Chapter 8: Tidings

Story by Seros Nym on SoFurry

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#11 of Echoes of a Dragon

This took me a while to do, for reasons I have yet to pin down. I didn't have the zeal for it that I had for earlier chapters, I hope the writing doesn't suffer for it.

Please readers, share your thoughts with me. I am happy to hear anything you have to say, positive or negative. I consider it an honor. Point out some flaws, nitpick for all I care. I would rather that than nothing.

21/05/14: v1.2 Patch Notes:

10% more tailring related feels.

5% more periods at the end of a sentence.

45% more wondering if my formatting (of lack thereof) is difficult to read.

To ensure the game can maintain its current age group ratings, Garrosh Hellscream is now Garrosh Heckscream, and the Cult of the Damned has been renamed to the Cult of the Danged.

Wait, wrong patch notes.

I never noticed how close Hearth was to the palace. I can see it, barely, in the shimmering horizon. I've made good time, plodding steadily southwards as I allow my mind to wander. I worry for Rel, but so far I have I resisted my urge to heedlessly exhaust myself in a rush to reach him. I had hoped I would see him being escorted along the road, but there is no sign. They had a slight head start, and must have traveled through the night. It's better this way; I will head straight to the palace and defeat Shen while saving Rel... I hope.

The snowy ground begins to fade, giving way to yellow-brown blades that cut through the surface in ever increasing patches. A cold wind wafts through the surrounding fields, carrying with it the scent of moistened grass.

I can't remember the last time I was alone like this. I begin to yearn for conversation. Mentally, I probe for Long Ren, interrupting his silent meditations to try and begin a dialogue.


"Yes, Zuro'ki?" His response softly echoes in my mind. "Are you getting lonely?"

"You ask that, as if you did not know the answer." I smile, both inward and outward. "I wanted to speak with you for a while."

"I see the vestiges of your questions in your mind. Ask."

"Just tell me more about yourself. What are you, exactly? The legends state that you were our all-powerful deity and creator, but - if you'll forgive my disrespect - you do not seem as omnipotent as they say."

"Few can be truly omnipotent, I am sorry to disappoint you." He intones half jokingly before continuing. "I do not recall my origins. One day, millennia ago, I simply... was. I was aware of the capabilities of my divinity, as one would know how to move and breathe, but I knew little else."

I quietly nod to myself, letting him continue.

"I experimented with my powers for some time, enjoying the feel of morphing the earth at my command. I would create vast forests, just to watch them burn away in fire. I would cause hurricanes, tempests, and watch them ravage the land. I was a child, playing with a new toy. Over time, I grew bored with those shallow diversions. Searching for a new distraction, I wove my power and attempted to create something sentient, something truly living."

"The dragonkin?"

"No. These early forms were fragile, incapable of surviving for very long. I tried so many times... centuries of creating and observing, editing as I went, seeking the flaws in my methodology. I discovered that I could not simply spring forth intelligent, self-sustaining life. In the process of my experimenting, I attempted a solution. I clipped a tiny shard of my own self and infused it into a new creation. These would eventually become the dragonkin."

"So, that part is true. We share a connection with you, and a common ancestry."

"Indeed. That tiny sliver of my essence was enough to grant enormous power to my new children. Their minds blazed with ingenuity, and they could command the elements with a mere thought. Of course, that power has since been diluted into the vastly inferior form that you wield today. The first few dragonkin could move mountains, cause storms."

"Mmm." I wonder how things would be if we were still capable of such things.

"However, my essence was slowly corrupted within my creations. At first, all were born with pure-white scales, the same that grace my own body. As centuries passed, other colors emerged. Ruby, Emerald, Bronze, Azure, and Ebon. Each of them represented a facet of myself, reflected by my latent essence. Ruby represented my strength and passion. Bronze, caution and safety. Emerald, wisdom and compassion. Azure, intellect and acuity. The pearl-scaled ones you call 'moonborn' began to embody peace and serenity, while ebon represented my power and superiority."

A lot of dragons I know fit into those descriptions, but not all. Curious how ebon dragonkin are supposed to depict power and superiority, considering their social status. An ironic twist of fate, I suppose. No legend is safe from the weathering of time.

"These creatures were imperfect. They were no longer simply my creations. They had turned into a reflection of myself, a glimpse into my own soul as if I was staring into a broken mirror. It disgusted me. I thought I had made some mistake in creating them. Some flaw that I had to correct. And the only way to do so was to start anew."

My mouth opens wide. "So, what Zerius said was true?"

"Yes. I attempted to reclaim my fractured essence. I struck at my creations, intent on their destruction. However, I had underestimated them. The ebon ones had somehow retained more power than their brethren, but they all fought back, united by their desire to survive. I should have simply curled the earth upon them, or swept them away into the ocean. But in my hubris, I engaged them in fair combat, in person. That was my folly."

I notice how there is no bitterness to his voice, only a faint sense of regret as he recounts the tale. Either he has come to terms with it, or his hostile side is being suppressed... by me. 'Peace and serenity'... Shen'zuka would have better suited the dark scales of an ebon dragonkin. He is far from being a beacon of peace, as his moonborn status would represent.

"I was defeated." Ren continues, "Legions of my own creations flung fire, earth, and lightning at me, and I withered under the onslaught. I slew many as I lashed out in rage and desperation, but in the end, they had won. My physical body was destroyed, and I was left incorporeal. In an attempt to prevent my return, they drew my essence into various vessels, sealing it away. Much of it had dispersed over the long time that I was kept in stasis. The statue in the shrine was one of the few remaining that still held some power... and to think, after all that, they still worship me." He chuckles; a dark, somber sound.

I walk in silence, processing this information. It would be hard to swallow, if it did not line up with what Zerius said and didn't bear such a resemblance to our legends. And, of course, the unmistakably divine presence in my head cannot be ignored. The divine being that my mortal ancestors had managed to defeat.

"Hail, revered moonborn!"

I snap back to reality, inadvertently tensing up and bending my legs, my heart skipping a beat. My head whips back and forth, taking swift note of my surroundings.

It looks I walked too near a village while lost in thought. It must have been obstructed by the terrain as I approached. I stand hear the outskirts of what looks like the northern edge, only a few dozen paces from the nearest house. The emerald dragon that greeted me is waving from a short ways away. I could run, but it looks like he may not recognize me. I better not act too suspicious.

I relax, raising a hand. "Hail! What tidings, friend?"

"The weather is fair, that much is certain." I can make out his grin as I approach him. He has a faint, peculiar accent. He doesn't speak as stiffly as the nobles do, but he lacks the drawl of a common farmer.

"Indeed. And the town?"

He shifts his feet a little, his grin disappearing. "As good as can be expected, revered one."

It looks like he's trying to avoid saying something. I look at him quizzically. My gaze quickly breaks down his reticence.

He fidgets, scratching the back of his head. "The imperial palace has been very quiet lately. No envoys for some time."

"Do you think something is happening there?"

"Can't be certain. Had an imperial carriage pass through in the dead of night. Must have been on urgent business."

I knew it. Rel is probably already locked up at the castle, or worse. Gods, protect him. Normally, I would appeal to the Divine Dragon in prayer, but...

"By the way," The emerald villager continues. "May I ask what your business is? You bear the western seal, so you must be far from home."

"I'm..." I hesitate for a split second before answering, my mind bringing forth the answer prepared from an earlier musing. "A messenger. I am returning from Hearth, heading back to the palace."

He nods with understanding. "Ah. Fancy clothes for a messenger. Must have been important. Heard some rumors about events in the west, but most of that is beyond our ken." He smiles at me. "You could probably use a rest. Why not relax in the village for a while? We're simple folk, but we try to be good hosts."

I don't want to waste time... but it couldn't hurt to take a short break. It's a good opportunity to gather information about the goings-on in the palace. Hopefully someone here knows something, I don't want to go in blind. I pray that nobody here will recognize me. Advisors aren't exactly famous, but I'm still the second part of the two-person leadership of a prefecture. I'm also the only moonborn on the council, not counting Shen'zuka himself, so I can't help but be anxious.

"I would appreciate that, thank you." I flash a casual smile.

"I don't suppose you'd want to stay the night, so we'll just cook up a meal for you and you can be on your way."

"Oh no, there's no need for that. Just a place to wash up would be fine." I still feel no hunger, and I begin to suspect it is due to Long Ren's essence in my body. Perhaps it is him who has sustained me, simply through his presence. The divine do not have to eat or drink, after all. And anyways, I could use a bath, and can prowl for information after freshening up.

"Alright then. We're set along a small brook, you can rinse your scales there. I'll show you."

Yeah, what a great idea, Zerius. Confess your love to him and then pound him senseless. He was in a hurry to go save Rel after that. Wanted to get away from me and my lusts, probably. I'm a fool. And a hypocrite as well. I said I didn't want to come between him and Rel. And I'm doing exactly that. Stupid. What does he think of me now?

As I pace onwards, I continue viciously chastising myself for failing to restrain myself around Zuro'ki. It's true that I do care for him, but I can't love him like that. I can't try to replace Rel. It feels... wrong. Ugh, why do I have such guilt about this? Why do I care so much? I've gone through life leaving others in my wake as I strove for greatness. But Zuro'ki is so gentle, so kind. So handsome. I guess I don't want to risk hurting him.

I wish I had gone with him.

I sigh. My journey away from Zuro'ki has taken me from the snowy plains into rougher, broken terrain. Outcroppings of rock and short cliffs mar the landscape, the butt of my spear tapping the stone as the path weaves inelegantly between them. The mountains curl around me, funneling me further eastwards through their close, protective embrace.

The air around me lies still, stirred only by the occasional gust across the sparse grass. The afternoon air manages to be warm, the morning frost long dispelled by the pleasant temperature. Snow remains in small, dirty patches in the land around me, melting slowly under the midday sun.

I've felt it for a while now, though I've been too distracted with my thoughts. I'm being watched. The terrain lacks the cover for anyone to stay out of sight while following me, yet the feeling has persisted. I peer into each shadow cast by the surrounding rocks and vegetation, scanning for any hidden observers. Nothing.

Steadily, I trek onwards. I should be passing the border by now. I don't see any guard-posts or border patrols. Odd. It only occurs to me now how little I know of Serysian policy. Am I even permitted to cross the border like this? I guess the lack of guards makes it obvi-

"Haalt." A voice echoes. The sound is awkward, spoken with unfamiliarity.

I see a small figure standing a few paces ahead of me, blocking the path. He is shrouded in black cloth, a hood pulled over his flat, rounded snout. The thin tip of his tail hovers low in the air behind him; the scales are a striking black, matching his attire.

He appeared as if from nowhere, and looks very much like a shadow having taken physical form. He is bent at the knees, crouching in anticipation, though he appears unarmed.

"What do you want?" I ask, wondering if they can even understand my draconic.

"You, wiff usss." The broken, almost indecipherable response comes. "Now."

A bandit, maybe? Brave, to be doing this alone. Though, I think he mentioned an 'us'. I glance swiftly around, finding only rocks and shadows. Gritting my teeth, I brandish my spear, leveling it at the strange creature.

"Let me pass."

"Tsk, ssserat sssothossa. Se ssiras." What in the abyss? Serpent language, I would guess. I'm not sure, it's not like I ever interacted with them personally. The south doesn't have a land connection to Serysian territory, and both Erun'razel and Tero'rui have kept quiet about any dealings with them. My knowledge stems directly from word of mouth and rumors in the palace.

I decide to communicate my reaction. "What in the-"

A soft rush of wind. Faint mists of darkness surround me, quickly fading to reveal several armed figures dressed much like the one along the path. They point their weapons at me, the elaborate, gleaming edges of sword and dagger held much too close for comfort. Their scales match their companion, each one like a living shadow.

"-abyss..." I finish my exclamation, threatened by the sudden appearance of these new foes. I try to gauge my chances of winning in open combat. Four on one, not including the one further along the path. They surround me on all sides, the gleaming eyes under their hoods showing no fear.

Hmm, it's risky at best, especially since I do not know what they're capable of. They appeared out of thin air, and I doubt that's their only trick. I stand with my spear still held outwards, afraid to move in case I provoke a strike.

As I size up the situation, the first shrouded one walks casually down the path and joins our little standoff. He pulls back his hood, revealing a pair of large silver eyes, the jagged, vertical pupils gazing at me with a look of puzzlement. Every inch of his scales are a deep shade of midnight, darker than anything I have ever seen. They seem to siphon the light from the air around him, though some parts, like his lips, have a faintly lighter hue.

After standing in silence for a short moment, he seems to decide something, nodding quickly to himself and raising a hand.

With a quick, deliberate gesture, the figure mutters something under his breath. A glyph appears in the air before his hand, briefly flashing vermillion before shooting towards me. I have no time to react and the blast strikes me in the head. I wince, but there is no pain. Steeling myself, I attempt to resist whatever dark magic he has used on me, but I feel no adverse effects.

The figure stares at me for a moment. My mind thrums, an emotion suddenly passing through me. It surprises me at first, but it is soft and non-threatening. It is a feeling of tranquility, of peace. The figure looks at me, tilting his head inquisitively. I do not react. After a moment, the emotion rolls through me again, the observing gecko patiently awaiting some desired response.

"Peace? Oh! Peace!" I voice my thoughts aloud, realizing the purpose behind this strange interaction. He's trying to communicate with me. Peace. He wants me to lower my weapon.

I oblige, pulling my spear away and returning it to a resting position, driving the butt into the dirt. Hopefully my relaxed stance pleases him.

It appears to do just that, and he nods towards me, the lips of his short snout curling up in a small grin before fading back to neutrality. He beckons me, pointing down the path, while simultaneously sending an emotion into me. The feeling of camaraderie, of spending time with friends, family. He wants me to go see his people. He must be Serysian. It looks like we're after the same thing.

I nod at him, gesturing for him to lead the way. He glances between his comrades for a moment before nodding at them, and they back away. I watch them as they make their way to various rocks and trees. As they enter the shadows cast by these objects, their silhouettes seem to bleed into the darkness, fading into inky blackness and leaving nothing behind. Haven't seen anything like that before, I can't help but be impressed.

My impromptu traveling companion begins marching down the road before turning and waiting for me to follow. I fall in line, and he leads the way down the path, his friends no doubt watching us from their shadowy perches.

The waters are clear, revealing the foundation of small rocks that make up the bed of the small brook. The steam babbles peacefully, its gentle ripples glimmering with golden sunlight. I am led alongside the flowing water by the emerald villager, who introduces himself to me as Yrae'nel. We chat idly as he proceeds upstream with me in tow. He is pleasant enough, but I've noticed that he chooses his words carefully.

"Just up here is a good place." Yrae says, pointing towards a earthen formation ahead of us. "So, tell me about palace life. A messenger doesn't stay there much, I would think, but would more so than us villagers."

"It's a beautiful place. The decorations are immaculate, and the servants are well-dressed and tend to your every need."

"Sounds much nicer than out here in the wilderness."

"Perhaps, but there's a rustic beauty to these villages. Practicality is usually overlooked in the more elaborate designs of the palace. The simpler, subtle pleasantness of the lower folk has its place."

"Heh. I thank you, revered one." He grins, but it does not feel genuine. Did I sound rude?

We step into a small grove. The brook gathers into a small reservoir here, sheltered and shaded by the trees and bushes that line the edges and fed by a trickling of water on the far end. The ground that borders it is raised slightly, leaving a shoulder-high wall of dirt that surrounds the sunken pool. It is as if the water is the center of a giant footprint in the land. It is a tranquil place, and it puts me at ease.

I dip my talons into the water, testing the depth. It begins at my ankles, and looks like it would go up to my waist near the middle. That's quite deep, for the size of the brook. I turn to Yrae, smiling.

"Thank you, Yrae'nel. I will need some time alone to wash up and relax."

He stares at me, his abruptly stony gaze setting off sudden alarms in my mind.

"I'm not going anywhere, Zuro'ki."

My hearts sinks into my stomach. He knew all along. That might have been why he greeted me in the first place. Did the whole village know? Why lead me here, then? What was the point of this little charade?

"You may wash up, if you wish. But I will remain here." His stare is unnerving.

"I don't..." I stammer, "What do you want?"

"The carriage that passed left word to watch for you. Considering the circumstances, it was hardly a coincidence that you showed up so soon afterwards. You should count your blessings; if any of the others recognized you, they would have tried to apprehend you outright."

"What do you want?" I repeat, more firmly this time.

He chuckles. "Just some fun. A show. Go on." He gestures to the water.

I've been tricked by a pervert? Of all the... what were the chances? Still, if he's right, this is hardly the worst thing that could have happened. What is it about my body that attracts people so? It seems I find myself in these situations more than I like. I'm not that desirable... am I?

"Why are you doing this?"

"Why ask such silly questions? I could alert the rest of the village instead, if you would prefer to spare your pride. We're close enough that I need only shout."

There's no way he's just a regular villager. He speaks too well, and doing something like this seems beyond the scope of a typical farmer or shopkeeper. Especially since he knows who I am.

Hmm, I could attempt to escape. I'm close enough to rush him, so I might be able to silence any cries for help. But... if he's attempting something like this, he might be capable of defending himself. If I gave him even a moment, he would sound the alarm and I would be in much greater danger. This ridiculous situation is not worth calling on Long Ren for, either, especially since I am alone with nobody to tend to me should I fall unconscious again.

I guess I'll just have to play along.

I sigh with frustration as I begin to undress under Yrae's watchful gaze. I turn my back to him, peeling off the layers of my well-used traveling clothes. My disrobing hands graze across my tailring, and I pause. Hesitating, I absently twist the metal around my tail as it conjures memories of Rel. I guess... I should take it off too. To clean under it. Yes...

I... I miss you, Rel. My fasra. It has only been two days, but I miss you so much.

Reluctantly, I slip off the ring, gathering up my clothing in my arms. I am about to drop them to the ground when I reconsider, pacing over to a nearby root and hanging the bundle of cloth upon it, resting the golden ring on top.

Now completely bare, I feel a rush of self-consciousness, my back remaining turned to Yrae.

Glancing behind me, I see him angle his head to get a better look at me, his eyes focused intently on my exposed rear. Ergh... I can't help but flush red under his stare. My display of diffidence only amuses my shameless observer, and I hear him chuckle softly to himself.

"Ugh, this is not dignified." I mutter, loudly enough for him to hear.

"Come now." Yrae says with playful condescension, as if speaking to a child. "Into the water."

I let out a soft exhale of exasperation. Slowly, I begin stepping sideways, making my way towards the water while staying turned away from Yrae. My tail holds itself tightly against me, the tip involuntarily twitching in agitation. I am observed in silence as I sink one taloned foot into the water. Feeling the wet earth and rocks underneath my toes, I test my weight before gingerly inserting the other foot.

The water is clear underneath the shade, stirred clouds of dirt swirling around my submerged feet. With slow, deliberate motions, I edge towards the center of the pool, the surface of the water rising around me as I sink deeper with each tentative step.

My final silent footfall takes me into the center. The cold water laps at my thighs, inches away from my sensitive regions. I pause, uncertain how to proceed and frozen under the watchful eye of my unwanted voyeur.

"Time to scrub. Make sure to get every last scale." Yrae grins at me, eyes glimmering with anticipation. "Don't be shy. Turn towards me, please."

I grunt in soft derision, hesitating for a moment before spinning in place and bearing my unclad front to Yrae. He smiles and nods, gesturing me to continue. This is silly, why am I letting him do this to me? I am not powerless as I was with Bloodfeather, when he attempted to force himself on me. I... I should strike Yrae down, show him the folly of demanding such debauchery from me.

Yet, as I dip my cupped hands into the water, I know that I could not bring myself to do such a thing. If I were Rel or Zerius, I would find the will, but I am not them. I am Zuro'ki, the weak-hearted. I cannot hurt my own kind, even if they do not share my mercy. I fought to stop myself from killing Shen while in the shrine. I battled the presence that had his death as a goal, and my foolishness has only caused more pain.

I pour the water over my head, the cool liquid trickling down my neck in shining rivulets. I rub my dampened face, brushing the strip of my hair back as I try to wash away these thoughts. For a time, I forget about my observer, lost in my melancholic musings. Doubts whirl about in my mind, fears coming to the fore just to fade and return again. Considering how quickly these anxieties have surfaced, I ponder how stable and confident I truly am.

I begin to scrub myself clean, absentmindedly throwing handfuls of water over my body, temporarily oblivious to Yrae's presence. Soon my scales are soaked, and my hands rub softly and slowly, rinsing away the dirt and grime but failing to wash away my poisonous regrets.

"Such a dour expression!" Yrae's voice startles me out of my trance. "You look clean enough. Now, surely you would like to... relieve some stress?"

I gaze at him, shaking my head at his poorly disguised innuendo. Does he think I'm going to to that in front of him? I don't think I'd even be able to begin.

As if intent to prove that, my hands wander with purpose to my genital vent, droplets still falling from my digits. I poke and prod the yielding flaps, but cannot battle through my nerves and negativity to reach arousal. The cold of the water creeps up my legs, the chill rendering me immune to my half-hearted efforts. After a few minutes of trying, I give up, staring at Yrae with a pleading, resigned look.

"Ah, are you having trouble, Zuro'ki?" He says with his condescending smile. "I know just the cure."

My eyes widen as he swiftly undresses, tossing his garment aside and wading into the pool. He has a lithe but solid physique, his conditioning evidence of noble military training. He moves with deliberate purpose, muscles faintly visible under his grass-colored scales. I resist the urge to edge away from him, seeing that it would be pointless, and simply stand still as he approaches me. My eyes flick to his nethers, inadvertently drawn to the little pink tip poking out from his slit.

"If you are like other moonborn, you are sensitive." He places a hand on my shoulder. "Let me see..."

"D-don't touch me..." I murmur, recoiling from the touch.

His grip intensifies and I wince, the action distracting me enough to allow his other hand to sneak around me, slithering underneath my tail. I gasp and tense up, his hand gliding along the smooth, twitching appendage, fingers continually drawing near to my tailhole just to suddenly pull away. The hand on my shoulder drifts down, stroking my belly before sliding down to my thigh.

By the Dragon, he's right. I shut my eyes, wilting under his gentle, experienced graces. His hands explore every inch of me, each caress causing me to shudder and quiver against my will. Each touch fills me with warmth, dispelling the chill of the water. My body responds eagerly to the stimulation, betraying me as I feel my yearning member creep out of its sanctum. My mind begins to follow suit, seeking precious relief from the increasing tension.

"Isn't that better?" Yrae whispers, his hands still adventuring around my moistened scales.

"Stop..." I can barely manage resistance, my head clouded with unwanted arousal.

An errant hand slides up my newly erect flesh, causing me to twitch and gasp. In the same instant, my body tenses as I feel a sudden, invasive digit probing into my tailhole, my flesh clamping tight around it.

"Guh... ah... I..." My breath comes in short gasps. Air hisses past my teeth as I feel another caress of my exposed dragon-hood, but this time the touch turns into a light squeeze, scaly digits gliding gently up and down the dark spear of meat. Stroke by stroke, I am pushed ever closer to my finish. Just as I am falling into the rhythm of the tactile pleasure, Yrae withdraws his hands.

I open my eyes, his face coming into focus as I stare in confusion. He returns my gaze with another grin and inches closer, acknowledging my need with his body language. Pressing his own shaft against mine, he holds them against one another with a gentle grip, the skin of our engorged members making sweet contact. Yrae's eyes flick upwards at me, and down again, his pearly teeth gleaming behind his smirking lips. He pauses, awaiting my reaction.

My hands, held self-consciously around my belly until now, extend downwards, wrapping themselves around our entwined shafts. I feel the warmth of our twin members against my trembling palms as I tighten my grip.

Yrae pulls his hand away, letting it rest at his side, and I begin pumping up and down. His reaction is immediate; he throws his head back, mouth hanging open as he lets out a low groan at my pressing contact, his cock twitching and throbbing under my fingers. Now, I am the one grinning as I go about my task with enthusiasm.

I roll our shafts between my fingers, taking one in each hand for a moment before pressing them together again, stroking and rubbing them all the while. I struggle to remain composure under my own efforts, watching how Yrae reacts to my every touch.

Our collective huffing and puffing is the only sound aside from the soft trickling of water around us. Yrae lowers his head and our eyes meet, both of us rocking in a turbulent sea of pleasure. There is no hostility or ill-intent behind his glimmering scarlet pools... perhaps there never was.

Sexual release bubbles in my loins, threatening to explode at a moments notice. Yrae's gasps and grunts turn into moans as he approaches the precipice of his own finale, and I find myself moaning to accompany him. My strokes became faster, rougher, and my body shudders and quakes, feeling the end draw near.

Yrae begins shifting his hips, grinding his meat against the prison of my hands, the sensitive undersides of our cocks brushing against one another. The titillating contact drives me nearly over the edge, and my stroking grows intense and feverish.

Thrusting his hips forward, Yrae grasps my hands with his own, pressing them hard against our frotting members. He squeaks in desperate pleasure, his orgasm held precariously back, but only for a few precious seconds.

In a rush of intensity, our fumbling hands clumsily and wildly push us over the threshold. Our panting halts, blazing ecstasy stilling the air in our lungs. Yrae begins shooting first as he cries out in breathless bliss, blasts of hot seed erupting from his pulsing member. I follow suit after only a moment, groaning and rocking my hips in time with Yrae as powerful waves of pleasure roll through my body. The fluids bursting from the twin peaks of our fleshy volcano slather our scales in sticky semen, the copious excess dripping into the water below and creating faint pearly clouds.

Our panting resumes, wearier than before, as our simultaneous orgasms wind down. The final few drops of cum leak from the tips of our members, dribbling down our slickened shafts. Yrae takes a small step back and sighs contentedly, small threads of semen connecting our once-paired genitalia.

I catch my breath, ignoring the afterglow of our frottage and staying silent as I watch Yrae, waiting for his next move. Is he going to alert the village now? Or will he leave me be, having satisfied his lusts? I lap water onto my nethers, washing away the slimy residue of our activities, while keeping an eye on Yrae the entire time.

He says nothing, looking into the water with a pensive yet satisfied expression. His gaze floats up to mine before he averts it into the distance.

I lose grasp of my patience.

"What are you going to do now?" My tone is severe, perhaps overly so.

His eyes flick back to mine, his face a screen of neutrality. "Me? Nothing." The corners of his mouth bend into a softened version of his typical grin.

I expected to feel a flood of relief at those words, but it does not come. Only more questions.

"Why do this? Who are you? You're no villager, that is for certain."

He chuckles. "You're right. I put on a decent act, didn't I? Or maybe not."

He shrugs and stretches languidly before continuing. "Couldn't hurt to tell you, I guess." He leans closer, whispering while maintaining his grin. "I'm a chameleon."

I've heard of those. They're agents of a prefect that are sent into villages, either local or otherwise, to gather information or perform more... clandestine tasks. They are usually used as observers, but can be a tool to negotiate or to enforce your will on a specific target. To avoid suspicion, they disguise themselves as common folk, with personalities and backgrounds to match. Some go as far as to change their appearance for the purpose. Hence the name chameleon.

Rel and I never saw any need for these spies in the west, and his father had none in his employ either. With honest and fair rule, you don't require such sneaky tactics to know what your subjects think.

"Is that so?" I say, genuinely intrigued. "For whom?"

He hesitates, reluctant to reveal that information. "For... Lord Erun'razel." He glances at me and quickly continues. "Don't get the wrong idea, Lord Erun is a good ruler. He doesn't need to spy on his own people. It's just, sometimes you need an ear to the ground to hear the rumbles of an oncoming earthquake."

"So, you knew who I was? Were you watching for me?"

"I was keeping an eye out, yeah. Especially after that imperial convoy went through. It was a coincidence we met at the outskirts though. You looked distracted, so I thought I'd get your attention. When you wanted to wash up, I knew just the place... and I... thought I'd have some fun, while I was at it."

I could swear he flushed red for a moment. Is he ashamed that he acted on his perverted impulses? He should be. I suppose he meant no harm, but... that was not very professional, nor very polite.

"If you wanted to fool around like that, it would have been more appropriate to simply ask, rather than trap me the way you did. You're lucky I did not simply attack you over something like that."

He strokes his chin thoughtfully. "That was a risk I was willing to take. But I gathered from your mannerisms that you aren't the type to do something like that. I've read people wrong before, though. If you tried to escape, I would have let you go, despite what I said."

"Why? Erun'razel's orders?"

He nods. "He sent word to me just two days ago. I am not to interfere with imperial justice, should it occur, but neither am I to hand you over as long as you remain cooperative. On that topic..."

He takes a step closer, his grin fading back to stony neutrality.

"It's time for a question of my own. What are your intentions?"

I stare at him, trying to analyze his expression, judging whether or not he would agree with what I have to say.

"I intend to go to the palace. Tumultuous things are happening there, and I must put a stop to them. I fear I am the only one capable of it."

He nods, slowly, never taking his eyes off me. After a moment he speaks.

"You are referring to the change that has overcome Emperor Shen'zuka."

I nod quickly, staying silent.

"Word rarely comes from there now. It seems a vortex of silence, where citizens and agents go to never return. Even from this village, I can feel the neglect that he bestows upon us in his... 'infinite' wisdom. If you feel you can remedy the situation, then you are not my enemy."

I can't help but conceal a smile. "I am glad to hear that."

"Just be warned, Zuro'ki. Most of the imperial guards are out for blood. They have firm, undying loyalty to Shen'zuka, having been trained for that since birth. You will find few friends there. I expect that most dissenters have been disposed of already."

We wade out of the water, drying ourselves off and gathering our clothes. A few moments of silence pass before I elect to speak again.

"Tell me what has happened. I have had no opportunity to glean information about events since the invasion of the Feithiro lands."

Yrae shakes his head sadly. "Executions abound. What were once minor offenses now carry a death penalty. He has ordered all trade closed, even between prefectures. At his decree, all outside contact has been cut off; not that we would find many friends beyond our borders in the first place."

My thoughts momentarily drift to Zerius and his journey east. Hopefully the Serysians will offer their aid, but it is naive to simply expect it. Zerius is not the most eloquent or cool-headed of us, yet I must have faith that he will find a way to secure their help, and that they will arrive in time.

"Perhaps most damningly, he has banned all reproduction, whether noble or common. Newborns are to be slain, usually along with their parents. The females of the noble hatchery did not stand for this, and have offered sanctum in the caves. In response to this, Shen sent a host to exterminate them for their insolence. I have heard little news from that front. Our females are strong, and the hatchery caves are a natural fortress, so I have hope that they are resisting even as we speak."

The hatchery is only a short distance northeast of the palace. I will pass right by it on my journey south. I resolve to see what is happening there with my own eyes. It would be worth aiding them if I could. Assuming they are still alive.

"Have the active prefects and advisors done anything about these proclamations?"

"Neither Lords Erun'razel nor Tero'rui have acted against Shen. Erun has remained away from the palace,staying in Hearth and communicating through messengers and envoys. Tero has no spine with which to stand up to the emperor. He will bend his knee even as it is severed from him, for he knows nothing else."

That's Tero'rui all right. "Erun seemed to value maintaining the status quo. I had hoped he would act, he's one of the few who can make a difference."

Yrae looks away, sadness briefly flashing over his features as a dark thought churns in his mind. He quickly returns to his normal countenance.

"I'm afraid that is all I know. Consider it a gift for your cooperation." He winks at me.

"What of the village?"

"I did not lie when I said they were told to watch for you. It would be best to leave now, and avoid approaching the village proper. Most of the citizens are apathetic, but you never know who might want to be a patriot for their emperor."

I quickly don my clothes, despite not having completely dried off. The discomfort of damp scales will fade, and I do not intend to waste any more time here. I affix my sword to my sash, idly trying to recall the last time I've used it. Lastly, I slip on my tailring, gazing at it for only a moment before pushing from my mind the wistful thoughts that it conjures.

I stride over to the entrance of the little grove. Yrae is standing at the edge of the water, staring at me with arms folded.

"I would accompany you, but my duties require me to remain here. Follow along the western side of the brook, and you should bypass most of the village on your way south."

"Thank you, Yrae'nel. You have been very helpful. I think I will forgive you of your... less savory actions."

Pearly whites flash out from his mouth as he pulls it into a impish smile. "Heh. You looked like you enjoyed yourself, after you got into it. I knew a little contact would bring you out of your shell."

"Saa, you pervert. Farewell, Yrae'nel. Perhaps I will see you again when this is all over."

"Goodbye and good luck, Zuro'ki."

He salutes me with a hand as I walk out of the grove.