to unleash." Sunrise replied.

"Well, we've gone and busted this one, I think." Winslo smiled.

"Of course, they'll probably come back in force to try and take me again." Mendra admitted," Just as well, this time, I'm going to make them regret it."

"Do you mind if we sit in for this one?" Runo asked, stretching his arms gently.

"And why do you want to do that?"

"I've always wanted a pitched magical duel." the dragon replied, with a grin.

"Been there, done that." O'eola yawned." When we were facing this necromancer, he had eighteen magicians. We numbered six, me, Mabel, Salis, Draca and two of our friends. The spells flew for about three quarters of an hour, and because they were necromancers, they cast the most dangerous things, and because necromancers are sorcerers, they can KEEP lobbing things at us."

"What's the difference between a wizard and a sorcerer?" Runo asked.

"Wizard can learn any spells they want, but can only cast so many per day. Sorcerers have a very select few, but can toss them as much as they want." Draca replied.

"I was also going to add that on our planet, " Mabel said dryly, "Most sorcerers have a tendency to be evil, but I suppose it works differently across the universe."

"Speaking of which, where is that pointed eared elven friend of yours?" Valmeero asked the cleric.

"Salis is currently explaining to a bunch of goblins why elves are so much better at fighting." Mabel replied."Or by now, she's probably clearing what's left of them away from the passageway."

"Yeah, only because Actin would have cut them into shreds." O'eola reminded. That female fighter O'eola just mentioned did have a ferocious attack.It was widely rumoured that her sword was more magical in strength than the rest of the party, and possibly the rest of the civilized kingdom.

"On the other hand, James might have let Valtar run them through, the first time I ever heard of a sword saying they want something to do."

"That's only because the undead things he's been fighting fall to pieces easier when he's using his fire bow."

"No, it's because I keep on destroying them with my holiness every time they come near." the cleric reminded.

"That last time, I believe it was Draca's ice blast that got them."

"So I let her have a go, an adult dragon's allowed some fun." Mabel rolled her eyes.

"Ah, best of friends here then." Mendra replied at the ceaseless banter,"So what was the result of the necro battle, O'eola?"

"The leader got away, but all his minions were vaporised. I could have hit the leader with a spell, except I had nothing left which could be used in an attack."

"Really, what spells did you have left?"

"Er, Detect magic, minor trick spell, and Mage armour." the wizard replied.

"So what does the minor trick spell do?" Winslo asked.

"Allows me to perform deceiving tricks, for example draw four aces from a pack, or rope tricks."

"Sounds interesting." Winslo replied. O'eola smiled.

"It has it's advantages, but the only way I could use it for an attack was to conjure a bunch of flowers and beat the guy around the back of the head with them."

Everyone suddenly shared an image of O'eola holding a bouquet of roses, and trying to club someone with them. This was not mental communication, but the idea was just so funny to think about.

"Well, with roses I suppose you could hurt them with the thorns, so flowers wouldn't interest him, yes?"

"I highly doubt he'd stop and admire them. He's a psychopathic necromancer, who has no respect for life in any form, except if it's obeying him." the wizard smiled.

"Although I dare say people have used spells in random ways." Mabel admitted."I once used a command spell on someone chasing me to great effect."

"What is Command, and what did you say?"

"Command, if I gain the upper hand, allows me to order them to do something, as long as it's one word. Flee, for example, or fall.I used it once on the leader of a bunch of heavy armoured soldiers chasing me up the stairs." O'eola was grinning.

"Alright," Hinori said, smiling,"I'll bite.What did you say?"

"Sit." she smiled.

There was a pause while everyone worked out what happened next.

"How many did you say were chasing you?" Kohana said.

"About two dozen. It was a long spiral staircase, too, and we were about three stories up. We were having problems at that moment."

"What, 24 men in plate mail, falling down the stairs as you ran up the other way?"

"I saw it." Draca added."All their swords clattered noisily, but not half as much as the armour clanging together. A couple got caught on the side rails, but still a good fifteen landed in a huge crash at the bottom."

"The most controversial spell usage would have to be the one of summoning an animal for the sole use of killing it. The spirits can get very annoyed if you do that too often." Mabel said.

"What can you summon?"

"Hound Archon, which is something like Javid except it has wings, a sword, and seriously cool magical powers.Although I can only summon one. I can summon multiple lesser creatures. O'eola could summon minor demons if he wanted to, except if he tried, I'D kill him. He can also animate dead, and as I said to him, try it, and see if you can bring yourself back from the dead."

"There's nothing wrong with resurrecting party members." Mendra said. Mabel smiled.

"Yes, but there is something wrong with putting undead power into making a dozen skeletons or zombies.There is a difference between Raise dead and Animate dead."

It was as this conversation went on idly, that I had a great idea for a limerick, and I reached over my shoulder for my ever present back pack.

It wasn't there. With confusion, I grabbed at where it should be, but still I couldn't feel it. I moved to take my rifle off, and to my surprise, found it wasn't there either. No wonder I felt so light, I wasn't carrying anything. Then I snapped my fingers, of course, it was probably blown off during the blast. So I yawned widely, and got to my feet, turning around to have a look for my gear.

As I turned, my entire body shivered as I stared upon what I was seeing. My grin faded so fast it almost made me choke on the sight. Utter disbelief took complete control of me, and I gasped in terror. One hand pointed at the sight, and I managed another gasp. Draco looked up, and spoke to me.

"Is there something wrong, Alduin?"

There was a pause, as everyone turned to look at me. I was pointing at something out of their sight, and they all stood up. I could hear them shifting as they came to the small ridge I was standing on.Before the first, it was Orion, got there, I spoke in a tremor.

"Draco, something very bad has gone and happened."

"Really?" the dragon approached, just as Orion saw what I was looking at. He gave a cry of amazement, and his sword staff fell out of his hand and landed noisily on the turf. Winslo saw, and his staff likewise hit the ground as the bunny's face rearranged into stark shock.

"Yeah."I said,looking at the scene." Really, really bad."

"Just how awful?" Valmeero looked confused as he got closer, as more of my friends came upon the stunning sight.

"I.., Valmeero, you might need to see this."