Realisation - Chapter 2

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The second part of my 'Realisation' series. The two boys find each other and become one.

If you enjoyed the chapter, please donate to me as it will encourage me to keep posting and write a sequel (see link at the bottom of the story), let me know privately if you donated and I'll give you all the loves!

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DISCLAIMER - The following story contains content of a sexual nature including explicit sexual actions between characters not necessarily at age of consent. If you are under age or this content is illegal in your region please do not continue reading and leave this page. This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people is purely coincidental.

This work is copyrighted to JakeM © 2013, do not use or distribute this material in any way without the strict permission of the author.




That night Jake lay in bed, tossing and turning. He tried and tried, but he just could not get to sleep. He felt extremely hot underneath his duvet cover, and his pyjamas, emblazoned with his favourite superhero, felt scratchy and horrible, he couldn't stand it. He stripped off and lay on top of the covers. The cooler air outside his constricting covers felt wonderful on his soft fur, he smiled to himself as he closed his eyes, trying once again to get to sleep. To no avail.

The truth was, Jake just couldn't get what had happened earlier that day out of his head. Not so much the fact that he was nearly raped by a very large rottweiler, although that was a very traumatic and... strangely kinky...experience that he would not forget in a hurry. No, mainly the fact that he could not get the young tiger, Sam, out of his head. Well, actually that he could not forget about the kiss they shared. Jake couldn't deny it was the most incredible experience that he had had in his short 12 years. He still had the feeling of that soft tiger mouth, the sweet taste of his breath, and the rough/smooth texture of his tongue. Oh god it felt good.

He had not ever considered himself as being, well... gay. True, he'd never had a girlfriend, but he'd always thought he would find one eventually. Then again... even when he'd been with a group of friends who had found a stash of naughty magazines, all the other boys began to get excited, and their baggy shorts did nothing to hide that fact, Jake felt nothing when looking at the pictures of slutty fem-cats and whorey otters, but glancing around at his friends' bulges made him extremely horny, not that he realised it was his friends' pre-pubescent erections that caused his own tent to be pitched. Things seemed to be making more sense now.

He hadn't realised he was doing it, but as he thought about his first kiss earlier that day, and connecting it with the day with his friends, he'd began slowly rubbing his cubhood and furry little balls, making his sheath hard and encouraging his cut penis to poke out of its fuzzy holder. Jake looked down to see his fully erect member staring up at him. 'Well, if anything'll prove it, it'll be this' Jake thought to himself as he began to rub himself a bit harder, moving his soft paw slowly but firmly up his averagely sized length and back down again, prompting a few drops of precum to form on his pink tip, which made it easier to build a steady-paced rhythm as he pawed himself.

As he quickened his pace, still keeping the feeling and taste of kissing the tiger boy, the images of his friend's concealed erections, and even the feeling he got when he felt the large rottweiler's throbbing erection probing at his delicate tail hole, firmly in his head, he felt something build up inside of him that he not felt before. He continued to rub his erection, pulling back his furry sheath to reveal his small knot, which he started to gently squeeze. More and more precum was leaking from his cubhood as he began to feel himself reach his sexual peak. He felt his average penis become harder and grow ever so slightly in his paw. All he had to do was picture the cheeky look in Sam's eyes after he told Jake he thought he was cute, and Jake was pushed over the edge. His erection started twitching uncontrollably as he massaged his practically solid knot in his paw, he began to shoot seemingly endless volleys of young wolf cum onto his chest and stomach, matting his soft white fur. His immense orgasm seemed to go on for what seemed like an eternity until his dick finally stopped erupting and he lay for a few moments in his wondrous afterglow.

He looked up to see more cum than he had ever produced before strung from his chest in a sticky mess, reaching down to his matted orbs and rapidly softening cubhood. 'Jesus' he whispered to himself as witnessed the mess he had made. Sure, he'd pawed off before, not as regularly as a cub his age might do normally, but he was no stranger to it, yet this amount of semen really surprised him. 'Could it have been... my god, it must have been' he thought to himself. He'd never really pawed-off whilst thinking about anything before, he just sort of did it for the sake of it, without thinking about it too much. The fact that he was thinking about the 2 moments in his life that were... gay, must have awoken something deep inside him, releasing built up sexual energy and confusion for the first time.

Jake grabbed a couple of tissues from his bed-side table and mopped off what he could of his seed, well, that which his fur hadn't absorbed already, he didn't want his fur to be stiff from his dried out cum in the morning. He lay there for a second, thinking about what had just happened; he had pawed off, thinking of homosexual experiences... and it had felt incredible. 'Wow' he quietly said to himself as the heavy grip of sleep took a hold of him. 'I can't wait for tomorrow, I must find my tiger...' was his last conscious thought before falling into a heavy sleep, in which he dreamed almost non-stop about 'his' tiger.

The realisation of his sexuality felt like a huge weight had been lifted off of him, he felt free... well, freer than before, he sure as hell wasn't going to go public to anyone except the black and white tiger Sam. He'd just have to wait until morning though.


It was lunch time, Jake had tried his best that morning to find the tiger, but couldn't seem to spot him. He sat there on his own (as usual), in a corner, with a disgusting tray-full of food as he began to think thoughts that scared and worried him: 'What if he didn't like me/the kiss?' 'What if he's avoiding me?' He knew it was most likely he hadn't found him as Sam was in the year above him, so they have separate lessons and schedules, but he couldn't help worrying, this worry was shown by his ears, which usually stood up straight, but instead were lying flat against his head. He did his best to shove the ideas to the back of his mind as he mindlessly shoved down the school's attempt at 'healthy eating' when he was interrupted by the most wondrous of things.

Without warning Jake was ripped from his daydream by his Tiger, Sam, placing his own tray loudly on Jake's table and sat down opposite him, smiling a big goofy grin from ear to ear, making his large green eyes glimmer. Immediately Jake's ears perked up and his fluffy tail began to swish from side to side, creating a slight draft. He couldn't help but smile as Sam smiled back.

'Hiya Jake!' Sam said excitedly as he grinned at the attractive young cub.

'H...Hello Sam.' Jake returned, feeling his cheeks begin to burn up out of embarrassment. 'God, he's even cuter than I remember' he thought.

'I tried to find you earlier, but you were nowhere to be seen! I thought you might have been avoiding me. How are you?' Asked Sam, which made Jake extremely happy to know the tiger had looked for him as well.

'Really? I was looking for you as well! I'm fine, but umm... about yesterday-'

'You didn't like it. Damn it! I know I always do things too fast, I shouldn't have done it, I'm sorry Jake. Stupid, stupid!' The Tiger began chastising himself as his smile faded completely as his own ears began to droop and he looked down at the table.

'No no no!' Jake said, a little too loudly as he noticed some furs looking their way. He hadn't realised he'd placed a paw on the tiger's, leading to some of the prying eyes to turn back to their friends and start giggling. 'You didn't let me finish' He said a bit quieter, has paw remaining atop the tiger's. 'Yesterday was incredible. I can't thank you enough, first you saved me from being raped and then... then you allowed to realise what... who, I am. I can't thank you enough.'

At this the tiger's ears and eyes perked back up, and his grin returned as he stared directly into the wolf's beautiful amber eyes. 'Really? I thought I was being too upfront.'

'You were, but it's what I needed, it finally allowed me to accept myself and come out of my shell. Sorry that I ran off like that' Jake looked down at the table, embarrassed at what he did yesterday.

The tiger's happy face turned into that of a mischievous, cheeky one - not dissimilar to the one he gave Jake when he told him he was cute - as he put his paw under Jake's chin and lifted his head up so Jake was looking in his eyes. 'Don't worry about it. Come on.'


'Let's go somewhere a bit... quieter' he said as he looked around at the noisy cafeteria.

'Okay!' Jake complied as he got up, leaving his half empty tray on the table. Sam grabbed him by the wrist and pulled outside, which drew some more eyes and rumour-spreading giggles and whispers. 'Where are we going?' Jake asked as he struggled to keep up, starting to become a little aroused at what might be to follow.

'You'll see.' Sam replied, mystery in his voice.

The couple walked past many school buildings until they reached the very top of the school's campus, behind the grounds keeper's shed, a popular spot for horny furs wanting some alone time or to let off steam, as it were. The evidence was clear, due to the large numbers of condoms that could be found lying on the floor. This turned Jake on even more.

Without messing around, Sam pushed Jake up against the corrugated iron wall (not too forcefully, he didn't want to hurt his love) and stared deep into his eyes, his smile never fading. Jake looked up at the taller cat, his ears pushed slightly back in a submissive manner, with a quizzical look on his sweet little face as he felt the soft touch of Sam's paws on his slender, slightly feminine waist. They stayed like that for a few moments, both of them breathing in deeply, enjoying the scent and closeness they gave each other. Slowly but surely they drew their faces closer and closer to each other until their lips met in a soft, sweet kiss, similar to the one they shared the day before, their breath mixing and their tongues dancing around each other in a playful manner. Sam held Jake still as he placed a paw on the tiger's arm, with the other stroking the back of his cat's soft, furry head.

'Sam...' Jake breathed in pure bliss as they pulled apart briefly, continuing their loving gaze all the while.

Sam chuckled as he looked down. 'Hehe, so that's what's been poking me in the leg. Someone's a little excited.'

'Oh, I'm sorry' Jake said, embarrassed, noticing his sheath had become erect, making a sizeable bulge in his baggy knee-length shorts.

'Haha, no need to be!' With that Sam briefly looked into Jake's eyes before slowly sliding down onto his knees, where he slowly began to knead the cub's erection through his shorts, making sure he was very gentle, but ensuring he gave as much pleasure as possible.

'Oh god...' Jake sighed as the most pleasurable feeling he had ever had overtook him.

The tiger lowered Jake's shorts so they were around his ankles. He continued kneading his groin through Jakes tight boxer shorts, which outlined very well his now extended cubhood and balls. In one swift move Sam removed the fabric prison holding back his goal. Jake's penis stood fully erect in the open air, his knot nearly out of his sheath already. He whimpered in pleasure as he felt the cold on his delicate parts. Sam stared hungrily at the average length in front of him as the cub's smell filled his nostril, that of youth and innocence, not unlike his own. It wasn't the biggest he'd ever seen, but it was decent enough. Same licked his lips.

'Please...' Jake gasped as he stared down at the cat.

Sam needed no more encouragement, he briefly looked up at the wolf before placing his maw around the cub's already leaking head and descended, taking his full length, which reached just to the back of his throat, at once.

Jake began squirming as his legs nearly gave way, something which Sam found very adorable. The cub had never had such an incredible feeling before, a hundred times better than pawing off, even when thinking about his tiger. The warm, moistness of his cubhood inside the cat's tight mouth felt just incredible, precum began gushing out of his tip as Jake gave out soft whimpers at the ecstasy he was experiencing.

Sam greedily swallowed the young precum, continuing to bob up and down on his wolf's member, loving the small noises of happiness he gave. He felt his own erection pushing against his boxer shorts and jeans, begging to be freed from their prison. As Sam sucked the cub's erection and fondled his fuzzy balls with his paw, he reached free paw down to his own groin and gently tugged and rubbed his stiffening penis, a small wet patch forming where it had started to leak precum.

Jake's breathing became more harsh and erratic as he felt himself reach his peak, it hadn't taken long, the warm cat's mouth was more than the innocent wolf could manage. His hips began involuntarily bucking as he muzzle fucked the tiger, who appeared to be loving every second of it. 'Ahh... Sam, I'm gonna...' his warning was cut short as his cubhood began to twitch and jump in the cat's mouth before he released thick robes of cub cum down the tiger's throat and into his mouth, Sam ensured that some stayed in his mouth, he wanted to taste the wolf's seed. He didn't think it was possible, but the orgasm felt longer and more pleasurable than his immense one last night, it lasted for a good minute or two, and when he was done Sam quickly jumped up and caught the spent cub as he fell in his arms, exhausted in his afterglow. Sam pulled the cub back up so he was standing and drew him in for a passionate kiss, mixing some of the wolf's cum with the saliva lubricating their embrace, allowing Jake to taste his own, sweet and salty seed. The couple kissed for what seemed like forever and when they finally pulled apart, Sam kept Jake in his arms, they stared lovingly into each other's eyes.

'Sam... that was incredible, it was the best thing I have ever felt. I... I think I love you.' Jake immediately blushed when he said that.

The tiger found the cub's shyness in his confession the most adorable thing and swiftly drew him back into a passionate kiss. 'I love you too' he said after they'd pulled apart once more 'I have ever since I first set eyes on you a few months ago.' They pulled into each other in a loving hug, each of them caressing the other's soft and warm fur. 'Come on, let's go back to my place, we can continue what we started' said the tiger, with a cheeky grin and wink after they'd broken their embrace.

Jake was a little unsure as he'd never ditched school before, and with it being his first year he feared the consequences, he gave the tiger a worried look, only to be reassured 'It's okay, no-one will find out, besides, I'll be there to protect you.'

'Okay.' Jake said before pulling his boxer shorts and shorts back on. 'Let's go'

Almost exactly as he did earlier, Sam grabbed the cub's paw and lead him away. They held hands all the way back to Sam's bedsit, Jake putting some of his weight on his lover and gently nuzzling his neck fur, getting as much of his boyfriend's scent as he could.


Sam opened the door to his little, one room bedsit and lead his newly found mate into his home. As he lived here on his own and was underage, it was paid for by the council, as long as he continued going to school. Jake looked around in amazement, very impressed that he had his own place, before his eyes focussed on the double bed in the centre of the room.

Sam noticed the cub looking at his bed and said, with a grin 'Hehe, eager eh? Don't worry, we'll get there' and gave his love a little wink, which made the cub blush with embarrassment as he looked away.

'So, you live here on your own, huh?' Jake asked, trying to distract attention from himself.

'Yup, not bad, isn't it? Go on, try the bed out' He said, cheekily.

Not needing any more encouragement, Jake climbed on the comfy bed and lay down, trying his best to give his lover a seductive glance, which just ended up making him look silly.

'Haha, don't do that, you look cute enough already.' Sam said as he climbed on the bed next to Jake. The two cubs lay side by side, embracing and stroking each other, passionately kissing and inhaling their scents. It didn't long for Sam to get aroused again, as he hadn't got to release earlier, he stripped off, lying completely naked next to his boyfriend, who looked embarrassed, but happy at the sight. 'Go on, it's your turn' Sam prompted. Jake did as he was told and got undressed. Once he was fully nude, Sam, quite spontaneously pulled Jake into a tight embrace, and they rolled around on the bed, passionately kissing as their bodies ground against each other, Sam's erection and Jake's re-hardening sheath rubbed lovingly together.

Jake leant up to reach the Tiger's ear and whispered 'I want you in me.'

Needing no more prompting, Sam rolled Jake onto his back, so he faced upwards, and pulled his legs apart, giving the tiger access to his tight pink tail hole. Before he placed his throbbing erection between his mate's cheeks, however, he reached to the bedside table and grabbed a bottle of what Jake could only assume was Lube. He applied a good helping to his already slick-with-precum member, before gently rubbing a few globs to the cub's puckering tail hole and sliding a finger up the tight virgin crack. This sent a shock of pleasurable pain up the young cub's body, and he gave a little whimper.

'Jake, this may hurt a little, but I promise I'll be as gentle as I possibly can.' Sam reassured Jake.

'O... Okay' Jake replied, gritting his teeth at what was to follow. Sam grabbed the base of his cock and he lowered it in place at the barrier of Jake's passage, this sent another shot of electricity up Jake's spine, similar to what he had experience yesterday, when nearly being raped by the large rottweiler. Jake slowly put pressure on the cub's tail hole, preparing to push his well-sized 7 inch cock deep inside his lover. He slowly moved his hips forward, feeling the cub's tail hole finally give way, and, without meaning to, pushed his full length into the virgin arse, prompting Jake to let out a loud whimper in pain. Sam felt really bad, he hadn't meant to shove it all the way in like that. 'Oh shit, I... I'm sorry baby, I didn't mean to do that.' Sam looked into his lover's pained eyes, apologetically.

', it's okay, just let me get used to it.' Jake whimpered through gritted teeth. The two boys laid there for a few moments, panting and staring into each other's eyes, Sam worried that he had really hurt his new love. Jake had the strangest sensation, he felt extremely full, he'd never played with his tail hole before, so this was a completely new experience, and he liked it! 'O...Okay, I think I'm ready.'

'You sure?'

'Yes, do it!'

With that Sam began to slowly rock backwards and forwards, pushing against the cub's extremely tight insides, and pulling against the suction he felt as he withdrew it, preparing to dive back. Jack let out a little squeal every time he felt Sam's large feline cock nearly pop out of his tail hole, only for it to pushed deep inside him again. This new experienced caused his cubhood to reveal itself from its protective sheath once more and begin leaking precum, Sam noticed this, but didn't touch it, he was too focussed on not hurting his new boyfriend. The steady rhythm caused the bed to rock slightly with each thrust, and as he got used to his lover's cock Jake began to push down when Sam thrust inside him, his tail hole having now accepted and got used to the size and girth.

Sam quickened his pace as he could feel himself reaching his peak, his slippery member making sloshing noises within the cub's anus. He began panting and puffing as his climax drew ever closer 'Jake... I'm close...' he warned before finally letting rip. His erection jerked and jumped inside his lover's tight passage, sending his cat seed deep into the young wolf's insides in what had to be one of his best orgasms in his 13 years on the planet. There was an audible squelching sound inside the wolf as the cat gave a few more, weaker thrusts, before pulling out, prompting a stream of semen to come gushing out of the restricting hole. Sam bent done and lapped up as much of his seed as he could before looking up and noticing the mess Jake had also made.

The combination of feeling another boy orgasm inside his virgin hole, and Sam licking the hole clean of his seed had sent the young Jake over the edge for the second time that day, without even touching it, his penis had spurted an impressive amount of semen up onto his chest and stomach, making his fur wet and matting it in a sticky mess. 'Someone's a messy pup!' Sam chuckled as Jake lay there in blissful afterglow. Sam lay down beside Jake and started rubbing his stomach, rubbing in the young boy's cum. Jake looked up to see what he was doing, but didn't care in the slightest, because what had just happened changed his life forever, he truly felt happy and safe. Sam licked his paw clean of the boy's cum, tasting the sweet treat for a second time that day and engaged Jake in a passionate kiss, before pulling the tired little cub's head onto his chest and letting him rest there as he fell asleep.

'I love you so much, Sam' was the last thing Jake said before falling asleep in his lover's arms.

'I love you too, baby' replied the smitten tiger, as he too began to feel sleepy. The two cubs fell asleep in each other's arms safe in the knowledge they had found each other.

To Be Continued...

If you enjoyed this chapter, please donate to me, as it will encourage me to upload the chapters more frequently, as well as get myself in gear to write a sequel. Drop me a PM if you donated and I'll give you lots of love!