A Son's Resolve

Story by Mountainman on SoFurry

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Shadow notices his father is starting to get lonely. He decides to take maters into his own paws.

Today is the day I'm finally going to confront my father. I get up out of bed, stretching and yawning as sunlight shone through a small opening which serves as a makeshift window. I couldn't help but smile as I went around cleaning my room, making it look as neat as possible. My name is Shadow, a strange Eevee with different color fur. My father is an Umbreon and I have acquired quite a bit of his features. My coat is black and the fur around my collar is a more luminescent white compared to other Eevees. On my forehead is a glowing yellow ring, one of my more noticeable features and one that mistakes me for my father. I currently live alone with dad; he has taken such good care of me, I want to repay the favor.

My mother passed away last spring and ever since then my father has been alone. Mating season is getting close and I can tell my dad is getting restless. I've been experiencing the sensations of spring myself, looking at other females from a new angle. However, my father refuses to find a new mate, stating that he only had one love and doesn't wish to put me in an awkward position. I watch him at night when he attends to his needs, spying on him from the entrance to his room. I've seen his red member, swollen and begging for the confines of a female. I can hear him moaning my mother's name as he uses his paw to relieve himself. It pains me whenever I hear him, filling my heart with sadness and a longing to comfort him. It was then that I made a promise to myself. I would show my dad that there was still one more living soul that loves him as much as mother used too.

Finishing my morning routine I pad into the main living room of our burrow. We live in the side of a hill, numerous rooms and passages connecting one another. It was an odd lifestyle, but the underground walls kept it cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Our rooms were closer to the surface so sunlight could make it through any makeshift windows installed. My eyes turn to look at my father, standing near the entrance of our home, waiting for me. His features broke into a smile as he saw me, but I could see rims around his eyes from lack of sleep. I pad up to him, greeting him good morning. Returning the usual greeting he left the home, making sure I was following close behind.

Our food has begun to diminish and my father had suggested we go foraging again soon. I had offered to do it on my own, but he turned me down, stating that he is capable of handling his own load. We spent the day in the forest, picking berries and any herbs we could uproot. At one point I could smell the heat of a female some distance off. The scent of her awoke my inner needs and I could feel my manhood slipping from my sheath against my will. Turning to my father I saw that the scent wasn't only affecting me. He was standing a few feet away, a longing look on his face as his own member began to grow. Trying not to look for too long, I made the suggestion that we forage elsewhere, and he quickly agreed. Before long the sun was setting and dusk was quickly approaching. Our search for food was a success and the baskets we carried on our backs were overflowing with berries and herbs. We made for home, our stomachs rumbling with hunger after the long day out in the forest.

We return home and place the baskets in one of the cooler rooms we use for storage. Grabbing a few berries of our choice we return to the living room, eating in relative silence. I watch him closely, seeing him eat halfheartedly, his spirit close to breaking. I knew without me, there wouldn't be many reasons for him to carry on living. I must act tonight...I need to show him how much I love him. After dinner I retire to my bedroom, bidding my father good night. I look out the hole that serves as my window, estimating it to be relatively early. I lay upon my bedding, biding my time until the dark of night.

Hours pass by in silence; the occasional cry of a nocturnal Pokémon braking the quiet night. I rise from my bed, stomach churning as my nerves began to kick in. I slowly pad to my father's quarters, careful not to make the slightest noise. Poking my head into his room I was happy to see him sound asleep, motionless as he lay on his back. I creep closer until I'm standing in front of him, looking down upon his motionless body. I drop to the cold floor, shivering as I began to push his hind legs apart, revealing his sheath. I thank Arceus that my father is a heavy sleeper before I lean forward, kissing his sheath. His musk fills my nostrils and I find myself becoming attracted to him. I freeze as I hear him moan above me, twitching in his sleep. He soon calms down and I release a sigh of relief, realizing I was holding my breath. I've come too far to back out of this now, and I begin to lick at his sheath.

I soon found myself murring softly as I pleasure my father with my tongue. The taste of his sheath sent shivers through my body and I watch as his member begins to grow from its hiding place. My eyes shine as I watch inch after inch of his red meat appear. When it finally stops growing, I find myself face to face with his red member, standing at a proud seven inches. I blush softly, never expecting my father to be so well endowed for an Umbreon. I, myself, am only four inches at full length, normal for a young Vee. I move from his sheath to his twitching member, running my tongue from the base of his dick to the tip. The flavor of his meat drove me to continue my gentle licks, running my tongue over every inch of him, exploring his most sacred areas.

I can hear constant moans above me as I orally pleasure my loving father. His cock begins to throb, pre oozing from the tip of his member due to my loving attention. I kiss his member once more before I take his length into my maw, suckling on it gently and teasing him. His pre drips onto my tongue and I find myself loving his salty essence, wagging my tail happily as the sticky fluid travels down my throat. I moan around his meat, the vibrations sending waves of pleasure into his sensitive flesh. I begin to bob on his manhood, moving up and down his length. I glance up at him, seeing a happy expression on his face. I listen as he begins to moan a name, the name of my late mother. I left my father to his dreams as I tend to the dick in my maw. I move a paw towards his two furry orbs, gently squeezing them as I urge them to release their load. I was rewarded with another moan from my father and more pre oozing onto my waiting tongue. I can feel his cock throbbing in my mouth and I knew he was close to release.

So focus on my task I almost cry out in shock as I feel a paw rub the back of my head. I glance up, seeing my father was still asleep, moaning his mate's name loudly. I groan around his cock, increasing the speed of my movements as I work to get him off. It was at that moment the Umbreon decides to wake from his pleasant dreams. I watch with growing apprehension as his eyes slowly open, focusing them on me. They widen in surprise as he realizes what's going on, seeing his own son bobbing on his cock. The sight sent him over the edge and I find my mouth being filled with his creamy spunk. I eagerly swallow every drop he gives me, savoring the salty cream. In a moment of panic my father forces me off of his member, resulting in the rest of his spunk to fly at me, landing on my face and turning my black fur a milky white.

I look up at dad through half open eyes, careful not to let any of his seed drip into them. After what felt like hours of silence he finally speaks, "Why?" That single word carries all of his emotions, all his pain, all his love. I hesitate in my response, focusing on wiping his cum off my face with a clean paw. After a quick groom I was able to answer his question, "You seemed so sad lately...I just wanted to show you how much I love you...I know you miss mom..." My voice slowly dies as I leave it at that, waiting to see how he will react. To my surprise, I watch as he leans down and kisses me on the head. The kiss sent my heart flying and brought a deep blush to my cheeks. My father smiles at me fondly, "Thank you Shadow...I should have remembered I have someone else left in this world."

I vee happily, rising from the ground, padding a few steps away from the Umbreon. Smiling in embarrassment I turn from him, lowering my head, raising my rump and tail as I present my virgin ass to my father, "Dad...please let me help you like mom would." My prick hangs below me, awake due to the recent excitement. I watch him carefully, noticing how he eyes my body appreciatively, focusing on my ass. He gets up and pads towards me, his member hard once more and swinging below in rhythm to his movements. He licks my ass, managing to get me to squeak in pleasure. Soon after he mounts me, wrapping his paws around my waist for balance as he prods the tip of his cock against my tail hole. He leans down and whispers into my ear, "Thank you Shadow...please tell me if it starts to hurt." I nod and widen my stance, letting him know I was ready.

I grunt in discomfort as I feel my father's member begin to push into my ass. Discomfort becomes pain as he forces more and more of his length into my body. I whimper softly and he licks the top of my head, letting me know I was doing well. Before long he has his entire cock buried in my ass, panting in exertion as I moan underneath him. My walls tighten around the foreign invader, resulting in pleasure for my father as his length was massaged by my tight passage. He nibbles on my ear, thanking me for this treat, "Are you ready son?" I squirm as I try to relax my body, preparing myself for what was to come, "Y-Yes."

My father begins to piston in and out of my ass, groaning loudly as he slowly fucks his son. I grip the ground tightly, shutting my eyes, trying to bear with the pain. A few more thrusts later and I could feel my walls start to widen, getting use to the member. I moan softly, really getting into the love making now as I push back into my father, wanting him deeper inside me. The feeling of his meat rubbing against my walls was amazing and I soon found myself panting, acting like a bitch in heat. My father notices this as well and took it as permission to speed up. Before long my father was fucking me wildly, the sound of flesh smacking fills the night. I could feel something pushing against my rear, and I quickly realize it's his knot. I moan, raising my rump higher for him, "D-Dad...p-please...tie me...I-I want you so badly."

I shudder violently as he leans forwards and gently bites my neck. Soon after I feel his knot enter my tight confines and I cry loudly, feeling my walls stretching in protest. My father moans in my ear, resulting in a blush from me. I begin to feel something warm shooting into my ass and I realize it's my father's seed. I squirm happily, enjoying the warm sticky fluid in my ass, coating my insides a nice white. I turn my head to the side, licking his cheek, "I love you Dad." He smiles and kisses me on the head, "I love you too Son." Hours past and we still remain in the same spot, my father's knot in my ass along with all his cum inside me. I couldn't have wished for a happier ending~