Billy's Backpack

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This is a story that is cannon with the story arc of how my boyfriend and I met in character. It contains no actual yiff, but has non-sexual vore with underaged prey. You have been warned.

"Ooooh, it's so cute! Can I have this backpack mommy?" The little bunny boy pointed to the plush white rabbit backpack.

"I don't know, Billy..." The mother looked down at her twelve-year-old son.

"But it's the last one..." Billy whined. Indeed it was the only one on the rack. She sighed. She was a little worried about her son. He was getting to old for cuteness, but he himself was so adorable. Not just to his mother, but to everyone who saw him. Billy pushed his oversized glasses up his nose. "Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeease? Only for the trip..." Billy alluded to the fact he would be flying by himself for the first time the next day. He would be going to visit his father, who lived quite aways away.

His mother relented and took the white backpack, not noticing its smile had widened. At the checkout, it took the clerk an inordinate amount of time to find the price tag. After little Billy began to whine about what was taking so long, the clerk scanned it, confused, thinking he had checked the ear before...

Billy grinned and hugged his new backpack, sniffing it gently, finding the smell different than any plush he'd smelled before, more... enticing. He squeezed it softly as he followed his mother out to the car, cuddled it silently all the way home, and took it with him to his room, where he put it on his back experimentally. It fit perfectly on his back after a moment. He kept it on while he packed his luggage, putting the clothing his mother had laid out for him earlier into his suitcase. He ate dinner with the backpack at his feet, watched TV with it on his lap, played Nintendo with it next to him, and went to bed cuddling it. Billy's mother dismissed this as merely the novelty of the white plush backpack and thought little of it.

Bright and early, Bill woke up feeling rather refreshed and curled up in one corner of his bed. He thought this a little strange, but he uncurled to find he had wrapped himself around his new backpack. He smiled at it and grabbed his glasses from his bedside table. It smiled back at him motionless and adorable. One adorable feature being the small fangs in its muzzle. Billy thought it was adorable anyway. Upon examination, Billy found that the muzzle was the opening for the pouch in which to carry things in. The inside was lined with black. He thought this was a nice touch in contrast with the white. It would have been boring as pink. He found the things he was going to carry on laid out on the bedside table. He carefully placed each item in the backpack via its mouth, finding the mouth would stretch easily to let in larger objects. He gently closed the mouth and put the backpack on, checking to see if the mouth stayed shut. It did. He grinned and slipped off the backpack and began changing into the clothes laid out for his flight. The Backpack sat facing him as he bared his young slender form and went to acquire briefs from his chest of drawers. He pulled up the briefs and posed for a moment, grinning, before pulling on his slacks and his button up shirt. He stopped to tie his bow-tie carefully and grinned at the mirror, his orange headfur poofing any which way it wanted to. He pulled the backpack onto his back and grabbed his suitcase, dragging it with him to the living room. He left it there and went to breakfast, eating with it sitting by his large bunny feet. "Billy, It's time to go." He wiped his muzzle on a napkin, slid the napkin onto his back and got the suitcase and went out the door, which his mother was holding open.

A car ride, a wait in endless lines, a sitting at the gate, and a coke later, Billy was pleased to hear that the flight was boarding. His mother kissed his forehead and he readjusted his large glasses again. He was swarmed by flight attendants who corralled him into the plane and sat him in his seat next to the wing but on the aisle. He was reluctant to put his backpack up in the overhead, so sat it between his feet. Once more he waited. And waited. And waited. And waited until the plane was full and they taxied down the runway and finally took off. Billy clutched his chair arms until the no smoking signs went out. He felt a familiar pressure in his bladder and unbuckled the large safety restraint holding him in place and unconsciously grabbing the backpack, not noticing it had dropped all his carry on items into a neat pile under his chair. Billy found the Restrooms with help of the flight attendant who had seen him get up and immediately came to his aide. He closed the door behind him, locked it to say OCCUPIED, and set his backpack down on the floor next to the door. He then undid his slacks and let them fall to the ground. He pulled down his briefs and let them cling to his knees as he gently aimed and let out his swollen bladder's contents into the empty bowl of the airline toilet. He had just finished and had started bending down to pull up his briefs, when the plane hit a bit of turbulence unexpectedly and he fell back toward the door. He found himself with his naked rump in the backpack, the mouth stretched around his back and the back of his knees. His paws were pinned at his sides. He giggled at the situation and tried to get up and out. In the same instant, his lower legs were pressed up as he felt a strong pull on his rump. He looked confusedly around until he saw the plush bunny backpack's eyes glowing crimson. He meeped in fear and struggled as it pressed its consuming maw up to his ankles and neck, his head and feet popping out of the swollen backpack's muzzle opening. He realized there was no escape by himself and got ready to scream. One of the allegedly decorative plush paws pressed itself over Billy's mouth as he let loose with the cry for help, muffling the sound almost entirely. The same paw pressed his head in, his large glasses falling off as the lips slid along his head. The backpack used its long black tongue to lick at the remaining footpaws and draw them in. It closed its mouth and gulped, a curled up outline of Billy in its stretchy belly. It belched loudly and gave his belly a firm slap of satisfaction. The plushie bunny backpack's eyes closed slowly as it sat back to digest its big meal.

When the plane landed, no one could find Billy. One of the flight attendants said she last saw him go in the bathroom. After unlocking it, they found Billy against the sink, having apparently banged his head when the turbulence hit. His eyes fluttered open and he looked up at the fuzzy forms of the flight attendants which cleared when one of them placed his glasses on his face. "What happened?" He asked, a little worried.

"There was turbulence. " A fox said, helping little Billy up and pulling up his briefs and trousers. Billy blushed, having not noticed they were still down. They led him to get his carry on, a small blue backpack, and go to baggage claim, where his father was waiting for him. As they explained what happened to Billy's father, Billy saw a tall white hare sitting across the room, looking straight at him, smiling with fangs. A group of furres obscured him for a moment. In the flurry of motion, the hare had disappeared. Billy gasped. Billy's father found his suitcase and led him to the car.

A couple years later, Billy was searching the internet. He suddenly remembered, faintly, the events of that flight. On a whim he typed in "Swallowed alive" into a search engine. About three links down was an art site for something called Vore. Billy clicked.


Questions? Comments? Concerns for the Good of the Order? Email me at Hydrix1-at-cox-dot-net.

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