Kade Versus Kiff

Story by Vee_Stitch on SoFurry

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#7 of Chapter 2: The Reign of King Scourge

I'm back once again with the next story with Kade facing off with Kiff and Veemon finally wakes up.

Earth has been consumed by the growing creature population the majority of the creatures of the creatures still being Digimon. Shady proportions were taking place in the dark back street corners. King Scourge remained in his chair a great deal of creatures still worshiping him. Sex was still the main way of creating an economy. For a while Monodramon was the forefront of dark business deals and recruited most of the creatures he planned to overthrow Scourge. Kotemon was still running in an underground tunnel making way to save Veemon.

Veemon finally awoke sitting up of a bed. He looked down at the blue sheets underneath him. He looked up to see a nicely painted brown room with a television and a window slightly above his bed. He turned to his right seeing a white door. He stood up taking a full spin finding the room he was in quite small. Veemon turned the knob and opened the door. The next room was a kitchen area. Gatomon was sitting on the other side. Veemon scratched his head, "Where are we?"

Gatomon looked up and rushed over to hug him. Her grip was tight around his back. He had a faint blush as he heard it tearing reaction, "You're finally awake."

Veemon remained still with a sort of gaped mouth reaction with a small glimpse of confusion starting to form around his eyes sort of blinking more and literally shaking his head. He asked, "What do you mean?"

Gatomon removed her grip pulling back and he got see her concerned look as she explained, "You've been a coma for almost a few days now. I moved us to a more discrete location."

Veemon asked, "Discrete location?"

Gatomon paced back a few more steps, "I've been hiding to here the entire time you were out. We're in China now in a deserted town."

Veemon stumbled back hitting his head against the wall, "China? But why did we need to hide? And where are Yill and Kiff?"

Gatomon worked her way over to make some coffee. Gatomon waved her hands, "I told Wizardmon to look after them. He checks in with me ever so often. And we've been hiding because things in America were getting out of control"

Veemon asked, "How did I end up in a coma anyway?"

Gatomon looked down, "It must had been some gang of Digimon..."Gatomon waved him over, "Sit down, you're legs might get wobbly if you stand too long."

Veemon went to the room and sat on the wooden chair. She passed over a cup filled with hot coffee he lifted the cup tip it slightly taking in just a bit before lowering it then blowing on it. Veemon started to scratch his arm, "Now that I'm awake can we go back now?"

Gatomon sat down at the other side sitting on the edge of the table. She shook her head, "You're in no condition to travel."

Veemon slanted back a bit with a look of concern, "I really want to see Yill...and Kiff too."

Gatomon assured, "There are both under the care of Wizardmon. We need to worry about getting to back to a good condition."

Veemon stood up and spun around with a hint of charisma, "I'm fine."

Gatomon jumped off the table, "I'm not going to risk a journey back over there. You could get hurt again."

Veemon crossed his arms, "I can handle myself in battle just fine. Why are you treating me like such a kid?"

Veemon looked at his ring finger looking at the golden ring on it he raised up his hand. Veemon smiled, "That's right...is it because we're married now?"

Gatomon turned her head slightly, "How much do you remember about what happened?"

Veemon scratched his head again ruffling against his ear with intensity, "Well I do remember getting married. But I don't recall getting beat down..."

Gatomon pointed out her finger, "See that's a sign. You're not mentally fit to go back yet. And you wouldn't see another beating coming. I'm a better fighter and I'm much more agile then you and I can see attacks coming. So I'll tell you what I'll send Agumon over to make sure you don't try anything and I'll go back and check on Yill for you."

Veemon slanted down against the wall, "I don't need a babysitter. I don't see why I can just go back with you."

Gatomon came over and put her hands on her hips, "Don't be stubborn Veemon. Look you have the strongest heart out of all the Digimon and that's why I love you but I won't put your life in jeopardy."

Veemon head snapped up thinking of an idea, "Why not just bring Yill and Kiff here then?"

Gatomon knelt down and let out a single huffing remark, "Heh, Veemon you are remarkable but things aren't that simple. I'd be vulnerable trying to take them back then I'd be in trouble too."

Veemon looked down as if he was ready to cry. Gatomon leaned in and picked his head up and kissed him on the cheek. Gatomon said, "Don't worry. I'll take care of everything. Just take it easy for a while and I promise I'll be back."

Gatomon sat up and walked to the front door. He exited the house. Once she did she picked up which was on the dirt. She placed it and said, "I have the target right where you want him sir. And I've prompted Mecha-Agumon to carry out his task."

The other voice said, "Perfect. You know what to do next then correct."

Gatomon's eyes glistened purely white at said, "Of course master."

Kiff was in an older constructed building hiding along with Yill. They had been hearing gun shots fire more rapidly. A war was breaking out on behalf of Kade's and Commandramon's actions. They had gathered new recruits willing to invest in a war economy, this included Luda, Shoutmon, Gumdramon and Gaomon. Each with a machine gun they had boxes planted behind them with bullets inside. They were hidden between two buildings in a dark alleyway. The made there way to an intersection. The manholes were drenching out smoke from underneath. Old news papers scattered along as the wind pushed them along. This area felt like a perfect murder location. They stood at the intersection. They set Commandramon and Gaomon to start shooting. In order to compensate the creatures close to the area were panicking and wanted some sort of police force to handle this. This was the time of peace and there were no police. So creatures eventually were starting to arm themselves; by breaking into gun stores and taking all the gear out. While other creatures fled to make there way to King Scourge. The creatures started to move cars to created blockades. A shoot out continued to press and grow as Shoutmon and Gumdramon took another spot. Yill leaned against the wall, "This is crazy. We've got to get out of here."

Kiff looked at his claws, "It's Kade...he won't stop until I'm dead."

Yill cried, "I can't see why it can't just accept that we love each other..."

Kiff stood up slightly still hiding against the window, "He hate's the idea of incest. When he thought we weren't related he was calm and approved of me. But the truth that I am related to you sent him over the edge."

Yill asked, "How can we stop him?"

Kiff looked down with an almost lost look in his eyes, "I'm going to have to kill him."

Yill stood up, "What!?"

Kiff turned his head, "Get down."

Yill slid down, "You can't do that...we share the same mom. We're related too you know."

Kiff said, "It's either him or me. He won't stop. And I can't stop because I love you."

Kiff crawled along the creaking wooden surface. He motioned for Yill to make her way over but she didn't know what to think of the scenario as a whole.

The group that made it to Scourge huffed and gasped for air. One of them cried out, "There are a bunch of creatures trying to shoot us down my king. I thought this was an era of peace."

Scourge stood up from his thrown, "So, it has begun..."

The creature looked up, "My king..."

Scourge waved of and sat back down, "Fight you're war. It's yours to fight. It's your destiny and you will either live or die. If you're too scared too fight then either run or just do yourselves a favor and commit suicide. He planted his palm against his face, "It's up to you."

The creature kneeled, "My king...you won't help us."

Scourge now carrying a snarl on his face, "You would kneel down and beg...how sad. Maybe I ought to kill you then."

The creature saw the look in Scourge's eyes; the creature and the others backed down rushing and stumbling away down the stairs.

The gun war continued. Kiff made his way to a roof hiding behind an air vent. Kiff called out, "Come on Yill, we've got to get out of here."

She finally moved keeping close to the ground. Kade took out a sniper rifle specifically looking for Kiff. Kiff peaked up just slightly getting a strange since. Kiff face changed becoming enraged. Kiff growled, "He is here."

Kade shot at the window and Kiff slipped down hitting his head against the door. Yill cried, "I don't want this."

Kiff pulled her bring her to the stairs and started to have them make their way down. Kade figured they tried to go down he continued to suppress fire hitting the frail wood that kept this building in contact. Kiff made it to a floor with a window on the other side. He gripped Yill hand and had her strap self around his neck. Kiff yelled, "Hold on."

He ran and jumped out the window gripping on to a fire escape of the next building. He would climb up and with his cat like reflexes was a natural at parkour. He made his way into the building. Kade pulled up from the scope, "You can't run forever you damn cat. I'm going to kill you for fucking my sister."

Kade took advantage flying across the roof of the building Kiff and Yill were just in seeing them. Kiff looked up and turned his body and just pounced right at Kade without warning. Kiff pulled on Kade's wings when he reached him pulling them both down through the wooden building. The crashed all the way down to the floor, Yill cried out, "Stop!"

Neither of them would listen to her. Kade pulled himself and kicked Kiff in the gut. Kade pulled on Kade's wings while being kicked off and gripped so hard he actually ripped a small portion of both his wings off. Kade fluttered back as Kiff rolled back and getting into a fighting pose. Kiff pulled his left arm back and came in with a haymaker. Kade used his wing swiped his opposite arm forcing Kiff's momentum down and to the right. Kiff used the momentum to his advantage as well following up with a spin kick going from left to right. Kade lowered his hand and used his left wing a shield. Kiff landed then quickly dug his claws into Kade's wing. Kade face cringed trying to pull away. Kiff twisted his claw increasing the pain tremendously. Kade swayed to his right pulling himself in closer then grabbed Kiff by the neck and while still to pull his wing back. Kiff brought up his right hand being choked back against the wall. Yill tried to make her way down to the first floor of the building she was on. Kade flapped his other wing pulling Kiff up high into the air. Kade brought his legs back and kicked Kiff off and claw finally coming out. Kiff fell from the high height Kiff had brought him. He fell and spun a bit but managed to land on his feet when he hit the ground. Kade sighed, "Figures..."

Kade flew in quickly using his head as a weapon pushing Kiff back down the street slightly picking up Kiff off the ground. Kiff looked back seeing they were about to fly into a building. He raised both hands a clubbed Kade in the back. Kade dropped down. Kiff dragged back just a bit when hit feet touched the ground. Kiff paced around the side coming in close ready to strike. Kade quickly did a low swipe taking Kiff of his feet. Kade rushed up taking control back in the fight. Kade now lingered over Kiff. Kiff got up and lashed his claw out slashing Kade in the face hitting his eyes creating a huge gashed opening. Kade pulled back, "Agh! You're fucking dead."

Kade motioned into a quick upper cut hitting Kiff from right in the chin the pulling as far up as taking Kiff back down to the ground. Kiff quickly did a kick to the midsection. As soon as Kade recovered the two of them went back and forth exchanging blows. They were more worried about doing more damage than defense at this point. It began to rain heavily. Yill made her way outside and looked around not seeing either of them.

The gun out got worse as Commandramon started to pull out grenades he threw on at the car the creatures hide behind and hit blew up. The ears were ringing and Commandramon took advantage rushing in splashing the water the hit the ground. He dove over the car and aimed down killing the creatures. Shoutmon actually looked shocked. He left one younger female alive. Commandramon knelt down, "You look like the best fucking I'm ever going to have. So it looks like you're coming as a prisoner."

She screamed and begged as he literally dragged her against the wet cement. He pulled her back to where Shoutmon was. Shoutmon said, "I thought we were just trying to scare them and find Kiff. We weren't supposed to kill them."

Commandramon had an intense stare looking down Shoutmon. Commandramon said, "We're ruthless mercenaries now. According to our leader kid time is over. It's time to take out the big guns."

Commandramon pulled out a crate that was hidden behind a bundle of trash. He pulled out a rocket launcher. He cuffed the female creature and took out a knife. He stabbed her in the leg. She seethed in pain and Shoutmon watched on with a frightful look on his face. Shoutmon grinded his teeth and growled with a low tune, "I didn't sign up for this."

Commandramon pointed up his heaved the rocket launcher he pulled up with just one hand dropped it and picked up his side machine gun within a seconds notice. Commandramon said, "Traitors die Shoutmon. So I wouldn't think about doing anything stupid. You know a few years ago I could have killed you just for being gay. But I never cared about sexuality to begin with. Hell I'm Bisexual myself. The only thing I care about is that my troops follow my orders. Now you're going to help me take this prisoner to our HQ and that is an order."

Shoutmon gripped his hands harder, Commandramon still with the gun up pointed at him. Shoutmon slowly walked over ready to pick up the girl. Shoutmon stopped and asked, "How did you know...?"

Commandramon said, "I didn't think I'd gather Intel on you and you're...gummy. I had to make sure all my troops would be up to the task. So far Gaomon shows the most promise. He's a fierce warrior who follows any order like the good little dog he is. Now grab her legs already."

Commandramon came around and picked up her arms. Shoutmon picked up her angles so that way she couldn't kick her way out. He slung the rocket launcher around his back.

The rain picked up and Kiff and Kade were still trading blows. Both had busted lips and the blood poured the faces as the intensity of the water only got worse. A flash gloomed in the sky as the two staggered each other with huge haymakers. There breath was heavy. They both were driven by there purpose to battle and did not want to falter. Kiff finally hit a blow and Kade fell into a huge puddle. Lighting stroke down nearby as Kiff looked down at his Cousin-in-law. Kiff's purple eyes gleamed with an intensity filled with hate. He brought his claw over bringing it down just slightly pressing against Kade's chest. Yill placed her hand above her eyes finally seeing two figures. She ran over to see the result of Kiff's rage. Yill cried, "Stop! Right now!"

The words able to reach him just in time, yet he did not move away from a possible ending moving either. Yill stomped her foot on the ground, "If you do it, we through Kiff. My love for you will cease. If you do this...then I'll hate you forever."

Kiff looked up seeing that Yill carried her own intensity. She wasn't joking around. Kiff pulled back and started to walk away. Yill checked on Kade. Yill pulled him up just slightly and looked around for help. She dragged him inside a building and made her way around looking for supplies.

Veemon looked around. It was so silent. Veemon figured he could sneak his way back and Gatomon would never have to know. Veemon slid his hands against each other rubbing them up and down with a big old grin on his face. As soon as he made his way to the door Agumon opened it from the other side. Veemon sighed as Agumon came in. Veemon sat down, "Oh man Gatomon really called you over to watch over me."

Agumon looked confused, "What, no. I just came over to hang out."

Veemon tilted his head to the side a bit, "Really?"

Agumon nodded, "Yup."

Veemon said, "Well then, help me get back to America...wait...how did you get over here?"

Agumon said, "I plane of course. Things were getting bad over there so I snatched me ride then came here."

Veemon accepted the answer then said, "Well ok...So let's get a move on."

Veemon ran for the door but Agumon grabbed him just in time and Veemon gave Agumon a 'oh come on look.' Agumon said, "Actually there is one thing I wanted to do?"

Veemon asked, "What is it?"

Agumon answered simply, "To have sex with you."

Veemon's eyes gaped open. He actually fell to the floor laughing. Agumon interjected by saying, "I'm serious..."

Veemon stopped and still thought it was a joke, "Oh come on Agumon. You're the last Digimon that would ever be gay. And besides even if you were gay you know I'm in love with Gatomon. I mean you saw us get married. You...you were my best mon."

Agumon tipped the middle claws from each hand together, "The truth is I've always obsessed over you Veemon. And Gatomon doesn't seem like she's here so we could make it quick..."

Veemon stood up now in disbelief, "Are you serious? I could never betray Gatomon like that not with anyone."

Agumon struggled, "Have you ever considered they she might enjoy watching her dragon get fucked by another guy."

Veemon asked, "Have you lost your mind? Gatomon wouldn't want to see that."

Agumon asked back, "Are you sure? Have you ever asked her?"

Veemon voice grew, "I can't believe you'd ask such stupid questions. We love each other of course I'd know what she would like and what she would think is down right crazy like this idea."

Agumon said, "Then why don't you call her and ask. I want you to prove me wrong. Put it on speaker so I can hear the words myself"

Veemon walked over to the phone slowly as Agumon crossed his arms. He picked up the phone and called her and put the call on speaker he placed the phone on the counter. The cloned Gatomon took in the call, "Hello?"

Veemon nervously answered, "Hey, Gatomon."

Gatomon said, "Hello Veemon. Are you resting up?"

Veemon said, "Sort of."

Gatomon asked, "You aren't trying anything stupid are you?"

Veemon sighed, "No...Listen, Agumon swung by and I think he' gone crazy. He says he wants to have sex with me. But I told him that you would never allow that."

The Gatomon did a pause to make sure to pretend and take all that in and she said, "You should go for it."

Veemon yelled, "What!?"

Gatomon said, "I won't be around to sexual please you myself and I know how much you hate masturbating and I'm going to be gone a while. I trust Agumon like a brother and I think you two should have a good time. And if you both desire you can continue to have enough sex sessions until I come back."

Veemon asked, "Have you gone crazy too?"

Gatomon said, "On the contrary Veemon, I'm perfectly fine with it. In fact, it's important not to let yourself build up too much. I'd actually suggest that you should have sex with Agumon regularly while I'm away. That won't change that fact that we love each other."

Veemon actually started crying, "I wouldn't be able to live with myself...I swore that my body would only belong to you."

Gatomon said, "Veemon...that's very sweat of you. I know it's harsh to bring up but you know you weren't my first. Now you are the best Digimon that's ever entered my life and I wouldn't think any less of you if you chose to partake in sexual activity while I'm away."

Veemon picked up the phone and ended the call. Agumon took two steps forward, "Now where were we."

Veemon looked up and saw Agumon; Veemon backed up and said, "Agumon, I can't do this."

Agumon pointed at the phone, "Gatomon gave you permission too."

Veemon went to the door, "This isn't about her permission. This is about my promise. I can't break it no matter what."

Agumon said, "Don't be stupid Veemon. Even I know you're horny guy when Gatomon's around. Once you're there you can't stop. She sort of told me that...but you're not going to make it all the way to America without thinking about sex once. And once you do you'll have to get you're hands on something."

Veemon said, "I'll manage it. I'm going to confront Gatomon face to face and figure this mess out."

Agumon said, "Let me come with you."

Veemon opened the door, "No way. Not if you're really convinced we should have sex. I can't believe you made me do that. It makes me really question our friendship."

Agumon sighed, "Oh come on you heard what Gatomon said. I wasn't trying to makes things complicated. I just wanted to show that it would be ok if we had sex."

Veemon said, "But you wouldn't have done that unless...you knew the result. So it must be a trick. You clearly either put Piyomon or Floramon up to this giving them some sort of script and telling to talk like Gatomon. I'm out of here."

Veemon rushed out back to the small room and took intense measures by jumping out the window. As soon as he did Agumon went to the phone. The cloned of Gatomon answered again.

The clone of Agumon said, "It seems he won't comply that easily."

Gatomon said, "Allow him to get to the ship we set up. Once he gets there you know what to do."

Agumon put the phone don't and left casually. Veemon ran in the street trying his hardest to make it to a body of water. Agumon took his time as Veemon was going in just the right direction. Veemon saw a decently sized boat and made his way aboard. Veemon got to the midsection of the boat he took a glance at one of the windows. Agumon timed it perfectly and Veemon saw him. Veemon quickly ducked trying to make his way to the captain's room. Agumon already climbed aboard. Veemon quickly ran to the top. Agumon spotted him. Agumon put his hands up, "Geese you run fast. Come on Veemon you wouldn't know how to drive this thing anyway."

Veemon said, "No way, I'm letting you help me. I know what you want and I'm afraid I can't do it."

Agumon insisted, "It could just be once. Short and simple, its sex with no strings attached."

Veemon shook his head, "How about the string that I would never be able to get it out of my head. Look Agumon I could care less that you're gay. In fact, good for you, but I'm a married Mon. And I'll do whatever it takes to make sure that Gatomon is the only one I'm with."

He stood at the edge of the boat. Agumon said, "Calm down Veemon. Don't do anything irrational here. I'll tell you what. I'm willing to drop the whole thing..."

Veemon looked at the water and cut him off, "I can't take that risk."

He fell back into a dive going into the water and started to swim. Agumon rushed over once Veemon was out of sight Agumon went to the captain area. There was another phone there. He picked it up, "He's one his way to you now."

The other voice said, "Understood."

Veemon swam in the vast ocean so determined to swim from the coast of China to the coast of America. Whatever pain Gatomon thought he had would have to be ignored. Veemon pushed on with all his might. He could feel the strain getting worse. With each stroke the pain was only getting worse. At this rate he wouldn't be able to hold out much longer. He was fading just in the distance he could see a small wooden boat. Veemon tried to maintain a level above water and call out for help but he was fading to fast. His arms stopped and he started to drown.

'All I can see is darkness. My life is fading. My heart was in the right place. I've got to get back. This darkness won't let me back...'

The dark finally went away as Veemon fluttered his eyes. He could feel a sheet on top of him. He pulled himself up. He saw a warm blazing red color. The blur effect faded somewhat allowing him too see it was fire. There was a creature in a white coat. Then the darkness came back. More time passed, Veemon sprang up, and the pain was just no match over his determination. The creature gentle moved his hand down, "Calm down. You're going to hurt yourself if you move too much."

Veemon recognized the voice then his vision could clearly see but he still asked, "Gabumon?"

Gabumon pushed Veemon back slightly, "You're lucky I was fishing or I would have never spotted you."

Veemon rubbed his head looking around the rest of the dark environment. Veemon asked, "Where are we?"

Gabumon said, "In a cave."

Veemon asked, "In America?"

Gabumon laughed, "What...no, no where on an island, were pretty far from America still."

Veemon lunched back up, "I have to get there as soon as possible."

Gabumon pushed him back again, "You're in no condition to travel. You need to rest up."

Veemon slammed his hand against the hard rock, "I can't keep resting. I have to see Gatomon. I need to know my daughter and son are ok..."

This was the first time he referred to Kiff as his son to another creature even though that wasn't true. Gabumon continued to cook the fish he caught, "Veemon, I have the up most respect for but ever creature has a limit and you've reached yours."

Veemon felt a strange sensation, "Hmmm," He grunted."

Gabumon slanted a look over and asked, "You ok over there."

Veemon gulped looking under the sheet to feel an uncontrollable urge start to sink into his body and mind. Veemon stuttered, "What kind of cave are we in..."

Gabumon lowered his knee slowly, "It was raining really hard and this was the only safe place available. It's a cave of a lust," he lowered his knee fully exposing his thick orange dick. Veemon gulped, "What did you want to rape me or something."

Gabumon turned away, "I didn't have much of a choice. But we should count ourselves lucky. This isn't the worst lust cave otherwise I would have come over you while you were unconscious."

Veemon could feel his dick starting to throb, his shook his head, "You have to get me out of this cave right now. I'm not about to break my promise because of some dumb cave made me give in. I can't break my promise to Gatomon...to myself."

Gabumon said, "You're going to be heavy weight..."

Veemon yelled, "Get me out or I swear to fucking god, I'll find a way to snap her neck."

Gabumon stood up and pulled Veemon from his legs taking him out of the cave. Veemon felt the feeling fading. Veemon looked away, "Now back off."

Gabumon crossed his hands, "Well this is snippy way to react to the Digimon who saved your life."

Veemon yelled, "You brought me into a cave of lust. Digimon do that when they want to have sex Gabumon. I don't care if it was raining there was most likely some other area you could have taking me."

Gabumon said, "It was not some sort of plan. It just happened to be the closest shelter I could find I swear."

Veemon sat up; his suspicion seemed to grow now instead. Veemon asked a vague question, "Do you know about Agumon's secret?"

Gabumon asked, "His secret?"

Veemon got a bit preppy as he placed a ploy together, scheming a way to find out if Agumon and Gabumon were in on this together so he asked, "He told me he had the hot's just for you."

Gabumon pointed at himself, "He has the hot's for me?"

Veemon continued, "Oh yeah, in fact he stopped by over today and told me himself. He was so in love with the fact that he could be with you that he wanted to be ready. So he asked me to be his 'practice buddy.'"

Gabumon waved off, "That's crazy. I know for a fact Agumon's straight."

Veemon smirked, "He was just clearly to shy to tell you. So he told me first. If you don't believe me you can ask him yourself. Of course he's in America though. I'll tell you what we can go together and we can both ask him."

Gabumon thought on it for a second, "Ok, fine."

Gabumon picked Veemon up and they went back on the boat. Veemon's plan worked like a charm as they made there way back to America.

Two hands clasped together. Monodramon watched Veemon on a screen. Monodramon smirked, "You thought you were a sly dragon. You outsmarted my clones and you made your way back home. It's too bad this is where I wanted you to end up all along. Now it's time to give you the Reemon touch."

He pulled out a device ready to press a button. As soon as Veemon touched American soil Monodramon pushed the button. Veemon suddenly stopped. He knelt down and just started screaming, "Aghhhhhhhhhh!"

The pain was filling his head. Every homoerotic memory Reemon encountered rushed into Veemon's head. But of course Veemon thought he was himself doing these sexual activities. The word slut slammed into his conscious brain repeated over and over again like a record player. It was enough to break Veemon's train of thought for good. Veemon gasped as the pain stopped. His hands were shaking rapidly. He stuttered, "No..."

Gabumon had been asking, "What's wrong," over and over but Veemon seemed so enticed by this that he just kept talking to himself, "I broke my promise. I betrayed Gatomon. I let myself down. I'm...I'm...I'm a slut."

The device work wasn't done. With each memory a deep urge to fulfill that sexual desire grew as well. The pain was gone all of it was. His eyes were fixated on the floor, he slowly turned it look down at Gabumon. His desire for everything male took over. Veemon was still down glancing at Gabumon while that sexual desire rushed over taking over everything else. Veemon's movement was unseen by Gabumon as Veemon rushed up grabbing his fur coat and planted a kiss right on Gabumon's lips. Gabumon's eyes were wide open, shocked to this sudden change. Thing was that this wasn't some clone Monodramon had planted this was really Gabumon who happened to be at the place Monodramon predicted he would be at the right time in order to manipulate them both. And now Veemon pulled the kiss and worked in his tongue the lust growing. His erection peaked and his blue cock pressed against Gabumon chest. Veemon pinned Gabumon against the sand. Gabumon started to take it in making out with Veemon, kissing him back. Gabumon wrapped his hands around Veemon's neck. Gabumon's erection came back as well his slightly orange dick throbbed rubbing against Veemon's cock. Veemon was mainly leading on his passion grew just wanting to expel this sexual energy. Veemon broke the kiss seductively suggested, "Suck my dick, Gabu."

Gabumon started to ask, "What about...Gato..."

Veemon planted another kiss while sliding his rump against Gabumon fat chest. Veemon arched up and planted one hand against his Gabumon's fur. He did a sexual dance bringing his dick closer to Gabumon's mouth. Veemon painted a feminine manor, "Go on, do it to be ready for Agu."

Gabumon did have actual feelings for Agumon but they were mostly hidden aside. But with Veemon's action he made it that much harder not to believe that Agumon was gay. So he stuck his tongue out and took a deep long lick working his way from close to Veemon's balls all the way up the shaft and to the head. Veemon moaned, "That's it go all the way."

Veemon hand's moved pressing Gabumon head closer. Gabumon opened his mouth more taking in the head. Veemon shoved his hips pushing his cock all the way in. Gabumon nearly gagged by Veemon still wanted to show his gentleness. He pulled back almost all the way. Veemon asked, "You ok there."

Gabumon gave Veemon another good lick too acknowledge that everything was ok. Veemon worked his cock back in sliding his hip and Gabumon continued to let Gabumon guide him. Veemon closed his eyes, he let out a moan, "Ahhhhhhhhh yeah!"

They were somewhat unaware that it was night time. They were the only ones at the beach so they had total privacy not that Veemon would care at this point. Veemon started the pace and Gabumon took on the cock just letting into what he thought was just a 'practice run.' for Veemon this felt better than any other gay encounter he could recall the main reason being that he wasn't ever really the one doing them. This was his first real gay experience. Veemon was lost in the world Gabumon's wide mouth was able to take in his entire shaft with ease. The taste was quite good and Veemon's moans only seem to drive Gabumon to please Veemon more. He worked his tongue continually along the shaft wetting the wet sensation help build him up. Veemon increased his movement sliding his hip back further then driving back allowing Gabumon to take in the entire shaft at a rapid pace. Veemon's grip tightened as his mustered the words, "I...love you Gabumon."

Gabumon's eyes actually opened. He tried to draw back by Veemon kept forcing himself back in his moans lustful and long, "Aghhhhhhh, Aghhhhhhhhh, Ahhhhhhhhhh!"

Gabumon pulled back taking in some of the sperm from the orgasm. Gabumon had swallowed some of it and he pushed Veemon off asking, "What's come over you?"

Veemon placed his finger on his mouth, "I've been such a bad dragon Gabumon. I've treated you with such disrespect early. The truth is that I'm the sexual deviant here. I have been all along..." Veemon bent over showing his huge blue ass. Veemon begged, "Now fuck me as punishment."

Gabumon was very erect still. This offer seemed impossible to ignore. What he didn't know was that Reemon was here early leaving behind his dark invisible spoors around the seemed to indulge the same property as the lust cave. Gabumon slid up and Veemon planted his elbows against the sand. Gabumon stood up grabbing his thick cock. He didn't even notice the salvia dripping down his mouth. He pushed in and Veemon yelped, "Nyahhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Gabumon's mind suddenly entered the same strange sexual mode Veemon was in. Gabumon picked up the pace as tight as Veemon was with this being his first real anal fucking. Veemon adjusted so that it was his hands against the sand. He lowered one hand as his dick bounced up and down. Gabumon would not let up forcing Veemon to loosen up quicker. Veemon grabbed his shaft. Veemon moaned, "That's it fuck me!"

Gabumon lust was just as deep now. It was as if this was all he really wanted. Gabumon moaned, "Oh Veemon, You're ass is so warm. It's just sucking me in."

Veemon moaned, "Don't stop. Keep fucking me. Cum inside me!"

Gabumon slammed his thick hips against Veemon's wide ass. His cock nearly coming out each time he pulled back and was driven all the way back in with full first. Gabumon wasn't even aware he could be the fast. He was bucking like crazy. The words found their escape, "I love you too Veemon...Gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

His orgasm came, his cum filling Veemon and Gabumon kept going feeling more come out, first was the cum and then a load of semen filled Veemon up as well. Veemon jacked off still finding masturbating annoying. Gabumon drew back and Veemon took his hand of his cock and begged, "Let me fuck you now."

Gabumon laid down on his belly and lifted up his massive tail. Veemon came in pressing Gabumon's tail up and pressed his cock against Gabumon's asshole. Veemon pressed inside and the lust from all that jacking off made it had for Veemon not to control himself. He plunged in and Gabumon's ass was much bigger so the fit was much easier. There was still a slight tightness but Gabumon only cringed just a bit. Veemon slammed his hips and Gabumon was turned on again so now he lifted on his side just a bit a moved his hand to his cock. Veemon slammed working up the pace super fast. Veemon muttered, "Fuck, I can feel it already..."

Gabumon cock was hard as he shifted his hand only slightly from moment to moment. Veemon gave a few more fast strokes then paced slowly but really getting in deep. He felt the build up and picked up the pace just enough to ejaculate. Gabumon's asshole was filled with sperm. Veemon drew back and Gabumon rolled over. Gabumon hand moved away from his cock and blushed. Veemon did as well as he opened his mouth dropped down and took in that thick juicy cock. Gabumon moan, "Aghhh, my love, that's it."

Veemon worked like a pro working up and down Gabumon's shaft. He used his tongue finding the most sensitive spot of Gabumon and worked around it. Gabumon placed his other hands on the sand. Gabumon head snapped up to the midnight sky and he moaned, "Ohhhhhhhhhhhh Yessssssssssssssss!"

He bucked up just a bit as his orgasm came. His sperm shot out and Veemon enjoying the taste. The moment Veemon came up they both blushed. They leaned into each other ready to kiss. Veemon puckered his lips and as soon as he made contact with Gabumon's lips his primary mission and main memories came back. His eyes were already closed and when he broke the kiss. His head snapped back. Veemon stumbled against the sand dragging himself away. Veemon asked, "How did you seduce me?"

Gabumon asked, "What are you talking about? You came on to me. You said I love you first too."

Veemon stood up, "Dude I'm married to Gatomon, I can't love you."

Gabumon stood up, "You're the one who wanted to have sex with me."

Veemon shook his head, "You must have drugged me. Or maybe it's a delay effect from the lust cave. Fuck you Gabumon. How dare you do that to me? "

Gabumon said, "The effects wore off as soon as we left the cave Veemon. Don't put this on me."

Veemon yelled, "I call bullshit. Come on Gabumon I knew you were gay but I thought you just had feelings for Agumon but not me. And you wanted to take advantage of me. You should have just stayed on the boat and left me here but you...you wanted this."

Gabumon waved his arms, "Well no fuck you Veemon. You have some memory issues you're dealing with. And you know what I don't even care anymore. If you want to blame that fine...you're the one who's going to have to deal with Gatomon."

Gabumon just started to walk off. Veemon looked down and knelt down. He began to cry. Monodramon continued to watch on his screen clapping, "Well Veemon, I've predicted ever move you'd make. And now I've crushed you and taken everything from you."

The Agumon clone made his way from the ship he was in. Agumon made his way over and looked down. Agumon asked, "What's wrong Veemon?"

Veemon was now being torn between the memories. Everything homosexual came back while hearing another male voice. Veemon slanted his hand up, "Get away from me."

Agumon asked, "Why? What's going on?"

Veemon could feel his dick getting erect again. Veemon started painting. Veemon's lust came back and fighting it became harder. Veemon lowered his hand. Veemon slowly got up and sighed. It finally happened. Veemon finally gave in. It was over already now. Everything was now in his mind. Veemon turned to Agumon and Agumon could see his exposed dick. Agumon gulped, "Veemon..."

Veemon came over and slowly lifted up his arms. He wrapped his around Agumon. Agumon was just surprised. His mouth gaped only slightly. Veemon dick pressed against Agumon's not erect penis. Veemon fully hugged Agumon. Veemon blush grew and puckered his lips. Veemon looked on as he leaned in and kissed Agumon's neck. Agumon gasped. Veemon closed his eyes. He muttered out, "...I love you."

Enter Pokemon

EP Ash Ketchum was having a picnic alongside Misty and broke. As usual Pikachu was freed out as well were Charzard and Squirtle. The Pokemon world was filled with various simplicities. But Monodramon was already advancing his plan toward complete...

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The Fishy Plant

The digi-destined finally caught a break finding two hot tub sections. One side for females the other for males. Mimi, Sora, Palmon and Byomon got cozy inside their hot tube. The boys ridiculed Joe into their hot tub making a general dick joke. Joe...

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Monodramon's Ambition

The ties of the perfect world were starting to show signs of obvious cracks. From the beginning Monodramon was strategically placing things. His very hands were in the mold of creating Reemon in the first place. Reemon was just a memory, a placeholder...

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