Daily Tale 07/25&26/14: Game Day

Story by Darius The Dragon on SoFurry

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#2 of Daily Tale

A rather short story that took me two days to do mostly due to stomach pains. This story features Hatothepuppy's characters hato and Mika. The pictures use are indeed mine and yes, they are awesome vehicles. If only i owned them in real life. Anyway, stay tuned for more short stories soon! And yes, I sorta rushed the ending because I didnt know where else to go with the story so it's very bad. ;-; I'll not make that mistake again. Please point out any typos or grammatical errors if you can spot any and enjoy the read!

Daily Tale June 25th & 26th, 2014

Game Day

The first rays of morning sunlight shone in through a window, waking up a young canine cub. Hato opened his amber eyes and was greeted with a site he wasn't used to yet; the white ceiling of Mika's apartment. Mika was the nice cat who had brought him into her apartment only a few days earlier. Hato started to remember that day, Mika was walking down the street late at night, ready to go home and sleep, when she heard a noise in an alleyway. Surprised, and now on full alert, Mika turned to face the alleyway and yelled into the darkness "Who are you! Come out and face me now!" All the tabby got in response was the sound of someone moving ever so slightly and a barely audible whimper. Hato was panicking and pressing himself against the wall, staying out of the light. Whenever people yelled at him it was never good. Mika, on the other hand, was a bit curious. 'That sounded like a kid' she thought to herself. Going against common sense Mika started walking towards the noise, her eyes adjusting properly. In the corner to her right she heard heavy breathing. Turning to the corner she could see the faintest outline of a small cub curling up in the corner and panicking. Instantly Mika got concerned over Hato and brought him home with her, giving him a warm meal and a bed to sleep in for the night.

Hato brought himself to the present and got out of bed. He went to the washroom to get all cleaned up before walking down the hall to the kitchen, where delicious smells and the sounds of cooking were coming from. The puppy walked into the kitchen, rubbing his eyes as he got onto a seat and waited quietly for breakfast. Mika saw Hato enter and couldn't help but linger on how cute he looked when he did that. Turning around with a plate full of food Mika smiled "Breakfast is served!" She set the two plates on the counter and turned to get a fork and knife before sitting back down. As she ate Mika looked over Hato, noting how thin he seemed to be. She also remembered when she found him. The white fur on his face and chest was so dirty she couldn't tell that it was different from the brown fur on his forearms and legs. Mika mentally sighed before finishing her breakfast quickly and getting up, packing some stuff in her bag. "Sorry kiddo but I've got to go to a meeting at some big publisher, they want to talk to me about one of my stories." After packing her laptop into the bag Mika ruffled Hato's hair and headed to the doorway. Mika was surprised when she heard a chair fall over, and turned only to see Hato running towards her. Mika was even more surprised as Hato enveloped her in a tight hug. "Mika, please don't go..."

Mika blinked, then realized this kid must've not made many friends, living on the streets. She rubbed his hair comfortingly "Don't worry, I'll be back soon."

Hato nodded and reluctantly let go of Mika. "Promise?"

Mika nodded and opened the door, stopping to look back to Hato "I promise. But before I go look in the living room, there should be some games to play if you want."

Hato nodded and watched as Mika left. "Bye." Hato turned and looked down the hallway as he heard the telltale click of the lock, and the fading sound of footsteps as Mika made her way out. Shrugging Hato made his way down the hallway where he found the TV. After a bit of fiddling around he got it to turn on, but there wasn't anything showing up on the screen. After about half an hour of struggling with technology in general Hato finally got the Xbox powered on. From there on it was smooth riding as Mika had set it up so it would give Hato a tutorial on how to play. Soon enough Hato had signed into the account created for him and was browsing through the library of games. Hato found one that looked to be action packed and quickly got addicted. Soon enough, after a few hours of playing Hato got himself a nice car after playing a heist.


Deciding to have some fun Hato got in his car and entered a race, which he lost the first time around because he was rather new to the game. As Hato continued playing and getting better the small cub grinned, for the day was going to be filled with adventures.

Eventually Hato ended up playing in online, and he was pretty good at it too. He won 7/10 death matches he played and got a lot of money, so he bought an apartment with a two car garage. In that garage he only had the car that was free but he wanted to get himself a motorcycle and vowed to save up for one. Eventually Hato did get his motorcycle and spent the next few hours just goofing off on his new motorcycle.


Turns out that Mika's meeting had run late, very late. But Hato didn't notice nor care; he was too busy having fun in Los Santos. When Mika entered her apartment around 1AM she saw the glow of the TV and walked to the living room only to be greeted by the sight of Hato asleep, controller still in hand while the screen read "You have been kicked from the session for idling. Please return to single player." Mika smiled and Saved Hato's game before turning off the console and TV. With all that done she carried Hato and walked to his room, turning on the light so she could set him in bed. As she left she smiled at how cute the cub looked to her before shutting off the light and going to her own room to get rest.

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