Day Three - Guts: It's What's For Dinner

Story by DemonicBrit on SoFurry

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#3 of A Monster Hunter's Diary

IMPORTANT NOTE: Here's yet another story about my character's adventures in the MH3U world. But the important note here is this, after remembering how the game sets out its quests, I realize that some of them either repeat with just an added difficulty, or they involve the same monsters with either added monsters or the change from kill to capture, I've decided that I'll only be doing first appearance quests or ones that are worth giving another go at for specific reasons upon which will be emphasised.

Anyway, enjoy the short story!

I swear I'll be having strange dreams about this hunt for days...Anyway, this morning I woken up by a peculiar tummy rumble, so to try and satisfy my hunter I got dressed and made my way to the Canteen near the Guild Sweetheart's place, I kindly greeted the Itinerant Cook and requests some breakfast of Moss Pork and Plumpkin. After swiftly devouring my meal the Cook informed me that they were out of Monster Guts and wanted me to gather some for the dinner time rush, so off to the Deserted Island I went, because a hunter's job is never done.

As I docked at Base Camp I saw a note on the Supply Box, which informed me that there was a specific need for Epioth guts, this meant I had to put my swimming while fighting skills to the test for the first time. I had to traverse the Deserted Island and make my way to the coast line, where the Epioth are said to roam in search of food and mates, and to my disappointment, there were no Epioth in sight, so I decided to go for a skinny dip. I found a nice and calm spot of water near the edge of the coast, stripped out of my armour and placed it on the rocks nearby. I kept my Sword and Shield on me because you never know what you may encounter out in the wilderness, but I had my bets on nothing happening, which was why I stripped myself of my armour. The water was lukewarm and pleasant to swim around in, it made my skin feel fresh and healthy as I majestically manoeuvred my way around the rocks and schools of fish.

Time simply flew by for me while I was in the water, I felt right at home there and didn't want to leave, and in fact I was so pre-occupied with my thoughts that I didn't notice that something was swimming up behind me, and as I tried to resume swimming in a pencil shape formation, a set of teeth passed over me, then closed in front of me, followed by a powerful sucking force, an Epioth had swallowed me whole! I was frozen with fear and dreading what was going to happen to me as I was sliding down the Epioth's long neck, my naked body was being covered in saliva as I eventually made my way into the stomach, and when I splashed down in his stomach, I was greeted by the most extra-ordinary feeling, the Epioth's stomach acid was not dissolving my skin, it was acting as an aphrodisiac! Seeing how I was naked and sitting in the acids of this beast's stomach, my cock was gaining a drastically throbbing erection and my mind was going blank with lust, shortly after entering the beast I found myself to be humping his stomach lining, grinding my cock viciously against the fleshy walls of the beast's stomach which was driving me more and more crazy. But all things must come to an end as they say, and soon enough I came in the Epioth's stomach and regained my senses, seeing this as the perfect opportunity, I withdrew my blade and took a strong swing, harshly penetrating through the beast's stomach and all the way outward to the water that surrounded us. I took hold of the blade and stated to slice open the monster from the inside-out; he was bucking and thrashing in pain which meant his stomach began to tear open, flooding with water, I saw my chance to escape and took it, I took stance at the back of the stomach and leaped forward, bursting out and into the water only to see the blood pooling out and the monster squirming in agony, it was too much to watch so I swam for its head and struck the ending blow.

I dragged the corpse back to shore, ready to be harvested. I acquired my armour and placed it back on then went to carve the beast. Once the deed was done I hauled the guts back to Base Camp and sluggishly dropped them in the Delivery Box while I waited for my lift home, while I waited I washed the rest of the unmentionables from the monster off my body, my ride came and off home I was, never to speak of today's events with anyone ever!...

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Today sure was a change from the last, I was awoken quite early by the cries for help from the local Farming Felynes, they came running into my home yelping and screaming for help, informing me that a gang of Jaggia had invaded their plots of lands and...

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