Gone Horribly Right

Story by Jagaz on SoFurry

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Hello again! This is a story I wrote a while back for Drash as part of a trade... it's a bit on the... longish side. But not too long I hope! Well, not longer than the other story I uploaded there anyway... Enjoy :D

Aica, Drash is © to Drash

Coatl is © to Jagaz

Aaron is © to Chaos-Dragon

Any similarities to other characters are most likely coincidental and only marginally influenced by already existing media.

Gone Horribly Right

The gray dragoness let out a sigh as she sprawled out on the couch. The tender leather creaking under her form. She rubbed with one hand over her red dress to flatten it again, the ridiculously plunging, borderline offensive neckline gave her a good view on her own breasts and she had to giggle a little. Then she reached for the remote on the table in front of her and turned the TV on. The news were on, which were read by a white dragon clad in a formal suit. He brought a fist to his muzzle and coughed into it, before he shuffled the papers and looked down at them, then back to the camera.

"In other news, average fertility still on the drop. Scientists assume that this genetic defect renders three out of four males and five out of six females sterile by now. Several religious leaders on the other hand claimed that this is the work of a plague send to punish the sinners. Both sides agree however that it will possibly cause the extinction of dragonkind within two generations. Furthermore the society of-"

She frowned and zapped to the next channel and skipped right to the next as a cooking show greeted here, followed by a boring talk show. She skipped a few more channels before she let out a resigning sigh, turned off the TV and dropped the remote back onto the table. Her eyes wandered to the white ceiling, slowly they started to fill with tears as she remembered the day where the doctors had told her that she was effectively sterile. The odds to actually become pregnant were one in a hundred, without including the abysmal odds that it would actually be a successful one.

She perked up as she heard fumbling on the door, followed by a key being turned in the lock. She sat herself up and wiped the tears away, then faced the door which opened just in this moment. She smiled wide as another gray dragon entered. She waved at him.

"Hello, my dear Aaron! Welcome home!"

She leaned back on the couch, she laid on and stretched her quite big breasts forward with a seductive grin. Aaron had to smirk as he came in and put the suitcase down next to the wardrobe.

"Hello Aica. I missed you."

She giggled and shook her head, slowly sitting up again and placing her arms on the back of the couch.

"You were gone for only six hours. But... I missed you too."

Aica sighed and smiled a little sad, before she sat upright on the couch. Aaron closed the door behind him and walked over to the couch, sitting down next to her. He looped his arm around her and pulled her in for a hug.

"Hey, you know what we are working on, in the institute. We will have children."

She looked at him and nodded slowly. Aaron let out a ooph as she hugged him tightly and he hugged back chuckling. Slowly she let go off him again and smiled.

"Let's get something for dinner, shall we?"

The two dragons had their dinner and spend the rest of the evening watching movies and cuddling. They had idle chats about work and the future, and eventually the night had progressed enough that they went to bed.

Aaron headed off to work early the following day. He drove his car out of the city and around a rather large, raised dam. Which revealed the large, nearly monolithic building, that was his goal. Which somehow managed to 'hide' behind the dam, despite it being several hundred feet high. It's tallest point, a large tower rising up in the back of the large structure, was visible from just about any point in the nearby town. The sight amazed him every day anew, despite him working there for more than five years now. The main part of the building was a equal-sided trapezoid body of polished steel while the entrance area was a more rounded shape with large windows inside it. He parked the car on the parking space in front the entrance and made his way to the large building. He straightened his coat and looked up at the large letters on top of it.


The letters glowed in a subtle but still noticeable light. He shook his head and entered, he stiffened slightly as he went through the security measures in place. Several armed guards, metal detectors, biometric scanners. This place had it all. And he wanted to steal from it. He was still quite tense as he went for his workplace, following the colored markings on the otherwise polished steel walls. On his way he met several of his colleagues, he greeted them, they greeted him, but still he felt so strangely out of place. He entered his lab and immediately a cacophony of noise washed over him. Several desks were in the middle of the rather spacious room and a fair number cages were stacked in the back of it, which were the source of the noise, a glass wall separated this room from the actual chemical lab where a multitude of various colored vials and barrels were stored.

The gray dragon sighed as he saw that no one else of his team were present yet and switched his regular coat for a lab coat before he took a notepad and walked over to the cages. Several specimen of various species, mostly rodents, but also some larger animals like dogs and cats. He had to smirk as he saw their oversized genitals. It was a side effect of the potency increasing agent they were working on here. It did indeed increase fertility in just about every aspect, the male's genitals grew larger and the females had significantly larger litters. Then his smirk widened into a grin as an idea formed in his head.

He could easily smuggle out some of the agent, he just had to write down that he gave a larger of average dose to the animals without actually giving it. It would take some time till they'd find out where the excess was gone. He chuckled lowly as he started on his plan, hoping that nobody else would come in while he was at it. It took him only a few minutes to apply the doses and keep some of it on the side. The next big hurdle would be to get the stuff out and past the security measures. But he had to wait till the afternoon for that when his shift would be over.

The rest of the day progressed as usual, his colleagues showed up one after another, they made several small alterations to the formula, mixed a new compound to see how the changes worked out. Then however something unusual happened. A tremor shook the lab and a loud, wailing sound suddenly filled the air, causing the animals to panic in their cages. It was a fire alarm. They immediately packed up the most relevant things like formulas and samples and deposited them in a safe before they left the room. Aaron used the chance to take the stash of the potency agent he had made with him, he could hide it somewhere outside on the way to their assembly place.

The corridors were bustling with activity as entire departments made their way out of the building. Armed guards made sure that everything went down as civil as possible, despite there being some shoving. Aaron turned his head to look at the building as he left and it quickly became apparent that this was not a training exercise. A huge, smoking and burning hole was gaping in the side of the building. He could only guess what might have happened there.

A huge green dragon with feathered wings and clad in a black business suit waded through the mass of the people. He was nearly twice the size of everyone else on the parking lot and quickly grabbed the attention, it was Coatl, the CEO of the Institute. He raised a large fist to his muzzle and coughed to clear his throat. A sound that was surprisingly loud and reached over the entire lot, more than two hundred workers and scientists going quiet in nearly an instant.

"It seems we had a rather unfortunate accident today."

He looked over to the large hole, his golden eyes shining through even the sunglasses and shook his head. Then he looked back to the crowd, for a moment he seemed to focus on Aaron before his gaze wandered again.

"We will close the Institute early today. If you still have critical experiments in progress then please go and conclude them, the rest of you can head home."

Aaron let out a sigh of relief. But idly he wondered if the CEO suspected something. There were rumors that he was not the average dragon. Which weren't limited to his extraordinary size. Talks of sorcery and black magic were there as well. Of course those were just silly gossip, magic clearly didn't exist. But what if it did? Aaron shrugged slightly and dropped that train of thought as he walked over to his car. A pocket in his coat bulged a little suspiciously, it contained enough of the potency agent to last him and Aica for about a week if they didn't overdose.

He had a big, almost dumb looking, smile on his face the whole way home, even as he entered through the door. He still couldn't quite believe the luck he had with this little stunt. His smile soon disappeared though as he noticed that Aica didn't seemed to be home. He pulled the little box out of his pocket which contained about thirty small flasks, they had to be taken twice a day, and put it down on the low table in front of the couch, before he took his coat off and put it in the wardrobe. He then went over to the bedroom to slip into something more comfortable. On the way there he passed the bathroom, when he suddenly heard a hissing sound, followed by gushing water. He stopped and opened the door slightly, which he found was ajar in the first place. He grinned lewdly as he saw his dear Aica, completely in the nude. She was just about to step under the shower, his eyes wandered over her rather voluptuous form. Aaron shook his head and pulled the door almost closed again before he continued to the bedroom. He changed the formal look for some more casual, almost baggy jeans and a shirt before he headed back to the living room again, sitting down on the couch to wait for Aica.

It didn't take long till the dragoness entered the living room as well, clad in only a bathrobe. She raised a brow as she saw Aaron.

"Hello my dear, home already?"

She walked over to the couch to sit next to him. Aaron smirked at her.

"Yeah, there was an accident. Something exploded and we got off for the rest of the day, while they find out what happened I guess."

He leaned forward to tip on the box with a claw. Aica looked at the box, then at him, her expression quite skeptical but then she reached out to take the box, she opened the lid and glimpsed inside.

"What's this?"

Aaron chuckled and leaned back in the couch.

"The thing we've been working on."

Aica went wide eyed, her mouth agape, she raised the box higher and shook his into his direction.

"You stole it!?"

Aaron raised his hands defensively.

"Careful dear! Don't spill it. I didn't exactly stole it... just a unannounced field test."

He chuckled and sighed, but quickly grimaced under Aica's stern eyes.

"Ok, I stole them. But I did it for you!"

He smiled although he looked quite insecure now. Aica narrowed her eyes at him but then turned back to the box.

"For me? Well..."

She popped open the lid and pulled four flasks out, held them between her claws,

"Bottom's up!"

and poured their contents into her open muzzle before Aaron could object. He looked visibly mortified by it, raised a hand and stuttered.

"You were only supposed to take one!"

Aica shuddered slightly and placed a hand on the side of her head, shaking it slowly.

"Ooohh.. it feels... so hot."

Aaron bit his lower lip as she almost tore her bathrobe off, revealing her naked body. Her scales were glistening with sweat, her cheeks turned a deep purple as she let out a moan. One of her hands reached up and fondled with her tits. He slowly raised a hand.


As he spoke she suddenly turned to him, a wicked grin on her face. She pressed a hand on Aaron's chest to slowly push him down while she climbed onto the couch. Aaron blinked but didn't objected to the sudden advance. He inhaled deeply as he noticed the alluring scent in the air, his eyes trailed down Aica's naked body and he grinned as he saw her femslit parted, revealing the pink flesh of the pussy and clit. Her hands roamed over his chest and Aaron let out a surprised yelp as her claws suddenly cut into his chest, only to tear off his shirt violently.

"Hey, hey! Careful! That was a good shirt!"

But Aica only grunted in response as she started to fumble on the belt of his pants. This time Aaron interrupted her.

"Wait, let me do that, my dear."

He rolled his eyes and opened the belt and pants. He sighed deeply, at which point Aica suddenly grabbed him by the cheeks and forced his mouth open. Aaron gargled in surprise at this and tried to shove Aica off him, grabbing at her belly and tits, which made her moan lustfully. But she didn't let go and with a lustful grin took another four vials from the box. Aaron's eyes widened and he tried to shake his head.


He groaned but was unable to free himself, the dragoness held him in place with a strength he never witnessed before and in the end he was unable to stop her from pouring the liquid down his throat. He coughed as it flowed down his gullet, leaving a tingling sensation in it's wake which quickly spreaded through his entire body, concentrated in his groin area and shot down his inhibition. He snarled as the drug took effect and his flaccid shaft started to pulse and swell, quickly growing to it's full size, a respectable seven inch in length. Aica looked down, past her large chest and at his erect shaft, then grinned at him as she impaled herself on it without any further ado, she let out a lustful cry as the shaft spreaded her tunnel while Aaron groaned at the pleasant tightness. Then she lifted herself up until only his cockhead still remained inside, before letting herself drop down again. Aaron's hands reached up and massaged and kneaded into her tits, a small trickle of milk flowed out of her nipples, but his mind was too clouded to register that it was odd. Aica took several more drops on him, but Aaron decided to speed it up and he managed to flip her over on her back and place himself on top, where he began to pound into her. His hips moving back and forth as he pumped his shaft in again and again. He grimaced as he was nearing his climax, he could literally feel how his balls swelled in size as they prepared a load of seed.

Aica's long, sinewy tail meanwhile snaked around and up to Aaron's tailhole. The tapered tip stroked over the rear once before it forcefully intruded into his anus, the gray dragon roared as it spreaded him and pushed against his prostate. He snarled and increased his pace even more, the tail working in tandem with his jerking hips and before long both dragons cried in unison as they reached their peaks. Aaron pushed his hips forward one last time, driving his shaft in all the way to the hilt as his hot dragon cum flooded into Aica's womb, enough that her belly actually swelled slightly from the sheer amount. The climax lasted for almost half a minute, after which Aaron collapsed on Aica, panting from the exertion. But his shaft still throbbed angrily, his loins still burned with the desire for release and Aica regarded him with a look that basically said that she demanded more as well. After several seconds he picked himself up again and started to thrust anew.

Aaron awoke on the couch as the afternoon sun shone into his face. He groaned and slowly opened his eyes, blinking several times as the sun blinded him before he sat up. His vision was dizzy and he had a pounding headache, his muscles ached from over usage, especially his groin felt horrendously abused. Then his eyes fell on the table, the box was flipped on the side and empty vials were strewn over the table and ground, all thirty of them empty. Then he looked more through the room, saw his tattered remains of clothing but also that there was a rather large puddle of fluids on the leather couch, as well as on the rug on the ground, the smell that permeated the air only left one conclusion to their nature. He slowly stood up, quite shaky on his legs and following a hunch and another smell, slowly walked into the kitchen. Where he found Aica sitting at the table. Spread out before her was a amazing amount of foodstuff, bread slices, cooked eggs, scrambled eggs, bacon, various spreads. It was basically everything they had in the fridge and drawers. He rubbed over his neck and smiled at Aica.

"Wow... that was quite a night wasn't it? From what little that I remember of it."

He chuckled and sat down on the chair next to her, eying the amount of food. Aica looked at him, then at the food with a apologetic look on her face got a plate for him as well. She smirked and shrugged.

"Yes it was. Sorry about this display, but damn I'm hungry! I just can't get enough."

She chuckled and devoured some eggs with a near vicious vigor. Aaron couldn't quite not notice that she did seemed... bigger... somehow. Her limbs were thicker, her breasts a little larger.

"Say dear, since how long are you awake?"

He asked her and kept eying her, taking only a bit of the scrambled eggs and a bread slice for himself.

"An hour maybe?"

She shrugged before she swallowed a slice, spread thick on it, in one go.

"And how long have you been eating?"

He asked and took a small bite of his own food.

"An hour? I almost immediately started after waking up."

Aaron flinched at that and looked her in the eyes.


He looked through the kitchen and noticed that there were lots of empty boxes, wraps and casings, she nearly cleared it all out on her own!

"How in all hells do you fit that into yourself?"

He drummed with his claws on the table, then he looked at her.

"You probably notice that we used all thirty of the vials. Which is a horribly overdose. We have never tested what happens when you use so much of it. In best case each of us used fifteen."

He sighed and looked over the table. While Aica was still gorging herself.

"But given that you have this hunger attack, while I don't have it. I assume that you got more than I did. I think I should go call in sick today."

He stood up from the chair and walked back into the living room where he phoned the institute. As it turned out it was closed today anyway, the explosion had damaged several gas lines which had to be repaired first before they could rupture. This would probably take up the rest of the week as well. He smirked as he walked back into the kitchen.

"Looks like I get a long wee- what the hell?"

He stopped dead in his tracks as he saw Aica, her belly had swollen grotesquely. She looked down at it in shock while her hands roamed over it, then she looked at Aaron with mouth wide open, her eyes full of disbelief.

"It... just happened.. from one moment to the next?"

She said and shook her head, then she let out a cry as a stream of fluids gushed from her pussy. Aaron cursed and jumped to action, shoving the table out of the way to get a closer look. Then it suddenly hit him. Her belly looked like she was heavily pregnant, with more than one child too! But how was this possible? He dashed over to a drawer and pulled several towels from it, as he turned back he saw that Aica had stood up was now in a squatting position, her hands holding onto the table for balance.

"Ahhh! Aaron! It's coming!"

Aaron shook his head and walked to Aica's backside. He had no damn clue what to do. He was a chemist, not a midwife. So he just held a bunch of towels under her gaping slit and waited for whatever would come. Aica let out a short cry as her tunnel was spread and with a wet plop something fell into Aaron's waiting hands.

The something was a large, smooth, granite colored egg.

He stared at it in amazement and nearly dropped it onto the tiled floor. He quickly regained his composure as Aica let out another cry and wrapped it up in a towel to put it to the side. Getting ready with another towel just as another egg popped free, it was gray again, but this time with several large white spots. He marveled at the sight and put it to the side as well.

The whole ordeal lasted only a couple of minutes and as Aica fell back onto the chair, she let out a liberated sigh. She panted slowly and looked down at her clutch, eight large eggs were wrapped up in towels. Aaron sat next to them and stared at them, his eyes full of marvel.

Then he turned to face Aica, his mouth opened and closed several times before he stood up and looked around.

"I better should go do some shopping, we need new groceries. You just stay here and relax."

The dragoness only nodded with dreamy eyes still fixed on the eggs as Aaron left the kitchen. Aaron headed straight to the bedroom without bothering to shower at all, despite him still reeking of sex from the night. As he slipped into his pants he noticed something odd. They were a lot tighter in the groin area. He could barely close the buttons, let alone close the zipper over his crotch. He looked into the mirror and saw the large bulge he had in his pants. He was quite surprised, but still couldn't fight down a wide grin at the sight. Usually it took weeks, if not months of continues treatment with the new medicament to get a growth even remotely close to this.

While Aaron was out of house to do shopping, Aica tended to the eggs and did some cleaning up, but she quickly found that her thoughts drifted back to sex and eating again and again. It prevented her from concentrating on any task for longer than absolutely necessary. The only thing which she did manage to do with a near obsession was to build a makeshift nest for the eggs, which she made from several pillows and sheets which she put right next to the radiator in the living room. The eight eggs enthroned on the pillows and packed up snugly inside the sheets. The size or number of her clutch didn't strike her as odd at all, else she might would have noticed that it was pretty much double the average in number and size of the eggs.

But as she started to work on the puddle of sexual fluids they left behind, she got so worked up by the smell that she nearly collapsed on the ground as she started to finger herself. Her clawed thumb and index finger rubbing over her clit and she moaned out loud as she pinched it lightly with her claws. But it just wasn't enough. It didn't managed to sate her lust and quell the burning in her wet fold. She needed a much more filling sensation, and she knew just where to get it. Her drooling and swollen sex leaving a trace of sexual fluids as she stumbled over into their bedroom, she nearly collapsed in front of one of the drawers as she leaned down to pull it open. She rummaged through the clothing inside it, before pulling out a large black dildo from it.

Aica grinned wide as she laid on her back and spread her legs wide, then rammed the big sex toy right into her wet pussy. A lustful cry escaped her lips as it spread her folds and easily slid deeper, her excessive juices providing enough lubrication for it. She moaned out loud as she pressed in the button to activate the vibration function and started to pull it out and shove it back in in quick succession. After a few minutes she let out a growl and rammed the vibrator as deep into her folds as she could manage. The toy only had provided a momentary relief, now it only served to rile her up even more. She craved a real cock which would fill her empty womb with hot dragon seed until it could take no more and leave her bloated and soon heavy with even more eggs.

What Aica didn't realized however, was that she actually spend the better part of an hour to pleasure herself and by now Aaron already had returned with the car after he had a rather embarrassing accident in the local super market where his enlarged genitals had caused his pants to tear open at the seams, but at least his boxer shorts had managed to avert a major 'tragedy'. But now after having driven home he didn't actually felt that ashamed anymore. In fact he had a strange sense of pride, not just because he sported a massive package now, but also because his experimental agent had worked so amazingly. He parked the car backwards on their lot so the trunk would be closer to the door. But having turned his back to the house as he opened the trunk also made him oblivious to the front door which opened slowly. Aaron was just about to pull one of the bags out of the trunk as something heavy hit him and he let out a surprised yelp as he fell to the ground. He groaned and shook his head in surprise and could already feel hands rub over his bulging crotch. He blinked as he realized that Aica was sitting on him, pinning him down with her weight. He blinked again as he noticed that she was also completely in the nude, drool was running down her maw as she tore at his already damaged pants. Her sharp claws made short work of the strained fabric, shortly afterwards the boxer shorts had to bite it as well as Aica ripped them off with a fierceness that scared him... but it also aroused him quite a bit.

"Damn, you're eager! Can't I first come in at least?"

He joked and chuckled, but he could see a glint in Aica's eyes which almost had something feral to it. He was about to say something more but instead let out a sharp gasp was Aica firmly grabbed his shaft and squeezed his scrotum quite painfully. He shuddered and groaned as her grip relaxed a bit and she started to massage his genitals with expert hands, quickly bringing him into a erect state, although his mind told him that doing it in the open like this was just wrong. But at least the car should block most of the views on them. And yet... it was also quite arousing to be so shameless.

Any further thought was cut off rather violently as Aica impaled herself on Aaron's manhood, pushing down with enough force that their pelvises slammed together rather audibly. Aaron grimaced and let out a sharp hiss from the rough treatment. But the lewd moans coming from Aica indicated that at least she was enjoying it. Her hips rose and lowered in a steady and slowly accelerating pace each time she tried to take in as much of his shaft as she possible could. A strange feeling of tightness started to engulf Aaron's shaft, as if his cock wasn't fully erect and still growing bigger inside Aica. He could definitely feel a tension building up inside his balls however. He rumbled and closed his eyes while his hands gripped Aica's thighs to help her in her efforts, while Aica leaned forward, placing her hands on his chest and letting them rub over his pecs and belly.

Both dragons snarled, grunted, gasped and moaned like wild animals as they continued to mate. The sheer desire to unload and be filled overriding everything else. It also made them completely oblivious to the complaints of their enraged neighbors, which were rather upset by this display, especially with it being so loud and right in the open. The poor children could see it! But it all was to no avail as the both gray dragons just continued to fuck each other silly. And then Aaron reached a roaring climax, which made Aica's stomach distend visibly from the volume of the load and caused a large, smelly puddle of mixed sexual fluids to expand under the two. At this point it became too much for one of the neighbors, a elderly blue dragon, which had also voiced the loudest protest so far. He grumbled and walked around his house and shortly thereafter returned with a garden hose, which he promptly pointed at the rutting pair and turned on to cool their temper. The cold water surged out from it and showered over the two dragons. Aaron and Aica let out cries of surprise at the sudden cold, but still they continued on and only as the showering persisted did they finally came back to their senses, at least partially.

Aica stared at the group of neighbors, then looked down at Aaron and back up. Her gray cheek scales turning a deep purple as she blushed hard. A wet slurp followed as she stood up from Aaron and hurried back into the building. Aaron looked around slowly, his engorged member still rock hard and spewing precum into the air. He gasped as he saw the size of his erection, it was easily longer and thicker than his lower arm! He wondered how he had managed to squeeze that monster into Aica, but he was interrupted as he got hosed down again with the cold water. He yelled as the water stream hit his cock and he rolled around and stood up.

"Sorry! Dammit! Sorry!"

He cursed as he slammed the car trunk shut and hurried back into the house, his shaft still being mostly erect and bobbing up and down. He closed the door behind him and sighed, the water dripping down his scales and making a mess on the ground. He looked through the living room but discovered no trace of Aica anywhere. He noticed the nest in the corner of the room though and smirked, then headed into the direction of the bathroom to wash, or at least dry himself off before he slipped into new clothing. Just as he was about to open the door he could hear how the shower was turned on. He grinned as a tingling ran through his crotch. His desire to mate was still not quenched. He eagerly threw the door open which slammed audibly against the wall. Aica was already under the shower and just in the process of pleasuring herself with her tail as Aaron entered. The loud noise of his entry startled her, but then she smiled with lusty eyes.

Aaron nearly tripped as he got rid of his pants while walking to her, bent on being the one who would be on top this time. His grin widened, giving a almost predatory look as he climbed into the shower to join her. He shuddered as the warm water ran over his body and still erect shaft, which felt amazingly sensitive right now. Aaron's hands reached out and trailed over Aica's body, rubbing along her sides and squeezing into her hefty pair of tits, before reaching up to her shoulders and gently pressed her against the tiled wall. The dragoness made no attempts to resist him, in fact she thrusted her hips slightly forward and looped her arms around his shoulders to pull him closer. The dragon grimaced as his fat shaft forced it's way into her pussy and spread her wide while his hands trailed down her body again. Aica jumped up as he did the first hard thrust, her legs wrapping around Aaron's lower body as he gripped her by the ass to hold her secured, then he started to thrust into her. Driving his shaft deeper and deeper.

They spend the rest of the daylight time to fuck each other silly, only stopping as they were so tired and sore that they just couldn't possibly continue anymore. They used this short break to bring in the shoppings. Aaron wasn't even done bringing in the last box as he could already smell the food Aica was preparing now. As he came into the kitchen he was that she was already busy cooking most of the food items he had bought.

"Hungry aren't we? Well, I sure could do with something to bite after that exercise."

Aica only chuckled in reply. It didn't took long for her to finish cooking the... whatever it was. It looked like she had pretty much taken everything she could and just meshed it together in the biggest pan she could find. Aaron hungrily shoveled some of it onto his place until it was full and started to eat it in big gulps. But he went wide eyed and slowed as he saw how Aica basically ate straight from the still hot pan, seemingly unaffected by it's temperature, her long tongue scooping up the food better than any spoon ever could. Aaron gulped as she put the pan down again. It was licked completely clean. Then she eyed his plate and pointed at it.

"Do you still eat that?"

Aaron blinked at her, then nodded slowly and looked down at his plate.

"Uhh... yes...?"

Aica let out a disappointed sigh and looked to the side and pouted. But then she shrugged and stood up from the chair turning back to the stove to prepare another round. Aaron gasped and dropped his fork as he saw her back.

"H-Hon?... Your back..? What happened there?"

He pointed at her, while his exclamation prompted her to turn awkwardly to look at her own back somehow with her hands rubbing over it.

"What? What happened?"

She asked confused. Aaron rose from the table and walked over to her, then placed his hands on her shoulder blades, where large, visible bumps had formed. He carefully rubbed over them.

"Some sort of... swellings? Does it hurt when I touch them?"

Aica shuddered slightly and shook her head, now stretching a little to feel them herself. They really where right on the back of her shoulders.

"No... it doesn't hurt. But it still feels quite sensitive. What is happening to me?"

Aaron shook his head and sighed.

"I don't know. I really don't... I'm not a biologist. It could be a side effect of the chemical agent though?"

She turned to him, her eyes quivering with fear. He leaned forward and hugged her, rubbing with one hand over her back.

"Don't worry, hon. We'll get you to a doctor tomorrow."

She nodded slowly and shivered as she broke the hug. They looked at each other in silence... before a low growl from Aica's stomach interrupted the silence. Aaron looked at her belly in surprise.

"You gotta be kidding..."

They both chuckled and Aica turned back to the hot plate where she worked on the next meal again, trying to ignore the strange development for now. While Aaron went back to his food, but still keeping an eye on her, to see if he could spot any other changes. But nothing struck him as out of the ordinary. Aica's rear appeared to be a little wider than some time ago, but she was also eating a lot lately too, so that probably wasn't that surprising.

In what was probably record time, Aica had made another large pan full of food, which she devoured with vigor. While Aaron had just finished his own plate. By now he seriously wondered if ... field testing that new agent had really been such a good idea. It probably wasn't, in fact it was a excruciatingly stupid idea as he recalled that all those tests on lab animals, and then in controlled conditions, where there for a reason. Then he recalled the number and size of the eggs and figured that the experiment was still quite a success so far. They just had to get this ravenous hunger worked out somehow. He chuckled lowly as he realized that he was slowly drifting off into calculating formulas and dosages again and shook his head clear of it.

Then he blinked and looked around as he noticed that Aica was gone.

"Hon? Where are yuuuuu~"

He gasped for air as he could feel a scaled head spread his legs and a long tongue running over his flaccid shaft. He couldn't keep down a chuckle as Aica continued to lick and kiss his shaft, which quickly grew erect from the sensations and he let out a low moan as she took it into her maw, her sharp teeth brushing over his massive member and adding a thrilling new sensation to it. Though it did made him wonder what would happen if he prove to be too big. The train of thought got derailed however as a wave of pleasure washed over him as her tongue penetrated into his cumslit. He shuddered and grabbed the table, his claws digging into the wood and leaving scratch marks behind as she sucked and licked over his cock. His toes curled and he had to keep himself from pressing his legs together as Aica was almost ferocious in her sucking, building up a suction like she never did before. For a moment he was convinced that she tried to draw the cum straight from his balls, without asking for his 'permission' first. And given how her tongue danced over his cockhead and along his shaft he would soon give it. He panted as the pleasure kept increasing, her suction pulling increasing amounts of blood into his shaft which made it swell larger and become even more sensitive in turn. His balls quivered and churned as they prepared to empty yet again, somehow managing to muster yet another load after having been thoroughly milked for hours already.

He gritted his teeth and snarled as the pleasure was washing over him and the last bit of 'resistance' away. A hoarse sounding roar which quickly trailed off into breathlessness escaped him as he climaxed again, his hips spasming as he bucked forward and deeper into Aica's maw pushing his cockhead past her gag reflex before his seed exploded from his cumslit with enough force that it rushed straight down her gullet and filled her ever greedy stomach. Aica's maw and throat kept working on his shaft regardless and mercilessly milked him for every drop he had to offer.

After another minute of sucking Aaron was positively emptied and had nearly collapsed on the chair from the sensual overload. Aica then let go off his shaft, which prove to be rather difficult as it had swollen considerably in her maw, her teeth were scraping over the skin but she managed to pull off without drawing blood, although it left a few tiny marks on his abused meat. The flesh deep purple and throbbing angrily, but now it was slowly receding again.

With a satisfied rumble Aica crawled out from under the table. The cumload of Aaron had satisfied her hunger better than the food before had. After their dinner the two dragons barely managed to get to bed where they had one last romp before the exertion took over and they drifted off into sleep.

Aaron awoke rather groggy and blinked slowly as sunlight shone into his face and he could hear a awfully loud helicopter fly overhead. He blinked and sat up, while slowly looking around. With a puzzled expression he lifted up parts of shredded cloth then jumped out of the bed as he heard a loud snarl coming from down the hall. The gray dragon grimaced as he saw a pair of feet stick out from around the corner in the living room and hurried quickly over to them. But as he came closer he slowed down, before he stopped and looked over the body lying before him. He was sure that it was Aica, her looks however had changed. He carefully leaned over to her and frowned. The dragoness had grown curved and quite noticeable spikes along her spines, which would make wearing regular clothes very hard, if not outright impossible without ripping them open.

The nubs on her back had grown as well and they seemed to end in deformed hands of sorts. Aaron got the suspicion that those would eventually turn into wings. He didn't had to be a doctor to be able to see that.

"How are you feeling? Can you stand?"

He asked with a worried expression and reached for her shoulder, but before he could touch her, Aica suddenly lashed out at him with her arm. Aaron led out a yelp and stumbled back while blood drops hit the ground. With wide eyes he looked over his arm, a deep cut was running over his forearm. While the cut wasn't deep enough to go to the bone it was still bleeding profusely.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?"

He yelled and looked at her with wide eyes, she had grown spikes on her forearm and elbow as well, their ends looked more like blades however. And they pretty much worked like those too, as he just could witness. He grimaced and hurried into the bathroom where he got a towel to press onto his arm while he went for their medicine cabinet to get bandages for himself out. He could hear Aica snarl and slump about on the floor. After he had applied a more ill than right fitting bandage he went back into the living room, where Aica had meanwhile curled up close to the eggs and was looking at him with teary eyes. The gray dragon sighed sadly and shook his head.

"Hey... I'm sorry... I didn't meant to yell at you."

He raised his arm with the bandage on it and chuckled lowly.

"But you did cut me! With those... blades..."

He waved into her direction and then grimaced as he saw that the bandage was pretty much red again. He sighed again and walked back into the bathroom to get the towel again.

"I think I should go to the hospital and get this stitched up, it really is bleeding quite a lot."

He took up their phone and sat down on the couch, where he looked at Aica and tilted his head slightly.

"Um... why aren't you saying anything? Are you alright?"

He leaned forward on the couch and looked intently at Aica. Who responded by slowly lifting and shaking her head.

"No... I'm.. not."

Aaron could barely make out what she had said. Her voice sounded terribly coarse and rough, as if she had a very serious case of cold or had her throat burned. Aaron's mouth stood wide open. He blinked slowly and closed his mouth again, before opening again, but no tone left his throat at first.

"We... I know someone... he's a doctor, worked at the Institute sometime ago as well, but is now in pension. I'm sure he can help us."

He raised the phone and dialed a number. The dragon bit on his lower lip as he waited for the other side to respond.

"Hi, Aaron's here..... yeah that annoying bugger from the lab. Heh... My wife and I are in a bit of trouble, can you help us?"

A short pause followed.

"Well, it has something to do with some stuff from the Coatl Institute, I know that you were responsible for treating subjects which reacted poorly to the stuff we tested-"

He grimaced and stopped in mid sentence while he held the phone a little further away from his ear while a torrent of barely comprehensible yells followed. He smirked as it subsided again and he held the phone close to his ear again.

"So, can you help us?"

Aaron's worries had increased even more as he had helped Aica into the backbench of the car. The deformations on her back made it pretty much impossible for her to simply sit there or lay on her back. But that she, as Aaron had noticed quite quickly when he helped her up from the floor, had a immensely swollen belly as well made it hard for her to simply lay on her front on the bench as well. Not to mention that she seemed to have pretty much increased in overall size had made it hard for her to even fit into the car in the first place too. Her hips seemed to have expanded the most, shortly followed by her height, she was about a head taller than Aaron now, while before he had been the slightly bigger one, although by only a couple of inches.

However after some work they had managed to get her in and she was now resting somewhat comfortably on the backseats with a bunch of pillows while Aaron had to struggle with his pants, he found out that his genitals had enlarged over night again and he couldn't fit his dick into any underwear and even most pants were too tight. So he ended up wearing the baggiest pair of jogging pants he could find and still the bulge in it was outright obscene. He frowned at the bandage which was dripping with blood again and started the car as he decided that it wouldn't stop him from driving. Just as he started the engine he could hear another helicopter pass overhead, given the noise it made it must have been a big one. He paid that no further mind as he pressed the gas pedal down and drove the car down the street.

They drove for the better part of a quarter hour and were nearing their destination. The doctor Aaron was driving to lived in a residential area just behind the park he was driving around now. He heard a wet dripping sound and turned slightly just before Aica let out a pained moan and started to claw at the cushions. The gray dragon let out a surprised cry as a careless swipe of her graced his elbow and the car started to lurch for a moment before Aaron took control of the wheel again.

"Dammit! What's up wi-"

He was cut short as Aica started to snarl and push against the seat with her side, her spikes ripped up the pillows and seat covers while she clawed with one hand at Aaron, pulling at his shoulder while a rough squealing and hoarse coughs escaped her mouth. The gray dragon meanwhile had a hard time to keep the car under control with Aica kicking against his seat and clawing at his shoulder, on top of that the scent of her sexual fluids started to fill the cabin. And as her claws finally started to dig into his shoulder he let out a cry of pain and hit the breaks while pulling over to the side.

The truck that followed short behind them wasn't that quick however.

A horrifying sound of bending and wailing metal followed as the truck hit their rear and their car was catapulted forward, missing a group of pedestrians by only a mere foot as the vehicle was flung forward and into the park itself, where it rolled down a small hill before colliding with a tree. Again missing a occupied bench by only a hand.

Aaron could feel hands pulling him out of the car, some excited shouts followed of which he could make no sense at all in his dazed state though. He felt himself fall into the soft, wet grass and slowly his vision started to focus again and the stars disappeared. Finally the voices started to make sense aswell.

"-you alright? That did look pretty bad there."

A male voice said.

"Almost run me over that bastard! I'm going to sue you! You hear me, sue you for every penny you have!"

Another more distant voice shrieked.

The gray dragon rose up slowly with the help of a green dragon. Aaron groaned and rubbed with his hand over his face. Then he looked around.

"Where is Aica? Where is my wife?"

The green dragon smirked at him.

"Ooh, you mean that snarling scaly ball thing that leaped out your car the moment you stop...ped.."

The smirk vanished from his face as he saw Aaron's glare, then he turned slightly to point over to a nearby pond, where quite a crowd had gathered in a respectable distance. He grimaced and walked over to the crowd, while someone behind him continued to wail how he dared to just run away now. He paid it no mind however and circled around the crowd to get a clear sight, which made his jaw drop as he saw Aica in squatting close to the water as she was just pressing a egg out under loud panting. From what he could see she had already laid several and her expression told him that she was well aware of the people watching her, in fact she snarled at them every so often and kept her claws raised, together with the blades on her forearms she made quite a menacing sight.

He was just about to walk closer as he could hear the sound of a helicopter again, it also reminded him of the other two times which Aaron had just discarded before. He looked up into the sky and a large Osprey VTOL approaching, there was no doubt that it was heading for the park as it was in the process of descending already. Aica had noticed the vehicle as well and turned her attention to it. Aaron took a step back and shook his head as he could see more of the Osprey's details as it closed in, it was painted in a dark green and shining gold and a large icy blue C was printed on it's sides. The gray dragon ran over to Aica as the helicopter was circling above them and probably looking for a suitable place to land. Aaron leaned forward to Aica and reached for her shoulder.

"We have to go! NOW!"

He shouted over the Osprey's awfully loud engines, but Aica pushed his arm to the side and shook her head.


She growled deeply and huffed as she squeezed another egg out. With a worried expression Aaron turned to look at the descending craft, the pilot had decided that the place the crowd occupied at the moment was apparently the best place to land and the dragons let out surprised cries as they dispersed. Aaron grabbed Aica's shoulder and pulled on her, to which she responded with a furious snarl but didn't struggled against him.

It was too late however, the VTOL hadn't even touched the ground as the loading ramp opened already and armed personnel in the, for Aaron, all too familiar green and gold uniform of the Institutes security force, jumped out from it. But these guys were much heavier armored than the ones he usually got to see. Several of the troopers circled Aaron and Aica while others swarmed out more, two of them were also approaching the eggs but Aica placed herself in their way. The two soldiers stopped, at least for the moment. Then the craft actually made contact with the ground and the rotors started to slow down. A rather large orange dragon stepped out, a cap loosely fitting on his head. He walked over to Aaron and Aica with a rather brisk pace and stopped just short before them.

"Subject Zero, Subject One, I will ask you once to cooperate and come quietly."

Aaron's eyes went wide and he shook his head as he realized the implications of what it meant to be addressed like that.

"Nononono you can't be serious. We're not experiments!"

The orange dragon let out a deep frustrated sounding sigh. He took a few seconds to reply and it was apparent that he heavily considered if the bother was even worth it, before he finally opened his mouth again.

"Should you, or anyone you know, become exposed to any substances, either intentionally or by accident, your current status will be voided and you will be considered as part of the experiment until further notice. Clause three three seven point five of the research agreement. A agreement that you signed by the way. Will you come now?"

The possibility for a reply was taken from Aaron as, with a sudden roar of anger, Aica suddenly leaped forward at one of the soldiers in front of her. He cursed loudly as he fell under Aica's bulk, but her claws prove to be mostly ineffectual against the body armor. The other soldier meanwhile raised a pistol and aimed at Aica. Aaron grimaced as he smacked the troopers arm to throw his aim off and the two darts the pistol shot hit the ground, rather than the dragoness. A loud thud followed and Aaron's world disappeared in darkness.

The troop leader grimaced after he had knocked out the gray dragon, he pointed at the frenzied dragoness.

"Pacify her, then load them both and the eggs in."

He ordered before turning back to climb into the waiting Osprey.

Aaron wasn't sure for how long he was knocked out, but he awoke with his hands bound up behind his back and sitting between two rather angry looking troopers. He looked around slowly to prevent the dizziness, and saw that he was inside the helicopter now, occasional rocking suggested that they were still in flight, he looked to the side and saw Aica further down and more thoroughly tied up than himself, her ankles and hands were bound together and she even had a strap around her muzzle, she struggled against her constraints while some trooper was kneeling beside her and prepared a syringe. Probably to sedate her, Aaron thought. He looked around and saw that some of the soldiers uniforms were dirty and torn up, apparently she had provided more resistance than he himself had managed. Not a single word was being exchanged and he didn't dared to speak lest he drew anyone's ire here. He looked up at the medic as he came for him to sedate him as well. Then he drifted off into darkness again.

He awoke with a start and a loud gasp and was immediately greeted by the sight of a large, broad and green scaled dragon head grinning at him. The grin showed way too many awfully sharp looking teeth to even be remotely comfortable. The gray dragon tried to squirm away from the teeth but there was just no way, his arms and legs were bound with cuffs and he was bound to a angled table. Slowly the green dragon face distanced from him again and Aaron realized that the other dragon had leaned down to him.

"Well, finally you are awake. At least you were easier to handle than your wife. You were out for about..."

The huge green dragon paused and looked down on a ridiculously fancy wrist watch. The fabric of his black business suit tightened over his thick arms. There was practically no mistaking him, there was no other living dragon who came even close to his size.

"About six hours."

Coatl, the CEO of Coatl Institutes, said.

"Which is a good bit longer than Aica. Heh... turns out that sedatives don't work on her... anymore."

Coatl walked further back from the table, giving Aaron a good view of where he was. Not that he could do much with that as the room, though large, was devoid of any noticeable features or even objects. Walls, floor and ceiling were completely covered in clinical white tiles. The only really different feature was a steel door in the wall opposite of him. The large dragon rubbed over his chin.

"Hmm... you were never in this part of the building if I remember correctly? You only have a level two clearance... or had rather. That barely scratched the surface."

The dragon chuckled as if he had made a joke.

"We have a few... questions we hope you could answer us, to be able to carry on with the project, after all it shows amazing results so far. We know that you took about three hundred milliliter, enough for roughly thirty doses and given that we found nothing but the empty vials in the garbage bin when we checked the remains of your house..."

Aaron had the intention of saying nothing to the large dragon. But as he heard that, he gave the larger dragon a puzzled look.

"What do you mean? Remains of our house? What have you done?!"

He struggled against the constraints but they wouldn't budge at all. Coatl fixed his golden eyes on him and his the disapproving expression of his made Aaron shut up quickly. The gaze lingered on the gray dragon which only amplified the uncomfortable feel of vulnerability his current situation already provided him with. He averted his eyes as he was unable to withstand the other dragon any longer and looked down, that's when he noticed that he was completely naked and his genitals were bulging obscenely, even flaccid his penis reached down to his knee. He blushed slightly which made the green dragon smirk.

"Well, one after another. You've been out for a while, how about you tell me what happened after you... conducted the unannounced field test and then I'll tell you what happened in the last few hours."

Coatl continued his questions for some time, which felt like hours to Aaron, although it could well have only been a few minutes too, there was simply nothing that told him anything about the passing of time. The CEO's questions were rather general at first, what they did in the last few days and what he experienced. Aaron felt strangely compelled to answer to the best of his abilities, even going into embarrassing detail on some parts. Eventually he finished and the large green dragon nodded. Then he turned around and walked towards the room's door, on the way there he stepped on a tile which sunk down and with a soft hiss the cuffs around Aaron's wrists and ankles opened and he slid down the table only to fall clumsily on the ground as his legs gave in. Coatl turned to look at Aaron and tilted his head lightly.

"Follow me, when you are done lying around."

He said in a rather mocking tone and continued his way to the door, taking slow steps but his size let him cover the ground quite quickly regardless. Aaron grunted a rude, but unheard, reply and struggled to his feet. He grimaced and followed the large dragon after some hesitation, his oversized genitals swinging around with their own momentum and he had to get used to them first. He wondered when exactly they got so big.

The two dragons left the room through the door, which lead them into a corridor of similar design, occasionally the wall continuity of the walls were broken by the doors of other rooms and corridors that forked off and crossed this one. Aaron couldn't recall ever being in this part of the building. He was also slightly confused at the complete absence of a guiding system. Just as he was about to ask a row of tiles on the wall in front of them switched color, they formed a green line which continued down the right of the hall and eventually disappeared around a corner. The words 'specimen storage' were written on them in white letters.

"You had asked what happened to your house and I think it's better to just show you. I think you'll be... surprised."

Aaron wondered what Coatl could mean with that but he was too busy to keep up with the huge dragon's pace to be able to ask much. What he noticed however was how few other people he saw in the corridors. Most seemed to stay a good distance away and entered rooms or went around corners before they came even close. Those few times they actually did the scientists in question didn't seemed to be bothered by Aaron's nakedness and condition at all. He even got a wink from a rather voluptuous female. The corridor broadened at one point and Aaron assumed that it was well possible to drive a truck through the hall here and before he knew they were at their destination, the green line ended next to a massive steel door, which wouldn't be out of place in a warehouse. Coatl pressed his hand on a rather unassuming tile right of the door and it suddenly sprang to life as light was projected outward to form a display that could be interacted with. Aaron went wide eyed at the sight, he had only seen that kind of things in Science Fiction before. Coatl typed in a number sequence and the door started to open with a rumble. He chuckled lowly as he saw Aaron's expression.

"As said, only scratched the surface."

Any reply of Aaron was drowned out as the door slid open and a cacophony of bestial roars and snarls greeted them as well as a indescribable stench that permeated the air and made breathing difficult. The gray dragon saw some scientists in white lab coats with notepads and several workers in green overalls handling cranes, all of them had to wade through a mostly clear fluid which went up to their ankles, several drains were already hard at work to stem the tide. The source of this flood were six cages halfway across the hall, which were currently being loaded off a large truck. One of them hanging on cranes while four were already placed in a row with some distance between each cage, the last still stood on the truck. The one on the crane was the most obvious source, given that it was running down in a thick stream of it's edge.

"What the hell..."

Aaron muttered and the bellowing, roaring and snarling suddenly went silent and the small dragon suddenly felt half a dozen piercing gazes resting on him. The sudden quiet also got the workers and scientists to look into their direction. The gray dragon shuddered at the sudden amount of attention and he was just about to take a step back as he felt a strong paw on his back nudging him forward.

"Nah, I think you want to say hello to your sons."

The large dragon chuckled as he lead the quivering Aaron towards the cages, the strange, but not unpleasant smell becoming even stronger as they neared it's source. Coatl motioned one of the workers to lower the cage. The occupant growled deeply to voice his unhappiness with the current predicament but stayed passive for the most part and with a wet slurp it sat down on the ground. Somehow the cages had so far obscured just what their exact contents were, as if the shadows inside had amassed somehow to create a veil, but it became less effective as they came closer.

Aaron meanwhile was all too aware of the looks he was getting. He had the feeling that he was being judged and that he was found to be inadequate. Then his jaw dropped as they closed and he saw just what sort of being he allegedly had sired. He had seen even from afar that it was big and walking on all fours, but he didn't knew just how big it was! The beast before him was easily the size of a van and immense muscle packages rippled under steel gray scales. It looked like it could easily rip through reinforced steel with it's claws, which begged the question of just what those cages were made off that they could contain those beasts. Midnight black stripes adorned it's form, much like Aica's and fearsome spikes and spines jutted from his arms and back, again much like what Aica had developed them. A large pair of wings on it's back was awkwardly folded in the tight confines of the cage. But what probably jumped to Aaron's eyes the most was that ridiculously disproportionate package between the big beast's legs, which left no doubt of the massive dragon's gender. The balls were enormous and the firm forms of the testicles stretched the scaled scrotum, which almost dragged over the ground. Aaron could easily use it as a beanbag, if he weren't sure that the dragon would take offense. But the gigantic jet black shaft probably took the cake, it stretched forward, reaching past the beefy dragons chest and throbbed angrily. The mammoth length had more girth than the dragon's hind-leg and Aaron had no doubt that if that monster wanted to suck himself off, then he would have no trouble doing so. He just couldn't imagine that there was any living being on the planet who was able to take such a monstrous dick without being torn in half, especially with those large ridges, spines and hideously bloated knot at the end. It was a wonder the dragon could walk at all. A near constant stream of pre cum leaked from the swollen cumpipe as well. At least that explained the smell of sex and flood of juices.

Aaron stood there and stared at the monster of a dragon with his jaw hanging low in amazement. The massive dragon gazed back and only moved a little, shifting his weight from one side to the other and giving Aaron a even better look at his physique. After a minute or two however the dragon became visibly bored with being gawked at. Coatl looked at Aaron and chuckled lowly.

"Saw enough yet?"

Aaron's jaw snapped shut and he blinked, as if awaking from a trance. He looked up at the huge dragon next to him.

"You are kidding, right? No way THAT monster came from those eggs!"

He waved into the general direction of the muscle dragon with one hand. Coatl however nodded although the expression on his face kept changing from frown to smile and back.

"Oh yes, in fact it did. As Containment Team Two would testify... if they had survived that is."

The big dragon sighed deeply and looked at the monstrous beast inside the cage.

"Took quite a bit to subdue you buggers."

Then he turned to look at Aaron again and shook his head slowly.

"Your neighborhood is... gone. Although we wouldn't let you go anyway, not until we figure... this out."

Coatl waved at the cage and his occupant, who snarled back at the green dragon. Aaron shook his head, his eyes wandering between the two big dragons with a puzzled expression.

"I don't understand still? What is going on? How... you said only six hours! How have they grown that HUGE in such short time?"

The green dragon shrugged and sighed.

"That's something we don't know. Not for certain at least."

Aaron tilted his head and looked at him.

"What do you mean?"

Coatl inhaled deeply again and shuddered slightly, probably from the smell in the air.

"We recovered some footage from the wreck of the transporter. Our.... friends here apparently grew massively from consuming everything they could get their claws on."

Before the green dragon could continue the massive gray beast let out a low, terrible sounding laughter.

"We were hungry after hatching and since our progenitors were absent, we had to make do."

Then he turned his massive head to Aaron.

"We sense that Mother is afraid, she demands your presence to comfort her. Do not keep her wanting."

Coatl leaned forward, his golden eyes were narrowed and the grin on his face showed awfully many, sharp teeth.

"You should be more concerned about your own well being. Now that I know that you are sapient... and after what you did to my employees... I will enjoy breaking you."

He said in a low tone, which was threatening enough that even the musclebound dragon winced for a moment. Coatl turned to the crane operator.

"Reschedule the transport, they'll go to room one-o-one instead."

Aaron looked around confused, his question getting drowned out as the crane went back into motion and the dragons started to roar again and struggle against their confines, which miraciously contained their massive power. The green dragon grabbed Aaron by the arm and pulled him along, the gray dragons complaints went unheard as were his cries of pain as Coatl nearly crushed his arm and shoulder in his grip.

The huge dragon pulled Aaron through seemingly endless corridors which were more akin to a elaborate labyrinth, given how alike they looked. Aaron was also fairly certain that they were walking in circles as they had done several turns already and took no stairs or otherwise seemed to change elevation. After several minutes he felt hopelessly lost and the last bits of his already meek resistance died down. Just as they reached their destination.

Coatl slammed his hand against the panel next to the rather unassuming door and with a flicker and some static the display came to life. He punched in another number series and the door slid to the side with a audible 'tschk' sound. The huge dragon frowned as he pushed Aaron into the room, which was much like the others he saw so far, polished steel tiles in a wide open area. However this time there was also a rather large machine inside which from it's movements and the number of hoses on it reminded him of a pump of some sort.

"There, go comfort your wife. I'm sorry for the rough treatment but the prospect of telling several soon-to-be-widows why their husbands won't come home again but a damper on my mood. I'll be... back in a while."

With a low growl the large dragon left the room again and the door shut behind him. If Aaron hadn't seen it close he wouldn't know that there even was a exit, so smoothly did it fit into the surroundings. He then turned back to the large machinery which hummed a little. He slowly walked over to it to inspect it more. After all Coatl had at least implied that Aica was here somewhere, but he couldn't see her. He slowly rounded the machine and almost stumbled as his legs wanted to go backwards again while his momentum still carried him forward.

Behind the machine laid Aica, slightly turned on the side, a large hose right in range of her muzzle, she'd only have to stretch her neck a bit. But what had thrown Aaron off balance were the changes that had happened to Aica again. The stubby arms on her back had fully developed into wings now, although they were still too small to fly with, or even slow a fall. With a jerking motion Aica's head turned to look at Aaron, a large pair of horns had grown on her head and gave her a rather fierce look too. She let out a squeal of joy and stood up from the ground. Aaron had to take a step back again as the dragoness had grown rather considerably in the last few hours, she towered over the gray dragon, despite being hunched over enough that she might just as well walk on all fours now. He grimaced and shook his head.

"Oh, Aica... what happened?"

Coatl growled lowly as he entered his office. It was situated inside the large towers top and a large window right behind his desk gave him a good view over the nearby city. He frowned as he saw the cratered landscape where they had subdued the six dragons and were once a little suburb had been. Conventional weapons had completely failed to even scratch the scales of those beasts, gassing hadn't been an option since they could just fly above the clouds. However when the 'shock therapy' squad had been called in, the one sided battle had become more equal again as despite their amazing constitution they were still unable to stand up to generously applied electroshock weapons. The emerald dragon let out a sigh as he sat down on his reinforced chair and took a look at the casualty report again. The total body count was unknown as the six dragons had devoured all bodies they could get, however the number of the missing went into the three digits.

However the green dragon cared less about the actual damage and more about the fact that it was damage to his property and employees. A damage those six dragons would pay off again, by indentured servitude if necessary. He groaned as he looked at the next report of the containment of Aica and Aaron, and about a dozen eggs. He rubbed with one hand over his muzzle and just as he put the report to the side a red light flared up on his desk. He pushed on it with his index finger.


He said into the empty room, while he leaned back on his chair.

"Sir, the dragons have been transported to one-o-one, no incidents along the way. They... appeared to be more curious than anything."

A soft spoken, male voice answered him, to which the large dragon nodded.

"Very good, make sure that the other batch of eggs is properly secured and that they have access to food when they hatch. We don't want them to go out of control as well."

He stroked over his chin and then shook his head.

"If they do, gas them and make sure that all other eggs get frozen. Feral beasts are of no use to us."

He pressed the button again to cut off the connection and pressed one on the other side of the desk as he stood up from his chair. A wood panel on the wall slid to the side and revealed a closet and changing room behind it. He stretched and walked into it, stripping himself of his business suit which he put on a tray. It soon disappeared behind a panel where a automated system would clean and iron it and then put it back on a free hanger. Meanwhile the dragon walked further into the amazingly spacious closet until it's very end were a shower like cabin was. He climbed into it and held his muscular arms and legs spread.

"Full body suit, haz-mat configuration."

He said and the shower head responded by spraying a dark blue liquid on the dragon's form, which started to spread out over his scales, rather than simply dripping down. Coatl shuddered slightly as he felt the slightly warm liquid run over his body and accumulate more as it encapsulated him perfectly. His vision blurred and he couldn't breath for a moment as it also flowed over his face, eyes and mouth. But it quickly retreated from there again as he commanded it to leave his head free, for now at least. He took a few steps so that the goo could also cover the undersides of his feet before he stepped out of the cabin again. The excess material running down a drain to be rejoin the circuit.

The dragon looked into a mirror and smirked. The skintight rubber suit managed to accentuate his already highly defined muscles even more and it also made his quite oversized package stand out. The huge balls and flaccid cock hanging freely, protected by the suit but still he could feel everything through it, as if it weren't even there. He raised a brow but then smiled as the deep blue changed it's color to make green stripes appear that ran down his sides. Whistling he left the closet again while the door closed automatically behind him and he left his office and took the elevator down the tower.

The door to room one-o-one opened with a foreboding hiss as Coatl stepped through it. He grinned wide as he saw the six dragons, in two rows of three facing each other. Each of the huge beasts was put into a pillory like device which kept their heads and arms fixed, while their feet were held on the ground with large cuffs. There were even huge chains slung around their cocks and large tubes drained their precum away. Coatl chuckled as he walked along the rows, just outside of biting range of the dragons.

"I really wouldn't have thought that you let yourself be bound up that easily. You didn't even had the dignity to cause a noteworthy incident. So big and no self respect?"

The dragons replied with low, angry growls to his teasing, but the emerald dragon only shook his head.

"Well anyway. Let's see what wonderful things I can do to you. Room one-o-one is specifically designed to do gruesome custom tailored things."

He laughed deeply while the other dragons threw worried looks at each other. Only one struggled more against his confines.

"I will devour your flesh!"

The beast grunted in his guttural voice, to which the green dragon only scoffed.

"You will do nothing. No, in fact I think we'll start with you!"

Coatl walked over to the dragon, the last one in the right row. The dragon also seemed to be slightly larger than the others. The emerald dragon snickered as he walked past the huge beast and out of it's view, which made it visibly uncomfortable as Coatl stroked over the massively muscled shoulder.

"I've actually been... itching to test this thing proper. You see, it is a new invention... naah, I won't bore you with the technobabble now. You wouldn't know anyway."

He chuckled lowly and took a step back, the tile on the ground giving way slightly and a hatch in the ceiling opened, just above the dragon's head and a cap connected with several cables was lowered into the room. The big beast craned and stretched it's neck to look up at it.

"Nah, no peeking."

Coatl snickered and hit a switch on the pillory, which caused the neck fixation to extend and force the dragon's head to look straight ahead with no possible way to move anymore. Coatl walked up to his head and nodded with a wide grin.

"Sooo... this little cap will sift through your mind and find all the little things which annoy you, make you afraid, or put you in distress... at least that's what it's supposed to do. It could just fry your brain or lobotomize you too, we haven't tested it yet."

He grinned toothily as he took the cap and put it on the dragon's head, who tried to struggle as much as he could, the pillory rattled as the dragons massive arm muscles flexed and his legs tried to pull him back and away from the cap. But ultimately the shiny alloy the fixations were made off prove to be stronger than the dragon.

"So much strength, and yet it's still not enough. Hehehe..."

Coatl gave a playful pat on the huge dragon's cheek after having put the cap into place. Then he turned to the other dragons and pressed another button-tile.

"And I haven't forgotten the rest of you! We only have one cap, so you'll be taking turns, but while you wait you can watch what's in the head of the others!"

He laughed as the wall behind him shifted and turned, revealing several dozen monitors which were synched up to make one large picture, which currently only showed a test picture of a muscular, naked dragon in a obscene pose. Coatl furrowed his brows as he saw that and shook his head.

"Um... don't mind that."

He chuckled and turned back to the dragon with the cap.

"It won't hurt at all. Or it will be horrific mind crunching pain! We'll see."

He giggled as he stepped onto another tile and a loud humming sound started. The dragon's held their breaths in anticipation of the ensuing horror and the capped dragon grimaced with his eyes tightly shut. The humming sound grew louder and louder until it became a buzz that vibrated through the bones. Coatl frowned and shook his head.

"Uhhh... this isn't right... something's wrong..."

He looked at the tile again then at the cap, back at the tile, then the monitors. Then he broke out in roaring laughter.

"Oh, right! Silly me. Wrong button!"

The emerald dragon stepped onto another tile and the buzzing died abruptly, only to be replaced by the collective anguished screams of the chained up dragons as the pictures started to unfold before them.

The huge dragoness stumbled and fell. Letting out low a whimper as tears filled her eyes. Her bulk had only narrowly missed Aaron, who immediately fell to his knees and stroked over Aica's back and neck, his eyes wide and filled with worry.

"Aica! What happened!?

Aica groaned as she lifted herself up, just enough so she could scratch over the tiles in front of her. They had found out that the tiles would color the parts where her claw had passed, as if she was using finger paint. They had used this in the last half an hour to talk with each other since Aica's voice had given out.


She wrote on the tiles and Aaron raised a brow as he read that, then he turned back to her.

"Yes, I'm a bit afraid too. I worry about the test they could do with us."

But the dragoness only shook her head in response and started to write again.


Aaron bit his lower lip and shook his head. So far he hadn't graced that topic, but he couldn't get around it anymore now. He sighed and grimaced as he started.

"Our children... they scared me a good bit actually."

Aica gave him a bewildered look and narrowed her eyes. It looked like she could maul Aaron any moment and he flinched and ducked out of reflex.

"They're fucking huge and ate our neighborhood!"

He said in his defense but Aica only roared out loud.


She bellowed in her hoarse voice and stomped towards the exit, clearly intent on rescuing them somehow, from whatever is happening to them. Aaron shuddered and slowly followed her while she clawed at the door. It would be quite a squeeze for her to get through, if she could even manage to get it open all the way.

"Wait, let me go! I won't draw as much attention!"

He wanted to say, but just as Aica's shard claws dug into the joint between the two door halves a siren started to wail and the room was drowned in a red light.


A synthetic voice blared loud enough that Aaron had to cover his ears, but Aica remained unfazed by that and with a evil grin her claws finally got a hold of the doors. Aaron watched in awe as large muscles, which he never thought Aica would have, strained and the metal slowly parted with a screech.

"I think I can squeeze through that!"

He yelled over the siren and squeezed himself past her and towards the door, before it suddenly shot open with a loud thud and the siren stopped. In the next second Aaron's face was introduced to the painful end of a shock-baton, and shortly thereafter the floor paid it's respects to his snout as a downright huge, armor clad dragon pushed him back into the room. The armored guard swung the baton at Aica's claws and forced her away from the door as well. Aaron only saw how another dragon with a large backpack and some sort of spray gun entered the room before he lost consciousness.

The gray dragon awoke some time later again, the first thing he saw was a wad of cotton being pressed onto his snout, shortly followed by a sharp pain and the stench of disinfecting alcohol. He blinked and slowly his sight focused again. A light red dragon was leaning over him and he wore a white lab coat. Aaron opened his maw but the other dragon already shook his head.

"You might have a light concussion, but miraculously you had nothing broken, despite Gori's best attempts to do otherwise."

The red dragon looked over to the door where the large armored guard with the baton was still standing. A weak whine drew Aaron's attention to the other side of the room however. His jaw dropped as he saw in which condition Aica was standing next to the machine. Almost her entire body was covered in a thick, greenish, glossy rubber. It left only her long neck and head and most of her rear and tail free. The pose she was in was rather awkward, it almost looked like she was begging to be taken from behind, weren't it for the whole bound-by-goo part.

"What the hell?"

Aaron said and looked at the doctor while he reared up.

"What have you done with her!?"

He almost immediately regretted his words as he heard the sizzling sound of the shock-baton getting turned on behind him, but the doctor motioned the guard not to interfere.

"It's a restraining method we use off world for the more... unpredictable specimen which are not supposed to be damaged. It's like a rubber band, you pull on it, it pulls back harder. It's perfectly safe and will dissolve on it's own in a few hours. I recommend stretching exercises for afterwards since she won't be able to move much."

Aaron looked at the doctor with a puzzle expression and even Aica had a brow raised.

"What do you mean, off world? Is that stuff from space?"

The red dragon grimaced and shook his head as he quickly put his tools back into his medicine bag and stood up.

"Sorry, can't tell you."

He left the room with a hurry under the watchful eyes of the guard, which left soon after him and the door closed again with a rather final 'tschunk'.

The emerald dragon shook his head and let out a low groan as the last pictures of the 'horror show' passed by. The six huge dragons had their heads hanging low as each of them had gotten their tour with the cap on, they were shaken, but not yet broken. Coatl furrowed his brows and looked intently at each of the beasts.

"Really...? That's it? You're all afraid of disappointing your mother? Nothing more?"

He sighed and scratched his chin as he walked along the two rows of dragons, each of them gave him a spiteful look when he passed.

"Well, sadly I have to tell you that you already did that."

That statement brought furious snarls and bellows from the dragons as they tried to claw and bite at their fixations.

"You are a dirty liar! How dare you slander our mother!?"

The 'alpha' dragon roared at Coatl, who raised a brow at shook his head.

"Slander? Not at all. Why do you think that your parents were not present when you hatched?"

Two of the dragon's slowly ceased their resistance and their fin-like ears perked up, but the lead-dragon only grew more furious.

"Because you stole them from us!"

He roared at the emerald dragon who in response slowly shook his head and let out a sad sigh.

"Not at all. They were coming to us, looking for a cure of their... condition. They were afraid of what might happen. Well... and then you happened."

Despite the furor of the dragons made and that he spoke rather calm, Coatl's voice still managed to be understandable. The huge beasts stopped their fruitless attempts to break their confines one after another, even the Alpha did. The beast lowered it's head as much as the pillory allowed it and squinted his eyes.

"How do you mean that?"

He growled lowly. The voice thick with barely contained anger. Coatl walked over to the huge dragon and stopped just an arms reach away to look him in the eyes.

"They are scared of you. Easy as that. Maybe they didn't felt up to the challenge of... raising such big beasts as you are. And while we were... exploring your rather shallow depths, I received word that they tried to escape. Maybe they have heard what you did to their former home and are afraid of even being near you?"

The dragon before him gritted his teeth as he averted his eyes, looking to the sides, floor or ceiling, as long as he wouldn't have to make eye contact with Coatl any more. But before long the dragon broke out into a long wail, which the others joined. It was loud enough that the emerald dragon cringed for a moment. The Alpha's head hang low as they finally stopped after a couple of minutes, a single tear ran down his cheek.

"We felt... something... we weren't sure what it was... something coming from our mother... it makes sense now... she doesn't want us."

Coatl rubbed over his chin, while trying to keep down a wide grin. He slowly walked back down the rows, the dragons seemed to be broken now. It had been much easier than Coatl had expected.

"Well... maybe she doesn't. I, however, do want you."

He smirked and rubbed over the snout of one of dragon's who snarled angrily and snapped at his hand, which he missed by a mere inch. It sounded like a pistol shot as the jaws shut. Coatl grimaced as he quickly pulled his hand back again. Behind him the Alpha had turned his gaze towards the green dragon again.

"And why should we choose you over her? Why should we follow you after you told us these horrible things?"

Coatl smiled softly and slowly strolled back to the lead dragon.

"Well, of course there are benefits when working for me... You get food, shelter, as many asses as you can cram those giant shafts of yours into and free dental of course."

The green dragon chuckled and kept his smile. But the muscle beast only stared at him, somewhere between disbelieve and pondering. Coatl waited for a bit longer before he clapped his hands together, the six huge dragons giving him startled looks in response.

"Let's give you a taste of the nice side of things we can do here!"

He laughed and took a step back before walking over to the monitor wall, where he stomped onto a tile, which just looked like all the others there, and a low rumble of machines followed. The Alpha let out a surprised grunt as the ground under him suddenly started to move up, before turning and sliding over to Coatl, the displaced tiles seemingly flowing back to fill the positions the moving platform left behind.

"Since you are the leader..."

That remark got some low growls from the other dragons, each of which would rather be the Alpha apparently. Coatl smirked before he continued.

"You get the special place in this little... experiment."

He laughed lowly which caused the bigger dragon to turn his head in worry, mostly because the emerald dragon was now in his blind angle.

"As you no doubt have noticed we have pumped all those gratuitous amounts of precum off, which you kept gushing out like fountains. A rather impressive load really, we actually had to open the caverns for it."

He chuckled lowly and stepped on another tile. This time a tile in the wall behind the lead dragon slid to the side and a funnel lead by a robot arm was slowly erected from it.

"While your output has... diminished in the last few minutes, completely understandable of course, I now want to see what you churn out when you actually climax!"

He laughed as he slapped the muscle dragon's ass who tried to kick out in reflex but the fixations on his feet kept him still.

"What are you doing back there?"

He growled and snarled as Coatl stroked over his butt cheeks and massaged around the dragon's tailhole.

"Get away... from there..."

The beast rumbled and the emerald dragon chuckled as he took a step back, onto another tile. With a loud hiss a hole in the ceiling opened and a large robotic claw descended which grabbed the big dragons tail, lifted it up and pressed it onto his back, exposing his tailhole fully.

"When I get free of this I will show you what I call fun!"

The dragon roared furiously to which Coatl responded by licking around the tight hole.

"Looking forward to it..."

He chuckled before he took the funnel and rammed it as deep as possible into the dragons rear. Which wasn't that far as the dragon immediately clenched his ass with a snarl and a short sad wail of crunching metal was heard. Coatl furrowed his brows and started to pull the funnel out again, then he grimaced as he saw how the smooth steel had been completely crushed into little more than a small sheet.

"I think I have to lube that up proper first... it would help if you'd stop making such a fuss."

He chuckled and let go of the ruined hose which retracted back into the wall with a whirring sound and he walked over to the wall itself. A large holographic interface appeared on which he started to push several 'buttons'. While the big beast struggled against the claw on his tail. The metal and construction of it was however sturdy and flexible enough to withstand his attempts, much to the amusement of the other dragons, which giggled and snickered at the predicament their 'leader' was in. The depressiveness they had been in before seemed to have washed away entirely. The huge Alpha gritted his teeth and glanced at the others. But before he could say anything, his attention was drawn back to his backside.

"Try to crush this!"

The emerald dragon laughed and waved around a rubber hose, which was glistening and dripping with a clear liquid and only the other dragons could see it. It didn't stopped the huge beast from vainly struggling against the cuffs that held his feet in place however.

With a lewd grin on his face, Coatl pushed the hose into the dragon's anus. Which slid in with surprisingly little resistance and it became only marginally harder, even as the Alpha clenched again. After some work the emerald dragon had sunk about two feet worth of hose into the dragon's ass and just to make sure that it would really stay in there, he reached back to the interface.

"This might feel... a little uncomfortable now."

The huge dragon shuddered and trashed against the pillory.

"What!? How could it be EVEN MORE UNCOMFORTABLE!?"

He growled, which quickly turned into a roar as the hose started to inflate and harden slightly, somehow resisting his crushing attempts as it started to fill out his bowels. He audibly gritted his teeth as he also felt how some sort of rubber was flowing over his ass and up to and around his haunches. The rubber was part of the hose and secured like this, it would be impossible to remove without help. Coatl chuckled as he walked back to the front of the dragon and smiled at him.

"For this part I need your cooperation now."

He said as he uncorked a little bottle and pulled a single pill from it. Which he held out for the dragon to see.

"Swallow this."

The Alpha grimaced and raised a brow while looking at the pill, then back at Coatl.

"Why should I? After all you did so far..."

Coatl sighed and leaned a little forward, apparently trusting his luck that the dragon won't chomp off his head, and whispered something into the Alpha's ear. The huge dragon squinted his eyes as Coatl straightened himself again.

"Really? Then give me that pill."

He rumbled lowly and opened his maw to stretch his tongue out. Coatl smiled as he put the pill on the tongue and the dragon eagerly swallowed it. Then Coatl turned back to the other dragon's and clapped into his hands.

"I want to thank you once more for being such eager contributors to this little experiment!"

He laughed, which gave him some puzzled looks from the dragons.

"What do you mean?"

One of them asked, but Coatl didn't bothered to answer as he stepped into the center of the room. A large console rose from the ground as he stepped onto one of the button-tiles again. The emerald dragon cracked his knuckles and grinned as he started to push the buttons, each button press responding with a audible beep. Soon the tiles around the five bound up dragon's slid to the side and made way for various clamps and robotic hands. These machine appendages then latched onto the massive dragon cocks, which brought low, but not unpleasant sounding, growls from their owners. The hands stroked over the sensitive flesh while the forward clamps held the extraction hose in place. The rear clamps however served a different function. The pleased growls soon turned into panting as the tremendous balls of the dragons were tended to by machines as well. Coatl smiled as he saw that the flow of precum picked up noticeably, now enough to fill a road tanker in less than two minutes, but still they had much more to give. He pushed one final button, which then revealed the use of the other clamps as each started to blast a low current into the dragon's genitals. Their panting turned into howls and yelps as the electricity provided a much more thorough stimulation than the machine hands could ever provide. Seeing this display the emerald dragon couldn't quite get around stroking over his own, by now fully erect penis. The goo which encased it folded back and away and exposed Coatl's shaft fully. He smirked as he started to jerk himself off while overseeing the milking.

The dragon frowned slightly as the dragons around him suddenly roared out in unison, the urethra on their cocks bulged immensely, almost lifting them up as they climaxed, the clear tubes were immediately filled with thick white goop and Coatl grimaced as he quickly pushed some buttons, he had barely enough time to rile himself up some more, those monsters certainly didn't took long to blow! And what a load it was! The sound of hydraulics became very noticeable in the room as the pumps worked overtime to somehow master the dragons combined output. He laughed as he saw the chart on the console. While their precum had been enough to fill a road tanker, their real climax was enough to fill a tanker ship! Although they would probably still need the better part of a quarter hour for it.

"Damn boys, you are fertile!"

He grinned and shuddered, then he pulled a lever on the console and the pumps humming grew even louder. The hose stuck in the Alpha's ass, who so far got rather little action, started to bounce and fill with the white seed of his brothers. The dragon let out a low content and very pleased sounding sigh as he felt the hose come to life and pump his bowels full of the hot cum. Coatl frowned as he diverted the majority of the flow into one of the many reservoirs beneath the Institute as the hose, which was feeding into the Alpha, simply didn't had the capacity for it all.

The huge dragon clenched his claws and closed his eyes as a shudder run through him. The pill he had ingested before would temporarily boost his already over-the-top metabolism even more and enabled him to almost instantly digest the seed as it entered him. This lead to a rather dramatic increase in mass as the dragon's form started to bulge out further. The already massive muscles inflated almost cartoonishly as his biceps swelled into a huge, nearly spherical shape. His pecs grew out further, almost looking like boobs as they grew out. His skeletal structure grew as well to support the rapidly developing muscles, although his head remained mostly the same and grew only slowly, compared to the rest, but thanks to his massive, long neck muscles it managed to throne over the growing bulk. Coatl grimaced as he saw how the fixations slowly gave way and then snapped open quite audibly before he could hit the switch for the emergency release. The now freed Alpha roared and reared up, or rather his obscenely oversized and absurdly fast growing genitals pushed him up. The rate at which his cock and balls grew overshadowed the complete rest of his size gain. The emerald dragon gave the rapidly approaching cock head a worried expression and he reached for the shutdown button, but as the hose on the Alpha's shaft ripped open he was thrown off his feet as the flood of precum washed over him. The output of the still growing dragon could easily take on the output of his five siblings combined. Before Coatl managed to get back to his feet and reach the console again, the forward surging dragonshaft buried the console under itself and a crunching sound followed as it was crushed beneath. Coatl shook his head and looked around, the other five dragon's were utterly lost in bliss and completely oblivious to what happened around them, the same was true for the massive dragon as the low rumble indicated which vibrated through the room. Coatl coughed as he struggled back to his feet, the air was so thick with the huge dragon's musk that it was almost completely mind numbing and the precum reached up past Coatl's knees, which meant that it was enough to drown most regular dragons in. Then with a deafening roar the massive dragon finally climaxed from the sensations of his growth and filled the entire room with his brilliant wide seed.

A week had passed after that day. The pressure the Alpha's, now named Drash, climax had caused had eventually lead to the containment of the room bursting open, which initiated the emergency shutdown and venting of all liquids. The dragons inside had narrowly escaped a death by drowning in cum and now the reservoirs below were filled with three tanker ships full worth of cum. The growth of Drash had stopped just short of thirty feet shoulder height, which made him about the size of a small house. His cock had twice his own body size and made it almost impossible for him to walk, although he still managed to waddle around awkwardly with it. The continued work of Coatl on these 'firstborn' hatchlings had eventually lead them to completely abandon their mother, which seemed to have severed their mental ties.

The second clutch of hatchlings had proven to be amazingly docile, when provided with food as soon as they hatched. The small dragons consumed many times their own weight over the course of only a few hours and in that time they also reached their fully grown and developed size as well. After that the food consumption of the dragons slowed abruptly. None of the second clutch developed physical traits as pronounced as the firstborn, however their muscle and genital size were still far above average. It was eventually concluded that the first clutch developed stronger muscles out of necessity, having to face off the containment team.

During the week Aica had made several inquiries about their children, but these eventually ceased after a few days and after her having been allowed to see their second clutch. Within that time Aica had also grown considerably, she now had to walk on all fours and was in all accords a counterpart to her children. Her overall muscle mass was less than that of the male dragons, but she still had about the same body mass as she had developed a much larger rear, which housed far larger reproduction tracks. After having mated with Aaron and if given enough food she would produce a near constant stream of eggs for the next two hours. More than seventy percent of those had to be frozen due to lacking capacity. Those eggs which survived however took about three days on average to hatch.

Aaron meanwhile has undergone several changes as well, which seem to follow Aica's changes in nature, although they take longer to manifest, probably due to a lower dosage of the fertility agent. He now has reached a size equal to that of Coatl, with far more pronounced physical features and he's starting to hunch over, indicating that he soon will switch to the four legged build.

Coatl sighed as he lowered the report and rubbed over his muzzle, then he looked outside the window and watched how dozens of the large dragons were busy cleaning up the mess their brethren had caused a week earlier. They had proven to be absolutely gifted at physical tasks. Despite their size they were still able to operate most machines, not that they really needed them, but this dexterity also allowed them to easily recover smaller, undamaged things. Mostly machines which had been buried under rubble. Coatl slowly shook his head and turned back at the gray lizard who was standing in front of his table. The mechanical arm of his buzzing quietly as he moved his fingers idly. Dark blue eyes watched Coatl intently as he returned the look.

"What's with all the gray lately anyway?"

The lizard raised a brow and slightly tilted his head in response.


Coatl laughed lowly and shook his head, then signed the report and handed it back to the waiting reptile, who took it with his robotic hand. But Coatl didn't let go of it immediately and instead made eye contact.

"Thule, this is getting out of hand. We have more of those dragons than we have work for them. It's how many now? Two hundred?"

The corner of Thule's mouth lifted he shook his head.

"Three hundred fifty, with another sixty due in the next two hours and approximately double that over the night."

Coatl frowned as he heard that and leaned back into his chair. He scratched over his chin as he turned slightly to look out of the window again.

"Ice them, all of them. No further eggs will be hatched. And make sure that Aica is put on a diet, she's already big enough as she is, give her just enough that she doesn't become malnourished. That should put a damper on her laying this ungodly amount of eggs too."

The lizard waited for a few seconds longer, in case Coatl had to say more, but as the green dragon simply turned his large chair around, he nodded.


Then he with a quiet whir of his mechanical arm he left the room. Coatl meanwhile sighed and shook his head.

"Where the hell do I keep picking up these people?"

He laughed lowly to himself and looked out of the window again.

Aaron raised a brow and tilted his head.

"What do you mean, there's no food coming anymore?"

Aica growled lowly as she fumbled around with the large hose in her massive paws. By now she was house sized and the two dragons were residing in a massive hanger. In fact much like Drash and the other dragons of the first generation, just on the other side of the complex, although Aica was still a bit bigger.

Aaron dropped to all fours and hurried over to her as quickly as he could, which wasn't that fast as he still wasn't quite used to his massively enlarged genitals his penis could well be a third leg, even flaccid, which it rarely was now, and his scrotum was hanging annoyingly in front of his shins. Both tended to build up a wicked momentum when he went too fast and easily threw him off balance or outright caused him to trip. He grimaced as he came to a skidding halt on the smooth steel tiles and bumped with his cock against Aica's snout. Almost reflexively the huge dragoness opened her maw and engulfed Aaron's massive prick. Her thick tongue wrapped around and squeezed his cock head, which immediately started to spurt out large amounts of precum, much more than any passage could ever need to lubricate, but it didn't mattered as Aica eagerly drank it down and sucked on his shaft for more. Aaron moaned and shuddered while his hands roamed over the dragoness' snout. His hips bucked forward and tried to drive even more of his shaft into Aica's maw, even though she had it already completely inside and her nose was pressing against his chest. Her maw parted slightly again to scoop up his swollen sack as well, which churned and groaned as they prepared to unload. The dragoness let out a deep satisfied rumble as his pre filled her stomach. While it wasn't as much as the hose had provided it did manage to quell her hunger far better somehow. So it didn't take her very eager mouth much time to milk Aaron towards climax and with a roar he tensed up and unloaded into her. Gallons of dragon seed flooded into her maw which were swallowed with great pleasure, barely a drop of it escaping her gullet. The gray dragon panted and leaned heavily against her as he caught his breath again, his gaze slowly drifted over to the hose which indeed seemed to have run dry. Only a small trickle of the nutritious syrup flowing from it anymore. Each of Aaron's climaxes would provide her with a greater filling than suckling on that the entire day. Though for the male dragon it would be quite enough to get by.

"I'll go ask what this is about."

He said to her with still hazy eyes while he stroked over her snout. Only slowly did the giant dragoness let go of his shaft, so that he could do the inquiry. With slow and insecure steps, Aaron maneuvered himself to the halls hangar doors. His floppy, but again hardening, shaft swung around with each step he took. He chuckled as he pushed the cock down with one hand to get it out of his view. A panel on the wall slid to the side as he approached and revealed a large monitor with a comically large red buzzer beneath. At least it would be comically large for a person of regular size. Aaron reached out with his bulky paw and pressed down on it. Several seconds later the screen came to life and he blinked in surprise as a very unfamiliar face greeted him. So far a red dragoness had responded to the calls, but now it was someone else. A gray, almost white reptilian visage appeared, which lacked all the features a dragon usually had, no horns or frills, just a small singular horn on the snout was present, together with dark blue markings he had never seen in such a way on a dragon as well. The dark blue eyes focused on him.

"Yes, Subject One, what is it? No doubt you want to ask why we shortened your rations."

The reptile asked in a rather annoyed sounding tone. Aaron gave him a puzzled look and nodded slowly.

"Who are you?"

He asked after a few seconds and the reptile responded with a sigh and looked away to the side for a few moments.

"I am Engineer Thule, I was put in charge of this little operation. We cut the food for you since there are already enough of your hatchlings, we don't know how to supply them yet, but we certainly find a opportunity to get them into another world. Also Subject Zero is already big enough as she is, no need to feed her even more. So for until we resolved this situation you will be put on a diet. Now if you'll excuse me..."

Aaron shook his head in confusion and raised his paw.

"Waitwhat? The part in the middle. Another world? What is going on here?"

Thule let out a deep sigh and rubbed over his forehead with his hand. Aaron recoiled a little as he saw the mechanical claw stroke over the lizards muzzle.

"Why do I always have to explain this. The information politic in this company is horrible."

The lizard shook his head and looked back at Aaron.

"Given that you are just a Subject in a experiment it really doesn't matter if you know it or not. But I guess for the sake of your cooperation, I can give you the gist of it. As you probably have already noticed, we have some pretty advanced tech here. More advanced than what your shabby planet here has anyway. The Institute is a moloch that stretches over hundreds of worlds across dimensions. The workings of that will probably break your feeble mind."

The lizard chuckled lowly and furrowed his brows.

"Anyway, the logistics are messed up and one hand doesn't know what the fuck the other one does. Figuratively speaking."

Without any further warning the screen suddenly went black again and the panel slid back into place. Indicating that Aaron's access to it has been revoked for now. The dragon blinked several times and then slowly walked back to Aica, not sure what he should make of what he just heard. But as he laid his eyes on Aica, his concerns were washed away as she was already waiting for him. The dragoness had laid herself on the side and spread her legs wide, exposing her gaping slit to the gray dragon. He shuddered and bit his lower lip as his erection surged back up in force and sputtered liters of precum in thick ropes all over the ground in front of him. Aica grinned and let out a purr as she saw his excitement and moved her hips a little more to invite him in. The hung dragon didn't need much encouragement and he started to run on all fours. His cock slapping wetly against his chest and face and the ground in his hurry. The dragoness chuckled as Aaron stumbled and slid the fast few feet towards her on his shaft. He yelped as this provided a unexpected amount of pleasure and thick cum erupted from the fat cock, splattering over the ground and against Aica's flank. The dragoness rumbled as the scent of his sexual fluids filled her nostrils. A shudder ran through her body as she reached out with her claws and lifted the dragon up, a feat she did quite easily, given her superior size and surprising muscle mass, only to ram him cock first into her wet folds. The smaller dragon gasped as her juices squirted up against him and plastered his face and filled his nostrils with her scent, which quickly overrode every other conscious thought on his part. He growled as he started to buck his hips forward and drive himself deeper into her slit. Although it didn't needed that much work on his part as Aica still held on to him and moved him in and out of her, using him much like a living dildo. She moaned in bliss as Aaron's shaft swelled even greater in size from the pure lust that was coursing through his body, it's girth increased much more than it's length, much to Aica's enjoyment as it spread her nether-lips slowly apart. All the time the smaller dragon was still spewing cum from his shaft. His massive balls trembled and churned as their cum production desperately tried to keep up with the speed his cock shot out his seed and filled her passage.

The dragoness continued to milk the smaller dragon this way for the better part of an hour, after which Aaron had forgotten most of what he had been told before as it was simply washed away by the pleasure. Only the part of them being put on a diet had stuck, much to the ire of Aica as her massive body and the rapid egg gestation made her nearly constantly hungry. However on the following days the dragons became rather ingenious in solving that problem. The hatchlings smuggled what they could into the hangar, most times it were only small things. Eventually however the hatchlings discarded this approach as Aica allowed them to feed her with their seed as well. Much like Aaron, who was still growing himself as the cut of food had less of a impact on him. After a couple of days his development finally passed that awkward point of where neither walking on two nor four legs was really comfortable and he now was fully quadruped as well, but retained a great deal of his dexterity despite that. The fact that Aica was still growing and churning out a considerable amount of eggs went not unnoticed however and after a rather brutal intervention on the Institutes part, the male dragons, including Aaron, were separated from Aica. The dragoness was delivered and bound up in a special holding bay deep inside the facility, while the other dragons remained in the hangar at the Institute's perimeter. Slowly the situation was getting tense as the dragons shared a mental bond, which made all of them very aware of the hunger induced discomfort Aica was in.

"Really? Wozrotza the Architect? You haven't found a better client than him?"

Coatl sighed deeply and shook his head as he looked over the still rather sketchy contract in his palm. Then he looked over the brim of his sunglasses and at Thule, who shrugged slightly in response.

"He's currently the only client in our books who's in need of exorbitant amounts of manpower."

Coatl frowned and put the contract back on the table.

"Yes, but he's also only ever paying after having finished his... insane projects. I think the shortest one he ever did was still half a century. Goddamn ringworlds. Nobody needs that many of them."

He chuckled lowly and scratched his chin.

"Well, how's the morale on the dragons anyway?"

The lizard grimaced and shifted his weight, the robotic arm hummed as he clenched his hand.

"I think they might be up to something. The sensors I put in place show suspicious movement patterns."

Coatl sighed again and rubbed over his temples.

"What happened to the times when you could just go and ask someone how they feel about something?"

The dragons were indeed up to something at this very moment. They spend a long time observing the guards and their patterns and thanks to Aaron, and some old ties he had, they even gained inside knowledge and a blueprint of the building, which helped them greatly in fabricating a plan to free Aica from her containment. The Institute had been helpful for as long as they had provided free food, but now it was getting rationed they became more and more of a burden as the cons started to outweigh the pros. So during the change of shift they started their little coup. The cooperation of the hatchlings had lulled the assigned guards into a rather false of security. Given that they were still facing beasts of considerable muscle mass and size. But just as the guard detail had underestimated the prowess of the dragons, the dragons underestimated the full extent of the security forces network. The very moment the first isolated guard was killed, loud sirens started to bawl as the security system registered the sudden flatlining and issued a general alarm. The situation turned excruciatingly brutal and one sided as the dragons cast all caution to the side and brought their size and strength, as well as the fact that they outnumbered the guards in most cases, to bear. Even reinforced blast doors only momentarily slowed the ferocious attempts of the dragons to get to Aica. Guards and even civilian personal were mercilessly cut down by the furious beasts.

Aaron looked down the red lighted corridor, blocked off by another large door at the end. If his source was right then Aica would be behind the next blast door and on the left side of the following corridor. He was just about to order the hatchlings who accompanied him to tear down the door as the sirens suddenly fell silent, only to be replaced by the sound of a microphone being picked up.

"Attention all personnel. This is CEO Coatl speaking. We have a Class Six containment breach, all personnel is to avoid engaging the insurgents. Everyone on site is hereby ordered to retrieve all backed up experiment data and evacuate within thirty minutes according to the plans for a X-3 Scenario, personnel with the required clearance will have the evac route marked for them. Godspeed."

Aaron looked around confused, he had never heard of evacuation plans for a X-3 Scenario during the time he worked for the Institute, in fact he didn't even knew what such a scenario meant. But he discarded the thought again as he didn't had to evacuate anyway, given his position at the head for it's cause. Aaron pointed at the door and roared, the hatchlings however didn't even needed the incentive as they had already ran past their father and were throwing their weight against the door now. The steel creaked and wailed under the tons of draconic muscle smashing against it.

Coatl grimaced as he watched the monitors, each of which showed the dragons rampaging through his Institute. He shook his head and rose up from his chair.

"I knew this damn planet wasn't worth it. Only been a bother so far."

He chuckled lowly as he made his way out of the office and down the elevator. Which brought him straight to the staging area for the Institute's evacuation plans. The door opened in front of him and immediately he was greeted by a bright blue light and the loud rumbling of heavy machinery. He frowned as he stepped out of the elevator and into the huge chamber before him. His frown turned into a smile however as he saw the huge ring shaped machine. The ring itself was turning, seemingly kept floating in mid air and a blue ball of energy resided in it's middle. A large metal pathway leading up to it. The air around the energy seemed distorted and showed a mirror of the room on the other side, however it lacked the crowd of people which were gathering before the walkway. The huge green dragon sighed and shook his head as he saw that there were far less gathered here than were actually working in the facility. He looked to the other side of the hall were a monitor showed a timer counting down. Only five minutes remained. He was just about to give the order for departure and consider everyone else a loss as the huge hangar door on the opposite site of his elevator opened. Thule, together with the firstborn hatchlings entered the hall through it. Coatl grinned and nodded, however his grin quickly disappeared again as he saw the lumbering hulk that was Drash. The weight of the beast would collapse the walkway in no time, so he would have to go last. The green dragon motioned to the group of scared scientists and shaken security guards.

"Alright lads, let's leave this rock. Standard heavy cargo procedure for the big ones!"

He smirked as the crowd formed a row and started to emigrate through the portal, one after another disappeared with a faint thud sound and reappeared on the other side of it again, faintly visible through the distortions in the air.

With a fierce smile Aaron tore down the last blast door personally, only to grimace and blink in disbelieve as he saw what they had done to his Aica. The huge dragoness was bound by huge cuffs and suspended in mid air, held up by quite large rubber-line band, strung around her chest, legs and tail. A single small hose fed into her mouth, fixed to it by another rubber binding. He growled deeply as he stepped into the otherwise empty room, much like all the other rooms they had found on their way here. Before Aaron could say anything, the overzealous hatchlings already rushed past him and towards the dragoness. In a amazing feat of coordination the dragons swarmed out and simultaneously cut the rubber holdings. The earth shook as Aica's hundred ton body crashed onto the ground and even made a small crater into the steel tiles, despite only having fallen for about a dozen feet. The dragoness rose up with a grunt and let out a hungry cry, not that she actually needed to voice it as all the present dragons could feel it as strong as it were their own hunger.

After the dragons had conquered the Institute they quickly found out that most of the machinery had been scuttled or otherwise damaged and none of the dragons had even the faintest clue how to repair it again, so the dragons had to resort to other means of feeding themselves. Feeding Aica was little issue as Aaron and a great number of hatchlings volunteered to feed her with their own cum, but even that proofed to be only a momentary respite as Aica's bulk grew larger and larger, soon passing the size of a four story building, and with that also grew her hunger, which became a near constant condition after a couple of days. The ever increasing number of hatchlings, almost numbering into the thousand by now, became desperate in their attempts to feed their mother and began foraging through the countryside, snatching cattle and the population from close city. Of course this didn't went unnoticed and soon police started to investigate, they quickly realized that they were in over their heads as several groups went missing in short order and so the situation escalated to the point that the military was called in. The result was still the same however as entire platoons simply disappeared with little warning. Even if they managed to put up a fight it was still bought with severe losses as the dragons were nigh impervious to everything below anti-tank caliber, and even that the dragons still often shrugged off. But despite suffering several crushing defeats, especially during the beginning of this war, the military eventually managed to cordon the hatchlings, Aaron and Aica in an area which was several dozen kilometers away from the ruined Institute and in the outskirts of a nearby mountain.

In what was probably the most significant victory of the military they had managed to capture one of the hatchlings life. After several tests and examinations it was eventually concluded that these aberrant dragons were actually the key to curing the draconic population's fertility issue. However for that they needed to get their hands on to the progenitors of this monstrous dragon. Weeks of grueling warfare followed in which both sides fought each other to a stand still. The large dragon's seemed to have time on their side as their numbers only kept increasing with each day. Several of the armies higher ups argued that they should drop a nuke onto this threat, but given that they were never as close to a cure as now, the atomic option was put back as a means of last resort. However the political importance of it got stressed when the government denied foreign military aid to relieve their own troops. This brought in several claims that this particular government planned to keep the cure for themselves, rather than sharing it with everyone.

However during all that time where the governments argued with each other and the army did nothing more than holding the line, the dragons under Aica and Aaron were busy and they broke the quarantine wherever possible and stole what they could, nobody was sure anymore just how many dragons really were in those mountains, or even where they had made their lair. But those weren't the only problems which started to weigh down on the 'defenders'. Groups started to crop up, some where concerned with the rights of the dragons, as they were obviously sentient and not that far away from their 'lesser' brethren and they argued that a treaty could be negotiated with the dragons to cease the hostilities and get their cooperation in working on a cure. These ideas fell flat however as a detachment of this group, send out to make a first step into a peaceful solution, was simply scooped up and carried off into the mountains, never to be seen again like so many before them. But that was only one of many groups. Another one which became surprisingly popular in short time was a religious group, calling themselves simply Rebirth. They worshiped the large dragons as bringers of renewal and a step back to the roots of what it meant to really be a dragon. They considered the huge beasts as nothing short of divine and that being taken by them was being taken to paradise and to be reborn magnificent and powerful. The military struggled to keep huge processions of pilgrims out of the quarantine zone and to keep the massive beasts at bay, which had gotten wind of this event and swarmed in large groups over the eager crowd.

All those offerings and other food was taken to Aica in their mountain lair. The dragoness laid sprawled out in the tremendous cave which the hatchlings had dug and expanded with their very claws. The female dragon had grown huge and bloated from being fed so much and her size was rivaling the largest supertankers. She was almost permanently laying eggs now and it seemed like whatever she ate, she immediately converted into more eggs and more size. Making the claims of the religious group maybe not that far fetched, although they probably imagined it a little different in the details. Her entire rear had grown tremendously with her hyper fertility, giving her a quite distinct pear form as her front body hadn't expanded in proportion. Aaron faced a somewhat similar problem. While his body was still proportioned roughly even, although massively muscular and the size of a small cruise ship, his genitals had blown up obscenely, to the point that he was mostly immobilized by his balls and penis now, which easy weighted in at thrice of the rest of his body, not to mention that it stretched out before him like a lance, he couldn't even reach half along it when he stretched his arms out. The sheer amount of pre cum he was leaking could be considered as a torrential river as it leaked out of the cave and down the mountain side. Simply falling to the side and rolling awkwardly around was a faster means of movement for him than using his legs, which had trouble to even reach the ground below him. The immense cock however was about the perfect size for Aica to have fun with, as if Aaron's body had grown to be pleasing to Aica, rather than actually be functional on it's own.

The immense dragoness loomed over her smaller mate and smiled at him as she opened her maw to take his shaft in once more. It was just the right size to fill her maw and the output of it was delightful as it ran down her gullet. She sucked eagerly on the massive shaft and swallowed slightly to get in even more of the smaller dragon's cock into her. Her tongue wrapped around the shaft and pulled gently, squeezing and massaging the shaft in the process. Aaron groaned and roared as the pleasure coming from his immense organ flooded over him and blocked out all other input. And so he didn't noticed that in her eagerness the huge dragons started to pull Aaron's entire body into her massive maw until only the tremendous balls remained outside. The male dragon grunted as his back was pressed up against Aica's palate and his massive organ was getting squeezed together between her gullet and jaws. Then the dragoness opened wide again to scoop up his balls with her maw as well, pushing the smaller dragon even further into her maw. Aica rumbled contently as she felt the flood of hot cum gush down her gullet and she gulped it all down with vigor. However this put Aaron into a very perilous position as her suction draw him towards the point of no return. Aaron roared as he opened his eyes and stared into the black abyss before him, into which most of his cock had already disappeared. A sudden rush of adrenaline washed away the mind numbing pleasure as he realized where he was and he cried out and clawed at Aica's gum. The sudden sharp pain also brought Aica back into reality, but rather than spit Aaron out, she accidentally swallowed, more out of reflex than actual intention as it had been the only thing she had done in weeks now.

A awkward moment of silence followed as the surrounding hatchlings watched how the shape of their father bulged out their mothers neck as he traveled down her gullet and towards her churning stomach. Aica's expression was mortified as she tried to regurgitate and spit Aaron back up, but it was to no avail and she looked down to her belly as she felt him plop into her cavernous stomach. The dragoness cried out in anguish and grief and tried to heave, but only let out wretched coughs. Eventually, as the struggling and squirming in her stomach stopped, she fell down and started to cry. The hatchlings which tried to comfort her soon joined as a overloading feeling of shame and sorrow filled the mental link she shared with her offspring.

Days passed in which the attempts of the dragons to break through the cordon all but stopped, even the religious processions weren't scooped up anymore, much to their chagrin as they believed to have been rejected from their heaven. Over night the popularity of this group plummeted before it disappeared completely, as quickly as it had appeared. Eventually the military started to send out expeditions as they noticed that the dragons didn't even made a effort to defend their land anymore. The world held it's breath as the lair's entrance was finally found and secured. Dozens of different media companies brought in their journalists for life coverage, despite the objections of the army.

"This is Channel Three News. My name is Jeff Mahogany and we're sending life for you from the den of the so called Aberrants. Just minutes ago a military special force team headed down into the cave and we are... hold on."

The blue dragon looked past the camera and then motioned for the cameraman to turn around, showing a command post of the military. Several officers had just left it in a hurry and were calling something barely understandable, due to the distance and the general noise around them.

"Wait, do you hear that?"

The dragon asked as a quiet wailing sound seemed to come from the cave's entrance. Then the ground started to vibrate slightly as the wailing grew louder, accompanied by a sound that sounded like a approaching train. The wailing reached a earsplitting volume and the ground started to tremble as thunderous steps vibrated through the rock. The assembled military turned all their weapons towards the entrance, only to have a veritable flood of gray scaled draconic fury to wash over them. The armies resistance was crushed in mere seconds as the soldiers were confronted with hundreds of targets at the same time, unable to focus their fire in any way to even make a dent into the horde of dragons. The last thing the camera of Channel Three recorded was the sight of a absolutely tremendous dragon squeezing it's bulk out of the cave's opening, before it was crushed underneath rubble and paws.

Aica had driven herself mad with guilt over accidentally devouring her lover and she had spend the last few days realizing into just what sort of monster she had grown. Now she wanted to end it, provoke the army into killing her as she herself was unable to and her hatchlings were unwilling as well. The army however was completely taken by surprise at the concentrated assault of the hatchlings, who were intent on going down with a fight and the dragons easily broke up the cordon that had kept them. Aica's plan was starting to fall short as the army scrambled to somehow keep up with the fast moving horde of dragons. Her hatchlings obliterating every rushed attempts of the army to get at her, in their well meaning efforts to protect their mother, from which they wouldn't stray even as she explicit wished for it. The military at least had no trouble to follow the dragons as they left behind a trail of destruction and eggs in their wake and air surveillance allowed to easily keep track as well. The horde changed it's course as Aica spotted a large city in the distance, hoping that she could goad the military into a massive airstrike or at least try to overeat till she burst there. Thanks to her children stalwart protection she would have to go with the latter.

Her tremendous bulk, which had only grown even more massive as she received a unprecedented growth surge after devouring Aaron, plowed into the city like a icebreaker. Buildings were crushed beneath her while her massive jaws scooped up entire blocks. The swarm of hatchlings, numbering into the almost into the tens of thousands around her misinterpreted her feeling of anguish and gorging with a painful hunger and they swarmed out to snatch whatever they could, not just population but also trees and even cars. All of it was eagerly accepted by their mother which just opened her jaw and let it all fall into the abyss that was her gullet. Her stomach rumbled and swelled as it was filled with more and more food, but still it didn't felt like Aica was getting even close to being full in any definition as her middle just bulged out larger while she devoured block after block of the city, not even stopping before the sky scrapers which she took large bites out of. Even as her stomach had grown to the point that it kept her from walking, her offspring still kept feeding her everything that wasn't nailed down and even that was eventually broken into bits and brought to Aica as well.

Until the governments finally decided for a course of action. This display of wanton and unstoppable destruction had convinced everyone now that the dragons where a greater danger than they were worth in helping with the cure. It was a question of being driven to extinction now, or later. And they decided for later. So the military was authorized to use nuclear bombardment to get rid of the dragons.

Aica smiled as she saw the incoming missile and a single tear ran down her cheek. The swarm of hatchlings however, oblivious to the new threat that was approaching, threw itself against the missile and caused it to explode prematurely in a blinding flash of light. The immense pressure of the resulting shock-wave pulverized and tore apart the smaller dragons, only for the remains to be vaporized immediately by the following heatwave. Aica however had been shielded from the brunt of the explosion by her hatchlings and her body was thrown a mile through the air before she impacted into the burning remains of a nearby forest. Her scales were scorched and she was bleeding from several wounds across her body as the pressure wave had ruptured internal vessels and turned debris into deadly projectiles. But still she was living and not just that, her body was already rapidly healing again. All the mass she had consumed was now used by her greatly accelerated metabolism to regenerate her wounds and not just that, but her body was also mutating and changing internally as she adapted to the heat that surrounded her as well as reinforcing her internal workings and hardening her scales against physical trauma. Just a few hours after the explosion, the dragoness rose again. Nothing, not even scars, remained on her body to show that she had been hurt at all. In fact she was now visibly more solid and bulky as muscles had grown stronger and protective fat layers grown along her body, her scales had grown thick enough that they were impossible to penetrate by conventional means. The immense dragoness looked around and over the devastated wasteland. Before she let out a wailing cry that echoed over the countryside. The sheer feeling of loss and grief she radiated was even noticeable by those who weren't part of the mental link and just close by to her. Which was no one, given that a nuclear device still had detonated close by. However the thousands of eggs she had laid on the way to this disaster exploded as the dragons inside hatched early in response to their mothers desperation. The small dragons didn't even needed to feed as their forms grew larger and to full size in a mere matter of minutes, only for them to immediately take wing and fly to their mother. Within a hour a similar sized swarm had assembled around Aica again, ready to serve her every whim. The military and governments were mortified as reestablished surveillance revealed that the nuclear strike turned out to be ineffectual and even had a adverse effect by making the dragoness seemingly stronger and bigger. What was supposed to be a media coup, showing the remains of the defeated dragoness turned into a disaster as the dragoness rose up again. However one group, Rebirth, which had drifted off into obscurity again managed to turn this event into their rise to power. The streets in major cities were suddenly littered with prophets and missionaries which claimed that the dragoness was indeed a goddess, and that surviving the nuclear explosion was testament to her divinity. She would be the one to bring their salvation.

The dragoness however was beyond the point of caring. The military had just proven itself to be completely impotent in giving her the death she wanted. She didn't cared for the church which was growing and praising her. She growled deeply as she shut away her thoughts, not wanting to think of anything anymore and that allowed her instincts and impulses to control her. The most prominent one was the instinct to feed and it quickly established itself as the leading force in her mind. Then began the dragon's rampage in earnest. The following days, Aica led her swarm all across the country, devouring everything in sight no matter if it be forests, cities or miles of farm land. The number of eggs her growing body started to produce increased immensely, to a point that it became more a kin to a flood and large mounds piled up whenever the dragoness lingered, even when it was for only a few seconds. The leaders of the church, each of them a stern believer, interpreted this as a sign that Aica, or Lifegiver as she was called by them, was indeed granting a new life to everyone she devoured. More critical minds pointed out the insane logic behind that, since the dragoness was so obviously destroying everything, even the environment, and if she continued then soon there wouldn't be anything left but a barren rock, unable to support life at all.

But as time went on and days became weeks, the popularity of Rebirth remained unbroken. The dragoness prove to be unstoppable as whatever the combined military forces and even private contractors tried, it inevitably failed. Even the repeated use of massive nuclear strikes resulted in nothing else than showing that by now even the hatchlings had become nearly immune to atomic mass destruction. In their desperation more and more people turned towards the new religion, as the thought to be devoured and reborn as one of the goddess 'angels' was more comfortable than to simply await the looming doom that would sooner or later befall them.

Aica's bulk and her uncountable legions of hatchlings were well visible from space as a gray flood which covered the land. The dragoness' body stretched on for miles by now, even the worlds largest supertanker was only the size of one of her claws, and her massive wings stretched out and blocked out the sun as they covered the ground from horizon to horizon. But despite their size they wouldn't be able to even lift the massive dragoness slightly of the ground. Her belly was firm and round, but not from her devouring so much, but from the sheer amount of eggs her hyper fertility produced, it were so many that they couldn't even leave her womb quickly enough and her hips grew wider to make more room for the ever growing number of eggs. Eventually, after the dragoness had devastated more than half of the continent she started to stray from her path and turned towards the shore and the ocean beyond it. Her hatchlings however continued to spread out over the as of yet unharvested lands to bring more food to their ever-hungry mother. With heavy steps the dragoness waded into the sea and enormous waves rose up as her body displaced hundred thousands of tons of water, causing the nearby shore to get flooded. As the dragoness was half submerged she lowered her head into the waves and began to drink. Large whirlpools developed before her mouth as she sucked up the ocean's water and the hatchlings simply threw everything they brought into the sea before her and let the currents drag it down her gullet. While the water did nothing to quell her thirst or hunger, it certainly caused her body to swell larger. For days the dragoness simply stood there and drank, moving only when the soft sand under her feet gave way and she needed to secure her footing. Thousands of the eggs she laid were drunk down by her as were dozens of ships whose captains became too curious for their own good and were trapped in the massive pull of the dragoness. Then the oceans water level started to drop, only slowly at first, but the larger the dragoness became, the bigger the drain became in turn. During this time the dragoness' body underwent another significant change as she grew so large that the atmosphere became thin and wasn't able to provide her with the necessary oxygen anymore. So her body's chemistry changed that it didn't needed oxygen anymore, in fact it eliminated her need to breath altogether.

Eventually the dragoness ceased to drink and continued to feed on the continent, entire cities were gobbled up as she simply took a bite out of the very ground and swallowed it, together with the city on top, in one gulp. Weeks passed in which the dragoness continued to devour planets ecosystem and ravage the landscape. The draconic population had almost completely converted to the new faith and were holding large parades and celebrations when the 'angels' finally came and took them to their goddess. Those few who didn't converted weren't spared either and eventually were devoured as well. And almost one year after she took the fertility agent, the tremendous dragoness had devoured the last bit of green and drunk the last water there was. Her body was absolutely immense and stretched into just about every direction, covering the surface of the smallest of continents all but completely. But still she wasn't done, her hunger still drove her forwards, or rather downwards and her immense jaws crashed down into the ground as she started to gobble up the very earth itself. Over a long time, which might have been weeks or months, it didn't mattered anymore, the dragoness just gorged herself on the planet, taking out larger and larger chunks of rock. The holes were filled with her eggs, mostly unintentional as they simply kept piling up. Which also caused the number of hatchlings to grow so large that they could cover the entire barren planet under steely scales. The heat of planet's magma and core posed no threat at all to Aica as her scales had already weathered nuclear bombardment, while she dug herself deeper into the ground. Her hunger and nesting instinct drove her to burrow underground and after a weeks of work she managed to hollow out the entire planet and replaced it's filling with her own bulk. She almost split the planet in half as she squirmed her way out of the rapidly expanding hole she had created as she dug in. Afterward the planet-sized dragoness filled the hollowed out husk with her eggs, before her hunger drove her forward to devour even more planets. Her hatchlings followed her as each new generation shared their mothers immunities, if not her size. To Aica her hatchlings were impossible to view with the naked eye as they were still only truck sized, but their sheer number surrounded her like a flowing gray bubble.

Centuries passed in which the dragoness ate her way through the known space, devouring planets and even suns alike as her metabolism had adapted to harness everything to sate her undying hunger. Countless civilizations were wiped out by her and her hatchlings, which preceded her like the harbingers of the apocalypse. The fewest of civilizations actually managed to put up a fight against the star devouring dragongoddess and even they only postponed the inevitable. Soon Aica had grown so immense that she could devour entire star systems, rather than just individual planets and from there it wasn't that much longer, relatively speaking of course, until the entire galaxy fell to her hunger. Black holes turned out to be marvelous treats for her, thanks to all the mass they contained in a rather bite sized package. Her growth became exponential as every galaxy she consumed contained hundreds and thousands of them, with a super massive one at it's center. But by now the dragoness' gullet had become a even more massive black hole which eventually devoured everything in sight, even her own offspring which became so numerous that they filled the entire void. Her hatchlings however were more than willing to offer themselves to their mother to sate her hunger, as futile as those attempts may be and the dragoness simply kept growing, even as everything else was gone.

Aica blinked as she saw how the space in front of her eyes became distorted. Waves of energy seemed to pulse through the void and obscured the view past them. Instead they showed a space beyond, one which was full of light and things. Things to eat! Her instincts told her. She reached up with a massive claw and swiped at the energy waves, which dispersed and left the trail of her claws behind. Aica's view distorted for a moment and a nauseating feeling of disorientation overcame her, before with the sound of breaking glass everything around her shattered. She shook her head as she looked around. Her hatchlings were floating around, struck even harder by the disorientation, while they tried to make sense of what they saw. All around her floated multicolored bubbles as far as the eye could see, with some of them she wasn't even sure if it really was a color she saw. But nonetheless millions of miniscule galaxies seemed to be contained in them. She wondered just how they would taste and was just about to stretch her neck and opened her jaws to get a hold of the closest one. Then out of nothing appeared a immense shape that towered over her. A dragon clad in emerald green scales stared at her with six golden eyes, each glowing like the heart of a sun. Enormous muscle packages rippled under his scales as he moved one of his four arms out to Aica and slowly stroked over her forehead. The dragons touch felt rather pleasing and slowly her hunger subsided while her consciousness was being pulled back to the surface again.

"You have grown enough, Aica. I will have to stop you here, for now. But now let me take you somewhere safer, where I will explain everything to you."

He smiled as purple energy rippled over his body and expanded to engulf the dragoness, hatchlings and eggs as well. And just as suddenly as he had appeared, he disappeared, taking the other dragons with him to unknown realms.