The Tiger's New Toy

Story by NightlySnow on SoFurry

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#2 of Transform

Chaos is looking for a new toy that will help him get more excited in the bedroom.

Congrats on winning my raffle 77chaos77 Hope you enjoy :)


Chaos FA: 77chaos77

Story (c) NightlySnow

The Tiger's New Toy by NightlySnow

A gray husky with a white belly and chest walked into a dark business. A light breeze greeted the husky as the doors closed, moving his blue hedgehog spiky hair. He gulped as his eyes adjusted to the red lighting in the darken room.

"Good evening." Came a deep voice behind the counter. The husky looked at the direction of the voice to see a older, handsome tiger. His fur was white as snow with light green stripes. His black Mohawk lightly blew in the direction away from the AC. "Welcome to T's Specialty Items."

" you." The husky, Chaos, stuttered. He had heard great things about this shop and had to see it for himself. He didn't remember how he found out about this place, but ever since he heard about it, he had to look. He wasn't a horn dog or anything, but had special interests, that set him apart. Chaos walked down the aisle, looking at the multiple gadgets one could use during intimacy. A slight frown slowly formed on his face as he looked at the ordinary/normal toys.

The snow tiger watched him, not because he feared the husky would steal from him, but he noticed he was a "special" customer. The tiger put down his magazine and went to the floor, in the direction of the wondering dog. "Excuse me." His deep voice called. "T knows when he has a special customer come in, am I wrong?" The husky stared at him like a deer into on coming headlights. "I know that look, son. Would you like to see some of my more...specialized products?"

Chaos gave a quick nod, his eyes shifting right to left to making sure no one else noticed. T started to walk to the backroom, followed closely by Chaos. The tiger fished out a key as he reached a wooden door. He quickly unlocked it and flipped on the light switch. Chaos stepped in, his jaw dropping to the floor. All kinds of dildos were displayed in singular glass cases. Dragon, alligator, bear, every type of animal imaginable was displayed, each dildo holding the species unique characteristics. Besides that, they looked like a normal sex toy.

"I don't mean to...insult...but, they're just dildos." The husky quietly spoke.

"What? Did you expect one of those robot sex machines you could purchase on Amazon? They may look ordinary to the average eye, but each one has it's own characteristics that can make a fun time even more special." T smiled as he opened up the dragon dildo case, and took it out. "Feel this."

The husky gulped a little bit as reached out his shaking white paw. He lightly touched it, just to pull back in surprise. "Is that....warm?" He questioned.

"You're not crazy, don't worry. This was modeled after a fire dragon. It is always warm and will grow in heat the closer you become. When you have reached ecstasy, so does this fine product. It is as if you have just experienced a dragon partner. If heat isn't your thing, I also have an ice one that cools the sexual experience. And so on and so forth." The tiger gave his sales pitch, putting back the dildo and closing the case.

"I see." Chaos voice shook, however he was unsure if it was because of excitement or shame.

"I'll leave you to look around." The tiger walked to the door, grabbing the handle with his white paw. "By the way, all these products can be tested. I wouldn't want you to buy something you may not enjoy." He pointed to a closet. "There is the room where you can test the product, and don't worry, they are all sterilized." T exited the room, closing the door behind him.

Chaos stared at the hundred cases. He felt overwhelmed but excited at the same time. This is what he needed. Something more exciting than the normal toy. Yet, he thought it was a bit weird that he could test the products, but then again, he was happy he could. He would hate to get the ice dragon one to come to find out it didn't "do it" for him. He wondered around, looking at all the different species and sizes. The hard part would be choosing the one he would enjoy.

The fire dragon one kept coming to mind though. It was right up his alley and interest. It was as if the clerk knew he had a thing for dragons and heat. He walked back to the case and opened it, removing the nuke warm dildo. Do I really want to 'try' it though? Chaos felt his member began to bulge, almost visible through his cargo shorts. Temptation was getting harder to ignore. He had to try it!

He walked to the closet and opened it up. Another small red light was in the room, barely making anything visible. He walked in, closing the door behind him. A tube of lube laid neatly on the only bench and a box of Kleenex. "Has this place thought of everything?" He saw a wooden box in the corner and knelt down to read the piece of paper taped to the top.

Tested product return

He giggled at the sign as he carefully set the dildo down on the bench so he could remove his drawers. He unbuttoned his pants and pushed them to his knees. His member was showing signs of life, semi-hard and poking out his sheath. He gave it a few quick rubs, a soft moan escaping his lips. He grabbed the warm dildo and the tube of lube, drizzling a good amount on the tip. He rubbed it with his paw, feeling to grow slightly warmer.

He positioned himself carefully as he put the tip on his rear exit. The warm touch made him gasp in pleasure. He slowly pushed in the warm, bumpy dildo further. Each centimeter feeling more pleasurable that the last. The thirteen inch dildo was almost fully in, as Chaos's cock was at full mast. He began to masturbate as the last inch was pushed in, the base preventing anymore to go in. He could feel the heat inside of him, encouraging him to rub his front.

Normally, it took the poor dog forever to get himself going, but with this specialized toy, he felt instantly aroused; Ready to spread his seed on anything the lied in his path. He slowly moved the dildo back and forth as he focused on his dick. He closed his eyes and laid his head back. The hottening dildo constantly rubbed against his pancreas, causing the dog to moan and whine. He was so close, so soon.

He quickly grabbed some tissues, ready for the volcano to explode. He howled as he came, the dildo still increasing in hotness and felt as if it was throbbing. He collapsed to his knees, the release to great for him. He slowly pulled out the toy, wishing he could just leave it in. Chaos was breathing heavy as it was removed, more moans escaping. He cleaned up the toy a little bit before he placed it in the wooden box.

The dog stood up, ready to try another product, when he collapsed. He felt a little weird and drained. He was happy with this feeling, but a little bit frightened. Oh my god. The pleasure is so good, but I feel as if I can't even get up. He tried to struggle to his feet again, just to fail. An orgasm that knocks your socks off. I finally understand the saying. He giggled to himself as he sat on the floor, hoping to recover quickly.

Suddenly, his skin began to burn. Chaos eyes shot open, the pain not too horrible but still annoying enough to hurt. He resisted all temptation to call for T for help, as it was such a embarrassing situation.

Knock. Knock.

"Is everything okay in there?" Chaos recognized the deep voice.

"I'm....I'm fine." He called back, the burning sensation getting worse by the second.

"Okay, I heard a weird noise. Just wanted to make sure everything was fine." Chaos let out a sigh of relief. He was unsure what had brought the snow tiger, but he was safe for now....or so he thought.

He heard the handle giggle and the creaking of the door open. He turned his head to see T fully naked, fully hard, rubbing his long, big member. "What...What are you doing?"

"Nothing to be concerned with my dear husky." T continued to rub himself as he stared at the down dog. Chaos stared at him with frighten eyes. Is he going to....rape me? The husky stared at the intruder, but he just stood there, masturbating himself.

"I you could...ummm...leave. I'll be right out." He hesitated to say.

"No can do, son." T's deep voice hit the panicking dog's ears.

"Please, just.....AHHHH!" Chaos's sentence was cut short by the burning. It was getting more painful, as if he was just thrown into an open flame. "What the hell is wrong with me?" T said nothing, just continuing his business. The smell of burnt plastic soon filled the air, the stench getting stronger and stronger by the second. "What is that smell? It smells like..." Chaos's eyes drifted to his feet. They had become numb and weird feeling. His jaw dropped as he saw them start to turn black and shiny. He reached out his paw, touching it. He rubbed it with his fingers, instantly identifying the feeling. "Plastic?"

T chuckled as he sped up his rubbing, watching the terrified look on the dog. "It was a special toy indeed." The black plastic was slowly rising, until it covered his whole body except for his head. He could feel his penis throb as if he was getting teased and unable to cum anytime soon. He stared at T, wishing he would just help.

He felt it start to rise again, starting to cover his muzzle. If he wasn't panicking before, he sure was now. He took quick breaths, trying to gain air. Tears fell from his eyes as he thought he was going to suffocate, but the feeling soon left. He had no idea what was going on, but somehow he knew, he no longer had to breath to survive. The plastic continued, covering his whole head.

Chaos could no longer see, could no longer hear, but just feel. T walked over to the black plastic dog, setting his white paw on his head. Intense pleasure filled the husky, his mind moaned. It felt as if T had grabbed his cock and gave it a quick lick. He knew it was his head, but the pleasure felt it was else where. "You're almost done, husky." T whispered to himself as the burnt plastic smell began to fade.

The tiger watched as the body of the dog became unrecognizable, slowly shrinking and melting into itself. Chaos's arms and legs pulled in, slowly disappearing. His tail, slowly curved, creating a small, long rod. His head slowly turned into the shape of penis head, as the res of his body implode into itself and became long and slender.

T quickened his rubbing finding himself closer to climax. He loved watching his customers enjoy his products. He watched as the husky finished shrinking, the plastic cooling and hardening. T moaned as he came, covering the shiny black plastic. He breathed heavily as he tried to gain back some composer. He bent down, grabbing the plastic toy.

Chaos shuddered in his mind. He could still feel every touch, and it felt so good. He felt a cloth like rub around him, as if he was being cleaned. It was life long pleasure that would never let him cum. He wanted more, he needed more. Just touch me more. Just touch me more!

T walked out of the closet and into the display room. He walked down the aisle, looking for a special place. He came across a glass display case that was empty, the word 'Husky' below it. He carefully placed Chaos inside, closing the door. T smiled as he stared at his new dildo. "In the morning, I'll come back and give you a test run. After all, tigers eat eggplants for breakfast. And, I'll be very hungry." The tiger's collection was finally finished.