Sauna's and Studs - Stress Relief 101

Story by BigBadDragon on SoFurry

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Having experienced one of his greatest fantasies in a chance encounter with a large, studly bull in the locker rooms after a work out session, Mark finds himself hesitant to return to the gym. His paranoid mind fears the worst, filling him with doubt from unfounded concerns and worries, but soon draws enough courage to over come them. The exciting prospect of meeting the male again driving him onwards though reluctant to ever admit it to himself.

Once at the gym it appears that Mark is able to enjoy a quiet session in the pool, the bull no where in sight for better or for worse. That is until Mark decides to head to the Sauna room for a not so relaxing steam. Despite how empty the place was it seemed that a certain stud still managed to spot him and had been waiting for him in there the whole time. Will mark succumb to his nerves and flee? or give in to his deepest desires?

Part 1: (not mandatory to read but still fun)

If you enjoyed it (or perhaps if you did not) feel free to leave a comment below. Love to hear from my readers and constructive critism is welcome.

It had been at least two weeks since Mark attended the gym, his last work out session ended with a sudden and unforgeable encounter with another gym user. The whole ordeal had left him uncertain about going back but even now he could not think of a reason for the hesitance, every time he thought about how that large bull had approached him in the lockers rooms it sent shivers along his spine in excitement. Though his excitement was matched with an equal sense of unease, nervous about encountering the stud again despite how much he dreamt about it.

That unease was the reason it had taken the feline so long to build the courage to go back to the gym and almost the instant the feline stepped foot into the entrance of the leisure centre he felt the urge to leave rising once more. Within moments Marks mind filled with all sorts of conflicting thoughts, paranoia that some of the staff might know what happened the last time he was there, fear of being exposed and caught. On the other hand he also thought about the bull, wondering if there would be another chance at feeling that big bovine inside him. Would the bull even want to do it again? What if he told others what happened? What if they did get together again and got caught?

"Sir?.... Can I help you?" an effeminate but agitated voice called out to him, suddenly breaking the feline out of his day dreaming only for the panther to realise he had been stood at the counter holding up the line for quite some time.

"Oh... I erm... sorry..." he mumbled out, trying to regain his composure as he fumbled through his wallet to find his membership card. "Could... could I just get a swim band for today?" he asked the desk clerk, who seemed to stare at him with a disgruntled expression, clearly not impressed by the feline as she took his card and soon handed it back to him along with the pass he had asked for.

With a deep breath Mark grabbed his bag tight and made his way towards the changing rooms still feeling a little queasy from the mix of fear and excitement. Attempting to stay calm Mark constantly reminded himself that it was unlikely the bull was even at the gym today and even less likely to be in the pool. As far as he was aware the large stud was exclusively a gym user so he could probably swim in peace, especially as it was early morning on a weekday. Where most people would be busy at work Mark had free time enough to keep himself fit.

As expected the changing rooms and lockers were practically deserted and Mark was able to get dressed into his swim shorts and lock up his stuff without seeing anyone, with the exception of a couple who appeared to be on their way out. The feline was quite content to use the moment of solitude to admire himself in the large mirrors on his way towards the pool. With only a pair of tight fitting swim shorts to keep himself decent the rest of the felines bare and slender body was on show for all to see. Mark was not muscular as such, but his entire body was toned and slimmed, giving him a very firm yet curvaceous body.

Not wanting to be caught posing he soon moved on after a few moments and made his way into the pool area, which seemed equally devoid of life. If it was not for the one or two lifeguards walking up and down the side of the pools, clearly bored out of their minds, he could easily have mistaken it for being closed.

Once in the water it only took a few moments for the feline to forget most his worries and concerns as he focused on his exercise. After a brief moment treading water to adjust to the temperature the panther made a start on a more vigorous routine. Clearly an experienced swimmer he started on completing lengths of the pool, over and over again without a break or slowing, wanting to push himself as much as possible. In his mind Mark fixated on counting each successful length he completed, determined to get as many completed as he possibly could while maintaining a strong rhythm. With each completed length of the pool he could feel his muscles begin to ache and burn, cramping up as they were pushed to their limits to the point of becoming uncomfortable. Breathing was rapidly becoming equally as laborious for him, gasping for air with every opportunity, having to take deeper and deeper gulps of oxygen to fuel his actions.

Eventually even the act of breathing was an uncomfortable one and Mark decided that it signalled the end of his workout for now. Stopping himself in the shallow end of the pool the feline was more than content to plant his foot paws on the floor to alleviate the need for him to even tread water. Still breathing heavily, slowly recovering from the ordeal; Mark gazed up at the clock mounted upon the wall to check the time. Deciding he had been in the water for long enough the feline casually allowed himself to fall back into the water and float while facing up, idly kicking his aching legs to slowly but surely push himself towards one of the ladders.

Upon reaching the exit Mark gradually pulled himself out from the pool, water splashing all over and dripping from his body which now seemed glossed with his smooth black fur soaked, emphasising every nuance of his toned and slender body. The swim shorts he wore also clung tightly to his waist and hips as they exited the pool, gripping firmly around his rear and crotch, clearly outlining his more than moderate package and bountiful butt. A quick snap of his waistband helped stop those shorts clinging to him so noticeably, not that anyone was around to see it seemed; before he would then make his way towards the sauna section.

Both the sauna and steam rooms were found off to one side in a secluded area of the pool and just like the main pool section the area was seemingly deserted. Preferring the heat of the sauna the dark furred feline made his way towards the corresponding door with no hesitation and stepped inside. Instantly the heat of the room washed over him as he stepped inside and closed the door to ensure that warmth was contained. With the door shut Mark too a deep breath in, letting his chest rise out while feeling that heated air flood his lungs, the sensation a mix of discomfort and relaxation as the warmth felt as though it was burning his lungs just a little. It was then that he realised that the air felt musty and heavy, as though the room had been used recently, the air thick with a rather potent and oddly familiar scent. Exhaling slowly the panther turned to see if he could find the bucket of water usually left within the sauna only to freeze up as he spotted it.

Sitting upon the one of the benches around the corner from the door was sat a very large and worryingly familiar bovine, wearing nothing but a pair of tightly packed and very bulged swim trunks. The towering male was leant back with his muscled chest and large gut on show, arms spread across the back of the bench while his legs were similarly spread out. Clearly the male made no effort to hide anything at all, the bucket of water no doubt placed between those powerful thighs to draw attention to that heavily bulged crotch.

"I was wondering when you were going to make your way in here, spotted you going for a swim. I've been waiting for a while now" the large bovine grumbled out, his chest resonating with what sounded like a lustful, almost feral grunt. At the same time his eyes stared right into Mark's, locking him into a gaze while grinning, slowly sinking one of his powerful hands down to his own crotch.

"You been trying to avoid me boy? Not seen you around for a while now" the bull continued, still letting out that dull but assertive grumbling while shamelessly working his hand over his own bulge before gripping the ladle sat in the water bucket. Spooning out some water the large male poured it over his own chest, letting out a small gasp as he did so, feeling the cool water trickling down his body, working along every crevasse of his chest, down over that belly and soaking into his crotch.

"I erm.... I have been busy" Mark mumbled out, completely lost for words, blurting out his excuse purely by instinct. Watching the bovine bathing himself in water, seeing how it caressed that body and soaked into it; Mark found himself becoming increasingly excited within moments. That excitement was mixed equally with fear and unease as part of him wanted to leave the room but was finding it hard to think why. Each breath he took continued to fill his lungs with that heated, almost scalding, moist air that was saturated with the scent and taste of the bull.

"With a mouth like yours, I am sure you have been busy!" the bull grunted out with a deep resounding chuckle, seeming to relish just how uncomfortable the feline was at that exact moment, but could tell that the panther clearly wanted more.

"You gonna just stand there? Take a seat boy" stated the bull as he pet the seat right next to him, knowing just how impressionable the feline was. As expected, almost as soon as he had been instructed the panther stepped closer and made his way towards the bull slowly.

Remaining silent, Mark did as he was told, finding himself compelled to do so with an oddly satisfying sensation upon seeing the pleased bovine. Gradually the feline would take his seat upon the bench, somewhat relieved that he could use his seated position to better conceal his growing arousal and timidly leant back against the bench, the heated surface making him shudder just a little.

Before Mark could finish getting himself comfortable he felt a large muscled arm looping around his neck and suddenly pull him close. "Good boy!" the bull grunted, squeezing the feline right up against his firm, sweaty body in a tight squeeze. The sensation made Mark squirm and groan just a little, placing his own paws upon the bulls thigh to try and pry himself away, but there was no fighting against that powerful grip. Taking another deep breath, that thick haze of manly musk was stronger than ever and overwhelmed the felines senses. It was fresh and clean but with its own distinctive earthy richness made stronger by just how close Marks head was drawn towards the bovine chest and pits.

"So tell me, you got a name? Or should I just stick to 'boy'?" asked the bull, intentionally keeping the smaller male close up against his body, fully aware of the effects he was having on him. "Or should we call you something else?" he grinned, gripping the felines neck firmly, encouraging him to press his muzzle right up against the bulls pecks. "I can think of so many things to call you and I am sure you will love them all!"

"My name is Mark" the feline managed to mumble out just before having his face pressed right into the males chest, feeling the heat of that damp fur rubbing against him. It filled his nostrils with that intoxicating scent and matted his fur making him wonder just how much of that wet fur was saturated with water or sweat. Reaching out Mark gripped at the males body, trying to struggle against his hold, but found his resistance dwindling quickly as it become harder and harder to deny how much he was enjoying this.

"Well Mark" the bull stated, reaching with his spare hand to grip one of Marks, shamelessly guiding it down to his bulged out trunks, pressing the felines palm right up against it while pushing his hips forwards. "My name is Josh, but you can stick to 'sir'" he stated, pleased to feel that hand giving his bulge a soft squeeze, working those fingers into that heated, concealed shaft as he left the felines paw to its own devices. "And stop your squirming. If you didn't want this you would have said so!" he snarled, using his free hand once more to move the bucket of water away and free up some space.

With his hand firmly pressed up against that bulge and the sound of that authoritative voice in his ear, the panther once again felt compelled to obey, the ordeal oddly relaxing him and calming him. The Bovine was definitely commanding, almost forceful but Mark felt as though he was trust worthy, comfortable that the male would not make him do anything he truly did not want.

"Should... should we really be doing this here?" Mark asked timidly, pressing himself up against the bull who was clearly pleased to see the felines change in attitude. "What if we get caught?"

"No one is going to bother us here and you know it" Josh smirked "Besides, judging by how much you loved choking on my dick last time... do you really care?" he asked, the grin plastered upon his face widening as he held the feline closer, practically pulling him over into his lap. "Stop worrying and just enjoy yourself!"

With a soft gulp the feline hesitantly followed the bulls encouragement and climbed over into the his lap. Being so up close, the two males facing one another, it was now clear just how much larger Josh was than Mark. Even sat in his lap, Marks head barely reached the top of that muscled chest, giving him the perfect heigh to lean into it and nuzzle between those pecks, savouring that scent once more.

"That's it..." mumbled the bull, gripping the felines hips and legs in his hands, manipulating the panther with ease to straddle his lap. Once he was content with how the smaller male was sat Josh once again guided Marks hand down to his crotch, making him slip his fingers under the waist band of his trunks. "Go on now boy, get a good feel of that dick." the bull whispered out, leaning back in his seat.

Slowly closing his eyes Mark savoured the scent of that bovine musk, made briefly stronger as the waist of those trunks were lifted to let his hand slip in. Once inside he worked his fingers around that thick flesh, squeezing that cock firmly, feeling just how hot and damp it was in his grip. Hearing Josh let out a soft groan of pleasure, Mark was encouraged to keep going, working that paw up and down that rapidly swelling length, each firm pulse of that growing girth making the confined space of those trunks even tighter and tighter.

So fixated on working his muzzle into that chest, contently lapping his tongue along that firm body, Mark failed to spot the bull reaching down towards the bucket of water once more. With his hand still buried in those trunks he continued to grope at that musk ridden, uncut slab of cock, unaware of the bull using the ladle to get a load of water from the bucket and hurl it towards the coals. The resounding hiss of vaporising water sizzling on the coals made the feline jump in shock, briefly squeezing that dick even tighter, eliciting another groan from Josh in the process..

"There we go, now we can really heat things up!" the bull rumbled with a wide grin, reaching around the feline to clasp the smaller males ass cheeks firmly. Working his fingers into that firm flesh he pulled Mark up close. At the same time he lent his head down to press his muzzle up against the felines.

The whole ordeal was quickly becoming unbearable for Mark, the extra heat from the added water on the coals rapidly filled the room with an a scaling heat. It caused the feline to pant heavily and gasp for air, each lung full filled with the ever intensifying reek of the bulls body as both of them become slicker with the moist heat. Despite the discomfort Mark continued to bare with it, feeling himself held against the larger male, squirming with that grip upon his rear, loving the sensation of such a dominant male looming over him, bathing him in his essence. Trying to gasp out more, he was shocked to feel the bull suddenly force him into a kiss. Eyes wide with surprise Mark felt that thick tongue forcing its way into his mouth, those large lips of Josh's locking with his own. Though passionate, it was clearly out of lust and dominance more than affection, that thick tongue roaming about around his mouth, working around the felines in a similarly controlling manner.

Eventually the panther submitted to those affections just as he had all the other advances of Josh's. Closing his eyes, Mark sucked on that tongue, feeling the prolonged kiss getting increasingly wet, the bull shamelessly making the kiss as wet and sloppy as he could. Meanwhile trickles of fresh sweat would streak down from the large male and spatter over the felines face. Muffled moans would slip past those lips while Mark whimpered in his own lustful manner, each soft groan spiking briefly as the bulls hands squeezed and groped at his ass. Even more so when those powerful hands slipped under his trunks to dig deep into that firm bare flesh and even work those thick digits along his tight tail hole concealed between his cheeks.

Josh was more than aware that the panther was mere putty in his hands by this point, each grope and squeeze of his own caused Mark to respond in kind, further spurring on the smaller male, feeling the felines hands gripping tighter around his own shaft. Still locked in the kiss Mark had either forgotten where the were or no longer cared, regardless of which it was the bull was simply happy to feel Mark finally pull his rock hard cock free from his trunks. The massive spire of flesh slapped wetly against the bulls sweat soaked gut, spraying pre along his own fur and the felines hand, which remained glued to his dick. Mark furiously worked his paw up and down that length until it was painfully rigid with arousal. At the same time the bull rocked his hips into that firm grip, letting his thick pre coat the felines chest as much as his own, loving the feel of his foreskin rolling back and forth over his swollen tip.

After what felt like a small eternity to the feline, Josh broke that kiss with grin, looking over the dazed panther staring back at him. Marks face was a mess and his body matted with sweat, much of which belonged to the bovine. Still panting heavily, Mark felt himself being lifted up closer to the bull until his chest was pressed against Josh's, those large hands of his suddenly pulling his swim trunks down further. Instantly the panther was completely exposed, his own rock hard dick springing free from their confides while the bovine awkwardly worked those swim trunks down until they were free.

"I want to feel your tight ass riding my dick until my balls are empty boy!" he snarled out in a lustful growl, making it clear that it was a statement and not a request. Mark seemed content to oblige either way as he rest both paws on either of the bovines shoulders, having to balance himself as Josh pulled him closer and worked that thick shaft between his legs.

Still breathing heavily Mark squirmed slightly in the larger males grasp as he was awkwardly shuffled about, feeling the bulls hand roaming over his rear still while the other guided that huge shaft towards his ass cheeks until that heated, throbbing cock squeezed its way between them. In order to accommodate Mark found himself kneeling on the bench, legs spread wide to rest either side of Joshs's large hips, straddling the larger males waist while being hot-dogged by that slab of musk ridden beef.

"Your gonna be too big..." Mark mumbled out, feeling dizzy and light headed. All the vigorous action in the intense heat was a work out by itself, it was hard for him to even keep himself upright. It felt as though sheer arousal and adrenaline were the only thinks keeping him going, giving him the energy he needed to rock his hips back and grind against that cock teasingly.

"Why don't I just suck you off again?" he panted, bouncing his hips a little while wrapping his arms around the bulls neck, holding tightly onto that rigid body, burying his muzzle against that thick neck line while practically snorting up that intense reek of bovine musk.

With his mind set on what he wanted, Josh ignored the panthers plea and continued to rock his hips, trying to wedge his shaft further between those firm ass cheeks. Once he felt the tip of his shaft pushing against the panthers tight ring he gripped those ass cheeks once more and held them firmly, spreading them wide.

"Oh no, I have wanted a piece of your ass since the moment I saw it!" he grunted out just as those hips pushed forwards and forced the thick tip of his uncut shaft into that tight ass. Groaning out deeply the bull continued to push his hips forwards relentlessly, using his grip on the panthers rear to pull him down onto that dick at the same time. He loved every second of it, feeling that warm rear stretching around his shaft, causing his thick foreskin to roll back as it buried deeper and deeper.

Marks protests were silenced as he let out a louder groan of his own. Confident that dick was bigger and thicker than he remembered, Mark dug his claws into the larger males shoulders, gripping incredibly tight while trying to brace himself.

Even with those claws digging deeply into his muscled shoulders, enough to draw blood if he was not careful, Josh continued to work his way into the smaller male. Once he felt that enough of his cock was buried into that tight ass the bull finally slowed down, letting gravity do the work while letting go of Marks ass to reach down and tug his own trunks. Pulling them low enough, the bull exposed the rest of his crotch and let his large, swollen, murk ridden balls finally swing free.

"Better start riding" Josh smirked while thrusting his hips upwards, forcing the feline to bounce in his lap, eliciting another deep grunt of discomfort and pleasure from the panther who still clung on tightly, as if for dear life.

"Good lord... your too big!" the feline whimpered out, his ass sore and stretched. It felt like he would be unable to walk right for a week as it was, the bull definitely holding the record for the biggest guy Mark had been fucked by. His largest toys hardly compared to the sheer size and girth or that throbbing cock buried deep inside him, especially when the feline could feel every twitch and pulse of that cock as it rubbed against his inner walls and pushed at his prostate.

Knowing that Josh would not accept no as an answer, not at this point, Mark slowly began to bounce along that shaft as instructed. Starting by lifting himself up as far as he could, the panther worked himself along the top of that shaft, riding what he knew he could already handle. Even with all that thick pre and sweat helping to lube that cock, it still took considerable effort for Mark to work with that incredible girth.

"That's it... good boy" the bull whispered out "keep going!" he grunted, thrusting his hips upwards, harder and harder, desperately attempting to work himself deeper into the felines already abused rear. Though Mark continued to do his best to avoid it, feeling as though the bull already had him at his limits.

The two males were content to keep going as they were for a while, their two bodies writhing against one another in a heated, sweaty mass. The sauna quickly filled with the thick haze of sex and sweat, a heavy scent that filled every corner of the room in a constantly intensifying orchestra of moans, groans and lustful grunts. Heavy panting and the lewd wet sounds of flesh slapping at flesh echoed out loud enough that any passers by would likely hear and know what was going on long before the reek of musky sex gave it away.

Gradually the limited mobility of their position gave way to the bulls impatience and much to Marks dismay, the feline felt himself suddenly being lifted up with ease. With both hands still holding firmly onto the feline, Josh worked his way up to his feet, the panther wrapped around his chest with dick buried deep inside, making sure to not let himself slip free at all.

"Can't take this no more.... Take a deep breath!" the large male growled out before turning around and practically slamming the poor panther right up against the wall and bench in a lustful fury, staring down into Marks eyes with a sexual hunger that needed to be filled.

"Ngh... wait!" Mark cried out, having brief flash backs to their first encounter. Once again those cries fell upon deaf ears and the bull silenced Mark with another deep, forceful kiss, locking his lips tightly around the feline muzzle and working his tongue in deep. In a futile attempts to fight against the sex driven beast about to plough into him, Marks paws smacked against the bovine back and chest, pounding away at his muscled flesh to no avail. Gripping and pushing at the bulls muzzle and neck he even tried to break that kiss but it was all for nothing.

With a shuffle of his feet the bull positioned himself as best he could, using his sheer size and weight to pin the feline between himself and the wall while maintaining his lip lock. One hand guided the panthers legs to wrap around his waist and they reluctantly seemed to oblige just in time for Josh to step forwards. With a vigorous push of his hips that huge bull shaft worked deeper and deeper into that tight ass.

Practically screaming out Mark clenched up tightly and gripped onto the bull harder than before, once again digging his claws into that flesh, a sensation the bull seemed to not notice, perhaps even relish. Those screams were constantly silenced, muffled by the maw locked to his own, forced into making out with the lust driven male who continued pushing in further.

Never before had Mark felt something so big or so deep inside him, each new inch breaking his preconceptions of how much he could handle while his legs grew weak and his body ached. Issues that did not seem to affect the bovine at all who, much to Marks relief, finally felt his hips pressing right up against his own. With that dick now hilted fully within him Mark relished just how deep it felt.

Still as impatient as before, Mark was not given much time to accommodate to his new found sense of fullness before those powerful hips drew back and began to piston back and forth. Within moments Josh worked himself into a steady rhythm which was as relentless as before. So pent up and in need of release the bull had clearly forgone any consideration of the smaller male as he used him like a rutting toy and began to fuck the male like he was mere breeding stock.

The bulls own need for air soon led to the kiss being broken so that he could fill his lungs. By this point the panther was too far gone to continue his protests either, the male reduced to a grumbling groaning mess of sheer bliss, practically fucked out of his mind, the view of it further pleasing the bovine.

Completely lost, Mark could hardly keep his thoughts together. Short on breath, with each lungful of air filled with that haze of musk, sweat and sex left him dizzy and light headed. His whole body was being overwhelmed with pleasure and bliss, his body having either grown used to the huge size of the bull or simply numb from the endless pounding of those hips against his own. The feline could hardly feel much of his lower body, enough to enjoy it and know that the bulls shaft was still slamming away into him. Even the loud sounds of those cum bloated balls slapping against his rear over and over against slowly melded into the background cacophony of sexual deviancy to the point where the feline hardly noticed it any more. The whole ordeal was so rhythmic and constant that Mark had no idea how long it had been and was content to continue basking in the glow of it all. Just like their last encounter he was being used and abused by huge bull, who showed little compassion towards him, but loved every moment of it, adoring the sensation of being taken like that.

Finally the bulls movements started to become more erratic, his leg twitching while his breathing become more and more irregular. Mark knew that it meant he was close and the powerful throbbing of that dick deep within his tight ass made it more than clear the bovine was about to unload into him at any moment.

Josh would soon grip those hips tightly, spreading the felines ass cheeks nice and wide for one last deep thrust, stepping forward as he did so. Pushing Mark right up against the wall the bull practically crushing the poor feline while mashing his hips a firmly into the panthers as he could before letting out a loud and deep, almost feral groan.

A moan that was almost matched by the feline latched onto his dick as the whole shaft swelled up and began to throb like wild within the panthers rear, flooding those tight bowels with wad after wad of impossibly thick, hot cum. Holding onto one another just as tightly, both males screamed out, the overwhelming pressure and pleasure of it all pushing Mark to all of his limits.

Even the Mark began to twitch and shudder in an orgasmic bliss, his own rock hard cock slapping against his black furred belly while bathing himself in thick cum, the occasional rope managing to reach the bulls muscled physique to coat it in his essence.

Gritting his teeth, Marks orgasm paled in comparison to Josh's. The felines load ebbing away almost as quickly as it had started while the bulls was as unending as his lust. Determined to fill the feline Josh held himself deep inside, refusing to yield or pull out even as thick ropes of cum began to spurt out from that overfilled rear. Loud wet splashes and drips filled the room along side the groaning as it oozed out from that abused rear, drenching the bulls balls and thighs almost as much as it soaked Marks while the excess pooled down on the floor below.

Slowly but surely the two males began to quieten down, the pinnacle of their endeavours soon fading away to leave them both panting and gasping for air, basking in the afterglow of an incredibly intense ordeal of which both were quite speechless.

First to regain some strength and composure, Josh began to pull away from Mark, pulling him away from his spent shaft, almost like one would with a used condom, carefully removing the abused panther while trying to make as little extra mess as possible.

Feeling that shaft finally pulling free Mark could not help but let out a soft whimper, more of that excess cum spilling from his rear just as that thick cock tip pulled free with a loud wt slurping 'pop'. Not to be totally inconsiderate the bovine slowly lowered Mark back down onto the bench, eliciting a soft mumble from the feline who found sitting to be rather awkward after all that.

"God that was intense..." Mark whimpered out, resting his head back against the wall, groaning out softly. Every muscle in his body ached, some much more than others, enough that even small movements were a chore.

"Yeah... The wife wont let me do anal. I get carried away any time I get the chance" The large bull stated with a breathless chuckle, working his hand along his half hard cock slowly. Wiping the rest of that excess thick cum from his cock the bull shamelessly cleaned his hand using the panthers face in a mockingly affectionate petting. Not that Mark seemed to mind as more of that heavy, musky seed was rubbed into his fur.

"Better get ourselves cleaned up before someone comes to see what all that screaming was about!" Josh stated as he worked his swim trunks back up his hips and poorly attempted to stuff his dick and hefty balls back into their tight prison. Despite being a large load lighter they still hardly fit and packed a noticeable bulge. Once content with that, the bovine used the convenient bucket of water to wash away some of the mess from his chest.

"I... might need some help" Mark mumbled with an embarrassed tone while sitting up, tentatively pressing his feet to the ground to test his muscles, only to realise just how big of a mess they had made having stepped into the thick pool of cum left by the male stood before him. "I honestly don't think I am going to be able to stand" he grunted, holding onto the bench in an attempt to lift himself up.

Meanwhile Josh just watched like an artist admiring his work, a perverted sense of pride washing over him at the sight of the cum bathed feline struggling to recover from the aftermath of such a raw and brutal fucking. Though he would not admit it, Josh was somewhat impressed that the feline could even talk still, knowing that the last time he was so rough with a partner they were left in a much worse state.

"It is so tempting to leave you here as you are..." the bull smirked, a grin widening across his lips as he clearly thought over the prospect, relishing the look of fear in the felines face at the suggestion. "...I wonder how on earth you would explain this all to who ever found you." he continued, Mark practically pleading with his eyes for the male to not do what he was thinking.

"Though... I suppose if I want a round 3 some time I really shouldn't" he grinned. "Can;t have my favourite cock sleeve banned from the gym now can I?" he asked rhetorically as he stepped closer and picked up the bucket of water once more before pouring its entire contents over the panther who gasped in shock of the cold water drenching him. "I doubt id find another so eager to help me cool down after every work out if you left" he continued mumbling to himself as he picked up Marks swim trunks and threw them at him.

"I'm gonna refill the bucket to finish of cleaning you up, you get those on" Josh commanded as he made his way to the door to the sauna, bucket it hand. "and if anyone asks about your limp, you stubbed your toe really badly on the bench."

"Okay, got it" Mark mumbled as he attempted to slip his swim trunks back on, having trouble with even that simple task, the cold of the water quickly fading in the heat of the sauna. Despite having been left in such a state, twice now, Mark found himself oddly excited by the prospect of this becoming a more regular event. Though he would prefer a more discreet location, there was no denying that he would probably risk it anywhere for another chance with that bull cock deep inside him. A chance that he would most likely get very soon indeed.