Chapter 56: Intermissions and deliberations.

Story by rocko wallaby on SoFurry

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#56 of Pokemon Rangers 2: Eddies: A pokemon story.

Many things about the entire situation remain confusing, even to this day.

As an example, after the initial fallout following their arrival had subsided, where did the creatures go? Given only speculation remains as to their eventual fate, was the government involved, or had they simply vanished as mysteriously as they arrived?

Or are they living amongst us still, hidden from the prying eyes of the general populace by those sworn to protect them?

Perhaps we'll never know, just as it's as unlikely we'll ever be told the real truth as to their mysterious presence in our world. The government has covered it up, the people involved remain mute, and the creatures themselves; these pokémon; are the biggest enigma of the lot.

At least their presence here has answered one important question that's plagued humanity since the dawn of its creation.

We are not alone.

Perhaps we never have been.


Chapter 56: Intermissions and deliberations.

DISCLAIMER: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.


Eddies 56

"Are they actually going to bother telling us what they're planning, or are we just going to keep sitting here on our arses hoping we find out before they start?" Chris complained to Storm, when the tired looking typhlosion joined them for a very late lunch.

Shoving the young human over, Storm dropped heavily to the bench seat beside him, rubbing a face with his paw as he reached out and grabbed the youth's soft drink, draining the remainder of the large plastic cup in one gulp. Skyy, sitting opposite, gave the Ranger a curious look before passing over his own drink, which swiftly followed the first.

Grimacing at the sickly sweet taste of the cola, Storm coughed harshly before leaning back and sighing. Jimmy and Azil, sitting next to Skyy, exchanged a loaded look as the typhlosion leaned forward suddenly and rasped past his dry throat.

"They've been at it for hours!" he complained bitterly, not declining the untouched plate of pasta shoved across the table by Jimmy, who hadn't touched his meal. The stress had been getting to them all, and Chris's younger brother had felt nauseous at just the thought of eating the meal.

With a muzzle full of spaghetti, Storm sprayed the table as he tried talking through a large mouthful. "I left. Sick of the ponyta shit they were speaking. Same 'effin arguments over and over, and getting fucking nowhere!" Pausing to regard the loaded forkful before him, he sighed again and muttered "Scott's gonna be pissed as hell with me. I blew up at the lot of 'em, then left." Grinning dryly, he continued "Surprisingly they didn't try and stop me, given my burners decided at that point to kick in, and I near set the ceiling tiles ablaze. Just bloody lucky the fire sprinklers didn't go off!"

Chris couldn't laugh, anxiety preventing the amusing image relieving his stress, and looked down at his own barely touched meal. The police cafeteria was pretty much deserted, although whether this was due to the staff being busy elsewhere, or the presence of the pokémon dominating the room, he neither knew or cared. In truth, he was sick of the entire situation.

Throwing a furry arm over the young human's shoulder, Storm gave him a broad, toothy grin. "Subtlety isn't one of my strong points, kiddo. But Scott and Raikou will sort it out. Never fear."

Skyy sighed, toying with his own meal, fork twirling through the long spaghetti, which he abruptly dropped back onto the plate. "But when, Storm?" he complained, meal forgotten as he gave the Ranger a tired sigh. "The longer we delay, the more chance they have of anticipating our next move, and risking us all."

Storm shrugged, and relieved the lucario of his plate, which he began consuming with gusto. "I doubt it'll be too much longer. Raikou was looking pretty pissed off himself before I left, and I think he and his brothers are as tired of the procrastination as I was. I reckon we'll know soon enough."


Scott gave Raikou a worried look, noting the anger lines creasing the big legendaries face. If he was truly honest with himself, the Ranger was impressed with the pokémon's tolerance of the delays so far, but with sparks of static now curling around his back, Scott knew the stoic pokémon was at the end of his patience, and close to losing it.

Storm's abrupt, and spectacularly fiery, exit from the meeting had been the first warning things were dragging on for too long. When he was followed by a furious Suicune, who had told the assembled authorities primly that he was "Tired of the human stupidity enveloping the room", more than a few of the police officers present met the comment angrily.

From behind him, the Ranger heard one muttered comment "What do they bloody well expect? To just attack this place without knowing what we face? Shit, they're not even human; what would they know!"

A deep, guttural growl from his left told Scott he wasn't the only one who had overheard the sarcastic comment, and he winced as Raikou stood suddenly, his dominating presence stopping the meeting in its tracks as he rounded on the shocked speaker.

"I appreciate that this is your world, human. At this point, I would like nothing more to be as far away from it as possible. But you have been warned, repeatedly I might add, that I will book no further delays in securing these criminals who pose such a risk not only to your world, but my own."

With the officer concerned backing away hurriedly, the legendary gave him a snort of contempt, turning to the panel of officers in charge, Cameron included, and continued quietly.

"You have heard what I have to say. I understand your dilemma, but I cannot accept any further delays or excuses. You are aware what is at risk, and know what will occur in the worst case scenario. So, be advised my brothers and I will be leaving to deal with the situation tomorrow morning before dawn, at the very latest. The young humans will be accompanying me, along with their friends. What you choose to do in assisting us is your decision, but with or without your help and permission, we will be leaving."

Above the sudden protests, Scott stood, resting a hand on Raikou's shoulder and said "They will not be alone, I will be with them, as will Storm."

Bill rose from his place at the back, Shadow silent beside him, and said "We will, too."

*When one of the senior officers retorted angrily that the young policeman had better shut his mouth, or face disciplinary action, Bill gave Shadow's head a rub and stared at the supervisor who spoke. "Then I will be left with no option but to tender my resignation, Sir, effective immediately." *

Pushing through the shocked officers beside them, Bill and Shadow left the room without further comment, not meeting the stunned eyes around him. Scott, lips pressed together grimly, gave Cameron a long look, before shaking his head and leaving in turn, accompanied by Raikou and the till now silent Entei.

When the double doors closed behind them Scott turned to the pale faced Bill, who was leaning against a nearby wall being consoled by the luxray, and gave him a sudden smile. "Well, if that doesn't get them moving, nothing will."

Raikou growled deeply again, but Scott didn't rise to the bait. "Yeah, I know you weren't kidding, Raikou. At least now, we have an actual deadline for the operation, and I doubt they'll be stupid enough to put any more blocks in our way."

Receiving a long stare from the legendary, Raikou finally closed his eyes and gave a slight nod. Scott patted the thick neck and said comfortingly "Besides, after what you lot did to Jobes, I doubt they'd be thick enough to directly oppose us. I trust Cameron to sort it out, don't you?"

Raikou gave a long sigh, and nodded again. "Yes, I trust him well enough."

*"Besides, if they keep up with the crap, I'm feeling hungry enough to eat one of them, just to prove a point, mind!" Entei spoke up suddenly, as Bill gave a bark of laugher, breaking the sombre mood. *

Scott grinned again as Raikou winced at his brothers lack of tact, and pointed down the corridor towards the smell of food emanating from the dining room. "We can't have that, Entei. Imagine the indigestion you'd get digesting all that officiousness. Let's get you something decent to eat, instead."


Cameron joined the group late in the afternoon, sitting beside Storm, who regarded the commissioner with lidded eyes. With the return of Raikou and Entei, Chris had dragged several tables together, and they'd spread out in a corner of the room away from prying eyes and ears.

Giving the typhlosion a wry look, Cameron took a sip from his steaming cup of coffee and addressed the group.

"Well, that was entertaining" he began, nursing the hot mug cautiously. At Raikou's glare, he shrugged and continued. "Not that I blame you, of course. I may be the man in charge, but I still need to follow the rules."

"Thankfully..." he went on, holding up a hand to forestall the legendary as he made to interrupt. "Thankfully, your ultimatum gave me the necessary leverage to overrule the more stringent objections against your plan."

Storm snorted, and said with a chuckle "You mean, they decided that going along with a plan which was going to occur whether they liked it or not was the wiser move?"

"Indeed!" Cameron agreed, as the group stirred restlessly. "When some objected, citing you were defying the law, I made the point that anyone capable of taking out a small army division without batting an eyelid would make short work of the police, regardless of the amount of men we threw against them, and that anyone in the room would be welcome to attempt it. I said we'd throw them a very nice funeral, for what remained of them afterwards. Unsurprisingly, the objections stopped after that."

Raikou made to apologise to Cameron, but the officer fobbed off his reply. "No, I think it's my place to apologise, Raikou. I hadn't foreseen quite how strenuously some would object to your plan, and should have allowed for it. Still..." he said, giving the legendary a sudden smile, "You lot do have a way of making a point."

"Comes with years of practice causing chaos" Storm muttered beneath his breath, only to receive a steely glare from the three legendaries.

Turning to Bill, Cameron met his eyes and said "You're not going anywhere. You've made your point also, and I expect you to rescind that resignation immediately."

Wide eyed, Bill nodded, while Shadow looked between the two humans in confusion. At the luxury's look, Cameron gave her a quick smile and said soothingly "You're needed here, you two. I think having you around will be more than worth the trouble."

Sniggering, Shadow nodded, leaving the police chief satisfied. Turning back to Raikou, Cameron said "You have your wish. My men have been instructed to commence the operation by 0400. We will cordon off the entire area surrounding the Sinnotech building, and leave the way open for you to enter unrestricted and deal with those inside. I'm having my men work overtime tonight sorting out the details, but by 0600, you'll have your chance."

Satisfied, Raikou rumbled his thanks, and Cameron rose to depart, empty cup still held in one hand. "I've made accommodation arrangements for you tonight, and will have someone wake you by 0400. Regardless of how it goes, this will be sorted tomorrow."

"Oh joy." Chris muttered darkly, eyes lidded as he watched Cameron leave, but only Storm, Skyy and Raikou caught the softly spoken words, even as they followed Bill as he led them to the dormitory upstairs.


With its usual inhabitants of new recruits undergoing training relocated for the evening, they found themselves alone in the large accommodation level. Cameron had kindly arranged for meals to be brought up for them (as much to keep them out of further mischief as for any other reason quipped Storm) and they had little else to do but watch TV and contemplate their situation.

While Scott had pointed out that their presence on the wide balcony outside may not be that wise, he didn't prevent Chris and Skyy joining the three legendaries out in the evening air. Jimmy and Azil had taken over the lounge closest to the television, while Bill had left the building to take care of his own affairs while the opportunity presented. As Cameron hadn't objected, Scott couldn't interfere, although leaving the building with Shadow in tow had him raising eyebrows at the decision.

Sighing, he dropped beside Storm, who threw an arm around his shoulders and pulled him close. With the others distracted, the Ranger gave in to a moments weakness, leaning against his partner and shutting his eyes to block out the world beyond.

When the typhlosion dropped his face to nuzzle his ear, Scott's eyes shot open, but the others were oblivious to the affectionate caress. A deep chuckle into his hair had him raise his eyes to his partner, who looked down at him with a smirk.

"You human's are so wound up about this, aren't you?" Storm joked quietly, even as Scott rested back against him.

"Yeah, I have this thing about being outed and losing everything, Storm." Scott muttered, feeling the heavy muscles move beneath him as the typhlosion shrugged.

"Always so cautious. What would they do? Try and separate us?" Eyes glowing briefly, Storm's voice dropped. "I'd like to see them try!"

Scott looked around towards the two youngsters watching TV, their backs to the pair of Rangers. "The world isn't close to being ready for that, Storm. Not home, and especially not here."

Storm shrugged again, tightening his grip around his friends shoulders. "You humans keep thinking that, and it makes no difference to us. Pokémon just don't give a shit. You think we're the only ones in the group who feel that way?"

Curious, Scott looked up at the typhlosion, who smirked back at him. "What? You mean Chris and Skyy? I know about..." he began, but paused as his partner let out a quiet chuckle.

"Oh, come on! That policeman and the luxray...surely you could sense it?"

Eyes wide, Scott shook his head, even as the typhlosion became serious. "Guess your sense of smell really is as shit as you say. I knew the moment we met them. Same with Suicune..."

Totally flummoxed, Scott opened and closed his mouth a few times, as Storm gave him a droll look. "Arceus sake, Scott! Unrequited it may be, but why do you think he's so cut up about everything that happened with that human friend of his?"

Mouth snapping shut, Scott pondered the implications. "Explains a few things, anyway. I hadn't realised..."

Storm shook his head, and interrupted. "Suicune may have struck out, but Shadow told me in no uncertain terms who cracked on to whom in that relationship. She was frank enough to make it quite clear. Happens a lot more than you'd imagine."

Stunned, Scott glared at his partner. "And you decided to keep this to yourself why?"

Shrugging, Storm returned the look coolly. "Because (a) I didn't see any point in being a hypocrite about it and (b) it ain't none of our business! I see it every day, throughout the population, and like my brethren, I don't see any reason to make a song and dance out of it. So long as it's amicable and mutually agreeable, who the fuck has the right to decide whether its morally right or wrong, especially humanity in general?"

As the hard truths sank in, Scott couldn't help but agree, although he still felt he had to comment "The law? We are Rangers, after all!"

Snorting, Storm turned away. "Fuck the law, Scott. If it spent half as much time actually tracking down the bad guys as it did shoving its moral head up everyone's arse, the world would be a much better place for both humans and pokémon alike."

Scott didn't comment further, but thought the situation wasn't as clear cut as the typhlosion described. There was too much abuse out there in the real world, and until pokémon were considered the equal of humanity, both legally and morally, there would always be such laws in place to "protect the poor pokémon." Still, he kept his silence as he rested back against the typhlosion, eyes closing as the heavy pulse from the chest beneath his back lulled him into sleep, even as his partner kept watch over him, as he always had done.


As the lift doors opened onto the dimly lit basement car park beneath the building, Bill grabbed his long unused car keys from his back pack and unlocked his SUV. Dusty from long storage, he was almost surprised to not be met with a flat battery, but the vehicle didn't disappoint, doors unlocking with a flash of amber lights.

*Opening the rear, he pushed some of the clutter in the back to the side and folded down the rear seats, as Shadow watched on inscrutably. She didn't hesitate to jump inside when the way was clear, and he gave her a gentle rub, her cheek pressed into his hand, before closing the trunk to shut her in. *

The driver's seat felt comfortingly familiar, and he spotted the round black and blue ears in the rear vision mirror as the vehicle started somewhat reluctantly. Chuckling, he asked her to drop down to give him a clear view behind, and she obliged, although continued watching him intently.

As he weaved through the multi story parking with a squeal of tires towards the exit he finally asked in pokéspeak "What's wrong? You look worried?"

She paused uncertainly before replying. "Are we supposed to be here? Doing this, I mean?"

"Leaving?" he said, and watched her nod in the mirror. Sighing, he shrugged. "My life out here has been on hold since this operation began, and we're still facing an uncertain future, sweetheart. I need to get a few things sorted out before tomorrow."

Nodding, she dropped to a more comfortable position. "Will we get in trouble?"

Chuckling, he nodded. "Probably. But by the time they work it out, we'll be long gone. Besides, they can chew us out when we're back here again, later."

*"But where are we going?" she asked curiously, and he reached back to rest a hand on her paw. *

"Home, sweetness. Just home."

Thinking for a time, she asked timidly "My home?"

Stopping the truck, he reached back and gave her a one handed hug. "Of course. Did you expect otherwise?"

Sighing, she didn't reply, and he didn't press her further.

Leaving the basement car park meant passing through security, so having Shadow pull the old dusty car blanket over her body at least partially hid her form. Combined with the window tinting, Bill prayed that would suffice, but it was with trepidation that he approached the lowered barrier, pausing at the boom gates as a face slid the booth window aside and gave him a smile.

Giving a silent sigh of relief, Bill returned it. "Hi Terry. Been a while!"

The officer on duty nodded before giving him a keen glance. "How you going, Bill. Surprised to see you leaving here tonight. Thought you were staying?"

Bill shrugged, attempting nonchalance, but the guard flashed him a disarming smile, peering keenly past the window into the rear cargo area. "Is she...?" he began, at which the huge feline head emerged past the blanket, giving the human a curious look.

Bill thought fast, but Terry shook his head, reaching forward to open the gate before them. "S'okay, Bill. I didn't see a thing. You two have a good evening, alright?"

Surprised, Bill glanced at Shadow, who shrugged in return. Turning back to his long term friend, he said quietly "We cool then?"

Reaching out a closed fist, he bumped knuckles with the young officer. "Like ice, dude. Just remember, I saw nothing.... Nothing!"

Relieved, he gave the guard a final wave and drove into the early evening traffic. Thank God he still had such friends in the force, he swore, hoping Terry wouldn't get in trouble over this. Then again, they weren't prisoners, so he had every right to leave.

He just hoped his superiors would take the same open view of their "escape".

Flicking idly through the radio presets, he tried to take his mind off the day's events, but regardless, he couldn't pay the station chatter any mind, more concerned with the potential operation taking place on the morrow. With so much at stake, even after everything that had occurred, he couldn't shake the feeling that they were heading into a mess of trouble, which even the best of planning couldn't anticipate.

*Shadow's silent presence did little to relieve his anxiety, and it wasn't until he stopped at a set of lights near a motorway on ramp that he paused uncertainly, watching the red traffic lights ahead wordlessly. Finally, as the light changed to green, he made his choice, swinging the truck abruptly to the left to head down the Northern Freeway towards a completely different address than he'd originally planned. *

Shadow could tell something was amiss, sensing his growing anxiety, but she didn't comment. She had faith in his judgement, and simply lay across the rear seat with an eye fixed on him as he drove in silence.

After a twenty minute trip, weaving through the outer suburbs of a middle class residential area, he pulled the vehicle into the driveway of a nondescript address, headlights illuminating the brown brick and deep forest green garage doors of the house ahead. Lights in the front window showed the occupants were home, and Bill gripped the steering wheel tightly for a long moment, taking deep breaths before plucking up the courage to get out of the vehicle and open the rear door for the luxray.

Looking into her glowing red eyes, Bill paused again, wondering how truly wise his course of action really was, but at her concerned comment, he shook his head and stepped aside to allow her to lithely jump from the vehicle and match his step as he made his way to the front entrance.

*Squatting down before her, he wrapped arms around her neck, burying his face in her fur, before drawing back and meeting her gaze. *

"I'll need a minute, sweetheart. Mind waiting here till I call?"

She shook her head, dropping to her haunches in the darkened entry way as Bill fumbled with his keys, finally getting the stubborn door open.

A blast of warmth met him as he slipped inside, approaching the front living room where he paused, staring at the backs of his unknowing parents as they sat together on the old sofa, watching the evening news. Clearing his throat, his mother jumped at the sound, rising to see him standing there. She couldn't help a squeal of delight, rushing to throw her arms around him and planting kisses on the embarrassed man's cheek, even as his father stood to regard him with a smile.

"Honey? Where have you been? We've all been so worried!!"

Chuckling at the familiar welcome, he pushed her back and said "On ops, mum. No option to call. It was all sudden, so I'm sorry."

Clucking at his reply, she scolded him. "They wouldn't even take a message at your headquarters! Left us all completely in the dark!! Are you alright, at least?"

Nodding, he gave his father's outstretched hand a shake, before pausing as they began drawing him into the room. As he balked, his mother drew back slightly, giving him a concerned look, before he plucked up the courage and said "Umm, mum? Dad? Some really weird things happened while I was away and... Umm... There's someone I want you to meet."

As his parents exchanged a surprised look, Bill stepped back into the hallway and beckoned towards the front door, where the luxray was watching the proceedings wide eyed.

"Shadow? Come in... It's OK. I want you to meet my parents."

As she stepped cautiously into the rooms light, his parents gave the huge feline a shocked stare, his mother putting a hand to her mouth as Bill bent down and gave the pokémon's head a gentle caress.

"Mum? Dad? This is Shadow. She's... well, she's a luxray, which probably means absolutely nothing to you, but she's a close friend, and before we head off again, I just wanted you to meet her."

Obviously distracted, his mother was still able to give him a sharp eyed look as the comment sunk in. "Going again? You just got back here!"

Nodding tiredly, he pointed to the kitchen, stepping forward to spin his parents gently by the arms and push them ahead of him. "I'll explain everything, I promise. But right now, while I need a coffee real bad, you probably need one even worse."

Thankfully, they didn't comment further, expressions still stuck on shock as they made their way through the kitchen arch into the dining room, with Shadow giving his back a wryly amused glance as she trailed behind them.


Authors note:


Still up to my ears in shit IRL, but hoping to do better in the future.

No promises, mind, but I'll do my best.

Still, can you feel the tension building? ;)