Princess and the Dragon 14

Story by Luksinatriks on SoFurry

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#14 of Princess and the Dragon

Hello fellow furverts! Im back! and since the link is far down in the story Ill give it here as well just to be safe it works and to allow you to enjoy the best music possible, (you will understand as you read the chapter) please tell me if the link isnt working

Also many thanks to my beta reader for helping me with the annoying grammar issues. Anyway, read on and enjoy

The dawn was late that day, the sun came later than anyone expected, the weary guards dragged their sorry arses and sleepy heads back to the barracks, they got the privilege of not being part of this war, for they were both weary and tired from standing watch all night and they were needed to guard the village in the case that the attack failed.

"Oh god, please kill me..." Arthur groaned as he heard the footman come in, he had just fallen asleep when the soldier came in.

"Sire, his majesty the king summons the...." The plate covered man said.

"That's sir soldier, I'm not royalty or nobility yet." Arthur said as he got up, he returned in the little hours of the morning and he still had to explain and help his men, it was only when the sun rose, that he was able to... better yet unable to go to sleep, he had to do what was ordered to him and he must inform the king of the dire situation on the front.

"Can I get you something to help you get up, sir?" The soldier asked.

"'No no, I'm fine... I'll survive... I'm not that lucky not to die on the battlefield...." Arthur said as he sat on the edge of his bed, he put his head on his hands and massaged his temples with his thumbs, this was going to be a though day, he knew it....

"You are dismissed soldier!" He said without changing his position, with that the soldier saluted, bowed and left.

"I was expecting that you would curse, in fact I was sure of it, so why didn't you?"

"Because a gen.... WHAT!" He jumped up surprised at the sound of a familiar voice, behind him in a dark corner was a silhouette, a dark silhouette.


"Calm yourself hybrid, you will wake the neighbors, we don't want them to think that we are lovers, right?" Liura stepped out of the shadows.

At this point in his life Arthur just wanted to yell out "DAMN THAT WOMEN" so loud that all the gods and beings on this universe could hear him. He still didn't get over the fact that Liura was a... female, then again he was angry at himself, wasn't it obvious? Only a woman can act in the way she acts and behaves.

To add to his frustration, he wanted to yell his lungs at her, for leaving without telling him, for teleporting back and having the event with Mazzirog, to be so careless, to leave once again, to not order the men back and for a thousand other reasons. But he couldn't, just as he opened his mouth she put her finger on his lips with lightning reflexes.

"Hush now boy, hush. You know very well yelling at me won't change a thing, won't solve a thing and it definitely won't make me behave any different and stop me from doing the same things in the future." She took her long elven finger back to herself. "So why bother?"

Ohhhh HOW he hated that woman. "Because I care for you, that's in hells name why! Do you WANT to die?" He downright loathed her.

She still had the mask on, but he saw her smirk and simply knew she raised her long eyebrow. "Tsk tsk Arthur, you got it all wrong, I'm hundreds of years older than you, I can be, and am in some sorts your mother, I was there when you were an infant and its MY job to keep your clumsy, giant ASS SAFE!" She hissed the last part out. "Not the other way around!" She finished and just turned her back to him.

"Now get dressed, you still have mud on your chest plate from when you fell in it yesterday when you teleported and while the entire nobility will tell you otherwise, in the future sleep in armor, much easier, much more efficient and time saving." She just casually walked out and away from the tent.

Arthurs eye was twitching. Gods knew that there was not a word or a sentence in any language he knew that could describe his anger for her, that woman was sooo... herself beyond description (for the lack of a better word) and how did she knew that he fell into the mud after teleporting?

"I wonder if all dark elves are like this..." He murmured to himself as he cleaned his armor and headed for the king.

Once again everyone was summoned, almost everyone that is, the 3 princes ware all experiencing headaches from the alcohol consumption the night before, the king was the only one who appeared serious, the non nobility part of the army was standing attention, but they didn't pay too much attention, they either knew most of the plan or simply knew that they had a dragon backing them, so they thought that was good enough for them, how very wrong they were indeed. The 2 figures that were missing the most clearly were the guest of honor, the dragon Malion himself and the princess, but we all know by this point why they decided to... sleep in.

"That reckless daughter will get me killed with worry." The king whispered in annoyance.

Lillian was woken around the same time by a knock on the door.

"Your majesty! Your majesty! The king demands your presence as the assembly!" The soldier at the door said, knocking, not knowing what sort of scandalous scene lied behind the door.

She nearly jumped. "JUST A MINUTE!" She yelled and started to shake Marian frantically.

"Wha-? Marian turned, only to see the princess topless, she flinched a bit but soon remembered the events of the night before, she quickly got up herself and very soon two panicked women started to collect their garments. Lillian would be pissed if she wasn't in a panic attack, how could she have slept in, she should have woken earlier. 'I WILL SMELL OF DRAGON'S SEED ALL DAY TODAY!' She mentally screamed at herself and then took a moment to remark that she never would have thought that she will one day think of that sentence... still it was a scent she was quite fond of, musky and heavy with maleness.

She quickly put her clothes over her naked form despite she was still covered in sex juices, she simply didn't have the time to have a bath! Gods what will the men say....

She gathered herself and started to go out but Marian grabbed her hand and said: "WAIT!"

Lillian turned and looked at Marian which took a finger across Lillian's face and removed it to show Lillian the white seed on it, then she ate the seed in delight. "Now you are ready, go now and don't forget, you have to introduce me to this draconic lover of yours." She kissed the princess, which left in a hurry. Marian then fell back to bed.

"Oh life truly is beautiful." She bit her finger.

________________________________________ The princess arrived at the assembly and she saw that Arthur was whispering something to father, who soon noticed her and indicated to Arthur that his half-sister has arrived. Father's face was full of worry, she could see it from the other side of the isle.

"My subjects we can start now, I'd like you all to hear what Arthur has to say." The king made a hand motion to indicate Arthur that he can speak now.

"Thank you my king. My fellow countrymen, esteemed friends and Malion." Arthur started just as Malion flew in.

"I apologise for the delay, please continue." Malion said.

"As you know by now, I've went to the enemies camp and have rescued our scouting party, the men were in an even worse condition when I found them, then they are now, our doctors know now how to cure this plague in them..." Arthur made a small pause to gather his thoughts.

"The disease distorts their minds and spirits and the longer you are exposed to it, the longer you will suffer from its effects, it is my firm belief that we must eradicate this threat here and now, for if we don't, soon, very soon the entire isle will fall." He made another pause, but this time out of surprise realization.

"You don't know what I have seen up there... nor can I describe it... nor would you believe me... I hope that you help me with destroying this evil before it's too late." He said in a much softer voice. Most of the men at the assembly have gone to the infirmary to see the poor souls there.

"Noble dragon, is there a cure for this illness that threatens to destroy our very existence?" The king asked.

"Noble king, the entire dragon race has been fighting this enemy, in fact every mortal and immortal race fights this enemy where they see it, as for curing the... damages that the enemy does to ones soul, I don't know of the cure, but I have heard tales of miraculous healings, at the very worst the illness CAN BE treated." Malion tilted his head down a little in the sign of grief.

"Very well, what is your proposed course of action?" The King asked while forcing his head to think, he had never had such a threat before.

"I do agree with the general, they must be eradicated. Of course the end decision is up to you noble king, but I am telling you diplomacy won't work, feel free to try it but with things such as Slina, Stih, Pozeri... you can't just talk to them. I trust we have negotiated a battle plan."

"Depends, when are your allies coming dragon?" One officer said, the king made a frown wanting to show the officer that that's no proper way of speaking.

Still Malion was never a formalist. "Well, I have made the teleportation spell with your sorcerer Arcanius, he is working on it as we speak to summon my giant friend, as for Elision, he is flying over the midway sea and will arrive within half an hour." Malion said.

"Good, here is the plan." The king started getting up from his chair to a map in the ground (which was crafted rather well in such short time).

"Bistris peasants, Mazzirogs bandits and Malionian troops will take the middle road!" The king pointed with a stick and as soon as he said that an uproar began.

"QUIET!" The king shouted and there was silence.

"MY KING!" Arthur bowed with his face wide from surprise. "Why send in the worst troops in the hardest path?" He was bewildered.

"Well general, the rest of our forces will be split between the north and south path, they expect us to throw ourselves and our best forces in the middle and if we do that, then at best we will break thru but will be immediately flanked, this way we can flank them and then surround them when we break thru!" The king was right, but that was just the theory, how to convince nonprofessional soldiers to march into death and not run away was quite another thing.

Arthur frowned upon such a plan, which required cannon fodder but he knew that victory can't be achieved without sacrifice. Bistri on the other hands, was the most vocal opponent of sending his men to their graves, he was a young man obsessed with what was right and what was wrong and this was by all accounts wrong to him! Mazzirog on the other hand also hated such a plan, but he knew that if they win, they will all be free men who will have their own (legal) city and while taxes he found annoying, he did not wish to end up in jail either.

"All right then!" The king nearly shouted. "Arthur and his officers will lead the middle army, Bistri and Mazzirog will go with them. My sons will take the northern army, while I will personally lead the southern army." The king said.

Though still cautious, most of the people there simply nodded.

"Now the crucial part of our plan." The King said and turned to Malion.

"Noble dragon, even if we have the numbers, the enemy has the terrain, our victory is depended on your ability to take out the natural 'towers' that stand between the 3 armies. Those 2 middle towers are crucial, but if you can, please take out all of them, without their ability to throw things at us or shoot us with arrows, their terrain advantage will be halved"

"While I am immune to slina, that will prove difficult, I'll need to coordinate that assault with my brother Elision." Malion responded. "Also their first wave infantry pickice, they are cowards and they will not attack first, they will wait for someone else to start the fight, so hit them hard and when they rout you can continue past them."

"This sounds easy enough..." One soldier murmured to himself.

"Don't get over confident humans..." Malion said seriously. "Slina is not to be trifled with, if a person has a very strong slina, then you can't normally kill him. If he has strong slina on him, you can cut off his head, pierce his heart and yet he will still be under slinas control. There is no known effective counter to this that I know off. However, it is known that the more righteous you are, the more good you have in your heart, the more honest you are, the easier you will kill slina."

Most of the people thought that he was talking metaphorically and Malion noticed that.

"I am serious... slina stalks the weak of mind and spirit, not the weak of body, the weaker you are in spirit and mind, the more conformistic and afraid you are, the easier it will take hold of you. So be true to yourself and don't be afraid. Remember if slina kills you, it wont kill you... it will CLAIM you and make you part of it, so don't die... for you won't die, you will suffer a fate worse than any death I can think off." Malion spoke with conviction and this time everyone listened to him seriously and most just turned their gaze away in sadness.

"Now please make room for my brother Elision." Malion said and with that a mighty yellow dragon descended from the skies, he was nearly double of Malions size, but the two were quite similar looking, now humans couldn't tell one dragon from the next, but even a dragon would tell you that you could see at first glance that the two were related.

The biggest difference aside from their color and size were their tails, while Malion's green and black tail was "normal" with a slightly widened tip at the end, Elision had a spiked one. Little known fact, dragon spikes and horns are actually either bone extensions or they are bones which separated from the internal skeleton and stuck out of the skin. Either way they had no nerve ends there, so they couldn't feel their horns (well most of them, but I don't feel like getting into details).

"Thank you, dearest brother, for the introduction. Good Humans of this isle, I Elison De Falaga have come to your aid, my brother told me of your plight and since I am one of the closest of his relatives I have come to your aid." The yellow dragon made a bow to the king and took his place next to his brother (as for the De Falaga thing he attached that part of his name, long story), he was in the same clutch with Malion but the two didn't see each other for a very long time, Malion as a isolationist who didn't like dragon culture (he actually liked it a lot, but got tired from it and decided to spend some time alone, after all he is immortal, what is wrong with taking some time off, he isn't going to get too old for anything any time soon).

Elision had a very different personality to that of Malion. He was much more open and extroverted, he left the dragon lands to live in the kingdom of Lisica.

The kingdom of Lisica was (yes you guessed it) the kingdom of the fox folk (who called themselves Lisice). Now no one on the isle has ever heard of Lisica nor seen them, but their kingdom was rather near. It was over the midway sea and then across the orc territories which end on the cross road mountain's which formed the border between the two. Anyway, I tell this to you for they will get into this story later on.

Elision also developed a much more casual and a misguided macho personality then Malion, since the fox folk were much more open to sex than humans were. I guess he was a sort of modern day pimp so to say. Still regardless of their differences, the two dragons were family and as such deemed it necessary to aid each other, since dragons valued family greatly.

Back to the task at hand, with many of the humans still getting used to the presence of one dragon let alone 2 of them, the situation looked rather well. True humans were not used to the members of other species, but then again they were rather pleased to have 2 dragons aiding them in battle (who wouldn't be pleased at that).

"Malion mentally told me everything that happened here and what you arranged good king." Elision made a sly bow to the king, displaying his pimp-ish mentality. "I know everything you agreed upon here and I am at your disposal." He smirked.

'Be serious brother... for once in your life, the fox people have spoiled you I see.' Malion told him mentally, he knew that Elision could behave a 1000 times more seriously, but... Elision was Elision after all.

'Oh don't be a pain now Malion, what's wrong with having a little fun in your life once in a while.' Elison huffed back at him.

"Alright then, I guess that it's settled then. Lords and generals, ready your troops, we march in half an hour." With that the meeting was finished.

After that, everyone went to ready themselves.

Arthur went off to find Liura and continue arguing with her. Valorfar went with Bistri to practice. The king went to write a letter to his wife in case he didn't return. The 3 princes also got ready for the march. And the two dragons started going to Malions cave as to get ready for battle themselves.

As Malion and Elision were getting ready to take flight, Malion noticed Lillian and noticed the smell of his seed on her.

'So it wasn't a dream after all!!!' He thought to himself in panic as he tried his best to remain calm. 'Oh ancestors please don't let Elision notice this!' He swallowed hard and took off.

Unknown to him Elision did pick up Lillians scent, but since he himself was a sexual divent and since he knew that Malion was shy about the question at hand, he decided not to tease him, after all there were people around them and they were going to do battle. Now if they were alone that would have been a completely different story (the one which ends in a utterly humiliated Malion that is).

Lillian returned to her room and found out that Marian had left. She took off her clothes and threw it in a bin made for clothes that need to be washed, then she filled her bathtub (one of the rare few in the village) and she lied down in it.

"I can't believe that this all is happening." She whispered to herself. And in truth she didn't, just a few months ago, she felt like she was destined to be yet another regular princess and now she had introduced her countrymen to dragons, gave one a blow job and had a battle on her hands. That's it! Battle, how could she lie down like this in such a time, she needed to go out and do something! That was her last thought before she drifted to sleep which her body so desperately needed.

Meanwhile back in Malions cave, the two brothers went through Malions armory.

"Are you kidding me Malion... although most of your weapons and armor are rather powerful, all of them either belong in a museum or a stall to be looked upon and not used... AND the ones that can be used are made for humans." Elision huffed.

"Oh relax will you, here I have 2 dragon armor's, they are out dated and-" Malion explained as he pulled out his only two armor suits from his armory.

"OUTDATED! More like ancient to me!" Elision huffed even more and he was right. Malion never expected to be attacked here, or to be invaded, hell he never expected Stih to invade either. Also it didn't help that he wasn't a war enthusiast. Many dragons loved battles, war and stuff like that for most of them were a warrior race and some even had entire underground armories with a wide variety of armor and weapons. Malion only had two old suits of armor he kept just in case something unexpected happened. Still the suits were good and covered most if not all of the body and since Malion and Elision had similar horn shape they could share most of the equipment, the main problem it faced was that it was way outdated with not thick enough or enchanted enough armor plates. (more on dragon weaponry and armor later on).

"Why didn't you buy or bring any of the families armor?" Elison asked. "At least we could have fought under decent armor and wore our own colors..."

"Oh stop whining will you, it won't help us... now help me with getting this armor on my wings. Hurry, I have to see the human mage so to summon more aid." Malion responded.

"Fine." Elision murmured to himself.

In the messy confusion somehow the troops organized, the tents were taken down, columns were formed and officers positioned and as the tradition would have it the king took the front and led the army himself.

"My fellow countrymen..." The king started as he was mounted on his white royal horse and cladded in his royal armor. He was a bit older and the armor was heavy to him but he somehow managed.

"Today we face a threat which doesn't just threat us. It doesn't just threat our lives, it threats our souls and those who are nearest to us, they threat our families and all that we hold dear, if we don't face them here today then they will conquer and destroy all of us, so I ask you to show no fear. Show NO fear for there is nothing to fear except defeat, show no mercy for there is nothing to show mercy to! Rise! Rise and fight this dreadful Slina!" He took his sword and rose it in the air and was met with a cheer from his soldiers, all eager to fight the enemy.

The king and his closest bodyguards led the first column, which was supposed to attack the southern bank, after them the middle column was lead by the three princes which would attack the northern bank. And finally in the rear column which was lead by Arthur, Mazzirog and the Malionian allies and accompanied by Liura.

The two dragons flew slowly above the army, they could have arrived there a long while ago, but they wanted to arrive simultaneously with the army.

As the distant sounds of the army approaching echoed the mountains of gola voda, Kole stood on the holdout and watched the distant dust cloud forming as he smiled. "All is as I expected it to be." He laughed as he hit the ground with his staff and send out a wave of slina across the ground, polluting the trees and raising the moral of his army behind him, for when they stood on the ground polluted by slina, they were stronger. The pollution caused the surrounding trees to wither and die, sending huge waves of blood petals down to the valley. ( a song to listen to while reading this, as it symbolizes the calm of the blood petals before Kole arrived (first part), then the atrocities that Kole committed (riff, the middle part) and their rage afterwards (the last part) (Yes I am in the band, spoilers go to the guy who guesses correctly which instrument I play))

The Sky twisted and turned as the clouds were driven to that spot that day and it was obvious that the storm was coming, a big storm at that.

As the army saw the waves of blood petals coming, Arthur laughed.

"What is it?" Asked Malion.

"It's nothing, it's just the name of the mountain!" Arthur yelled to the dragon above him.

"Oh?" Malion asked.

"Yes! Gola voda means NAKED WATER! HAHA! AND IT IS GOING TO RAIN AS WE FIGHT AND DIE!" Arthur laughed both sarcastically and honestly and unknown to him, Kole did the same, albite for different reasons, Kole was awaiting to show the might of slina and found it funny as he imagined the faces of his soon to be victims.

The day would prove to be a decisive one.