Thank You for Lunch

Story by Picklessauce69 on SoFurry

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Another, shorter commission for PoesRaven this time with a fun, sexy surprise theme! I hope you enjoy it! Make sure to vote/fave/comment with your feedback! Especially comment, nothing will allow me to grow more than feedback on what I do well and what I do badly!

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Yes, Come on in!" The feline stood up from her desk with a swish of her long, deep green skirt. The door swung open to reveal her tall, maned wolf of a boyfriend holding a large, brown sack. The twin, triangular ears atop the girls ears straightened, popping up to full attention as her face lit up, eyes twinkling. "What is this?"

"I brought you lunch!" He lifted up the pouch with the restaurant name, Belladonna decorating the side. "I stopped by and picked it up on the way here, so it's fresh!" He flashed a goofy smile, stepping into the classroom and re-shutting the door behind him. As he weaved up through the paint- splattered desks that filled the room, O'Neice stepped out from behind her own equally messy desk to greet him. Her long, silky black hair hung down her back, cinched towards the bottom with a loose pony so that it didn't fall into paint as she walked through the room assisting students.

Reaching O'Neice, Kezhon discarded the bag onto her desk and curled both of his strong arms around the girl's soft waist. Splaying his hands out over her lower and upper back, Kezhon pulled her to his chest as he leaned down for a kiss. O'Neice leaned up into him, stretching onto her tippy-toes to kiss his lips with a soft, gentle hello kiss.

Breaking the kiss, she leaned her head back to look up at him without stepping away from his chest. "This is so thoughtful, Kezhon. How can I thank you?" She gave him a playful smile and leaned up again just slightly, preparing to repay him simply with another kiss. However, Kezhon dropped one large hand down onto her full rump, groping gently as he pressed his lips down to hers once again. His tongue lightly prodded to her bottom lip, deepening the kiss into a full french. As they kissed, Kezhon pressed up to the art teacher, grinding a bulging package up to her stomach as he leaned down into the kiss. When they broke apart, O'Neice panted softly against his chin. "Kezhon! I only have a half an hour lunch break!" She scolded, giving him a stern, yet flustered look of disapproval.

Kezhon responded by giving her wide, rounded puppy-dog eyes while a thick finger traced along the girl's side and slide up her soft stomach before groping a full breast over top of the simple t-shirt she wore. "But after that you have prep hour, which is a whole other hour." A thumb found the girl's nipple, starting to rub in circles over the nub, teasing it through the fabric of her top with an unrelenting, but gentle pressure.

"Well, yes, but students can come ask questions during prep hour. So, this room isn't private at that point." Her breathing hitched just slightly, feeling the tingling sensation from the play on her nipple starting to spread, warming her crotch as she puffed her chest unwillingly into his palm.

Kezhon leaned down to kiss along the girl's neck, tickling her with his facial hair as his lips worked from the high point of her neck just beneath her hair and down towards the scooped neck of her shirt, which his fingers gently tugged at to try and pull even a bit lower to give him even another kiss. "I'll hide under the desk."

Even with the dizzying sensation of his lips traveling along the curve of her throat, at his words O'Neice pulled back with a raised eyebrow and an expectant expression on her face, waiting for Kezhon to realize what he'd said which he did with a glance down at her desk. "Or rather, in the closet."

O'Neice rolled her eyes, though she didn't stop his hands from roaming down from her chest to hike up her skirt, lifting it till her dainty, black panties showed. Cupping his hand over her mound, Kezhon felt the heat of the arousal he caused. "You're not hiding in my closet, Kezhon," O'Neice firmly reminded.

"Then you've better let me get started." He flashed her a broad grin, a playful yet obviously lustful smile accompanied with the stroking touch of his thumb rubbing down along her slit. His lips returned to hers, kissing her with an eager, impatient passion. The thumb on her sex continued to trace her slit as they kissed, sliding from over her closed pucker up to where her clit started to swell beneath the fabric, pushing up to the thin silky of her panties with a little nub. Against Kezhon's kiss, O'Neice felt her breathing quicken with the touch. With on hand on her crotch and the other on her breast, Kezhon's focus locked onto her pleasure, and she could tell. On hand cupped up around her clothed breast, rubbing over the nipple while the other slowly teased her slit, paying special attention to the miniature bulge of her clitoris.

Their tongues dangled together, the kind of lewd kissing high schoolers were scolded for performing in the halls just outside the closed, yet unlocked door lined with its puke green lockers and tiled floors. Kezhon kissed her deeply, wanting to taste every inch of the feline's mouth while O'Neice drew her rough, kitty tongue up to stroke along her mate's larger appendage. Soft, sexual slurps escaped their mouths as they kissed, but faded out in the large, empty room.

With both her nipples hard and throbbing beneath the fabric of her top, O'Neice felt Kezhon suddenly retreating back from her breasts. However, his hand started to stroke down her stomach till it reached the bottom edge of her top and then wriggled beneath. Long, strong fingers began to crawl up her stomach beneath the confines of her shirt, stretching the cotton out over his hand while letting his bare skin touch hers. As his hand neared her breast, O'Neice felt herself stiffen slightly, pressing forward with impatient desire, yet his fingers' crawl slowed just before her bosom. Soft, grazing touches caressed between her breasts, sending tingling sensations over the skin as anticipation built for the mere touch of his fingers on her boob. When he at last cupped a hand around her breast, O'Neice nearly moaned, only biting on her lip after the first sigh of the sound escaped. Only once his fingertip grazed her pert, pulsing nipple did O'Neice feel something strange rubbing over the sensitive flesh. Small, rubbery nubs rubbed over the rosebud of her nipple. With a small flick of the button on the side of the short fingertip vibratator, Kezhon suddenly rubbed buzzing, vibrating nubs over her sensitive nipple.

O'Neice gasped, a short moan escaping before Kezhon covered her mouth with his in another deep, passionate kiss. His index finger started to rub over her nipple, running the buzzing tip of the vibe up to the pulsing, delicate nub of her teat. All the while, his other hand still cupped along her hot mound, feeling the waves of sexual heat washing off from her crotch while her panties started to wetten. Starting as a small dot, a patch of wetness started to spread at the male's teasing on her sensitive nipples. Kezhon's finger continued to rub along her slit, pushing the panites up againt her body some so the shape of her lower, pussy lips showed in the black silk and the wet spot grew, rubbed up to her body and soaking up more of her juices.

As the buzzing vibe rubbed too her nipple, O'Neice kissed Kezhon hungerly. Her teeth nipped at his bottom lip, pulling back occasionally with a playful, feline growl. Though, once her playful biting earned her a nip in return from Kezhon's powerful canines, she squeaked and retreated back to eagerly licking through his mouth, tasting him on her tongue.

Slowly, Kezhon drew the finger vibe off the girl's chest, sliding it teasingly, still buzzing down her belly till it slipped down her silky panties, rubbing to the nub of her clit. A gasp gushed into their shared kiss, making Kezhon's lips curl into a partial smile as the finger holding the vibe started to rub over her clit, teasing the clothed nub with extra roughness seeing as the silk panties would protect her from the barbs of the toy without letting her escaping the rubbing, vibrating, tickling sensation of the finger vibe. She writhed on the desk, both trying to escape the unrelenting stimulation while also grinding up to it.

Kezhon kissed her harder, feeling her mewling into his lips while he carefully tugged her panties to the side. Soft, gentle finger rubbed over her swollen clit, feeling the hot, pink flesh before he rubbed the little vibe up to her bare skin, using the smooth tip first as he tested her sensitivity to the buzzing toy. When she gave a shuddering sigh of delight, he tipped his finger to give her the full, nubbed texture of the toy, rubbing it over her clit and down the length of her sloppy, wet slit.

Suddenly breaking the kiss, the feline huffed into the air. Her breath hung ragged in the air in hard gasps before she seemed to catch up with it. The finger with the vibe teased up to her opening, pushing gently inside enough to tickle her with the nubbed surface before retreating out and rubbing back over her clit, eliciting a gasping moan. O'Neice's hips rocked to the male's finger, trying to push his finger deeper when it teasingly rubbed inside her. Letting her pant into the open air, Kezhon moved his lips to her neck, nibbling down the soft, smooth flesh while his finger started to circle over her clit again.

Her slit glistened with wetness. Every touch from the buzzing toy brought with a wet, lewd noise as her juices pooled into every crevice of her sex, pooling down in the pucker of her ass. The sound of her, so wet and horny while distantly, he could hear class being held in the next room over, someone's voice lecturing about historical battles and war heroes while O'Neice struggled to keep from moaning out loud and leaking her nectar out onto his fingers made Kezhon swell in his pants. His already hard cock sat rock- hard inside his slacks watching her writhe against his toy- covered finger. He felt precum beading on his tip, wettening the fabric of his panties as he suddenly thrust of the buzzing fingertip deep into the girl, as far as his finger could reach before he bent, trying to rub to her g-spot.

The feline bit down on her lip, muffling a sudden squeal at the surprising penetration. Her pussy clenched down, desperately trying to keep even the smallest of girths inside to fulfill the aching need she had to be filled, but his finger pulled back. The finger tip swirled once more over her clit before Kezhon flicked his gaze up to the clock.

His finger tip swirled over her clit, rubbing mercilessly while he bit onto her neck, teasing the skin between his teeth while he watched the hands of the clock spin. She'd had a mere half an hour and time was escaping for him to finish her off. As O'Neice stiffened in his hand with another need- to- be- muffled cry, Kezhon flicked the toy off and triple checked the clock.

With less than fifteen minutes remaining it O'Neice's lunch break, Kezhon's hands suddenly grabbed onto her hips and lifted her onto the edge of the desk. Her long skirt rode high on her thighs and spilled out on either side of her body, leaving just her panties on. The thin, black silk panties where soaked through with her juices and drooped over to the side slightly from being stretched over. Stuck up to her wet pussy, the panties outlined her lower lips perfectly. Kezhon peeked up to her face studying the mixture of surprise at his suddenness and lust from his teasing in such a taboo setting. While his eyes held onto her bewildered gaze, Kezhon leaned down and drew his tongue up the girl's slit over the panites, tasting a sample of the excited juices he'd been creating for the last fifteen minutes. Feeling her hips squirm up to his lips, Kezhon smiled and pulled back. His thumbs hooked into the thin band of her panties on either side of her hips before she yanked them down, releasing her thick, musky scent into the air.

Breathing in her spicy scent deeply, Kezhon started to yank open his pants. The button opened with a pop and the zipper shouted out its parting with its familiar sound before Kezhon dropped the slacks down to the floor, letting gravity yank them down with a telltale rustle. Standing in just his soft orange panties, Kezhon's cock jutted out of leg band of the garment, the long length of it snaking partway down his leg while his balls filled the feminine panties he wore. Reaching forward eagerly, O'Neice curled her fingertip into the waistband of the panties, slowly sliding them down off him. When the band dropped lower the his base, his cock sprang out into the air, bobbing out from his groin proudly. The tip glistened with precum, a bead sitting on the very tip as her stepped closer to her, smearing the pre down her slit before his head pushed up to her tight, slick opening.

O'Neice tipped back slightly, leaning further onto the desk while her butt stayed on the edge. She looked up at Kezhon, with his eyes mirroring her own with an obvious look of built up need and his lips tight together, controlling himself from slamming into the girl's hot, wet snatch with abandon. With a needy stare, Kezhon looked back at her, relishing the sight of her on her paint- stained desk with assignments and paintbrushes still strewn over the surface with her skirt hiked up to show her bare pussy with only the small heart-shaped patch of pubic hair maring the perfect smoothness of her sex and her nipples teased to a stiff point, poking up to the thin fabric of her shirt. Grabbing onto her hips just beneath her shirt, Kezhon stroked over her skin as his tip teased to her sex, tracing the same line of her slit that his finger had run over minutes earlier. Now, her sex was sloppy with liquid excitement, every slide along her slit further coating the head of his massive cock with her glistening nectar until the girl grabbed onto his wrists. A tight, needy grasp dug her fingernails down into the skin of his wrist as O'Neice's husky, aroused voice rasped out in the air, "Take me now, Kezhon. Take me now before I have to stand up here and teach again with a dripping pussy!"

With her words, Kezhon thrust forward. His tip easily spread her wet lower lips, plunging deep into her tight snatch. he felt her hungry pussy nearly sucking him in with the tight clench of her muscles squeezing down on him eagerly, impatiently pulling him into her, urging him deeper and deeper.

"Oooh..." O'Neice sighed, trying to stifle her own moans by tightening her lips together only to feel them pop apart again when Kezhon pushed deeper, grinding his tip to her sensitive, clenching walls.

"Shh, Dove, Shh.." Kezhon urged, his own heavy breathing rushing to her neck as he leaned closer. His lips pressed lightly to her jaw line once more before he licked along her bottom lip, "Lemme help..." Then, he kissed her passionately, with his tongue snaking sloppily into her mouth. Together, their tongues intertwined, muffling their pleasured moans and whines into each other's lips.

Holding their kiss, Kezhon hilted against her crotch, mashing their groins together. Whining into the kiss as a loud, motor-like purr thrummed in her chest, O'Neice grinded up to Kezhon's crotch, digging him deeper into her. With every shift of her hips and every grind she pushed forward, her walls constricted around him, massaging over his entire length at once while his tip buried deep inside her, grinding to her sensitive walls.

Breaking their kiss suddenly to breath, Kezhon huffed into the girl's neck. Every hot breath washed over her chest and cascaded down over her breasts before the heat escaped and left her with a tingling chill till his next hard pant. His fingers on her hips tightened, gripping her tighter and pushing her back into the desk Holding her steady to the desk, he slowly pulled back from her snatch, feeling her walls spasm and clench around him as she tried to keep him deep inside her. His slow retreat stopped only when just the tip sat inside her with her sex clamped down on it until he started to push back into her, thrusting deeply into her once again.

As he plunged back into her, O'Neice felt her hips rock back into the desk, rattling it on the floor slightly. She gasped with the noise and tightened her grip on his wrists, "Ah! Kezhon! See what you've done! They're going to hear my desk rattling and see you trotting out- ah!" Her words cut off with a sudden moan, her voice escaping into the air, "Ah! And a moan now! You're going to get me in trouble!" Even as she playfully scolded him, her voice clung to its raw, husky tone thick with arousal. She couldn't shake the thrill of fucking in her classroom. Everytime she looked passed Kezhon to see the familiar landscape of desks, spattered with paints and forgotten texts books or papers left to be collected that she never picked up because she'd been interrupted by Kezhoon's visit she felt a fresh twinge of excitement in her groin. Being laid back over her desk, where she stood to teach lessons, to stand in front of classrooms full of students, and acted as the responsible example to follow, and being plowed into like she herself was a horny teacher sent chills down her spine. The thought of it alone, having Kezhon balls deep while through the next wall students scribbled notes and her door sat unlocked, tempting fate every second, could make her drip and now just made her clench tighter on Kezhon.

"Kezhon..." She whimpered, giving him an open-mouthed expression as she panted needily. "This is so dangerous. We could be caught. Any one of the other teachers could come in here at any time. A student even, with a pass, could come in." Constantly, her heavy breathing interrupted between her words while everything she said only worked herself up further. Her hips pushed back up to every thrust Kezhon made. One of her hands groped over her breast needily while she mewled up to the large, maned wolf like a horny sex kitten.

Kezhon, realizing how horny the risk of the location was making the feline, leaned down towards her ear, talking in a deep voice into her hair. "You're a naughty, naughty teacher Miss Broschinsky. What would a student think if they walked in, seeing you being plowed right on the desk where you grade their papers?" A throaty, muffled moan swelled out from her throat while she bit onto her lip. Kezhon thrust deep into her, hilting with every hard pound into her while he steadily rocked his hips. The desk beneath continued to rattle occasionally, rocking the ceiling of the classroom beneath with the noise of their lovemaking.

"What's going to happen tomorrow, Miss Broschinsky, when you sit down to teach right at the same desk where I filled you?" Kezhon's voice filled up her ears with the confident dirty talking, a rare occurrence from the normally flustered male, but today surprisingly her with sex, turning her on, surprising her, and now seeing her constantly on the sexual edge imbued the maned wolf with an uncharacteristic confidence.

One hand loosened from her hip, bringing the little finger vibe back to her crotch, running the little buzzing bug over her swollen, pink clit. Instantly, she thrashed against the desk with another mufffled moan. One hand shot up from his arm, where she clutched onto him for dear life, to pull him lips to hers. Feverishly, she kissed him to muffle her squeals of pleasure as the buzzing fingertip rubbed over her hypersensitive clit. Every nub of the spiked toy made her twitch. Her sex spasmed harder around him, clenching tighter and tighter with every thrust.

Kezhon held her tighter with one hand while he kissed her in a messy french kiss. His tongue stroked into her mouth, feeling her moans as her lips vibrated with the noise. Keeping his grip clenched on her hips, Kezhon sped up his thrusts till his cock pistoned in and out of her with lewd, wet noises of her sex pulling him back in, trying to milk him of his cum.

Feeling the tension of her impending orgasm clenching her sex, Kezhon broke from the kiss. The finger on her clit sped up, rubbing over her unrelentingly, forcing her to feel the burning fire of simulation from the swollen bead as his voice tickled against her ear again, husky and deep. "Cum for me, Miss Broschinsky. Cum all over my cock on top of your desk, let it drip onto the desk where you teach and grade. Quick, Dove. Cum for me before your students catch us."

His words made her quiver. Every inch of her tensed. Her nose crinkled and for a split second, her pink tongue shot out of the corner of her mouth before it dropped open with a silenced scream and her pussy started to contract. Her muscles spasmed once, twice, three times with the first wave of her orgasm. The tight sensation of her gripping him, orgasming over his cock, from his cock send Kezhon over the edge with her. His cock jerked inside her, spurting white cream into her insides. He filled her with rope after rope of cum, another spurt shooting out each time her orgasm lasted through another hard clamp down on his trapped dick.

When her orgasm finally died, leaving her whimpering and panting as she slumped forward against Kezhon's sturdy chest, the male pulled out slowly. Reaching into the lunch bag, he fished out a pile of napkins that be set just beneath the girl's sex, catching the dribbling leak of cum from her. Then, leaning down, he tenderly licked over her sex. His thick, canine tongue stroked over her lower lips, cleaning off the glistening wetness while doing his best to avoid her hyper sensitive clit, so as to not overwhelm her body. Once cleaned, he lowered her skirt, stuffing her messy panties instead into his pocket rather than back on. Then, he shoved himself back into his own panties, sliding his pants back onto his hips. Once they both appeared re-dressed, he stroked over her hair and kissed her forehead softly. "O'Neice, eat something." He whispered into her ear before he kissed her hair tenderly.

Just as his lips left her hair, the door of the classroom swung open to reveal the pink and black haired head of a familiar hybrid. "Ravenna!" Kezhon greeted, smiling broadly as he stepped back from the art teacher, who perked up suddenly at the appearance of one of her students.

"Ah! Hello, Ravenna! I was just thanking Kezhon for bringing me lunch!" She turned to the maned wolf, putting on hand affectionately onto his chest before she chastely kissed his cheek, "Thank you for Lunch."

The teenager glanced at the two, eyeing the glazed, dove eyes the two flashed at each other with a look mild disgust. When she picked up on the veiled meaning behind her teacher's thank you, the girl swiveled and pushed the door of the classroom back open, and without a word, exited back into the hall leaving the afterglow drunk couple staring after her, confused.

"Was it something I said?"