Missi's adventures in cubsitting

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"Ah this one!" A young girl tapped the board at her workplace, a sitter agency where they rented out 'professionally' trained sitters for rich individuals with little to no time on their hands, the sitters would be live in nanny's until either fired or their job was complete. "I'm sure this will be an easy one!" Missi giggled and tore it down hailing a cab outside of her agency. Calling the number she was received by a very gentle speaking woman. They made the agreement to meet first then decide if she would be employed the woman giving her address and a description of her home.

"Um four thirty willow road" Missi squeaked to the driver as he nodded and shot off, speeding so fast that Missi was pinned to the back of the seat by force alone. Finally the cab stopped about ten minutes later, it probably should have been thirteen but the cut traffic lights and avoided stop signs did help the time a bit.

"Thank.. you" Missi stumbled out of the cab and hit the dirt as she left digging in her pocket for some money and handing the driver a wad of fives. "Keep the change" She muttered out dazed from the furious drive. Missi finally snapped to and hopped onto her feet looking at the large imposing manor she had arrived at. "Oh.. wow" Missi gulped and summoned her courage walking up the path at first, then realizing it would take a while she began to run, seeing that this was getting her no where she sprinted up the long drive kicking up a cloud of dust behind her until she hit the first step and tumbled forward hard into the door, landing feet up against the large oak frame.

"Owie" Missi yelped and lay upside down for the time being wondering if her entrance was too flashy for a simple baby sitter. She looked as the door opened and a finely dressed woman approached her, she went to hand her a card but stopped noticing something off... it wasn't a woman at all. "DRAGON!" Missi yelped and froze in fear looking at the dragon with terrified eyes.

"Yes and what may I ask is wrong with being a dragon, oh I don't have time for you, I have already given enough to charity, if you don't mind I'm waiting for someone to answer my request for a sitter!" The dragon slammed the door and Missi shook her paralyzing fear off, this time politely knocking. "Yes, oh you again" The dragon put her hands to her side and sighed. "Fine what are you selling?"

"Myself ma'am.., I mean my services, oh I'm Missi I called about the job earlier" Missi turned fire red from the missunderstanding but was relieved when she saw the dragoness nod and chuckle. "Um I wasn't aware you were a furry, OH I'm sorry" Missi went pink, furry was the term that humans used to describe anthro's it wasn't a slur but some found it offensive.

"That's scallie dear, and it's not a problem I wasn't aware you were a soft skin, pardon me human" The woman replied with wit instead of anger offering her hand. "I am Jessie and welcome to my hom Missi" Jessie opened the other door and let Missi into her luxurious house.

"I am impressed ma'am I didn't even know any anthro's lived around here" Missi walked in and stared at all the nice things, if she got this job she'd be living the cushy life.

"We do not like to make ourselves known, with the media and less understanding people and that" Jessie chuckled and closed the door behind her guiding Missi into the living room where she sat and crossed her legs examining the young sitter.

"Um I am an excellent cook, and I do real well with kids" Missi put her hands in her lap and looked down as she explained herself to Jessie.

"Have you ever cared for a drake child?" Jessie asked her eyes scanning Missi's form, she looked frail, dressed in a white loose top, a pair of cut off jeans, and sandals she didn't seem that authoritative either. "No breasts" Jessie whispered to herself seeing Missi struggle with the question. "It's a simple yes or no dear"

"NO!" Missi yelped out then began to rub her shorts together. "But I can learn I am desperate to become the best sitter out there Ma'am, please consider me a student, oh I mean... I am really good ma'am you won't have to worry at all!" Missi turned pale, wondering if she had already lost the job.

Jessie flicked her tail and mulled it over nodding and setting her hands on her side. "Okay you have one day to win over my daughter or out you go, I don't care how you do it but if Kalie says she wants you to watch her then you're hired, I will be going to the spa.. oh and if she reports that you are incompetent and mean.. well being fired will be the least of your problems young lady" Jessie showed her razor sharp fangs as she said this and Missi squeaked a submissive sign of acknowledgment. Jessie was a very big dragon reaching almost seven feet in height she made Missi, a twenty one year old woman, look like a toddler. Everything in her home was slightly bigger but not too big for Missi to operate

"Good well Kalie is up playing in her room, I told her a new sitter was coming today and she said she couldn't wait, anyway I will see you at five tonight and hear the final report, my number is on the fridge if you need anything" Jessie stood and shook Missi's hand one last time grabbing her bag and heading out, the sound of her car pulling out of the drive way and fading off into the distance was all that could be heard in the secluded manor.

"Kalie!?" Missi called around Miss Jessie forgot to tell her which room was Kalie's. She wandered around looking for a good half hour until she heard the soft humming of a child, relieved she pushed open the door, and began to sweat furiously. Kalie was as big as her, and she wasn't that small for a human. "Um.. Kalie?" Missi whimpered a bit, it did figure a large creature like Jessie would have a child about Missi's size.

"Yes I'm Kalie!" A pink scaled dragon girl turned around and giggled, her new sitter was cute. "Are you Missi, are you the sitter my mommy is going to hire to watch after me?" Kalie ran over and picked Missi up in a hug pressing her chest to Missi's, they were both flat as pancakes.

"YES!" Missi squeaked and broke the hug gasping for air. "That is if you want me to Kalie, I'm not mean or anything" Missi gulped remembering Jessie's comment. "But I won't force myself on you as your sitter, first lets get to know one another" Missi sat down and patted the seat next to her, though Kalie sat in her lap, despite being as big as Missi she was still a child.

"You're a lot nicer than the last sitter my mommy ate" Kalie giggled and made herself comfortable. "She called me a monster and said I was a freak!" Kalie began to rub her eyes remembering the last mean lady and Missi shook her head.

"I'd never call a sweet child like you something that horrible... um Kalie.. what's this?" Missi curiously felt her lap, patting Kalie's backside to discover that she was wearing an adult sized diaper, underneath her jumper, it was pink and had frilly designs on it.

"That's my diaper! Mommy says I have to wear one until I'm a big girl!" Kalie giggled and wiggled a bit when she was pat, Missi turned pale again. "Oh I'm only three Missi how old are you.. does your mommy let you wear big girl underwear?" Kalie giggled again and Missi's face froze.

"You're only three and your... so tall already my you're going to take after your mother" Missi began to panic inside her head what was she going to do, if she made fun of Kalie she was sure Jessie would EAT her, and if she went along with it she'd be changing diapers of a girl her size, completely out of the question.

"I really like dollies" Kalie stood up and took Missi's hand leading her to her play area, a whole half of the house with normal sized furniture and other smaller appliances. "Do you like to play dollies?" Kalie sat down on her little chair and watched Missi's amazed face. Tilting her head as she began to cry.

"SHUUUU Her play room is bigger than my entire apartment" Missi held her tears in and regained her composure. "Yes I like to play with dollies Kalie, why don't you show me some of yours and then we'll" Missi stopped mid sentence seeing Kalie grow flush then relieved the strong scent of urine leaking into the air. "Um Kalie do you need to be changed?" Missi shivered, it would be part of her job, to be the best baby sitter ever she would need to overcome obstacles no matter how wet or stinky they may be.

"Uh huh, but you can't change me!" Kalie giggled and ran away expecting Missi to give chase. "ONLY MOMMY CAN CHANGE ME!" She giggled louder and Missi groaned getting up and running after the diapered pup all around her play area until finally she stopped in the nursery.

"I.. Got.. YOU!" Missi gasped and panted falling over onto her knee's then trembling as she stood back up Kalie wasn't running something was odd.

"No!" Kalie shook her head and crossed her arms. "You can't change me because you're only as big as ME!" Kalie began to stomp her feet and throw a tantrum which made Missi very afraid, if she got into a full blown hissyfit there was no telling what Jessie would do to her.

"OKAY... how about this" Missi held her hands out and thought she needed something to gain Kalie's trust. "What if Missi wears the diapers too, then will you let her change you?" Missi learned this technique from her teacher, sometimes when confronting children using your name instead of I or You would calm them down and remove the superiority barrier between the child and the sitter.

"Missi will wear diapers too... mmmm" Kalie thought about it and grinned. "Okay if Missi wears diapers then she can change Kalie and Kalie can change Missi!" Kalie grabbed two pink diapers and laid down two changing pads on the floor.

"Wait, Missi said she would WEAR the diapers, not use them" Missi blushed her using diapers at twenty some odd years of age. Missi quickly realized the error of her mistake when Kalie began to thrash again holding her hands out and nodding. "Okay... Kalie can change Missi too, IF Missi has an accident okay... but if Missi is dry then Kalie has to behave anyway okay?" Missi let out a sigh, what was she getting herself into.

"If Missi has an accident then she'll wear diapers like Kalie and use them and let Kalie be her mommy and change her?" kalie asked prepared to throw another fit.

"Yes, yes do we have a deal Kalie, come on you can't let your mom come home and find you in wet diapers!" Missi was at her end with this job already, but the perks were too good to pass up, a nice home, steady pay, security and no worries about bills or food.

"KAY!" Kalie giggled and lay complacently still waiting for Missi to change her. "You promised if you don't keep it I'll tell mommy and she'll eat you" Kalie sucked on her thumb as Missi approached taking the diaper from her with a less than happy look.

"Yeah I get it, though right now that doesn't sound like a bad alternative" Missi mumbled and pulled Kalie's jumper off of her body seeing the puffy wet diaper she took ahold of the tapes and peeled them off, Kalie blushing at showing a stranger her privates. "Don't be like that I'm not doing this for wrong reasons" Missi raised her eyebrow wondering how much of this whole story was true. She slid the wet diaper out from under Kalie's bottom and ran a wipe between her thighs wiping the stray urine from her folds. Kalie giggled because this tickled when Missi did it, her small hands weren't firm like mommy's.

"You're rather good when you're not running around like a cheetah on red bull" Missi smiled, Kalie was a good girl if not a troublesome one. With a puff of powder and a fresh diaper under her Missi slid the front between Kalie's legs and taped her up putting her jumper back on. "There all done, see that wasn't that bad" Missi tried to walk away but Kalie lunged up and grabbed her arm. "Oh no"

"You promised remember" Kalie looked like she was about to cry, her new found trust broken already, Missi reluctantly sighed and nodded allowing Kalie to walk her over to the second pad and lay her down. "Now be good girl or mommy will spank you!" Kalie giggled totally absorbed in her play world. She took Missi's shorts off with little more than a yank, she was strong as expected. "We gotta make sure baby missi doesn't make uh oh's" Kalie grabbed Missi's panties and began to pull Missi reacting by grabbing the hem and pleading.

"Please Kalie don't do this, I know I might have told one little fib but I promise no more lies, I'm too big for diapers I grew out of those when I was three!" Missi protested and Kalie ignored her words, completely lost in her play space she smacked Missi's hands turning them red.

"BAD!" Kalie smacked her other hand and took Missi's legs raising them and whacking her butt. "Bad baby, Mommy will spank you if you act up again!" Kalie threatened and Missi yelped compliantly letting Kalie take her panties away. "Oooh that's different than mine" Kalie looked between Missi's legs and sniffed her crotch, it smelled fresh and sweet. "Hehe" Kalie grabbed the diaper and unfolded it raising Missi's bottom up and setting it back down on the padded back. "Now we gonna make sure that baby missi is all clean and protected" Kalie grabbed the diaper powder and shook it liberally on top of Missi's crotch rubbing it in with her hand she held Missi down when she began to squirm.

"NO NOT THERE!" Missi moaned softly blushing and feeling ashamed at being turned on by her ward's rubbing. Then she felt another sharp smack at her thigh. "OKAY!" Missi whimpered, by no means a strong woman she was easily overpowered by the determined Momma Kalie.

"That's a good girl" Kalie coo'd softly and brought the top up between Missi's legs tapping the sides to her belly. She stood up and walked over to a dresser pulling out a frilly pink dress that looked like it was made for a doll.

"HEY!" Missi struggled to get up, not used to the additional weight the diapers added. "THOSE AREN'T MY CLOTHING!" Missi whimpered as her top was removed too, Kalie overpowering her and fitting the pink frilled dress onto her, along with a pair of stockings and some shoes she was being dressed like a baby doll.

"You said you like to play dollies, well you're my dolly!" Kalie laughed now showing what she really meant by her words. She grabbed a pair of plastic panties and fit them over the diaper snugly securing it around Missi's waist. "See this is a fun game huh, my last sitter called me a freak and a monster when I made her play dollies with me, but you're fun!" Kalie picked Missi up and hugged her cradling her and carrying her to the living room.

"KALIE AS YOUR SITTER I AM NOT AMUSED AND YOU WILL STOP THIS RIGHT NOW OR.. OR.. OR I'LL CALL YOUR MOTHER!" Missi finally had enough thrashing back until she knocked Kalie over, running towards a phone she picked it up ready to call the number when something ran through her head. "Oh crap, will she really believe that Kalie did this to me, she is only a kid after all.... CRAP CRAP CRAP!" Missi sighed and hung the phone up looking timidly at a now cross Kalie. "Um, what I meant by that was.. I.. uh" Missi yelped as Kalie swooped in and snatched her up laying her over the couch and pulling her plastic panties and diaper down.

"BAD!" Kalie smacked Missi's backside making her cry out in pain. "BAD BABY YOU DON'T KICK MOMMY!" Three more swats made Missi sing a song of sobbing tears, the little drake's swats really hurt, and Missi was fragile enough as was. "YOU DID A BAD THING!" Kalie finished her sentence with a hard smack to the bottom that made Missi rattle

"NO MORE.. I'll be good" Missi whimpered and sniffled gently holding her bottom. "I'll be good for mommy!" She sobbed out figuring the only way to safety was just to play along, then politely decline the offer when Jessie got home not even mentioning the entire ordeal.

Kalie smiled and pulled up Missi's panties sitting her down gently and going to the kitchen to fix up some foodd for her baby. "You're such a fun dollie, you cry when I spank you and you are soft, and good smelling I never want you to leave" Kalie mixed some powder and warm milk, giving it to Missi and looking at her expectantly. "Now drink up baby Missi" Kalie coo'd and shoved the bottle into Missi's mouth tilting it up so it ran down her throat.

"GAH!" Missi choked and then took the bottle drinking it down obediently, suddenly she felt sleepy her entire body getting heavy until she finally just dropped, knocked out by the special mixture Kalie had concocted.

"She is rather cute" A soft voice churred and Missi felt someone pick her up holding her in their arms, she went to speak but tasted rubber, what was most likely a pacifier.

"SO I CAN KEEP HER!?" A higher voice squealed with delight and hugged Missi hard making her burb and cry a little. "Aw.. she's so realistic"

Missi woke up on the outside of the manor dressed in her normal clothing with her face down on the floor. She rolled over and rubbed her head, was it all a dream?

"Hello you must be Missi I'm Jessie and this is Kalie" Jessie stood by Kalie with a proud grin, Kalie giving a shy wave. "We were expecting you but then you went and knocked yourself out, we thought best to not move you and wait for you to come around.. Anyway since you are the only applicant I guess you have the job" Jessie offered her hand and Missi hesitated, was all that really just in her head?

*Reader Choice* Does Missi take the job despite the bizarre dream, Or does she reject feeling a little too suspect about the events of her dream, if you don't pick I will so let's have some fun with this story

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