Warm-Up 1: Side Effects of Berserker Brew

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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This is the first in a series of stories I'll be doing. These are what I'd call warm-up stories, short things based off of a d100 chart I made up for quick kinky things to get me ready for the day. They're not as polished as other pieces, nor as long, but they're guaranteed to be uploaded more often, and will all involved one or more of my characters. Hope to make this a daily to a once every other day thing. Hope you like this one with Olag, the polar bear berserker.

Side Effects of Berserker Brew By Draconicon

The polar bear grinned at the captive fox. During the raid, the vulpine had been a pain in his ass all the way through, and he doubted that his captain would let this warrior go without some offer or another. Olag chuckled. The offer wouldn't come without some sort of sting in its tail, though, he knew from experience.

Of course, the warrior fox hadn't exactly been kind to the pirates, either. The big bear looked to his sides, the bodies of several dead men laying in the snow. They'd fought well, but they hadn't been good enough.

Thankfully, he had been.

He brought his eyes back to the fox. The warrior stared up at him with burning eyes. He respected that. Respected it enough to knock the fox out with the flat of his axe rather than chop his head off.

"Heh, let's see if yer glaring after I have my fun with ya..."

He lifted the fox over his shoulder - not bothering to keep the prisoner's face away from his loincloth covered ass as he swung him over - and made his way back to the shore boats.


It hadn't taken long to persuade Salla to let him have first crack at their captive. Probably his boss thought that he was going to beat the living crap out of the smaller male. Hell, he was tempted. Seeing some of his raiding party get taken out like that had his blood boiling, and he wanted to get revenge for them.

He'd get it another way, though. There was a side effect to berserker juice that most people didn't know about. Most people didn't live long enough to see it.

He walked into the interrogation room, a simple chamber of steel and a triple set of bullet proof glass on the other end with a table and chair in the center. The fox was tied to the chair, leaning his head against his shoulder. Despite the bruise covering half his face, the little pain was aware enough to lift his head when Olag walked in. No sooner had the bear shut the door than the shouting began.

"Let me out of this chair! I'll fuck you up!"

Olag just laughed. It was pitifully pathetic to see someone making a threat like that. The bear walked across the room to stand at the fox's side, looking down at him with a shake of his head.

"Gonna slap me again, you big fat fuck? Gonna try and 'teach me a lesson' for standing up to you?"

The bear grabbed him by the chin. As soon as his fingers clenched around the fox's muzzle, the prisoner shut up, but he didn't stop glaring. He chuckled. This'll be fun.

"Ya know, ya've got a pretty loud mouth. Think it'd be prettier if I jammed my cock down yer throat?"

"'d bite 't 'ff."

"Not my monster, ya wouldn't."

Chuckling again, the bear used his free hand to flip his loincloth to the side. His cock hung low, the foreskin covering the tip slowly pulling back as it started to rise up. He saw the fox's eyes dart to it, and saw the widening that he tried to hide a second later. It was a reaction he was used to. Nobody ever expected a rounder bear like him to be packing more than eight inches soft.

He pulled his hand back, letting the fox shout. He didn't pay much attention to it, just holding his cock in hand. The familiar feeling of the elixir's secondary effect were already running through his shaft as it hardened, sending little tingles through it.

The fox kept shouting and shouting, but as Olag's cock got fully hard, they started dying off. The fox stared slack jawed as the bear's shaft hit ten inches hard...then kept growing.

Olag growled at the pleasurable stretching feeling. It was like an invisible tube had been pulled over the top of his cock and had started sucking on him. His cock head stretched upwards, pulled by that invisible tube, and the rest of his cock followed, the entire length fattening up and throbbing harder with each 'suck' that followed. The veins along the side of his shaft stood out as it felt better and better, making him not just longer, but thicker.

Starting to stroke his cock, he pointed the tip of it at the fox's face. The prisoner couldn't help but stare, and the polar bear laughed.

"Heh, ya one of those frisky fighters that turns into a tailraiser at night?"

"Huh? Huh, what?"

"Ya heard me, boi." Olag slapped his cock against the fox's muzzle. "Ya a tailraiser?"

"Wha- No! No, I'm nothing like that!"

A glance under the table made him laugh. The fox was so hard that his leggings looked fit to burst. Olag shook his head, running his hand to the end of his foot long cock, feeling it throb forward at least another half an inch.

"Yer a liar."

"N-no, I...I never felt...I never -"

"Well, yer gonna now."

Without warning, Olag grabbed the fox by the back of his head and dragged him down his cock. The bear groaned in pleasure as warm fox muzzle slid down his shaft, taking in the first four inches before he started to gag. The prisoner thrashed around, and he felt the edges of the fox's teeth, but nothing more than the lightest scrapes. His cock was too big for the little slut to bite down on.

After getting a good grip on the fox's ears, he started dragging the little cock-sleeve up and down his shaft. It throbbed harder, and he could feel it growing even longer. Even when he held the fox down, he could feel his cock slowly inching down that muzzle, pushing towards the back of the throat. He didn't even have to force the prisoner down. All he had to do was wait.

Inch by inch his cock continued to grow. It pulsed, and he felt the prisoner swallow some of his pre as another inch forced its way out of his crotch. Another inch, and he felt the muscles at the edge of the fox's throat tighten around his head with another swallow.

Another inch, and he was in.

"Heh, knew ya could take it."

He used his grip to start fucking the fox's face. With another eight inches sticking out of the fox's muzzle and the rest buried in his throat, the polar bear had a long way to go. He grunted hard as he pulled the prisoner down his cock, battering his way into the smaller male's throat. Smooth muscles clamped down on the edge of his shaft as he forced it deeper and deeper, making the prisoner take it, taking his own revenge for the people that the fox had taken earlier.

And before long, he felt the fox start to respond. It wasn't much, at first, just a few swallows that were out of place. Then a few licks along the bottom of his shaft when he pulled back. After that, it was only a minute or two before the fox was actively sucking, bobbing his head without the slightest pressure from the polar bear's hands.

The berserker suddenly pulled back, dragging the full length of his cock out of the fox's throat. The slut gagged, coughing as pre and drool spilled down his chin before he brought his head back, a desperate look on his face.

"Why'd you stop!? Why?"

"I ain't finishing in yer mouth."

"What? What do you want? My hands? My ass?"

"Yeah. Yeah, that sounds good."

"Take it, take it! I just want..."

The bear smirked as the fox trailed off, stroking his cock. It had reached eighteen inches and was still growing, though slower than before.

"Ya want what, boi?"


"Say it."

"...Your cock."

"What was that?"

"Your cock! I want your cock!"

"Good boi."

The polar bear lifted the fox out of the chair and threw him onto the table. The chair hit the wall with a clang as Olag kicked it out of the way, ripping the fox's leggings apart to reveal his hole. It looked damn tight, and he knew it would take a while to break the boi in.

That was fine. He had all night before Salla would be making his offer. He intended to enjoy it.

The End

Warm-Up 2: The Salacious Spirit

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