One Way Out - Chapter 11 (Reconstruction)

Story by PokeCJG on SoFurry

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#11 of One Way Out

When a servine named Vito is arrested for stealing, he is introduced to the infamous Nacrene Prison, and what it has to offer. Soon, he will get to know the people in there, in more than one way... He'll make new friends and new enemies, build up his respect, and just TRY to survive, because in Prison, SURVIVAL RULES. Does contain Yaoi, lemons and Rape. Not suitable for Under 16's!

One Way Out - Chapter 11

UUUUUGGGHHH... I REALLY need to stop getting writer's block! First of all, I'm super duper seriously sorry about not updating for the THIRD consecutive week! I have just this minute gotten back from vacation, and as for the recent two weeks, I don't really have an excuse for my delays. Besides fighting depression from failing to get a job... I'm really sorry about this! Writer's block is seriously getting on my nerves!

But with no further delay, here's the long awaited Chapter 11!

Well, wasn't this the best way to finish my first month in the ever-so hoity toity Nacrene Prison! With a few exceptions regarding some of the friends I had made, I had pretty much landed myself in Shit's Creek without a paddle to wade through the nightmare that was my life for the next 11 years (at least).

Just to make things clear, I was stuck in a prison infirmary for the rest of that goddamned month. If I wasn't spaced out from the drugs they gave me, then I'd be grimacing from the huge pain that was hitting at me from all sides. Turns that the injuries that Slick Mick and his gang had dealt to me were much serious than I had originally thought.

I'm talking about bone fractures here. Not just cuts and bruises!

Half of my body was pretty much covered in bandages and tape, and I could barely move my damn arms! This was either due to the fact I was crippled with pain of unfathomable measures, or that morphine crap that they kept pumping and feeding it me as though it was candy and Coke. More of the latter than the former, though. It was a miracle that I didn't become addicted to that stuff.

During that month I had only really gotten one visitor, this being my good old friend, Kaz. He'd pretty much saved my ass during the incident that landed me in the infirmary, so naturally I felt a great deal of debt to him.

He sounded really concerned about my condition, and quite rightfully so, thanks to the fact that he saw the great deal of pain I was in, plus the countless gallons of drugs being pumped into my body. He even told me that it was HIS fault that I got beaten up.

Fortunately I was stable enough to reassure him that he was being melodramatic, and that there was nothing he could have done to predict or stop anything that happened in the changing room.

Somehow, he still kept his smile plastered on his face, though his voice still showed a tone that was equivalent of being forlorn, concerned and most of all, worried. No matter how much I tried to reassure him, he was still showing his true feelings.

Unfortunately, Nico and his gang had tried numerous of times to try and visit me, but for whatever the reason might have been, the screws wouldn't let them. Maybe it was to do with the sheer numbers. Shame... I could've really done with their company at that time.

This all changed however, on one particular day. The 21st of September, if I recall it correctly.

Kaz was paying me his routine "once every other day" visit, and was showing a bit more optimism than he had previously, as I could actually move my arms and legs around, now!

"Well, isn't someone making a speedy recovery!" The Samurott joked as he entered my little neck of the room. I returned his greeting with a Cheshire cat grin, clearly happy that he was back.

"Thank you, Mr. Kaz!" I replied, keeping my grin. "Hopefully I won't have to stay here much longer. I can actually move around now!" I boasted as I playfully did so, wriggling my arms around.

He just chuckled in response, glad that I wasn't being my usual doom-and-gloom self. It certainly made a change from being either depressed, or angry. He then took a seat beside me, and it was then I noticed that there were four empty seats beside him, as opposed to the usual one. Needless to say, it had got me curious.

"So, how are you today, Vito?" Kaz asked in a tone which I could see as being a bit more serious, though it was still twinned with his cheerful elements. I did notice this, but for once I didn't call him on it, knowing that it wouldn't really be a good contribution to the conversation.

I replied: "Well, besides being stuck in this sticky, tatty bed, I'm feeling pretty good to be honest! It gives me great relief that I can finally move my hands and legs without feeling all stiff and strained. Certainly makes a difference!"

Kaz chuckled again, and soon I asked him: "How's things back home?"

The samurai Pokémon paused for a moment, before answering my question."Well, it's been pretty standard. We wake up, have breakfast - if you can call it that - and work our asses off most of the day, before going in those showers. But during lunch, something quite unexpected happened."

Oh..? Now I wondered what was he talking about...

I soon gestured for him to continue, and he did with no due haste. "Well, during lunch break, I took a seat, and as it turned out... it happened to be within touching distance with the ringleader of your little friendship group!"

Was... Was he talking about Nico?

"...He somehow knew who I was, and talked to me as if we were good friends. Turns out his name's Nico, and his group had taken quite a liking to you, as they were really concerned about how you were."

Yep, it certainly was! I was pleased that Nico and his friends hadn't_totally_ forgotten about me in this hellhole, and that feeling of pleasure was sweetened by the fact that Kaz now knew them and was beginning to get cordial with them.

"Heh, that certainly sounds like Nico!" I remarked, clearly impressed by this news. But soon I became curious. How much did Kaz know about what Nico and his group had been up to?

"Turns out the guy was on the verge of giving his legs to visit you, and soon one thing led to another, and well... I managed to get the screws to let him and his friends visit you!" Now, I felt even happier than before. It was like Arceus herself was smiling down on me at that precise moment!

Just as I was about to open my mouth and thank Kaz for the huge gesture, there was a huge knock at the door, which resounded throughout the room. At said door was the familiar pudgy face of Matt. The Nidorino then waved to me as I cast a cheeky smile back, before the door opened.

In came a Bisharp guard, present obviously because he didn't want any funny business to break out. He then went and stood opposite my bed, pulling out a magazine. But not before announcing in a rather bored manner: "In you go, guys. No fucking about or shouting..."

They pretty much did what he ordered, entering the room one at a time. First there was Matt, then Nico, then Marcel, then Delrin. Delrin in particular caught my attention, as it was the first time I'd seen him out of the same infirmary I was confined to.

"Well, look who's here!" I heard a familiar voice ring out as the Nidoking waltzed into the room, with a beam on his face. His friends soon followed, and got comfy in their seats. Kaz had set this whole thing up?

"Hey there, guys!" I chimed out, ecstatic to see them again, after nearly a fortnight stuck in that hellish, dank place. They only returned the positive mood with smiles, grins and in Marcel's case: a half-hearted smirk.

"Heh, looks like you've seen better days, snakey." Marcel joked, and I only replied with the same sort of humour.

"Better than I was, Marcel. Better than I was. Before, I couldn't even move around..." I mused back, signalling to the canister of morphine beside me. The second that the Gabite saw it, he clearly thought that I was joking.

"You can't be serious... Would they really pump all that shit into you? That's crazy! If you're not addicted to that crap, then you're fucking Arceus." Kaz soon put that claim to bed, though.

"Trust me Marce, the poor guy could barely move two days ago... He was as stiff as cement. All that stuff being pumped into him nearly drove him mad. He kept asking for me to take them out... Vito knew that this shit was addictive, and that it'd be next to impossible to cure, thanks to his unique body."

Marcel just nodded in response. "Aye. Makes me never wanna end up here." Soon, my attention diverted to Matt, who tapped me on my right arm.

"So, how's life been for ya, Vito?" he asked, clearly curious on what the hell I had been doing to pass the time in this place. Needless to say, I failed to disappoint.

"It's been okay. Well, if you call being stuck to a bad, covered in bandages and being pumped with that morphine shit that insisted was doing me any good. Even though it rendered me semi-conscious and a cripple. But now that I can finally move around again, I guess I've been pretty good, recently."

The stocky Nidorino just joked and giggled at my sarcastic, gallows-esque humour, and responded in kind: "Ah, same old snarky self. That's the Vito I know and adore."


The next ten minutes was basically making pleasantries with the remaining group members, asking how they were. Not much to write down. Soon the subject of our little group talk soon changed to what they had been up to, and in particular, the welcome back party for Delrin.

"So, Del, how's things been since you got back from this place?" I asked, and for the first time I'd seen him actually smile without a shade of nervousness or fear in it. He then opened his mouth replied:

"Vito, it's been amazing! Everyone's been so friendly since I got back! I nearly cried when I found out you guys had gotten me a gift." That was admittedly cute.

Curious to know what he was talking about, I signalled to him to show aforementioned gift, and he quickly drew it out. The gift being a gleamy harmonica. Even though I could never really play one myself, it was relieving to know that we would have some form of music in the dull place we call prison.

"I know it's not much, but I'm really grateful for the gesture you guys sent me!" He said, visibly still impressed by how we managed to get such a thing for him.

"So, uh... Can you play any tunes on that there thing, Del?" I asked, clearly wanting to hear that instrument be used at last. And whether it surprised me or not, the shiny Charmeleon obliged with vim and vigour, blowing softly on it. Soon he shifted, and we were left with a rather jaunty tune that caused our fingers to touch our legs to the beat.

After finishing, Del lowered the mouth organ with a rather impressed smile. We softly applauded him, having been greatly entertained by the little tune of his.

But soon, it came to my attention that one particular voice was absent. This was that of Nathan's. To tell you the truth, I really missed that guy's unique, Cajun-style accent. It was quite pleasing to the ears.

"Uh, do any of you guys know where Nathan is?" I innocently asked, clearly unsure as to why the Nidorino was absent. Fortunately, Nico was on hand to give a rather simple explanation to said Pokémon's failure of presence.

"You can blame the screws for that, Vito. For some reason, they wouldn't let us ALL go in, so we had to leave one guy behind. In the end, we decided to draw straws, and Nathan unfortunately drew the short straw. But don't worry, he'll visit you tomorrow, I think. I think Marcel and Matt volunteered to accompany him as well."

I was glad to hear that I was going to get more company tomorrow, as life in this place can get awful lonely, and sometimes in the dead of the night, the infirmary actually fucked about with my mind a bit. Once, I recall actually seeing what I assumed to be my dad in front of me, as he looked similar to me, albeit at least 15 years older than me.

"Thanks guys," I said, clearly grateful for the nice gesture. "If it wasn't for your help, I'd be stuck here." I then turned to face Kaz. "Same for you, Kaz."

Kaz just smiled in return and remarked: "No problem!"

Nico offered a similar amount of gratitude giving a Cheshire Cat-esque grin and told me: "Don't mention it, buddy. You were just at the right place at the right time!" Knowing my luck, I probably was!

We continued catching up for about half an hour, before the officer supervising our entire conversation decided that it was time for Nico and his group to go. I didn't mind this, but the way the officer said it was fucking rude.

"Okay, you guys need to get the fuck out. Time's up." I heard his gruff voice echo, as he sluggishly put away his magazine and got up with a sheepish look on his face. Reluctantly, both the group and Kaz did so, grumbling and sighing in clear disapproval of the Bisharp's behaviour and attitude.

"Bye, Vito..." I heard Nico mumble as he exited, along with his friends with rather unhappy looks on their faces. Kaz was much more dejected however, as he had no cellmate to mingle with.

"Ugh... Can't believe this bullshit..." I heard the blue Samurott sigh out as he got up, but not before he bade me farewell.

"See ya soon, buddy... Hopefully we could talk for a bit longer next time." and I replied in kind, showing a bit of sympathy towards him. After all, I WAS his cellmate! I could still tell that he was upset, though.

And soon after that, I just laid down and stared up at the ceiling, trying to figure out some way to pass the time.

However, before I could conjure any suggestions up in my head, I heard the doors open once again, and in came a Chansey nurse, with that dreaded IV tube in tow. I just sighed at that point, not really seeing any point in resisting the inevitable semi-consciousness.

Sure enough, after a few jabs and a bit of fiddling around, that dreaded morphine was being pumped into my body once more, and my arms and legs began to grow more limp and less sensitive, and soon I began to fall asleep.

The last thing I recall seeing was that pink blob fiddling about with my body, probably changing my bandages. But soon she, and all other life forms disappeared, and I was supposedly in the same infirmary.

But one thing was different... There was NO-ONE there. Not even old Filthy Scissors patrolling the room beside me. It was odd.

I tried to swing my head to figure out what the hell was going on. But obviously, I had forgotten about the drugs, which rendered this attempt useless. But things soon escalated when I suddenly looked ahead, and saw a figure I both loathed, and feared.

The Haxorus had his eyes trained on me, with that same demented grin plastered across his face. However, he didn't say a thing. Instead, he walked over to the right side, his eyes still focused on my frail, motionless body.

Then he grabbed onto the water pipes that undulated from the top of the right corner of the room, to the bottom. With a mighty cry, he managed to pry the pipe loose, and a surge of water leaked from the absent pipe spot.

The sadist held it as though it was a weapon, and looked at me with a malicious smirk. I gulped deeply at this point, as he began to approach me with the pipe. All I knew about that pipe was that it was metal, and it could easily cause a great deal of damage to the body.

With a hulking voice, he hissed out to me: "Heh, by the time I'm done with ya, you're gonna wish your mommy never had ya..!"

With that unnerving quote, he then turned his slow steps into a full blown battle charge, jumping at my bed with his new weapon in hand, and as I was about to yell out for help, the dull blow connected.


Yep, I actually did just end it on a cliffhanger! I have admittedly been making a habit of that recently! Sorry! Anyway, thanks for reading this chapter! Please support this story being sending in a review. If you have any issues with it, be sure to make constructive criticism! Flames will just be deleted, no questions asked.

Until next time, this is PokeCJG, signing off! ^_^

One Way Out - Chapter 12 (Infirmary Life and Me)

**One Way Out - Chapter 12** **Hey guys, it's Poke again with another update heading your way! Whilst I am continuing my struggle against the scourge that is Writers Block, I have mustered up enough strength to bring you this next chapter. Yes, I'm a...

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One Way Out - Chapter 10 (Between A Rock and A Hard Place)

**One Way Out - Chapter 10** **Hey guys, it's Poké again! I think I'm going to keep the update shift the way it is at the moment. That is: update usually every fortnight on a Monday or Tuesday, as I feel this is best for my current schedule, with...

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One Way Out - Chapter 9 (He's a Lumberjack and He's Okay)

**One Way Out - Chapter 9** **Hey guys, it's Poke here! I think you might like this chapter, as there's actually something happening besides Vito talking to a bunch of people! But I'm not gonna say what, as you'll have to find out for...

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