
Story by Picklessauce69 on SoFurry

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This was another commission for PoesRaven that I really enjoyed bringing to life. I thought that this couple's love was so real because of how she brings them to life and how much I can see them both in my head, that this story had to be something special. I tried to give it that something special, and I hope I succeeded.

Please, enjoy and comment with feedback



the act of loving the one who loves you;

a love returned in full

"Why do you have to be so stubborn? I visit you everyday and I love you and I nourish you, yet you give me nothing in return!" O'Neice challenged with both of her blue eyes narrowed into slits that bore down at the plant in front of her. Sitting diagonal from the feline, Kezhon leaned back in a low-sitting lawn chair, watching her as she worked and enjoying the sunshine of the afternoon. They were outside of O'Neice's home, a rented townhouse with a simplistic design with soft tan siding and a deep chocolatey brown door. On the side of the house stretched O'Neice's garden, complete with a range of herbs and vegetables. Above them, the sun shone out behind a thin veil of wispy cloud on an otherwise blue sky. A gentle heat warmed the air, relaxing the maned wolf as he watched his mate as she worked, snickering at her arguing with her plants though he found it adorable.

"Kezhon?" She interjected, looking over her shoulder with one hand stretched back, "Shovel please." He dutifully handed her the miniature gardening shovel that sat beside his chair before stilling again, drawing his eyes over the feline as she worked. She wore old, wore jeans. Tears and holes speckled over the denim, giving little flashes of skin from her ankles, knees, and thighs. Equally as holey, her t-shirt showed a patch of her stomach with a massive hole in its middle and spots down her spine with tears running down her spine. To make matters worse, beneath her top she neglected to wear a bra, leaving her breasts to bounce freely inside the loose fabric every time she moved. For a moment, staring at her, Kezhon's cheeks warmed with a faint blush while his eyes traced up from her ankles from hole to hole, seeing the pale pink of her flesh like stepping stone up her body.

As she starts to harvest small, plump tomatoes from its plant, O'Neice glanced over her shoulder, giving Kezhon a warm smile. "I've got fresh tomatoes from this plant at least!" She glared at the other, fruitless plant she'd weeded around all ready before looking back at Kezhon. He stared back towards her, but he didn't meet her eyes as all her motion had her breasts jiggling against her chest, capturing his attention before he tore it away at the sound of O'Neice's voice. "Perhaps I'll make us some pasta with tomatoes and some olive oil..." She trailed off, murmuring towards her plants while she continued to pluck the small, juicy fruits off their plant. Kezhon chuckled softly to himself before he leaned back, watching her mumbling to her plants with a small smile curled onto his lips. He found her mumbles endearing, a goofy habit of hers that only made her seem cuter. Watching her talk to her garden though soon morphed into staring at her, eyeing the shape of her butt raised up into the air with glimpses of her soft flesh down the length of her leg. His gaze wandered over her pants, excited by peeping down onto the smooth pink of her skin. Suddenly, breaking into his staring, O'Neice's voice caught his attention. "Take them off."

Kezhon blinked, still staring down at her pants as she shifted and the hole on the back of her thigh rose higher. He gulped before confusion wrinkled his brow, "Take them off? She wants me to take her pants off? Right here in the garden? I c-couldn't do that! That's utterly insane. I can't even get myself to take her pants off inside the privacy of a home!"

"Kezhon! Take them off!" His head jerked towards sudden motion to see her hand fluttering at him with the thick, dirty gardening glove she wore, now part way off but stuck on her hand. With a flustered blush creeping onto his cheek, Kezhon gently tugged the glove off by one finger, releasing the hand inside to furiously scratch at an itch behind the girl's ear.

Awkwardly swallowing the nervous lump in his throat, Kezhon gave a small cough and segwayed "smoothy" to a new, distracting topic. "So, uh, how's Ravenna doing in class?"

O'Neice suddenly lit up. Her thick, silky tail flew behind her in an energetic sway. "Oh! She's a gem! She's such a good student! It's a relief that she is! So many of my students think art is just an easy A, a useless class you take for a good grade! Sometimes I just wanna stab a paint brush in their ear! Argh!" Her miniature rake stabbed down into the ground before she scooted back, looking surprised at herself. "So, uh, Ravenna is great..."

Kezhon chuckled, letting O'Neice focus back on her plants while he basked in the sun, though his eyes soon wandered back to her frame, watching her work on her knees with her breasts swaying inside her top. Inside his own, holeless pants, he felt his shaft started to swell and harden at the sight of her. He tore his eyes off her breasts, trying to look across the street to inspect the houses mirroring O'Neice's as a way to distract himself and let the boner fade, but he caught a glimpse of the girl's skin on her back and his gaze dropped once again. He gulped, feeling his large length pulsing faintly at the small patches of visible flesh, each spot like a target for 'touch here' or 'kiss here'. Kezhon imagined his fingers working from spot to spot dipping down her back to the little hole on the girl's thigh, shifting as she worked. Her skin would be smooth, supple beneath his touch and toasted warm from the sun above them. Her tail flicked, stretching out enough to give him a glimpse of her butt in the old pants, the fabric fading enough to give him a glimpse of the shape of her panties around her ass. Kezhon gulped, staring at his feet.

"You're so dirty! You silly plant!" O'Neice scolded as she shifted down to her herbs, plucking a bundle of basil leaves off and setting them beside the tomatoes before she looked over her shoulder at Kezhon, "I'll make us pasta for dinner." With her head tilted up to see Kezhon's face so much taller than her, she spotted a cloud suddenly darkening and rolling in front of their shining sun. Then, without warning, thick raindrops started to dive out from the clouds.

"Ah! Run for cover!" O'Neice cried, gathering up her basket of harvested vegetables and her gardening supplies into their own carry container. Tomatoes rolled into oregano and rakes toppled over onto gloves as the feline carted them quickly to the front door of the house with Kezhon at her heels.

In the doorway just inside the house, O'Neice discards her basket and bucket and shucks off her heavy boots before gently patting the tall, maned wolf's chest. "I'm going to go shower and wash up a bit." Then, she disappeared down the hall to the bathroom with her tail waving behind her. Kezhon lingered back at the doorway, standing over the welcome matt that told everyone to, "Wipe Your Paws!" His tail hung limp behind him, dripping wet while his ears drooped slightly on his head with droplets hanging from their tips. Looking out at the rest of the house, he resolves to stay put to avoid tracking water through the house, but a thought starts working into his mind.

"Maybe I should go up there, make a move..." His brow wrinkled with thought while a hand started to rub at the back of his neck anxiously. He pictured his plump therapist, holding a pen in one hand as he pointed it towards Kezhon, "You need to act for yourself. You have to take chances if the outcome is worthwhile. If you want to continue things with this woman, you will have to make a move and you have to make the choice to act." Kezhon chewed at his lip, tugging the thin piece of hair at its edge with small nervous rolls of his jaw. "I have to make a move. I have to act." He murmured to himself, verbally revving himself up with a whispered pep talk. "If I want to continue things, I have to make a move. I have to act." His mind swam back to the flashes of flesh through the holes in her clothes, the small circles of faint rosy pink. He pictured kissing each spot, traveling over her petite, supple frame one kiss at a time. He pictured how she'd smile at him, her warm, full smile that reached up and touched her eyes. He wanted to see that smile because of him, a content, pleasured version of her smile. The thought of it made his fingers tremble to his neck where he continued to rub restlessly, yet he wanted that. His cock throbbed lightly in his pants, as though reminding him of its opinion in the matter.

"I have to act." With a nod to himself, he heads towards the bathroom only to catch O'Neice just as she steps out of the door, bringing a wave of steam with her. Her long, silky hair is freshly washed, wet, and hanging in towel-dried tendrils over her shoulders past the edge of the towel wrapped around her above her boobs. He can smell her shampoo, a soft rosy scent, and the herbal sillage of her fur wash clinging to the air around her still.

"Why hello." O'Neice purred at the site of Kezhon who opened his arms in lieu of a greeting to silently invite her closer. She stepped forward into his arms, and he leaned down to meet her. Gently, he kissed the corner of her mouth before finding her lips, kissing her deeply. He could taste a splash of mouthwash on her tongue and the vanilla of her chapstick on her lips. A hand splayed over her lower back as they kissed before they broke apart with long exhales. Then, in a moment of uncharacteristic self confidence, Kezhon scooped the girl up in his arms and slung her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Her butt squirmed in the air beside his face, towel riding up enough to give a glimpse of her butt poke out, but her thrashing tail kept the view mostly obscured. Her scent, however, hit Kezhon's noise unperturbed. The light, earthy scent of female wafted from her thighs, only making Kezhon harder in the confines of his jeans.

Once in the bedroom, he gingerly laid the feline out onto the bed before leaning over her, kissing softly at her lips before the kiss deepened once again. Her lips pressed to his passionately with the moist hint of her mouth drawing him in. Her tongue swept faintly over his bottom lip, but then darted back into her own mouth as though guiding him, urging him to let the kiss sink deeper. As they kissed, he felt the soft fabric of her towel grazing up to his chest through the fabric of his own shirt. Her body pushed up to him, leaving no space between them even when Kezhon nervously pulled himself off her more- not wanting to crush her with her larger size. As they kissed, O'Neice's fingers started to wander. Her touch stroked down the curve of Kezhon's neck, tickling at his flesh with her supple skin before she continued down to his chest. She explored the expanse of his chest with her light caresses that lingered even after her fingers continued over his shirt.

As her fingers curled under the hem of his shirt and squirmed beneath to touch on his bare skin, Kezhon drew his fingers to her cheek. Fingertips lightly slipped down the shape of her face, tracing it like a painter drawing his brush over a penciled sketch in a smooth, fluid stroke. His hand continued down her neck, sending shivers down her spine, before it wandered to her chest. Shyly, his hand cupped around one breast over the fabric of the towel, gently kneading it in his palm. Her chest puffed out into his touch, encouraging his fingers to continue to massage the sensitive flesh over the thin barrier of her towel, teasingly close to her flesh without the actual sensation of its warmth and smoothness. Their kiss started to break, interrupted with slow exhales and faint, breathless pants before their lips drew together again, thirsty for one another, parched without the others lips pressing to their own.

Eager for more, O'Neice's fingers started to dip lower. Her fingertips grazed the waistband of Kezhon's jeans as they slipped out from beneath his shirt. Reaching towards the bulge in his pants, O'Neice's fingers kneaded over his crotch. His cock twitched inside it's fabric cage, straining up to the confines of his panties as pre beaded on the tip. Feeling himself swell further, hardening even more. The image of the next step, releasing his length into the air suddenly caught Kezhon's confident air and tore through it, releasing his steam.

His breathing hitched in his throat, suddenly whooping out in heavy exhales before he sucked the air in open-mouthed, heaving the oxygen in and out in hard pants. On his brow, sweat beaded along his hairline with sudden anxiety. He started to mumble, but the word were unintelligible. His voice slipped out between hard breaths, whispers that wove into his exhales and disappeared with his inhales. For a moment, O'Neice's eyes widened and she stared, but after the first second of surprise she transitioned quickly into caretaker mode. Soft, gentle fingers moved to his neck, rubbing along his neck to try and smooth down the hairs standing on end there as she murmured to him in a soft voice. "Kezhon, calm down. Shh. Breath. Just take a deep breath and hold it for a moment, then we can try to talk."

Kezhon sucked in a gush of air, keeping it trapped inside his cheeks before it escaped in a stream. O'Neice's fingers continued to rub along his neck, gentle and unrelenting. "Good, now breath again."

So, again he breathed in deeply before the air trickled out slowly, letting him starting to breath at a regular speed. Once calmed down enough to speak, Kezhon starts to murmur in a wobbling tone, "I d-don't think we should go any further. I mate for life and you'd be stuck with me for the rest of your life. You'd be stuck with me and my problems. I'm not well." His eyes swiveled to lock onto hers with an intense gaze, signaling that he was imparting important, serious information. "Mentally, I'm not well. I..." He trailed off for a moment, looking pained at trying to find the right words and struggling to admit his problems out loud. "Sometimes, my mind just shuts down, and I become someone else, a different person and I'll have no control or memory of what I do. Once I blacked out I was missing for weeks," He paused with an awkward cough that turned into a forced chuckle, "Sometimes I switch to a woman named Becky though o-or a little boy who doesn't like girls." His eyebrow twitched as if to question whether she understood before he started to ramble again.

"I don't want to trap you with me. You're polygamous, but I-I'm monogamous, strictly monogamous. T-those two rarely mate, it rarely works. It leaves the polygamous trapped and depressed and the monogamous unsure and remorseful for having stuck their partner with them." He grabbed onto her arm, squeezing onto her for emphasis. "You be bound to my for life, life with me and my issues."

His arm jutted out, showing her the criss-crosses of old scars faded into white lines and newer scars of soft, fleshy pink. "Some personalities are dangerous, they get mad at me. He tried to attack Ravenna once, one of the violent ones. I-I'm scared of hurting you if you were stuck with me, I could be dangerous." Kezhon's shoulder gave small quiver and the hand gripping her loosened to instead rub up her arm slowly, "I don't want you to have to live with that for the rest of your life, Dove."

Before she addressed all the he said, O'Neice continued her slow caresses down his neck as her lips lightly touched to his forehead. Light kisses dotted over the clammy skin before she kissed lightly to the side of his lips as his breathing rustled out, slower and calmer than before. "Kezhon, I've dated before, but this is the first time I've felt sure about something, the first time I've felt this way so completely, unfalteringly. I'm okay being with you, and only you. In fact," She paused to tenderly stroke her hand along the side of his face, gently pushing back the lock of hair that fell into his eyes before she lightly kissed his lips, " I couldn't dream of leaving you after hearing these. You don't deserve to be alone dealing with these things or because of these things. I want to be here, with you."

For a long moment, Kezhon tipped his chin into her soft hand and stared at her, as though her words weren't making sense. Slowly, as they sunk in, his panic settled. He felt the concern for the rest of their lives drifting slightly with every soft touch that stroked down the back of his neck. The short hairs, standing on attention beneath her touch, slowly started to relax and ease back flat to his neck until he realized another problem he had when it came to O'Neice. Stammering with a fresh bout of anxiety, Kezhon started to apologize for not trying to initiate anything sooner: "I k-know you must have been wondering why I haven't tried anything. It's not that I don't want you. I-I'm sorry if I confused you. I-I'm just nervous. It makes me nervous. I'm bigger than you-" A soft kiss on the corner of his mouth cut him off as O'Neice's light voice tickled into his ear. "Shh, calm down..."

"I don't mind." She assured him, petting his cheek lightly, "I dated a guy once, and I decided not to do a single, physical thing with him just to see and I was so glad, so glad I had waited because in the end, he turned out to be nothing but an asshole." She paused, kissing the other corner of his mouth, "Waiting for you showed me just the opposite, Kezhon. Waiting for you showed me how gentle and kind you are, how you take care of me."

O'Neice's fingers continue to rub along his neck and shoulder, following the natural curve of his body while her lips stretch up to spatter more kisses along his forehead. With each kiss, his temperature seemed to have cooled further, the sweat disappearing from his brow while his breathing settled. Then, her lips found his again, though her touch remained light, fleeting pecks that lingered on his lips with the lightness of a butterfly's touch. Slowly, the kisses linger longer with her real lips replacing the lingering ghost of them, and they stretch out longer. Shyly, Kezhon's tongue touches to O'Neice's lip, deepening it into a slow french kiss. Once again, O'Neice's fingers start to roam, but this time slower. She avoids Kezhon's crotch entirely, but strokes along his neck with one hand while the other cups around his wrist and guides his hand up to her breast.

Kezhon's timid fingers cup around the orb of her bosom, giving a light squeeze before the feline breaks the kiss and nuzzles her cheek up to his. Softly, she murmurs to him, guiding him what to do. "Don't be so scared, you won't hurt me." Her hand unties the towel, letting it drop off of her frame and revealing her nude body. Hovering over her, Kezhon stares down at her. Her skin glowed in the pale afternoon light. The scent of her shampoo still clung to her, faint and sweet against her neck. Exposed to him, he cupped a hand around one full, bare breast. Her C-cup tit fit perfectly inside his large palm, letting him knead over the entire orb at once.

"Ah..Good..." O'Neice sighed, quivering slightly beneath his touch as she feels his eyes on her face, waiting for her to tell him what she wants, what feels best. "Squeeze just a little tighter." His hand tightened around her breast, massaging the flesh with gentle, pulsing squeezes. "Mmm, now find the nipple and circle a finger around it, tease it."

Kezhon gingerly rubbed a fingertip over her nipple, feeling the small nub beneath the pad of his finger before he started to swirl around it. Within the circle he traced, he felt the nipple stiffening, hardening to a small rounded point that jutted off the mound of her chest. Her bottom lip quivered with the gentle tease, her breathing hitching lightly in her throat while she sighed out with pleasure. With both eyes trained onto her face, watching her mouth twitch with her faint moans of enjoyment to gauge her reactions, Kezhon mimicked his motions on one breast onto the other, using both hands while he straddled over her, not setting his weight down.

Feeling her sensitive nipples throb with teasing, grazing caresses from her mate, O'Neice whimpered softly and touched to his cheek again to grab his attention for her breathy, husky whisper. "Now kiss them, Big Guy. Suckle."

Listening to her needy panting, Kezhon leaned down over her chest. Lighty, he kissed over the tops of her breasts with short, fleeting pecks that left the moist heat of his lips lingering on her flesh. Teasingly, he kissed beside each nipple, making a circle of light kisses around each of the throbbing nubs before his lips closed over one, giving one, testing suckle.

The feline's back arched up with a whine as she gripped onto his shoulder where her fingers had been ideally petting. "Keep going. Don't stop." She urged while one hand found the back of his head, running through his hair as she pulled his head to her. He continued to suckle on one while his hand fondled the other, leaving his free hand to sink below her waist towards her crotch. Soft, grazing touches slipped down her thighs and dipped towards her sex. Between her thighs, his hand curled up and cupped the heated mound of her pussy. Her hips pushed up to him, grinding up to the hand while she mewled into the air. A loud, motor-like purred roared from her chest while she rocked to his hand desperately. Pulling his lips off her pert teat, Kezhon started to kiss down the length of her body. Over her stomach, where he imagined each hole of her shirt had been, he left a warm kiss before he made it to her thighs and he slowed, covering every inch with his lips while his fingers gently prodded to her lower lips.

His eyes tipped up to her face, watching as a fingertip rubbed down the length of her slit. The shuddering, needy moan that escaped the feline at his first touch made Kezhon flush, excited to be bringing the girl pleasure. Seeing her face, nose crinkled with a moan and a heated blush streaking up her cheeks, Kezhon felt reassured that he wasn't hurting her, but in fact bringing her pleasure. The feeling of it gave him a boost in confidence, letting him drop his mouth down and kiss her lower lips, slowly parting them with two fingers so his tongue could trace over her slit.

Another moan burbled out from her lips, louder than the last as her hips bucked up to his lips. Kezhon scooped his large hands under the girl's butt before his tongue flicked to her clit, teasingly circling the sensitive bead with his wet tongue tip. His hands groped her round ass, pulling her up to his mouth when his tongue plunged into her, burying himself deeper into her snatch before his tongue started to squirm, writhing inside her as he hummed up to her pussy, remembering the technique from some porn story somewhere. The sudden buzz of his lips as his tongue pushed to her walls, massaging inside her made O'Neice cry out with a high-pitched moan as her walls clenched down on his tongue, holding it tightly until she relaxed a second later, but his tongue continued. At the same time, his thumb pressed up the her joy buzzer, slowly starting to rub around the sensitive bead as he dug his tongue deep as he could reach, wriggling it inside her.

The girl stiffened, gasping out with the sudden intensity of the stimulation of his unrelenting finger on her hypersensitive clit. Unable to decipher the sound as 100% pleasure or not, Kezhon eased his finger off her sensitive organ, much to her sudden complaint.

"Kezhon! Don't stop! K-keep going!" Her voice rang out in the air with barely a moment having passed since he'd removed his finger. He blushed in response, sheepishly sliding his finger back into the pattern of circling the sensitive spot. Her hips shuddered, squirming madly beneath him, but she continued to encourage him in her breathless, husky voice.

"R-right there...Faster...A-ah!" She moaned again, mewling out loudly as her body shuddered. Kezhon's tongue continued to work into her snatch, alternating his tongue with a finger pumping into her so he could breath deeply over her sensitive, heated flesh and catch his breath. Her taste clung to his tongue, filling his mouth with her spicy flavor and the scent of her desire, hanging in a fog around him. Both hands on either ass cheek groped at her flesh, holding her tightly up to his face so his tongue could squirm deeper, digging up to her walls. She writhed in his grasp, whimpering almost constantly with delighted squeaks when Kezhon's tongue hit a sweet spot inside her tight snatch.

Her back arched harder to drive her hips up to his face as her fingers clutched to his hair. A long, warbling cry left her lips with the feel of his thick finger pumping into her, giving her just a taste of being filled up. She mewled again with every pump of his finger, now two fingers that stretched her open. With every thrust of his fingers, a lewd squelch entered the air and droplets of her glistening nectars dripped out onto his fingers and over her thighs. Shifting slightly, Kezhon kept two fingers pumping into the girl while his lips shifted over her clit, still being teased by a circling finger, and closed his lips over the pink bead, giving a testing suck.

A loud squeal rang out into the air, echoing back off the ceiling as O'Neice bucked hard to Kezhon's lip. He kept suckling over her clit, surrounding it in the suction of his mouth as the girl writhed against the bed. He felt her sex clamping down on his fingers, clenching tighter as he added a third finger, still carefully monitoring her face, but it screamed nothing but pleasure. Once he felt her clit pulsing against his tongue, he pulled back, returning his tongue to her snatch and moving his hands back beneath her butt. The girl trembled against the bed, shivering in his grasp as the all the stimulation finally became too much.

"Ah! Kezhon!" O'Neice cried, clenching down incredibly tight on his tongue again though this time her entire crotch tensed. Every muscle tightened and contracted before all the tension poured out as an orgasm hit. Her body quivered, the first contraction of her sex making her cry out again in a high-pitched mewl of pleasure. Her tail thrashed against Kezhon's back, battering into him as she came against his lips. His tongue continued to work over her through her orgasm, keeping every square inch of her sex at a high point of stimulation to try and keep her pleasured sounds going. Slowly, her cries dissolved into whimpers while her hips gave feeble, wanting grinds into the air. When she finally quieted to a soft coo, Kezhon retreated back from her crotch. Gently, he kissed at her clit feeling it pulse to his lips before he moved up and kissed each of her blushing cheeks softly and then, her lips.

Her hands slipped up and cupped around Kezhon's cheeks as they kissed, first very slowly as O'Neice's orgasm faded to a gentle throb through her groin of lingering pleasure, but then more passionately. O'Neice's tongue grazed Kezhon's bottom lip, asking for entry before she ran her rough tongue along his to reminder him of its unique texture before she started to slid down his chest, breaking the kiss to move her lips to his chest. Curling her fingers beneath his shirt, she peeled it up and off to join her towel discarded on the bedspread. With his chest exposed, O'Neice's fingers stroked down the length of his torso. Her soft fingers tickled over his skin, sending shivers down the tall wolf's spine. Her lips traced over the paths of her fingers, covering him with soft, fleeting kisses intermixed with teasing licks from her rough tongue.

With a hazy stare of enjoyment, Kezhon watched her travel down his long body. Her breasts pushed up to him as her lips covered him in soft, loving kisses as her fingers blazed the trail down his chest. At the top of his thighs, her fingers hesitated as her lips kissed at his waist band. Peeking up to his face to watch for any sign of anxiety, she released the button of his jeans. Slowly, the zipper followed to open his pants. Wriggling down the length of his body along with them, O'Neice tugged his pants down off his legs. After his pants, Kezhon wore only a simple pair of panties which followed the denim down his thighs, releasing his cock to spring up into the air. O'Neice nuzzled his thigh with her soft, warm breath washing up to the sensitive flesh of Kezhon's shaft and sent shudders down up his spine.

Gently, her fingers coiled around the base of his shaft, fingers stretched around his girth. A blush darted across the male's cheeks at the first touch on his cock, making it pulse against her hand as if in greeting. With a small smirk curling her lips, O'Neice kissed the tip, giving it a small lick before she started to lick down his length in slow, stroking slurps. Kezhon fidgeted, nervously biting his lip as her looked at her beside his long length. His own size made him uncomfortable with her even attempting to fit it into her mouth, and he tried to say so, but the words caught in his throat.

"Ah, O'N-Neice.." He stammered, pulling her attention up from his dick before he gave a small pucker of his lips, "Kiss me?" The words came off questioning, like a nervous school boy unsure of what he's allowed to say.

O'Neice's brow raised curiously, but she let Kezhon's hands find her hips and roll her back onto the bed so he leaned down over her, kissing her sweetly after he'd safely redirected her from a blowjob. The kiss deepened slowly into a long kiss that lingered on the lips once they broke apart. O'Neice's fingers cupped the side of Kezhon's face while her other hand held the back of his head, pulling him back to her lips when he'd pulled back. Kissing her sensuously, tongues dancing slowly together between their mouths, Kezhon felt the feline's hips rolling up to him, grinding to his stomach until he shifted his groin up to press to her. His massive length pushed to her thigh, letting her grind up to him with eager mewls against his lips within the kiss.

Breaking the kiss, Kezhon grasped his length to line the tip up to her entrance, feeling the heat and wetness of her against his skin for the first time, but when he looked down at her, so much smaller than him especially with his massive length against her his breath caught in his throat. Sweat streaked across his forehead like it was out for a jog before clinging to his hairline. "I-I'm too big. I might hurt you." His head shook from side to side, silently continuing to repeat "no" with every shake. He pulled back from her, but O'Neice's fingers caught his arm, starting to rub along it as she sat up.

Her lips lightly touched to his cheek, moving up to his forehead with soft pecks as her fingers moved up to his neck once again, massaging gently. "Shhh... Kezhon, relax. Just breathe." She took a long, slow breath in to demonstrate, and he copied. His breathing quivered as it sucked past his lips, but started to steady after three long exhales. Once he breathed in controlled gusts instead of his panicked panting, O'Neice cupped his cheek with her free hand and held his face gently, looking him in the eyes. "You are not too big. You are big, yes, but we will take it slow, and you will not hurt me. I want this, Kezhon. I want to be with you." Her eyes flicked down to his long length, eyeing him for a moment, "And I want to feel you inside me, even if it takes us a bit of adjusting to get used to." Her thumb stroked over the smooth skin of his cheek, calmly letting him settle while she kissed his cheek again. "I'm ready to take you, you made sure of that earlier." She tried to remind him, without overwhelming him. Her words were slow and carefully selected, each spoken piece in her soft, soothing voice.

All the while, her fingers petted down the hairs standing up on his neck and kept his face close so her lips could dot over his forehead with kisses between words. "I don't want to hurt you, Dove."

She shook her head, smiling gently. "And you won't, Big Guy. As big as you are, you're not going to hurt me." She hesitated a moment, kissing at his cheek softly, "The vagina expands up to 200% when aroused, and I'm plenty aroused for you, right now, Kezhon. You are not going to hurt me." Her lips shifted to the corner of his mouth, kissing softly before she moved to his lips with a gentle kiss, which after a beat, he returned.

Pulling back from the kiss, he smiled shyly. "We'll go slow." His voice wavered slightly, just a hint of nervous questioning remaining in his tone.

"We'll go nice and slow. I'll tell you the instant it's too much for me, and we'll slow down more." O'Neice assured him, kissing his opposite cheek as she started to relax against the bed again, rolling her hips up to him. He stares down at her, starting to feel just a squiggle of concern again, just enough to twitch in his eyebrow until O'Neice rolled to lean down to her bedside table, pulling out a stack of thin packets. She faned them out before lifting them up to reveal an assortment of premium, silicone lubricant. "This way everything will be extra slippery before we try anything further."

Kezhon relaxed visibly at the extra assistance, taking one of the packets to squirt its contents into his hand. Cupping his hand with the glob of silky lube up to her sex, Kezhon massaged the substance up into the girl, working his fingers into her once again to spread the lube into her. O'Neice copied him, emptying a second package into her fingers before she rubbed her hand down the length of her mate's cock, stroking the slick substance down every inch to coat him in the glistening lube.

As they focused on lubing each other up, Kezhon had a moment to catch his breath, relaxing further as he felt the slick surface of the girl's snatch beneath his own fingertips, reassuring him how easily he slide against her so that he wouldn't hurt her. Then, O'Neice gently took the empty packets and tossed them towards the trashcan. "Good, now go ahead, sweetie."

Her hips pushed up to him with one, eager squirm before she stilled, letting Kezhon control the pace as he realigned to her entrance. This time, his tip eased against her, stretching her gently. O'Neice sighed out softly, gently stroking Kezhon's arm as he gripped onto her hips, holding her steady. Pushing forward, his tip sunk into her, suddenly surrounded by the hot, clenching walls of her sex.

"A-ah!" Kezhon gasped, forehead wrinkling and eyes fluttering partway shut as he hesitated with just the tip inside. The sudden heat of her and the tightness of her sex around her bulging head nearly made the wolf pop right then. "Y-you're so tight..." He murmured, giving O'Neice a sheepish look as he petted over her soft stomach, grazing the undersides of her boobs while precum leaked into the girl with every throb of his shaft.

Continuing, Kezhon started to sink into her again at an achingly slow pace, pausing every so often to let O'Neice stretch out around him, adjusting to his girth and the length of him. As he sunk into her bit by bit, Kezhon stroked over O'Neice's body. Fingers traced down the subtle curve of her neck, drawing a line that his lips then followed with light kisses after he leaned down over her body. His larger body towered over her, dwarfing her with his size, but O'Neice barely noticed. She focused on the soft tickle of his breath against her neck and the fleeting sensation of his warm kisses on her neck, wandering down her shoulder. He kissed each of the freckles on her shoulder, dotting over them with a light peck before moving to the next as his fingers stroked along her sides.

O'Neice caressed his cheek, guiding him to peek up at her before she kissed him softly once, drawing their lips back together. One hand slid beneath her neck, lifting her and supporting her just a few inches off the bed to ease the trouble of kissing the smaller girl. Her long, silken black hair spilled onto the bed behind her with the locks cascading down her back and stray tendrils rippling over her shoulders. Her ears splayed on her head, utterly content with the slow, sensuous love making. Soft, delighted whimpers escaped into their shared kiss while a purr rumbled inside her chest. The sound wasn't light or sleepy; her purr roared in her chest with the feline equivalent of "Oh God, that feels so good!"

She felt him inside her with every second, stretching her at a slow, easy pace while their entire bodies interacted. She felt every twitch and throb as they kissed. Each time she drew her tongue along his, teasingly grazing the rough texture to the appendage, she felt him pulse inside with a jolt of pleasure.

Equally, Kezhon felt her constricted around him, constantly squeezing every inch so far inside her. Her walls massaged his length relentlessly, every few moments clenching even tighter for a moment and successfully spurting precum out of his tip each tip, lubricating her generously with the milky globs of pre. Her body milked him, tightly pulling on him while her tail circled his hips. The soft fur tickled his skin, but felt warm like an embrace holding him. His own tail curled around the girl's thigh, flicking to the smooth inner skin nearest her crotch. Each escaping touch of the furry tail tip sent a shiver down her spine, making her shake gently.

As they kissed, Kezhon cupped around one full, C-cup, massaging the orb in his broad palm. His thumb circled her nipple, feeling her heart beat in the pert nub. The pink of each nipple poked out from her chest, a rosy bud on top of a snow white mountian of her breasts. O'Neice sighed into the kiss, breaking from his lips to breathe in deeply before she moaned with building pleasure. Her entire body seemed tingly and warmed, teased to its brink but held back, held just from the edge with loving caresses and the slow, but unignorable girth of his cock stretching her, feeling her bit by bit. Her fingers slid up, stroking her lover's cheek and combing through the wiry, copper- coloured hair that fell into his face. A finger traced over his thin mustache, grazing his lips before she kissed them again, pressing their mouths back together in a deep, passionate embrace of the lips.

As she kissed him with a loving, yet hungry passion, O'Neice's fingers cupped the back of his head before loving stroking down the side of his furred ear. The touch, merely a soft, loving touch, sent Kezhon's hips forward in a hard, needy buck against her sex. The feline gasped sharply, moaning faintly with the rock of his powerful hips against her, giving her a first taste of what his unrestrained sex would feel like. Kezhon flushed at his loss of control, cupping O'Neice cheek with a worried look tightening his lips. "Did that hurt you?"

O'Neice shook her head, quickly disregarding that theory as her fingers petted through his hair slowly. "Not one little bit. That felt incredible." Her fingers inched closer to his ear once again, slowly sliding down its edge with a cheeky smirk on her face. Kezhon trembles in response, twitching hard inside her as more precum leaks from his tip and copiously adding to the mess inside her. His fingers tightened slightly on the girl's hip, kneading to her anxiously while her plush fingers caressed down the backside of his ear to pet the short furs covering the triangular shape.

"A-ah. O'Neice..." He whimpered, shaking slightly again while a deep blush covered his cheeks, surprised and incredibly flustered at the discovering of the sweet spot. Her touch sent jolts of pleasure down his spine, making his cock throb hard inside the girl, but also made him feel uncontrollable, starting a worm of worry in the back of his mind for not wanting to hurt her.

Easing her hand off his head, O'Neice cupped his cheeks. Her eyes stared up into his, bright and blue they grabbed his attention and held his focus as she lightly kissed his forehead and then, very softly, his lips. "You're not hurting me. That didn't hurt me. Everything is okay." Her fingers stroked down his cheek, tracing the shape of his long face. Her thumb rubbed gently in one spot, stroking along his cheekbone as she kissed up his jaw with light little pecks of her lips. "Everything is just fine, Big Guy."

The crease in his brow started to fade with her comfort, the sudden rush of stress evaporated with her words, and Kezhon relaxed. Kissing her lips once, the large male gave a slow thrust up into her before he began to pull back for the first time, letting every inch they fit inside her slide back out. Feeling him pulling back, massaging over her walls again, O'Neice moaned and clenched tight down on him, barely letting him pull back. With her tight squeeze, Kezhon groaned. His hips rocked slightly, short grinds shifted him in place just barely back and forth before she relaxed enough so he pulled back to just the tip before sinking in all over again. Together, they moaned into the air with the sensation of him sinking back in. O'Neice stretched back out around his tip as it plunge deep into her while she massaged around him, constricting her tight walls around him.

Kezhon watched her face, constricting with moan and pleasure as he thrust back into her, still on the slower end of the spectrum as she stretched out for the second time around his plump girth and adjusted to his long length. Her moans were soft, high-pitched with squealing, utterly feminine as she tipped her head back in Kezhon's palm and let her voice ring out into the air with the pleasured noises. She didn't hold back her moans, and everyone made Kezhon twitch inside her. Her noises echoed back off the walls, surrounding them in audio from their own live porn movie.

Kezhon stared down at her, loving the aroused blush covering her cheeks in a rosy pink and the way her mouth formed a big O with her moans, wide open and uninhibited. Messy from being back against the pillow, her hair was mussed on her head, but still silken smooth against his fingers. Her nose crinkled slightly, tense with the intense pleasure coursing through her after being built up through their leisurely foreplay.

Kezhon started to thrust faster with O'Neice obvious pleasure, finding a slow pace to start to pump himself slow and deep into her at a steady rhythm. One hand held onto her hip while the other shifted down to her breast, rubbing a thumb over her sensitive pink nipple. At the same time, the hand on her hip spread downwards to reach one finger to circle around her clit, sending her nerves into a tizzy.

The girl mewled again, loudly, as she bucked up to Kezhon's length, taking him much easier now that she'd adjusted and stretched to fit his size. His sped up slightly, rocking her hips back into the bed gently while he checked her face, ensuring at no point did he start to hurt her. Pain didn't even factor into her facial expressions. Her eyes were shut, blissed out with her lips dropped apart to let her moan uninhibited. Behind him, Kezhon felt her toes curl up against his thigh, scratching him gently. Her sex clenched and contracted around him mercilessly, milking his length.

Kezhon grunted softly, feeling his own orgasm hovering in the imminent future. His length throbbed with every thrust forward, oozing precum unstoppably. Yet, he focused on her. With every thrust, he tried to grind his tip up towards her stomach, grinding to the spot that made her buck and moan the hardest, her g-spot. His cock pumped deeper as the tall maned wolf towered over her. The small feline tensed, moaning loudly again as her hand shot up towards his hair. Claw tips gently poked to the back of his head, gripping him as another wave of oncoming pleasure rolled through the girl's body. Jolts of sensation shot down her spine, electric currents of arousal from both, throbbing nipples and her sensitive, pulsating clitoris.

Her fingers ran through his hair before she found his ear, running along its edge in a teasing touch. Kezhon instantly bucked into her, grunting with the sudden shock of want from the touch on the sensitive spot. Her hand continued to toy with the tall, triangular ear, rubbing along the short hairs that covered its surface and tracing the soft, fleshy edge until the maned wolf stiffened over her. Together, they hit their peak with a hard, needy thrust from Kezhon's powerful hips. He drove deep into the girl, tip plunging down into her. When O'Neice's walls started to contract and spasm around him in her own, gut-wrenching orgasm, Kezhon followed.

The first rope of cum splattered the girl's insides in white, followed by another and another. White painted her inner walls, filling her tunnel with thick, gooey, white cum as Kezhon clutched to the girl's hips, grunting faintly as he emptied his balls into her with spurt after spurt of cum.

O'Neice's body writhed up to Kezhon, trembling with the force of her orgasm until it started to slow and die down, letting her relax to the bed. Her breathing came out in hard, raspy panting, tinged with soft gasps of lingering pleasure from her now, over-stimulated body. As her orgasm died and a thick afterglow floated over her, surrounding her in a cloud of hazy contentedness, she slumped back into the pillows. Eyes drooping, O'Neice curled her arms up around Kezhon's neck, leaning onto him as he rolls onto his back. His own cock flops over, going soft after he'd emptied his balls completely.

She draped herself over his chest, breath tickling at the bare skin as her breasts mashed into his strong form. Lightly, she kissed his chin. "Kezhon, that was incredible. I loved it. You felt..." she broke her words off with a kiss to his lips, soft and moist with her parted lips, "...amazing." Another line of kisses dotted down his jawline, making a path to his shoulder where she laid her head. "I love you, Big Guy."

He smiled, petting a hand over her silky hair as it spilled down to her butt, loose and messy. "I love you too, Dove," he whispered, letting his breath tickling her forehead before he kissed it softly and her eyes slid shut completely.

O'Neice fell asleep quickly, content and worn out atop her mate's chest, cradling in his warm arms, but Kezhon stayed away. His eyes scanned over the girl's dimly lit face, night having fallen outside and dimmed their natural light. He reflected back to sitting outside, watching her garden and imagining kissing every patch of skin up to the points of kissing every patch of skin. He could still feel her lips lingering on his neck with ghosts of kisses, memorized just like the comforting kisses on his forehead. Her words echoed in his mind, "I couldn't dream of leaving you after hearing these. You don't deserve to be alone dealing with these things or because of these things. I want to be here, with you." He wasn't alone anymore. He'd been bound to O'Neice and her in turn to him. She accepted his mental issues without pause, without hesitation or consideration. Her response hadn't been reluctant or pity. It'd been love, the desire to stay with him despite his issues, even because of his issues. She wanted to stay with him for the rest of her life, his companion in the content, happy moments like the one he enjoyed after she fell asleep, to the hard ones that came with his mental status. She'd accepted him and his demons and the massive body that housed them all.

He loved her, and she'd returned that love completely without complications, hesitations, or obligations. She just took him as he was, and he loved her all the more for it. As his eyes slid closed, with the image of O'Neice's sleeping face imprinted to the dark sides of his eyelids, Kezhon felt completely at peace. Not a single wiggle of worry worked into his mind, no regret, no concern. Just a pure and perfect contentedness enveloped him in warmth and satisfaction as he slipped into sleep.

He loved her, and she'd returned that love completely. They shared redamancy, and now they shared a long, peaceful night with dreams that reality rivaled in its perfection.