The Goddess Of Love

Story by Brickhousebunny21 on SoFurry

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It's always dangerous to be in the forest because of all sorts of carniverous animals. A small human boy was walking in the woods, he had shiny silver hair like the moon and black eyes like beetles. The kid was wearing a dark kimono and sandels with socks, he was rubbing his stomach in hunger as his belly made a low gurgling sound. The kid looked to be fourteen, he was 5 feet and 2 inches tall.

"I'm so hungry, the snake meat felt like ages ago." grumbled the boy.

The boy hadn't had anything to eat since the early afternoon, a twig suddenly snapped. He stopped and quickly looked around to see who made the noise.

"Whose there?" he called.

He looked around to keep alert, he looked left to right and behind and in front of him. A sound of rapid foot steps came from what feels like nowhere, the grass was russling and the unknown followers were nowhere to be seen. A series of growling noises came from behind, the boy turned around and to his shock was a pack of wolves. Their was only three of them, not much of a pack when there's three.

"Oh crap, it had to be wolves." complained the boy.

He slowly backed away, but it was no use when they followed him. Usually wolves have the advantage in the dark, their high sense of smell makes it useful to track there prey. The kid knew that the only thing to do in a time like this is to run. He ran as fast as he could, the wolves ran after him.

"Get away you over-sized dogs." he yelled angerly.

The boy saw nowhere to hide, the wolves would sniff him out. But he could climb up something high in the air, a tree was his only hope of refuge as he saw a really big oak tree. He ran towards the tree and quickly climbed up, the wolves jumped to try catching him. They barked loudly, scaring the boy terribly.

"Go away, leave me alone." he cried out.

It was no use screaming at them, he was in a predicament. He had no food or water, the wolves were trying to get him and he couldn't stay up that tree forever. The boy put his hands together, praying for help.

"Please send me a savior, I don't wanna die." prayed the poor child.

A big bang went off, it sounded like gun fire. The wolves shook with fear and ran off, he closed his eyes. Shivering and wimpering fearfully, he prayed for someone to come help him, anyone would do.

"Don't be afraid, the wolves are gone." came a soft female voice.

The boy slowly opened his eyes, to his luck a woman with really big wings was floating above him. She held her arms out in a attempt to carry him, the lady carried him bridal style. He was still shaking, the lady gave him a comforting look. He looked into the eyes of his savior, the unidentified winged woman flapped her wings and started flying in the sky.

"Who are you?" asked the boy.

"I'm here to save you." answered the lady.

The lady had big golden wings and long purple hair, she had beautiful violet eyes. She had dark tan skin and wore a shiny purple robe, she looked to be 7 feet tall. Usually a female is shorter than the male species but a female being taller than a male is rare to some.

"So what's your name?" asked the female angel.

"It's Dylan and you are?" he asked back.

"I'm Yoruichi, were almost at my home. You can stay there with me." she said pointing out the first sign of good news. "There it is."

Dylan turned his head and to his amazement a large castle appeared into view. He gave a look of astonishment, the sight of the castle was beautiful.

"That's your home, you must be lucky to live there." complemented Dylan.

"Hang on tight." called Yoruichi warning him.

Yoruichi started to fly lower and lower, reaching the castle. She landed on a tower, a door was open. Awaiting someone to enter the room within. Yoruichi walked inside the room, it turned out to be a bed chamber. The windows had drapes hanging on the inside of the windows, a large bed was located a few feet away. She closed the door, locking it up behind her.

"You have wings, what are you?" asked Dylan curiously.

Yoruichi walked over to the bed and sat on it, she moved her left arm from under his legs to around the side of his body in a embrace.

"I am the goddess of love. I'm considered an Angel, you prayed for help and I answered your cry for help." said Yoruichi giving him a sympathic look.

"I thought a god or goddess stayed in the heavens." said Dylan suprised.

"God informed me that you're in peril, so I came to save you. I mimicked the sound of a gun shot to scare off the wolves." said Yoruichi bringing the unexpected fact to Dylan's mind.

The gurgling from Dylan's stomach came back. Yoruichi placed her hand over his belly, rubbing it slowly.

"Awww, your hungry." said Yoruichi sympathicly.

She pulled out a apple, it was bigger than the usual size of an apple. It was as big as Dylan's head, he looked at the apple in wide eyed suprise.

"That's one big apple." said Dylan looking amazed.

Yoruichi moved it to his mouth, he took a large bite as he chewed it up and swallowed. Dylan took another bite and another, the apple bits hitting his stomach. The hunger pain disappearing, it took minutes for him to finish it. Yoruichi tossed the apple core into a nearby waste basket. Dylan's hunger was gone, he felt all better.

"I never met a goddess, I learned that gods and goddesses are beautiful looking people." said Dylan coplementing on her looks.

"You learned right, for a human being your look adorable." said Yoruichi returning the complementing him back.

Yoruichi rubbed Dylan's stomach and moved her hand up to his chest, she rubbed up and down from his chest and belly. Dylan found it comforting and soft to the feeling of his body.

"Why were you in the forest?" asked Yoruichi.

"I was looking for food, it was easy to find water but the food was in the trees, making it difficult to catch. I'm afraid of heights." said Dylan with a sad look.

Yoruichi placed her hand on his cheek, he blushed bright red. She leaned in down to Dylan's face and placed a soft kiss on his lips. Her lips were really soft and smooth, usually when a girl kisses you it's unexpected. It supposed to blow your mind, she broke the kiss and smiled happily into Dylan's eyes. Dylan blushed a deep shade of red, he had cute expression on his face.

"Never had a kiss from a goddess have you?" said Yoruichi smiling.

Dylan was in a daze, a sexy yet beautiful goddess had kissed him. He tried to think of a subject to talk about but Dylan had only one thing to discuss.

"I've heard about a prophecy about a goddess or two, what's yours?" asked Dylan curiously.

Yoruichi smiled slyly.

"When I was born, they said that my life held a prophecy. My prophecy stated that I'm destined to find my true love, my true love was said to be a human boy." said Yoruichi stating out her life's prophecy.

Dylan was fascinated, he usually knew that a prophecy is a prediction of the future.

"I've lived for hundreds of years and I can't age, when I find my true love he'll live forever with me and won't age passed the age they're appearing to be." said Yoruichi.

Dylan was kind of shocked, his savior looked to be twenty-one years old not hundreds of years old. Yoruichi looked so young.

"But you look hundreds of years old, you look like your twenty-one." said Dylan feeling amazed.

Yoruichi smiled happily, it was nice to hear someone tell her that she looks young not old. She leaned in for another kissed on Dylan's lips. Dylan's heart was beating slightly fast, usually the heart is considered the love muscle and whenever a beautiful woman kisses a guy, there heart beats faster as a reaction. Yoruichi held the kiss longer than the last one. Dylan was in a daydream, he never knew the feeling of a kiss from a lady. She broke the kiss again, making Dylan feel comfortable from the inside.

"I thank you for those kind words, the gods made it so I can't age passed twenty-one. It's just how my life is, they say if a goddess kisses a human it's good luck." said Yoruichi giving him a beautiful look.

"If I could live forever, I would love to live forever with my one true love. If I had someone to love, I grew up on my own." said Dylan looking sad.

In Dylan's life he had lived in a dungeon through his young life, the people that had looked after him died years ago and after that he was on his own. Fending for himself.

"You know Dylan, I watched you from a crystal ball and I've witnessed how lonely you've felt. When you prayed for help and I knew that was my chance to end your loneliness, I really care about you." said Yoruichi admitting some truth about her life.

Dylan always felt as if he's being watched, he never realized a gorgeous goddess was watching over him. Angels in heaven always watched over their loved ones on earth, that's what the bible states.

"Hug me and let it out." said Yoruichi in her soft voice.

Dylan didn't hesitate, he wrapped his arms around Yoruichi in a much needed hug. Yoruichi returned the hug, she rubbed his back slowly and gently up and down. To Dylan, he wanted this more than ever. He felt her comforting arms soothing his heart, she gently patted his back. Dylan shead a tear, only one tear was there to be shead from his face.

"I've been so alone, wanting someone to heal the pain." said Dylan his voice cracking slightly.

"Shh shh, it's alright kid." whispered Yoruichi.

Dylan didn't cry for very long, he listened to the sound her heart. Yoruichi was acting like the kid's mother, they snuggled closely. It felt good for Dylan to let out his inner feelings, they say sadness is painful and loneliness is tragical.

"That's it, feel the love." thought Yoruichi kindly.

A kid's heart is emotionally sensitive, if someone makes your life misearable for a long time, it will hurt anyone inside. After a while Dylan felt better to have let his feelings out. Yoruichi was there to console him, he stopped crying as Yoruichi wiped his tears away.

"Don't you feel all better now?" asked Yoruichi sweetly.

Dylan nodded his head, he smiled at Yoruichi.

"I feel a lot better." said Dylan his voice sounding normal.

Yoruichi held him closely as she moved herself and Dylan closer into bed, the two of them were in the middle of the bed. Yoruichi had an idea to make Dylan feel happy.

"Dylan I know how to make you feel more happy on the inside, come here and lets make out." said Yoruichi playfully.

"Yes, kiss me. I want you to be dominant." said Dylan smiling.

Yoruichi smiled slyly, her face was full of lust. She took a deep breath and pressed her lips on Dylan's. Kissing him passionately, she was gently bushing Dylan forward. She was on top of him, kissing.

"Mmmmmmmmhhhhhhhhhh, lets get lost in the world of love." moaned Yoruichi while kissing.

This was heaven to Dylan's mind, being kissed by a love goddess. Yoruichi moaned between kisses, her smooth lips were kissing him like no tomorrow. She moved her incredible body in a dancing motion on top of Dylan. Yoruichi licked his lower lip, begging for an entrance. Dylan opened his mouth, letting her tongue explore his mouth. Wiggling her smooth tongue inside, she traced every nook and cranny of his mouth. Without warning a bulge in his pants poked her lower body, she broke the kiss and slipped her tongue back inside. Yoruichi moved her hand down his lower body, she felt his bulge. Dylan shivered as a reaction to her warm hand, she lifted her body up and saw his erection being blocked by the kimono. Smiling lustfully, Yoruichi looked at Dylan.

"Oh, someone wants some special attention." said Yoruichi playfully. "You wanna do it, you sweet boy."

What happened next was like magic. Yoruichi snapped her fingers and their clothes disappeared, their clothes reappeared on the floor. Dylan's nine inched human cock was exposed, she felt really aroused at the sight of his shaft.

"Your one big boy." said Yoruichi lustfully.

Dylan blushed a deeper shade of red, he looked up and his eyes were wide eyed. He was gazing at Yoruichi's massive sized boobs, each one was as big as a soccer ball and a foot long by te sight. Dylan's heart beat fast with lust spreading through his body, they were both completely nude. Yoruichi's pink nipples fully erect.

"You think I'm big, I could say the same thing about your......your......lushcious body." said Dylan breathing with lust.

"Your a horny boy, you want me to make sweet love to your young body. Than come to mommy and lets have some fun." moaned Yoruichi with a lustful smile. "Just sit back and enjoy the ride."

Yoruichi crawled down and her face was in front of his hard-on, his balls were hairless. Dylan felt her mouth latch on to his length, sucking and licking it. Her mouth felt like warm silk, he shivered in reaction from Yoruichi's tongue.

"Yeah, oh god yeah. Suck me baby." moaned Dylan.

The feeling of her mouth was making his erection tingle and twitch, sucking it like a baby bottle. Yoruichi was tasting his sex organ, it tickled Dylan's shaft. Inside of his balls were tingling from her saliva.

"Oh god, work it sexy." moaned Dylan in pleasure.

Yoruichi sucked him harder, her mouth applied more pressure which made Dylan give a big moan. He never had a woman blow him this way, pleasure shocked his cock. Dylan was feeling his cum boiling, it was like masturbation but better. Yoruichi was careful to keep her teeth from biting his sensitive crotch, she never tasted human cum before.

"Oh god, I'm ahh, almost there." gasped Dylan moaning.

This was what Yoruichi wanted to hear, she sucked as hard as she could. The massive pressure on Dylan's member was driving him nuts, his pleasure was sky rocketing as his jism worked it's way out of the body.

"Oh god I'm going to cum." gasped Dylan pleasurebly.

Dylan shot his load inside her mouth, her taste buds tingling from the sweet taste of his jism. It was only a minute when Dylan's jism stopped flowing. Yoruichi swallowed every drop, not even one drop leaked out. Yoruichi removed her mouth and went up, her face at his level.

"Your so tasty." said Yoruichi slyly. "But we're not done yet, my baby boy."

Without warning Yoruichi grabbed his fleshy phallic, she shoved it inside her sexy body. Dylan's cock was inside her vagina. Yoruichi started to go up and down, her boobs bounced up and down. Warmth surrounded Dylan's shaft.

"Do it to me, you sexy goddess." said Dylan playfully.

Yoruichi's insides started to squeeze his wang, she smiled slyly with a lustful look in her eyes. Her wings spread out widely.

"You like that, just watch my gorgeous boobs bounce." said Yoruichi feeling very horny.

Dylan watched her boobs bounce which made him more horny. Yoruichi was bouncing on top of his fleshy shaft, it was enough to make anyone sexually active. The inside of her vaginal walls were wet and warm, stretchy too. When Dylan was outside he felt cold, now he's feeling his body heat rise up. He's feeling his body warm up by sexual proportions.

"Ahh, I'm feeling all tingly." gasped Dylan pleasurebly.

"That's only the beginning." moaned Yoruichi.

Yoruichi quickened her pace, going faster. The tingling in Dylan's body got stronger, a shock of pleasure shot inside his body. A sexy looking goddess making love to a human was more than lucky, it was like a mine worker who struck gold and became wealthy. Yoruichi's boobs bounced with each thrust, making them look more noticeble. Any female with large sized boobs is noticeble everytime, no matter what type of body the lady has. Dylan was feeling shockwaves of pleasure, shocking his body. Yoruichi just enjoyed the sexaul event she's giving to him, she was waiting a long time to find a man to engage in sexual intercourse and this was what she's been waiting for. Now she has a man or boy in this matter to be her first true love, they moaned every few seconds with each thrust.

"Oh what a man you are, Dylan." gasped Yoruichi.

Yoruichi started to feel her insides squeeze harder, her breathing rate got a little heavy.

"Yoruichi, go faster. Deeper, ooh." moaned Dylan.

Yoruichi did as comanded, she quickened her pace almost full speed. Any man would die to be in Dylan's place, he's one lucky bastard to have a goddess with a perfectly hot body to give him such a experience. Hearts racing, the two of them were sweating. Yoruichi cocked her head back, her boobs slapping his chest with a wet splash. If Dylan was to reach his orgasm, it would be a while for that to come. The passion of making love was almost toture for both, they were in the middle of their event. Dylan didn't mind Yoruichi being dominant over him, he could do this for hours if he wanted. He never felt anything such as this, sure he's jerked himself off but making love to a goddess is better.

"Ooh Dylan." gasped Yoruichi moaning.

"Ooh Yoruichi fuck me. You feel so good." moaned Dylan his face blushing hard.

Even Yoruichi was blushing hard too, the two of them sweating perfusively. Inside both of eachother's bodies cum was boiling, like boiling water. Body temperatures rising, feeling hot from Yoruichi pumping Dylan up with her vagina hard.

"I'm so close." gasped Dylan loudly.

Yoruichi was rapidly going up and down Dylan's dick, it was hard as steel and getting harder. Vagina painfully squeezing his ding dong in a good way, to Dylan this was heaven and Yoruichi's insides made him crazy with pleasure. Yoruichi's boobs were moving fast, looking bigger by the sight of them. Bodies feeling hot and under a lot of pleasure but Yoruichi's inner walls were building a lot of pressure to Dylan's hard-on.

"Ahh yes.........oh god." moaned Yoruichi with a ecstatic expression.

"Almost.......there." moaned Dylan in ecstasy.

Yoruichi leaned down and hugged Dylan, her wings standing up straight in reaction to pleasure. They were getting closer to a powerful orgasm. Dylan's legs tensed up, pointing forward to the intense bliss. Yoruichi kissed him, slipping her tongue in his mouth as she explored inside.

"Ooooh, mmmmmmhhhhhh. You love seeing me naked, mmmmhhhhh." moaned Yoruichi kissing him passionately. "Give it to me good......sweety."

She broke the kiss early to breathe, the feeling of making love when your close to climaxing came literally leave you breathless. Dylan was begging for a release, aching for it to wash over his body. Usually sex is intense but a human and a goddess doing it was better than sex, beyond better. The pleasure was intense, orgasms building fast. Dylan was like a loaded canon, ready to go off at any minute. Wet splashing sounds were coming from the inside of eachothers body, semen building up. Dylan slapped her ass, making Yoruichi pound into him as hard as she could.

"So sexy I'm gonna cum." screamed Yoruichi.

Yoruichi came with a wet splat, her semen was trailing over Dylan's balls. Dylan was finally reaching his sex crazed state, his cum worked it's way up out of it's penis.

"Oh god I'm cumming." screamed Dylan wrapping his arms around Yoruichi, holding her close.

Finally Dylan came hard, shooting his hot seed into her godly body. He bucked his hips up and down. Yoruichi was enjoying the feeling of human semen shooting inside of her, their senses shut down briefly when they reached their powerful climaxes. After what felt like forever the flow of eachother's orgasms ceased to an end, the goddess falling on top of Dylan, exhausted. Heart beats slowing down to their original pace, they rested for a while to recover. Dylan and Yoruichi enjoyed the afterglow of the love making, even the breathing patterns calmed. What happened next was like magic, again. Yoruichi snapped her fingers and the cum stains on eachother's body disappeared as if washed off, another snap and their clothes appeared back on their bodies.

"That was incredibly intense." said Dylan softly.

Yoruichi placed a hand on his cheek, she kissed him on the other cheek. She smiled, feeling Dylan's heart beat against her chest.

"A human doing it with a goddess is better than humans doing it, better than bestiality too. Even I enjoyed riding you." said Yoruichi in her soft, gentle voice.

A tear came from Dylan's eye. Yoruichi wiped it away, giving him a sympathic look.

"Your crying, why are still crying?" asked Yoruichi curiously.

"I'm just so happy, your my first love." answered Dylan quitely.

Arms still wrapped around eachother's bodies, they held one another closely. Yoruichi nuzzled her cheek to Dylan's face.

"I love you, Dylan. The prophecy has been fulfilled, we can live young together forever!" said Yoruichi kissing him.

"How is it that I fulfilled the prophecy?" asked Dylan.

"When we made love that's what fulfilled the prophecy yet to come, if I have sex with the first human whom was you, we'll be young forever. We can't age passed our appearances, we have immortality and ever lasting youth." said Yoruichi stating out the suprising facts.

This was the best news Dylan has heard in his young life, to live forever with his love and remain young. This what anyone would kill for.

"I love you too, Yoruichi!" said Dylan smiling.

Yoruichi kissed him on the lips, both closing their eyes. For an hour of making out, they got ready for another round of love making.

The End