Andy 2 - Frontman Andy!

Story by SPAMZZKRR on SoFurry

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#2 of Andy

Morning came quietly and the scent of old cheese sandwiches filled the room. Andy opened his eyes and slowly rolled out of bed, hitting the floor with a thud. He realised what had happened last night and quickly scanned the bed. Caramel was gone. "Was it all a dream?" Andy thought to himself. He pulled himself from the floor and rubbed his aching head. Making his way to the bathroom he burst through the door, and undid his fly. "WOAH!!!" He looked to his right to see Caramel stepping out of the shower, "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!?!?" "Shit! Sorry, sorry, sorry!" He rushed out of the door and stood on the other side, "It's rare I have female guests overnight." "Yeah I can tell, Christ!" "Hey why can you still speak my language if you're not wearing the translator?" "The translator does not change the sounds from my voice but it changes my brain so I can speak your language fluently." "...Cool..." "You say that a lot." "Yeah I know." "You seemed quite shocked when you woke up..." "I was worried you had left." "Why's that then?" "Well might get know....on your own..." "I have spent most of my life in deep physical training." "Well then why were you so scared of those other craft." "They're stronger than me. I was born, raised and trained. They were born and trained." "Right, of course." "Andy you need to go and get me some clothes." "Me? Why?" "Well, for one, I'm not wearing your clothes. Two, you're the only native I know and three I don't want to give my position away." "Well what's your size?" "How the hell am I supposed to know?" "Well I just need to come in and measure you." With a smile Andy slowly opened the door, "Andy if you come through that door I'll kill you." He stepped back and sulked, "Just get me what sizes you think I am." "Fine, your loss!" He threw on his clothes, grabbed his jacket and he was off.

Andy was gone for some time but Caramel had found a towel by now. A few hours later and Andy burst through the door, the bags in each hand. "STUPID UNIT!!" Walking into the kitchen, Andy discovered Caramel screaming at the microwave. "I place the food I want inside and it doesn't cook." "You need to do that yourself." Andy punched in 3.00 minutes and hit the start button. "That's very primitive... Oh are those the clothes." "Yep, I hope you like them." She snatched away the bags and walked into the bedroom. Reappearing a few minutes later put a smile on Andy's face. She wore a pink mini-skirt and a short, pink tube top. "What the hell did you buy this for?" "I thought you'd look cute..." "Andy, if there's more of stuff like this I'll kill you." "You really want to kill me don't you? Fine try the big bag with 'Michelle's Clothes' on it." "That's better!" Caramel walked out moments with baggy brown cargos and a tank top that stopped above the belly in a light brown. "Wow you look good." "Thanks, I guess." He looked her over a few times, scanning her up and down (basically undressing her with his eyes). With her frown at the developing smile on his face he decided to wipe it away and checked the time on his watch. "Oh would you look at that! I have an interview!" "Interview?" she questioned, "What do you mean?" "I have an interview with a new band. I'm a singer you know!" He stood with his chest puffed out in pride. Pride which was demolished as she burst in a fit of hysterical laughter. "What's so funny?" Rubbing her sore eyes and holding her stomach she explained herself, "You're such a idiot! How can you be a singer?" Breaking back into laughter, Andy just blushed at her disrespect. "Well, I'm off," he said hastily, throwing on his coat. "Wait," she ensued as her laughter ceased, "What am I supposed to do?" "I 'unno...just wait here..." Leaving her by herself in the room put a smile back on Andy's face. The trek across the town was difficult with the rush hour of busy people buzzing to work. With an the influx of people driving through the city itself driving was completely out of the question. However, that's what Urios City was like; a complete muddle of high tower blocks, bars and clubs, industry and residential; none placed in any arrangement that could be described with ease. Mitch lived on the southern outskirts of the city in the newly developed flats. He had a nice view of the great plains and farm-lands that stretched out from his window. Even the mighty Reyona mountains to his right were in view. His potential new band, however, was quite a long way from his flat. Pulling out a crumbled piece of paper in his pocket, Andy tried to memorize the address in his head. "18 Ailiro Square," he thought. Breaking through the heavy layers of buildings, Andy had reached an open area; a large square decorated by a park. A large, marble fountain laid in the middle with sycamore and oak trees dotted around. The park was surround by a joined road with shops and residences around the perimeter. Since the buildings were so old, the numbers on the doors were impossible to make out; too worn away by weather and times gone by. Andy picked an general store to ask for directions. On the wall were posters of old rock bands and people playing guitars. There was even a 'Woodstork 1976' poster on the wall. "Can I help ya?" asked a mysterious voice from the back. The figure emerged as a bat with a Hawaiian shirt on. "Are yew Mitch?" she asked in her thick accent. "" replied Andy in perplexity. "Strange, I was told to look out fo'a wolf... Anyway may I help ya?" With Andy still standing in bewilderment, she looked up to the wall, "Woodstork ah? Ye interested in that concert?" Andy suddenly sprung into life, "Interested? I was there!" "No shite? Who was yer favourite act?" "Jinni probably. When she did 'Purple Maze' I was in Heaven!" "Oh yeah!" The two looked at each other with a smile as they began to sing, "'Scuse me while I kiss that guy!" Terra burst into laughter, "Ya remember! She was completely wasted!" "Yeah, yeah..." The two laughed together as Andy returned to the task at hand, "Anyway is this where the band is?" "Band? I dunny know about a band laddy!" "I'm looking for a ferret named Sebastian..." Terra scratched her hand in thought. "Sebastian... Oh aye, Sebastian Cross! He lives next door!" "Oh how lucky! Thanks again, Miss." Andy waved good bye and made his way next door. A medium sized ferret answered the door for Andy with a look of tedium on his face. "Hello?" Andy pulled out the piece of paper in his pocket and handed it to him, "I'm Andy and I'm here about the advert. You need a singer, right?" Looking at the paper and then back at Andy the ferret gave him a sharp look. "Alright," he said finally, "Come in." The narrow corridor led up a flight of stairs to an open room. With bare brick walls (decorated only by tattered posters) and floorboards the scene was quite dismal. Most of the light which should be filling the room was blocked by a thick layer of dust on the window. At the back of the room was a band consisting of a large ferret behind a beaten drum kit, another lankier one with a bass guitar and one more with a lead guitar. Andy was a bit nervous, "Um, Hi guys!" He gave a friendly wave and received a few snide looks. The ferret accompanying him took his place with another guitar. "What's your name, wolf?" asked the first guitarist. "Andy Hunt." "Ever sung in a band before?" "I haven't, no." The group looked disturbingly at each other. "Ever sung in a choir?" "No." "Ever sung at all?!?" "I sing to my music back home." The whole group glared at him in immediate discontent. "Then what the hell are you doing here?" finally asked the bassist. It took Andy sometime to pluck up what was left of his courage to answer him, "We'll...I think I'm good..." "You think?" cried the drummer, "That ain't good enough..." Andy looked at the floor in shame. He thought he was a good singer (with only Miss Pelly as a critic) he was confident in his own voice. Although not the first interview he's had with a band, Andy felt that this one would have gone well. It obviously wasn't. "Well, do you know any Tool?" concluded the second guitarist. "Not very well..." "Rob Zombie?" "No, not really." "Slipknot?" "I don't, no." With their minds made up, the band looked at each other and nodded. "Get out of here, loser. It seems you made a mistake," stated the first guitarist. As Andy turned to leave the band began to play. The song...he knew that song! One of his favourite songs of all time! He couldn't believe his luck. Turning back to them with pride, he approached a near-by mike stand and plugged it in. "EVERY DAY I WAKE UP! WE DRINK A LOT OF COFFEE AND WATCH THE CNN!" The band continued to play as he continued to sing. "LOBSTER BACKS ATTACK THE TOWN AGAIN!" The guitars wailed as the drummer crashed the cymbals loud. "WRAP ALL MY THINGS IN ALLUMINIUM!" The band stopped as Andy stood in front of them in judgement. "You like Clutch?" "Love 'em!" With the band whispering with each other, Andy could really feel the tension. He wanted to apart of a band so bad and he would do whatever it would take. One by one smiles returned to the face of the band members. The first guitarist approached him with a large grin. "I think we've found our new singer." Finding it difficult to restrain his joy, Andy firmly shook the ferrets hand and was of back home to tell Caramel the good news.

"I'm in a band..." he thought to himself, the phrase endlessly repeating over and over in his head; with each repeat bring a flood of joy. He felt like clipping his heels together like in the films but he knew his dignity wouldn't let him. With every person that passed him he wanted to shout his success. Finally reaching the flat, his ears picked up on Caramel's voice. "Who are you? Are you a spy?" Getting to his floor, he found Caramel holding his Pelly by the neck against the door. The large goose struggled behind the muscles of the thinner bunny. Andy rushed to the pair, "Caramel, let her go!" By his command she released the goose and Andy caught her as she fell away. "Miss Pelly, I am so sorry." "I only came to collect the rent and this...brute attacked me!" Andy carried her away from his door. "I will take legal action on this, Hunt." The only phrase that struck fear into Andy's heart; legal action. "No, no, no. There's no need to do that. She's my cousin and she's...mentally...weak. She was just surprised by you." Diving into his pocket and pulling out a muddle of notes, he placed them in her hand and patted her on the back. "There's my rent. Please accept my apologizes." Miss Pelly gave him a snide look and walked off. Giving a deep sigh, Andy returned to the flat. "What the hell were you thinking?!?" "Excuse me?" asked Caramel, surprise, "I'm being chased by an ancient Alien cult that wants my head on a pole and you ask what I'm thinking?!?!? She could have been a spy for them! They're around here somewhere." "Yeah well...they'll never find you here..." Andy strode into the kitchen for a snack, displaying his success as flamboyantly as he could. He desperately tried to indicate his glee to Caramel with little success. She was far too busy sorting Andy's useless crap scattered around the flat into some sort of order. Andy returned with a ham sandwich to notice the job she had done. "What did you do to my stuff?" he demanded. She looked at him flustered, "Oh it was no trouble at all. Your 'thank you' is very appreciated though..." "I didn't ask you to tidy my stuff." "Yeah, but I couldn't find anything." He rubbed his face annoyance, taking a deep breath and putting the sandwich down, "Listen, Caramel. I'm a man. And us men have certain needs. Our 'crap' needs to be in an order for which we name the 'can't be asked' order. If you interfere with that order then I can agitate me." Eager to test his abilities, Caramel slapped on her most patronizing smile and began her assault on his masculine pride. "Aaawww I'm sorry Andy. Did I ruin your 'manly' order? Poor little boy," she said, putting a babyish sort of tone in her voice. "Don't push me..." "What are you gunna do about? Cry? Wet yourself?" Andy gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. He dived at her only for her to jump away at the last moment. Andy went face first into a desk. "Wanna quit now little boy?" With another dive, Andy pulled to the floor and sat on top of her. However, with a simple flick, she spun him onto his back and sat on him, holding his arms to the floor with her legs. "Ggggrrr let me go!" "Hahaha! Wassa madda little baby?" "Stop that!" She bent down and gave him a peck on the cheek, "You're pretty cute when you're angry." Andy, being a bit more crafty than she anticipated, slowly moved his fingers up and down on the soles of her feet. Suddenly she burst into an uproar of laughter, unable to contain herself and falling from Andy's chest. Grabbing her powerful legs and holding her feet to his maw he began to tentatively lick her sensitive feet and toes, sending her squirming like a fish out of water. "HAHAHA ANDY!!! HAHAHAHAHA OH GOD PLEASE STOP!!" Pouncing onto the shattered bunny and mimicked her position and loamed over her. "You're good bunny...but I'm better!" He gave her a passionate kiss and pulled himself up off of her; helping her up and brushed her off. "The jokes on you, Andy," she giggled, "I've been walking around your flat all day." It took him a while to pick up what she meant but he soon realised. "Uuughhh, sick!" Brushing his tongue and spitting out all the dust she only chuckled at him. Grabbing his sandwich, she fell onto the sofa and turned on the TV.

(The following has been translated so you readers can understand what's going on ;P) "What the fuck do you mean she got away?!?" bellowed the commander through the radio device. "We lost her Sir," answered the large creature in a solemn voice, "We lost her bio-sign. She got out of range pretty quickly." "I don't want to hear of failure. We are the Signit and we do not fail. You bring me news of her whereabouts within the next day or don't bother coming back to the armada. You will be shot on sight is that clear?" The two looked at each other worryingly. "Yes Sir!" they answered, faking the confidence in their voice. The radio went dead and the two began to panic. "Shit! What the fuck are we gunna do?!?" "Calm yourself. We need to search the immediate area. She'll turn up, she must do." "And if she doesn't?" "Then we can't return to the armada. However, we'll search for her and skin her alive." The two gave ominous smile as they headed to the city. (((A continuation of my fursona's story but I am still currently working on the Zig Zag story. I hope you like it, sorry it's a bit short. Also, I'm not sure why Jimi Hendrix is now Jinni Dendrix (from KRR 6) but Tool, Rob Zombie, Slipknot and Clutch are still the same... I'm weird like that :D)))

Andy 3 - Perverted Thoughts

Although Andy respected for Caramel as a person in, not only peril, but going through a time of intense emotion and grief; his hands thought otherwise. Caramel had agreed to sleep with Andy on a simple condition. No touching. She was in a deep sleep as...

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Kiss My Arse 10 - Life and Death Wolf

(Unfortunately, the events of the following few days were unaccountable by me since of my transformation. I surrender the narration to an independent overseer. Mitch.) Evil resonated from that place with only the awe of the staff members and the...

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Kiss My Arse 9 - Born from a Hilt

How was she still alive? When I had returned with the others, I had felt happy that I had escaped them; foiling Chloe's stupid police tactics. That night however, it felt like I had failed at something (although I wasn't quite sure what...) A purpose...

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