The Night Before Christmas

Story by Silv Valens on SoFurry

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Silv sighed, leaning back in his chair. Christmas Eve, and he was all alone. His friends were all visiting family or doing something else in the spirit of the holiday. He wasn't super big on all the holiday mumbo-jumbo. It was a holiday for being with loved ones, but Silv had no family and lately had had no luck with the fairer sex.

Another problem with this holiday was that his wings constantly itched. There was something about Christmas that irritated his feathers and wings. They felt better when they were extended, but Silv never showed his wings. They were the secret of his people, who carried the blood of angels in their veins. They were also the pride of his people, but he kept them hidden. They reminded him that he was the last of his kind, the only one. That thought always saddened him.

It also didn't help that he had decided to spend Christmas in his biggest, fanciest house. It was nothing short of a mansion, but he was all alone in it. This house, and the handful of others he had scattered across the land, was passed down to him from his people. The house was so big and empty. It increased his feeling of complete loneliness. Shaking his head, the silver haired wolf paced his living room, contemplating whether he should actually leave his house and go somewhere else for the holidays. Maybe just take a vacation, and get away from everything...

The doorbell shattered his train of thought. His house was high on a cliff face, and was almost inaccessible. He easily leapt up the mountainside, but most other people had to fly down to get there, if they really wanted to see him. Shrugging, the lone wolf walked into his entry hall, the dim lights casting strange shadows across the ancient murals of his people. Opening his door cautiously, a hand on his katana just in case, Silv gaped at the sight in front of him.

Shivering in the snowstorm that had suddenly picked up mere hours ago was a familiar figure. A brunette feline with large brown eyes looked pleadingly at him. She was lacking a coat, and her sweater was soaked from the frozen precipitation. Her lips were blue from the cold, and she couldn't stop her teeth from chattering long enough to talk. Grabbing her delicate hand, Silv pulled her quickly inside, slamming the door swiftly.

"My god Tina! You look like you're frozen! Go get comfortable in the living room, I'll go get some towels, a blanket and some dry clothes so you don't catch cold."

As Silv rushed to get what was needed to warm up his guest, Tina slipped into the living room. As she snuggled into the warm couch, a faint scent caught her attention. Without meaning to, the cat began to sob softly, which is how Silv found her when he returned.

Wrapping a towel around her, Silv held her close to him. She was his best friend's fiancée, so they were quite close. When he realized that she was crying, Silv wiped the tears from her cheeks.

"Tina, what's the matter? Why are you crying?"

"Janx left me. I'm pregnant with his child, and he fucking left me. No reason, he just calls me up and says we're through. I ask him why, and he just hangs up. You're his best friend. Why would he do that?"

"I'm not his best friend, at least not anymore. I can't be friends with someone who just throws away his woman, especially one carrying his child. So I guess that's why you're here?"

Tina nodded sadly. "I didn't know where else to turn. My parents would think I was a trashy whore, and all my friends would want me to do something stupid in revenge. I knew I could talk to you."

"I know you want to talk Tina, but you'd better take a hot shower first. Else you're going to get sick, and we don't want that. Just take one of the guest rooms upstairs. I'll dry your clothes and lay out some dry stuff for you once you're done."

Smiling, Tina gave Silv a soft peck on the cheek. "Thanks, I'll do that right now."

As she left the room, Silv began to worry. She had never kissed him before, not even in a friendly manner. And from what Janx had told him, Tina got clingy and romantic when she was upset. Silv only hoped that she wouldn't try to do something that she would regret.


Half an hour later, Tina skipped back into the living room, her hair and fur only slightly damp. Glancing down at the jeans and blouse she was wearing, Tina looked over at Silv. "So, where'd you get these clothes? You just keep women's clothing around the house?"

"Leftovers from my ex. She used to leave a few sets of clothes here, just in case."

Tina sat down beside the wolf, placing her paw on his thigh. "Silv, thank you for everything. I knew I could turn to you. You were my last hope."

Slightly distracted, Silv nodded. He had always had a thing for Tina, but she was always with his best friend. Now that she was here, and seemingly single, perhaps they might be able to ... Silv shook such thoughts from his head.

"How far along is your pregnancy Tina?"

"Just under halfway through. I'm not really showing it, which is how I've been able to hide it from everyone for so long. I'm just a little worried. I'm so far along, and I'm only showing it in the slightest. Do you think something is wrong?" Tina whispered the last part, terrified that she might lose her child. She didn't care that she was through with Janx, she still wanted to have the child.

"I can check on it if you want," Silv said gently.

"How?" Tina asked, quite surprised. She was pretty sure the handsome young wolf beside her didn't have all the conventional medical equipment needed to check on her unborn child.

"Trust me," Silv smiled, placing his paw on Tina's stomach. Closing his eyes, Silv's paw began to glow with a white aura as he concentrated. Minutes later, Silv grinned up at Tina. "She's doing okay. She's gonna be a tiny thing, so that's why you're not really showing anything."

Tina giggled softly. "How did you know?"

"Cuz I did. You aren't the only one with a secret."

"Oh. So you won't tell me?" Tina pouted softly.

"I will. You told me yours, so I should reciprocate. Besides, you might be able to help me a little with something as well." Taking a deep breath, Silv continued. "Tina, in my blood runs the blood of the angels. So I am gifted with great healing and regenerative magic. I was able to use that magic to check on the condition of your unborn daughter."

Tina grinned broadly. "I always wanted a daughter."

"Me too," Silv replied quietly. Standing up, he turned so he was facing away from Tina. "This is probably a really bad time to even mention this, but I've liked you for a really long time. Many nights I'd lie in bed, wondering why you chose someone like Janx. You two just never seemed compatible."

"Well, I have begun to see it that way. Even back before he got me pregnant, he seemed as though his interest in me was fading. I guess I was just clinging to him, because I was sure he'd still love me."

Silv nodded softly. "I understand. I felt the same way in my last relationship. I just don't want to upset you anymore than you already are."

"You're so sweet Silv," Tina smiled, getting up and hugging him from behind. "Maybe I should have chosen you instead of Janx. You're more my type anyway."

Blushing, Silv spun around in her embrace, his face inches from hers. "Really?"

Tina softly kissed him, before pulling back teasingly. "Yeah. I love a man who is kind, considerate, a good listener, strong and oh so handsome."

"If that's the kind of man you like, why am I your type?" Silv grinned.

"Pish-posh," Tina laughed, nipping at his nose. "I don't want to intrude anymore than I already am, but I'm starving. Got anything to eat?"

"Yeah, I'll go whip something up for us," Silv chuckled, slipping out of her embrace.


Thirty minutes later, Tina stepped into the kitchen, her stomach growling. She was about to complain, when her breath caught in her throat. Silv's silver-feathered wings were extended as he cooked, the feathers catching the light in the spacious kitchen.

"I hope you don't mind, but I'm not big on veggies, so I only have meat dishes," Silv commented over his shoulder.

"That's fine," Tina blinked, before commenting, "I didn't know you had wings."

"I do. I don't show them much, but I have them. Only problem is they itch like hell around Christmas. While I finish up the food, think you could scratch them some?"

"Uh, sure." Tina stepped forward, running her purple-painted claws gently along Silv's wings. She was shocked at how silky and smooth his feathers felt. They were so wonderful. She knew that if she was to have a man after Janx threw her away, it should be someone like Silv, if not him.

"Lost in your thoughts?" Silv chuckled.

"Kinda," Tina admitted sheepishly.

"I figured. I mean, you've just been standing there for like ten minutes, and the food is on the table even."

Tina blushed in embarrassment, sitting down beside Silv and helping herself to the delicious meal in front of her.

"So, you're trying to think of a way to make me your boyfriend, eh?"

Tina nearly choked on a piece of meat as she looked at Silv in surprise. "How ... How did you know?"

"Not hard to read the expression of a lust-struck woman." Silv shrugged softly.

"Lust-struck!" Tina exclaimed.

"Yes. You've just been tossed away by the man you love, and thus you seek comfort with the nearest male. It is best to you that he is handsome, and even better that he is close to your ex, for it is a sort of revenge to you. No matter what you think, I doubt you are truly in love with me. More likely just lust. In fact, if we did sleep together, you would regret it as soon as your mind starting working correctly again."

Tina stared open-mouthed at the handsome young wolf. She had rarely heard him say something mean to anyone, but this was crazy. She was far too shocked to notice the red tinge that had covered over his golden eyes. After taking a moment to recover from the shock, Tina shook her head. "That's not true. I'm not the kind of girl who would do that. No matter what you say, I do care for you. And I am pretty sure I always have. And if you can't accept it, then too bad."

Blinking back tears, she turned towards Silv, who was grinning widely for some reason. "What's the grin for?"

"I was testing you Tina. I know when someone is lying. And you weren't. I just had to make sure I wasn't getting involved with someone who would regret anything we did."

Suddenly, Tina leapt at him, knocking him out of his chair and sending the food all over the kitchen. Snuggling her head into her chest, the pregnant feline purred happily.

"Thank you for that Tina. But next time, try not to knock the food everywhere. I did work kind of hard on that."

"Woops. Oh well, you can clean it up later. Right now, you're going to take me to your bedroom and ravage me."

Silv chuckled, before scooping the feline up in his arms and whisking her off to his room.


"So, whatcha think?" Tina grinned, lying naked on Silv's bed. Her breasts were slightly swollen with her pregnancy and her perfect cunny was drooling with need.

"Even better than I dreamed," Silv smiled, lying down next to her. He watched her brown eyes travel across his nude form, following the lines of his muscles and scars.

"Your body is pretty amazing too," Tina giggled.

Silv gently nuzzled into her soft, warm breasts, flicking the nipples softly with his tongue, bringing moans from his feline lover. Lowering himself some more, Silv placed his ear against her stomach, able to detect the faint sounds of the child growing in Tina's womb.

"How many kids do you want?" Silv asked.

"Probably like five," Tina grinned.

"I'd like at least two, of my own. So that makes three kids for us then."

Tina blushed, nodding softly. "However, we can talk about that later. Right now, I need you so bad."

"Oh, I can smell," Silv laughed, crawling farther down her body. Running his tongue over her swollen, highly aroused sex, he delighted in the sensual shiver that ran through her body. His silky, talented tongue soon found the erect nub of her clit and concentrated on that, driving her crazy with lust. As she began to thrust her hips into his tongue, that talented tongue dived into her hole, gathering up her deliciously sweet juices.

Pulling back slightly, Silv grinned. "Now that is a Christmas sweet!"

Tina giggled, before grabbing him by the hair and forcing him back into her pussy. She sighed in pleasure as she felt the silky organ begin to trace and tease her pussy. She had never felt this good her entire time with Janx. Silv's tongue was making her insane with pleasure, and he hadn't even started fucking her yet.

"So ... good," Tina moaned loudly, softly stroking her nipples. "I can't take it anymore! Just fuck me hotstuff!"

"Whatever my lady asks," Silv grinned, lining his hard cock up with her sopping pussy. With a strong thrust, Silv sank his member deep into Tina. Just the sensation of being filled up with Silv's cock brought on Tina's orgasm, causing her to cry out loudly and shred Silv's back with her claws. The wolf grinned, resting inside her as she went through the most intense orgasm of her life. As she slowly came down from her orgasmic high, she began to thrust her hips back towards her lover, wanting to be well and truly fucked.

"Please Silv, fuck me!" Tina cried loudly.

"Sure thing, pussycat," Silv laughed, before beginning to fuck her deeply and quickly. Tina wrapped her legs around his waist as he pounded her, clawing gently at his back as he fucked her soundly. She had never felt so good in her life. The pistoning of his cock in and out of her sensitive pussy was so great. She knew that by the time he had finished with her, she would have at least another orgasm, probably greater than the previous.

Silv moaned loudly as he pounded Tina. He leaned down, suckling softly on her nipples as he fucked her, hoping that she would be lactating at this point. He nipped and pulled softly as he sucked, knowing instinctively that her nipples would be extremely sensitive during her pregnancy.

It didn't take long for either of them to reach the edge. Silv was the first over that line, spurting his warm seed deep within his feline lover. Tina orgasmed strongly as soon as she felt the first spurt of his warm cum deep within her vagina. As they climaxed in near unison, the two lovers kissed deeply, their tongues entwining and dancing.

Not long after, the two fell asleep, still tangled together in a lover's embrace, their nude bodies cuddled together.


Silv woke up to a soft hand playing with his silver hair. Opening his golden eyes wide, he saw Tina, still naked, lying beside him.

"Good morning sleepyhead. Merry Christmas."

Silv smiled back happily, giving her a soft kiss. "Good morning and Merry Christmas to you too."

"Did you get what you wanted for Christmas Silv?" Tina smiled, licking his nose with a purr.

"Definitely. This is the best Christmas ever."