Old Yiffy Log

Story by Nightmask1367 on SoFurry

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An old yiffy log as the title notes, between me and someone that used to be a friend before they betrayed me long ago. Enjoy the naughtiness.

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Chalar's Room - Oaken Treehouse(#291R/)

In the middle of the room, a thick oval-like rug made from the skin

and fur of something big lies elegantly cut and expertly cured. It

looks as though it would make a good bed, as it is a few inches thick,

and has a rolled-up old sheet at one end, probably acting as a pillow.


















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Name OnTime Idle Name OnTime Idle Name Ontime Idle

Charles 00:00 0s Damyn 00:11 3m

2 players are connected.

Charles hugs!

Charles snuggles his foxy love TIGHT to his chest!

Damyn squeaks and warmly, albeit sleepily snuggles!

Charles licks and kisses all over your adorable muzzle and wishes he'd gotten on sooner.

Damyn churrrrs softly and nuzzles you back. "I took your advice and tweaked Cufri. I didn't make major changes, but I made changes that would make a good Marvel character. I then wrote a good Marvel-esque background epic for her. Want to see the final version?" (^.^)

Charles rubs his hands down to play with your backside and noddles. "Sure love, and she was certainly quite nice to begin with, but hey not like I'M going to not let my precious one enjoy the pleasures of tweaking."

Damyn giggles softly and cuddles against you loving just being near you. "Well, I was mostly happy with her - after all, I'd said I'd rolled a bunch before her that I didn't care for, so... Anyway, the tweaks were mostly minor power boosts and most with her limitation on them." http://ottertech.home.comcast.net/Dark_Maiden.htm

Charles kneeds and paws your lovely backside steadily and hopes you'll make a nice furry like he built his nice little custom character Moleculon. "Make any use of the range/effect shifts on Molding?"

Charles nibbles your lips and mmmms, interesting, and preferred not using the lower rank of regeneration to have it working all the time?

Damyn churrrs at the pawing then giggles and points to the webpage. "That answers all your questions...except the one about regeneration. Eh? Where did you read that? I must've missed it."

Charles tugs you into his lap and bouncies you up and down against his chest, enjoying the caress of your fur on his skin. "Well since you've got a limitation on regeneration I assume you limited it to get a higher rank, it's not an automatically limietd power."

Charles snuggles and works on some nice super-versions of the preggy femmes he'd commissioned, for some naughty marvel writing, wonder how much fun it'd be with some super-furs around.

Charles nibbles, super-dragoness, super-vixen, super-batty, super-coonie, and just for fun super-preggy version of Sappho.

Damyn is bouncied slightly more awake and rubs against her dear love...though it still takes her a bit to realize what you mean. "Oh! Well, yeah, originally it was only Good regeneration, but now its Excellent but only when she's not in bright light. I mean, she's already pretty powerful, so this makes her powers a bit more of a challenge to use." *snuggles* "Sounds interesting, love."

Charles trails his fingers up between your tight rumpcheeks and teases beneath your fluffy tail, nice and contentedly happy at being with his most treasured love, his heart's favored half. "tossed together another high-powered team but looking for a nice name for them, 'Moleculon and the '. Of course all sexy femme furries."

Damyn bunny-purrrrs, small tail twitching slowly - too tired to get fully aroused, but too stimulated not to respond to her dearest. "Mmmm...all women, hmm? What about Girrick? That reminds me, Shirra wanted me to give you a good nudge to go talk to hir...oh, and Nimble is a sweety." (^.^)

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Nimble 22h ago for 1h 6:26pm 08/24/04 7:47pm 08/24/04

Charles noses down to enjoy the fragrant musk clinging to your chestruff while enjoying exploring his love while he's got her and ohs? "Thought you'd met her before, and I guess I should have risked the lightning and stayed on last night, looks like I missed her and I've seen less of her than I have of you. :/"

Charles snugs and is glad you enjoyed your time with her though love.

As you sit with your sweetheart and snuggle you hear a crack of thunder and a flash of lighting!

LOG> DUMP: data/dragonstorm-db.new.#2451#

You decide to look up and you see ...

The clouds forming a heart as the sun sets making it glow red while some sky writing says "Will you be my valentine?"

Damyn gasps softly and her chest practically heaves into your face neatly embedding it in the cleft of her breasts. Giggling softly, she takes the opportunity to kiss the top of your head. "Nope, or at least if we have, she didn't remember it either. She still thinks you're sweet and apparently likes being your pet. And yes, she is nice to talk to." (^.^)

Charles rubs his face into your breasts, humming softly in his pleasure as his breath warms your cleavage as he enjoys that furry bounty and draws his fingers in to probe your lovely tailhole. "She's a special fur just like you love. I think I told you about her once. We'd met years ago but she poofed one day, then ran across her like a year or two later, but didn't know it was her, but she came back, we got even closer, she confessed who she'd been, and has stayed since then."

Charles snuggles, she got kind of afraid of the closeness of things, about like how you did early on, but thankfully got over it as well and got back where she belonged, with your loving master.

Damyn runs her softly furred paws down your back and just relaxes, enjoying the attention you lavish on her, juices slowly beginning to seep between her legs even as she stifles a yawn. "Well, she apparently keeps semi-late hours. She seems to be worth staying up for though." (^.^)

Charles lays back to enjoy the leakage from his dear mate and smiles, loves being able to leave her wet even when tired. "She's an excellent lover when she's got the time, and quite the yiffy pet."

Charles snuggles and ohs, all caught up on casual now, and read Realms yet?

Damyn giggles softly and nodnods. "She seemed that way to me too. And...erf, not all the way yet." *snuggles* "What do you think of Cufri?" :)

Charles cuddlesnugs and likes, too young to be yiffing though. :)

You say, "Nimble _loves_ when her master plays under her tail too. :)"

Charles licks up along the sides of your breasts, wetting the fur down until he's able to lap and nibble back and forth between your nipples tenderly and needs to put the other characters he's tossed together into a sheet for enjoyment by his dear one too, although needs to work on backgrounds for most of them.

Damyn hugs you tight and grin-sighs as you give her breasts some truly enjoyable attention. "She didn't mention that, but I'm not surprised." (^.^) "Heh...and, no, not yet, but I'd been toying with the idea of her being a little young, and I randomly rolled Student as her talent, so that sealed it. Besides...youth leads to all sorts of fun emotional turbulence and doesn't necessarily preclude romance. I was inspired by Jubilee from X-Men cartoon, Rogue from the movie, and pretty much all of X-Men: Evolution." (^.^)

Charles fluffs his fingers up and down between your snug buttcheeks and encourages his pet to just build up her pick of super-furries, max powers, talents, etc. Got to give up power slots to species appropriate powers first though (like Natural Weaponry/Claws or Hyper-Digging for rabbits and vixens). "Plus you enjoy kinky naughty yiffiness, like a budding girl-child going for it with a older, mature male. :)"

Damyn cuddles and bunny-purrrrs as her rump is pleasured. "Welll...no, actually I don't have to do any such thing. She has claws, but they're short and not exceptionally sharp - the augmentation to damage is negligable of a super-power scale. Likewise, she doesn't tunnel super-fast - she's just a cute anthro vixen...and whatever makes you think I would contemplate naughty kinkiness with older men and/or women who may or may not resort to bondage in order to deal with her super-powered teen-angst?" (^.^)

Charles chuckles and bites your left nipple, rolling it between his teeth and tugging it out before letting it snap back into place. "Meant should build another character non-randomly, silly love," he replies, then laps at your nipple once it's settled down and teases a finger into your tight little hole, easing it deep into your warm back passage. "Bound bondo vixens in first heat. Mmmmmmmm. :)"

Damyn squeaks! and trembles a little in your arms. "Oooh...mmm...bad human! I need to sleep soon, and you're gonna get me too worked up. Heh...oooh...mmm...though I admit I sort of opened the floor with that last comment above. Heehee! That is a good image though - tying her up to keep the males and even some of the females safe! Hmm...I might try another character, but other than translating my existing furry characters, I'm inclined to just roll randomly then modify the rolls to fit whatever concept comes to mind. If I just chose...well, I'd get caught up in wanting to go a dozen different ways at once. The dice help me decide on a theme." Good comic ---> http://www.shaylathepinkmouse.com/index.html

Charles wriggles his finger around to stroke inside your tight hot depths and loves toying with his bad little foxy, gives him nice stuff for fantasies before bed. "Translating's nice, especially to bed down for super-naughtiness with your master. For example, making out on the Hubble telescope. :)" he suggests, and gets caught up that choosing too, but has his common themes, like the molecular control powers. "Imagine how quickly a coonie with the intelligence boosting powers like hyper-invention and hyper-intelligence, and the matter creation powers and/or the matter conversion/control powers could rebuild/improve pretty much any vehicle or mechanical item."

Charles ooos, enjoying both the feel of you in his grasp when a wriggle gives him some bit-rubbing fun, and the website as he recognizes the art style."

Charles hmmmms, AIM went inaccessable, oh well, not like mari was responding to him anyway.

Damyn holds herself tightly to you and shivers a little as you tease her back passage. "Mmmm...you make an interesting arguement for modeling...er, modeling my characters that is...though the idea of my characters doing some modeling for Vixen's Secret is good too." ;) "And yes, that's one of many great ideas...too many good ideas waiting to be done!" (^.^)

Charles bounces you as best he can up and down so your petals rub over his shaft and grinds that finger around in your snug rump while nosing back up to lick at the corner of your lips. "I have my favorite themes, skunkie as a super-tech too, and of course Wildcard, for a shapeshifting furry, who can also shapeshift others. I like to keep the matter-shifting theme to myself, although keeping some slots eaten up by species-related powers means quite a few can end up with hyper-digging or hyper-running."

As you sit with your sweetheart and snuggle you hear a crack of thunder and a flash of lighting!

LOG> DUMP: data/dragonstorm-db.new.#2452#

You decide to look up and you see ...

The clouds forming a heart as the sun sets making it glow red while some sky writing says "Will you be my valentine?"

Damyn smiles, snuggles, and cuddles her love as she is bounced in a fashion that ensures a little juice shining said shaft. "Heh...well, normally I don't mess with molecular powers - I personally figure those would be rare and so restrict my ideas on them. You have enough ideas for the both of us in that department. I wouldn't have even taken Molding except it fit the character concept - a pseudo-arcane superhero like the young Scarlet Witch."

Charles basks in his sweet mate's snuggly, wet love and clearly radiates his pleasure and love at being with his dearly beloved, basking in the shining up in your honey and letting his shaft warm itself in your tight wetness, as he should never let a time pass without sheathing himself in his mate when she's around. "Unrestricted fun's the idea, even built a few versions with power creation/energy source creation (a la Thor's Hammer)."

Charles nips along your lips and wouldn't mind going around sprinkling super-powers and/or power objects around, although would generally consider things like regeneration and resistances for needy people, like sneaking into a hospital and empowering who he could with the means to recover from otherwise deadly injuries, like burn wards.

You say, "Wouldn't matter if the powers didn't last, since the effects would."

Charles grins, not that he wouldn't be tempted to turn the foundations to some of his former workplaces to oatmeal or somesuch, he's not a saint after all.

Damyn sleepily snuggles against you and is more than happy to have you inside her even if she does need to go to sleep now. "Mmmm...well, I can't seem to have fun unless my characters make sense to me. But...funny you should mention that since I recently had a conversation about what the X-Men did wrong. Xavier is right that mutants can live together with humans without scaring them and suffering no worse prejudice than any other minority, but hiding then only making public appearances when other mutants go berserk is hardly the way to build trust. In order not to be seen as freaks, he needs to make mutants seem as utterly boring as possible - he should hire teachers for law enforcement, medical, and other applicable degree plans then send the mutants out to be perfectly ordinary members of society." (^.^) *giggles at the idea of a building sinking in oatmeal*

Charles cradles you to his chest, cheek rubbing yours as your breasts mash against his chest, making you comfy in your mate's lap so he can enjoy you sleeping wrapped in his love and having some nice claim on his bits in the bargain. "Sweet dreams and take care love, I hope you can make it on tomorrow, maybe I'll get to say I met Donald Trump at work. :)"

Damyn leans into your embrace with a contented churring...then blinkies and hopes you do meet an extremely rich person who spontaneously offers you a high-paying job...or at least a really large tip. (^.^) "Mmmm...g'night..."

LOG> DISC: 7 Damyn(#409PBJCW3) pcp02246468pcs.manass01.va.comcast.net(1560), 51 cmds P#5555

Damyn has disconnected.

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