
Story by Celeblu on SoFurry

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#6 of The Night Sky

Here's a quickie sex thing~

Hello! If you haven't read this series yet, these stories are in a sort of serial/episode format, so you can read the ones after the third episode in any order or skip any.

Usual M/M sex warning applies, only this time tentacles are involved.


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"So now that the loop is finished, how do I get it to display the result?"

Mary couldn't occupy the display while Anthony was trying to code a program on it, so she responded only with her voice. "Erm, first, in this language you have to use double equal signs for the conditional statement."

The man added another equal sign on reflex. "Right-o, got that."

"Then the output command is display, parenthesis, whatever string in quotation marks or the string variable you have there without, and close parenthesis."

Anthony took a while to type out the next line on the alien equivalent of a keyboard, hunting and pecking for the letters his ocular implants had automatically translated for him. "Okay, just like a typical print command, then."

"Yes. Close the program with an end statement, and then it should run."

Anthony hunted down the three letters and compiled the little program. He ran it and looked at the blank screen. He tried typing down '1' and hit what was supposed to be the enter key.

He smiled as the words popped up on the display.

Hello world!

He went back into the code and modified it according to his circumstances. He ran it again, entered '1,' and the program displayed the new string.

Hello Universe!

"That's more like it," Anthony said.

"It's great," Mary said. "What's it mean, anyway?"

"It's just a little programming thing from Earth. Anyway, I think I could probably skip on over to arrays."

"Alright, the syntax for--"

Anthony clung onto his seatbelt as the ship jolted for no apparent reason. "What the hell was that?"

A humanoid dragon entered the cockpit, his eyes bulging, and exclaimed the same thing.

Mary took over the display and projected herself in place of Anthony's program. "Fuel pressure is dropping rapidly," she said in a calm voice only possible via digital modulation.

The grey-scaled dragon buckled himself into the left seat and panicked over the gauges. They were crude digital displays, and some had been replaced with antique analog displays with needles, but they told him the same information as the fancy floatscreen hologram touch-enabled gauges. Most of the gauges were fluctuating wildly, making the dragon think twice about maybe replacing at least the analog ones. Their speed was unstable, and the inertial dampeners were being overloaded. The fuel pressure indicator was declining at a steady pace, and the fuel level was skittering all over the place. The quickest way to describe what was happening, as Zack's automatic translator would convert into Anthony's style of English, was that shit had suddenly hit the fan.

"Did we hit something?" the dragon asked. "What happened?"

"Standby," Mary said. "Attempting to regain directional control. We're dropping out of FTL speed. Redirecting ship to nearest livable planet."

The dragon placed one of his scaly hands on top of Anthony's thigh. "When I learned to fly a ship, I didn't have an AI on board. Now I get to focus my full attention to praying we don't die instead of being distracted by trying to control the ship."

Anthony gripped onto the dragon's arm as the ship started rocking violently. "Zack..."

The dragon stretched one of his wings behind his companion's seat. "Hey, I'm just kidding around. We'll be alright. This isn't the first time I've crashed a spaceship, remember?"

Anthony tightened his grip, and a planet came into view on the windshield.

"We're losing fuel," Mary said. "Probability of fuel line rupture is approximately eighty-eight percent. I didn't register any collision, so it's very probable the fuel pre-ignited in the lines."

"Can you fix it?" Zack shouted.

"Re-directing power to inertial dampeners and maneuvering thrusters. Hang on, I need to get the ship stabilized."

Zack swore and grabbed the control yoke. With just a few inputs, the ship had stopped rocking.

Mary enlarged herself on the screen so that her face was focused in. "Huh. Organics. I don't know how you manage to do stuff like that without calculations and prediction models."

"I can feel the ship," Zack said. "You wouldn't understand, I think."


Zack kept the ship pointed at the planet, their momentum bringing it closer. The emergency reverse thrusters, which ran from a special gas reservoir instead of the main fuel tank, were deployed at maximum power, and the inertial dampeners were powered up to prevent everything inside the ship from being pulverized.

"Keep us aligned with the horizon when we enter the atmosphere," Mary said. "Just like on Earth. I'll deploy the air brakes when we're in there. Meanwhile, I'll try and figure out exactly what happened and try to get the engines back on." Her avatar disappeared from the screen, replaced with an inscrutable diagnosis report.

The ship entered the atmosphere, and entry flames could be seen scouring the windshield. Their speed rapidly dropped to something more normal for intra-atmosphere flight, and Mary coordinated the emergency thrusters so that they'd crash as gently as possible.

The ground came closer, and Zack waited with extremely thin patience.

At about a mile above the ground, Mary re-appeared on her screen. "Wait, what the heck? According to the UniNet, this planet is owned by Phalorp which is a--"

Zack pounded on the ship's console. "Mary! Can you or can't you restart the engines?"

"Possibly. Hang on."

The dragon gave her what he thought was a very generous pair of seconds. "Well?"

The AI popped back onto the screen. "I can't get us back in the air. The fuel line's absolutely ruptured. Very badly. I told you not to buy cheap fuel from that fishy Dyson gas station."

The ship shook again, overpowering the inertial dampeners a bit, and Zack had to fight the instinct to grab the control yoke to hold himself still. "I told you, all the damn gas is regulated!"

"Doesn't mean regulations are enforced in these little backwater trash locales you keep insisting on refueling at!"

"You probably just fudged up the mixture ratio!"

Anthony held on to his seatbelt with a deathgrip, his eyes staring wide at the vast expanse of green land spreading across the windshield. "Guys, shut up!"

Strangely enough, the happily married couple obeyed.

The man let out the air he hadn't realized he had been holding in for a while. "Good. Focus on landing us safely, please. You can argue when we're not dead."

Zack looked at the digital screen with Mary's face reflecting back at him, and then he looked at his trembling companion. "Right," he said. "Sorry. I'll keep the front pointed up. Mary, time the thrusters as you see fit."

"Yeah," she said, "I'm on it."

Anthony's subconscious mind tried to suggest an image of him being like a child in between Mary and Zack's interesting relationship, but the thought was scattered by the ship's erratic motions before it could become anything coherent.

The ground grew ever larger on the windshield. Anthony decided to shut his eyes.

He remembered afterwards only a bit of shouting, some rumbling, and then a loud thump. When he reopened his eyes, he saw that they had landed in the middle of a swampy area dotted with green things, though nothing was particularly tall, and there were very few trees.

"Perfect landing zone," Mary said. "The ship is surrounded with nutritious soil and slop. It should be able to regenerate itself in less than a day."

"Phew," Zack responded. "Fuel lines too?"

"Yes. I think your parents foresaw nearly all possible methods of failure from poor maintenance and fuel, so they upgraded everything important with regenerative metals."

The dragon rolled his eyes. "Uh huh. At least I won't have to call for a tow. We still have a UniNet connection?"

"No. Lost it in the atmosphere. Mary looked around her screen, staring at nothing in particular. "This is really strange. As I was saying earlier, this planet is owned by Phalorp, which apparently is a sex toy corporation. But then I lost the UniNet connection, and that in itself is another oddity. Why does a corporation with such a particular product own a planet without any factories, stores, buildings, or a connection?"

"Any life forms?"

"Many. Probably indigenous, as if they'd just bought the planet bare or something."

Zack unlatched his seat belt. "Well, that's curious. I think I'll go take a look around."

Mary shrugged her digital shoulders on the screen. "Have fun."

"W-wait," Anthony said, fumbling to get his belt off, "are you sure about going out into a swamp?"

"Why not?" Zack pointed out the windshield. "Adventure awaits!"

"But it could be dangerous!"

The dragon pressed a few buttons, and some information appeared on the screen overlayed above the image of Mary's avatar. "Nah," he said. "Low gravity planet. I didn't see any flying beasties outside when we were crashing, either. I can fly and carry you if something nasty appears, but we can't really be surprised here, I think, what with the lack of foliage and stuff."

The man hesitated but gave in to the dragon's unwavering stare. "Umm, I guess that's okay then."

Mary shoved the planet's data, which she had managed to download part of before she had lost connection, off of her solitary screen. "In any case, Zack's not going to leave a mystery like this without some most probably fruitless investigation. Trust me, I know him."

"Har har," the dragon said. "If I hadn't gone out on Earth, I never would've met this marvelous human here."

"Err, okay then," Anthony said. The man stared out the windshield for anything terrifying, but nothing appeared to satisfy the description of whatever nasty creatures he had imagined in his mind. "But first sign of trouble and we fly, alright?"


Anthony nodded and followed the dragon out the hatch-ramp of the ship. The man heard Mary mutter something about how she'd probably find it easier to be a cruise-liner's AI than Zack's personal ship AI before he stepped out.

The first thing which hit them both was the boggy smell. It was the stench of life--a heavy scent of all things growing and decaying. Good and bad smells mixed together to form a thick musk which was, thankfully, on the tolerable side.

Zack took an experimental step into the swampland and retreated. "Right, we're going to need boots."

The man followed his companion and retrieved his old pair of knee-high boots from Earth. The shoes were peeling on the tall sides, but they had been waterproof the last time he'd worn them He tied them on, zipped up the sides, and waited for his companion to put on his more complex-looking boots fit for digitigrade feet. He'd also decided to put on his scrappy pants in place of the newer ones Zack had bought for him several weeks ago when he'd first stepped foot into an Omnimart, and when the dragon appeared again it seemed they had shared the same thought since the scaled alien was sporting his own faded pair of tattered jeans.

When the human stepped out of the ship again, he was glad to know his boots were still superb at repelling water. He trudged through the swamp behind the dragon who undoubtedly had a smile on his muzzle despite the wafting scent and nasty bog beneath them. At least the force of gravity was lessened greatly here, and the trek was a lot less demanding than it could have been. Anthony had experienced a few low-gravity planets by now, and the urge to make a moon jump was thankfully satisfied already--still, he probably wouldn't have dared leap into the unknown here.

The terrain had many small hills which provided some relief from the murky water. Zack stepped onto one of the larger humps, whipped out his Universal Information Detector, and pointed it all around the swamp, the device generating a spectrum of colors from its tip as it scanned.

Information beamed into the dragon's optical implants, presenting it to him in the form of an overlayed heads-up display. It seemed to Anthony that he was staring off into space, but the dragon really was simply trying to discern any useful data the UID was sending to him.

The man gave him a nudge after he'd been staring off into space for an uncomfortably long time. "Zack, what do your dragon eyes see?"

His companion gave him a beaming grin. "Life! Oodles and oodles of life everywhere! This swamp is like a primordial soup, I can't differentiate any life form from another."

"So it's like all algae and bacteria, that sort of life, right?"

The dragon shrugged his wings and kept on walking. "Probably." He shook his UID and sighed. "There's gotta be something artificial around. Maybe underground facilities. Just have to detect some wiring or electricity."

After they'd waded knee-deep through the swamp for a while, Anthony felt something was wrong. He focused on his hearing and noticed that the sound of the water being disturbed was not precisely in sync with the steps he and his friend was taking.

He paused for a moment and randomized the timing of his waterlogged steps, taking long strides to keep up with the as of yet unalarmed dragon.

The water sounded like it was trying to adapt to his movements, but Anthony couldn't tell whether his ears were just playing tricks on him.

The man took another step and listened to the water, but any extra splash was nowhere to be heard. He let out a sigh of relief and continued following his companion on his merry way, their ship now well out of sight and hidden by a light fog.

The dragon kept pointing the UID at the water while they plodded through the sharply scented swamp, but the device only indicated the presence of a metric ton of life. There was no detail about the size and shape of anything beneath the layers of swimming life forms, and he kept his wings tight like a compressed spring ready to take flight at a moment's notice.

"Why would a sex toy corporation own a place like this and do nothing with it?" Zack asked to ease the stress caused by his inability to sense anything in the swamp.

Anthony shrugged and kept up the slow walk, but the thought was allowed to fester in his mind.

A minute passed and they still found nothing of interest.

The human continued keeping pace with his companion. "If it's all these small living things, maybe they're getting ready to grow somethi--"

There was a loud splash, and then a scream.

Zack turned around and half-ran, half-flew to his companion immediately. His wings flapped harshly against the water, and he was able to move relatively unhindered by the dense swamp water by hovering above it. His scaled arms went around the man's body, and he gave his wings a great flap to lift them both above the chaotic waters.

The dragon didn't look down. Looking down would have been a waste of precious time. He pushed all his effort into his wings and ascended as fast as he could, but there was something pulling Anthony right back down. It took him several full-strength flaps, but he was able to yank the human free from whatever was trying to take him away.

They were up five feet. Then ten. And then...

Zack panicked, lost his UID, and nearly dropped his friend. Something had grabbed hold of his tail.

Ten turned back to five.

The dragon pounded his wings as hard as he could, but he wasn't gaining altitude. The tug-of-war struggle for his tail lasted a few seconds, but then he felt another pair of things curl around his legs.

"Oh crap!"

Zack accidentally let go of his terrified and screaming companion, forcing him to look down. Thick green snake-like tendrils were splashing all over the murky water, and one of them had caught Anthony before he hit the bog. It had wrapped around the center of his body, and several thinner tendrils were flittering around him.

The dragon redoubled his efforts and tried to escape the tendrils which had gripped his lower appendages. He failed.

More of the rope-like things bound his arms, leaving only his wings free. He tried to use them with all his might, but the tendrils had tilted him facing upward so there was no way his wings could generate lift. With his body trapped near the ground, profanities filled the sky instead.

When his lungs filled themselves up again, Zack's mind flicked from panic mode to thinking mode--it was a task made monumentally difficult by the cacophony of splashing water and human screaming, but he was more than experienced with shutting off his aural input to ignore Mary, and he was able to do it here. His optical implants had a local emergency beacon, and he switched it on after mentally navigating through a few odd menus he'd rarely ever used on the overlayed heads-up-display.

Granted, he knew a response would not be immediate. He hoped Mary would notice the beacon and bring the ship limping in on the emergency thrusters to scare whatever was in the water away before the thing decided to make a meal out of him and Anthony or something.

"Don't worry," the dragon called out, "I've turned on a distress beacon! Mary'll rescue--!"

Zack heard a loud rip and looked down. His pants had been ripped off. He struggled again with his legs out of reflex, but then he stopped when he noticed the tendrils tearing off his companion's clothes.

"Wait a second," the dragon shouted, "I think I get it!"

Anthony was still trying to fight the coiling tendrils. "What?"

Zack's suspicions were confirmed when he felt something warm and fleshy wiggle its way along his tail towards its base.

"Don't struggle," Zack called out, "it might make it easier!"

Anthony's mouth moved to say something, but it turned into a gasp as he felt his tattered old pants get strewn off his legs. He saw the same had happened to his alien friend, though the tentacle creatures had at least spared their boots.

The human also noticed that the fleshy snake-like limbs were converging towards rather specific points on the dragon's body before realizing they were doing the same to his. He struggled again, but the ropes of green flesh around his arms and legs tightened to hold him exposed.

Zack shook his head and relaxed his muscles, drooping his wings and allowing the tentacles to do what they wanted to him. It was a rather interesting progression of events, he thought, and maybe the creatures wouldn't try to kill if they were satisfied with what he was more than happy to give to them.

The dragon felt the first nudge at the base of his tail. The nudges became more and more forceful against his tail hole, and the other hole above his scaly balls began to part to make way for his hardening cock. Several smaller vines sprouted over towards it, caressing his shaft and encouraging him to grow to full mast while some of the little things nudged his scaled sac as if they were hungry for the nourishment within...

His muzzle reflexively let out a pleasured moan.

Anthony was still fighting despite his partners submission, but as his muscles burned with exhaustion, his mind saw reason. He gave in and allowed the tentacles to explore his body just as they were doing with his grey-scaled friend.

Once his brain settled into sex mode, Anthony's eyes were glued to what the long appendages were doing to his companion. The thick tendrils were keeping him locked tight, giving him a rather nice view of the dragon moaning under their treatment. The sight of his euphoric companion was enough to override the heavy stench of the swamp and drive his arousal. Before long, Anthony's cock was treated to the same massage as the dragon's ridged one, and the human was moaning in tandem with his alien friend.

Then the tentacles stepped up their game. At the same time, two slimy tendrils forced their way into each of their captives' rear, eliciting a synchronized gasp of surprise. The gasps melted into ecstatic moans, and the tentacles burrowed into the asses they had entangled within their grasp.

The creatures were relentless in their quest to make their "victims" succumb to bliss, and the tendrils slithered and slimed all over their naked bodies. Swamp grime seeped into the crevices between Zack's scales, and the somewhat sticky liquid mixed with Anthony's sweat, slickening his skin into a smooth and glossy hide. There was a distant splash beyond the fog, and some sort of metallic clang, but neither of the two noticed--their current predicament held their full attention, and the sounds of the water being disturbed beneath them was more than enough to drown out even Zack's dragon ears.

After a few minutes of having their holes probed and their balls toyed with, two thinner tentacles snaked their way up towards their bodies which were still held slightly above the swamp by the stalks wrapped around most of their limbs. One went towards each captive, and Anthony was able to watch them while his dragon friend had his eyes shut to enjoy himself fully.

They were different from the others. They weren't as thick as the ones forcing themselves into their rears, but they weren't as thin as the ones tickling their cocks and balls. He caught a glimpse of the one approaching his shaft from a good angle, and he saw that these were more like tubes.

The reason why was very obvious, and their destinations were easy to deduce. With almost purposeful slowness, they sheathed themselves over the duo's members and began suckling on them, bringing the human and the dragon to even greater heights of pleasure.

To Anthony, for the moment at least, Heaven was a Place on a Random Planet Far Away from Earth. The interior of the shaft suckling plants felt like a tight fleshlight, and the vine in his ass continued to work deep inside him. But the pleasure he took from the plantlike creatures held no deeper meaning and he felt no connection to the things. While the tentacle milking his cock was undoubtedly mind-blowing, he couldn't stop imagining Zack's long tongue coiling around his shaft instead. He pretended the vine digging through his insides was the dragon's cock--something he had desired for a while, but something he would not ask for until the dragon was ready to give it to him, if he ever would.

On the flip side of the coin, Zack was trying not to imagine the human's warm mouth having its way with his shaft, but the thought was too adamant to dispel. His feelings for the human were growing stronger, day by day, but he was still afraid of committing to anything permanent. But he gave up on blocking the thought eventually and let himself succumb to the illusion of Anthony sucking him off, his fingers in place of that thick vine currently wiggling itself as far as it could into his tail hole.

The plant creatures continued the status quo for a while before the thicker ass tentacles decided they had gone as far in as they could and began to thrust. Slowly at first, and then faster and faster. Something grew on the sides of the wide appendages, and it was making itself feel larger with every stroke--eventually, the lumpy growth was grinding against each male's prostate, forcing their cocks to leak out copious amounts of pre which were promptly devoured by the tube tentacles around their cocks.

While Zack had his eyes shut and was lost in a sea of bliss, Anthony fueled his own pleasure with the sight of his desired mate writhing and panting with immense satisfaction. By now, the tentacles around their shafts were suckling very quickly, and the man could barely catch glimpses of the dragon's jet black cock. The thick tendrils were driving themselves in and out of the dragon's tail hole with inhuman speed while the smallest vines continued massaging his scaled balls. The little ones were mesmerizing, and they almost seemed as if they were whispering words of encouragement to his balls to let themselves expel their contents.

Then the human saw the familiar signs. Zack's wings tensed and extended as far as they could. The vines had to redouble their efforts to hold his limbs in place, and his tail started thrashing a bit before the tendril coiled around it stopped it. His mouth opened, and there was a strange half-roar half-moan which erupted from his throat. He was even close enough to see the very subtle retreat of the dragon's balls closer to his body, the relexive tug before they were drained.

Anthony knew if the tube plant around the dragon's cock were to remove itself, he'd be able to witness his friend's knotted black shaft throbbing and spurting his thick cum all over the swamp water beneath them, painting streaks of white in the murky fluid. It was that knowledge and the image of Zack lost in euphoria, not the sensations from the thick bulb smashing and hammering against his pleasure spot or the suckling tentacle milking his shaft with reckless abandon, which drove him over the edge.

The tentacles wrapped around the man's arms seemed to be more prepared for his orgasm and held him tight where Zack had been able to move a bit before they'd clinched his limbs. The suckling tube on his cock greedily slurped up all the cum the human could conjure from his meat rod, the flesh-like insides of the plant undulating and convulsing to milk out every last drop of the male's essence.

When the creatures had finished devouring every shot of seed the pair of males could give, the restraining vines around their limbs seemed to loosen, but their grips remained firm enough to discourage further struggling. The water rippled away from the center of the general origin of the tentacles, parting slowly to reveal something beneath the waves.

There was a mass of green flesh like those of the tentacles. It rose, and the murky water parted to reveal a face.

The face had a smile on it.

The tentacles were all connected to the central blob of green mass which had a face on it. It actually looked rather friendly, from Zack's point of view, though Anthony was a little more terrified.

"Hello," it said.

Anthony let out the breath he was holding. It could speak, so perhaps there was no danger.

"Erm, hi," Zack said, waving one of his wings.

The creature took its tubed appendages off of the two foreign Alorkinoids' half-hard shafts and blinked its pale white eyes. "Gametes detected. Both captured organisms have achieved orgasm. The slightly eerie eyes flickered between Zack and Anthony, a glaze of some sort of glossy fluid shielding the white orbs from the dirty water they resided in. "Did my services please you?"

Zack raised an eye ridge. "Services?"

"Yes. Sexual pleasure was achieved, was it not?"

"Oh. Yes, quite, I'd say so. Is that your job?"

The eyes locked on Zack, but the ominous effect of their stare was diffused by the creature's smile. "Yes. I am a living tentacle sex toy bio-engineered and grown by the corporation Phalorp. I am one of their first prototype standard models designed to restrain and pleasure two Alorkinoid organisms. I am equipped with ten restraining vines, two dual-purpose suction tubes for pleasuring standard two gendered species, two thicker stems for anal or oral penetration, and several villi tendrils for extra stimulation. Phalorp expects us to be ready for public sale by next year."

"That's great," Zack said, "but could you let us go now?"

"Yes, if that is what you desire," the plant said.

"Err, yeah, that's what we desire," the dragon replied.

The tentacles holding Zack and Anthony captive uncoiled and lightly dropped them boot first into the swamp onto a relatively higher hilly area so that the water wouldn't lap at their legs. The dragon trudged over to his companion and took his hand.

"You alright?" Zack asked.

"Yeah," Anthony said.

"Good. Sorry about this."

"No problem. I have to admit it was pretty, err, hot. In hindsight, it wasn't so bad. If only I'd known I wasn't in any mortal danger from the start."

The dragon grinned. "Hah, we really shouldn't have been, but I haven't a clue why Mary didn't show up."

"You don't think she wanted you to maybe get eaten, do you?" Anthony asked half-jokingly.

Zack let out a little laugh. "Her? Nah."

"Sometimes I can't be too sure," the man said.

The dragon laughed again until a tentacle poked him on the shoulder.

"Excuse me," the plant said. "Would you like another sexual release?"

"Uhh, no," the dragon said. "I think we're good for now. Are there any factories or warehouses or anything around here?"

"Phalorp maintains a small office approximately one hundred miles to the west."

"Oh, okay. Do they have detection for trespassers, or are we alright leaving without notice?"

"Your presence here is not known to anyone beyond me."

"That's good," the dragon said. "We can get back to the ship. Say, how come you didn't speak to us before, erm, pleasing us?"

"I am programmed to become sexually aggressive every twenty-four hours if I do not detect semen or a sufficient amount of vaginal fluid. This time is adjustable by the end user."

"Okay then. Are there any more of you we should watch out for on our way back to our ship?"

"I am the only prototype within this sector."

"How big is a sector?"

"Half a mile."

"Good." The dragon beckoned to Anthony to follow him back to the ship, but then the ship decided to find them first.

The silver box landed sloppily in front of them, and then the hatch-ramp deployed, inviting them inside. Zack and Anthony looked at each other and shrugged. At least their legs were spared from touching the nasty bog.

They stepped onto the ramp, and then a voice called from behind.

"Wait," the plant said. One of its limbs approached Zack, a silver tube caught in its grip. "You forgot this."

The dragon took back his UID. "Thanks. And goodbye, I guess."

The creature smiled back at him before descending back into the water, taking all its appendages with it into the darkness.

Zack turned around and started walking into the ship. "Well, I guess I'll have to go to a thrift shop to replace our specialized pants."

Anthony gave him an odd look. "Specialized?"

"Right. Crappy pants for use in crappy places."

"Oh. Hah."

Zack headed for the shower, turned it on to let it warm up, and made for the front of the ship. As soon as the dragon entered the cockpit, he called for Mary. "Hey! Why didn't you--"

The AI appeared on her screen and cut him off. "I picked up your distress beacon."

"So why didn't you come over?" Zack asked.

"I did."

"You did?"

"Yes. I sure wish I had a cockpit recorder."

"Y-you were watching us the whole time?"


"Why didn't you do something?"

"It looked like you were having fun."

"But you couldn't have known that! We could've been drowned or choked or anything at any point in time!"

"I was ready to shove myself in if it came to that," Mary said. "Your facial and body expressions, especially your rock hard penis, made it pretty obvious that you were enjoying yourself. It also made the watch-and-wait technique more preferable to me since I didn't have to move the ship any more than necessary."

The dragon glanced at Mary's digital avatar, and then he swapped to Anthony. He exchanged glances a few more times before barking out a hearty laugh. "Damn Mary, you're a mischievous little devil!"

Her avatar smirked. "And you're a bloody crazy sex-addled organic idiot."

"How much longer until the ship is fixed?" Zack asked, completely ignoring her.

"Approximately seven hours."

The dragon nodded, and then he gestured at Anthony. "I think I might want to be tentacle raped again before we leave. You?"

Mary rolled her digital eyes.

A Bare Planet

_A Bare Planet_ _ _ Nakira Prime. Anthony saw a whole hodgepodge of organic bodies of all shapes and sizes, even more than he'd seen in the segregated little bipedal section of the Omnimart he'd meandered through, and he felt nearly no insanity. The...

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_Omnimart_ _ _ Anthony stood absolutely bewildered by the planet-sized superstore. It had begun with the parking lot. Spindles of metal arms and tubes extended out from the planet sized superstore, the docking and transportation railways spread...

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_Dominion_ _ _ Cairn took another sip of his sweet wine as he watched the hunky dragon sitting several chairs away reject another potential lay. The suitors were all smaller than he was, and they all had the scrawny submissive look. Most of them...

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