An Unordinary Job 5
#5 of An Unordinary Job
Tomorrow is a big day for Scott, if he can make it through the night!
Scott couldn't sleep a wink that night. Ever since he left the bath house, all he could think about was going back. He was certainly thrilled to be making so much money, but the idea of being a real prostitute had him even more excited. But it was a dreadful kind of excited, like when you're standing on the edge of a cliff right before you're about to jump, even if you know you're wearing a parachute. Adrenaline, serotonin, endorphins, and simple carnal lust were all pumping through his body. Who could sleep at a time like this?
Apparently the bath house was called Cherry, and the boys who worked there were called Cherry Boys. Scott couldn't tell if it was named after the street, or if that was some kind of virginity joke, but either way he thought it had a nice ring to it. They didn't employ anyone over the age of 19, but Downy said anyone who sticks out the whole time gets a referral and a sizeable severance bonus.
The only down side is he wasn't allowed to paw off. Downy said that one of the conditions of being a Cherry Boy was he'd have to save all his horniness for work. Maybe that would get easier over time, but right now Scott had the hardest fucking boner he'd ever had and it was taking all his willpower not to stroke himself off. Around 2 AM, his cell phone made a 'beep-beep' and the small glowing screen lit up the darkness of his bedroom. Scott groaned and rolled over, picking up the device and squinting his eyes as he looked at the display.
"Hey pup, heard you got a new job." It was Rick. Figures that would be the person to text him at 2 AM when he was horned up as fuck.
Scott quickly replied back, typing with his agile young fingers, "Omg, you could have warned me, I thought it was a repair job." He set down the phone, breathing a heavy sigh, then picked it up and sent a second message. "I almost got cum on my work pants." Even if he couldn't get off, sending Rick a few teasing messages was sure to get the badger to bust a nut.
A few minutes later his phone beeped again. "Don't think you're going to need work pants anymore pup. Why don't you show me your new uniform?" Uniform? What the heck was Rick... oh. Scott grinned. That old letch. Scott pulled back his blankets, aiming the camera on his phone down at his bare chest and waist. He snapped a picture with the flash, a glint catching the coating of pre-cum that covered his cock tip. He sent the message and wiggled his tail a bit in excitement. Some time later, the phone beeped again and Scott was eager to see what the badger had to say next.
"Mmm, looks real good on you pup, but I think I want the real deal. Behind the gas station at First and Union, 15 mins." What? Was he serious? It was the middle of the night, his mom would hear the car, he couldn't just... fuck it. With this new job, he would be making more money than her anyway, and he was so damn horny right now he just didn't care. He slid out of bed, taking care not to step too loudly on the floors, and slid into a pair of skinny blue jeans. He didn't even bother with underwear, chances are he wouldn't be wearing it long anyway. Then he grabbed the first t-shirt he could find and snuck out of his bedroom and down the stairs.
The wolf was very careful as he ninja'd his way out the door, moving the handle slowly so the creaky old metal wouldn't make a sound. He climbed into his car and took one last look up at his bedroom window, taking a deep breath. He was really in it now. With a wince, he turned the ignition, knowing there wasn't much he could do to stifle the sound of a loud car engine, and made his way down the street and around the corner as fast as he could.
As he finally made it a few blocks away, he couldn't help but laugh to himself. Not long ago he was routing Wi-Fi antenna cables through laptop chassis for barely above minimum wage, and now he was on his way to a gas station to suck off a guy more than three times his age and starting a job making a six figure income where all he had to do was have sex. The young wolf grinned, feeling pretty proud of himself and rolling down the window to let the wind blow through his fur. He turned on the radio just in time to catch the first refrain to "Turbo Lover" by Judas Priest. How times had changed.
When he finally pulled up to the gas station it looked completely empty. The interior lights weren't even on and the pumps were all shut down. This must not be one of the all-night stations. It also looked like Rick hadn't shown up yet. Scott got out of the car and headed around to the back side of the gas station. It was pretty much what you'd expect behind a gas station. There was a large metal dumpster, stacks of empty wooden pallets, and some garbage bags by the back door some clerk had been too lazy to haul the extra six feet. There were also a few empty liquor bottles laying beside the pallets, but fortunately there didn't appear to be any broken glass.
The young wolf walked around behind the pallets, covering himself from direct view of the street, and pulled off his t-shirt, followed quickly by his tight blue jeans. Might as well be naked, Rick was eager to see his new uniform anyway. Scott giggled to himself, rubbing his arms as a chilly night breeze blew behind the gas station. The wolf had lost his erection on the ride over, but as he began rubbing his warm furry balls and thick swollen sheath, it didn't take long to get back to the horny state he was in before. He closed his eyes and gave himself a few quick strokes. Damnit, he wanted to get off so badly. Downy wouldn't be able to tell if he just got a quick one in, right? He'd still be horny as hell tomorrow. Before his dick could cloud his judgment any longer, Scott heard the sound of a car engine pulling into the gas station. He perked his ears and peered over the pallets to see who it was.
Unfortunately all he could see were two bright headlights, anything else was flooded out by the light. He thought he saw the shadow of a man get out of the side of the car, and then a third beam of light came from the figure's paw, a flashlight. All three lights stayed on as the man approached. Something didn't seem right here. Why would Rick leave his headlights on and why would he have a flashlight? Scott crouched a bit behind the pallets and laid his ears back, peering through the wooden slats. Then he heard the crackle of static as the figure brought a radio up to his muzzle.
"Dispatch I'm seeing an abandoned vehicle, black and red soft top, investigating on footpaw." a rough voice spoke out of the darkness. Shit. Shit shit shit. It was the fucking cops. It was the fucking cops, and he was fucking naked with a hard-on behind a god damn gas station at 2 in the morning. Scott quickly grabbed his pants and t-shirt, bundling them up and holding them against his naked crotch. The movement must have made too much noice, because the police officer's flashlight shifted directly to the pile of pallets Scott was standing behind. "Who's there? Come out with your paws on your head. You're trespassing on private property."
Scott could feel the tears welling up in his eyes. He didn't want to go to jail, especially like this. His mom would find out, he wouldn't be able to go to work tomorrow, and everything would be fucked! Fuck! Fuck fuck fuck! Scott laid his ears back, tucking his tail and his muzzle down in shame as he slowly stepped out from behind the stack of wood. With his paws on his head, he was unable to hold the bundle of clothes over his groin, so he stepped out completely naked in front of the police officer.
"Holy shit." the copy muttered under his breath. "You can drop your hands son, what are you doing out here?" he asked, obviously quite surprised.
"I'm sorry sir! I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Scott was nearly sobbing, keeping his hands instinctively on his head as he dropped down to his knees. "I was just meeting someone, we were going to just, I mean, I just wanted..." the frightened young wolf began stumbling over his words.
The police officer dropped his flashlight and looked side to side, seeing if there was anybody else around. "You've got quite a list of violations here kid. Trespassing, public indecency, plus it's after curfew and you don't look like you're eighteen."
"I'm sixteen sir. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I just want to go home." he said, fighting back tears.
The officer stepped forward and turned off his flashlight, looking the wolf pup up and down. "I know what you were doing out here, pup." he said, looking down at the boy. Now that he was closer, Scott was able to get a better look at the officer and see what he was dealing with. He was a rather short grey rat, with a long pink tail and notched ears. Admittedly, Scott thought he looked pretty handsome, especially in his nice clean uniform and his shiny silver badge. His slight belly bulge and large pecs filled out his uniform nicely, but Scott could tell by the second bulge in his pants that there might be more going on here than an arrest. "You're a little slut, aren't you?"
Scott's jaw dropped. He never expected a cop to be so blunt and accusing. He tried to respond, but just stumbled over his words again. "I was just, just..."
"You were just out here waiting for some fuck buddy to come rail your ass behind the dumpster." the rat stepped forward, crossing his arms and looking down his long pointed nose.
"Yes." was all the wolf could say. It was true after all.
"Up against the wall. Spread your legs. You don't have any weapons or drugs on you, do you?" the rat ordered, pointing at the back wall of the gas station.
"I'm naked, how could I..."
"I said up against the wall!" the rat yelled again, pulling out his night stick and motioning toward the wall more violently. Scott did as he was told, putting his forepaws against the cold brick wall and spreading his legs. The cop came up behind him and began patting the wolf down. He moved his paws firmly all up and down the young canine's naked body, feeling every inch of him and making the pup quite aroused again. When the officer cupped his firm, rough paw around Scott's package the pup gasped, jumping a bit as the rat gave him a squeeze. "What about back here?" he said, lifting the wolf's tail and poking a finger between his rump cheeks.
"No sir, I'm not hiding anything." Scott replied. He wasn't quite sure where this was going yet, but it seemed best to play along.
"I don't believe you. Bend over. Spread those cheeks." he barked orders again. Scott obeyed, reaching back and spreading his rump cheeks with both paws as he leaned forward and lifted his tail. The rat placed a firm paw on one of his ass cheeks and pressed his thumb against the boy's tight hole. He felt the cold metal of handcuffs around his wrists as the officer bound both of his paws behind his back. Scott could hear the rat groaning softly to himself, but kept staring down at the ground and doing what he was told. Then he felt something cold and hard between his cheeks and gasped loudly as the cop slid his night stick several inches into the boy's rear end. The wolf let out a moan in response and his teenage cock throbbed below him.
"Oooh, yes sir." he gasped out. It was all he could think of as the slender metal pole poked inside of him.
"I'm glad you're cooperating, slut. Tonight might just be your lucky night. Prove to me you can be a good little boy and I might just let you go." the rat said in a condescending voice. Scott nodded and let out a whimper. "Good" the rat said, pushing the boy down to his knees as he started to undo his belt buckle. "Now prove it, slut. Show me how good you can be." he said, pulling his thick, swollen shaft out from behind his tan uniform pants. His cock was short but incredibly thick, and Scott had to keep his mouth open as wide as he could in order to accommodate the massive girth. When he first sunk his muzzle down he nearly gagged. The rat was incredibly musky and the smell almost overtook him, but the wolf kept his composure and pulled his muzzle back, licking up the rodent's shaft as he grew accustomed to the strong smell.
"That's right slut, more tongue, get it nice and wet." the rat said, holding the back of the wolf's head firmly. Scott moaned around the officer's shaft and bucked his muzzle faster, making sure to use his tongue as much as possible. The officer's night stick was still in his behind, but slowly sliding out now that he was down on his knees. Eventually Scott felt it slide out and heard a metal clatter as it fell to the ground. "You're supposed to keep that in, slut! Now I'm going to have to fill you with something else." he said gruffly, pulling the wolf off his cock and grabbing his long handled flashlight. He bent forward over the wolf pup, spreading his cheeks and pushing the handle of the flashlight into the boy's rectum with one firm thrust.
Scott moaned and leaned forward. The flashlight was much thicker than the night stick, but just as cold and stiff. He gave a little shiver, wishing the flashlight was a thick, warm cock instead. Even though he was stuffed nice and deep, it wasn't exactly comfortable having a rigid piece of metal filling his ass.
"Now keep that in, slut. You've gotta be ready." the officer said, pushing the wolf pup's muzzle back down on his thick, musky cock. Scott clenched his rear around the flashlight, giving a soft moan in pleasure as he put together the last part of the officer's plan. The rat's cock was so thick it was probably a good idea to stretch him out with the night stick and flashlight first. It seemed like a pretty good racket he had going here, and Scott began to wonder how many other less than willing boys this dirty cop must have fucked in dark alleys. He continued to suck the cop nice and deep, taking every bit of length against his rapid, wet tongue.
When he could finally start to feel the police officer's cock throb as he neared orgasm, the rat pushed Scott back, lifting him forcefully with both paws and pulling the wolf's eager ass back toward his crotch. The cop quickly pulled his heavy flashlight out and immediately shoved his cock between the boy's cheeks, but it seemed he wasn't quite fast enough. Instead of penetrating Scott's rump, a huge load of warm sticky cum splashed against the outside of the boy's tailhole and rump cheeks. It plastered his entire backside in a hot blanket of the rat's seed, making the officer lean his head back and moan loudly. Scott was breathing heavily as he looked back over his shoulder.
The rat was already pushing his dripping cock back into his trousers and beginning to refasten the button. "Good job, slut. It's your lucky night after all." he said, leaning forward to unlock the wolf's handcuffs. "You're free to go." he said between heavy breaths.
"But you're not." another voice spoke from the darkness. Scott gasped and looked up, rubbing his wrists where the handcuffs had been. It was Rick, and he was holding his camcorder in one paw, aiming it directly at the police officer standing over the naked cum-soaked wolf pup.
"What the fuck. Drop that camera now. Hand over the film." the rat cop picked up his nightstick and brandished it threateningly at the big badger.
"Sorry no film, everything auto-uploads to my cloud storage. Better data backup, you know." he grinned, still filming the officer.
The rat blushed and backed off a little bit, lowering his nightstick. "What do you want?" he growled.
"What I want is to sell this little home movie on the internet for cash, but whether or not I blur your face and badge depends on you helping me out with scene two." Rick grinned as he outlined the terms of his blackmail. "See, you shortchanged my friend here. He came out tonight looking for a nice hard cock in the ass, and all you gave him was cold metal with a cream frosting. So you're going to return that sentiment. You're going to shove that flashlight up your ass and suck off my friend here, and I'm going to give him the proper ass pounding he deserves."
"You can't do this!" the rat protested, sounding defeated and ashamed.
"Everything I record automatically uploads to a streaming site. It becomes public after 24 hours unless I take it down first. Follow your orders like a good cadet, or this time tomorrow you'll be saying 'You can't do this' in front of a judge and jury ready to convict." the badger responded proudly. Scott smiled back up at his friend. He felt pretty proud right now too, proud that his friend was putting this dirty cop in his place.
"I can't fucking believe this." the rat muttered under his breath as he undid his belt buckle again, picking up his flashlight as he dropped his pants enough to expose the bare grey fur of his rump. Scott and Rick both watched, cocks erect, as the rat tried to push his flashlight in under his tail. The cop winced and grunted, pushing harder but growing quickly frustrating. "I can't, I don't take it up the ass, it won't fit!" he protested, pulling the flashlight back.
"Oh it'll fit, you're just not trying hard enough." Rick handed the camera to Scott, stepping forward as the wolf filmed the two older furs. Rick grabbed the flashlight and spit on his other paw, bringing it down under the rat's tail and rubbing his saliva all over the cop's tight tailhole. He did the same to the flashlight, then brought it down under the other fur's tail himself and shoved it in with one hard thrust. The cop winced and yelled as the flashlight slammed into his tight ass.
"Maybe that'll teach you a lesson about scaring little boys." Rick grunted as the rat fought to hold back tears, clenching around the thick flashlight as his cock throbbed again. "Now, put that muzzle to use like I told you." he ordered, taking the camera back from Scott and motioning for the wolf to do as he pleased with the captive police officer.
Scott nodded in reply. He couldn't believe things had turned out this way. This is the kind of fantasy you read about on the internet. Shit like this doesn't just happen in real life! The young wolf stepped forward and put his hard teenage cock in front of the rat's muzzle. The rat sniffed it reluctantly at first, but then slowly opened his muzzle and leaned forward around the boy's length. He closed his eyes and just started to suck. It certainly wasn't the best blow job Scott had ever received, but he was so horny that having any nice warm muzzle to wrap around his cock felt perfect right now.
But what came next was what Scott was really after. The teenage wolf moaned as he felt the big strong badger spread his rump apart with both paws. The wolf lifted his tail high and pushed his rump back, the perfect invitation. Rick slid his paw around in the cum the rat officer had left on Scott's rump, sliding it up inside and using it to lubricate his tailhole. The wolf pup moaned in anticipation. Fuck, he would do anything to feel the way Rick made him feel. He almost forgot about the rat's muzzle around his cock as the head of the badger's thick shaft prodded his rim and slowly sunk into his needy tailhole.
It felt so good, he was in heaven. Who ever thought heaven could be behind a gas station at two in the morning, but here he was. The badger groaned as he slowly sank deeper and deeper, savoring every second he spent inside the young wolf. Scott gasped in pleasure, pushing back quickly and taking the badger's cock as deep as he could go with a lustful moan.
"Fuck you're an eager little hornball tonight. You want it rough, huh?" the badger asked, sliding his claws down the wolf's bare back.
"Yes, oh please, I want it so hard! Fuck me daddy!" Scott moaned out, looking back over his shoulder and staring into the lens of Rick's camera with his lustful eyes.
"Alright, you asked for it." the badger grinned, setting down his camera on the edge of one of the pallets. He wrapped both paws around Scott's hips, holding him firmly and pulling his cock almost all the way out. A shiver of anticipation ran down the teenager's spine, waiting patiently as he knew what was coming next. Well, he thought he knew. The strength and ferocity of the fucking that followed was completely unprecedented. Rick pounded the little wolf like he hadn't had sex in months. Every thrust went as deep as he could go, slamming the boy's prostate with incredible force, and he hammered as fast as a piston, over and over again. It felt so amazing that everything just became one big blur. It was so intense he couldn't even moan and just found himself gasping for air.
When Scott started cumming he almost couldn't feel it because the pressure against his prostate was so intense. He might not have known if not for the older rat beneath him that pulled his muzzle back and began coughing, spitting cum onto the ground below as more splashed onto his face and uniform. The pleasure was second only to the rush that came next, the feeling of Rick emptying his massive furry balls into Scott's ass as the badger's cock pulsed and throbbed. Scott almost came again, completely enraptured by the intense pleasure and overwhelming sensation.
Rick grunted loudly and pulled his cock back out in one swift thrust. Scott fell back and sat against the dumpster, panting heavily as he attempted to regain his faculties. He watched as Rick made the cop lick all the cum of his thick, badger cock, then picked him up by his collar and give him a swift kick on his bare ass back toward the rat's patrol car. Everything still felt hazy as Rick came over and reached his paw down to help Scott back to his feet.
"You don't have to worry about him anymore. I don't think he'll be picking on any more boys anytime soon." the badger said, dusting off Scott's shoulders. "Now come on, you've got a big day tomorrow, you need to get some rest."
Scott and Rick both got dressed again, and Rick gave the young wolf a long, tender kiss on the muzzle before they parted ways. On the drive back home Scott couldn't help but feel a little smug. It had really been great watching Rick put that dirty cop in his place, and it also felt really good knowing he had someone like that watching his back. He pulled up to the house and snuck back inside as quietly as he had left. It seemed his mom was still asleep and was none the wiser.
The second his head hit the pillow, Scott was asleep. The wolf woke up hours later to his alarm clock blaring. He smiled to himself, remembering the events of last night, and quickly hopped in the shower to wash all the dried cum out of his fur. As he was showering he began to remember the other rules Downy had told him about. No discussing work outside of work, that was pretty obvious. Shower between every client unless they tell you not too. If any client asks for something violent or dangerous, tell them no and report it, otherwise whatever they ask for you deliver. And no cumming outside of work. Shit. In the heat of the moment Scott had forgotten that he wasn't supposed to cum last night. But fuck, how could he not? There's no way you can't blow your load when you're getting the ride of your life and face fucking an emasculated cop who sodomized you with a flashlight and frosted your tailhole like a glazed doughnut. Oh well, there's no way Downy would be able to tell. He was in the clear. Scott finished shampooing his fur and rinsed off. When he stepped out of the shower and got dressed, his mom was waiting for him just outside his bedroom door.
"Where did you go last night?" she said, tapping her footpaw on the ground.
"What are you talking about?" Scott responded, trying to play dumb.
"You drove off in the middle of the night! Don't think I don't know the sound of that stupid car engine of yours. Don't you lie to me! Where did you go?" she barked back, sounding increasingly irate.
"Jesus mom, I just went to the store, I had a craving for some snack food. Take a chill pill."
"At 2 in the morning? Oh Jesus, you're on drugs aren't you? I've heard about this. They call it the munchies. Are you taking drugs Scott?"
The accusation couldn't help but make him laugh a bit. "No mom, I'm not on drugs, I promise. I just wanted some funyuns. I'm 16, I can drive to the store on my own now."
The explanation seemed to satisfy his mother a little bit but she still looked bothered. "Oh okay, well, I still don't want you out after curfew. As long as you live under my roof you follow my rules. Got it mister?"
Scott scowled a bit, pushing past his mom and down the hallway. He muttered under his breath just loud enough for her to hear, "Well maybe I won't be living under your roof for long."
"What was that? Don't you talk back to me! If your father was alive he'd give you such a scolding!" she called back down the hall.
Now that made him steam. How dare she bring him into this. Scott tromped angrily down the stairs and intentionally slammed the door as he padded out to his car. What a way to ruin a perfect morning. Fucking mothers. He'd be glad to be out of there once and for all. Scott turned on the radio and rolled down his window, starting the drive back to 1324 Black Cherry road. At least one thing was going right in his life.
He arrived and parked his car diagonally in the gravel parking lot, walking up to the nondescript metal door and giving it two swift knocks. The hatch popped open and the panther's yellow eyes stared back at him for a few seconds before the main door slid aside.
"Hey Downy, ready and eager for day number one." he said, smiling as he stepped inside and leaned on the counter that looked through the barred window. The orange tabby cat was on the other side, spinning around in his chair to face the wolf as he addressed him.
"Glad ta' here it mah'boy. Just gotta make sure, you cum last night?" he asked, staring at the wolf with a straight face.
What? Was he seriously asking that? Did it really matter that much? Scott started to stumbled over his words again. Should he lie? Was something stupid like this going to cost him his new job? What the fuck! This wasn't fucking fair! "I... I..." he stuttered, looking increasingly like a deer in the headlights.
After a few seconds Downy's stern mug turned to a laughing grin. "Ah just pullin' yer leg mate! Erry'one cums the first night, hah! 'Owever not erry'one has a threesome with a daddy type and a dirty bobby in a back alley their first night, hah!" Scott only blushed in response, appearing flustered. "Ole' Rick showed me that video. Wanked off thrice watchin' it this mornin', hah!" he said, punctuating his sentences with a raucous cockney guffaw and giving his crotch a lewd adjustment. "Gotta say though, that copper was right about one thing."
"Yeah? What's that" Scott asked, trying to decide if he was relieved or annoyed.
"Ya are a li'l slut, you are." Downy said, pointing his cigarette at Scott before lighting it up and having another chuckle. "And it's a good thing too, that'll go far in this job. Now then, let's meet yer trainin' buddy." He pressed a buzzer on his desk and the large doors to the main bath house opened up. The small white mouse boy from yesterday stepped through. The only clothing he had on was a pair of tight pink briefs that matched the pink of his nose. His body was slender, smooth, and toned, with a perfect snowy white fur from ear to tail which made his bright blue eyes pop like diamonds. He wasn't the big muscle type that Scott normally went for, but he sure was fucking gorgeous.
"Hi Scotty, my name's Chip. Come on and follow me to the locker room. We've got a lot to do today!" the mouse said in his feminine, lispy voice. He certainly had enthusiasm for this job, Scott only hoped he could keep up.