That's What Brothers Are For - First Time For Everything

Story by Atheos on SoFurry

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#4 of That's What Brothers Are For: Part One

The fourth installment of my rebooted That's What Brothers Are For series.

Thank you for reading! Each word you read flatters me, truly. If you enjoyed the story, feel free to leave a comment!

Once again he threw his eyes open; desperately trying to sleep. The black wolf rolled over in his bed; moonlight coursing through the small window and onto his face. Visions and flashes of what he saw emblazoned on his brother's computer haunted him.

As he glanced over to the mattress on the floor, his heart sank to find it empty. He was hoping that Nishi would be there. He couldn't have been, though. Corey hadn't slept a wink since he'd seen that video. He looked over at green digits of the wall clock; 2:36. He sighed and stared at the ceiling; resting in a bed of soiled tissues.

He didn't dare look down his body; lest he find himself aroused once more. He could feel his cock; hard as a rock and pitching the blanket up like a tent pole. He lifted his torso and sat up, his face in his paws. He rubbed his eyes and sighed.

There was no fighting it now; he was more aroused now than he had been earlier that night. He knew that Tyler was home and thought that perhaps Nishi was with him. With that thought he felt a sudden jolt of jealousy.

His brow tightened into a frown and he stood, making his way to the stairs; naked as the day he was born. The walk softened his cock a bit, but not enough for it to lose any of its elevation. By the time he came to his brother's door, his anger had waned slightly, but he still pushed through; opening the door loudly enough to stir any furs from any sex they were having.

He found the room dark and silent; the only occupant of the bed was Tyler, who was cuddling pillow and sleeping peacefully. Quietly, he stood above Ty's head, lowering his cock until it rested in front his brother's pursed lips. His nose twitched at the scent of arousal.

Tyler's head moved a little when Corey rubbed it against his lips. "Tyler," Corey said, louder than one would call an inside voice, but nothing close to a yell. Tyler flinched away from the cock and blinked the dust from his eyes.

"Morning, Corey," he said in a drowsy voice with a little smile. He stretched his arms and yawned. "What?" He put his hand on Corey's cock. "You never bring me breakfast in bed..."

He licked it sluggishly and gave it a stroke. His strokes grew faster but still remained slow. His paw movements almost fell into the subconscious as his eyelids glided back over his eyes. He didn't even notice his brother's breath quickening before it happened. With a big sigh, Corey finished; firing a few ropes of thin cum onto his brother's face.

Tyler's eyes opened wide as his cheek was painted with seed; shocked that his brother finished so quickly. "Whoa, I'm up, I'm up!" he laughed for a moment and moved into a sitting position. "Is there something wrong?" He wiped his brother's semen from his cheeks.

"I... It's just..." Tyler patted the bed beside him.

"Sit," Corey turned and fell onto the bed, lying beside Tyler.

"How long has it been going on?" Corey asked, not looking his brother in the eyes.

"Uhh..." He looked around. "About twelve hours."

"And how long have you known about his... his..."

"Ten hours."

"How'd you find out?"

Tyler bit his lip and looked away. "I, um..." he shook his head silently. "I spied on him. He was using two dildos... one was yours..." Corey's eyes opened wide. "Yours was stuck in him; I'm a bit of an expert in those things. I got it out for him."

"Then one thing lead to another, I guess, right?"

"Yeah," Tyler lay back, alongside his naked brother. "He was asking about you when we were... you know." Corey's ears perked up and he rolled to face his brother.

"What kind of stuff did he ask?"

"Whether you were intact," Tyler smiled as he lifted the softening, yet still hard cock. "I told him yours was bigger than mine."

The older male blushed beneath his black fur and rolled back. "Watch out, you'll get it hard again."

"Maybe I want to..."

"I don't." Corey looked over at him with a slight frown. "I've done it ten times since seeing the video." Tyler let go of his cock and rolled over, draping his arm over Corey's chest, snuggling the wolf. "You finished inside him. Won't that... Couldn't he get pregnant or something?"

"Nah," Tyler said, keeping his eyes shut and snuggling his brother's chest. Corey's arm came to rest around him. "Dad has him on some pill. He's worried that one of the neighbor's kids is going to put some pups in him. He doesn't want what happened to Angie to happen again."


They didn't much talk about their cousin, Angie, in this house anymore, since her neighbor had put pups in her when she was just sixteen. Since then, Corey's father had thought of her only as a whore; their father took a rather strong stance against abortion.

"You know, Tyler," Corey's hand had trailed down his brother's back and rest on his firm butt. "I think I know what would stop my erection issue..." He gave his brother's butt a firm squeeze.

"I'm sorry bud, but no can do."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm... not prepared." He feigned a cough to try and get Corey to catch on. "I'm not," he pointed towards his back end with his head, "prepared."

"Oh..." He pulled his hand back up him and gripped his shoulder, pulling him closer.

"It'll have to wait till morning. I could top you if you'd like."

"What?" He pulled his head back to look into his brother's eyes. "You can't be serious."

"It was just a suggestion," Tyler closed his eyes. "I can top too you know."

The pair sat in silence for a while, no sounds but their own breaths. Corey smiled as he felt Tyler's chest rise and fall against his own; feeling each breath out of his nostrils brush over his fur. "Okay, I'll do it. You can fuck me." He expected his brother to jump up, dick hard and triumphant smile, but he saw none.

"Ty," he looked at his brother's tranquil face. "I said yes, we can do it." Still, he heard no response from his brother. "I guess it is late," he said to himself, grabbing Tyler by the waist and pulling him across so they lay along the bed rather than across it. He finally managed to find peace enough to sleep as he spooned his brother; arousal fading to the back of his mind for a while.

When he awoke he saw an empty bed looking back at him. Disappointment washed over him as his mind ached for his brother's touch. "Tyler?" he called out. No reply came. As he pulled himself up, he noticed a strong tightness in his bladder and an incredible stiffness in his cock. He stood and walked, his cock pointing steadfast in front of him.

He found the door to the bathroom ajar, but barely enough to see through. He pushed the door open and found his brother in the shower. "Is there no privacy in this house?" Tyler asked mockingly, with his ass against the far wall. Corey pulled the shower door open and stepped in, noticing immediately that Tyler was doing more than just showering.

The thinner black wolf's butt lifted off the wall, but a thick shaft of a dildo connected him to the wall through a suction base. Tyler wiggled his butt with the dildo inside. "I think I'm more than ready for you now, Corey." Corey said nothing, but aimed his penis toward the drain and let the built up urine flow with the water.

"Corey! You're so disgusting!"

"Oh, shut up you," Corey said playfully, smiling at his brother. "I know you do it." He kept holding his aim downward and kissed his brother, pushing him back against the base of the dildo once more. When his kiss was done, his bladder had been emptied.

Tyler licked his lips and looked into his brother's eyes. "Do you want to have a go?" He squeezed Corey's ass. "It arrived this morning."

"I'm tired of using dildos." He took his brother's cock in his hand stroked it. Tyler pulled off the dildo and let it stand free.

Corey looked down at it and his jaw dropped. "You took that entire thing?" Even having seen him do it, Corey could barely believe it. It was horse shaped and at least ten inches long.

"What can I say? I've been practicing since you taught me where to put my fingers." Right on cue, two of Tyler's fingers slipped up into his brother's back door, covered in a slick lube.

Corey tensed up all of his muscles. "That's not the best move, Corey." Tight though he was, Tyler was surprised by how quickly his brother's tailhole stretched to accommodate his fingers. He doubted that he could take as much as Tyler could, but he could definitely take what the younger male was offering.

Tyler applied the lube to his own cock and readied himself. "Are you sure about this, Corey?"

"Yes..." He waved his butt at his brother, coaxing him into it. Tyler pulled his foreskin all the way back over his tip and pushed it past his brother's tailhole.

He moaned and kept sliding it in; his knees shaking more with every inch. "Oh, god, it's so..." he pulled back and slammed forward into Corey, having to raise himself on his toes to fully submerge himself inside. He took his brother's hips in his hands; pulling and pushing with his thrusts.

Tyler stood with his back to the showerhead as he plundered the unspoiled tailhole. Water washed over his head and shoulders, streaming down his torso and onto his brother's back. The muscles of Corey's tailhole bore down on his cock as it continued to push against them. From where Tyler stood, it was almost like the walls were hugging his intrusive cock; holding it tight.

He had been up to his nuts in toys before, some that vibrated, some that were anuses, some that were mouths and he had blown his load into them more times than he could count, but nothing compared to the warmth and tightness of the genuine article.

The heat embraced his dick like a lover embracing another. When all of his length was hidden inside him, the muscles almost seemed to massage his member. He moaned softly with each thrust, masked beneath the susurrus of water.

When he reached his paw around his brother's waist, he leaned close and gave the skin of his brother's neck a quick nip. "How's this?" he asked him as the pair bred passionately beneath the flowing water. He only needed to listen to the growing moans from his brother to know that he was enjoying it as much as he was.

"I'm almost there," Corey whispered back to his brother. With those words, his hand opened and his cock stopped inside him. Tyler panted over him and grabbed the dildo which hung from the wall.

"Can't have you finishing too quickly..." He stuck the dildo to the wall behind him and backed onto it.

Tyler groaned a lusty groan as his anus once again kissed the tip of the incredibly detailed horse dildo. It passed through as easily as it had before and he slid back onto the median ring. When he slipped past the median ring, his cock came free of his brother. He thrust back into his brother slowly and reeled back, making sure that he had a cock in his ass and an ass around his cock at all times.

His thrusting grew faster and faster, with the dildo filling his back end and anus muscles tightly hugging his cock. He pumped his brother cock faster than he could thrust. Both of their moans grew louder and more frequent, their breaths deepening and running shorter.

Corey began moaning for his brother, gasping his name and clenching his eyes shut. Tyler could feel his body tightening around his cock. With one big cry came a series of hard, rhythmic pulses, Corey's ass squeezing hard with each one.

Cum came flowing from the tip of his cock, thrown about everywhere by Tyler's hand and thrusts. If he was close before, his brother's orgasm pushed him ever closer. Each time his anus tightened, it sent a wave of pleasure through him, until finally, right as Corey's cum started to dribble out onto his fingers, it hit and hit hard.

Tyler moaned loudly as he filled him with his seed. As he panted, Tyler slipped back on the dildo, letting all of it inside him. His cock pulled out of his brother and he moaned again as more and more seed shot out from his tip; leaving trails on his brother's back with the rest falling onto the floor.

"Oh... god..." Tyler panted as he watched his brother's anus twitching. Semen dribbled out of it and along his taint. Tyler pulled himself off the dildo as his brother turned around. "Thanks, Corey." He kissed his brother on the cheek. "But now I'm all dirty again. Want to wash off together?" Corey returned the kiss, but a little more passionately; on his open lips.

The pair scrubbed the seed out of their fur under the water and Tyler washed the big horse cock dildo. As he washed it, Corey watched, remarking on how incredibly detailed it was. "That's quite the toy. How much did that set you back?"

"Nothing at all, I didn't pay for it." Tyler kissed the tip after it was clean. "It was a gift. It's a cast, there's a cock out there that looks exactly like this."

"Who gave you that?" Corey ran some shampoo through his long headfur.

"My... just a friend," he put it on the floor of the shower and continued washing himself.

"Come on," Corey playfully rubbed his elbow against his ribs. "You can tell me."

"It was... My boyfriend," Tyler continued scrubbing at his own fur, not making eye contact with his brother.

"I didn't know you had one. Does he know about what we do? I don't want to be that guy."

"He... We're not actually... Y'know, together, yet, that is. We met online, we've been talking for a year and he's going to be attending college near here soon."

"Are you sure you can trust him? Have you ever actually talked to the guy?"

"Don't be stupid! Of course, I've talked to him, plenty of times. Just not in person. Yet," He looked up at Corey. "Don't tell dad, okay?"

Corey laughed. "Now you don't be stupid," he wrapped his arm around his little brother and pulled him close. "I'm happy for you." Corey gestured downward. "He sure is hung." Tyler chuckled and ran his fingers through Corey's wet body fur.

"Nishi's at a friend's house. He should be home in about two hours. I suggest you wait for him, he wants you pretty badly."

A short while later, the pair split up, Tyler continued into his room to get dressed for the day, while Corey went back into the basement. Once he finished drying himself off, he sat, spread-legged on his bed, his flaccid cock sitting lazily atop his thoroughly drained balls.

When he was younger and masturbated half as much as he had in the past fifteen hours, he'd experience pain and perhaps even some swelling, but now his penis wasn't even slightly red, it looked just like it always did. He closed his eyes and imagined sex with Nishi, having his cock in a cunt for the first time in... a few years.

He opened his eyes and dispelled that thought. That thought of Nishi was enough to stir his cock to life again. It hadn't grown to full extension, but it was definitely on the right path. He spent the remainder of his time before Nishi returned preparing the bed and steadily growing more aroused with every passing minute.

The only thing that kept him from rubbing one out and going to sleep in the bed he just made was the allure of filling Nishi's insides with his cock. By the time Corey heard a car pull up and saw Nishi's footpaws pass the window, he couldn't hold it in and walked up to the top of the stairs to meet his brother as soon as he entered the house.

By the time he reached the top of the stairs, Nishi had already passed the door and had wandered into the kitchen. He dropped his bag on a chair and stood over the table for a moment. In that moment, Corey snuck up behind him and grabbed him by the waist.

"Corey!" He called out as his pants came down to his knees. Corey poked Nishi's butt with a finger, tracing a line from the top of his panties through the crevasse between his cheeks and onto his pussy. He could feel it growing wet at his touch.

He pulled the panties to the side and took a quick look at what his brother was hiding away. He had what Corey saw as the cutest little pink tailhole he'd ever seen, but that was going to have to wait for another day. It was his puffy, pink vulva that he wanted now.

He leaned forward and pushed his brother's body down onto the table and mounted him like a pair of feral animals. His cock went straight up into his younger brother like it had always meant to be there. Nishi's welcoming folds spread apart as it entered him.

Nishi cried out in pleasure as he was mated by his brother. Corey didn't even make it halfway up inside him before he started thrusting. Some thrusts pushed him deeper; some brought him so close to his brother's opening that he almost slipped out. One even did pull him out of his brother; the following thrust brought it up past his taint and tailhole, squeezed between his butt cheeks like a hotdog in a bun.

He pulled back and his cock found the opening he wanted and he slipped back in. Corey couldn't believe how wet he was becoming. This time he buried his cock all the way in his hole. He hadn't been inside a vagina in so long; he'd almost forgotten what it felt like. With each thrust his brother's opening grew wetter and more welcoming.

As the pair mated, Tyler couldn't help but hear them all the way from his bedroom. He followed the sounds of animalistic moans and heavy breaths to the kitchen. He hid along the edge of the wall, just so he could see them without being seen; he didn't want to take this moment away from Corey. Their passionate intercourse started sliding the table along the floor.

He watched keenly as he fondled his own cock. It quickly stirred to hardness at the sight of his brother's firm ass and heavy balls swinging beneath. He pumped his hard cock faster than his older brother could thrust into his younger one. He even closed his eyes a moment, bathing in the sounds of their fervid love-making.

He didn't even stop to think about where it would land when he opened his eyes and finished himself off. His cum spattered on the tiles below and he reeled back, sure that they heard it. Their sex made no signs of even the slightest pause and Tyler smiled. 'I'll clean it later,' he thought to himself as he walked back to his room.

Corey's thrusts slowed and deepened as he felt himself coming ever closer to the end. He thought that slowing down would ebb the pressure of his orgasm. He was wrong. He pulled out of his brother laid his cock between his butt cheeks, grinding quickly. It felt as though the world had been finally lifted off his shoulders.

His goal was met and his bones seemed to dissolve as he hit his orgasm. His first rope of cum was caught by Nishi's tail but the remaining landed on the small of his back. As he pulled away, Nishi rolled over, smearing his brother's cum on the table. Corey collapsed onto his brother, bracing himself with his arms. His barely softening cock laid along his brother's slit and their eyes met...

As Tyler sunk back into his computer chair, he found that he was still aroused. After all that had happened, he was still hard as a rock. On that day, more than any other in that week, Tyler's thoughts had been on one thing and one thing only.

He looked down at the bottom drawer and then back up to his computer screen. He paused a long moment, but temptation overcame his sense and he opened the drawer. In it were a small number of papers, a pen and a USB stick, but none of that concerned the horny young wolf. He lifted the pen and stuck its end along the edge of the drawer's bottom.

With one swift movement, the bottom of the drawer came open and he pushed the false bottom aside. Beneath the false bottom were several CDs. Each was labeled with a year. He shuffled through them; there was six, labeled from the years 2008 to 2013, the last year passed. He lifted the one labeled with the year '2009'.

Tyler opened the jewel case and removed the disk, sliding it into his computer. Once the screen lit up with the footage that was written onto the disk, his face twisted into a smile and he began pumping away at his hard cock.

That's What Brothers Are For - Revelations

Nishi moaned as he descended onto the thick red dildo. He had never played with a dildo like this one before. This one shared the shape as a feral dog's penis; from the oddly-shaped tip to the large bulb near the base. He was on the bed that was his...

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By The Silver Light

The young wolf sat in her cell, crying into her paws. The cell was very well furnished and her father insisted that it wasn't a cell, but the two armed men outside the doors had shattered that illusion for her. Each time he visited her, which was rare...

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The Pervert

The sound of splashing and happy cubs resounded constantly about the pool. Cubs of many ages swam around, jumped from on high and splashed a slap of water at their friends and parents. Lucian wasn't particularly concerned with any of them. The young...

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