Chapter 1: The Date

Story by Valadius on SoFurry

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#1 of The Sheperd and the Tod: A Love Story

Jared the German sheperd sat at a booth of the Dew Drop, his leather jacket laying next to him on the seat, black muscle-shirt conveying his rather hard and toned biceps and the tightness of the shirt making sure his pecs and abs could easily be detailed, his arms tattoed with a dagger with two roses on both inside forearms surrounded by celtic knots leading all the way up both arms in intricate sleeves. A few admiring glances turned his way by the fellow gay furs in the bar, but he wasn't interested in them tonight. Tonight, he actually had a date! His first actual date in a long, long time.

For the longest time, Jared was a swinger by trade, as most would say, often having himself multiple lovers. There wasn't a male within fifty miles that the German sheperd hadn't slept with, some say, but a few others know the real truth behind it all.

The German sheperd was more-or-less the lonliest dog in the world. Yes, he was just about the sexiest male in the gay bar, but though he had the majority of the guys begging to be his, he still only felt lonely. He may have gotten the chance to enjoy every male...but there was always something missing. Something there that wasn't quite what he wanted. The sort of love and affection he craved at night when he slept and dreamed of his dream-boy.

It wasn't until just yesterday when he ran into that dream-boy. A cute fox by the name of Vince. He struck Jared at first as just one of the typical cutie-tods he's seen in the past. The sort that gets horny every time you mention something even akin to sex of any sort, but Vince was different. Vince was indeed cute and had the sort of body Jared dreamed of; smaller than him by about four inches, slender build, soft fur, and big gorgeous blue eyes. But Vince also had some class. Wanted to at least have a few dates with Jared before saying that the German sheperd could have him in bed.

And today was going to be their first official date. That day Jared met him, he merely just bought the fox a cup of coffee. Turned out, from the conversation they had, Vince had just come to town, moving from a few states away. Jared was a tad ashamed being so attracted to the fox until the fox actually asked if there was a gay bar in town, nearly making the German sheperd spit his coffee everywhere he was so surprised. After having the fox repeat what he asked past the fox's giggles, the fox confessed he was gay. It was then time for the fox's own surprise when Jared told him of his own homosexuality. Needless to say, it was a pleasent surprise for them both.

So now sat Jared, tapping his fingers on the table in front of him as he gave a few glances towards the clock. He came in a little early, about fifteen minutes, thinking of things he could say or talk about with Vince when he arrived. God, they were all so corny, too! Stuff that you'd hear off of some pre-teen love story!

The sleek-looking tiger waiter with a nose-piercing walked up to the table, "Anything to drink, sweety?"

Jared looked up to the tiger and said, "Yeah...just a Bahama Mama, if that'd be all right, Greg. Thanks."

Greg nodded and jotted down the order and said, "Still waiting for your date, huh, Jared?"

The German sheperd nodded, "Yeah. It's driving me insane, Greg. I've never felt like this before. I mean, I feel like I've been looking for him my whole life. And god, I sound so silly when I talk about it."

The tiger just chuckled, "Don't worry, Jared. I felt the same way when I met my boyfriend. That's usually a good thing. Just don't sweat it. It's only your first date. You, of all furs I know, I'm surprised to see get so nervous over a date, though. You just don't seem the type."

Jared sighed and shook his head, "I know. But I just had a few one-times. One-night-stands, or whatever they're called, Greg. Not a date! I haven't had a date since high school!"

Greg patted Jared's shoulder, "Just don't worry so much. Just be yourself and you'll do fine, I promise you. If it's not meant to be, it's not meant to be."

"That's what I'm afraid of, Greg. You should see him, he's so...cute! It's near unbearable."

The tiger couldn't help but giggle a bit at that, "You are honestly getting the hots for this fox, aren't you?"

Jared sighed, "Okay, I confess, Greg. Yes. I got the 'hots' for Vince."

Greg chuckled and said, "Good, because he's waiting for you at the door."

The German sheperd blinked a couple of times, "What?" When he glanced at the entrance, he saw that wonderful tod he had been romanticizing over for the past several hours, looking around until their eyes met, Jared's hazel ones meeting Vince's blues. He could hear his heart pounding in his ear.

"Umm...Jared? Your mouth's hanging open," said Greg's whispered voice to Jared's ear.

Closing his mouth and then standing from his seat, he took a deep breath and walked over to the fox, offering a hand, "H-hi, Vince."

The fox took the hand and held it as he said, "And hello to you, too, Jared," he looked around the bar and nodded, "Looks like a really nice place."

"Oh, it is. It's the best gay bar in town. The other's mostly just a drag. Nobody really ever goes there," Jared said with a smile as he led the fox to the booth, where he offered him a seat across from him, "What would you like to have, Vince?"

The fox hmmm'd a moment before turning to the tiger, "I'll have a Bahama Mama, sir, thank you."

Wow...he even liked the same sort of drink! Jared's heart just about popped out of his chest at that.

Greg nodded and wrote the order down before saying to the fox, "By the way, just call me Greg. It's rather informal around here," he chuckled and headed to the bar to get the drinks.

"You like Bahama Mamas?" asked Jared, then suddenly realizing how stupid a question it was as Vince had ordered the drink right there in front of him just then.

Vince simply giggled a bit and said, "Of course. You can't quite taste the alcohol in it, so I prefer to have it over other things. What about you? I bet you're the kind that can down a bottle of whiskey and still be able to drive home afterwards, huh?"

The German sheperd smiled and said, "Well, actually, I can't stand whiskey. Too hard. Burns all the way down and leaves a bad after-taste in my mouth. To tell the truth, I actually ordered the same thing just before Greg told me your were at the door."

Vince smiled, "Really? Wow. I thought you were one of those rough sorts of guys; the way you dress and how you obviously work out," he says, gesturing towards the muscled biceps leaving Jared's black muscle-shirt, "And your tattooes, too, kind of make you a bit more butch-like," he chuckled.

Jared chuckled and shook his head, "Nah, I'm not that way, really. I mean, I've had my scraps here and there, but it was because they were trying to open up my locker at the gym I work out at, trying to get to my wallet and credit cards."

Vince blinked, "I bet they didn't try it again. You look like you could take on anybody here."

"Ah, I'd rather not. I don't want to fight. It's never as fantastic as the world makes it sound. Besides, it leaves painful memories for you, your opponent, or both," Jared said before Greg arrived with two Bahama Mamas on his tray, giving one to each of them and giving Jared a secretive wink before walking away to let the two have their privacy.

The fox nodded, "True. Still, you're one really good-looking guy, if I'm allowed to say so without you pummelling me to death," he giggled and sipped his drink from the straw.

"And why would I do that? You're too cute to pummel..." then he realized what he said and covered his mouth real quick, saying behind his paw, "Sorry..."

The fox blinked once again and tilted his head a bit, "What? Sorry for what? I was actually hoping you'd say something like that."

The German sheperd cocked an eyebrow, "Really?" and he removed his hand from his mouth, "You actually wanted me to say you were cute?"

He giggled, "Of course, silly. If I'm going to have the hots for a guy, I'd like to know if he feels the same, you know."

Oh, my god! This truly was too good to be true! Jared gave a smile and said, " are attracted to me?"

Vince chuckled and nodded, "Of course, Jared. Why else would I have agreed to go out with you on the first day you laid eyes on me? I usually say no and walk away. You? You're...different. There was just something about you that...makes me feel like I can trust you. Honey, I've had some bad dates before. Big disappointments, all of them," he brought a paw across the table to take one of Jared's strong ones in his smaller one, "But just seem to have an...aura, I guess, that says that you're a brilliant guy. And I gotta admit, I was a little cautious about accepting your invitation to go out with you...but so far, you've been good to me. And...I don't know....I feel safe with you."

Jared did the only thing he felt was right. He picked up the paw up was holding his and kissed it tenderly on the back, "Thank you, Vince," and underneath the table, his tail met with Vince's and rubbed against it before the two coiled together.

For the rest of the date, the two's eyes never left each other as they enjoyed their evening and their Bahama Mamas, their tails remaining coiled to each other the whole while as they talked and laughed.

They enjoyed their date until about closing time for the bar, around midnight. Vince started walking to his car and unlocking it when he spied Jared still watching him, the snow falling gently as the German sheperd watched the fox longingly. Vince smiled back to him and walked over to him, the sound of the car's doors locking back up as he approached him, the fox leaning up and giving the German sheperd a kiss on the lips that took Jared by surprise. Vince only meant it as a small kiss, but when his lips met Jared's, it felt so right. He held it, murring softly into Jared's mouth as he closed his eyes.

Jared blinked at the kiss, but when it started to last, he murred himself and wrapped his arms around the fox's waist, finding himself in a state of beautiful bliss that he never felt before while kissing another. He even felt his pants getting near to painfully tight as he held the fox to him, wanting the kiss to last forever.

The fox slowly pulled the kiss away and blushed a bit as he smiled, "Umm...Jared? Could you...maybe give me a ride to your place? Just the...the thought of being in a lonely home gives me more chills than this northern weather."

Jared brings an arm around Vince and asked, "Are you cold, honey?" He leaned down, kissing the top of Vince's head, in between those cute ears of his, "Come on. Let's go. I'll drive you back in the morning to get your car. It is Friday. No work to be done tomorrow." He walked the fox to his passenger-side door of his truck, letting the fox inside before walking around to the driver's side and getting in, cranking the vehicle up and heading out of the parking lot.

As he drove to his home a few blocks north, Jaren glanced over at Vince, who was looking over at him at the same moment, giving him a sweet smile before leaning over and resting his head on the German sheperd's shoulder, giving a soft murrr, "This feels so right, Jared...thank you for all that you're doing...."

Jared leaned to his shoulder, giving the fox another kiss before saying, "No. Thank you."

Within ten minutes, they finally reached Jared's abode. A small place, but what would you expect from a single fur? Almost the size of a large trailer-home, the house was painted a soft cream with a light green tin roof that was covered in the winter snow.

Jared stepped out of the truck and opening the passenger-side door to let Vince out, but before Vince's footpaws could touch the snow-covered ground under him, Jared stopped him, "No need for your feet getting cold, hun," he picked the surprised fox up, holding him in his arms as if he weighed near nothing to him. The German sheperd shut the door with a footpaw and locked it as he walked to his door, finally setting the fox down on the entrance as he unlocked his door and opened it, letting the fox inside first.

"Such a gentleman," the fox said as he smiled, his bushy tail flicking a bit as he steps inside, looking around at the inside. It was warm, but the place was still near barren. A couch, a television, a refridgerator and propane stove in what is apparently the kitchen and dining room at the same time was what he first saw, "Honey....are you being paid enough?"

Jared hugged the fox from behind after he shut the door, "I am, Vince, don't worry about it. It's not as bad as it looks. Besides...something's here that just helped brighten up the view from my point-of-view."

Vince blushes and rests his hands on Jared's, "Mmm...which reminds me...I haven't done this in a long time, but...where's you bedroom?"

Jared's heart started pumping like mad inside his chest, almost to the point where it started to hurt. He kissed the fox's neck and said, "It's just to our right, through that first door, dear."

Stepping into the bedroom, the fox could see the large bed and murred, sitting down on it, "It's nice and soft, hun," he said, his tail shiwshing across the blanket as the German sheperd stepped inside and shut the door behind him.

Jared walked over to Vince and kissed his lips once more, the fox murring softly as he carressed the larger canine's neck and headfur, soon finding himself lost in the bliss of the moment.

Neither canine could recall who started taking off whose clothes, nor did it really matter. It was their moment now, nobody else's, to finally feel like they have found their greatest achievement: finding the one they can call their dream-lover. Their dream-boy.

They laid naked, Jared's lips pressed to Vince's as they began to pant, feeling each other's heavy musk filling the air as Jared rubbed his hips against the fox's, his hard member rubbing against Vince's smaller one, though it was still hard as a rock. The fox pulled away from the kiss and gently pushed the German sheperd to sit up, switching himself to laying on his stomach as he licked over Jared's large cock, tasting the pre on his cumslit and all the way down to his hefty knot below.

Jared couldn't help but light hump his hips on instinct, "Oh, yes...mmm, Vince, that's so good...lick my knot...yeah..."

Vince kisses the knot and then looked up at the German sheperd in a needing manner before turning around and lifting his cute butt into the air in front of the sexy sheperd, lifting his tail to expose his tailhole underneath, "Mmmm...please...mate me, my love..."

Jared leaned over, kissing each cheek of that beautiful ass before he got on his knees behind him, ready to make love to his dream-foxy doggy-style, his cock's head teasing the pucker, his cock lubed by Vince's saliva, as he leans over and kisses the fox's back, "Will you be mine, Vince? Be my cute, adorable boyfriend?"

The fox mmms and glances over his shoulder and murrrs, "I wouldn't have asked you to make love to me if I wouldn't have already accepted, my love..."

Hearing those words, the German sheperd moaned softly as he began to push his member into the warm, tight, velvety embrace of Vince's hole, which stretched to hold the larger canine's hard member within it, the fox gripping the bedsheet under him as pain and bliss mixed in one beautiful package, "Yes...oh, god, go deep, Jared..."

Jared pushed harder, nearly hilting himself inside the fox, his knot teasing at Vince's pucker before he slowly pulls out and then pushes back as, the fox under him moaning and reaching for his own cock in response, rubbing it up and down as he lays his head on its side on the bed. The German sheperd worked towards a rythm, finally working up to where he has powerful yet tender and slow motions in and out of the cute ass of the fox, his hips pushing against those brilliant cheeks of his new boyfriend.

The fox whimpered up to him, "Jared...please knot me...tie me with you...cum into me...make me yours...."

The larger canine nodded and leaned down, kissing the fox's neck and shoulder, "Yes, my love...mngh...anything for you..."

With that, Jared pushed at Vince's puckered hole, his knot needing some work to get in, but it finally slipped inside, tying the sheperd to the fox, "Mngh...oh, god..." the fox whimpered before he and Jared found themselves releasing their load at the same moment. Jared moaned and pushed his hips against his lover's butt as he spurted his seed inside him as Vince's own quivering member let loose its load on the bedsheets before his legs gave out and he lay flat on the bed, the German sheperd atop of him, both panting as their orgasms slowly began to ease.

On top of Vince and his knot still tied inside his butt, Jared kissed Vince's neck and cheek as he panted, the heat from the activity leaving sweat on both lovers as Jared said, "You...are so great...Vince...."

Vince nodded and stroked over Jared's cheek and chin before saying, "So are you...I haven't felt this awesome in a long, long time..."

As the night went on, the two cuddled, getting onto their sides with Jared still knotted inside Vince as they found sleep. And a rather brilliant sleep it was, each having their dream-boy right there with them, sharing the same bed, sharing the same beautiful dream of blissful nights to come with each other.

Chapter 2: A New Day

The next morning came late, since it was a winter months, and Vince was the first to awaken, blinking the sleep from his eyes. Then he smiled, feeling Jared's arm around his waist, gently laying a hand on it and stroking it lovingly. Such a strong,...

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Damn It All...

Damn her. Damn the engagement. Damn it all! Those words ran through Darren's mind as he drove around town, heavy music playing on his player as he drove around town, trying to find some way to end his current pains. The wolf both loved and hated his...

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