Elder Scrolls Stream Story 2: Bandits, Then Booty

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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The second story of the Elder Scrolls story stream, requested by DrakeHavok.

Bandits, Then Booty For DrakeHavok By Draconicon

Usually, a raid on a bandit camp went one of two ways. Either he and Arga went in and fought them 'til death or surrender, earning a lot of loot and maybe fulfilling a mission from the Jarl, or they were captured and fucked for a while until the bandits got bored and they were able to escape. Both sides were good, considering how kinky bandits could be when they lost, and he enjoyed both sides of things. Arga might not, but then again, the other Argonian never remembered sexual encounters.

This was perhaps the first time that the bandits looked like they wanted to kill them rather than use them, and Serrek wasn't sure that he liked that.

"Think anyone is gonna miss these two sacks of scales, boss?"

Sacks of scales? Yeah, he didn't really like this at all.

"I don't think so. But let's make sure that we don't leave 'em out in the open. No need to get the guard on us again."

"Again? What, they didn't get you the first time?"

They glared at him, and Serrek rolled his eyes. Not like running his mouth was going to get them into worse trouble.

"So tell me, Serrek. Did you have a particular plan with waking them up, or did you just think we could use the challenge?"

"Stuff it, Arga. It was an accident."

"Oh, really? An accident. Yes. That would explain the fact that I have two knives held at my throat and one at my balls."

"Relax. We can still get out of this. And besides, I've got a plan."

"The last time you said that, we had to spend a night in a lich's coffin to avoid a cluster of vampires."

The bandits were not amused by their banter, and Serrek coughed as he was punched in the stomach. The Argonian pulled himself back to his feet after the blow, glaring at the bandit who had knocked the breath from his lungs.

"You two, shut up. You had your chance for last words already."

"Oh, are we boring you? Should we do a song and dance instead?"

"I said -"

This time the bandit punched him across the face, knocking the back of his head against Arga's, and leaving him with a hell of a headache. Judging by the growl from his partner, he doubted that the black Argonian felt much better about it.

"Shut up."

He turned his head, seeing Arga glaring at the dozen or so bandits on his side. There were another dozen on his, so they were pretty much surrounded. But that was fine. As long as he could get to that dagger in his boot...which, now that he thought about it, was way over on the other side of the camp...

"Okay, I don't have a plan. Do you?"

"One. But it'll involve a lot of shouting."

"Shouting? Oh, Shouting! Thank you for reminding me!"

"What the hell is he -"

"Fus Ro Dah!"

He felt Arga's head whip around at the words leaving his mouth, but he was more focused on the four men closest to him go stumbling backwards and then go flying over the back of one of the logs ringing the campsite. The other eight drew back in shock, and so did the ones on Arga's side from the sound of it.

Just as he was about to ask Arga to turn him around so he could do something else, he felt the other Argonian draw in a breath. His eyes went wide. He couldn't be. I thought I was the only one going about doing this.

"Yol Toor Shul!"

Where Serrek had thrown his attackers back, Arga burned them with a blast of fire from his mouth. Six of them went up in flames, and the fires spread across the ground, setting logs and frozen grass ablaze with the power of the dragon language. The remaining bandits fled, some holding bows, but most leaving with nothing more than their lives in hand. Serrek approved of the latter; he was hoping not to have to deal with the bowmen when they finally got their courage back.

As the silence of the night returned, Serrek shuffled against the bindings that held their wrists together. He shuffled one way, then the other, then one more direction before he managed to get one wrist free. After that, the bindings were too loose to hold either of them, and the rope fell to the ground.

"Well...any reason you never told me about a dragon fucking one of your ancestors?"

"Is there any reason you never told me you could shout?"

"Mostly 'cause I can never remember I can do it." Serrek tapped the side of his head. "Can't keep that up here, you know? Besides, the words are hard."

"Anything strong is hard."

Rolling his eyes at Arga's seriousness, Serrek took another look around the campsite. None of the bandits had returned, and so far, no arrows had been shot in their direction. What little he could see showed no sign of them returning, either. They were probably too frightened by two dragonborn at once to be able to stick around.

"Have you...spoken with the Greybeards, Serrek?"

"Hmm? Oh, no, no, Divines no. I'm not heading up those steps just for a bunch of old men."

"Hmph. Probably for the best. They don't have much to share as it is."

"I guess not."

Arga sat down, and Serrek followed him, stretching out and extending his legs towards the campfire. The feeling of warmth against his toes felt particularly good after the long cold day.

"So...wanna fuck?"

The black Argonian whipped his head around, and Serrek sighed.

"Just a suggestion."

"I suggest you don't make it again."

Not in that way, I won't. But let's see you resist this. He turned one leg so that the underside of his foot pointed towards Arga. The other Argonian glanced down, and his eyes were caught. He stared, his attention fixed on Serrek's sole.

"Now, why don't we try that again? Wanna fuck?"

"Want to...fuck..."

"Eh, we'll work on enthusiasm. Get naked."

He shook his head. It never got any easier to get his partner out of his shell, but at least he could have fun in other ways.

The End

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