After Party 11 - What a Day

Story by Otter Miqmah on SoFurry

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#13 of After Party

After Party 11 - What a Day

The normal legal stuff, if you are underage doesn't read this or your eyes will melt out of your face, spill onto the carpet leaving a giant stain, and you will have to explain the whole mess to your parents... Also, my story, my characters.

"What would you like for dinner?" the older female fox asked.

"Cereal," Tania responded.

"Cereal? You had that for breakfast and lunch. How about something real for a change?" her mother asked placing her paws on her hips.

"What? I like cereal."

Tania's mother rolled her eyes and searched the cupboards for a cereal box. She filled up a bowl, then added milk and placed it with a spoon in front of the young fox whose attention was already on the TV facing the kitchen table.

"You know, when other people your age are watching cartoons or MTV, you watch the news," Tania's mother stated as she watched her daughter mindlessly funnel the cereal in her mouth with her eyes firmly glued to the screen.

"I like to be educated. Besides, the rest of that crap will rot your mind."

"Whatever makes you happy I guess," she said patting Tania on the shoulder and walking out of the room.

Tania loved to watch the news. She tried to never miss it when she could. Something about knowing what was happening around in the world just captured her attention. She never understood why anyone could live in complete ignorance of the happenings around them. So like every other day, she focused on the evening news, which had just finished going through the opening sequence.

An attractive female tiger with perfectly sculpted hair appeared on screen behind the news desk. She looked up from the papers she was holding and started speaking in her flawless news anchor voice.

"Tonight's top story hit close to home for many citizens today. An intoxicated male opened fire in a local park, hitting one fur. Thankfully he was stopped by a bystander who tackled him to the ground until officials could arrive at the scene. Another bystander captured the event on their camera phone. We have obtained this footage, but warn that it is a bit graphic and disturbing."

Tania's eyes were wide in interest. She knew that the only local park around was the one downtown that her and her friends frequented often. She watched as the screen went to a shaky and blurry image of a large cheetah yelling at a smaller cheetah and wolf. The larger cheetah pulled out a gun and shot at the two before being tackled by a large Doberman and shooting into the air.

Tania nearly broker he tooth as she bit down on the spoon in her mouth. Every hair on her body was on end. All she could see was Allen falling to the ground before the footage ended.

"Although officials are not releasing specifics at this time, a source tells us that the victim, believed to be the son of the shooter, was not fatally wounded and is receiving medical care in the hospital. We will update you as more information is released."

Tania jumped up from the table, knocking over the chair she was sitting in, and ran into the living room where her mother was.


"Why!? What's wrong, did you hurt yourself?" Tania's mother asked franticly getting up from her chair.

"No, it's Allen."

"Allen? What happened to Allen?"

"I'll explain it in the car, but we have to go now!"

"Ok, ok, just let me find my keys."

Tania's mother searched the desk in the living room as Tania anxiously tried to hurry her. She found them and they both ran to the garage and were quickly on their way.

"So, what happened to Allen?" Tania's mother asked her daughter whose leg was taping wildly, wanting her to drive faster.

"Remember how I was talking about Allen's parents and them not taking him coming out well?"


"Well, I'm not sure exactly what happened, but his dad... well shot him."

"WHAT? Is he ok?"

"I don't know, that is why we need to get to the hospital."

"Well, we are almost there. I'll drop you off at the front, and I'll meet you inside."

A few minutes later, Tania stepped out of the car and ran into the front of the hospital. There was a line at the front desk, and Tania shot to the end cutting off a ferret in a crutch who nearly toppled over as the quick fox darted in front of him.

One by one, each fur in line got taken care off. Most just got a clipboard thrown at them, and the next stepped forward. When it was finally Tania's turn, she ran up to the desk and anxiously asked where Allen's room was.

"I'm sorry, but visiting hours ended about five minutes ago," said the snow leopard behind the desk.

"I don't care, I need to see him."

"Visiting hours are over. Besides, that guest needs his rest."

"I still don't care, he is my best friend and I'm going to see him."

"We are only letting family see him at this time."

"Family? Family is what got him into this mess! Now tell me what room he is in!"

"Look. I'm sorry, but there is nothing I can do. Come back at noon tomorrow and we will let you see him."

"Please, I am his best friend, and I need to see him to make sure he is ok."

"I'm sorry, there is nothing I can do. Now please, there are people in line who need to get through."

"But..." she was interrupted.

"Next please!"

The ferret budged his way forward and Tania walked from the desk defeated. She saw her mother walk into the lobby, and ran up to her.

"They won't let me see him," she said as her eyes started to well up.

"Oh honey. We'll find a way."

"How?" Tania sniffled.

Tania's mother looked around.

"I don't see a gate or anything... let's just walk in and see what happens."

Tania looked over. It was true, the hallway into the hospital didn't have any sort of barrier,

and if they could sneak though, then they could find the room themselves. She looked into

her mom eyes, and they both nodded.

"You go first. Walk normally and look like you have something you need to do," Tania's

mother said as she gently nudged her forward.

Tania crept forward and looked around. Everyone seemed to be distracted by what they were doing, so she started walking. She got to the mouth of the hall, and kept on going, her heart beating harder with every inch she went. No one seemed to even notice she was there, which made her more confident. She walked down the hall and saw the female's bathroom on her right. She turned and quickly walked inside. There was no one there, so she decided to stand and wait for her mom to join her.

Tania's mother watcher her daughter disappear behind the bathroom door, and she started on her journey. She made it to the mouth, when someone yelled. She jumped and turned around to see that the ferret with a crutch had fallen over, and several furs had rushed to help him. She used the distraction to quickly walk through the hall and into the bathroom.

The two foxes looked at each other and giggled in glee at their success.

"Ok, now we just have to figure out which room Allen is in," Tania said.

"Just leave that to me," Tania's mom said as she walked over to the door.

They both went out and the older fox walked up to a short tabby cat in scrubs and asked straight up where Allen's room was. The cat pointed the way and gave the room number.

Tania's mom thanked her and they started off for the room.

"Well that was easier then I thought it would be," Tania said.

"Sometimes you just have to ask."

After a few minutes, and a few more wrong turns, they found Allen's room. When Tania realized it, her heart jumped and she ran to the door and poked her head inside. John, Lucy and Adam we all sitting in chairs around Allen who was asleep in the hospital bed. She had to hold back her screams as he ran up to the bed and looked at the poor cheetah. He had a large bandage around his arm. Tania's mother followed her into the room.

Tania tuned to John and asked what happened quietly as to not wake Allen up.

"It is a long story..." John said.

"I've got time," she responded.

"You'd better get a chair."

Tania and her mother found chairs and joined the group around Allen.

"Ok, spill it," Tania said, her ears perked high in attention.

"Well... it all started when Allen's dad showed up at my house, and Allen hit him over the head with a frying pan."

Tania's eyes got wide.

"With a frying pan?" she asked.


For ten more minutes, John told the full story and answered Tania's interrupting questions.

"...So we were both there hugging each other thinking that we were both pretty much dead... I shut my eyes and he pulled the trigger. I heard the bang, and I felt Allen drop from my arms." He wiped a tear from his eye, and Tania patted him on the shoulder. "I thought I had lost him. When I felt him fall away, I didn't care what happened, because I knew that my life was already over without him. I opened my eyes and saw Allen's dad get tacked by this big doberman, and a bullet went flying above my head nearly missing me. I dropped down next to Allen, who was covered in blood. He wasn't moving, and I was so afraid..." He was full on crying at his point, and had to repeat himself because his words were getting distorted. "I couldn't let him die, I just couldn't. I held him tightly until the paramedics arrived and took him from me. We got in the ambulance and we arrived at the hospital. Apparently they arrested Allen's dad, but I was too focused on Allen to pay attention." He looked over to the cheetah as he wiped his eyes again.

"Is he going to be ok?"

"Yeah. Thankfully it was only his arm, and nothing major was hit. He passed out from the pain, and he had to get a bunch of stitches and things to patch him up. The doctors say that he is going to have to stay here a few days to make sure everything is going all right."

"Poor Allen. How long has he been out?"

"Since he got out of the surgery. He is on a lot of painkillers and stuff, so we don't know when he will wake up."

"Huh... well how are you holding up?"

John laughed. "Not very well. I don't know what I would have done if I had lost him... I was so afraid." John's paw wrapped around Allen's, but there wasn't much of a response. "He doesn't deserve this; I wish I had been the one shot. He's too delicate for this."

"He is going to be fine," Tania said wiping away her own set of tears.

They all sat there silently watching the still cheetah for a long time. There were no words being said, but still everyone in the room seemed to be able to communicate on the same level. They were all wishing that Allen would spring up and be alright, but instead he laid there fast asleep.

John's eyes never left the cheetahs face. He watched him, and every little twitch or movement would make his heart jump in hopes that it was a sign of him waking up.

After what seemed like hours, Lucy and Adam said that they were going to go try to find some food, and they invited Tania's mother along. The adults all left and the three of them were left alone in the room.

Tania and John watched Allen, but he was still asleep. John sighed as he reached for Allen's paw again. He gave it a light squeeze, and to both of their surprise, Allen's eyes slowly opened. John jumped up and accidently scared Allen, who jumped in his bed and winched as he gripped his wounded arm.

"Oh sweetie! I'm so sorry! How are you feeling?" John said with his tail wagging quickly, his paw still tightly wrapped around Allen's.

"... well, it feels like I've been shot..." Allen laughed.

John lunged forward and wrapped his arms around the cheetah.

"Oh, Allen. I am so glad you are ok!" John started crying again.

Allen had to hold back his screams as John's arms pressed up against his wound. Tania saw the pain on his face and gently tapped on John's shoulder.

"Maybe you should let Allen rest some more," she said trying to gently pull him off.

John reluctantly returned to his seat as Allen's face relaxed in relief from the pain.

"I'm glad you are ok too sweetie," Allen said holding John's paw again.

"How are you really feeling Allen?" Tania asked.

"Umm... well my arm really, really hurts. And I'm terrified out of my mind that my dad is going to come back. Oh, and I'm loopy with pain killers..."

"They arrested your dad, and I'm sure he is going to be locked up for a very long time, so you don't have to worry about him anymore."

"That is good I guess."

"Do you want to rest for now? You have had a pretty rough day," John said giving another squeeze of his paw.

"Yeah, it would probably be a good idea."

"Well, we'll be her all night in case you wake up again," Tania said petting Allen's head fur.

"Uhh, Tania... would you mind if me and John had a moment alone?" he asked.

"Oh, sure! I'll be outside, take your time," she said walking out of the room quickly leaving the two alone.

John leaned over and gave him a long kiss.

"I'm really glad you are ok sweetie. I don't know what I would do without you," John said.

"I love you too." They both smiled. "You know what I could use right now?"

"Some more pain killers?"

"Well yeah, but I was thinking more a little something from you."

John looked at the cheetah whose eyes lead him to his crotch which had a large lump forming under the sheet.

"Oh... really? Now? You just got shot."

"I could really use it."

"Well, if you insist."

John gently pulled down the light blue sheets and lifted up Allen's paper gown revealing his hard feline cock.

He grabbed the throbbing erection in his paw and listened to Allen's soft moan. He stroked slowly down and then up and Allen's moans got louder. He caressed his lover's hard member again. He continued until a little bead of pre formed at Allen's tip. John's fingers worked the cheetah's shaft as he purred in pleasure.

Pre started flowing from his engorged head and soon John's paw was gliding over his slick rod. He continued groping as he stuck two of his fingers in his mouth and covered them in slippery saliva. His paw worked its way between Allen's legs and found his hot pucker. He pressed his way through his tight ring and slid his finger deep inside the cheetah.

Allen moaned as he felt John enter him as he worked his cock. John pulled his fingers almost all the way out, then slowly slid them back in. He maneuvered around until he found Allen's prostrate, which he gently massaged. A small spurt of pre came from Allen's cock as the fingers move deep inside of him.

"Oh, John... stop teasing me..." Allen moaned as John's fingers pumped inside of his ring again.

John leaned over and gave the cheetah a kiss.

"I don't want to work you up too much, you should be resting," he whispered in his ear.

"... fuck me. Fill me with you fat cock, I need it!"

"No, you should be taking it easy; you were just shot in the arm."

"Which is why I need a little relief. Now get on this bed, and mount me!" Allen demanded.

John climbed onto the bed and knelt in front of Allen. He unzipped his increasingly tight

pants and let his thick cock flop put. Allen sat up and winced a little.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" John asked.

He got his answer as Allen grabbed his member and stuck it in his mouth. Allen swirled his tongue around John's head making his shiver in ecstasy. He started taking in his length covering the hard cock in saliva. He sucked the hot dick that filled him up. Inch by inch he took it in, and John shook as the waves of pleasure took him over. He worked his way down all ten of John's inches and slowly pulled out. Allen laid back down on the bed as John positioned himself with his thick head pressed up against Allen's red pucker. John grabbed the cheetahs still dripping member and forced his wide cock into the cheetah. He started thrusting into Allen's ass, each time going deeper inside.

Allen moaned loudly as he felt the warm and familiar feeling of the wolf filling his body up. His ass was spread wide open, and the sharp pain quickly took over as John began thrust his full length into him. Soon the pain of his wound was nothing compared to the sensation he was feeling below. But as John's paw started working his shaft again, the pain began to subside to pleasure.

Allen's cock continued to squirt pre all over his paper night gown as he started feeling himself getting closer to climax. John continued pistoning his great length into the cheetah's ass as he leaned forward to give him a kiss. John's tongue entered Allen's mouth. He explored Allen's muzzle as he quickened the pace of his thrusting and pawing.

Allen's breath started getting quick as his body started shaking. His orgasm took him over and his cock erupted in cum. Hot ropes shot across his chest nearly hitting his face. As his cock emptied, his ring tightened around John's thrusting cock. The pressure brought John to his climax, and he unloaded his burning load deep into Allen's bowls.

They both stayed still as their cocks finished pumping their seed. John broke the kiss and looked down at the panting cheetah. Allen had another huge smile on his face. John watched as his smile turned into a look of uncontrolled pleasure as he pulled his length out of him.

He sat back up and looked at the cheetah in after glow.

"Better?" John said as he gently stroked the side of Allen's face.

Allen nodded and smiled again.


"Good," John said as he got off the bed and stood next Allen as he zipped his pants back up. He bent over and started licking up the strings of cum still left on Allen's paper gown. He worked his way down the smock until he reached Allen's sheath. He brushed his tongue against the furry appendage, and heard Allen gasp in pleasure again.

John smiled as he gave another lick and saw Allen's hardening head poke through. He continued licking at the fuzzy sheath until Allen's cock was once again fully erect. He brought his tongue up along the entire length of Allen's rigid member and stuck the head in his mouth. Allen gasped again and clawed at the hospital bed as his overly sensitive cock was enveloped in John's warm wet muzzle.

"Oh John..." Allen said as John took the entire length into his mouth and began massaging it with his tongue as he went back up.

John caressed the tip of Allen's head with his warm soft tongue as he plunged once more down. Allen's cock brushed against the side of John's soft throat making him moan. John bobbed up and down, sucking and massaging the cheetah. Allen's breath once again quickened and his hips involuntarily began thrusting into Johns face. With a loud sigh

Allen's cock erupted into the back of John's throat and he sucked Allen dry.

John continued sucking oh Allen's cock until is shrunk back into his sheath. He looked up to see Allen laying there with a very pleased look on his face as the last of his second orgasm faded away.

"Mmm... that was nice," Allen said.

"Glad you liked it." He stood up and gave the cheetah another kiss. "You'd better get better soon so I can do it properly."

"I'll do my best," Allen giggled.

"Now you should get some rest," John said rolling the sheets back up on Allen.

"But I want to have more fun!"

"Then you are going to be in here forever. Now try to go back to sleep."

"Oh fine."

Allen found a comfortable spot in his pillow and closed his eyes. John petted the side of the resting cheetah's face again, stood up and got Tania out of the hall.

"You two have fun in there?" she asked as she walked in.

"I don't know what you mean..." John said.

Tania looked at him with a raise eyebrow.

"You two have no idea how loud you are, do you?"

John looked at her wide-eyed.

"Yeah, me and pretty much everyone else who walked by heard what you guys were doing."

John started to blush behind his fur, and Tania laughed.

"I told them all that they were removing a bunch of splinters... I don't think they believed me.

You two are the horniest furs I've ever met..." She smiled as he looked over at Allen who had

a huge smile he couldn't hide as he pretended to sleep. "Yeah, I see you there smiling

Allen. Do you two ever turn off?"

"Nope," Allen said and they all started laughing.

The door opened and the adults came in.

"What is everyone laughing at? Oh Allen, you are awake, how are you feeling?" Lucy asked

as she ran to his side.

"My arm still hurts, but I'm feeling better than before."

"That's good. We bumped into your doctor and he said that we could probably have you out

of here by tomorrow as long as everything stays good."

"Yay!" Tania and John replied.

"But you'd better get some rest. Too much excitement isn't good when you are trying to


Allen took a quick glance at John and giggled.

"Yeah, I should probably rest and get better, I guess," he said as Lucy gave him a kiss on

the forehead.

"We are going to get a room at a motel across the road. If you need us just tell someone

and they will call, and we will be over in no time. Ok?"

"Is John leaving too?" Allen asked.

"Only if he wants to. We could make a makeshift bed out of chairs if you want to stay with

Allen," Lucy said to John who had already pushed two chairs next to Allen's bed. "Well it

looks like you know what you are doing," she laughed. "Ok well we are going to go now.

Remember if you need anything, just ask someone. Night boys."

"Tania, do you want to spend the night too, I can pick you up in the morning if you want,"

Tania's mother asked.

"I think I'll leave these two alone for the night." She walked up to Allen and gave him a

hug. "I'm glad to know you are all right. Get better soon; I don't like you being hurt. Call me

anytime!" She got down to a whisper and said in his ear, "And try to actually rest, too

much 'excitement' isn't good for your condition, ok?"

Allen nodded as Tania pulled away from the hug.

Everyone said goodbye again, and they all left to their respective places, leaving John and

Allen alone in the room again. John sat down in one of the chairs and looked at Allen who

was looking at him with a confused look.

"What?" John asked.

Allen scooted over to the edge of his bed and lifted up the sheets inviting him to come in.

"Ohh..." John said as he stood up and crawled in bed with Allen.

It was a small bed, but they both managed to fit. John gave the cheetah a hug and kiss, but

accidently bumped into Allen's wound. Allen winced and John apologized and gave him

another kiss to make up for it.

"You know..." Allen said as he looked into the wolf's eyes again. "When I look into your

eyes, and I feel your body next to mine, I don't hurt anymore. When he shot me, I didn't feel

a thing because I just kept on picturing your eyes. I feel protected around you, and I know

that as long as you are there, everything will end up fine and wonderful."

John smiled and gave the cheetah another kiss.

"I will always protect you as long as we are together, and we are going to be together

forever," John said.

Allen smiled and closed his eyes. The room, the hospital, the pain, everything that

happened to them that day just melted away as he laid there with his mate. The feeling of

his embrace warmed his spirit and he really did feel that nothing could ever get to him. He

felt a gentle kiss on his nose as his medications took him over again and he was once again

in a deep dark sleep. What a day...