Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure, Twenty-First Entry

Story by Gideon Kalve Jarvis on SoFurry

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#21 of Pathfinding-CYOA

Now the spoils of war are divided, and the orgy is about to begin...

Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure

Twenty-First Entry

By Gideon Kalve Jarvis

Vote Tallies


General willing orgy - 2

General orgy - 4

Use Spring Wolf Essence - 2

Gentle treatment for Spark - 4

Don't force the Sisters of Glory - 4

General former slaver nailing - 4

Possible Pairings:

Rufus/Urta - 4


Cassidy/Hanaro (On hold)

Rufus/Urtan/Shara - 4

Spark/Shara - 2

Cassidy/Shara - 7


Gnolls/Sisters of Glory (On hold)




Spark/Kaia - 7 (On hold)

Lightfoot Thunderhoof/One-Eye - 2

Horse/Lisk - 2

Longhorn/Rish and Rack - 2

Urtan/Kyte - 2


Crystal - by popular vote, she will be reanimated

Mask - 1 - he will remain dead

Skaeth - by popular vote, he will be nursed back to health


Blue Feather - 14

Carver - 3

Additional Votes:

* Get Shara to join us - 5

* Destroy the crowns of Morpheus - 1

* Turn Kyte into a submissive - 1

* More information from the High Alpha about current events - 7

* Have Leta stay with the Blue Feather as a liason - 1

* More opportunities for non-consensual sex (especially for Rufus) - 4

* Bring Rael with us - 5

* Another Warlord cutscene - 4

* Another cutscene to the girls back at camp - 3

* Give the Sisters of Glory another chance to join us - 1

*Spark/Kaia pairing - 7

* Species to meet and mate - sheep, sheep-dogs, bunnies, cats, horses, cows, chickens, Minotaurs, Centaurs, Humans, Felines, Hounds, Badgers, Otters, Ferrets, Hares, Mice, Moles, Shrews, satyrs, skunks, squirrels

Author Notes

As requested, here's a party inventory. It just lists the cool magical things we've gained, either recently or had already, with the owner of the item in parentheses. If no owner is listed, then the item in question is considered "party loot."

Party Nifties Inventory:

Blade of Severed Souls (Rufus) - This is the longsword taken from Kaia. Though he doesn't know it yet, the sword Rufus is using is keyed to deal out massive damage to true agents of evil. This doesn't usually come up with mortals (though there are a few extreme examples who would qualify, such as especially powerful dark wizards or vile priests), but comes into play almost always against infernal creatures and the undead and similar beasties not from this world.

Stingbow (Cassidy) - Formerly Lysha's bow, Cassidy is now using this sturdy-yet-flexible lemonwood shortbow to aid his sniping. Aside from basic magical abilities to enhance accuracy and damage dealt, the stingbow lends magically-enhanced distance to any shafts fired, making it perfect for shooting from stealth.

Mkuki (Urtan) - Formerly Lysha's spear, an ancestral weapon used by the noble women of the Mankata court who chose to become warriors rather than wives. It is a weapon that lends physical strength to its wielder so long as it is held, and is obviously intended as an analogue for a sword in other, more metal-rich cultures, rather than a spear meant to be thrown. Besides greater physical strength and resilience, Mkuki also enhances the defenses of its user, especially when paired with a shield, seeming almost to deflect attacks from all sides onto the shield, rather than at the wielder.

White Jade Bracers - Taken from Phan, these bracers of greenish-white jade provide their wearer with protection, almost as if the person were wearing sturdy armor, creating an invisible barrier around the user that protects from blows. Their present owner is undecided due to the suddenness of recent events.

Greenwood Staff (Ryg) - Once carried by the redheaded priestess, Zane, and now being used as a walking stick by the blind shamaness Ryg, this chest-height staff of green, living wood is filled with healing energies, which can be recharged by letting the staff soak in sun and water like a living plant for a full eight hours. When used, it can heal all but the most grievous wounds, the amount of power required depending on the amount of injury it is healing. It can also purge poison and disease from the ailing, once again varying its power requirements based on the severity of the trouble. If it should run out of power, its user can instead channel personal strength and vitality into the staff to handle especially vile and grievous wounds and infections, though this can kill the user if taken too far.

Scarlet Snow (Urta) - The long samurai sword once carried by Hanaro, and now appropriated by Urta. This ancient blade belonged to Hanaro's father and grandfather and great-grandmother, for whom it was originally commissioned. Upon the death of her father in glorious combat, Hanaro received his blade, and then swore herself into service to Kaia, a young but highly-promising member of the radical and militant Sisters of Glory, in the hopes of earning great honor for herself. The sword Scarlet Snow gains great power depending on the honor with which its wielder uses it. "Honor," to Scarlet Snow, is not dependant on acts of good or evil, but rather on the loyalty and courage with which the wielder serves a chosen master. If that honor is great, then the blade gleams with blue silver light, and can cleave through any obstacle. If that honor is weak (as it presently is with Urta, though it is steadily improving), the blade appears dull and unworthy as a weapon. The sharpness of the blade is an easy test to determine how loyal its user has been to the one being served, and how loyal they intend to be in the future. Based on its present sharpness, Urta has failed Rufus deeply in the past, but seems honestly determined to prove her worth and loyalty to him in the future.

Chameleon Mask - The mask formerly used by Mask, the raccoon, which Ryg now brings back to us after defeating Praxis. It allows its wearer to take on the appearance of anyone else, or an entirely new made-up appearance, at the wearer's whim. This is only an illusion, however, and does not physically change the wearer into the being represented, which creates certain limits on its usefulness, since disguises that are significantly larger or smaller than the person wearing the mask will quickly be found out.

Crute (Horse) - A broad-bladed, two-edged axe formerly carried by Skaeth the minotaur, Crute requires two hands for anyone smaller than a minotaur or an ogre to carry and use, though Horse seems strong enough to handle it all right, even without quite enough height to handle it with one hand. Besides being well-made out of a single piece of shaped, meteoric iron, which renders it potentially capable of cleaving through most other substances, based on the strength of its user, the weapon Crute has also had enchantments woven into its essence that make it surprisingly accurate for such a heavy weapon.

Bronze Cuirass - The heavy armor, breastplate and greaves, worn by Skaeth. These are presently slightly too large for anyone in the party, but they are obviously enchanted, and could prove highly useful if they were modified for our use, or if we found someone large enough to use them as they are.

Brawler (Urtan) - Casting aside his hide shield, Urtan has picked up Skaeth's large bronze shield instead. The heavy round shield, with grooves on the sides to allow room for a weapon to be swung withour difficulty, has an image of a demonic minotaur's face on the front, likely Baphomet, demon prince of minotaurs. It is enchanted so that it is surprisingly easy to handle, despite its great weight, making it highly useful for a fighter with another weapon. Besides this enchantment, Brawler is empowered with the spirit of a wild bull, allowing its wielder to make devastating shield bashes strong enough to splinter doors like a small battering ram.

Crowns of Morpheus - These simple silver circlets, frequently sold by more well-off wandering bards, are often used as a form of entertainment by the middle-class, though they are cheap enough that even those struggling to make ends meet can afford one with some saving and budgeting, though the experiences contained within might not be of the highest quality or variation. A crown of Morpheus is a magical device charged with illusory power, which allows those who wear them to slip smoothly into a dreamworld, usually designed when the crown is first made, though it can be changed by those with skill in enchanting items or illusion magic. The illusory experiences within a crown of Morpheus seem almost completely real to those experiencing them, though they are unable to cause any real physical injury of significant changes to the wearers; all but the rock-bottom cheapest of crowns of Morpheus adjust this illusory world to the one using the crown, so as to make the experiences contained within more personal in nature. Mercenary companies and standing armies have learned that these devices can be used to train soldiers in a variety of dangerous techniques without endangering their lives, and slavers have discovered that the crowns can give their wearers training in a variety of erotic skills without spoiling the market value of a virgin.

Glowing Sphere (Rufus) - Nobody in the party has had time to investigate the powers of this strange, marble-sized glowing sphere found among Praxis' personal effects. It glows with a white light, and Ryg is fairly certain it has magical powers, she thinks of the sort used to form containment spells, like those found in empowered pentagrams and inscribed on magic lamps to keep genies from escaping. What might be contained within, however, she doesn't know, and doesn't think she _can_know without letting whatever it is out. She's fairly certain whatever it is will be in the thrall of whoever owns the sphere, though.

Transportation - Praxis has a number of horse-drawn carts. Many of them were too damaged in the melee to be of much use now. However, we are able to salvage three carts, with attendant horses, which is enough for us to haul our gear, our prisoners, and ourselves without difficulty.

Loot! - The party has acquired Praxis' stored treasure, which amounts to a fairly significant sum, mostly in the form of highly-portable gems, jewelry, and small but highly-valuable works of art. While we do not have enough to buy significant real estate or legendary levels of influence or whole armies, we now have a Moderate amount of money. This is enough to improve some of our equipment if desired, or to provide an especially decent bribe or gift to influence all but the most greedy and corrupt of officials; make suggestions on how to use our newfound wealth, and I'll let you know if it's possible.

Also, for reference purposes, here are the levels of Loot! and what they mean:

*Broke: Just what it sounds like. This is not a pleasant place to be.

*Impoverished: Enough money to get by, barely. This was Rufus' state before he signed on with Marlene's party.

*Poor: Enough for food and basic shelter, and to maintain the basics of a livelihood, but little else. There is no room for luxuries at this level. Marlene's party was at this level, since the girls, while noble, were trying to make it on their own, without letting their families know where they were, and had spent most of their money equipping themselves.

*Struggling: Just out of the region of desperation, but not able to afford more than occasional comforts and decent gear. We were at this level after joining with Adel's party.

*Moderate: Good enough to start being able to afford things. For someone settled, this means the middle class, with enough money to afford some luxuries and a financial safety net in case of extreme emergencies. For adventurers, this means enough portable cash to afford commissioning one or two decent pieces of magical equipment, including the first magical gear an adventurer is likely to get. It can also be used to make a good impression on those who like gifts without losing the Moderate wealth status, so long as those gifts are not too extravagant.

*Comfortable: At this level, an adventurer can afford some truly decent equipment, with perhaps one or two pieces of legendary gear. Small mercenary companies and bands of hirelings can be personally supported at this level. This is the standard of living that most reasonably successful businesspersons attain.

*Wealthy: Able to afford mid-sized mercenary companies, and even some real-estate. A wealthy adventurer might even be able to afford a minor noble title. One character might be kitted out with impressive equipment, or a whole party might share out such treasures.

*Rich: This is the level of wealth found in a typical dragon's hoard. At this point, most adventurers retire, since they're not likely to need money ever again, so long as they aren't extravagant with it, and invest what they have wisely. Other adventurers make use of this ready cash to become truly impressive in equipment, making them quite able to handle most challenges. Still others decide to fund their own standing armies or mercenary companies of significant size and capacity, or to rule small, independent holdings, or ones of middling size if not independent, if they choose to get into politics more directly.

*Extravagant: All that talk of not being extravagant is now in the past. Only the wealthy who started out well-off and just got more money afterward, and the most truly successful adventurers ever reach this level of wealth. At this point, most people start thinking about becoming rulers of nations, either directly or behind the throne.

Pathfinding Twenty-First Entry

Rufus paused before the two young slaveboys, the red fox and the blue bunny, bound with their backs to poles near the bonfire, obviously intended as the second course in the sexual feast the slavers had intended for the night. The pair looked up at him with wide-eyed trepidation, looking so vulnerable, so sweet, and so innocent, as precious and cute as children despite their pubescent years that Rufus was torn in his reaction. On the one hand, it was hard for him to suppress his predatory instincts, which were quite happy to inform him that these two tight-bottomed boys would make for a fine, loud-squealing screw, a reaction that was fairly obvious in the bulge in Rufus' sheath, since the slavers had taken his clothes with the rest of his gear after capturing him. On the other hand, the boys had obviously already been through some ordeals so far, and for all his lustiness, Rufus wasn't often outright cruel. Reaching down, he felt the soft gasps of fear from both boys as he stroked his large hands along their slender backs, saw they squeeze their eyes tight shut, expecting the worst. Instead of grabbing their trim little bottoms and turning them around for a good rump-pumping, though it was a sore temptation, Rufus jerked the poles behind them out of the ground, letting the boys soon free themselves when they realized what had happened, since their knotted bindings depended on those poles being in place to work.

"Get whatever's yours out of the gear cart," Rufus growled, motioning to the crowded cart where all the assortment of stuff the slavers had collected of variable worth had been stowed, "and stay out of the way for a while. I dunno if I can keep you safe when some of my crew gets excited."

Nodding their understanding quite vigorously, both boys promptly vanished, though not before opening up the cart where the other slaves were being held, letting out the unicorn and gryphon, the elephant, the blue elven triplets, and the redheaded gnome with the freckles. Rufus had to ponder a moment what those three were doing in a group like this. The elephant girl was obviously a former priestess of the pleasure goddess, judging from the piercings through her nipples and clitoris, and probably had some serious skills, as a dancer, singer, or other sort of entertainment even if she hadn't been trained directly in the erotic arts. The ice elves were obviously an exotic trio, worth quite a lot of money just based on their rarity as a race, and their personal beauty, and, well, unicorns and gryphons spoke for themselves in rarity and value. But the fox, rabbit, and gnome, they were just youngsters, the girl all awkward and gangly-looking with puberty, while the boys still looked like kids, even if they were a bit bigger than actual children, probably late-bloomers. He did notice that they specifically hunted down three pairs of goggles buried in the mess of the equipment cart, which they all immediately donned, even before they went hunting for clothing. Hmm, very strange.

Forcing himself to quit staring at the red- and blue-furred bottoms, of fox and rabbit, and the smooth pink one of the gnome, Rufus instead turned his attention to the scene before him. There, kneeling on the ground before the fire, were most of the captured slavers, all save for the raccoon, Mask, who'd died in the engagement, and the transparent golem, Crystal. She was lying nearby, with Ryg kneeling next to her, Dinah watching wide-eyed as the wolfen shamaness stroked her hands over the smooth glass of the female construct, her power over the forms of elements allowing her to seal up every little crack, until the former foe was whole once more. Whole, that is, save for one important thing.

"She still needs animating force," Ryg reported, turning her sightless eyes toward Rufus. "It's rather an intelligent thing, for a construct, but not very strong in personality. I suppose Crystal was originally made as some sort of pretty receptionist or something similar for a wealthy merchant or wizard who wanted to show off. If you want, I can simply have her recognize you as her master when I reanimate her. After that, she'll serve loyally and least until someone reprograms her again, anyway."

"Since that's simply a matter of time," Rufus continued, glancing at the Sisters of Glory, who were kneeling next to the slavers, like the slavers naked and bound with their wrists behind their backs, while kept apart, in their own group, "you can get to that later. Tonight, we celebrate our victory."

Behind the helpless, bound prisoners, the gnolls led by Urta giggled and licked their chops in eagerness. They, like Rufus, were naked, and many of them were already sporting erections in anticipation of the fun that night. Before the gnolls, the stallion, Lightfoot, looked around with wide, terrified eyes, the whites showing, his lower lip trembling. It seemed the handsome black stallion was only brave when he was in a position of obvious power. Pathetic. Heh, he was cute, though. Cute buns, too. Next to him, the young bull minotaur, Longhorn, was also looking about nervously, though not with nearly the level of terror that Lightfoot was experiencing. Rufus pegged him as having a virgin tailcherry, and decided he'd see that matter settled in the very near future. On one end of the group of slavers, knelt Shara, the foxtaur. After a bit of teasing, stroking, and licking at her exposed pink parts, Rufus had convinced the gnolls to let her down, hobbling her slender, black-furred ankles with short ropes to ensure she stayed kneeling beforehand. She was presently biting her lower lip, her cheeks deeply flushed, and doing her best to choke back a high-pitched whine as Cassidy, kneeling by her side, very casually and surreptitiously worked one hand beneath her tail, making a soft squelching noise even as he rested his other hand on the wheel of one of the captured wagons, his expression as neutral as it ever was, as though there were nothing wrong whatsoever.

"First, we divide up spoils and rewards," said Rufus with a toothy smile, making both slavers and Sisters of Glory tense, though Hanaro, of them all, looked stoically resigned to her fate as she watched the tall, grey-furred wolfen with her dark eyes. Rufus' hand gently rested on Spark's shoulder, making the foxboy kneeling by his side start a little before looking up at his leader with an expression at once nervous and trusting. Rufus just smiled down at his friend before continuing. "Ryg tells me that Spark here's been dosed with a pretty powerful...what was it again, Ryg?"

"Priapis poison," responded Ryg, even as she gently rubbed Dinah's back, while the brown-skinned catgirl sat on her lap. "Just like he used on the other prisoners," she added, motioning to the Sisters of Glory.

"Very painful stuff," Rufus continued, glancing down at Spark's pink erection, which hadn't lessened one bit since earlier that night. "Ryg's told me the easiest, fastest, least-painful way to deal with it is to work it off the old-fashioned way. I understand Dinah's volunteered to help Spark out."

"Dinah wants to help Spark," responded the lithe catgirl, standing up and nodding emphatically. "Miss Ryg says Spark is hurting a lot. Dinah likes Spark," she blushed a bit. "Dinah thinks he's cute."

Spark blushed as well at this, before his eyes widened as Dinah hastily doffed her clothes, tossing them aside and standing there in the firelight quite shamelessly, her very dark nipples on her small, pert breasts almost staring straight at Spark as they jiggled with the removal of her tight top. Dropping to all-fours, Dinah wiggled her cute, perky butt as she stalked over to where Spark was sitting, while Ryg walked up behind her, kneeling to the side to supervise matters. After all, Dinah might be eager, the scent of her arousal clearly evident to anyone with a nose sensitive enough to pick it up (which was most of the beastfolk there), but she was still a virgin, and had been raised by a bunch of prudes who regarded sex as something vile and unclean and sinful, reducing her knowledge of the act to less than nothing.

Admiring Dinah's upraised rump for a moment, especially the tightly-clasped lips of her perfectly smooth cunny, already glistening with her aroused moisture, and how her swaying, green-furred tail accentuated the supple curves of her agile figure, Rufus then turned his attention back to the group around the fire. That matter seemed safely dealt with, which meant there were more judgments to levy out.

"After some thought and counsel with Ryg and Urtan, I've decided to spare you Sisters of Glory," Rufus continued. "Well, at least for now. You've been through a lot recently, after all, and we want to give you a rest and some time to think things over." He grinned toothily, then, making Kaia curl her lip in defiance as he openly ogled her gorgeous naked body. "We're keeping Dinah, though - she's decided she likes traveling with us better. And you're still our prisoners, until we either decide we can trust you enough to let you go, or find a better use for you." Rufus couldn't restrain a light chuckle. "One of those uses is having beastfolk babies, of course. Young, healthy, energetic females like yourselves should be able to handle six or seven litters before you're all worn out."

Of course, Rufus was exaggerating, to say the least, since whether or not a beastfolk had litters depended on the female's anatomy, not the male's, to say nothing of the likelihood that any wolfen who hadn't turned utterly to darkness would use a female solely for breeding purposes until she was utterly physically ruined. All the same, it made Lysha look at her leader, Kaia, with worried eyes, even as she squeezed her thighs together tightly to hide how the thought of being claimed by these rough, savage monsters made her aroused as well as horrified, in almost equal amounts, her scent as well as her erect dark nipples giving her away to those who knew the signs. Redheaded Zane rested her head on Phan's shoulder, whimpering softly, her mind and body indeed reeling with so much new sensory information that it was too much for her to handle all at once. Phan, of course, kept a brave face, determined not to show weakness in front of her sister or her leader, Kaia, but her scent gave away how much she enjoyed the touch of another girl against her naked skin, and how curious she'd been made about the formerly forbidden subject of sex.

"Disgusting filth," sneered Kaia, though mostly under her breath, metting Rufus' gaze for a long while, before finally turning away, her cheeks flushing under his bold stare. Hanaro, though, didn't turn away as Rufus turned his eyes onto hers.

"No," she said softly but firmly and clearly, straightening her back (which had the pleasant consequence of pushing her good-sized breasts outward). "No, I do not wish to be your prisoner any longer, Rufus of the wolfen."

This made Rufus blink in surprise, and he tilted his head slightly to the side in confusion, motioning with one hand to the gnolls, who were murmuring among themselves at this strange interruption. When they grew silent, Rufus nodded slightly, indicating that the captive samurai girl should continue.

"You seek to smite a great evil," said Hanaro, continuing her speech as though it were something she'd rehearsed in her mind, which it may very well have been. "Though the Sisters of Glory seek to serve the greater good, I am no longer certain that is the path we have been following. I want to follow your path, Rufus of the wolfen. I want also to smite evil in its fullness, to fight against the Warlord, and serve the greater good as I see fit." Her eyes turned to Urta, then rested on the curved weapon resting against the she-gnoll's back, its hilt visible over one shoulder. "Give me back my sword, Rufus of the wolfen, and I will swear my loyalty to you."

Urta's lip curled up at this, and she turned to Rufus, her expression incredulous and mocking. The gnoll leader blinked, however, when she saw Rufus looking not at her, but at Hanaro, his expression thoughtful. Nearby, Phan made a startled sound, staring at her big sister with wide eyes and mouth, while Kaia blinked in astonishment.

"Not now," said Rufus finally, after a long pause. "This isn't the right time for it. Later, we'll talk." He motioned with his head, and Urtan carefully helped the Sisters of Glory to their feet, guiding them out of the firelight, toward a waiting barred wagon that had once been used by the slavers.

Before Urtan had quite returned, Rufus spread his hands wide.

"We're all out of innocents," he declared with a predatory grin at the kneeling slavers before the fire. Of them all, only the towering veteran, Skaeth, dared to look him in the eyes without any sign of trepidation, despite the bandages wrapped across his chest and belly, covering the many wounds he'd taken in the fight. Goro, the pandaman, now stripped of his armor, was looking around with a blush on his white-furred cheeks, obviously deeply embarrassed about the prominent and quite thick black erection standing out from between his thighs. Apparently somebody was quite aroused by the thought of being gang-banged, though, judging from his expression, it came as much of a surprise to Goro as to anyone else. Kyte, lean and muscular dragonman, looked around wish his sharp teeth bared, as though daring anyone to get near to him, his whipcord-tough muscles standing out clearly through his green-and-yellow scales as he silently struggled against his bonds. Not far from the humanoid, wingless dragon, the short, slim red bat, Lisk worked his wrists feverishly, desperate to escape, knowing that his delicate-boned body would soon be subjected to a terrific pounding if he couldn't get free and clear in escape that he knew all too well was unlikely to happen as he looked up at Rufus with wide-eyed fright, curling his leaf-shaped tail fearfully over his tight little buns.

Rufus took his time, licking his chops, nice and slow, letting the tension build in everyone there, allowing Urtan time to return to the circle.

"Let the feast begin," he declared.

Path Choices

As I was writing, I realized I was running out of steam for this post, and running a little long. So the choice today is a simple one:

*Which orgy scenes shall we focus on, and in what order? Pick your favorite three.

Several scenes have already been proposed, so feel free to look at the top of the document for some suggestions. It may be safely assumed that most of those listed above will take place at some point during the ensuing orgy, if not all of them (as long as they don't involve a character not present, of course). The only question, then, is which will receive special treatment. I've already decided to write about a few, but this is your opportunity for direct input on what happens and to whom.

Despite only allowing three per voter, I am not intending on limiting the next entry to just three scenes. This is just to narrow down the choices a little, forcing you, the readers, to concentrate on what you really want to see more than anything else.