Jason and Nikki

Story by Thirdeye on SoFurry

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So I'm back yet again. This time I'm actually looking for a little feedback as I've reverted my style a bit in the direction of Lincoln and Chase and the first episode of Edmund and the Lions. That is to say I'm trying a more detailed, slower pace with less visceral-ness. There is something to be said for overly long and detail descriptions of sex acts but I feel like the forest is getting lost for the trees, so I'm trying this angle again. I'm open to opinions on the matter as I ponder this question.

That said this is a simple story about a man, an otter, and some humping. Horray for the humping. Enjoy it and peace out.

Jason sat in a small, unlit room typing away at the keyboard, the clicking of the keys echoing off the fake wood paneling of the basement office. He let out a frustrated sigh as he put in the last entries and set the document to print from the dusty, loud printer to his right. He turned to look at the machine as it sat motionless beside him. "Well?" Jason asked the printer which in reply printed an error message. Jason thumped the gray plastic beast on the side with a grunt of frustration at just one more thing going awry. He rubbed his temples in slow, concentric circles.

Jason had turned twenty-nine only five days ago and his brain haunted him with the taunts that in less than a year he would be thirty. Twenty nine years old and the Assistant Director of a summer camp, the voice said, is this where you hoped to be? The economy was bad, he knew that, and he was lucky to even have this job. He knew that as well. Yet he could not shake the frustration that here he was filling in registration information for a sea of 4th graders in a poorly ventilated office in the basement of a summer camp.

Things were not all bad though. The camp, called Camp Pine Crest which reminded Jason of the name of a budget toothpaste, was in an idyllic setting. Acres upon acres of unsoiled wilderness, old forests, clear lakes and streams, and cozy wooden cabins made for an outdoorsman's paradise; if you could ignore the screaming children. When the camp was not filled to capacity with children Jason loved to run, hike, fish, climb, and explore the lands. He stayed fit and active and it showed he had a body that any twenty year old would envy complete with six-pack, impressive pecs, and runners' legs.

However when the children were present he spent his time overseeing the councilors, ensuring meals were made, wrangling lost kids, processing paperwork, and helping to clean up from the inevitable "accident". It was not glamorous work but it paid okay and he had free room and board in land that would be better served as a State Park so he tolerated it. Besides, the stag that owned the camp was aging and would soon retire. Who better to take over than his protégé? Or at least, so Jason hoped.

A sudden knock at his cheap, hollow particleboard door shook him from his reverie as a cheery, high pitched voice chirped through it to him. "Jason, the campers are here!"

Nikki. Jason knew the voice instantly and she was another unexpected reason to stay. Nikki was the camp swim instructor. She had the bubbly, friendly personality that was ideal for a camp employee and as a river otter anthro she was the ideal swim instructor. Nikki was a new hire, not one that Jason was sure he approved initially of as she was only nineteen years old and only a few years ago had been a camper at Camp Pine Crest herself. Jason was fairly sure that the first year he was ever a councilor was the last year Nikki had been a camper, six years ago. Still, despite the concerns about her age she had been adamant that she could handle it and took to the job like a fish to water or an otter to water.

Jason saved his work, closed the spreadsheet, and shut down the computer. He stood up and went over to the mirror to give himself a once over before heading out. He had shaved his head to make it easier to maintain and trimmed his beard to a tidy goatee. He adjusted the collar of his green polo which was tight across his broad chest and checked his beige cargo shorts from which stuck out his strong, runners' legs. Satisfied he looked presentable he turned and steeled himself to give his welcome speech and safety lesson to the new campers. It was about to be a long summer...

"Okay, kids!" Jason said with feigned excitement, "Whose ready for... a SWIM!" he punctuated the word swim with a clap. Twelve high pitched voiced screamed in delight as they streamed towards the lake. It was week three of the summer and Jason found himself already filling in for a councilor who had needed to drive into town on a personal matter. "Slow down! And listen to Ms. Nikki!" Jason shouted feebly after the excited kids as they poured onto the shore of the lake and began stripping off shirts and shoes to swim in the inviting blue water.

An amused chuff drifted from a supply shed as the river otter girl emerged carrying a few pool noodles for the children to play with. For a brief moment Jason's heart stopped as the sunlight fell across her and he ached with desire before he caught himself and reminded himself to be professional. Nikki was short, five foot two at best, and covered from head to toe to tip of her thick otter tail in slick, chocolate brown fur. Her head was round with two dark brown eyes, long whiskers, round ears, and an infectious smile. On top of her head was a shock of pink dyed hair that fell over one eye when she wasn't careful.

Like the more feral variety of otter, Nikki had a long torso which a surprising level of athletic definition in her abs, arms, and legs was teasingly visible though her fur. She had thick, muscular swimmer legs and a tight, perky butt that would have shamed most professional swimmers. She had small breasts, currently covered by a tight red bikini top the outline of which was only barely visible under a thin white t-shirt, the midriff torn off so her toned middle could breathe. Her bikini bottom, equally red, tight, and alluring, was covered up by a pair of jeans, roughly cut short so that the inside of the pockets stuck out below the tattered hemline. The afternoon sun fell on her and lit her like a goddess emerging from the heavens as she flicked the sunglass resting on her head over her eyes and tossed the pool toys to the excited children.

"Thank you, Ms. Nikki!" one child cried as he grabbed a pool noodle and ran into the cool lake water.

Jason took a deep breath to steady himself as he walked over, suddenly very conscious that he was becoming very aroused very fast from looking at the young otter. With masterful discretion (so he hoped) he reached into his pocket and maneuvered his growing erection into his waistband to hide the most visible bit of his excitement. Nikki went over and sat down at the picnic table near the lake with her back to the top, leaning back with her elbows resting on the chipped green painted wood. From there she could watch the children play in relative comfort and she smiled a toothy smile at Jason as he came over, her whiskered head bobbed in the air with the motion.

Jason slipped on the bench beside her and smiled back, "Afternoon, Nikki."

"Sup?" she replied, swiping one clawed hand along her brow to brush her freshly dyed pink hair back. "Mindy still in town, I'm guessing?"

The human nodded, "Yup. She should be back in time for dinner but until then I have to watch this brood."

"No dunking!" Nikki shouted to a pair of roughhousing kids then she looked back to the human. "They aren't so bad. You know, the water's real nice if you want to swim as well." She turned her head to look over her glasses at him, her wet brown eyes flickering with a mischievous light.

"I didn't bring my trunks," Jason said drolly.

"So?" the otter replied as she stood up and stretched in front of the human. Her long, thick tail swayed gently behind her as she rolled her shoulders and cracked her back. "You can swim in your boxers, it's all the same. I'm going in with or without you." Without further ceremony she reached under her cropped t-shirt, hooked her webbed fingers under it and lifted it off in one fluid motion. Jason chewed his lip as he watched from the side as her small breasts bounced in her bikini top. Nikki then reached down and undid the two buttons on her shorts, one in the front and one over her tail in the back, and stepped out of them gracefully her pert rear and womanhood shielded only by a thin layer of fabric. Nikki tossed the shirt and shorts onto the table beside the human and trotted down to the water where she dove in and effortlessly swam around the children.

Jason couldn't bring himself to say or do anything; his infatuation with the young otter was almost too much for him to bear. A part of him wanted to join her and the kids in the water, maybe their hands or bodies would touch or they could play a game where they would rub against one another. He fantasized of feeling her smooth fur and tight flesh rubbing against him almost made him whine in need but he knew he was too aroused to dare take off his shorts. There would be no hiding his obviously sexual thoughts then and as the Assistant Director he had to stay professional. Instead he watched over the children and kept a close eye on Nikki as she swam, dove, and played with the kids. The lake water beaded and rolled off her lean body as she went and she seemed to flow almost as an extension of the lake.

Mindy, the regular councilor, finally got back and relieved Jason of his duty shortly after dinner. It was time for the camp to start winding down and the campers to start getting ready to bed down for the evening. As dusk settled on the lush woods it was one of Jason's favorite times. He decided to go for a jog around the lake before all the light was gone so he could enjoy the sounds of nature and clear his thoughts before heading to the showers and bed as well.

Jason laced up his jogging shoes and set off around the camp and the lake. The evening air was warm with a gently breeze that shook the leaves of the trees a tiny bit just enough that the rustling of the leaves gave the jog a calm ambiance. Trail running was one of Jason's favorite things, the feel of his feet on the packed earth, jumping over roots and stones, the sights, smells, and sounds of nature all relaxed him and let him forget the mountain of paperwork that surely waited for him tomorrow.

The trail around the lake was only four miles long, a short jog for the practiced human but it was just what he needed to clear his mind. All the usual drama that comes with running a camp is enough to give anyone gray hair but his inability to control himself around Nikki worried him. He had never felt a strong desire for someone before, human or anthro, and while he normally wouldn't be worried with a little infatuation it was more complicated when he was technically her boss and she was almost ten years his junior.

She had only been thirteen the last time he saw her and she was still just a gangly, awkward teenager then. Nikki had always been easygoing and friendly, that was not new, but she had grow into a very attractive young woman who either knew she drove the human mad with lust and simply feigned ignorance or was truly unaware of how she had blossomed into a desirable female. He wondered sometimes if she shared his excitement but dismissed that as wishful thinking. The last thing a pretty nineteen year old wants is a creepy older guy hitting on them. Jason cursed himself as he rounded a bend again his thoughts had strayed to the otter. He had hoped to leave those thoughts behind on his run.

By the time his run was over Jason was sweaty from head to toe. He had pushed himself extra hard to try to drive out the unwelcome yet pleasing thoughts forming in his head. Resolved to take a shower and head to bed early Jason stopped by his cabin, grabbed a change of clothes, and headed to the showers. Like many camps the showers were a shared facility but luckily the staff had their own showers away from the hoard of filthy children and theirs. That was a mercy Jason was constantly thankful for.

Jason harrumphed as he got to the showers as Benjamin the camp head cook was leaving; he always used up almost every ounce of hot water. With a little luck there would be just enough hot water for one more leisurely shower which Jason figured he deserved. As he reached for the handle on the wooden door a familiar voice chirped behind him.

"Oh no, did Benji just use up all the hot water again," lilted the otter's voice. Jason froze. "I bet that means there is almost none left..." Nikki mused aloud as she walked up behind the human. Without even turning Jason could smell her, she smelled like lake water, animal, and woman. It was a confusing but intoxicating combination. He glanced back, she still wearing the shorts and cropped shirt from before, but no longer with the bikini under it, Jason could see the smooth curve of her breasts through the thin material and the two points of her nipples under the tight cloth. Her tail swished behind her and her cutoff shorts pulled tight against her body leaving little to the imagination.

"Err," he stammered. "Yeah, he did." She had another change of clothes bundled under one arm and Jason was pretty sure that a pair of purple thong underwear was poking out teasingly at him.

"Rats," she said with a playful stamp of a webbed foot. "That means there's basically no hot water left, right?" She looked up at the taller human, her pink hair falling across her face.

"Yeah, but you can have it," Jason said as he moved to step aside and let her in. "I'll go next."

Nikki gave him an inscrutable look, her whiskers bobbed as she grinned and her round ears flicked up. "That's really nice of you but you were here first."

"I don't mind, really," Jason said as his eyes unconsciously traced the silhouette of Nikki's body. Her lean, athletic body was stunning in the quickly fading light.

Nikki's eyes flicked down for a moment, at what Jason wasn't sure, before she looked back to him. "Well..." she started a coy note drifting into her voice. "There is one way we can both have warm water..."

Jason looked confused as the otter girl reached past him to open the door to the shower and stepped part way in, the human stood outside the door in confused disbelief as the otter girl looked at him expectantly. After Jason failed to take the hint Nikki reached over grabbed his belt and pulled him in after her.

The human stumbled on his feet as Nikki lead him through the door, closed, and latched it behind them, her cute round face split into a mischievous grin, her thick tail swinging in excitement as she set aside her bundle of clothes and towel. In the enclosed space Jason had an epiphany, the lingering scent around the young otter, underneath the smell of lake water and animal, was arousal.

"This way we both can have warm water," she purred up at the taller human as she whipped off her shirt in a rush, letting her perky tits bounce free followed by a quickly wiggling out of her shorts. Jason had been right; she was wearing nothing other under the t-shirt and shorts and in her sudden nudity seemed to radiate sensuality and an alluring confidence. In Jason's eyes her slender naked body was perfect. From her cute, cheery smile and brown eyes to her toned arms and abs, small breasts, narrow waist, muscular legs, round butt, thick tail, and slick chocolate fur every inch of her was feminine perfection.

Jason stared at her taking in her nubile beauty, his jaw slightly agape as he admired her. He snapped back to the present as Nikki cleared her throat and gave the human a "well?" look and tilt of her head. He quickly removed his shirt as well. The young otter chirped in delight as she reached over to run one webbed hand over Jason's well defined abs. The black claw tips on her fingers tickled as they traced out each of the muscles in his abs and pecs. "Ooh, those are nice," she murmured happily.

Jason went to unbutton his pants but Nikki grabbed his hands in her own and shook her head no. The human paused, confused before she slipped a hand down his body and traced her fingers along the line of his shorts. Jason's shorts were already growing tight as the otter girl undid the clasp and pushed them down his strong legs. Nikki paused for a moment in the dim light to admire the human, one furred hand moving to cup his package through his boxers. She let out a tantalizing "mmm" as she stroked Jason through the fabric, her dexterous fingers liking what they found and quickly lacing into the band of his boxers sliding them free and letting his manhood bounce in the warm, moist air. With nothing between the pair Jason could feel the warmth of her body, the slick smoothness of her fur, the firmness of her, and her very femininity.

Nikki led the human into the shower stall and turned on the water; the liquid flowed over her body and highlighted each and every supple curve as her slick fur whisked it away in tantalizing rivulets. Jason followed her in, his hands desperately seeking the young woman's body. He affectionately, yet somewhat roughly, cupped her small breast in one hand, placed his other hand on her slender hips, and leaned in to kiss her. Her whiskered muzzle pressed against his lips as she threw her arms around his neck and opened her mouth so her tongue could slide against his.

Jason wasted no time. His tongue slipped into her mouth and his hands began a needy almost desperate exploration. He felt her breasts carefully, small and perky each one fit in the palm of his hand almost as if by design. The otter's nipples, swollen with arousal, triggered little squeaks and moan from Nikki as he caressed her breasts and rolled her sensitive nipples between his fingers. Jason's hands explored her toned belly where the contrast of slippery fur and toned flesh produced an exotic mix of sensations. His hands found their way to her round, toned buttocks and squeezed her cheeks lustily the warm flesh yielding pleasantly under his fingers. Nikki moaned in delight at the attention of the horny human and Jason grunted and whispered to her how beautiful she was.

Nikki ran one strong leg up the human's side as they kissed and groped each other. Jason slid his hand along the offered leg and teased it along her sensitive inner thigh. She could feel his erect cock pressing against her midriff and she giggled in delight at knowing that she was the one driving the older human mad with lust. As steam began to fill the shower she rubbed her body against him, balancing herself with her thick tail so better tantalize and tease her new companion with the promises of her young, sexy body.

Jason kissed her neck and shoulders as he reached around her, his cock still rubbing against her waist, the sensitive tip buried in her fur. Without warning or explanation he pressed Nikki against the wall of the shower and lifted her up by her tight rump, her thick tail splayed along the wall. Nikki squealed in delight as the human lifted her, her arms still around his neck, she quickly laced her legs around his waist wrapping the human in her warm, silky body. Her strong legs and arms made it easy for her to brace herself between the cool wall and the warm human. With a little squirming and shifting the pair lined themselves up, Jason's stony erection against her silken, wet slit.

Kissing the otter girl passionately Jason lowered her down and thrust up at the same time. His cock pressed against and then slipped past her moist lips and into her velvety tight, hot tunnel. Nikki gasped, the petite otter girl's body suddenly filled to capacity with the throbbing, heated length of her lover. Her body grasped at him, her insides squeezed down around him in a lusty need to have him, keep him, and hold him. Her arms and legs clenched around Jason as she let out a pleasured cry in the hot, steamy shower air.

She was no virgin but she was amazingly tight around the human who gasped as his considerable length disappeared inside her. Her insides were wet with desire and exceptionally hot as Jason held onto Nikki by her rump as he began to raise and lower her whole body while thrusting in time. Nikki squeezed against his back and around his cock and the athletic pair quickly found a rhythm that sent burning shocks of pleasure through both of them. So filled with lust neither could find words to express their emotions or pleasure so the otter chirped and gasped while the human grunted and moaned in ecstasy.

The shower filled with steam, the hazy mist somehow making their lovemaking all the more exotic. Jason felt a thrill at living out the fantasy of claiming the tight otter's body and the taboo of mating a significantly younger woman. Nikki in turn enjoyed the feel of such a strong male and she delighted in the fulfillment of a crush on the handsome human she had when she was a young teenager. Jason managed to wheeze out, "Oh god, Nikki," as he thrust into her, his hands squeezing her buttocks and his balls slapping against her. Nikki's body was so aroused her own juiced flowed out and around the human's cock and down his balls with each passionate thrust.

Fire was building inside Nikki and each thrust made her gasp aloud and grip the human. Her black clawed fingers left red lines on his shoulders and her strong legs were sure to leave bruises along his lower back. Each slamming thrust made her bounce against him and spent a spike of pleasure up her from her groin to her head and down to the tips of her webbed toes and tail. She squirmed on his cock, working her hips to tease and delight both herself and her lover and after several intense minutes she moaned "I'm close."

Jason sped up as he felt the otter girl tensing around him, his own orgasm building closer and closer. He strained to hold his climax back wanting desperately to finish in time with the needy woman and to share their orgasm together. Carefully timing himself to thrust as she clenched Jason edged her closer and closer to the end as he leaned in and kissed her neck roughly. The taste of her fur was heavy in his mouth and for a moment he was glad her thick fur would hide any hickey he left behind. Suddenly Nikki jerked in his arms, her arms and legs tensed and her pussy clenched down around Jason's length sending a burst of pleasure through the human as well.

Nikki let out a ragged gasping cry and Jason knew it was time. He relaxed his hold on his climax and let it slip, his own groan of delight mixing with hers. Jason's cock jumped inside her climaxing body and she felt him come as she clenched down around him as she peaked. Her own body was on fire with sparks of pleasure as her climax radiated through her punctuated by the feeling of the human's seed being unleashed inside her. Gout after gout of cum filled her as the pent up human let it all out and a pooling warmth grew in her belly as he filled her.

Moments felt like hours as the pair climaxed, the boundary between his and her pleasure momentarily erased. Slowly they began to come down and Jason leaned lightly against Nikki as he held her up and they caught their breath, his cock still inside her and her body still intertwined with his. Carefully he lifted her off of his unbearably sensitive dick, a mix of his cum and her cum spilling out as he did so. Nikki landed on her own unsteady legs and leaned into the human's chest still struggling for breath. "Oh shit," she muttered as her body trembled in the afterglow of her orgasm.

The hot shower water had begun to cool and the steam began to dissipate allowing the lovers to see the mess they had made. A small puddle of their fluids, a mark from Nikki's oily fur on the wall, several small scratches on Jason's back, and what looked to be the start of a bruise at the base of his spine. "We are dirtier than when we started," Jason teased as he finally caught his breath.

"That's okay," Nikki replied as she rested an ear against his chest and listened to his heartbeat, "I prefer being dirty anyway." She flashed the human a frisky smile.

In the days that followed Jason and Nikki chose to keep their relationship a secret. They arranged their rendezvous in remote places or after the others had fallen asleep. The otter girl proved to be the spirited, eager, and sometimes demanding lover everything Jason had hoped she would be. After a few weeks she even confessed to her teenage crush on the human and her excitement at getting to fulfill that juvenile fantasy. Jason in turn shared how he had wanted her from the day he had interviewed her and they laughed at their own silliness.

One day Jason woke up snuggled against her, his arm across her waist as she slept wearing just an old t-shirt of his she had claimed. He smiled as he gently kissed her head while she slept. Admiring her sleeping form a question wandered into his mind, was this just summer camp love? Or was this more? At the end of August when all the campers left and Nikki was to go home what would become of them? Would it become a long-distance relationship? Would they become "just friends"? Would this just be a summer fling Nikki never thought of again? Would she stay at Camp Pine Crest with him? His face turned cloudy for a moment at the sad possibilities this was only a temporary thing when Nikki stretched back against him and yawned.

She rolled over to look at Jason in the hazy morning light, the human naked still from last night, and she sneakily cupped one hand under his balls as she kissed his hairless lips. The question about the future forgotten Jason returned the kiss and rolled on top of the squeaking, giggling otter. The future would be what it would be but his love is with him in this moment.

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