Recreational Break
Did this a while ago to sate a little urge I had. Also went to recycle two characters from a story I never finished in the first place.
Coatl, Phobos and Deimos are mine >:C Any similarities to other characters are most likely coincidental and only marginally influenced by already existing media.
Recreational Break
The massive, emerald green dragon-beast let out a deep rumble as he leaned back. The huge muscles of his hind-legs creaking a little as he shuffled about on his large tauric body. Coatl furrowed his brows as he looked over the stacks of paperwork before him, almost completely covering the impressively immense desk. For a normal human it would be hard to tell that it was in fact a desk, rather than just a large wooden wall, assuming of course they stood right before it. However for the dragon, who was after all the size of a bus, thanks to his unusual build, it was pretty much a normal size. Now however it was getting a bit much, he had been working for a couple of hours and all that fine-print was making his head spin. It was time for a break. So the large dragon raised to his four feet; more creaking following as he stretched his immense bulk. Giant muscles rippled underneath his scaly hide as he walked across his office room. The ground trembling lightly beneath each of his steps as tons of muscle moved about. With a smirk he walked past the large and lush plants he kept to keep his office lively and then stepped into his personal break room. The marble floor immediately replaced by the soft sensation of thick, fluffy carpet that brushed pleasantly over the undersides of his large clawed paws and also tickled over his giant endowments, that were so huge that no style of clothing could ever hope to contain them while they brushed over the ground every so often.
The smirk on the six eyed behemoth's muzzle turned to a grin as he saw the two huge feral beasts that were lying on the soft carpet, limbs entwined as they hugged each other in their sleep. Much like Coatl they had an emerald green hide and were brimming with barely concealed power as their massive chests expanded quite delightfully whenever they drew breath. The large dragontaur was quite proud of having acquired this pair of twins and he had to chuckle lightly as he recalled their first meeting. They had been human mages who had tried to oppose him on one of his many transdimensional vacations. The pair had tried to drain his power to get him to a level where they were able to subdue him. Of course that didn't quite work out the way they had planned as Coatl had fed them his power rather willingly and unable to handle all these energies their bodies were corrupted and transformed by it, turning them into monstrous beast that became fiercely loyal to the great behemoth that changed them. Afterwards he used them as his fuck-toys, but also as enforcers of his will and so eventually he named them Phobos and Deimos, after the Greek gods of fear and terror.
The long pointed ears of one of them flicked lightly as he heard Coatl's chuckle and his eyes flared open to look at the large green beast, only to then grin widely. "Master!", Phobos rumbled happily and started to squirm to free himself of the embrace of his brother Deimos, who in turn woke up as well now. "My pets.", Coatl chuckled in return and opened his arms for an embrace as both of those giant dragons threw themselves at him, nearly making the behemoth of a taur stumble. It was a rather strange sight really as Coatl's upper torso seemed almost diminutive compared to the size of his twin dragons, and yet his tauric body greatly exceeded their mass, even when put together. That of course meant that his upper body did indeed find itself rather overwhelmed by the sheer mass colliding with it, but nonetheless he did his very best to return their affectionate licks and rubs. At least for the moment.
"Enough now, my dear brutes. I am hungry and crave some entertainment... You know what that means.", Coatl rumbled with his deep voice and the two large dragons stepped back a little to grin at each other. The ground quaked a little as they landed on their large front paws again and their claws curled lightly in anticipation. Deimos moved to the side of the room and began to open a large metallic hatch that looked oddly out of place in the velvet covered chamber. Coatl meanwhile slowly strolled into the middle with Phobos close behind. Only for the latter to get to work the moment the massive dragontaur stopped. For a beast that seemed to primarily consist of muscles, Phobos was still shockingly agile as he crept under Coatl's backside and craned his thick neck upwards towards the taur's large backside.
Powerful hands reached up to gently spread the incredibly muscular and quite overdeveloped glutes so that Phobos's muzzle could reach the large tail-hole of his master. The big ring of flesh easily large enough that he could press his entire head in without any trouble whatsoever. Something that he had done rather often actually, and not just his head really. He and his brother both had already entered Coatl's bowels for his enjoyment and they would do it again if he asked for it. Now however he merely let his thick tongue slurp over the hot, sensitive flesh; eliciting moans from the great dracotaur who was letting out content rumbling as his pet coated his anus in slobbery spittle. Coatl's massive purple rods were rising rather quickly from the attention his backside received as Phobos couldn't resist but sneak in the occasional grope at the quad of huge nuts of his master.
All that was of course the prelude to the main course, which was soon brought by Deimos in the form of a large, translucent rubber hose. Moments later it became quite crowded underneath Coatl's rear-end as Deimos joined his brother with plenty of groping and grinding against the huge muscles that were seemingly all around. Coatl of course was quite content and actually had to resist the temptation to sit down on his two pets to feel them wiggle under his oh-so-delightfully-huge ass. But he was really quite too hungry to postpone his lunch for that much longer and so he instead raised his long tail and tensed with a lewd moan as the two muscle dragons pressed the hose into his ass.
"Ahhh... delightful...", the great dracotaur rumbled and shuffled a bit while his quite powerful rear muscles took over and pulled the hose even deeper into his insides until it was lodged quite securely. "Now turn it on...", he ordered and more shuffling followed as the large feral dragons shuffled out from underneath him to activate the mechanism. A low whirring sound started to fill the room and the hose began to vibrate rather pleasantly, given the moans that came from the big taur. Then the whirring ceased and turned into a much more subtle thrumming as the unseen machinery reached it's peak. The two huge feral dragons flopped rather playfully over each other and watched with wide grins at what happened now.
The hose drew tight as a clear liquid was being pumped through it, which while it looked like water, most definitely wasn't. It was a sort of nutrient solution that also happened to provide oxygen for beings submerged in it, and also provided amble lubrication. Important traits given that it was but a carrier for the actual food, which was promptly being delivered once a proper pressure was build up. A rather distressed looking human slowly slid through the hose, squirming in it's rather tight embrace as he looked around confused, recoiling at the sight of the two hugely muscled dragons that were grinning at him, only to let out an unheard whimper as he saw where his journey would end.
Coatl was rumbling quite deeply and contently as his rear wasn't just stimulated by the still vibrating hose, but also by the liquid that was slowly filling his bowels and making his rather sizeable belly on his tauric body expand even further. He would relish it even more once he had a squirming human inside there, who would soon be accompanied by many others, until Coatl was so full he couldn't take anymore. Which was still a point that had to be found really, usually the big dracotaur ran out of things to cram up his ass before he truly felt full. Given that he an entire facility dedicated to cloning humans for his personal consumption also made this quite a feat.
Of course the hose took a little away from the sensation as the man's legs started to slide into Coatl's bum, but at least his frantic struggle made up for it by having the tube jerk back and forth, making the large taur rumble lowly as he clenched to keep the hose in place. Only to then shudder deeply as the human entered him proper, a low hissing sound escaping his barrel of a chest while his huge clawed feet curled and flexed, tearing at the carpet beneath him. The squirming inside promptly continued and his massive purple rods hardened to the point where his loins ached with the need to release. It was but the beginning now and more humans were already sliding through the hose to fill his innards with more wiggling flesh.
"Mrrrr... yessss... now come my pets... I have another hunger that needs to be sated...", the behemoth rumbled and placed one of his front-paws on his purple rods to give them a bit of a squeeze. Both of these cocks were large enough to reach the front of Coatl's tauric body, in fact they were almost as big as his lower body when fully erect! Deimos and Phobos however loved them just like that and they let out cheerful roars as they scrambled back to their feet and rushed over to their master's front. Their paws immediately reaching forward to rub over the large tapered tips of his shafts and playing with their fleshy spikes before they leaned in to lick through his cum-slits and drink down the already ample flow of pre.
Of course it would be a bother to get all that juice out of the carpet later, but that was really not on Coatl's mind right now and instead he motioned to the twin dragons to turn around. "Today I want you to be my cock-sleeves.", he said with a chuckle and then let out an approving murmur as Phobos and Deimos presented their rears to him. The powerfully muscled tails rising high and proudly to reveal their large tail-holes, the even larger fuck-holes that were their cunts and then the heavy set of ground-touching balls that obscured the view on their meaty cocks. Of course he had given them all the relevant genitals to be able to properly please Coatl, no matter what mood the larger male might be in.
"Hmmm... delightful.", Coatl grinned as he leaned a little forward to let his hands trail along the spines of his pets. His fingers following the rather prominent pattern of their tattoos that were the only thing differentiating them visually. Phobos had curved, almost wavelike lines of bright red that moved along the spine while Deimos had more angular lines of a golden colour that seemed to form squares over his shoulders and back. It was only a moment of appreciation that Coatl allowed himself, given how he could already feel another human entering his rear, pushing into the first one and resulting in quite some pleasant struggling as they were pushed in further by the steady stream of liquid, along with the next man that was already finding his way through the tube. The transport was taking up in pace as the delivery system reached it's optimal work speed.
The hulking beast of a taur meanwhile shifted around a little, rearing up on his hind-legs so he could place his strong front-paws on his pets, to get a proper grip on them before he pushed his enormous members forward. It took a little bit of coordination from all these giant beasts but with low grunts and moans the shafts eventually sank into the moist and deep cunts of the twin dragons. Their powerful limbs engorged with size as their muscles flexed and strained to support the weight that rested on their backs in the form of Coatl's taur body. Of course they had more than enough power to withstand such a mass, but it was still a beautiful display to behold all the immense musculature moving and seeing the incredible definition of their forms.
Slowly Coatl took a step forward, driving his oozing cocks deeper into the slavering holes of his pets. Wet squelching accompanied his intrusion as their ample lubrication coated his members and soaked down along their legs and down onto the ground, adding further to the already existing mess. Their fat cocks in turn were leaking quite generously as well and their cum stained pre dripped down their shafts in amounts that could already be considered full blown orgasms. Much like Coatl's lower body, Phobos's and Deimos's bellies began to expand, stretching with all the flesh and fluids that their master was cramming into them.
And from there it only got worse, or better, depending on how you consider it. Coatl's cocks rapidly widened past the tip and even sported a number of ridges, each plopping into the ferals before him with a rather satisfying sound while they groaned and clawed at the floor, shuddering and pressing back against their large master. Powerful musculature flexed and clenched to massage around the member inside each of them. Much like Coatl these titans had an amazing control over their body and so it was little trouble for them to flex their core and abdominal muscles to contract and squeeze around the monstrous member that was filling their large tunnels and wombs. Not to mention that the vaginal tunnels themselves had powerful muscles at their disposal.
Coatl rumbled deeply and drooled even a little from the wonderful sensations his pets were giving him. A shudder rolled through his huge form which was then followed by a low groan as his scales stretched over his muscles. Muscles that were in the process of growing even larger. One of the reasons why Coatl had never really gotten full was because he just digested things too fast. The squirming slowly ceased the deeper the humans were pressed into his bowels, only to disappear completely as they were absorbed into his flesh, along with the nutritional solution which added it's own to his slow but continues growth.
But it wasn't just Coatl's muscles that grew, his entire body followed suit. Limbs lengthened to make space for all the extra mass and more importantly, at least for Phobos and Deimos, Coatl's cocks and balls swelled with size as well. The quad of nuts surging larger, churning audibly with seed and quivering ever so slightly as the dracotaur's virility rose by the moment. His fat cocks meanwhile were thickening with girth and piling on even more length, stretching his pets even further and past the point a regular mortal should be able to take under any condition. But given that they were much closer to demi-gods, they had hardly a problem with taking the fat lengths that Coatl continued to thrust into them.
A steady slow rocking rolled through Coatl's hips, pulling his members back ever so slightly only to pump back in, thrusting his several dozen feet of cocks in inch by inch. Phobos and Deimos let out low guttural moans, snarling and gnashing their teeth as they pressed their asses back, eager to receive more of their master's meat. Only to find themselves confronted by a soft, but still seemingly unyielding mass of flesh that was Coatl's growing gut. Much like the rest of him, his belly expanded, even more than the rest in all likelihood and given the already crowded space beneath the taur, it made sure that it was getting even more crowded. Forcing the twins down onto their fronts, having their large weight press down onto their genitals, smothering them into the soft and by now rather sticky embrace of the carpet.
Needless to say that at this rate, Coatl's climax was approaching rather swiftly, the sheer size of his endowments and the way they were stimulated already flooded him with simply delightful pleasure, but that his body was also slowly filling out more, growing with more power and feeling the prey squirm in his bowels before eventually becoming part of him. It rapidly became too much, especially when he let his mind reach out to those of his pets. His awesome powers allowing him to link his impressions and emotions with theirs, sharing his pleasure with them, and they in turn with him.
The three massive dragon-beasts roared in unison as they came together. Phobos and Deimos fat shafts erupted with cum, gushing their thick and viscous seed onto the floor before them, which at this point pretty much meant that a lot of it welled up against their bulging pecs. Only to have their bellies explode outwards in size and volume as Coatl pumped his gratuitous loads into them. Their wombs willing with his sludge-like cum of fertility that was certain to knock them up with dozens of eggs. And yet they weren't able to hold it all. The sheer lack of space beneath the great taur only allowed their bellies to stretch so much before it simply couldn't give anymore. That of course only meant that the cum then erupted forth from their abused holes, gushing out past Coatl's cocks and onto the floor as well.
Coatl grinned wide and rumbled deeply as let his thick paws rub over them again. His grin widened still as he got an idea, born out of the mental connection the trio had at this point. His climax wasn't even halfway finished as the large dragon-god again reached out with his mind, this time not just connecting with his pets, but engulfing them. Pulling them into his own being and submerging them into all the impressions and sensations of his body as he began to absorb their bodies now. Turning them into more flesh for his cocks. Their green scales disappearing, receding into their muscular bodies that slowly lost their definition. Hide quickly turning into a deep dark purple as their powerful limbs shrunk into their bodies. Their legs and tails merging with Coatl's cock-base and balls engorging them with size instead. The heads contorted ever so slightly, before undergoing a rapid shift as their necks disappeared fully.
Before long Coatl's monstrous cocks had doubled in size, fuelled by the mass of his pets. Cum exploded out from the giant, engorged slits, splattering the walls before Coatl and quickly drenching the entire room in a rather thick layer of white while the hose still continued to pump the taur full with food. Shivers ran through the behemoth's body as every slight touch send incredible pangs of pleasure, not just through him, but through the minds of his pets that were still within him, sharing everything. A warm fuzzy sensation set in inside of Coatl as Phobos's and Deimos's consciousness overflowed with adoration for him. A sort of mental snuggling, if you will.
Slowly Coatl relaxed, resting his powerful body on those massive rods that stretched his legs so far apart that he couldn't really walk anywhere anyway. "Time for a nap..", Coatl proclaimed to the empty room. Afterwards he'd let his pets reform again, and probably gift them the excess mass he acquired from the ongoing meal.