E-Beyond Jan 2014 M1 / The siege on the sanctuary

Story by delete341 on SoFurry

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#5 of PMD-E-of-Beyond

The first of my story backlog after months of overwork at my jobs and a new engine for my old truck. The engine is mostly ready to be installed. No sex but gore and horror subplots.

Drake was rather calm as he was running as a massager through the mud soaked trenches. With a crash shrapnel from a piece of metal grazed him and he delivered the message to the soldier. The solder said, "Time to go over the top in an hour" Drake was with his special friend Amon a jolteon as the green and grey uniforms were matching. Amon was out of a farm for the first time and Drake was a seasoned soldier with no fear of the shells flying by and the ear out for the enemy to attack. Drake and Amon were given a swig of a stiff drink and the whistle sounded and Amon and Drake came out of the safety of the trench. Drake had picked up a term that was fitting Amon and it was 'shell shock.' Amon was shacking and on needles at all times, Drake found a way to calm his friend and enjoy the time he had with him at the same time. Their hearts were racing as the dreaded word came, "Gas!" Drake stopped in a shell hole on no mans land and helped the green recruit 'Amon' with his mask. Amon was leaving the hole when he fell from a bullet to the head. Drake was in the moment and skipped his mask and tried to turn Amon into a vampire and it was too late as Amon's brains were scattered into the ground. Drake just sat there and picked up Amon's body to take it back as the enemy counter attacked. Drake stopped and picked up Amon's body with his teeth and ran to his trench. He threw the body in and turned to fight back when he felt a poke and woke up. "You were having a nightmare sweety. You sounded scared and in pain so, I woke you up. Besides, it is your turn to cook breakfast and no going out this time. The kids are starting to teeth now." Anna told him. As Drake was getting out the pan, he heard his neighbor who was a Tao refugee who now had a decent life as a beauty consultant screaming and begging to come in. Drake looked at her and let her come in as she was bruised and limping. His neighbor was female gardevoir named Amanda. Drake was treating her wounds and she told her story. "I was walking into the market for groceries and I was attacked for no reason and Anna your father was there. The one's that attacked me were acting crazy and all I could do is run. They threw rotten fruit and rocks along with attack moves." Amanda told the group. Drake was done bandaging Amanda, and walked to the door to see Orion there as Lucy and Orion walked to school every day. Drakes told him, "Stay here for the day and use the online school as I am listening to the radio in my ear. Tao refugees are not safe right now. I need to grab a fake key I will be back shortly." At Anna's fathers house Drake walked in and her father was in madness as Drake lifted the key of the table and dogged her fathers' attack. Drake ducked and used his tail to push and flip Anna's father on the ground. Drake was standing on him and said in a sadistic tone, "This was a training key. I needed your trust as I did not know the culture here, but now I do and I needed your trust. You are not right in the head and too dangerous for even this key." Drake backed off and came to his home fast. He needed a plan and stayed inside to call his other guild to keep his family safe. Marry was limited to travel and took the risk on flying Drakes' ship when she got there. It was dark when his group entered the walls of the embassy where his ship was stored. As his ship was, large Anna was surprised that this mass of steel could even fly and Mary could fly it. The neural controls only worked on individuals that had the equipment surgical implanted. Drake had to stay and fallow the job the scoundrel's were ordered to do. Drake was hiding and gave his keys to a trusted member of his private guild. Then, Drake reported outside of town and to three Mr. Mimes and five other scoundrels to work with. One had some military experience in the exploration battalions. Drake looked at all these others that had no stones in his mind. Drake was sent to his post and was digging a foxhole and it was getting deeper as he was turning it into trenches as the first Mr. Mime was on guard and the other two were resting. The other experienced scoundrel was on the lookout and talking to Drake. His name was Samuel and he was a sandshrew. "So who are those lovely photos of, are they your mates or friends?" Samuel asked. Drake replied as he was digging, "Stay alert but, they are my mates and I have three on my own and another six on the way. It is too quiet here. The others are too green and you are close. I fought in a war where I charged and really kill others in the name of honor. I was a phone line sender where I was pulling a phone line to place new phones. The shells were overhead and I was scared to fight. The worst was the poisonous gas that would kill even the poison type pokémon. Then the charges for just a few yards of ground and the stalemate of the battle, you got were on alert when it was quiet." It was dark now and Drake was sleeping and had similar dreams as his previous night. The guard was sleeping when a group of forty infected attacked and Drake was shaken up and he was defending the Mr. Mime. Drake used flamethrower to scare the group and then he pushed the Mr. Mime into the trench and used iron tail on an infected pokémon to start fighting, with bites from his fangs and fire blast to win this battle. The others were tired and Drake was furious and grabbed the luxio that was on duty. Drake yelled in his face, "Indy, because you fell asleep, we almost got killed and I have pups to feed! Do your job next time or we might all be dead next time! This is not some game as this is a siege on the sanctuary until this infection is controlled!" Drake was still angry and left to do some scouting as he started to limp and his leg had a large gash and he was bleeding. The medic came and treated him. Drake was hearing something familiar in the distance and the only place that he knew had those was the embassy. He feared for his friends in the embassy. Drakes' mind was racing as he looked at the others he was assigned to. They were terrified that this was a siege on their home. Drake looked around and took a breath. They needed to have confidence and Drake gave a short speech. He started, "I have won many medals for heroism and I have seen many comrades died in battle and this trench I dug was to protect you. I hate to say this but, we will be here for some time as the civilians leave the city. The West Tao embassy has been a midway point and it is in danger. Soon the infected will become desperate and be far more violent. Our job is to stop them at all cost and prove that we earned our respect. Bullets may fly by your head and the fear of death is near. Glory goes to the courageous who face fear and never look back." Drake left as he was stumbling and kept seeing his past. He blinked and moved to scout for the infected. Many were beaten down and the embassy had used their defense brigade to take out most of them. Drake smelled mace and looked at the ground. Trucks were moving as the embassy was being abandoned. Drake returned with news that was good. He looked at the map and whoever was causing this if it was mind control was high and in the center of the city. Drake was careful to return and ambushed a group of infected on their attack run. Drake was faster and ran to warn the others of this night attack. He was tired and limped to fight. The others were scared and Drake told them, "Run and we all die. There is eighty infected out way. If we win, our names are in the history books as the longest odds to win a fight!" This got them riled up and ready to fight. The battle was intense as Drake was fighting with a major injury. In the end, he fell and was unable to get up. His body was in pain and he felt sick. Soon, he was in the back and was being treated for fatigue. He needed some real sleep and food. His leg was getting worse and soon scoundrels that were above him put him in the back. Drake was not happy and he was not recovering fast at all. He needed real medicine and left for his ship and did find it with the drugs he needed. This took him away from the front line for three days. He missed his family a lot and just wanted the siege to end. He was not feeling well and was ordered on a hunt for escaped pokémon that were in the sanctuary to be controlled. He had to hunt with limited movement and had an idea that would solve the problem. He lured the small group into a tent full of food and then waited. The food was drugged and soon all of them were in the city again. Soon he was back in the trench as it grew longer. His unit was sleeping as a female scoundrel was eyeing him and his photo. The image was Anna, Lucy, Mary and his kids. She felt lonely as he was sleeping. She wanted him as a mate when he was taken. A luxio named Indy asked Drake what was happening. Drake replied, "You said you were from steel city initially. Well, the city is in ruins now. West Tao destroyed it as they refused to allow trade and became violent to them. West Tao is full of heartless and ruthless leaders who only care about the pokémon they serve. That was last week and I really hate to tell you but, we will be here for a long time." Drake was looking at the city and though, "The radio tower has the equipment, the height, and is in the center of the city. Maybe that is the source controlling them?" As Drake was thinking, he was asked by a scoundrel sandshrew named Samuel, "How long do we wait here. I know you are really injured and it is getting worse. Maybe you should go to get that treated right. You need stitches for that cut." Drake replied, "I have better medicine I am taking and I had someone use a special glue to seal it along with staples. That did hurt a lot and I am sick from the cold and damp air. About your first question, five weeks before you really need to be concerned. The city has food for two weeks and in three weeks without food most will die of starvation. Then, they will eat each other and the dead. We are one week in this siege and they tried to raid the embassy for the food inside. That failed as the internal security stopped them." Samuel said in panic, "My grandma is in the city at the embassy. Is she okey?!" Drake looked at him and decided to call them, "What is her name and species and I will find out?" Samuel replied, "Granny or Martha and she is a sandslash." Drake made the call with his internal hardware and replied to Samuel, "She is fine and they got her medication. They told me that she is safe in the walls and they have rationed the food to last longer. She is diabetic and they are treating her for that. Also, they said they write a note that you asked if she is all right." Samuel asked, "How did you find out?!" Drake replied, "I have a lense that is a video camera and display installed on my eye. The controls are in my leg and I have a secured two-way radio and earpiece installed. That really does cost real money, about half a million I think." Drake was eating under a bridge and it was dry at least. He heated a cup of soup and waited for any movement as he was guarding at night. He was just listening as it was a quiet night as his replacement came to relieve him. Drake got up and stumbled out from the bridge with the look of wet fur and he was shivering from the cold. He returned to a warm tent and hid in a blanket to sleep of what was a bad day in his life. He wanted to be home and with Anna and the pups. Three weeks had past and soon this siege would be over as starvation in the city would take over.

The fourth week was just as wet and now the guilds were providing rain gear as the rainy season was coming. The others were distracted as Drake was tired of this endless stalemate. He kept thinking of the war he was in and watching all his friends die in battle. Viava was a female umbreon and she was replacing Drake for the night shift when she asked, "Drake, about that speech you gave. What are bullets?" Drake replied, "How do I put this? (He was chewing his leg for a moment.) Have you ever seen arrows or spears?" She replied, "I have seen spears in museums." Drake continued, "Imagine tiny two part spears that fly out of hallow pipes at incredible speed and when they hit they really hurt. If they hit you in the right spot, you are dead. The hallow tubes that send the bullet is firing ten per minute or about four hundred a minute with some that glow for aiming. They shatter bones and tear flesh as they pass through you. I had a friend named Amon and he was a jolteon. A bullet went through his helmet and killed him instantly. At the time you would be in the back treating the wounded or replacing the one's that died. At the time males fought as females treated the sick in injured. Many of my friends in that war died making widows as the notices were given. One day I came back to my home country with a letter from Amon to his family and I missed him. His mate and pups could not believe that he was not coming home. His mate dropped the letter as I told them how he died." Viava's jaw was dropped and she looked at Drake and his body's reaction. She pondered a thought and asked, "Please take me tonight so I at least will not be lonely once?" Drake replied in a cold tone, "No. I will regret that forever and what will the others think of you?" She dropped the subject, to let him go into the tent to sleep. Drake was tired as Anna came to visit. This cheered him up immensely with news on Mary. Anna told him, "We are safe and Mary had a litter of six last night. Three vulpix and three shinx. There are four males and two females. I wish you could see it happen like you wanted but, the guild has you working and were clean of infection because of the masks you made us wear to your ship." Drake licked her nose as the others overheard the conversation. They chuckled at this hardened solder was a big soft beartic over the news. They were happy about the news but, some felt guilt that they did not have any pups of their own. Drake licked Anna's face and she left knowing that he was safe. Drake was having a good dream that night as the weather cleared. The agents were itching for a fight as they relieved the nerve shaken scoundrels. They treated this like a game as Drake was looked to with his unshaken resolve. He had newborns to protect and a family to keep safe. No matter what he was not shaken from the infected stumbling in the now muddy field begging for aid. They were starving and Drake seemed to look at them with cold eyes as he pulled out some rations and tossed it over the lower barrier. A child grabbed it and took portions out to feed the small group before returning into the city. One of the Mr. Mimes was curious as he asked Drake, "Why did you do that?" Drake replied, "I cannot see a starving child just die like that. I was like that child with no parents of family alive after a plague that wiped out the forest. There was a time table for the siege and we are near the end of the nice part. Soon the taboo of eating meat will fail as survival takes over and the old and young are most vulnerable to being the first to be eaten after the dead. Of course, you have never had meat and this outfit as food and water. In the city they are starving and all your scientists can do, is let them die. I want to find a cure and for that I need to bring my ship for a spacesuit." Viava asked Drake, "What is a spacesuit?" "A suit for space where there in no pressure or air so, you are in a suit to survive a vacuum of space." Drake told her.

Drake was sleeping in the tent when a ghost from his past came to see him. They said, "It is impolite to sleep on someone's grave." Drake was shocked and said, "Amon, I thought you past on like the rest?" He was keeping his voice down as she looked displeased. Amon replied, " I am here to say, thank you for raising Anubis for me. I just think it is ironic that I die the night the surrender took place. Come, lets talk outside under the stars." He did and she looked at him and looked sad. Amon said, "I know about your recent dreams and this plague is artificial and your thought on the location is right. The great god of wisdom sent me here and I loved you." Drake was shocked and said to her, "You are dead we cannot, you know." "No. Not like that, I love you like a brother that treated me well and not look at me with lust in their eye's. Also, I do not like that you keep lying about my gender and that I had pups and a mate." Amon told Drake. Drake replied, "I'm sorry but, that is how I think of you, like a son. I raised your boy like he was my own and let him leave at his own time. I told him you loved him. I never looked at you like a female but a soldier and my urges to have you, I was fighting them as I was worn out from the fighting and a nice female was a pleasant distraction. The rest of the unit's pokémon fighters wanted to breed with you and if I was close to you they would not try anything on you like in the replacement. I never told you but the sylveon that did that act on you. The relief had two females in heat and they gang raped them. The males were court marshaled and were sent to prison. Your deserter brother was found alive and he did not leave his post and join the other side. He lost his mind and wondered to them. He was insane by then and he was treated as a prisoner of war. The new government spared his life as he was a young male and the population was wiped out. Two generations were gone and a young fertile male was valuable."

Copyrights & trademarks:

Delete341 (Myself) for characters. PMD remnants on DA, Gamefreak, Ninintendo.

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