Dinner Date

Story by Steel Ankh on SoFurry

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This story features rape, bondage and weird things involving cum. It may not be your cup of tea. My first story in a long while that's written "straight" - no jokes or wisecracks. I'm mostly happy with it, despite it being something I wouldn't usually write. I'm pleased that I managed to make Gregory unique, compared to most of my characters. He has his own personality. This story was based on a conversation with Chata, who I love very much. This one's for you, baby * * *

Dinner Date , by Steel Ankh Gregory was so busy, he didn't even hear the knock at the door. He only knew that his date had arrived when he felt a tremble and a mechanical whirr in his pants pocket. The wolf scrambled to answer the buzzing phone. The slightly scratched, weathered screen flashed "LINDSEY", on and off and on again. He snapped the phone open and held it to his ear. "It's no use pretending you're not home. You left the light and the music on, Greg." "Shit, you're here? I'll be right with you." He left his phone on the kitchen table and walked briskly to the front door, his bare feet padding lightly over the linoleum and then the rich, plush carpeting of his living room. He brushed his paws on the way, getting rid of most of the flour that had clung to them. He'd cleaned even more fastidiously than normal, and everything was spotless and in it's proper place. Gregory's appearance left something to be desired, and he cursed his rare lapse in timekeeping. The designer jeans and black woollen jumper both looked great on him when he'd first put them on. Gregory had made the mistake of dressing before cooking. His clothing was now liberally dusted with grey dust. He sighed and would have to live with it for short term. He could see her silhouette through the frosted glass of his front door. Lit above by the porch light, she was an abstract figure of grey and red, her features disrupted and obscured. He opened the door and gave the rabbit standing there a warm, welcoming smile. Lindsey stood with her arms folded, tapping her foot with mock impatience. She wasn't as nervous as she had been on the first date, that was for sure. She held her phone closed in her left paw, an expensive looking purse slung over her right shoulder. She was a touch overdressed for the occasion, clad in a figure hugging, off the shoulder red dress. The skirt came just above her knees, showing off her long, slender legs. "I was beginning to think you'd gotten second thoughts" She smiled. Gregory smiled back and stood aside, holding the door open with a well maintained paw. "Yeah, right." He smirked. "Get your ass in here, you're throwing off my schedule." Lindsey giggled at that and stepped inside, putting the phone away. The door closed with a soft click behind them. Gregory ushered her into the living room, offering her a seat close to the CD player. The lights were warm, chosen for their subtlety and restfulness. The TV was off, and soft music was playing. "Would you like a drink? I've got red wine, coffee or cheap, nasty vodka someone gave me for Christmas," Gregory offered. "Hah! Tempting! I think I'll settle for the wine right now." "Good choice! Make yourself right at home, I'll be right back." Gregory walked back into the kitchen, leaving her to make herself comfortable. He picked up a couple of glasses and the bottle and set them on the living room table, filling a glass half full for each of them before passing Lindsey hers. "I'm sorry I'm being such a terrible host, but dinner's not quite finished." "You, late for something?" Lindsey smiled. "I thought you were Mr Punctual." Gregory smiled ruefully, and nodded. "Yeah, well. Nobody's perfect. Not even me." Lindsey laughed and sipped her wine. "I'm sure it'll be worth the wait. Need a hand or anything?" The wolf shook his head, subconsciously trying to brush the flour from his pants again. "No thanks. I'm almost done. If you want to change music or anything, the CDs are next to the player." Gregory walked into the kitchen. She could hear busy sounds coming from the room next door, the soft clink of crockery being moved around. Lindsey sipped wine thoughtfully, then set it down on the coaster laid out for the purpose. The wolf had laid it down with the edges parallel to the edges of the table. Lindsey thought she could see a pattern emerging as she looked around the spotless room. She got up and examined the shelves holding his CD collection. Not only was the shelf perfectly dusted, but they were all in strict alphabetical order by artist. Not only that, but as she glanced over bands they shared a liking for she realised that the albums were in chronological order too. A nice guy, but a neat freak too. She could handle that. She flipped through the CDs and looked for something more interesting to listen to. Lindsey chose "Trout Mask Replica" just because she liked the title, then spent ten minutes listening and giggling at the bizarre lyrics. Gregory walked in, drying his paws on a hand towel. His ears perked up at the music, then he laughed. "I guess that's good music. Weed always gives me the munchies. Speaking of which..." The wolf folded the towel and laid it aside, then sipped his wine. "I hope you find dinner worth the wait. I promised you something special. I think this should be interesting." Gregory brushed off his pants again and smiled, standing in front of her. He leaned down and offered her his paw. His grip was firm, the back of his paw still slightly damp. Holding his paw felt pretty damn nice, but he didn't make a big thing about the gesture. He simply helped her up and allowed her to lead the way. The rabbit followed the rich scent of freshly baked bread. She hadn't realised how hungry she'd become sitting there listening to his music, but now her stomach was sending insistent little cramps. He'd specifically asked her to not eat much before she came around, and her last meal felt like days ago. It was hot in the kitchen, but not uncomfortable. There were many cupboards, both mounted to the wall and resting against it. The worktop was polished to a brilliant sheen, and the wolf had clearly tidied up as he went along. The dishwasher was on, rumbling gently in the corner. Unlike the minimalist décor in the living room, it was quite homely. The cupboard doors were imitation mahogany with simple but attractive designs carefully carved into the surface. All geometric, angular designs, she noted with amusement. The brushed aluminium microwave seemed out of place, but it matched the refrigerator and the coffee percolator. There was a small, square table. A basket filled with fresh bread rolls lay in the centre of a small, square red cloth. The tablecloth itself was white, so smooth it could've been pressed. Two places had been laid, two chairs pressed up underneath it. "What are we having?" asked Lindsey, moving to take a seat. Gregory leaned in and put a paw on the back of the chair to stop her. She looked around at him questioningly, her long ears perking upright. The wolf laughed and wagged a finger. "Before we sit down, I wanted to give you a surprise." Lindsey rolled her eyes but smiled, stepping back again. "Oh, you didn't have to..." The wolf reached into his back pocket and came up holding a plain, rather dull looking bracelet. It looked cheap and nasty, it's lines harsh rather than decorative. It was bulky and masculine, certainly not her taste. It was also rather thick, and would make her arms look even bigger. His judgement had been pretty sound on the first date, and she'd hoped for better from him. Lindsey smiled anyway and reached out to accept the gift. It might have been expensive, and it was a nice gesture. "Oh...that's unusual! Not something I'd normally wear, but..." Lindsey heard a metallic tinkle, a soft chink of metal against metal that drew her eye below the level of his fist. The wolf's warm paws closed around her forearm, and unfamiliar coolness embraced her left wrist. The hard edges of the bracelet were softened by a thin layer of rubber padding, which confused the rabbit for a moment. This was no bracelet, she realised. He'd been palming a cuff! Her eyes opened wide, her arm flinching away as though she'd put her paw on a hot oven ring. She felt resistance after a few inches, her arm yanked back into place. Gregory was still holding the other cuff. The wolf was watching her intently, seeming to enjoy her reaction. "Greg...we're having a nice time, so I'll be nice," Lindsey warned. "Take this off right now and I'll pretend it never happened. I like you, but this isn't funny and it's hardly appropriate for a second date." She used her Manageress voice, her tone clipped and polite. Not unfriendly, but as cold as an Arctic winter. Gregory didn't seem to be interested. He gripped her forearm just above the cuff and pulled hard. He was stronger than he looked, easily pulling the bunny toward him. He dragged her in front of him and twisted her arm behind her back with a grunt. Lindsey squealed and stamped down on hard on his foot: apart from a grunt of pain, he didn't even seem to register the impact. Gregory seized her right wrist and locked the restraint into place behind her back. She threw her head back aggressively and managed to catch him on the shoulder, but did no damage. The wolf held her arms in place as she struggled, breathing in and out easily. Whenever she tried to push or lever herself away, he pulled her back and held her still. He didn't say a word, ignoring pleading and curses and threats until she finally lapsed into silence. Only then did the wolf move. He placed his foot at the back of her knee and forced her to kneel on the smooth, cool floor. She immediately moved to get up again, but the stronger, heavier male kept her in place. The rabbit growled and looked up at him. "Let me go!" "Shhh..." The wolf had hidden red bondage cord under her seat. She could see it now that she was kneeling, but it had been hidden from her while she stood. He picked it up and slid it underneath her ankles, humming a happy tune as he worked. The thin cord ruffled her fur as he slid it through the arch made by her feet, then looped the free ends over her skirt. The pressure of the rope made a slight crease in her dress as he passed the free ends behind the back of her thighs, then back under her ankle. He did this four times, pulling the rope with every pass to make sure that the bonds were secure. "Ow! Stop it, you're hurting me!" She protested, hoping it would make him stop, or at least pause. However, if he believed her at all, Gregory didn't care. He moved the free ends of the rope back in front of her. With the wolf kneeling behind her, it was an almost intimate gesture. The rabbit could feel the warmth of his body against hers. She would have relished the closeness earlier, before she knew he was a dangerous lunatic. His head poked over her shoulder as he fastened a secure knot in the exact centre of her lap. Gregory stood and watched for a moment as she fretted, trying to wriggle loose. "Greg, this is not funny. Let me go right now!" "We haven't had dinner yet, Lindsey. I went to a lot of trouble for this." The wolf turned and walked away from her, to the corner where the microwave lurked. The rabbit listened to a few beeps, but all she could see through the legs of the table were were the legs of the wolf. His foot tapped impatiently as the microwave's loud hum sprang to life, filling the room. The spot under her legs had warmed up from the rabbit's body heat, but she felt cold and afraid. Her heart was beating faster, the happy swinging of the wolf's tail just making her even more nervous. "Just dishing up your starter," Gregory called over his shoulder. Lindsey listened intently and heard flowing liquid, then a clink. The wolf came back, setting a tall glass on the table and a bowl on the floor in front of her. The contents were bright red, with pieces of tomato and green herbs sprinkled liberally over the surface. It was piping hot, bubbling slightly and throwing up a thick cloud of steam. A shiny metal spoon nestled inside it, half buried in the soup. Lindsey glared at him angrily, her normally calm and friendly eyes blazing. "How fucking dare you? I thought you were a nice guy, you frigging psycho!" Gregory got her attention by simply reaching down and unfastening his jeans. He popped the button and lowered the zip calmly, completely at ease. Lindsey stared in disbelief as Gregory grasped his waistband and slid his trousers down. He was something of a sportsman, and it showed in his physique. His thighs were well developed and thick, the fur brushed neatly despite it's thickness. His legs were background detail. His erection attracted and gripped her attention from the moment it first emerged from his pants. From the tip to the neck of his sheath it was at least seven inches long. The flesh was chestnut red, a network of darker veins spread throughout the flesh like creeper vines. It bobbed slightly in front of the female's gaze, seeming to tense in response to her attention. His balls were plump and heavy looking, rocking gently back and forth as he stood there. Gregory's paw embraced it, circling around the erect shaft and leaving the head free. He twisted his grip slightly, his paw moving left to right, his fingers tensing in turn. He grunted softly as he found the correct grasp. The wolf's strong right paw began to move back and forth along his length. The head of his cock vanished into his fist, emerging moments later glistening slightly with a few beads of pre-cum. Lindsey looked away from him embarrassed. She felt as though she'd accidentally walked in on him in the shower. Worse, she felt like a peeking tom, staring at him through a keyhole and intruding upon his privacy. The whole situation had a bizarre, unreal sense to it. Gregory was not the kind of guy who did this sort of thing, and she wasn't the kind of girl that allowed it to happen. "Since our date, I've been so worked up!" Gregory growled. The rabbit looked up at his face, her ears trying to burrow into the back of her skull. He placed his free paw flat upon her skull and pulled her closer. She was near enough to him to scent his arousal, a fuggy, complex scent that overwhelmed the rich odour of fresh tomato soup. The air that his paw movements disturbed brushed her face as he pawed himself. Droplets of pre peeked out of his cock tip as she watched. "If you don't watch out, you might get some in your eye." Gregory warned, a note of threat in his voice. Lindsey flinched backwards, and was surprised to find the wolf allowed her. She nearly spilled over completely but kept her balance. She glanced up at him again, and could see he was serious. The rabbit did as she was told, hoping it would keep his cock out of her mouth, at least. She almost hoped he would try that: she'd make her teeth meet in the middle without a moment's hesitation. The wolf pumped rapidly. Wet, sticky squelches squidged between his fingers as he pleasured himself. He breathed in and out in soft, lustful grunts, his cock angled towards the bridge of her muzzle. It was certainly one way of ensuring the rabbit's attention. Lindsey kept her eyes half closed just in case, peeking out from under her long eyelashes, her dark brown eyes focused upon the pumping paw. Minutes passed like centuries, but his paw never stopped. "Ahh...masturbation hasn't been the same since our date...didn't relieve anything...just made it worse." Gregory panted. He began to hump the air slightly as his paw slammed up and down his length, stopping and squeezing over his swelling knot. The bulge in his cock-base was a thick, bulbous egg shape that bobbed ominously as it inflated. Lindsey risked a glance upwards and saw a face in ecstasy, the wolf's tongue held between his teeth as he approached climax, the pre flowing liberally between his fingers. Gregory sank to his knees, still pumping industriously on his slick wolfhood. In a sudden, surprising movement, he grasped his maleness with an inverted paw and angled his cock down towards the floor. Lindsey followed the movement automatically and gasped as the wolf climaxed before her eyes. His hot, thick seed spurted powerfully, the angle seeming to add to the pressure of his load. The hot, fresh semen gushed straight into the bowl of soup in front of her, The skin on the surface tore as he shot his spunk through it. His load mixed reluctantly with the soup, which had cooled somewhat in the time it had taken for the wolf to finish. Gregory kept stroking himself, squeezing just in front of the knot and then sliding his paw all the way down to the tip. His orgasm was extremely productive, liberally coating the surface with his load, which sank slowly and formed white swirls in the red soup. The wolf let go of his cock, which sprang back up to his belly. He grasped the spoon instead, holding it rather daintily with two fingers and a thumb. Gregory raised a tainted spoonful to the rabbit's lips and waited expectantly. Lindsey held her mouth tightly closed, her lips sealed shut. Her nostrils flared as she breathed hard. Her expression was of unconcealed disgust, not even looking at the spoonful of soup marbled with wolf cream. "It won't taste good if you let it go cold. You didn't have a problem with this during the first date." He winked, pinching her nostrils closed. Lindsey tried to breathe automatically, the vacuum of her nostrils making them twitch. Her stomach churned with revulsion at the thought that he had polluted her food on the first date. All she could smell was the pre on his fingers. Wherever she tried to turn her head, his fingers followed. The rabbit began to panic, her eyes wide and frightened, but determined to resist this humiliation on the inside. She parted her lips at the corner of her mouth, but Gregory was waiting. The spoon rammed into the gap roughly, depositing it's contents on her tongue. The soup was still warm enough to be edible. In other circumstances, it would have been rather pleasant. The tomato flavour was rich and tangy, and the herbs added a little bite to what could've been a bland dish. The only evidence of the spunk mixed in was an odd, slightly bitter note that she could've overlooked if she'd been unaware of it. She spat the spoon and the soup out and glared at him. "Stop it, you sick bastard!" Gregory smiled as though he hadn't heard. "How is it? I made it all myself." "It taste like soup with fucking jizz in it, you shit! Now stop this!" "You don't like it? I've something special I ordered in just for you. It'll take the taste away." The wolf took the glass from the table and pressed it to her lips. "If you thought the soup was bad cold, I really suggest you don't wait long to drink this." The rabbit's nose wrinkled in disgust, shooting the wolf an evil look. She could smell there was something wrong with the contents. It had an odd, almost vegetable scent that reminded her of cucumber. It didn't smell especially appetising, though it wasn't a horrible smell. It just didn't smell right to the rabbit's nostrils, and she was inclined to trust them a lot more than she now trusted Gregory. He tilted the bottom of the glass, the liquid rising to meet her lips. It had a slippery texture, and clung to her lips even after he lowered the glass a little, reluctant to retreat. Gregory had to pinch her nostrils again in order to make her drink some. She gasped for breath sharply and the wolf raised the glass quickly, filling her mouth. Some of the contents dribbled down her chin like a messy child with ice cream. Lindsey tried to spit it out, but Gregory was too fast for her again. He put the glass down and held her muzzle shut with one of his strong paws, letting her struggle and whine with frustration as she tried to keep from swallowing. Holding the mouthful of liquid meant that she had to taste it. The thick goo coating her tongue and sloshing around her slightly bulging cheeks was unmistakably cum, but there was so much of it. She could feel it dribbling out from her lips as she held out, desperately trying to spit. The taste was bitter and rather foul, but the texture was somehow worse. She could feel it starting to curdle in her mouth the longer she held it, making her want to puke. Lindsey swallowed reluctantly, barely able to get her throat muscles to cooperate. With a thick gulp, the cum ran down her throat. She made a face and moved to wipe her lips, but she couldn't even do that. "That was bull semen. I ordered some on-line and heated it up for you. I thought you might get thirsty." Gregory grinned wickedly as she panted, her chest rising and falling rapidly. "You sick bastard!" "I'm sure you'll learn to like it eventually. Now, are you going to have the drink or the soup? You're not leaving the table until you finish one or the other." Lindsey shuddered with revulsion at the idea of another mouthful like the one she had just swallowed. Her skin crawled, the fur standing on end at the nape of her neck. She lowered her head a little and stared blankly at the spoon. The wolf smiled and filled it from the bowl, then held it just in front of her lips. The rabbit moved her head forward slightly and accepted the mouthful. After the bull cum, it was ambrosia. She could swear that she could taste the wolf cum in it, but it was only really a hint, an after-taste that didn't belong. It could also be the taste of the bull semen, still clinging to her lips. She shuddered to think. "Do you like the soup?" "Don't be fucking ridiculous, Greg!" She hissed. "Mmm...how rude...and bad language too. Better wash your mouth out..." The glass was rammed against her lips again. She groaned as the thick liquid poured into her muzzle again. The rabbit swallowed as quickly as she could, gulping down the mouthful so that she wouldn't have to taste it again. She closed her eyes and shivered, opening them to find another spoonful of soup waiting for her. It was starting to get cold, but it was still an improvement. Anything was better than that. The wolf fed her a few more spoonfuls, which she swallowed promptly in silence before asking the question again. "How is the soup, Lindsey?" "It's...uh...nice?" "Say it like you mean it, Lindsey." The glass again. She gasped, open mouthed. The fluid ran down the sides of her jaw, coating the mandible in thick goo. She coughed and choked a little, sputtering all over her dress. Gregory allowed her to recover before continuing to feed her. Lindsey felt dirty and embarrassed as she was spoon fed like a baby. There had never been a moment in her life where she had felt so utterly humiliated as she did now. Lindsey dared a glance down after a few more mouthfuls of soup and felt a pang of relief. The vast majority of it had gone, forcing Gregory to scrape around with his spoon to gather up enough to feed her. The rabbit's ears rose with her spirits, coming to half-mast. She swallowed the last of the soup, but Gregory kept the spoon in her muzzle for a few moments before pulling it out. "Now...how was your soup?" He repeated. "It was delicious!" replied Lindsey, promptly. "It tasted really good!" She managed to sound positive. The rabbit even forced a smile, though how it looked with semen coating her muzzle like a false beard she didn't dare imagine. Gregory smiled back at her in an affectionate way and laid the spoon down on the table. "In that case, you won't mind licking the bowl clean, will you?" The wolf cupped the white dish in his paws and raised it to her face. She shot him an evil glare, but did as he instructed. She licked daintily at the bowl, starting at the 12 o'clock position and then moving around clockwise, licking again and again until there was nothing but gleaming white on the bowl and a few traces of red around the rabbit's lips. "Good girl." Gregory smiled. "Don't move." He stepped out of his pants completely and walked to the sink half naked. He washed the glass and the bowl carefully, letting them drain completely. He picked his pants up and bundled them into the washing machine, followed by his jumper. The nude wolf turned to face her again, striding over to the kneeling rabbit. He grabbed the chain linking her wrists and dragged her away from the table, into the middle of the kitchen. The pressure on her wrists hurt Lindsey's shoulders and neck, making her cry out in pain. She tucked up into a ball, lowering her shoulders and her head, trying to make herself as small as possible. Gregory stepped over her and knelt down again, examining her rear. The dress was pulled tight over her rump, the material flattering and outlining every curve. Lindsey could feel his gaze upon her and wished she'd dressed down. Her underwear disrupted the delightful curves of her ass, the shape of a small thong quite clear. Her tail was large for a bunny, a wide, pointed pad that pressed up against the small of her back. Gregory slid his clawtips along the V of her underwear until he approached the tail slit of her dress. He hooked his fingers into the narrow opening and wormed in, feeling the soft fur rubbing the back of his digits. He gave a little grunt of effort and pulled until the seam began to give way with a soft tearing sound. Once the dress started to fail, it was doomed. He slid two more fingers into the gap and tugged his paws apart sharply. Grey fur began to appear, the red dress tearing up the back and towards the bottom of her legs like a hospital gown. Gregory slid his paws down as he widened the gap, tearing the dress all the way down the back of her legs. Once the bottom hem was snapped her dress fell open, trapped upon her by the hem around her bust and the cloth trapped under her knees. He rolled his eyes and finished the job, ripping the dress all the way up her back. He yanked it away with a growl and a couple of sharp tugs, then deposited the remains neatly in a pedal-bin. Underneath, her underwear was bright, seductive red. "That was the last time you'll wear clothes in my house. I'm glad you chose pretty ones." Lindsey tucked her breasts against her knees and trembled. This was getting worse, and she knew he was capable of anything. "Stop it! It's not too late, Greg! Please" She begged. He ignored her again, unfastening the bra and sliding it down. He couldn't remove it with her paws bound, but he could shift it lower, uncovering her breasts. Lindsey tucked herself in, pressing her bust to her thighs and squashing them to avoid revealing anything. Gregory wasn't particularly interested in that, unfortunately for Lindsey. The wolf grabbed her thong and yanked it down to the bonds that restrained her legs. He grinned at the sight of her naked rear, sliding his paws onto her ass. He explored slowly, taking his time to map her contours. He pressed his fingers into the taut buttocks and squeezed until the flesh dimpled under his paws, then rubbed towards her tail. Gregory rubbed around the tail, tracing his fingers behind the back of the cute, fluffy spade. "I chose well. I've always had a weakness for bunny butts, and yours is the nicest I've seen. Even better than my last pet." He rubbed his way down from her tail slowly, dragging his fingers back and forth underneath it. The wolf scratched her with his claws, burying them into the fur and scraping around until he reached the bottom of her sex. Lindsey closed her eyes tightly, breathing through gritted teeth as he prodded at her. Gregory slid his paw between her thighs and cupped her sex, while Lindsey tried to squeeze his paw to stop him. "No!" "Shhh..." Gregory rubbed with his fingertips, the pads surprisingly soft. He held her vagina open with ease and explored with a third finger, rubbing just inside her sex while her shoulders shook with a dry sob. The wolf licked a finger from his other paw and teased her clit, rubbing in slow, smooth circles. "I'm going to get you a clit piercing, and maybe the nipples. How does that sound, my pet?" Lindsey answered with a feeble, heartbroken whimper. He wasn't planning to rape her once. This was just the beginning of her ordeal. Gregory pushed a finger inside her, worming it in deep, all the way to the second knuckle. The rabbit began to cry, lifting her hips to try and get away from his invading finger. Tears wet her cheeks, moistening the cum that had dried around her lips. "Nice and tight, too. Now, I'd recommend you don't fight this, but you will anyway. This is only the first day of you training. I'd be disappointed if you didn't." Gregory growled softly and shuffled up behind her, his hips flush with the back of her thighs. His cock was still hard, and it's warmth easily penetrated her fur. Lindsey shuddered with disgust and cried louder, for all the good it did. She couldn't help it. She tried to squirm away, shuffling her knees alternately. All she managed to do was slide forward an inch, an advantage Gregory cut away immediately by dragging her back against him. "For God's sake, let me go!" She shrieked, her paws grabbing at him, her arms twisting to try and slip free of the cuffs. Lindsey looked away and closed her eyes as Gregory moved his hips back. He gripped his cock in one paw and slid the tip toward her pussy. The rabbit still couldn't believe this was happening to her. Could she have prevented it? Were there any clues she should have picked up on? She couldn't think of anything she had missed. Lindsey realised she was trying to distract herself, to take her thoughts away from the warmth of his cock. She didn't want to think about the mess on her face, or the contents of her stomach. Gregory rested a paw upon her back, flat in the inward curve of her spine. He took a few breaths and simply watched her while she squirmed, waiting for her to pause in her wriggles. His thrust came suddenly and brutally, making her squeal in pain. His thick cock entered her deeply, stretching her wide open around his maleness. He slid his paws to her waist and gripped tightly, then made another thrusting motion. Lindsey screamed, making fists behind her back. She threw her head back, her eyes wide open in shock and pain. He was an uncomfortable mass deep inside her, stretching her in a way that she had never felt before. Even losing her virginity hadn't hurt like this. Her sex was trying to keep him out, her body resisting the only way it could. The fierce pressure was no match for the cruel wolf behind her, though. He simply gripped her tighter and tried again, pulling back his hips and ramming forward until her body began to give way and allow the intruder inside. He managed to get all the way inside, but he didn't linger to enjoy the moment. He pulled back to the tip and thrust again, hilting deep inside her. His balls slapped up against her bound thighs, Gregory's growl of pleasure trembling the air above her. The wolf moaned his satisfaction and leaned down over her. He put his paws on her shoulders and squeezed hard, digging his claws into the soft fur, his weight crushing down on her. He began to move his hips, and to Lindsey it felt as though she were pulling her insides out. "Stop it! Please...you're hurting me...don't rape me..." "This isn't rape...you're mine, Lindsey. My property now." The wolf's words were short phrases snapped out between hard shoves of the hips. He licked her cheek in mock-affection and looked down at her wide, frightened eyes. "You're just a fucktoy. I could tell on our first date what a worthless waste of fur you were. I'm going to make you valuable." She could feel him moving faster now, the thrusts becoming more rapid and aggressive. Lindsey stopped trying to get away now and simply prayed for it to be over soon. The invader in her sex was hard and throbbing, and each firm beat felt like a punch in the belly. Gregory moaned again and again. Her fear of him was making her even sweeter, every muscle tensed inside and out. This was what he had needed so badly. She had submitted once, and she would do it again, and again, until he didn't need to hurt her any more. "One day you'll say "I love you, Master" and mean it" he promised. The wolf kept going, pushing his hips to hers over and over, a relentless and unstoppable force. His pleasure was in control now, urging him on. The rabbit beneath him was less than nothing compared to his need for release. Lindsey had stopped crying by the time his knot began to form. She ached and felt numb at the same time, pounded into senselessness while able to feel everything he was doing to her. The oval bulge added a new source of discomfort. She could feel it striking her outer lips with bruising force. Lindsey had never been fucked by a wolf before, and the sensation of the knot was new to her. She felt her pussy slowly stretching, the tightness of her sex no match for the wolf's determination. Gregory pulled her back by the shoulders, pressing her back against his groin. He stopped thrusting and ground his knot against her, rolling his hips. "Too big...too big..." She chanted like a mantra, barely audible. The knot was sliding deeper into her despite her protests. Gregory loved this part. Her sex felt so soft and so warm around his cock, and all the sensations were amplified around the knot. Every quiver and twitch felt like paradise, fuelling his lust. His climax was approaching, but he wasn't going to finish yet. He forced himself to wait as he entered her, the moment so close. He leaned back, taking his weight from her. He had to watch this part. He leaned back at the waist and kept pulling on her hips, tugging her onto him. The knot passed the mid-point, and her sex tried to pull him in all the way. He resisted, watching her cunt trying to close around him while she squealed and squirmed. It was a powerfully erotic sight for the wolf. She was tied beneath him, completely at his mercy. No rope or chain could bind a pet quite so satisfyingly. Gregory slid his hips forward, inserting himself fully, the opening of his sheath nestling against her slit. He groaned and thrust slightly, moving his shaft in the cramping tightness of her sex. He rubbed his knot inside her, pushing down, then angling his hips back. He groaned with pleasure, feeling the blood rushing through his veins and his shaft. For a moment, he lingered on the cusp, the rabbit beneath him moaning quietly as her body tried to adapt to the intruder despite her reluctance. Lindsey didn't know what he was waiting for, but she could feel he was close. His shaft was throbbing powerfully, the thick veins pulsing regularly, a soft flutter against the walls of her sex. He grabbed her ears and pulled her head right back, gripping her throat with the other paw. He squeezed hard, restricting her airway. "Call me "Master" or I'll force-feed you bull cum until you puke," Gregory snarled. "I can't breathe...", croaked Lindsey, her voice rasping and weak. "Then say it quickly. I'll fuck you anyway, conscious or not." Lindsey swallowed with difficulty and closed her eyes, wondering if he would kill her. She found her voice on the second attempt. "You...you're my Master." "Good pet. That's all I needed to hear." The wolf let go of her throat and put his paws flat on the floor, his claw scraping the linoleum. He thrust forward to make sure he was fully hilted, then stopped holding back his pleasure, finally giving himself his release. Lindsey felt the cock inside her twitch, then seemingly explode. She moaned as he came inside her, powerful jets of wolf seed gushing into her with powerful, wet squirts. The rabbit tried to pull away instinctively, only managing to hurt herself as the knot tugged on her insides. Lindsey squirmed anyway, feeling the intrusive seed pooling in her cunt, trapped behind the knot. She whimpered softly and let her cheek rest on the cold floor, breathing hard and sobbing with pain and shame. She'd been used by the wolf, treated like a toy for his amusement. It had been done so easily and effortlessly, too. Gregory rested, the euphoric high of his climax buzzing through his body, sweetened by the sense of absolute power he felt just then. He could do anything to this rabbit. HIS rabbit, for as long as he wanted her. She would learn to accept in the end, and training her would be so rewarding. For a few minutes, the only sound was Lindsey, whimpering in pain and distress on the kitchen floor. Gregory tested the knot at regular intervals, pulling back until he felt resistance. His efforts were rewarded with loud moans from the rabbit, and a pang of discomfort for the wolf. Eventually, his knot shrank enough to allow them to separate without pain. His shaft slipped free with a wet, sloppy squelch. Wolf cum dribbled down Lindsey's thighs, warming them and soaking the fur. He rubbed his shaft against her buttock, cleaning himself up. "You did very well, Lindsey. I think you've earned a rest." The wolf smiled and climbed to his feet. He grabbed her by the ankles and dragged Lindsey backwards, her face and breasts pressed into the floor. She gasped and kicked her feet a little, the only resistance she had the strength to offer. Lindsey looked over her shoulders to see where he was taking her. The wolf set her back on her knees and opened a cupboard. It was six foot tall, but almost completely empty. Shelves had clearly been removed, and thick woollen blankets had been folded neatly and left on the floor. There was a coat-hook screwed to the door, and a simple black collar and leash hung from it by the handle. "When you're better trained, you'll be allowed to sleep at the foot of my bed. For now, this is your place." Gregory crouched down beside her and put one arm under her legs. The other moved under her chest, above her breasts. Lindsey stared at him in silence, then bit him with a quickness that surprised even her. She sank her teeth deep into his bicep until she tasted blood, and kept squeezing her jaws together as hard as she could. Gregory yelped with pain and flinched, but he kept his grip. He lifted her a few inches off the floor, enough to shove her into the closet. He threw her inside roughly, the blanket no protection for her knees. Her teeth tore free of his forearm as he tosses her into the closet. Lindsey's head struck the side of the wooden box, making her curse. "Bad girl!" Snapped Gregory, clutching his wounded arm. He breathed a little heavier, his upper lip raised into a snarl. The door slammed in her face, shutting her into darkness. Lindsey heard the click of a lock, and then a single chink of light brightened her prison, pouring in from the keyhole. "I'm not angry, Lindsey. Not angry. I did expect better from you. I hope you're in a better mood at breakfast. Now, I'm going to clean up, and let you think about what you've done. Sleep well, pet." "Let me out! Let me out, you sick bastard! Let me out!" The wolf ignored her. Aside from her voice, Lindsey could hear busy sounds, the soft swish of a mop sliding across the floor. Gregory's foot steps moved away, close to the door. "Gregory!" "Thanks for a wonderful evening, Lindsey. So glad you could come." The kitchen light snapped out, cutting out the only light. Lindsey was alone with her thoughts