Growing Fun

Story by Iscin on SoFurry

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A commission for JamesFoxes

Hope you enjoy it fox :)

Domestic Bliss

The cottage is not entirely rural nor rustic, repairs and alterations having been made over many years; yet it does have the vibe of being quaint. Up above there is black smoke billowing out from its chimney stack in contrast to the clear blue sky above. Whilst indoors something smells good, with rich and savoury flavoured textures. Of course these smells, and the smoke, are all being produced in the kitchen at the back of the cottage. Standing over a gurgling crock is a young man with fair hair and skin, though his hands are not as smooth looking as the rest of his features would suggest. His name is Tave and he is taking his time preparing the vegetable stew inside the pot. He is even humming a little to himself, making it something of a picturesque moment; if not for the soiled utensils still cluttering the table behind him.

Tave is almost done cooking now so he sets the the pot off the furnace and goes to find the two other occupants as it cools and simmers. He does not have to wander far before finding Galen, a draft horse with a brown mane and white highlights, lounging after a hard days work in the living room. Sneaking up from behind, the human hooks his arms around his lover whilst landing soft kisses along the left side of his long face. Galen asks in his deep voice what is new with the human as his arms and hooves still feel sore from working at the ironmancer's workshop all day. Of course as those aromas begin to fill his nostrils he soon wakes up in full. Galen whinnies softly towards the human as Tave nuzzles further down against the equine's long neck. Reaching out with his right arm he pulls his partner closer, Tave not standing on his tiptoes, returning a couple sweet kisses.

"This is a pleasant way to wake up." His voice still sounds tired from work, but hints of happiness are still highlights.

"Just wait 'till you put my speciality into your mouth." Tave says and immediately blushes as he realises the phrasing of his words. He wriggles against the one arm hug from the horse as Galen laughs loudly at his expense.

"Isn't it a bit early for that?" Galen continues to tease the blushing human as he twists around. He gets a second arm around Tave and pulls him over the back of the seat and on top of himself.

"Noo! I meant my food, for this!" Tave protests whilst lying with his back on the horse's lap. With the last word he now pats one hand down on the equine's stomach, his navel and abs showing as the bottom of his shirt is curled up.

"Okay, okay. Guess I'll get up now then." Galen says and proceeds to do as he says after sitting Tave up right. His human companion of two and a half years gets up on his feet again too, surprised at how fast the lethargic horse is moving now.

They both move into the kitchen, which has a dining table set up at one end and, much to Tave's annoyance, three chairs setup. Going straight to the pot Tave begins to dole out portions into two bowls, one for each, at least each currently present. It is at this point that Galen scratches his head whilst stood in the doorway and looks back and forth between the rooms. Of course there is a reason for this and after setting the bowls down on the table, bread and glasses already out, he turns to the horse and sighs.

"So umm, where's Felick?" The horse asks, meaning his longtime rabbit friend. Someone who has only recently moved in the two lovers and has made waves all of his own.

"I don't know. We'll just have to start without him." Tave smiles and pulls up his chair, sitting down whilst Galen continues to loiter at the door for awhile longer.

"What about his food then?" Galen asks with genuine concern for his friend. The truth is he has been worrying a little as the bunny has not exactly been looking healthy recently; though that could be in part to having a scowl every time he sees Tave around _his_friend.

"There is more in the pot, he can help himself once he gets back in." The human says and picks up his cutlery.

"Okay then..." Galen frowns but moves away from the doorway and pulls up a chair to sit down opposite to Tave. Something is on the periphery of his mind, knowing he has forgotten something but not precisely what.

The two smile at one another and begin to eat, with the expected compliments for the chef and promises of rewards to come after dusk. Indeed the food is good, something that is impressing Galen beyond what Tave normally produces. As times passes, so does the thing that was bothering the horse. He may never know what it was he was supposed to do. And as they both retire back to the living room, the sun is beginning to set outside and Tave draws the curtains. Those promises from earlier need to be fulfilled now, and as the human unbuttons the horse's shirt, they settle in together for the evening.



The road is treacherous tonight. Felick, a white furred rabbit, is walking back home and cursing their unusual weather every step of the way. It has not been made clear whether the effect is supernatural or not, but for the past few days a strange sort of instant-frosting has occurred in the town and surrounding villages. As soon as the sun tucks away underneath the horizon, the roads and rooftops all become frosted over in tiny white ice crystals. Underfoot, they create an agonisingly ridiculous trek from one place to the next. So far, Felick has fallen down on his ass, and hard, at least half a dozen times, and it is beginning to ache at the base of his spine just above his cotton tail. He has a small floating orb of light in front of him, casting barely enough light to make out the less ice covered patches of road before him.

He wishes he knew a spell to make this easier, but this particular magicka user is not exactly a master yet, or even much of an acolyte. More so than his own ineffectual self, he is angered by the fact that his equine friend, Galen, has not come out to pick him up from the bookstore. He had left a note in the kitchen this morning before he had left; being that Galen is such a heavy sleeper and always the last one in the house to wake up. The ironmancer either saw the note and forgot, did not see the note because he's a dimwitted manual labourer who gets under the lapine's fur, or... Tave. Of course! The human must have seen it first and being the jealous barely bipedal primate that he is must have undoubtedly hidden it from his lover. On this next step Felick puts his paw down with more force than the previous one, a mental tick from his rising frustration, and he slips once more, this time falling forward. He skids along the ground a good couple of metres before coming to stop and grumbles to himself.

"So that's it, is it human? Not content to steal my best friend you intend to have me physically left out in the cold too?" Felick knows that talking to himself is a sure sign of dementia, but as he picks himself up he knows what he has to do once he finally makes the journey back home. "Enjoy your evening together Tave. For you will most certainly not enjoy the next!" The rabbit stops himself just short of laughing in a maniacal and disturbing fashion; some small part of him understanding that his monologuing is probably a sign of encroaching derangement.

"Who are you talking to?" Asks an elderly looking badger who has been watching from a small pedestrian shelter on the side of the street.

"No one old man. Carry on as you were." Felick snaps back, before looking back at the ground, promising himself that there will be compensation for this humiliation.


All of the oil lanterns in the house are dark. The small amount of light which does exist inside the house is emanating from the dying embers of the fireplace. As Felick opens the front door he immediately signs as the feeling of the shad rug just inside the doorway greets his tired paws. The rabbit wants to put his feet up in het he living room, not bother to climb the stairs, and just sleep after walking so far. But there is unfinished business and now that he has returned home Felick is already hatching a plan.

First thing Felick does is close the door behind him, very gently so saw not to disturb either Galen or Tave. He assumes the incubi and his friend have already retired to their bedroom upstairs, that or they have a sudden affinity for the dark. He takes his jacket off and hangs it up before now walking over to the foot of the staircase. Felick ascends the wooden steps, trying his best to remain as quiet as possible, though the stair steps creak regardless of how light footed the alpine is. As he reaches the top he is silently thankful for his eyes, as keen as they are in the low level of light afforded by starlight and moonlight dimly casting in through the top floors' windows.

The landing floor of the house goes off in two opposite directions, at one end is the so called "master" bedroom where both Galen and Tave sleep, amongst other things. In the other direction are two rooms, the bathing room and Felick's own smaller bedroom. Indoor plumbing is a great thing to have, but the bronze pipes are not exactly quiet and this presents yet another way that the rabbit feels slighted. He creeps along to his bedroom, which honestly serves more as a study, and goes through being even more careful than the first time to close the door behind.

It is spartan but functional with a bed, a desk and a cupboard with drawers. But he rarely spends much time in this dimensional plane of the room anyway. Felick goes over to the window and pulls the curtains open again, having been drawn by, Felick suspects, Tave. Moonlight pours in as an insubstantial shimmer, casting back on the wall behind the rabbit. As it does so he can see lines begin to glow along its surface; the subtle indelible mark of a trans-dimensional portal. In this state the aperture is traversable to those who are attuned to the supernatural. Felick walks back across and room and reaches out to lay his hands on the wall. The threshold vibrates underneath his paws and the rabbit is grimacing as he steps through, the high pitched wailing of the dimensional barriers piercing his long perky ears before reaching the other side.

"Now to get to work."



Morning comes to the humble little cottage and with it the soft warmth that comes from fresh daylight spreading across the faces and bodies of both lovers in their bed. Tave has his naked body curled up against Galen's broad chest. The draft horse's right arm is resting around the human, with his heavy hand pressing down gently along Tave's belly. Both of the mammalian lovers are beginning to stir now, as the light is acting as nature's alarm clock. Though Tave is the first one to open his eyes. He immediately starts yawning and stretching, toes and fingers fanning out as he wriggles in place against the sheets and his boyfriend.

"You awake yet?" Tave whispers to the horse whilst poking him gently with a single finger. All the reply he gets is a murmur of discomfort from the still dozing equine. "Hmm? No? Okay then, I'll get started on breakfast."

Tave wriggles out from underneath Galen's arm. Swinging his legs over the edge, his bare feet connecting with the cold wooden floor the human hisses and draws them back up. Peering over his knees Tave finds his sandals, being open toed is best felt indoors, and threads his feet underneath the straps before his hair comes falling in the way of his eyes. In this way the human begins his day, getting up and walking over to the dressing drawers. He starts bending over to take out a fresh change of clothes, unaware that Galen is awake and inclining his head right now to stare at the human's pert little butt.

Recovering a clean shirt and pants from the drawers, Tave now turns around to see that Galen has his eyes shut. Yet that does little to cover the tenting underneath the bed sheets as the horse's third leg is climbing up for attention from between the other two. Tave smirks to himself, but chooses to ignore this, preferring to allow Galen his morning snooze on his day off from ironmancing. Tave walks over to the door, stops, turns around and blows his lover a kiss before opening it an departing with his butt swinging this way and that, all the while hoping that Galen is watching his exit. The door shuts softly behind him and Tave walks down the landing until he reaches the two rooms on the opposite end of the cottage, Felick's and the bathing room. He shares a nasty stare with the rabbit's door before opening the one to the bath and closing it behind with his change of clothes draped over one arm.

Having lain in wait almost all night, only a simple vitality incantation being used to keep himself awake, Flick now hears the sound of running water coming from across the corridor. Tave must be filling the basin for his morning bath and if his best friend is at all consistent, then the rabbit knows Galen will still be in bed. This is the first opportunity then, now is the time to exact his unusual kind of revenge. He starts sneaking out from his room and down the corridor until he reaches the door, still ajar as Tave had not completely shut it, into the lovers' bedroom.

The first thing Galen sees are two bunny ears poking out from behind the door. Now he sees the two eyes followed by the nose and the mischievous grin. He says good morning as Felick enters the room, shutting the door behind him and standing there with a stupid smile still on his face. Felick says hello back before shoving his right paw into a pant pocket and taking out a small vial. Inside of the glass tube there is something purple, a bit like sand, that glitters all on its own even in shadow. The rabbit shakes it from the neck of the top like a carrot to the horse.

"What's that then?" Galen asks, swinging his legs over the side and climbing out of bed.

"Something fun, just for you and me." Felick says walking closer to the horse, staring a little at his friends broad chest as he stretches and yawns.

"What does it do then?" The horse asks after stretching, only a pair of loose fitting pyjama pants around his waist.

"Better to show you." Felick says and takes off the cap.



The first sign of something amiss comes as Tave is wallowing in the bath with just the top of his head above the steamy water. Vapour has filled the entire room as the human is soaking in to treat himself before having to start making breakfast. What will he cook? Maybe some pork. Felick has no taste for meat, but Galen likes it from time to time. But as he lays there, soaking and thinking, the mostly still water begins to ripple. Yet his eyes do not notice this disturbance right away and he is half closing his eyes. But now the vibrations which are causing the water to ripple become stronger, and from the bath basin Tave can feel it vibrate against his tailbone.

"What was that?" Tave says to himself whilst sitting up in the bath.

Another vibration this time, stronger than the last one, and now there are sounds of some small catastrophe happening elsewhere in the cottage. Sounds of things being kicked around, tumbling, it sounds like someone might be knocking a hole in a nearby wall. Tave's thoughts immediately turn to the idea of robbers, or worse, some sort of commotion downstairs. He gets out of the bath right away, his naked body dripping water everywhere below. The human reaches for a towel and throws it around his waist, tying it as well as he can with his soggy hair plastered over his ears and face; already regretting trying to grow a mullet.

The human puts on his indoor sandals and rushes out of the bathroom to stop and see that something bizarre is happening down the other end of the corridor. On the other end, the door to his and Galen's bedroom is hanging open, barely still on its hinges. Obvious damage along the wall as plaster cracks and dust has fallen from the wall and ceiling onto the floor. Tave can feel his heart pounding against his ribcage as adrenaline surges through his arteries. His panic is only matched by his confusion, but something has happened, or rather is happening, in his bedroom, in their bedroom.

"Galen?" Tave shouts but the only response is more shaking and cracks appearing on the wall. "GALEN!"

He is running now, though he is unable to tell when the decision was made, or why. The human is working on instinct now, the first impulse to find his lover, to make sure he is safe. Self-preservation is still there, but secondary for now, and moreover this is their home and he at least needs to know what he is dealing with. He stops at the opened door and can hear sounds on the other side, voices that are simultaneously both familiar and strange. As he walks around the door and looks to see inside the room his eyes turn wide and his jaw hangs open in shock.

"What the hell is this?" He asks even as his brain is still preoccupied processing the scene before him.


Both Galen and Felick are present in the master bedroom, but both are very different from how they were only moments before. The room seems smaller, cramped to Galen, but he knows it is not the bedroom that is tiny, but he who is excessively large. Whatever mystic properties the tincture in the vial held have imbued him with the properties of rapid material growth and expansion. Felick had a second vial which he also consumed orally, and now the rabbit is able to use his magic to control both his and Galen's physical size, both on a macro and individual level in regards to both his and the horse's physiology. Although Galen does not understand how this all works, he does understand that the rabbit's cheshire style smile is well justified.

"What the hell is this?" Galen hears a voice say and, craning his neck as his ears rub against the ceiling, turns to see Tave standing in the doorway, dressed only in his bath towel and sandals.

"Oh, hi there." Galen says whilst moving his hands to rub the back of his head, and incidentally knocking over some of the other furniture in the room, even as the bed lays flat, its legs broken, underneath his expansive butt. "I umm, well you see... Felick here thought..."

"Come to join the fun have you Tave?" Felick says energetically, his voice booming across the room and making every bone in the human's body resonate, ever so slightly painfully.

"This is your doing huh?" Tave asks accusingly of the rabbit. All the while he is trying to ignore staring at both the horse's and the rabbits, shall we say, equally multiplied genitalia, though already he can feel his loins stirring underneath the towel.

"Yes it is. Though I am sorry to say we might be stuck inside here, unless..." Felick trails off as he glances back at Galen who seems to be struggling to get comfortable, his hooves kicking back against the wall causing further cracks in it. Surely the bedroom is as good as ruined by this point. "You might want to hold onto your boyfriend there Galen."


Next Level

Galen has enjoyed many tricks and little mystical experiments Felick has shared with him over the years. However, as the both of them crash through the walls and the thatched roof of the cottage a part of him inside feels overwhelmed and uncertain of his newfound, and clumsy, size. The horse is holding his left hand over his right, trying to shield Tave from falling debris as dust billows up in plumes of sandy coloured clouds. This magical growing effect is starting to slow down now and as it crawls to a halt Galen takes a deep breath and looks around at the wreckage. As the dust starts to settle the expression on his face turns from concern to remorse as he surveys what is left.

There is nothing substantial left of their home. The feet and legs belonging to the horse and rabbit have knocked down every wall, causing a domino effect with the ones furthest out. There must be an insane amount of broken pottery, smashed personal effects and more surrounding and underneath both of them. He might be more than a little mad about the destruction, but Galen has confidence that his magical fiend will have some sort of trick to rectify the damages. Nevertheless as he opens his hands up Galen feels a twinge of guilt as Tave is cowering, terror and confusion gripping his eyes as he looks up and now around at the carnage.

The only thing more impressive than the remarkably efficient accidental demolition Felick has unlisted is the awe inspiring size of himself and his equine chum. Both have undergone a proportional growth that should leave them struggling to move around, all physics and biology considered, yet the magics the rabbit has unleashed upon both of them are sustaining a nearly super-dimensional effect. Galen is now fifteen metres tall and Felick is almost eleven, and yet both of them are functioning as if they were normal sized, with vastly scaled up strength. The rabbit shakes a broken wall off of one foot and stands up, stretching his naked furred body out. his fingers reaching higher than most trees around here.

"Great trick huh?" Felick asks Galen, his voice sounding far deeper, literally a giant's voice to Tave, though it seems perfectly normal to the horse.

"Err, yeah, it's really something Felick." Galen responds, his voice sounding even louder to Tave in no small amount due to the closer proximity to him.

"It's not just the giganticness though. I can also localise the changes, to specific body parts." Felick says and saunters over to Galen. He moves his hands around the giant horse's broad shoulders and starts to rub them whilst peering over and down at the terrified human in Galen's palm, looking for all the world like a lapine demon.

"W-What is going on?" Galen's ear is flicking as he hears something. A faint voice which takes him a moment stuck in a blank expression before realising it is his better half addressing him all the way down in the palm of his hand.

The horse is very careful as he now starts bringing his hands up, one acting almost like a curved wall ready to catch the human just in case he were to now stumble. Tave is indeed struggling to keep himself standing, as the humongous hand underneath him not only moves vertically, but horizontally until it stops, putting him within earshot. He now realises that his voice must be inadequate to converse normally with the horse, and will have to shout as loud as possible, so as his voice carries enough for Galen to hear him. The horse asks him to speak again all the while Felick looms over and behind like some malevolent titan.

"What the hell is going on?!" Tave shouts in the direction of the horse's left ear, which is now at least as long as Tave is himself tall.

"He wants to know what is going on." Galen relays to the titanic bunny rabbit standing behind him. Admittedly he is unsure what exactly where the rabbit is taking this too.

"Oh does he? Maybe he needs a better view of the action then." Felick laughs, his voice sounding like booming thunder and crackling lightning to the far smaller Tave.

Felick ceases rubbing the horse's shoulders and reaches with his left paw to grab Tave from out of Galen's hand. To horse is a little shocked and tells the rabbit to be careful, but to his credit Felick is indeed gentle with the human. Although from Tave's perspective he starts screaming, his voice tiny and failing to reach the horse's ears as he is carried away, though the rabbit's far more sensitive lobes pick up the sound of terror with ease. Despite the reaction, Felick has no intention of being rough with the human. He has only just begun exacting his grudge centred revenge.

With a mischievous tone, Felick tells Galen to stay sat down, surrounded as he presently is by the wreckage of their home. Bands of crimson neon light swirl around his right paw whilst lowering the human down with his left. Tave watches as a wall of fur covered muscle passes him by, the chest and abdomen of his very own now ludicrously oversized equine lover. There is something both fascinating and arousing about seeing his boyfriend up close like this, every curve and indent of his body's musculature and physiology amplified to become rolling hills and deep valleys. Well, not quite that size, at least not yet but nonetheless awe inspiring. However that is nothing compared to the view Tave is treated to next. Tave is none too ashamed to admit that it is causing him to blush red as he sees the gigantic, dangling body parts of his lover's genitalia.

The horse's phallus is a black and truly gargantuan thing now that the human could not possibly imagine being squeezed inside of him at their current proportions. It is hanging, or drooping really, like a lethargic pre-historic serpent which belongs more at home in a sea than on land. Its broad head, which being an equine usually flares up when aroused, looks like some sort of rounded rock and yet still most definitely fleshy in texture. And yet the sight is not nearly as overpowering as the smell, a raw and masculine odour that hits Tave full on like the force of a storm. Felick stops reaching down and holds the human there for a second, causing Tave to wonder if he is going to be deposited or, or maybe something far more esoteric; thoughts of himself being inserted in an orifice not normally traversed flittering through his fair head.

Suddenly he is being moved closer to the dormant mega-organ, and even Galen thinks of that bizarre fetish; a twinge of excitement ricocheting around deep inside of his loins. But the rabbit's intentions are made obvious as he dips his other hand, preoccupied as it currently is with a weave of interlocking arcane energies. A sound both loud and deep, with a gravitas that is not unlike an earthquake distracts Tave causing him to look up. Galen is rolling his head back, mane waving back along his back as he groans about something that the human has been successfully distracted from noticing. He continues not noticing the change until Felick now inclines his palm and Tave starts sliding off the white furry palm. He tries to grab onto something for support but finds everything is slipping away from his fingers.

Tave starts to panic madly and a startled scream scrambles up his throat to reverberate against the roof of his mouth. Yet his salvation, if you were to call it that, is already rising up to cushion his fall. Those bands of energy have changed from swirling around the magical lapine's other hand to instead be encompassing and enveloping Galen'a wrecking ball sized black testicles. Positioned exactly where the rabbit wants them, he is now dynamically altering the width, height and depth of the horse's loins. This has two immediate effects. First, it is creating pleasurable sensations which are causing Galen to moan out loud as he is doing. Second, they are rapidly swelling out and providing something not unlike inflatable body cushions that Tave now finds himself falling into, front first.

He scrambles for purchase even as he is falling, rolling even, over the growing mass of horse nuts. His fingers slip again and again until on the third time now he manages to start slowing himself. Tave does not want to dig his nails in, but the stubbly ends of his fingers and thumbs manage to create sufficient friction to spin him around until he is sliding along, belly first, against the still expanding curving horizon of black flesh. Now he quickly slows, not in small part due to a levelling effect as the horse's testes continue to grow and the booming sounds of Galen's pleasure piercing the human's sensitive eardrums. Nevertheless the human is now at a complete stop, his heart racing inside of his chest and he decides to lay down here for a moment; resting and dreading what is to come next.


Testing Limits

Felick runs his furry fingers over the horse's gigantic phallus and feels it pulsing underneath his touch. The throbbing black flesh has risen up along the gigantic horse's belly and chest like some dark spire of meat. It has been months, no longer than that, entire years since he has been in the mood to let the rabbit touch him this way. If he had known sooner that a macro-sizing incantation was all that was required to garner some intimate fun with his friend again, then the rabbit would most certainly have done this far sooner than now. No doubt the rapid expansion of erogenous flesh is causing some bizarre and advantageous differences to the equine's seual drive, especially with those testes, each the size of a small hill now and too heavy to independently lift up and move even with Galen's present proportions.

Somewhere between and near the top of the horse's loins the human is squirming and clawing to get out, something that Galen is dimly aware of but is beyond caring. Tave is already so tiny that the lapine is tempted to cause another growth spurt in both him and Galen. It might be dangerous but it would be ever so satisfying to grow to such a size that even if he could clear his mind to think Galen would be incapable of seeing nor feeling his lover. Although the vile human deserves nothing less, Felick has a better idea of what to do next. That is after he has already had at least one show of adamant appreciation from the horse. He gets a handle with both paws now and walks around in the wreckage to sort of straddle around Galen's humongous balls, a single one able to easily support the rabbit's weight without causing any pain. In doing so his own furry nuts are blocking the light from reaching Tave, another bonus. Excitement rages inside of him as the rabbit's smaller, though still very much gigantic, erect penis rests besides and against the horse's.

"Keep doing thaaa..." Galen starts to say but his voice degenerates into meaningless sounds as Felick brings his mouth to the flaring head of the horse's sensitive phallus and starts to lick around its edges, smearing his saliva on the already glistening wet tip.

No words are needed to be said for Felick to continue his ever quickening strokes. He wants his friend to not merely come, but to blow his mind with the heightened experience and fetishistic fun of ejaculating at these proportions. And in doing so so he will create a shower, no, a veritable flood of equine semen that will not only drench the two of them in a sticky and musky film, but crash out in waves of warm spunk. This expectation motivates Felick to redouble his efforts as their bodies grind, balls to balls, together. He can feel the horse underneath his thighs and hands, tremble and quake with a nervous expectation. So soon already? Maybe that trapped human was even worse than the rabbit had suspected.

Tave can both hear and feel the aching pleasure that is building up in the resized horse. With his arms and legs Tave is pushing and squirming against the furred flesh pressing in from either side on him. The human has enough air here for awhile, but if he slips down between the equine's humongous testes, he may never recover in time. Yet try as he might to crawl his way to the surface, he is blocked by another set of furry mega-sized balls: the rabbit's. Caught by two sets of giant testicles, all that the human can do is struggle against slipping down as he hears the sounds of his horse growing increasingly more excited; though his voice is sounding less intelligible and more like the sound of a storm brewing far above his head. Yet he knows his lover enough to know that whatever Felick is doing above must be something else to be rendering him this excited so quickly; it burns Tave inside to know that trickster bunny is getting away with this.

Galen is unable to resist, incapable of self-control, and beyond the point of caring about the cottage, the human or anything else that remains in his life. He has never felt such hot lust coursing through his body, from blood to bone his very being aches for that most primal of releases, sweetest of endings. He begs of Felick to finish him off, to finish the coda to their first sexual contact in years. The rabbit smiles giddily and starts to frot his dick against the equine's, their twin poles wet in the daylight. His hands remain coiled around the horse's shaft, squeezing and rubbing it vigorously, yet with paced purpose so as to maintain a level of expectation. Galen thrusts his body upwards only to fall back down as his ass hits the ground causing everything in a hundred metre radius to shake.

With the rabbit now frotting Galen, the human manages to a fresh perspective as the rabbit's balls lift up, yet remain hanging pendulously above his head. Tave sees a sight that immediately arouses his senses and a particular organ below. That sight is of an anthropomorphic horse, his head seemingly in the clouds, his face in blissful contortions, and his dick pulsing, rock hard like a wizard's stone tower. The surrounding scent and reverberating sounds confirm what Tave now gets to see with his own two eyes, only now realising that the rabbit has deliberately left him alive and in a position to witness this event.



It starts with the cessation of motion and grunts as Galen's whole body starts freezing up, locked in a position of pent up passion. Felick is still suckling on the edge of the equine's spear, his paws slowly come to a stop as he feels the torrent surging along the tower of equine flesh. Next comes a booming, eardrum blowing, sound that creates a shockwave heading out in all possible directions; Tave has to hold his hands to the sides of his head for this one as his head rings with a skull splitting pain. Even without the booming sound waves, the human can feel the oversized testes he is lodged between rumble and shift as their internal volume begins to rapidly decrease. He starts slipping back down between them once more as they change in turgidity and he scrambles with both hands to gain traction, letting his eardrums spike with unbearable pain.

Up above the velocity with which the horse's ejaculation comes takes Felick by surprise. Stringy white pounds of semen shoot straight up from the horse's broad, flaring phallus head. Load after thick and creamy load jets up sky high, the second or third hitting the rabbit straight in the eye and splashing against one of his large ears before he can lean back. Felick gasps in surprise, but his hands are still holding on tight as he feels those bountiful deliveries of horse spunk rising up to be powerfully ejected out. Galen's own hands join the rabbit's, which at first confuse the lapine before realising that he has stopped stroking him and the orgasming horse guides his friends paws to carry on coaxing a greater, and longer orgasm out of him.

Now the first loads of thick gooey spunk are falling back down. As they hit the ground surrounding the two giants they create loud splashing sounds, like water balloons scaled up a hundred fold. For the forgotten human lover, Tave is treated to an especially up closer and personal demonstration of his lover's new productivity as one of the loads comes splashing down against the horse's chest and rolls down to his crotch and over his balls, smearing them like sweet sauce over two large scoops of ice cream. It is sufficiently spread thin that it does not overwhelm and drown the normal sized human, but it makes his struggles all the harder and as his hands slip so too does his whole body, becoming lost in the folds of the rapidly depleting horse testes.

Though the land is already flooding with the horse's musky and thick mess discharge, there is plenty more yet to come and come it does. The rabbit is trying to regain control of the situation, but as he straddles against the erupting horse he has to admit that he might have created a monster several sizes too big. He throws both of his arms around the horse, the the spear erupting only inches away from his left ear and tries to garner some measure of direction with it. As Galen looks back down, his face distorted from the unbridled sensations of animalistic release course through his gigantic form like a wildfire.

"This isn't right!" Felick exclaims as his grow wide in panic. No response is made by his friend and he fears that the equines senses have grown numb juxtaposed to the never ending orgasm.

It is at this moment that Tave gets a reprieve from his slippery, sweaty prison. As the horse's muscles grow lax, as if all the energy being drained from them, he starts to fall sideways. The rabbit tries to keep his friend propped up, but fails and instead falls with him until both of the giants are laying on their sides, with the mammoth organ still furiously ejaculating a veritable river of semen draining off down the path that had lead to their now demolished home. Felick is no longer straddling the horse, and with the change of angle too the normal sized human manages to find his feet on solid, if sticky ground. He immediately reoils as he realises that the white substance at ankle level is the unnatural quantities of horse spunk his lover is still producing.

Tave runs out of fear of being crushed as the rabbit kicks his legs and tries to sit up. He heads in the direction opposite to where Galen is ejaculating in and after getting some distance between himself and the titans he turns back to look at what is happening. At first he feared for himself, but the sight before him now makes him wonder if his life is really the that has been rendered void by this mayhem. The would be trickster rabbit is hunched over his friend, arms no longer wrapped around, but paws still resting upon the spasming phallus that rises up from between Galen's legs. A nervous and bewildered look on the lapine's face tells Tave all that he needs to know. Without fully understanding the mystical forces he has been wielding the rabbit has created some kind of monster, but said monster is not Galen, but rather that which is spasming underneath his hands.

"Can you hear me Galen? Please answer me if you can." The rabbit asks his friend, this time using an incantation designed to improve clarity of understanding between people of different tongues.

"Feels... goooooood..." The words slur out of the horse's mouth, his jaw feels tired in fact the entirety of his body feels fatigued. He is adrift in a sea of nerve endings, each one a brilliant spark that feels no pain. Euphoria swells within him with a broad smile appearing on his face as his cock seems to swell to even greater proportions and contorts like a prehistoric serpent.

A sight unlike any other, not even in the wildest of his more salubrious dreams, is shown to the lone witness; Tave. His extremities feel numb, not unlike the sensation of a lucid dream, as he watches wide eyed the giant horse's even more gigantic penis rise up and contort downwards. Felick is looking up, his face quizzical but not understanding what is happening. Suddenly it plummets down, its oozing head on a collision course with the magical rabbit's fluffy head. At the same time Galen starts to cry out with an even louder moan, more like a roar really, than before as he feels his phallus stretch out, gorging itself on the rabbit's head.

Of course Felick starts to struggle as he realises what is happening, the feeling of his ears behind pushed down against the back of his neck terrifying him. His muffled screaming can be heard by the human even from the distance he has managed to cover separating him from the coupling giants. A fusion of relief and arousal strike Tave as he stands there, watching in total awe, as the horse's organ gorges itself on the very person who turned it into a monster. Whatever understanding lies behind Galen's eyes are buried behind layers of primal urges, his entire body convulsing as he grips the ground below, bringing up entire patches of grass and soil underneath his humongous hoof-nailed digits.

The rabbit's feet disconnect with the ground, his entire body being sucked up and squeezed past the equine penis' flaring head. It rises back up, as if reverting from being a prehensile beast and as it does so the centre of balance shifts for Galen. The horse whinnies as his torso begins to fall backwards, thankfully in a direction other than that which Tave is currently voyeuring from. As his back hits the ground below the impact sends a shockwave, both in the air and through the soil and rock underfoot. Now trapped on his back like a turtle under the baking sun, he brings his hands up to stroke and squeeze at his phallus, hoping that a release will bring reprieve from this madness. Even as he does so more of his rabbit friend's body is disappearing, already having been swallowed up to his waist now. There is movement underneath the surface of Galen's unwieldy member as the rabbit moves his arms around in futile physical protest.

To everyone's relief the horse's release comes just as the rabbit's feet are kicking about at the precipice, about to become an intimate part of his best friend for all time. It is almost as if the first orgasm had been a prelude, followed by an intermission, and now the main show. With his fur growing thin around his knuckles the horse grips his cock with both hands, a contorted expression frozen upon his features. A neigh bellows out across the landscape and what follows is the dam busting in its entirety. Even as he comes at his hardest, and messiest, the macro horse is propelling the equally macro rabbit free of his phallus with a ballistic velocity.

Felick's barely conscious body tumbles out on a geyser of spunk, his gigantic arms and legs tumbling around and tearing up the ground and shrubs that had surrounded their cottage before he makes contact with the edge of the encroaching forest. Tave can hear great oak trees being split in two and fear he is about to lose his balance as the ground once more trembles underfoot. However barely as the rabbit come to a stop, having carved a path of deforestation, that the horse's continuing ejaculation are creating a vertical tsunami wave of rising semen. The human scrambles to the closest tree and, fuelled by adrenaline, starts to climb it as best he can, hands becoming scratched and bruised in the process. He barely manages to latch on to the nearest branch and hoists himself up as the tide starts to wash in.



"Woah..." Tave says to no one in particular as he surveys the carnage.

As if the destruction of their little cottage had not been nearly enough, the destructive potential of a localised flooding of something definitely not water has caused irreparable damage to the land. Climbing down from the sturdy tree form which he weathered the storm the human has to wonder for a moment before putting his legs into the cooling spunk. The level comes up to above his knees, and just shy of hitting his waistline. He shudders as he feels it, and the soggy ground below, squelch and slush around with his movements.

Both Galen and Felick have remained motionless since the horse's almighty ejaculation ended. Their bodies are lying on the ground, rising above the horizon like uncovered ancient statues erected in tribute to some long forgotten ancient gods; probably fertility gods Tave wryly thinks. Despite the ample amounts of rich smelling horse semen, much of it is starting to drain off in smaller streams, pouring off into dykes and down the beaten path. Just as well that they are this far out from town, though it is only a matter of time until someone happens on the gooey mess. For the moment anyway, both of the giants seem to be asleep, their bodies recovering from the exertions of before.

Against his better judgement the fair haired human makes the short sojourn closer to his partner. Approaching outstretched left arm as it lays, partially submerged in ejaculate, along the ground. Tave climbs on up and starts to walk perilously along the limb. As he comes to the bulbous bicep he struggles a bit, slipping a fair bit, before finally making it over the hump and reaching the equine's left shoulder. From here he quickly hops and clambers on up until he is within earshot, or rather practically within Galen's left ear. He grabs two handfuls of fur, spreads his legs, all in preparation of a sudden and dangerous movement, and takes in a deep breath of air before shouting. "HEY! WAKE UP!"

Galen stirs from his rest, jerking just as Tave had expected as the human now holds on for dear life. After a moment of confusion the horse sits on up and cups his left hand against his ear, brushing up against the back of the tiny human. He leaves it there for now, cupped so that it focuses and amplifies the small voice better for him to hear. "Are you alright?" Galen asks, his voice powerful enough so that it can be heard even with his hand surrounding the human's position standing inside of the horse's ear.

"I'm surprisingly alright. What about you?" Tave asks, touchingly concerned for the mortal with god-like size and strength.

"I feel great. Just a bit tired from all of..." Galen pauses as he blinks, turning his head and seeing for the first time just how much he came. "Did I do that? Fuck."

"Yeah, it was really something. Wish I could've joined in though, it looked fun." Tave replies, internally noting how well the pair of them are processing this extraordinary event and predicament.

"What about Felick? I didn't... eat him did I?" Galen asks, his voice rising in pitch with mild panic and he starts to climb up onto his knees.

"No, no. You sort of spat him out." Tave calms the panicked horse.

As he gets up on his hooves the horse brings his hand away from his ear, sure that the human is firmly perched there. His entire back, right on down to his buttocks and calves, is dripping wet with semen as it pours down like a miniature rain shower below. Turning around the horse grins at the sound of his hooves, he does not just appear humongous, but he feels absolutely massive. Somehow though his weight has scaled his strength has multiplied exponentially more so to compensate. The newborn titan finally spots the rabbit, with his short cotton tail flagging up in the sky, his face inclined on a collection of trees piled like up like sticks in comparison.

"We should wake him up." Galen says and starts striding over.

"Do we have to? I have some ideas I'd like to try first." Tave suggests and the horse stops in his tracks, his curiosity piqued.