A Very Interesting Discovery - Part Two

Story by Asto on SoFurry

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#2 of Short Stories/Gift Art/Commisions?

Here is part two of my story for The Dark God. I hope you guys like it, though I think part three will be done later this week. I just need to take a break from writing as my mind is very spent from all this dragon sex. chuckles Anyways, it is M/M as usual between a human and a dragon. If you aren't into that sort of thing, then turn and run.

Hope you like it, I sure enjoyed writing it. Thanks for the opportunity to do this The Dark God, I am having a lot of fun. Cheers!

Anderson's heart skipped a beat as he heard it, waking him from a deep sleep from being up late the night before. He had just arrived at the airport from his home in the states, and had been delayed for the longest time by the rental agency that was supposed to bring him his car at 5:00 pm. Instead however their computer systems were faulty and his order disappeared, leaving him wait until 10:00 at night. By that time the agency came in a Lamborghini Gallardo and offered their "sincerest apologies."

He smiled, feeling like a kid in a candy story at that time, driving it lake a racer through the windy mountain roads that led to his resort cabin. He often took vacations there every year when the air in Germany was just warming up and the leaves were sprouting their buds. Not too hot, not too cold, just perfect for someone like him. When he finally arrived a half an hour later, he threw his bags under the porch and laid into the hammock he hung there and fell directly to sleep.

As he spun around in the hammock, discounting the noise as a dream he exclaimed, "There it was again! I knew I wasn't imagining things, I know that sound anywhere! Whoooaaah!" The hammock flipped over as he spilled onto the porch, before slamming his head softly on the wood. A few idle curses were uttered before he shook his dazed head. After clearing it, he went inside and found a few of his steaks, roasts and other meat products before packing them into his backpack and slinging it over his shoulder. Then another loud roar rang through the hillsides, though it sounded not too far from his cabin. "I hope that my love of science fiction will help me now, because that sounds like a dragon's roar! I hope I packed enough food though, I don't want it to eat me... God be with me."

He walked outside and took a few steps down off the porch, before closing his eyes and waiting for another roar. He figured that by the sound of the calls, if you would call them that, that the dragon was hungry and needed food. He didn't have to wait long before he heard it again, a definite dragon roar. It seemed off to his west, higher up in the mountains. Perhaps in the bear cave that always gives him subjects to draw when the bears are still hibernating within.

Taking a bag of trail mix from his suitcase, he opened the bag and ate a handful before setting off in the direction of the cave, following the frequent roars that happened at least once every ten seconds. "I really hope it is friendly too. The meat should make my case that I am not an enemy but a friend. I also hope it can understand English. It really would suck to be a barbecued meal." He shuddered and made a cross on his chest, before picking up his pace as the roars slowly became louder. Good, I am heading in the right direction. Good. He thought to himself, imagining what it would be like to meet a real dragon.

Anderson was about five foot ten, and of fair complexion. He worked in an office so his skin was almost always a pastey white. He had deep black hair that came down to about his shoulders, and a pair of bright green eyes as well. Everyone in his office said the same thing, "You know Anderson it seems like every part of your body matches itself. You may be neon white, but the black hair compliments your emerald eyes. It's like you were born to be sexy." He chuckles and resituated his backpack as the sudden memory of his co-workers filled his mind.

He jumped as the next roar was quite loud, forcing him to cover his ears as he looked ahead at the bear cave. If his skin could go any whiter, it would have as he stared into a dragons eyes, tail swishing back and forth in an agitated way. He gulped and held his hands up, hoping the dragon was too hungry to move, and the reason for his roaring. Now the dragon was growling at him and his mouth opened, hissing as if to threaten him.

"I don't know if you can understand me, but I don't mean to hurt you. I have some food, if you want it. I know you must be hungry," Anderson moved slowly, hoping that it understood him. The dragon tilted its head, then growled again, watching his every motion with fierce looking eyes.

The dragon was curious the moment the human walked up to him carrying nothing but a bag on his back, the source of the tasty smells becoming clear. The sight of the human however instilled anger, resentment, and fear. But when the human spoke, it sounded smooth, not like the loud screams and yelling he usually heard when the scent of human was strong. Suddenly the human reached into his bag and threw something at him. The dragon jumped back, before sniffing the ground where something red and juicy hit the ground. His head snaked out and snapped up the piece of meat, swallowing it whole. When he did, he saw the human toss another piece of meat, and that too went down his throat as fast as it appeared.

Anderson sighed in relief as the dragon began to eat the meat he had tossed at it, leaving him alive to tell the tale. "Don't worry dragon, I won't hurt you, and there is plenty more where it came from if you want more." He talked to the dragon regardless, hoping at least the tone of his voice and his body language would be enough the dragon would need to understand he meant it no harm. Every time he threw a piece of meat, he would creep closer to the dragon, his shaft stirring a bit as he crept slowly closer to the dragon. He also had sexual fantasies about dragons in particular, and now he had the chance to act on them.

The dragon heard the sound again from the human in front of him, and it sounded good to his ears. The fact he was being fed was enough for him to be grateful to this human. He was approaching now, but the dragon was convinced that this human was different from the few he had encountered here the last time he landed. Then another interesting scent crossed his nose as the wind changed, blowing into the cave and with it a new and intriguing odor. It was coming from the human.

Anderson flinched as the wind blew on his back, watching the dragon tilt his head as he obviously smelled his arousal. He had fed him almost all of the meat in his pack, the last item being the roast which he held in his hands for a while. He slowly approached the dragon, setting the roast down on the ground in front of him. The dragon snaked his head down to sniff the meat, and when it did so Anderson petted softly along its head.

The dragon started a bit as the human pet along his head as he sniffed the roast on the ground. He heard the human say something, the tone caring and calm. He murred and snapped up the meat, before looking at the human inquisitively. He watched as the human pet along his side, watching him with his golden eyes. He flexed his legs as he felt hands along them before churring softly at the attention.

Anderson now knew that the dragon trusted him as he massaged the dragon's leg, so he tried to take it a little further and slid a hand in along the dragon's inner thigh. The dragon flexed out his leg, so he moved the other hand along its belly. The dragon then rolled onto his side, looking curiously at him as he rubbed along the scaly creature's stomach. Then he saw it, the slit which he eyed with a deviant gaze.

The dragon was curious as to why the human rubbed his leg and belly, though as he rolled onto his side he rumbled contently in his chest. He watched the human eye his penile slit, wondering what was going through its head. Before long though the dragon inhaled sharply as he watched the human rub along the sensitive scales of the slit, sending a soft murr through him as he never had felt before.

Anderson smiled at the dragon's reaction to his touch to the slit, before he rubbed his jeans. His shaft had become achingly hard in the process and he continued to try to entice the dragon's member from its home. He licked his hand and rubbed along the slit again, and the dragon pressed his hips into it which was followed by a warm sticky substance coating his palm. Then he saw it, a red tip protruding from the opening.

The dragon had never felt such good sensations through his body before, primal urges awakened within him as the human played with his slit. He felt his shaft harden and poke free from its recesses, a new set of desires welling up within him. He pressed his hips towards the human, panting a bit as more of his shaft revealed itself to the human's gaze. The dragon could smell the human's scent as well, more apparent than it was before. The human was getting aroused as well, so he figured he would let the human show him the new set of feelings that were welling up in his loins.

Anderson gasped as he watched a good two inches of leaking dragon shaft sit in front of his face, apparently he was doing a good job with his attentions. His own shaft was rock hard by now, and he drew a finger along the exposed length, taking some of the dragon's pre on his hand, licking it off to see how it tasted. It was sweeter than the semen or pre cum of the other men he had sucked off in his time, so he licked along now three inches of shaft that had appeared from the stroke of his finger.

By this point the dragon had come to accept that this human was different, and was giving him the best thing he ever had happen to him. Suddenly he growled as he felt something warm wrap around his shaft, causing the full length to slip from the slit. He looked back and saw the human was lapping up his pre and taking his shaft into his throat. This sent shivers through the dragon causing him to moan loudly, as the human choked on the sudden jet of pre that came from the dragon's 13 inch length.

Anderson drank as much pre as he could, but when he saw the full length of the dragon he gasped, before long the dragon "shot" a load of the sticky pre down his throat as he licked the dragon's shaft. He gagged a bit, looking back at the dragon and seeing a different gaze, one of primal lust that he must have just awakened in the dragon. He smirked and gave the dragon's shaft a long slow stroke, bringing forth another jet of pre from the length. He smiled and nodded at the dragon asking, "Do you like this? I still don't know if you understand me, but does this feel good dragon?"

The dragon heard the human's lust filled words, before it moaned again a clawed at the ground when it felt the warmth again as the human sucked on his dragon shaft again. He panted and humped into the humans hands and mouth, whining in a way that he never had before. It wasn't very long before he felt the pressure building down in his cock, building to be a tremendous climax from the attention the human was giving him.

Anderson knew when he saw the knot swelling at the base of the dragon's shaft it wouldn't be long until he would see a dragon climax, one of the many different fantasies he only thought about in his bed at night. He released the dragon's shaft from his mouth. He unzipped his pants to reveal his nine inch shaft, being rather well endowed himself before taking some of the dragon's pre and wiping it on his own shaft. He moaned as the silky smooth substance was better than any lube he had ever used. He returned his hands to the dragon, giving the knot a firm squeeze before slowly licking along the length.

The dragon tensed at the sudden rush of bliss, before he roared loudly, sending wave after wave of dragon semen all over the cave floor and his own scales. He humped madly as the human stroked and stroked, having released his shaft from the pleasurable attentions of his mouth. The orgasm finally abated after the fifteenth rope of cum that shot from the length, before twitching a few times. It sent a few more dribbles of white seed onto the floor, then his knot deflated his shaft still hard and his lust only increasing as he panted heavily. The dragon looked back at the human, seeing the decent shaft that rested between his legs as well.

"You really are a good dragon, though I didn't expect you to cum that much! Didn't you ever feel sensations like this?" He stroked his shaft as he asked the dragon, getting the idea that the dragon understood him and was smarter than people gave them credit for. Anderson was looking at the dragon, before taking some of the pure semen and taking it to his mouth. It was almost like the forbidden fruit, a taste so sweet that it almost felt sacrilegious to drink the dragon essence. He pet along the dragon's shaft again, curious as to how much stamina this dragon has. "Well roll over dragon, onto your back," He said as he pressed on the dragon's side and slid a hand over the shaft, "Let me see that sexy ass of yours, I want to make you mine, my mate to take home with me. You would easily fit in my house, and I have plenty of food there as well."

The dragon heard the human and churred, not understanding the words but his body knowing what to do. As the human pressed on his side, he rolled onto his back. The dragon loved the way the human played with him, and understood that he was in good hands. He placed his paws on his belly, before yipping a bit as he felt his pre being smeared on his tail hole. He looked down and felt the human climbing on top of him, noticing the human was lining his hard shaft with it. He wiggled a bit and his shaft leaked another stream of pre, before he moaned again as he felt it go in.

Anderson was amazed at how warm the insides of the dragon were, moaning loudly with the dragon as he penetrated him. The hole was easily taken by his miniscule shaft. It was slightly smaller than the dragon's, but definitely not as thick. His was only about a quarter of an inch, while the dragon's was a good two inches thick at the center. He laid down on the beast and wrapped his arms around the leaking shaft and bucked into the dragon. He panted as his skin slapped against the dragon's ass, grunting with each thrust as the dragon bucked into his embrace.

The dragon panted, whining in pleasure as the human rammed into his tail hole. The sounds of the human skin on his scales and the shaft in his ass made him growl and grunt in time with the human. His bucking into the thrusts caused his shaft to slide along the human, who opened his shirt to rub the shaft along his chest. In another few strokes the dragon came again, his tail hole twitching as the human rammed into his prostate gland. The waves of seed went in time with the human's thrusts, coating both him and the human in his cream. Not too long after the dragon heard a load moan and he felt the small spurts of something hit the warm insides of his hole. The human had marked him as his mate, which caused a sense of peace in his mind. For once in his life, he was totally safe. All he had to do was follow this human.

Anderson panted as his orgasm abated, his shaft softening a bit inside the dragon. He had never felt so good in all of his life, claiming a dragon with his own orgasm. Though he had to admit that he wouldn't ever top a dragon's stamina, though he had a good many things to try before he was done with his dragon. Pulling out he climbed up onto the dragon's belly, giving his neck a soft kiss. The dragon nuzzled Anderson as he sat there, still hard and grinning at him with a lustful gaze. He looked back at the dragon shaft bobbing there, and he felt some desire to feel what the shaft felt like.

The dragon watched as the human got up and took some of the pre that still leaked from his shaft, murring as the human slathered it on himself. Though it didn't know what the human was planning on doing, it moaned loudly as he heard the human gasp, clinging onto his scales. The dragon felt the warm recesses of the human, and how tight the ass was made him begin to buck his hips again. The human moaned as the dragon pushed more of his length into the human with each thrust.

Anderson moaned in pure bliss as he felt the dragon suddenly begin to thrust into him, causing his shaft to stiffen again. He made sure that he kept the dragon happy with how much of his ass he was fucking, and also to keep himself from being killed by taking too much of the dragon at once. He was sure that eventually one day he could be rammed and knotted by his new dragon, but for now he was content to be fucked and filled with seed. Though he hoped that the dragon would be done with his mating urges for a while. Anderson moaned with lust as he felt the thrusts become more frenzied as well as the dragon beginning to pant heavily, as he did with each of his previous orgasms. "Oh yes... fill me.... With... Your... Dragon... SEEED!"

The dragon roared as the human's voice was filled with lust, the sound and sensations of the human's ass becoming too much for him to handle. He came hard, filling the human with his hot seed, the last of his lust being sent into the human as he growled with each spasm of the orgasm. The dragon sent nine more ropes of seed into the tight ass, murring as the human pressed down onto what more shaft he could fit. The dragon sniffed the air as he felt more spurts on his chest, watching as the human came without even touching himself. He flopped down on the dragon's belly, his own stomach a little distended from the amount of dragon essence within him.

Anderson gasped as he came again, the hot temperature of the dragon's seed coursing into him sending him over the edge. He shuddered as he pressed against the dragon, panting as well while sweat dripped down his head. He looked up at the dragon, tongue hanging out of the corner of his maw. Anderson gave the dragon a soft lick to his belly, tasting some of the semen that laid there. It definitely was like taking a bite of one of the most succulent fruits he had ever tasted. He slid off the dragon, sliding himself up to nibble on the dragon's neck, softly sucking on one of the scales.

The dragon licked the human on the cheek, rurring softly at him as he slid a scaled paw along the human's side. He felt his shaft recede back into its slit before he laid his head along the human's back. He licked the human's ass and tasted his seed there, murring deeply before he snaked his head back around to look at his eyes. He stared at them and the human stared right back.

Anderson looked into the loving eyes of the dragon that looked back at him. He caressed along his cheek and kissed his nose softly. "Don't worry little guy. I won't let anything happen to you. I promise." He caressed the dragon's cheek again laying his head down on the dragon's belly. "First thing is first... We have to go home and get all cleaned up... Follow me Dragon." And then Anderson hopped off the dragon and stood at the mouth of the cave, still naked in front of the dragon waiting for it to follow him.

The dragon tilted his head and then rolled over and stood. That is when Anderson noticed that the dragon wasn't that much taller than he was, though he still had to look up to meet its gaze. The dragon stood and snaked his tongue into the back pack, seeing if there was any more meat inside. He looked then back at the human as it gestured for him to follow it, before muttering some more of its alien words. The dragon sensed more food was in order and the human was willing to offer it, so he padded up beside the human and nuzzled him again.

Anderson gave the dragon a pet on the cheek when it nuzzled him, before starting to walk back to his cabin. It would be easy to get him there without being seen, but after that he would have to wait until dark to really make any further advances to take him home. Hopefully the dragon wouldn't mind having a passenger. For now though he was more worried about getting to the cabin so he could have some more intimate fun with his new dragon.

A Very Interesting Discovery - Part One

A Very Interesting Discovery The young dragon looked around, sniffing the air with his keen sense of smell. He was scared, looking around the dark forest with a cautious pair of golden eyes. He hissed at the air, the agitation of his captors finally...

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