Shocked - Part 6

Story by The Foxxer on SoFurry

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(Hey guys, here's the next one! Sorry it took so long, but enjoy! It is a co lab with Legend7 and Alo Foxx. Posted By me so i get some cred.)

This series belongs to Legend7

Previous parts:

Please read from begining!


Josh looked around Will and seen none other than Ace. He was surprised, and scared all at the same time knowing that what Ace was seeing looked horrible. Ace looked into Josh's eyes and ran out of the room and down the stairs.

Will looked back at Josh and asked "What is his problem?" leaning in to kiss Josh again. Josh got up and pushed Will off of him and headed down the stairs.

Ace was at the door opening it when Josh grabbed his arm. "Please let me explain." Josh started crying. Behind them Josh and Ace's mother was coming out of the kitchen to see what was wrong.

"Shut the fuck up Josh, just leave me alone!" Ace yelled. Josh flinched at those words. Ace turned back around and opened the door leaving out of the house.

"What happen?" Mrs. Pikachu asked walking over to Josh.

"Nothing..." Josh said walking out of the house. Tears were still in Josh's eyes but he didn't want anyone to see them.

Right after Josh walked out of the house Will came down the stairs. "What happen up there?" Mrs. Mixon asked.

"Well," Will started, looking down at the ground. "Aunt Mixon, I am gay." He turned around waiting for her to judge him but was surprised about what came out of her mouth.

"That's ok, because Ace is gay to." She said. "But what does that have to do wit..." She stopped talking and sat down on the couch.

"Please don't tell me you tried to come on to Josh."

"What's wrong with that?" Will said. "He is a very attractive g...," he paused looking down in shame. "Does he go out with Ace?"

"Yes." She said.

Meanwhile Ace was walking down the street fighting off tears. "Ace!" Josh yelled running up to him.

"It's not what it looked like Ace," Josh started. "He just kissed me, I didn't want it and I didn't even kiss him back."

"So your hands weren't around his waist? Did I imagine that?" Ace kept walking and didn't even know where he was going. He didn't want to go back home because the way he felt towards Will was lets say life threatening.

"Ace, I LOVE YOU!" Josh yelled. Ace stopped walking and stood there for about a minute. Ace turned around and walked back toward Josh who was standing there smiling.

The only thing that was going on in Josh's mind was that Ace was about to forgive him. Next thing you know Josh hit the ground bleeding.

"W-what was that for?" Josh asked looking up at Ace surprised.

Ace shook off his fist and said, "You horny little Pokémon, you think you can go hump anything you see." He looked down at Josh and bobbed his head back and forth. "I loved you too, but seeing what you did today I will never forgive you." Ace turned around and continued to walk down the street.

Josh put his hands on his face and started to cry. All of the happiness that once filled him was now complete pain. 'Why did this happen to me' He thought to himself. He stood up and felt a hand on his back. He jumped a little and turned around to see Will standing in front of him.

"I am so sorry for what I did." Will said.

"Yea, you are sorry." Josh said softly turning around to look at Ace walk down the street. 'Now what' he was thinking.

"If you would have told me," Will started but was cut off.

"Look you little bastard," Will jumped back a little "You can't come up and kiss anybody."

"I didn't know."

"Please... get out of my face." Josh said balling his fist.

"Ok, but I just want you to know one thing," Will started. "I love you"

Josh's anger boiled over the top and he was ready to release all of it on Will. He knew he couldn't win a fight between him and Will but he was willing to get his butt whipped for a few hits off of him. He closed his eyes and turned around to face Will, suddenly he heard someone call his name.

"Josh, Josh. Are you alright?" His mom said coming to him to look at his face. Blood was still running down his face and onto his chest. He looked a mess, his eyes were watery and red, his hair was messed up, and his nose was probably broken now.

"Let's get you inside." She said.

Josh noticed that he was already in front of his house. Mrs. Pikachu led Josh inside and Will followed.

"Don't you think you caused enough damage already!?" She snarled at Will. She slammed the door in his face. Will was so confused. He didn't know what to do at that exact moment. The thought of going to get Ace ran across his mind but he didn't want to end up like Josh or even worse.


(The following was written by Alo Foxx)

Walking and thinking, walking and thinking was the only thing Ace did for the next couple hours. Looking around he found a bench. He went over and sat down. It was getting cold and he decided it was time to go home.

Ace just walked down the street thinking about all he has seen today. Suddenly his phone buzzed. He picked it out of his pocket to look, thinking it was Josh, until he read the name... It was a good friend of his.

The text message read, "Sup?"

He paused for a sec and then pressed a few buttons sending back, "Now's not a good time Alo..." He closed the phone and put it back in his pocket.

A few steps later it then rings. Ace pulled it out one again and put it to his ear, "H... Hello?"

A giddy voice from a tall slightly built guy said, "Hey Ace buddy, what's up?"

He rolls his eyes and grunts a lil "Noting really..."

Alo was unaware of all that had happened and giggled "now why don't I believe you... hmmm?"

There was a pause on both sides "..."

"Hmmm ok, I'll be in town for a few days, why don't we meet and catch up?"

Ace really wasn't in the mood, he was cold, tired, upset, and most of all ticked. But he figures it would get him away from the house. "Sure, why not..." he said softly.

"Ok, good. Hows about today in the park, say around noonish?"

Ace paused and looked at the time, it was 3 in the morning. "Yea sure, I guess..."

"Great buddy, see you then! Get some rest you silly boy."

Ace hung up and realized he was at his house as he had walked while they were on the phone. He saw that his mother had left his light on for him. He went inside and went to his room where he collapsed in his bed, falling straight into sleep.


A few hours later Ace woke to a bright light. He squinted as he found the morning sun in his eyes. He rolled out of bed and looked down, realizing he was still wearing yesterday's clothes. He stripped down to his boxers and put on some old jeans and a plain brown t-shirt.

He went down stairs and found his mother and Will in the kitchen eating breakfast. His mother gave him a worried look and asked if he was ok. Ace nodded silently, noticing Will was avoiding all eye contact. He grabbed some toast and headed out saying, "I'll be back later," as he closed the door behind him before any possible protest from his mother.

Ace walked down the path that led to the park, thinking about Alo. 'It's been a while since I've seen him, what am I going to tell him...' he thought to himself as he arrived to the park. There was no one there, so he walked over and sat on a bench.

Suddenly Ace felt a strong hand on his shoulder. He jumped up and span around fist at the ready, laying eyes upon a familiar face.

"My we haven't changed much have we?" He said with a chuckle.

Ace dropped his arms to his side "I guess not..."

Alo smiled up at him. He was only slightly shorter than Ace but had a heaver build to him. He was wearing some athletic shorts and a snug white tee, which clearly showed off his toned torso.

"Been a year since I moved to my pops," Alo started, as he and Ace sat on the bench. "Must say, I kinda missed sitting next to you in class. I'm back here for a bit to spend time with my mother. So what's new Ace? Have you found yourself a gal pal yet?"

Ace looked at him and shook his head, "I'm gay..." He waited for Alo's reaction.

Alo paused for a second, and then grinned. "Bout time"

Ace look at him with surprise, "You knew, but... how?"

Alo smiled and elbowed him, "Just a lucky guess"

Ace gave him a grin not thinking much of what he just said.


Meanwhile Josh was up in his room, covered in dried tears and blood. The Pikachu had cried himself to sleep after last night's events. He slowly walked to the bathroom and slipped into the shower after the water was warm. He sat down in the tub as the water flowed over him. Josh felt a pain in his heart, he felt as if he wouldn't get to be with the one he loved most, and all because of a simple misunderstanding. He sighed deeply, staring the the pink water swirl down into the drain.

Back at the park Ace had let last night slip his mind, he was slightly enjoying himself catching up with Alo. Alo was enjoying himself quite well and really seemed to have a lot to say about missing Ace.

Alo stood up and asked, "Hey Ace, I'm starving, know where we could get some grub?"

Ace smiled and replied, "I know just the place..."


This is my first work posted on yiffstar. Please comment on how I did thanks! - Alo Foxx

Legend and I have a few idea as what is to happen next, but we want input! Leave a comment with what u think should happen next!

Whats to come with this new comer?

Will it work out between Ace and Josh?