The Thief and the Gryphons

Story by Macabre Dragon on SoFurry

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#5 of Vore

A young, successful thief finds himself taking on a job to steal a fabled gryphon egg...

This HUGE story was co-written by both me and the amazingly talented avatar?user=60565&character=0&clevel=2 GryphonWings as part of a trade with avatar?user=211548&character=0&clevel=2 Sprout.

The story was also posted by avatar?user=60565&character=0&clevel=2 GryphonWings about a week ago. Please go fave and vote on it as well if you haven't already. :)


Link to Story


avatar?user=211548&character=0&clevel=2 Sprout drew an incredible picture to go along with this, which you can see in all it's glory just above, or posted on Sprout's and GryphonWings' account. Here are the links:

Sprout's Posting of Rhea

GryphonWings' Posting of Rhea

Rhea Size Reference

Please go fave and vote on them as well!


*Before you start reading, you should know that this story is a heavily vore-oriented piece, with a ton of description, unbirth, and somewhat graphic digestion. The digestion part is clearly marked so you can avoid that section if it's not to your liking. *


*Even with that warning I'm sure some people will complain, but I truly hope you enjoy reading this story. *

*It was a tremendous effort on both mine and avatar?user=60565&character=0&clevel=2 GryphonWings part, (Being just over 45 000 words,) so please give it some faves, a vote, and a comment if you wish. We love your feedback and any critique is welcome. *

Again, a big thank you to avatar?user=60565&character=0&clevel=2 GryphonWings for being an amazing friend and allowing me to help write this story, and to avatar?user=211548&character=0&clevel=2 Sprout for drawing the picture, and fueling our efforts with your excitement.


As Roland climbed up the steep, rocky incline, he found himself wondering what particular level of insanity had convinced him to embark on this suicidal journey. He was miles from anything resembling a human-made structure, deep within the harsh, unforgiving wilderness to the south. A dark blanket of grey clouds covered the midday sky, with a small drizzle of light, damp rain falling to patter weakly on his wool fabric of his hood. Water ran in thin, narrow streams down the various crevasses decorating the rocky surface, all of which trickled down the slope to a foliage of thick green trees stretching off into the distance below. Even from this vantage point, nothing of the surrounding landscape gave the inexperienced traveller even the faintest clue of where he was. It was disheartening for him to become lost so easily.

Armed only with a dagger, a badly drawn map and a rough idea of where he was, Roland began to feel quite unsure of himself. For him, it was an alien feeling. Normally, his jobs solely resided within the relative safety of civilization, where the only population he needed to concern himself with was other, dim-witted humans like himself. Not only was he comfortable with such tasks, he found he was damn good at it. He possessed a keen sense of hearing, and the ability to blend and move like a wraith through the familiar, darkened side streets of the cramped buildings and passageways he called home. Nobody ever caught him on his nightly errands, and he soon found that his skills brought him more than enough income to keep him satisfied, even if it meant a few, long nights with hardly any sleep. The benefits were well worth it.

As he continued with his selfish, thieving ways long into the night, Roland soon gained an insatiable urge to accumulate more and more. His irrefutable skill allowed him to remain outside of the city guard's watchful eye, and it soon became clear to him that the amount of riches he could gain were practically endless. There was no limit to his wealth, and to him, it felt that the whole city was at his disposal. Eventually, regardless of his desire to remain undetected, he soon found himself taking greater risks and taking larger, more challenging paydays to keep his wallet bursting from the seams. It wasn't long before his reputation as a master burglar began to spread among the some of the rich benefactors, powerful people with an interest for men of his unique skillset and affluent resources. Such upper class individuals were able to extend his reach to much greater endeavours, not to mention further spoil him and heap insane amounts of gold on the ever-growing mountain of greed that became his sole purpose of living. For a good long while, life was good, and he felt no need to leave the protected, money-filled city that so generously supplied him with the all the riches he desired.

Despite all this however, here he was, wandering through an unfamiliar stretch of wilderness filled with wild beasts, searching for the den of creature he had absolutely no experience with whatsoever. The first few miles had been an almost unnavigable labyrinth of thick, overgrown forest, followed by a steep incline of narrow rocks and loose, dangerous gravel. These lethal paths were completely unlike the smooth, flat pavement back in town. There were no shadowed buildings to hide in, nor were there any dark alleyways or black trenches to make a quick escape. Here, the environment seemed to impede his progress, and leave him vulnerable to the predacious animals and elements that hampered his every move. As took another step up the incline and stumbled, it became clear to him that he'd better find his destination soon, or give up on his fruitless journey and head back home. His client would have to be disappointed.

He cursed under his breath; why did it have to be so far out? He had no idea what use the item he was charged to steal could be worth to anyone, especially not for the exorbitant amount of money he had been offered.

"An egg..." he muttered, reaching up to climb over a cluster of rocks, "who would want an egg?" He supposed it was a rather rare egg; the egg of a gryphon. He had been given information from the client about a place outside of town where gryphons made their nests in caves. All he had to do was find one egg and bring it back with him for the score of a lifetime. Images of the gold flashing in his head, he found himself spurred onwards. Another hour, he decided, and then he would return home empty handed.

The rain fell constantly, making him cold and uncomfortable, but he continued to scan around the rocky outcrops and ledges for any sign of a cave that might hold a beast the size of a lion. Even after he found it, he would have to wait and watch to ensure no parent gryphons were home. Part of him didn't even believe it: gryphons were rare, and sightings of them were often exchanged as grand tales in bars, alongside dragons and their ilk. He chuckled into the cold air; the man who had requested his services certainly felt confident they were here. He worked his way around another series of craggy rocks before his eyes suddenly caught glimpse of an odd-shaped hole in the wall of one of the cliffs. As he rounded the corner his eyes widened; it was a huge opening, easily four or five times higher than his own body height. He slowly stepped around in amazement, noting that the cave was around ten meters high and the same wide. Was this the cave of a gryphon?

He quickly shuffled over behind some trees, crouching down and squinting his eyes. At first the interior appeared pitch-black, but he focused closely and noticed a bit of light further in. He blinked and remained low, barely moving a muscle for twenty minutes as he watched and stared. Not a single noise or movement could be detected, and eventually he grew bored of waiting. Normally a thief like himself would spend hours scouting out a potential steal, but as his target this time was only a half-lion-half-bird beast, he knew that his trusty dagger would be enough. He was highly skilled in the art of martial arts and moving with swiftness, and no hybrid lion-bird could match him before he sliced its throat. Pulling the blade from its sheath, he held it in his left hand, approaching the cave with silent footsteps. He wondered why the opening was so large, but then it occurred to him that gryphons flew, and would likely need a much larger area to fly safely in and out of their cave.

He looked around the corner, staring down into the blackness. At first he thought he saw nothing, but he just barely caught a flickering from deep within. Not one to waste an opportunity, he quickly slipped inside, glad to be out of the rain as he swept down the sheltered darkness of the cave. With the practised silent steps he had acquired through years of experience, Roland moved quickly into the tunnel, dagger raised. He wouldn't tolerate any surprised. As he got deeper, however, he began to realize with surprise that his eyes were adjusting a lot better than expected. In fact, the cave was getting brighter... much brighter. He could see a turn up ahead, and a flickering of light on the walls. Pressing himself flat to the wall, he tilted his head and peeked around, his eyes widening in amazement at what he saw.

The tunnel extended for a few more feet beyond his position before opening up into a grand, spacious cavern, much larger than Roland would've thought possible. The ceiling, he figured, must've been at least forty or fifty feet into the air. It was a rounded surface of rough, ugly stalagmites, coupled with a few gaps where pale light shone through, illuminating some of the darker corners with a pallid glow. In the middle of the room, he spotted the source of the flickering light he'd spotted from the outside: a rather huge, impressive fire that crackled away in the direct center of the spacious chamber. The flames stretched high into the air, arching out in vibrant tongues of white and yellow from a triangularly arranged tipi of logs piled in the center, surrounded by a ring of small rocks. Although he remained a good distance away, he could still feel the powerful heat tickling his face, warming his skin and the rain-soaked fabric on his hood. Blinking as he stared directly at the bright, dancing flames, he raised one of his hands to block the sudden, practically overwhelming light as his eyes adjusted. As his vision corrected itself, he kept his hand where it was, and took the opportunity to study his environment further.

A flat expanse of solid grey stone stretched across the entirety of the massive room, with only a few odd boulders, narrow cracks, and slanted slabs of granite seemingly pushed out to the sides to dishevel the otherwise perfect landscape. Patterns of red light from the flames danced across the cavern. Upon studying the arrangement of these features further, he found a somewhat unsettling notion rise in the instinctual portion of his brain. These objects were huge, and most certainly not unexpected in a large cave filled with beasts; however, there seemed to be an order to them, as if they'd been cleared away to the sides to offer the inhabitants greater space. Such a task would've required a creature of immense strength. He shook his head and continued onwards; nothing could've moved those giant rocks, he was just being silly.

After remaining where he was for a few, long minutes to ensure he was alone, Roland slow began to creep forwards, keeping himself low to the ground and hugging the shadows as his made his way around the outside rim of the cave. He knew he had to be careful. If the fire was any indicator, whatever manner of beast resided within the cave was not only intelligent to some degree, but also nearby. He found it hard to believe that any manner of thinking being would leave a burning fire within their home unattended for very long. There was probably only a few minutes or less before the creature would be back, so he needed to act fast.

Stalking through the cavern like a ghost, Roland weaved in and out of the rocks and crevices near the walls, scanning the room for any signs of a nest or some sort of evidence as to the nature of beast that resided here. If his assumption was wrong, and this cave was actually home to another kind of animal, there was no reason for him to continue risking his life in the absence of any reward. Pausing behind a darkened outcrop of rocks, he silently took in his surroundings once again, holding his breath and using his lifetime of experience to make himself invisible. Most of the other side of the room had been blocked by the fire when he'd initially scanned the area; if there were any gryphon eggs to steal, they would be somewhere on the opposite side from where he entered. Letting his eyes adjust to the gloom, it only took him a few seconds to spot the absolutely huge nest of eggs that resided in an outcrop of rock, exactly where he'd expected. Rather than grin in triumph at his find however, he froze, his face slowly widening in a sudden onset of horrible comprehension and horror as he studied the ominous implications of its features.

There were about four eggs in total, surrounded by heaps of brown straw and dirt to keep them upright. Around them was more of the same material, arranged with meticulous construction and cemented together to form a large, circular nest one could compare to the making of an eagle or another bird of prey. In seeing this, Roland knew that he was in the right cave, but that wasn't what had him terrified, it was their size. Each of the eggs were absolutely enormous: their rounded, oval shapes easily a foot taller than an average-sized human, while their width must've been at least a few meters. He'd been expecting to carry one of the eggs back to his client, but upon seeing this, he knew it was an impossible task. He took the job because it was supposed to be easy: find the cave, get in, grab the egg, and get paid. If he had the misfortune of running across any of the creatures, he figured his knife, speed and wits would be more than enough to discourage or possibly kill the animal if necessary. Surely whatever had laid these eggs however was a monster of incredible size, strength, and intelligence. He had to get out of there, now.

It was as soon as he made that decision however, that he felt it. The change was subtle at first: a small wisp of warm air, followed by an almost undetectable increase in the caverns temperature. Roland held his breath again, his heart beating like a hammer inside his chest. He couldn't place it, but he knew instinctively that something was very wrong. Frozen in place, it wasn't long before a potent stench began to tickle his nose, a strong, bestial odour that was almost palpable as its warmth enveloped his nostrils. Practically shaking, the terrified human took a single, silent step backwards before turning back the way he'd come.

He barely managed three steps before he tripped and fell. Not used to falling over, the skilled thief hit the ground with a hard thud and grunted as his body was slightly winded by the impact. Without even knowing how, he knew he had been tripped deliberate: his footwork was immaculate. Quickly recovering, he scrambled back to his feet but this time he felt the lash connect with his knees, returning him face-first into the stony floor. He didn't try to get up again, however, instead rolling onto his back with his dagger raised and a threatening stare plastered upon his face. It was, however, not even half as threatening as the hardened stare he received in return. His breath caught in his chest as he gazed upon the beast that stood over him imposingly, the flickering fire casting a terrifying glow over its body.

It was a gryphon alright, but one that was much larger than he had anticipated. It certainly made sense why the eggs were so large; the half-lion half-eagle hybrid was easily four times taller than himself. He scrambled backwards until his back collided with the stone wall behind him, dagger still futilely raised in the air despite the fact that he knew it would barely made a wound worth noticing in the outrageously oversized avian. It simply sat there, staring at him with a critical gaze, that thick, corded tail that had tripped him lashing around behind its body. He couldn't bring himself to move, merely remaining in place with blade in hand while he drank in all the terrifying details. The gryphon's fur was a moderate grey in colour, lightening underneath its body to a more whitish grey. The back two legs were lion-like paws, while the front pair were golden-colored eagle-like claws, matching its curved beak in hue.

The size was unbelievable, and Roland almost felt like pinching himself to see if he was dreaming. Nothing of the tales had said anything about them being the size of a small house, and it made his stomach knot with fear. With a single motion that creature could crush him or tear him asunder, and he knew it very well. What he didn't know, however, was that they were sentient.

"Put the dagger down," the gryphon spoke in a clear, reverberating tone. The human blinked; it had talked! Perhaps... there was a chance after all. Knowing he was outclassed, his fingers slowly unfurled and the steel blade clattered to the ground by his side.

"I..." he began, but the gryphon cut him off sharply.

"What is a tiny little human doing in my home?" it asked with a firm tone, glaring at him with an unnervingly direct stare.

Roland, feeling terrified and out of his element, was quick to try and find a way out of the situation.

"I was... just lost," he lied poorly in a shaky voice, his mind still not quite caught up to comprehending the entire situation.

"Lost?" the avian inquired, "my, my... it's quite some ways to get lost, little thief." Roland was about to shake his head and try to talk his way out of the situation when it suddenly dawned on him what she had just said.

"H... how..." he muttered, and the beast laughed out loud, its voice echoing off the cave walls.

"Well," the intimidating hybrid stated flatly, "between you and me, let's just say I was informed by a very wealthy person that you would be coming today. Remember your client, thief? The powerful mayor, hiring the professional thief to come steal one of my eggs? Unfortunately for you, human, that very major happens to be suffering quite significantly from one of your more recent heists. So in order to deal with his thief problem, he hired that very thief to do a job for him."

Roland swallowed nervously, realizing that he had been tricked. Him, the best thief in the land, tricked by his client. It was a major blow to his ego, and that was the first thing that came to his mind. The second thing that entered his mind a few seconds later, however, had him looking back up at the gryphon with a renewed fear in his eyes.

"S... so... did he... just want me out of town... or..." he stammered, slowly reaching down again for that dagger. The gryphon just remained where it was, a bird-like smile slowly forming over its beak.

"Leave the dagger alone, little man," it chided in that clear voice, "you wouldn't even cut through my fur." His hand hovered over it, before dropping back down by his side.

"I'll be honest with you," the gryphon said quietly, "My name is Rhea, and I am a mountain gryphoness. I've lived here for quite some time, and the mayor has seen to it that I am able to live undisturbed in exchange for leaving his town alone."

Slowly, the female brought her head down to a level more equal with the human's own. Roland was scared, but she was sitting right across the exit and that left him with little choice but to press himself against the wall.

"Of course, sometimes certain criminals in the city are wanted gone by the mayor, and that's when he contacts me," she said with a flick of her massive wings. "So they are led here, to my cave, and I meet them in this very room, just like you are doing now." Roland shivered, despite the warmth of the fire. There was something so cold in the otherwise polite creature's demeanour.

"And then I dispose of them."

Roland felt his breath freeze in terror at the gryphon's low, threatening words. His heart pounded like a hammer deep within his chest, the blood thumping audibly within his ears as he stared into the beast's delighted, sinister eyes. Pressing himself harder against the hard, stone wall of the cave, he remained transfixed in gripping, absolute horror as he frantically search for a way out of this predicament. There had to be something she would accept, an offer or promise he could manage that would deter her from this predatory glare she was giving him. In his mounting desperation, the man turned to the only desire that he understood: money.

"Please," he begged, dropping down to his knees in a quivering mess. "You don't have to dispose of me... I-I can give you any treasure you desire! I'm rich! Rich enough to, triple whatever this person is paying you to get rid of me. Please, I'll give you anything you want, just name your price. You have my word!" For a few moments, there was only silence in the cavern, the crackling fire acting as the only sound to break the formidable silence that stretched between the two occupants. Weakly looking up in desperation from his hunch position, Roland looked at the gryphon again, hoping that his words had somehow changed her hungry-looking demeanour. His eyes went wide with fright however, as he met once against by those terrifying, predatory eyes gleaming down at him with uncomfortable satisfaction.

"No," the gryphoness almost purred, right before her beak snapped forwards, grabbing him expertly by the fabric of his jacket and hurling him into the centre of the room.

Crying out in sudden fear, Roland flailed about as he felt himself lifted into the air, the giant gryphon grabbing him, turning, and flinging him away from the confines of his hiding place as if he weighed no more than a meagre pebble. Landing awkwardly on his shoulder with a strained grunt of pain, he crashed into the stone floor where he remained for several seconds, rolling at the sudden pain that flashed up his leg. Pushing himself onto his back and instinctively shuffling away on his rump away from the powerful beast, he realized with a start that his coat was completely gone. Looking up, he saw the warm, protective fabric hanging delicately between the gryphon's closed beak, that same, delighted smile stretched across her avian face. Taking a step forward, she swung her massive head and flung his jacket onto the fire, it's heavy weight descending onto the flames with a heavy thump.

"Don't insult me by offering the petty, worthless treasures of your pathetic, illegal stash human; I've never felt the desire to own such pointless possessions, and I find the very thought of them degrading and pathetic," Rhea growled, flicking her tail to the side and bending low to the ground to stare viciously at her prey. "Do you really think that the reason I made my deal with your employer was for a share of useless coin? You truly know nothing about my kind..." She began to move silently closer to the sprawled man, her haunches lifted high into the air in an almost playful, predatory stance. "I don't settle for such meagre rewards human, no... I set my mind on something quite a bit more pleasurable; something that can offer me a great deal more bliss than what your simple, arrogant mind can fathom."

Roland involuntarily shuddered at the gryphoness' words, curling his arms around himself for some small measure of comfort. He could smell the beast as she stalked closer to him, the heavy, bestial sent of her form reaching his nose in a torrent of sweaty, moulted fur. As she approached, it wasn't long before her beak hovered but a few feet from his quivering form. He flinched as her tongue ran across the sharp curvature of her mouth, leaving a thin trail of saliva that glistened in the flickering light of the fire. Covering his mouth with what little clothing he had left, he coughed into his shirt as a new stench hit his face with an almost palpable force. Her rank breath was absolutely horrid.

"I can see from the small glimmer of hope residing in your eyes that you still don't fully comprehend what I mean. Allow me to continue..." she growled, bringing a muscled forelimb forward to slam down next to him, her black talons clicking against the stone like tiny, metal hammers. The human cringed in fear, seeing that simply enormous gryphon standing over him like that was nothing short of terrifying.

"The mayor leaves me alone, and in return, I take care of some of his problems too. Gryphons, as you may not be aware, are carnivores. We eat deer, bears, and other creatures in the forest around us. In order to keep our hunting grounds untainted, we try to keep humans away as much as possible."

The man listened intently, looking for any sign that he could somehow escape the grips of this creature. He still couldn't get over that size; he doubted if he could even stand taller than the avian's thick legs.

"You see, little thief," she continued without so much as a blink, "you are going to be very sorry you tried to steal my eggs." Roland took a moment to think about that, somehow distracted by the large, oval-shaped objects behind her. So they were real... real gryphon eggs. He supposed it made a lot of sense given her size, but the information had actually been true. Four very large eggs, four very large future hatchlings. That alone was somewhat scary; soon there would be even more of these beasts. His daydreaming was quickly cut short by the low growl from the big bird's throat. Looking up, all he could see was the huge mass of female glaring down at him, and a bead of sweat dripped from his forehead.

"I... never meant to... please..." he begged softly, not entirely sure what to say. He was so outclassed, so out of his element, that he couldn't even think of a decent reason why she should let him go.'

"Oh, you very much meant to," Rhea retorted with a smirk, "just as you have stolen from hundreds, maybe even thousands of people. And now, I've come to steal from you." Roland looked pale; her expression left very few doubts as to what she meant.

"I'm here to steal your life," she told him flatly, making the color drain from his face, "I'm going to rob you of not only your existence, but your dignity."The scared man didn't even begin to wonder how losing his dignity could be worse than losing his life, but the sleek-feathered gryphon seemed to find it quite amusing, a smile crossing her beak.

"Right now, human, I want you to understand just one thing. You have lost all your rights to shape your future. From this point onwards, everything that happens to you will be entirely out of your hands." She slowly stepped back away from his body and let the flickering fire illuminate her silvery-grey front.

"Now I have to decide what I'm going to do with you," she said in a more bright, cheerful tone. The sudden change in her voice made Roland feel even more uneasy; it was like this was a game to her.

"I could crush you like an ant underneath my talons, or tear you in half with my beak," she threatened with a cold stare fearsome enough to leave the man trembling, "but that wouldn't be any fun at all." The way she worded that left him feeling weak in the legs, despite the fact he was already in a sitting position. What on earth could she mean by that? For the first time in his life, he was beginning to feel complete and utterly bested.

"No, that would be... too fast," Rhea added with a low chuckle, and Roland finally cracked. He quickly leapt to his feet, spurred on by adrenaline as he made a dash for the space to the right of her sizeable body. He only had to slip through, to catch her off guard with his escape and he could use his smaller size to his escaping advantage.

Wham! Her thick, corded tail slammed into his midsection, sending the man flying back and sprawling across the cave floor. Wincing from the pain, he rolled onto his back and pressed himself against the wall once more, looking up to see the shaking head of the disapproving avian.

"My my," she scolded, "that's not going to work. Now where was I... oh yes, you just reminded me of something. What was it... what was I thinking... oh yes, that's right! I was going to tell you in exquisite detail how the last day of your life is going to play out." Roland shrunk back further against the wall, clutching his arms in fear and doing his best to shrink back from the terrifying creature. The gryphon's tone was almost playful as she measured the possibilities of his fate. It was the sheer indifference of her demeanour that sent an unpleasant chill creeping down his spine. She truly didn't care about him one tiny little bit.

"A delightful thought crossed my mind just before you made your predictable escape, you know," Rhea continued, narrowing her eyes. "It's a shame you bolted like a simpering coward right before I was able to tell you, so try not to do that again; it ruins the mood sweetie." Prowling forwards, the gryphoness sauntered towards the shuddering human, sitting down heavily on her haunches a few meters away. Roland visibility flinched at the impact, raising his arms as if expecting another attack. The potent, bestial smell of the avian monster reached his nose once again.

"I thought we might start out with pleasurable game of mine; a certain, entertaining little activity that I rarely feel the urge to try with tiny, egg-sized morsels such as yourself." She purred, her face twisting with distaste for the briefest of moments. "Usually the humans that get sent my way are unkempt and ugly, something I've found to be a common trait amongst the low-lifes and thieves your employer keeps sending my way. But you however... you actually look a great deal more handsome than the usual filth." Though Roland was still terrified, his panicked countenance flashed with a hint confusion. Was the gryphon complimenting him?

"As such, I think it would be a terrible waste to end this moment prematurely, especially when we have the entire rest of the day at our disposal," Rhea said, clicking her beak together excitedly. "You look rather clean and muscular beneath that old, drab rag you were wearing..." She leaned in close, giving him a small sniff before turning her head, fixing him with a single, giant eye and licking her beak. "Yes... I believe you're going to be a perfect fit."

For a reason unknown to him, Roland experienced an incredible feeling of dread at the gryphoness' words. Her tone seemed to drop seductively as she finished her sentence, the avian's eye fixing on him with an enthusiastic combination of lust and hunger. It was extremely unsettling.

"U-Uh, I... thanks f-for the compliment," he managed to stutter, not knowing what else to say. Though he tried to say more, the words caught in back of his throat. He gave an involuntary shake of fear before falling back against the wall. The gryphon lifted her head and sat down once again, her fearsome face regarding him with immeasurable glee.

"Not one for words are you?" Rhea said, the corners of her beak lifting in a smirk. "No matter. You can just sit there and listen to what I'm going to tell you next, no need to respond." The gryphon gave him a sultry wink, then lowered herself onto the ground, her massive paws resting but a few feet away from the human's huddled form, her head peering down at him from above. "Now that you're completely mine, I've come to a decision on your fate little human. Though you're quite a despicable, pernicious little creature with an even more loathsome lifestyle, it should offer you the chance to do some good in this world for once, and perhaps even improve my incredibly low opinion of you." Roland swallowed nervously, looking up at the gryphoness' pleased countenance with a look of foreboding apprehension.

"W-what is it going to be then?" He asked, his voice cracking with fear. Rhea's eyes widened even more, the grin across her feathered features broadening.

"You're going to pleasure me human," she exclaimed blunty, clicking her beak a few times in emphasis. "My mate has been gone since last night on a hunting trip. Due to his absence, I'm afraid I haven't received any sort of stimulation between my hind legs for quite some time." She paused for a moment, her giant form tensing and shivering with delight before she closed her eyes and continued onwards, the excitement clear in her voice. "Ah, I long to feel his loving embrace when he gets back: the warmth of his body overtop of me, the pressure of his strong beak closing around the feathers on the back of my neck, the power of his muscled limbs as they hold me in place..." After a short silence, she opened her eyes, staring directly at Roland with a warm smile. "And most especially, I long for his cock. The feeling of his hot, throbbing shaft as it pounds deep into the wet, clenching folds of my cunt, followed by the satisfying, trickling warmth of his seed deep within my womb..." Rhea sighed deeply, her massive breast expanding before she exhaled with a pleased moan. "But I suppose that you'll be an acceptable substitute."

Roland couldn't help but blink in stunned silence, his brain somehow trying to piece together what he'd just heard. Surely not... but then again, the dead serious expression on the massive gryphoness' face left him without much doubt that what she had said was the truth. Everything in his life was turning on its head; everything had been so easy as a thief, he had known exactly where to be, and what to do. Now, he'd been contacted by a person who had it in for him, had tried to steal eggs as large as himself, been captured by their mother, and was now realising that that mother was also a complete and utter pervert.

"You... you can't be serious!" he spluttered, finally finding some words again, "I... you... uh... c...c... uuuuuuh... what?" She fixed him with a half amused, half pitying stare.

"I'll say it again," she sighed, shaking her head slowly then pronouncing each word slowly as though he were a child, "I. am. going. to. stuff. you. inside. my. vagina." Roland's face turned an even paler shade of white than it had been beforehand. Finally, his brain managed to catch up with his mouth.

"That's just disgusting," he spat, "what kind of foul creature are you?" She growled deeply, and he cowered against the wall but didn't rescind his words. She sat back on her haunches comfortably, settling in to let the warmth of the fire wash over her glossy grey fur.

"I'm a gryphon," she retorted snappily, "a much superior species to your own, I might add. In case you forgot, I'm in charge here. One wrong move and I'll just kill you where you stand. Or sit, in your case. Understood?" Roland felt ill, but he nodded slowly: the threat of being killed was certainly one he didn't want to call a bluff on.

"Good," Rhea stated flatly, "now that you've remembered that I'm multiple times your size, you'd do well not to forget it again." The man was somewhat stunned by how blunt and harsh the gryphoness was, and started to realise just how insignificant he was in comparison to her sheer size. He'd always thought the hybrids were a feral beast, without any sentience and certainly not the ability to speak his tongue. Unluckily for him, that turned out to be an incorrect assumption.

"So, back to it then," she said with a swish of her tail, cool eyes never once leaving his body.

"You see, if you want any chance of leaving here alive, you'll do exactly what I want. What I want right now little insect is to get off. I want to fill the void left by my mate between my legs, and you're going to be that filling. I won't lead you on: you're going to be humiliated, and I'm going to enjoy it greatly. Those human toys you call dildos... well, you're going to be a 'live' dildo. You'll fit inside me with room to spare, and then I'm going to slide your body in and out, in and out, in and out until I have an absolutely juicy orgasm. You're going to be covered in my fluids... oh yes, it's going to get very wet for you indeed. Depending on the quality of the climax... well, I may just let you live. Does that clear things up for you human? Or would you rather I just start slicing you open with my claws?" She raised up the claws in question, the fire glistening off their razor-sharp tips. Roland swallowed in fear and disgust at the proposition, but knew there wasn't anything he could do about it. He really, really didn't want to be killed. All he could do was sit there in silence for a moment, pondering. If he argued or resisted, he'd die. Nobody knew he was here, no rescue would come, and the gryphon had no mercy in those cold eyes. All he could do was slowly and reluctantly nod in forced agreement.

"Will... will you really let me go?" he asked quietly, afraid she'd snap at him again.

"That will entirely depend on the quality of pleasure," she replied shrewdly, "it'll take a lot of effort to stimulate me like my mate's fat cock does." Roland flushed at how casually and sexually she discussed these things.

"Okay, I'll do it, just please don't kill me" he responded, despite the fact he inwardly found it appalling to say yes, "but can I please start at my own pace? I've never... never been with a gryphon before... especially not one of... of your... height." Rhea thought it over for a few moments, and then slowly nodded.

"Very well," she responded, "come walk between my legs. You shall have ten minutes to get comfortable with your new role, and then I shall use you for my pleasure. I'm being very generous here, so if you fail to please me then I will be _very _unpleasant myself."

Without waiting for a response, Rhea pushed herself into a standing position, backing away slowly into the middle of the cave a few meters away from the fire. The ground was more flat at the center of her home, and would provide a better space with which to toy with her new captive. Though the few steps she took placed her a good distance away from the cowering human, she could easily close the distance if the sluggish weakling decided to bolt once again. It was unlikely to happen, but she was ready for it nonetheless. She smiled at the man, widening her stance with a teasing motion of her hips and flicking her tail over to the side.

"Come on human, your time is wasting," Rhea purred, lifting a clawed paw to beckon him over. "You don't want me to have to come and get you."

With a nervous swallow, Roland pushed himself off the wall and onto his feet, his shaking hands resting briefly against the cold granite before forcing his body to obey. Then, with a deep sigh, he began his short walk over to the gryphoness, his footfalls echoing around the cave with each unsure step. Though he knew it was his only option, he was still absolutely horrified at the inevitable task ahead. The thought of entering this massive beast in her suggested manner repulsed him, and once again he found himself contemplating the likelihood of his escape should he make a second, bold dash for the cave entrance. As he stared up at the imposing gryphoness however, he was reminded of the foolishness of such thoughts. Such an attempt would mean his life. If he wanted to survive this encounter, he would need to obey this horny monster's wishes.

Roland stopped when he reached the gryphoness, stopping but a few feet from her grey front and looking up into her amused, uncaring eyes.

"S-so, please forgive me, b-but I don't know... um, how do you want me to... you know..." he stuttered, biting his lip as he trailed off before finishing his thought. The gryphoness rolled her eyes, clicking her beak in disapproval.

"If you ask me what to do again one more time, I'm going to start using you immediately," she scolded, the annoyance plain on her bird-like features. "Don't make me regret this kindness, human, my patience with your kind only extends so far." After a few moments, her displeasure melted away to contentment once again. "However, you can start by taking off those bothersome clothes." Roland looked up at her with a start.

"M-my...clothes?" He stammered, glancing down abruptly and lifting his hands to grab the front of his shirt in confusion.

"Yes, your clothes," she repeated, her grin broadening. "You didn't think I would let your soft little body remain protected by those dry, unpleasantly rough layers of fabric now did you?" She let out a snort of derision that made Roland jump. "I don't think so." There was a long pause as the human remained where he was, frozen in place by Rhea's order. She craned her head down, hovering the point of her beak a mere inches from the human's face. "Do it."

With a small cry almost akin to a yelp, Roland gripped the bottom of his shirt and tore it up over his head. The gryphoness' hot, rank breath briefly washed over him as she barked her order, stirring him into motion with the possible, looming threat of devourment. He tossed the shirt aside, immediately starting on the brown, leather belt fastened about his waist. Halfway through his motions, he paused, realizing with mild surprise that he'd tossed it onto the fire in his haste. The dark, slightly damp article of clothing lay sizzling within the bright, overwhelming heat, erupting in yellow flames and slowly crinkling into blackness to join the ash below.

"Keep going," Rhea said, winking at him and lifting her head to its original position. "You won't be needing it anyway."

Wincing at the beast's voice, he continued to disrobe, unfastening the buckle at the front of his pants and tugging it from his pant-loops with a few, quick pulls. He didn't like doing this in front of the perverted monster: he felt exposed. Although he knew the clothing offered him no protection, losing his shirt had made him feel vulnerable, as if he was shedding some form of armour right before walking into a battle. Unbuttoning the front of his pants, he gripped the front of his pants and slowly, almost hesitantly, began to pull them down. He was grateful that he'd chosen to wear undergarments that morning, lest he became completely nude for the predator's repulsive amusement. Though he figured the gryphoness would eventually make him completely naked, he wanted to avoid that moment for as long as he could.

Feeling himself blush, Roland stepped out of his pants and kicked them over to the side, standing awkwardly in his underwear with both hands folded oddly at his waist.

"T-there, my clothes are gone," he said, glancing back up at the avian with a quick, worried smile. "N-now what should I..."

He never got the chance to finish. Without warning, Rhea's paw streaked forwards, one of her black claws streaking out and hooking under the folds of his skivvies. The sharp talon scratched him lightly across his middle, causing him to grunt in a mixture of pain and fear as a sharp pain bit his middle. Pulling her paw backwards with a quick snap, Rhea easily slit the fabric in two with her knife-like claw, her eyes gleaming wickedly as the fabric fell to the floor.

"Now your clothes are really gone," she growled. "Perhaps you thought you could retain some dignity... protect your modesty or masculinity? Well, little human, unfortunately for you I'm going to be removing any trace of dignity you have. Now get on your hands and knees and crawl towards me, before I change my mind and dispose of you anyway." Roland flushed hot with anger at being treated like that, but what could he do about it? He dropped to his knees on the smooth stone ground, slowly moving closer to the mighty creature with hesitant but obedient movements. He felt like a feral himself, walking on all fours, and he knew that the gryphoness was enjoying seeing him in such a pathetic position bending to her whims quite literally.

As he got closer, Rhea suddenly tucked her leg in and rolled backwards, her back landing against the wall with an echoing thud. She sprawled out on her back, head resting against the wall comfortably, her hind legs spread wide. Roland flushed and looked away; she was presenting herself like one of the whores in his hometown, on her back with her thighs open. He knew that the male she was waiting for, unfortunately, was him. The very thought made him simultaneously disgusted and afraid; she was a very big girl, and he doubted anything he could do with his comparably smaller body would bring her any pleasure. If he couldn't manage to satisfy her... would she kill him? There was no end to the ways she could finish him off with her size and natural weapons, and that terrified him more than any thoughts of her perversion.

A few moments later he reached her tail, which extended like a large rope across the ground. He swallowed deeply: he couldn't make any excuses or delay any longer. Looking up he was met with her powerful stare and confident smirk, the hybrid clearly enjoying his nervousness and inexperience.

"Get up," she ordered firmly, "and take a look between my legs. I want you to see what you'll be serving for a while. In fact, I'll even go one better... you can get up nice and close, and use your hands to explore me. Not many humans get such a grand opportunity, so I want to hear a little gratitude."

Despite his considerable urge to keep his sight focused on the ground, Roland took in a deep breath and slowly began to lift his head, obeying the gryphon's wishes by following the thick, corded tail in front of him up the length of floor until it met with the wide, spread haunches of the lewd monster in front of him. It wasn't the first time a woman had displayed herself for him; with the amount of riches he'd obtained back in town through his immoral practice, he was able to purchase or flirt with any girl he desired. Whenever he bedded those women he was always the one calling the shots, taking them in any fashion or with any amount of savagery he deemed fit. This time however, he was too frightened to even move, much less become aroused enough to any degree that would permit a sense of desire. Rhea was a beast; a formidable creature that humans had no business getting involved with sexually. Unfortunately, the decision wasn't up to him. If he demonstrated any disgust and failed to please his partner, it would mean his life. The only way he could ensure the gryphon's pleasure and by extension, ensure his safety, he was going to have to enjoy this as much as he could.

Staring at the gryphoness' haunches, Roland studied them with interest for the first time. The beast's legs were absolutely huge: the massive limbs stretching out several meters to each side with the notable outline of heavy muscles clear through the smooth, tawny fur. The legs formed a u-shaped valley across his vision, sloping downwards to a distinctive cleft in the direct center that could only be the monster's exposed vagina. The human felt his cheeks flush as he took in every intimate detail, noticing vaguely out of the corner of his eye that Rhea was grinning down at him, loving every second of attention her lady-parts were receiving. A thick patch of brown fur surrounded the fleshy, bestial slit, with the closest strands of hair already dampened from the leaking fluids of the creature's excitement. The lips of her cunt were swollen with need, the puffed, red folds of flesh adding testament to the obvious attention it required. In the absence of another male gryphon however, in Rhea's mind, Roland became the next suitable choice.

"Come on human... "Rhea cooed, shifting her hips teasingly on the ground. "Less staring and more crawling. You don't want me to revoke this privilege."

With a nervous swallow, Roland continued his crawl, placing a hand on the gryphoness' tail to lift himself and climb over to the other side. The underside of her tail was surprisingly soft due to the brown fur, yet he could still feel the unrelenting firmness of the muscle just underneath. It twitched lightly under his touch, and the beast let out a light chuckle as he stumbled over to the other side, falling hard on his elbow and grunting in discomfort before righting himself once again.

"Such a clumsy little thing you are... and apparently forgetful as well," Rhea growled, narrowing her eyes in anger. "I was expecting some gratitude. Let me hear some, lest I take this encounter into my own talons." Pausing only for a moment to rub his elbow, Roland continued moving, pulling himself slowly across the ground towards his inevitable destination. As he moved closer, that same, musky smell he'd encountered when he first detected Rhea's presence was steadily growing stronger, the bestial musk becoming unbelievably potent. He was hating every second of it: the horrible degrading nature of his posture, the unrelenting teasing and mockery, not to mention the extreme amount of delight the gryphoness projected at his constant misery. Gritting his teeth, he continued regardless, doing his best to obey the horny monster's wishes.

"I-I thank you Rhea, for sparing my life and granting me the opportunity to satisfy you instead. You truly are a kind, powerful gryphon, and I feel honored in becoming your...toy," Roland granted, his voice showing strain as he uttered the final word. A low, pleased rumble reverberated through the gryphon's form in front of him. He thought he could feel the slight vibration in the ground as well, but perhaps it was just his imagination.

"Wonderful," Rhea purred, sighing deeply and fixing the human with a look of almost pure adoration. "Such a good little man; I knew you had it in you. Come on now... just a few more feet."

Freezing at the gryphon's words, Roland looked up, his eyes growing wide as he realized he was within an arm's length of the beast's vulva. He was positioned directly to the right of the base of Rhea's tail, the thick expanse widening into a firm, puckered anus. Straightening himself into a kneeling position, he lifted his head so that it was level with the immense folds of flesh. Immediately, the overwhelming smell hit him directly in the face, screaming in his nostrils and forcing him back to the floor. He lifted his hand to his mouth, coughing in repulsion as his eyes watered uncontrollably. Though he was expecting a salty, somewhat feminine odour from his proximity, the sheer power of the smell was greater than Roland could've possibly anticipated. It wasn't as horribly repulsive as he thought, but it was most assuredly stronger than anything he was prepared for.

"Something not to your liking?" the gryphoness asked in a critical and dangerous tone, Roland quickly bringing his face under control.

"No, no..." he quickly replied, trying to keep his expression neutral. Her natural odour was unbelievably strong, matching her immense size. Between her legs was a ripe sex, swollen and puffy from her arousal. She hadn't lied, she had been wanting her mate to return and soothe her needs for quite some time. The pheromone-rich odour that leaked from between her legs would be a sweet scent to any similarly large gryphon but to a human it was undeniably intense. He tried not to scrunch up his nose as not to offend the hybrid, but he couldn't even get a whiff of fresh air from between her thighs.

"You smell lovely," he managed to tell her, hoping desperately that she wouldn't notice the fact he could barely get the words out.

She only seemed to smile and watch, and he got the impression that she wanted him to start exploring her before she started exploring him more forcibly. Placing a hand on the inside of her thigh to steady himself, he stood up back on his feet to get better access to her body. Only a mere foot from her opening now, he began to appreciate the significance of her size. Her sex was too large for him to even consider mounting in any capacity, and he knew at that moment that he wouldn't even struggle to fit inside. Worst of all, he knew deep down that was Rhea's intention, as he just couldn't satisfy her any other way. Her clit was the size of his fist, staring him right in the face. The heat was simply immeasurable; at this distance it was enough to make him sweat a little from the steaminess in her groin. If he allowed himself to think too much about the details, he knew he'd never be able to progress.

"Is... is it okay if I touch you now?" he asked nervously, and received only a short, curt nod in response. Swallowing anxiously, he raised a hand and placed it right on that exposed nub in front of his face. The reaction was instantaneous; Rhea tensed up from all her built-up need, the feeling of any contact, especially right on her sensitive button, was enough to make her want to snap her legs shut again. Yet, doing that would likely crush the human, so she resisted; she had much bigger plans than simply squashing him like a bug. Roland knew he'd hit a soft spot so he dropped his hands down and instead rubbed along the outside of her vent. Those red lips were quite willing to show their secrets, puffy and rosy with her inner needs and desires. She evidently craved a gryphon penis to clamp down on and slake her fiery lust. Her expression was a piercing one, and he could feel her eyes staring into the top of his head, waiting for him to get used to being between her legs before she took matters into her own claws. The fur around her groin was so soft and silky that he somehow managed to forget what he was doing as he found himself rubbing it in luxurious strokes. A clear dribble of feminine liquids fell from her slit, matting the fur below a little from its viscosity.

Up until this point, Roland would've surmised that a being such as himself could have no hope in pleasuring a large beast such as Rhea. As he continued his circular motions however, that fear soon became irrelevant. The horny gryphoness was more than pleased with the toying grip of his hand. Long, grumbling purrs emanated in periodic intervals from the giant creature's chest as her entire frame shook, the furred legs spreading wider to each side as her toes curled in delight. He felt the massive folds twitch heavily under his touch, bending in fluid spasms as he increased the strength of his strokes.

With the gryphoness' positive response Roland soon found himself growing more confident. He pressed hard against the puffed lips of Rhea's cunt, sliding his hands along the outside while pausing occasionally to grip the red, aching lips with his hands and give a light squeeze before moving on. The dampness of the soft, stained fur soon spread to the palms of his hands as he continued, wetting the skin and gaps between his fingers with warm, sticky bodily fluids. He soon found that the liquids coating his hands provided him with a measure of extra slickness, allowing him to slide his light grip up and down with growing ease as the excretion of moisture increased slowly over time. Though the outpouring of Rhea's powerful musk was growing incessantly more powerful as the gaping entrance bent and flexed under his touch, he soon found that the smell no longer bothered him as much as it did. With something that almost seemed like curiosity, the human leaned in closer to stare openly into the beast's cunt. The potent odour grew to become almost sweet in his nostrils as the darkness of the gripping flesh mesmerized him, pulsating with a distinctive, beckoning quality. Without a second thought, he stood up, planting his feet firmly on the ground to each side of the base of the gryphoness' tail before leaning forwards to plunge his arms inside up to his elbows.

A harsh, guttural snarl escaped Rhea's open beak as she finally felt the human's limbs enter her moist folds. She involuntarily flexed in delight around Roland's arms, her thighs closing briefly before some, instinctual part of her brain reminded her to keep them open. If anything, the amount of pleasure she felt from the sensation was a distinctive reminder of how pent up she truly was. Up until that point, she'd been staring at the man with an amused expression, keeping her composure in check while her little toy built up a tolerance to her powerful scent. Though she could immediately plunge the creature deep inside her aching vagina, she soon found that she preferred watching the human work, his interest with her most intimate areas growing with each passing second. It wasn't long before the original, disgusted expression on the tiny being's face formed an interested, almost enthusiastic glare as he stared deep into the squeezing depths of her cunt. A smile formed on the curvature of her beak. She knew that her heat could entice even the most stubborn of males, but this was the first time she'd seen it have an effect on a human. She was just about to open her mouth to speak when Roland plunged forwards.

The immediate vocal reaction of the massive gryphon startled him at first, but in the back of his mind Roland knew this was good thing. Sighing with exertion, he pushed his arms slightly deeper, closing his eyes and cringing when the lips of the oversized vagina pressed against his face. Holding himself there for a few moments, he shifted his feet against the ground, struggling to find a good position before a particularly powerful tug on his arms made him fall forwards with a surprised yelp. He fell into the soft folds of hot, rippling flesh and wet fur with a grunt, the entirety of his naked body mashing against the beast's cunt as it rhythmically flexed and pulled at his buried arms. A new, sweet taste leaked onto his tongue as his mouth pressed against the dampened fur, trickling in through his open mouth as he gasped, struggling to keep himself outside. Audible, wet squelching noises pounded in his ear drums as he renewed his footing, wedging his bare feet against the bulk of the gryphon's rump and pulling himself back to his original position. Swallowing lightly in relief as he regained his stance, Roland shakingly moved his arms back and forth, pleasuring the beast from a more comfortable position and bracing himself for any more sudden pulls from Rhea's needy depths.

Her sudden motions had startled him a bit, his confidence shaken a little. She seemed to be enjoying herself regardless; the avian's piercing eyes still focused on him as he looked up briefly. She was satisfied, but he doubted she would remain that way if he paused for too long. His mouth was now tainted with her flavour, and as he began to truly began to taste what he'd accidentally swallowed, his whole body shuddered from its overly-sweet nature. As his hands continued to massage around her silky inner walls, he thought about the fact that he'd just tasted a feral gryphon's drooling juices. Yet, the flavour was not unpleasant, and he felt conflicted in his mind, trying desperately to convince himself it was distasteful. Rhea seemed to notice his hesitant movements, and she curled her head down to glare at him.

"Is something wrong?" she asked sternly, to which Roland shook his head quickly and gave her a reassuring rub inside.

"No... just lost my balance," he replied quietly, hoping she wouldn't do anything to him. She smiled and slowly raised her head, stretching out her legs wide and inviting him deeper.

"Come now," she encouraged, "you were so close a moment ago... I want to feel your lips against mine. Kiss me, human, show your appreciation for such a high honour. Maybe you'd even like to have a taste? A few licks of my precious juices? You're wasting such a good chance." Roland flushed red, half with embarrassment and half with annoyance. She insisted on humiliating him beyond belief, but what could he do in the face of such a massive creature? His hands didn't leave her, however, and instead he took a deep breath and plunged forward. A wet schlurp followed his movement as he sunk in deeper, his arms entirely engulfed by her warmth and wetness. Inside her body was like a furnace; every inch of the velvety walls was much higher in temperature than his own body, steaming with the force of her season. His face was surrounded by thick, feminine pheromones and heated odours, and he couldn't help but sweat a little from the intensity of it all. Leaning in, he closed his eyes slowly and pressed his lips firmly against her soft, squishy cuntlips.

Despite having done it only moments before, Roland shuddered as he felt the wet embrace of her folds press against his mouth. At this point, the involuntary movement was no longer an act of revulsion. Though he'd been disgusted by the thought of servicing this monster's sexual needs before, he now found that most of those initial feelings were gone, replaced by a deep, instinctual urge to please this creature as much as possible. It was no longer merely about survival: something primitive inside him was finding a voice, and it wanted him to commit and enjoy every second. Pausing and leaning back to suck in a deep breath, he dove forwards and pushed his face inside the silky embrace, his eyes wild with lust from the giant beast's sweat and musk. The soft, white fur surrounding her nethers tickled his cheeks as he delved in further, moistening his face with the damp excretions of her deep, pulsing interior. Pursing his lips, he stuck out his tongue and slid himself downwards, bending lower to taste every inch of the heavy, quivering entrance in front of him. Simultaneously, he made sure that his hands rubbed and massaged at the gripping interior, passing along the steamy confines and constantly questing for a new spot to toy with. The flesh rippled around his limbs, undulating against his skin in response to his divine stimulations. He heard Rhea moan, briefly closing her legs as her pussy clenched around his arms, tugging them hard before settling once again. This time however, the strong pull didn't surprise him.

Rather than stumbling forwards, Roland allowed himself to fall forwards, mashing his naked body into the gryphoness' cunt. The massive vagina was leaking fluids in an ever-growing stream of sticky juices. The overly sweet, musky taste of her cunt flooded into his mouth as his giant partner's arousal rose. Rhea's body bent and squirmed under his energetic explorations, the confident smirk on her face fading to a twisted grimace of overwhelming pleasure. The warmth of her giant form began to feel more arousing than he could've thought possible. He smooched the cleft between Rhea's legs as he would a lover, passionately sucking and lapping at every inch of the continuously throbbing opening. The steady tugging on his arms grew stronger, attempting to drag him in with each spastic clenching of vaginal muscles. Each powerful yank of the gryphoness' folds pounded heavily inside his head with a wet squelch, the moist lips enveloping the front of his face squeezing his cheeks in an almost loving caress of spongy, sticky flesh. Although he used to find Rhea's incessant need to pull him deeper unnerving, now he welcomed the clear, pleased response of the massive beast. As long as he kept his body vertical and wedged against the outer lips, his own strength should be enough to keep himself from being pulled completely inside.

Rhea was in heaven. With her legs opened wide, she ripped at the ground with her claws, raking them along the stone floor as her entire body shivered with sexual bliss. The gryphoness hadn't thought it possible for a tiny human such as this to pleasure her to such a high degree, yet she could barely contain her glee at the inquisitive energy her capture was displaying. She curled her toes and growled ferociously as the human shoved himself even deeper into her cunt, massaging her sensitive walls with those tiny arms while simultaneously licking the leaking moisture emanating from the depths of her body. In her excitement, her tail began to twitch, flagging upwards and thumping heavily against the floor in rhythmic synchronization with each steady throb of her aching pussy. Breathing heavily, she held herself against the wall of her home, allowing the human to have his way with her for countless minutes before she let out an abrupt, vicious snarl and rolled her body in a single, giant convulsion, humping involuntarily into the air in a sudden spasm of primal need.

Unprepared for the outburst, Roland grunted in surprise as the gryphoness' groin slammed into him, shoving him backwards with unbelievable force. His arms pulled free from the beast's vagina, leaving the clenching folds with a loud, wet slurping sound as he tripped over Rhea's twitching tail and onto his back. Slightly winded from the fall, he groaned and shook his head, panting from the vigorous exertion of pleasing the massive monster. After a few moments Roland propped himself up on his elbows, blinking a few times to reorient himself before looking up. Immediately he shrunk back, a worried look on his face as he stared up into the wild, lustful, predatory gleam of Rhea's eyes that bore into him like a pair of heated, razor-sharp knives.

"You stopped," Rhea exclaimed, clicking her beak with disdain. "Why... did you stop?"

"I-I didn't mean to!" Roland replied, lifting his legs off the gryphoness' tail and backing away a few paces. "I wanted to keep going, honestly, I really did. That felt way better than I thought it would... be..." He trailed off as the beast fixed him with a truly sinister, evil grimace of displeasure.

"At what point did you think that any of this was for your own pleasure?" Rhea growled, lifting her back off the wall to stare heatedly down at the fallen human. "Don't forget why you're here thief, and don't expect to gain anything from this encounter other than the utmost respect and admiration for a dominant, superior creature." She reached forwards with her paw, gripping him hard with her talons and yanking him off the ground. "I think it's about time your privileges were revoked."

Roland could feel his old fear returning; somehow he had become affected by her pheromones. His addled mind clearing up with every breath away from her stifling sex, the man began to realize what he'd just done with greater self-disgust. His mouth was filled with her flavour as his feet left the stone floor and he was lifted into the air. With his arms pinned to his sides, he couldn't so much as struggle, let alone try and get free. Rhea glared at him with that fierce expression, a mixture of lust and annoyance, raising him up until he was in front of her beak. Roland opened his mouth to cry out in terror, thinking the beast intended to eat him, but was stopped as a loud chuckle escaped her curved beak. Looking down, he saw that she was smirking at him, a gleam in her piercing eyes.

"It seems I can't trust you with the task of stimulating me, so I'm going to take matters into my own claws," she informed him with a swish of her tail, her bulky body sliding back slowly.

The gryphoness leaned back, pushing off with her hind paws and letting her back collide with the stone wall. She slowly eased herself down and sprawled out comfortably, her back propped up by the cave wall so she could look down upon her own underbelly with ease. Roland was shook around roughly as she settled, and before he could orient himself he was quickly dropped down onto her belly. He landed upon her lush fur, feeling her paunch squish a little under his feet as he steadied himself. Looking up he was greeted with the confident, domineering smirk of the feral avian.

"Here's what's going to happen, you worthless thief," she snapped at him, hot breath wafting over him with the force of her words. "You're going to walk down between my legs, spread my pussy open nice and wide, and slip your legs inside. Then you're going to slide the rest of your body inside until all I can see is your tiny little head. You're going to be my own personal dildo, and I'm going to pleasure myself with your entire body." Roland blanched; how could any being be this depraved and cruel?

"If you have any complaints about that, then I do have other uses for you," she continued, "you see, right now you're standing on top of my stomach. I can just as easily arrange for you to be inside of it, do you understand? So will you be a good little human dildo and slip into my cunt, or will I have to make a quick lunch out of you? Honestly, I think I might even prefer the latter... do you want me to change my mind?" Roland very quickly swallowed in absolute terror and shook his head frantically.

"Then move," she threatened, and the young human thief quickly came to his senses, turning and almost sprinting down her soft gut until he came back to the place he had been treating before. This time he stood over her slit instead of in front, and in her new position he would be able to drop down inside. He gulped nervously, but fear kept him moving, getting down into a sitting position and swinging his naked legs over her vent. Instantly the heat returned, his legs resting upon the top of her needy flower, wet lubricants sticking to his shins. Taking a deep breath, he slowly pressed downwards and shuddered as his legs slid into her slick snatch with a wet schlorp, her clenching lips gripping firmly around his knees.

Cringing awkwardly at the contact, Roland kept a firm hold on the gryphoness' belly and tried desperately to lower himself at his own pace. The soft fur surrounding the beast's groin was silky and wet with bodily fluids, making it nearly impossible to gain a confident grip. He let out a small yell as he slipped lower, his cry followed quickly by a low, amused chuckle from the creature below him. Almost immediately he felt the low, throbbing tugging return, pulling dutifully on the small amount of leg he'd inserted into the greedy, musky opening. Having spent the past while with his feet planted on the cold, stone floor of Rhea's home, the change in temperature he felt was immense and powerful, even more so than when he'd dipped his arms inside moments before. His ankles were squeezed together within the moist flesh, pushing his legs together with an ever-growing intensity for every inch that he lowered himself inside.

As he felt the lips gently caress the middle of his thighs, Roland slowly began to balk at the process. Putting his arms inside was one thing, but the notion of putting his entire body inside began to make him feel squeamish. He would be completely helpless once inside; the only obstacle preventing him from being sucked in further before was his ability to brace himself against the soft, outer lips of the opening. Once he was being used, there was no telling how far the gryphoness would go, or how deep he would be pulled in... Roland shuddered; there had to be another way.

"I-I..." He stuttered, struggling to find the right words. "I don't think I can do this." Rhea glared down at him, offering a brief, annoyed snort before opening her beak, leaning forwards and exhaling hot, odorous breath in his direction.

"You don't have a choice darling," she said, growling low in her chest and licking her lips. "Now get in there and don't look back to complain again or I'll swallow you whole." Roland visibly shuddered as the warm air wafted over the back of his neck, the rank smell of bestial flesh and rotting meat screaming in his nostrils. Driven by Rhea's words, he let out a soft, pitiful whine and slowly began to lower himself once again, grimacing as the squelching folds reached his naked crotch.

Roland didn't know what his reaction would be once he inserted himself to that depth; however, the last feeling he expected was one of pleasure. Gasping as the lips of Rhea's vagina met his testicles, he immediately dropped himself the rest of the way, letting the delicate pulls of the beast's interior manoeuvre him sideways, drawing him in up to his bellybutton. Now halfway inside, his upper chest was perfectly horizontal to the ground, held in line by the tight, moist folds gripping the lower half of his body. He placed each of his hands to each side, pressing lightly on the spongy flesh to hold himself upright as he groaned from the unexpected stimulations. The gryphoness' cunt rippled all around him, gently pulsing in rhythmic convulsions around his penetrating form. With each squeeze, the fleshy, sticky walls would press against his groin, massaging his cock and caressing his balls with an almost caring, feminine touch. Closing his eyes and sighing deeply, he put all of his present fears to the back of his mind, concentrating instead on the unexpected delights the beast's womanhood was bringing him.

Doing her best to remain still as the human willingly inserted himself into her entrance, Rhea watched with glimmering intensity at the unique and pleasurable sight. Never in her life had she expected to experience such a powerfully arousing ordeal yet here she was, panting heavily in the effort to control herself as a lesser creature plunged himself into her loins. Her beak clicked with happiness and her toes curled in a mixture of excitement and bliss as her vagina engulfed the man, tugging on him eagerly as if he were the supple cock of her mate. She squirmed with sexual excitement, blocking an overpowering urge to reach down and jam the human inside as deep as he could go. Patience, however, would be the key to getting the most out of it. Forcing the human inside her would be an easy task, one that would speed along the process and get straight to the final event. The beast shook her head; no, she wouldn't get more involved than she needed to be, at least for now. Her grin broadened however, as another, more sinister act came across her perverted mind.

Dropping her paw down between her legs, Rhea placed a single digit on the back of the human's head. Feeling him physically tense inside her, the gryphoness' smile broadened. Without an explanation, she pushed downwards, forcing the man's head downwards, and towards the puckered ring of flesh at the base of her tail.

"Lick, human."

It was a simple enough command, and one that Roland would have obeyed immediately had his head been travelling deeper into her sex, and not towards the avian's wrinkly anus. Her claw forced him to bend at the waist, his entire lower body trapped inside her hot, slick vagina while his head was made to approach her rear. His eyes widened in shock as the smell hit him; not one of waste like he would expect, but of a deep, overpowering musk that was even earthier than the smell of her sex. It make him shiver inside her, and he shook his head slowly.

"I... I won't lick... you there," he stammered, his body flushed from multiple sensations, and she flicked the back of his head painfully with a sharp claw.

"You're already halfway inside my pussy," she chastised with a growl, "what difference does it make if you please my rear too?" Roland paled at her reasoning; it was humiliating enough what he had been forced to do, but this was taking it to an even greater level. Unlike before, however, he could make reasoned decisions of his own. If he didn't do what she wanted, no matter how bad it was, she would kill him. It wouldn't even be an effort on her part; he couldn't even hope to fight. So either he did, or he didn't and died, and to Roland life was better than any kind of shame. He'd lived as a thief, nobody had ever thought of him as noble by any stretch of the imagination.

"Alright," he muttered and Rhea blinked, having not expected such a quick change of mind. A smirk curled across her beak and she stared at him with amusement, waving her claw idly.

"Get to it then," she demanded, gazing at him intently. Roland nodded slowly, and nervously turned his attentions back to her rump.

As much as he hated to admit it to himself, resting inside her velvety snatch was comfortable, and the constant rippling around his groin had his cock rigid and mashed up against the inner walls of her slit. Despite his erection, he still wrinkled his nose at the steamy, musky scent of her puckered tailstar. He hadn't ever done anything like this, even with the whores back in town. It looked soft enough, but he reached out with his hands and placed them upon its surface just to be sure. Like the entrance he was currently inside, it was also rather hot, and his fingers warmed the moment they came into contact with her dark flesh. As his digits sank into the quivering rim, he realized how soft she was too. Rhea trembled and her muscles clenched around him, making him gasp a little as her lips squeezed his stomach and made him exhale. Regaining his composure, Roland gripped each side of her anal opening with his hands and began to pull them apart, spreading open her rich, pungent tailhole. Then, leaning forwards at a slow, careful pace, he gently pressed his face into the spongy flesh and began to lick around the moist, flexing rim.

Rhea growled pleasantly as she felt the soft undulations of her new toy's appendage stimulate her opening. The human's tongue was soft, almost like a smooth, wet sponge as it glided across the ribbed flesh of her anus. Her mate's tongue was a lot rougher than this tiny creatures', not to mention longer and a great deal more enthusiastic. Although the man had no hope of competing with a male of her own species, there was something overly rewarding in feeling his weak mouth press against her. The power she had over this intruder was incredibly satisfying, and the thought of what she'd been able to make Roland do with mere conversation coupled with the odd threat gave her a type of bliss she'd never felt before. She shivered with happiness. How much further could she take it?

"Come now human... you can do better than that," Rhea cooed, stroking the human's head with the point of her claw. "Get in there further; make out with my pucker as you would one of your lovers back home." She leaned in, spreading her legs and looking down at the man with an amused grin. "I know you're enjoying this Roland; I can feel your rock hard member digging into the walls of my pussy. Don't feel ashamed of what your body is telling you. There's no reason why you shouldn't be aroused, as long as you continue to focus on my needs and do as I say." She shuddered, relaxing and leaning back against the wall. "Now, harder..."

Pulling the gryphoness' tailhole wider, Roland mashed his face against the opening, lapping the interior of the anal passage with a renewed energy. For some reason he felt a boost of confidence in the beast's words. He briefly suspected that it could once again be something to do with the female's overpowering musk but he didn't care; the primal side of his brain took over, forcing him to greedily inhale the moist heat while sucking and lapping eagerly at every inch of flesh he could find. Rhea was right: there was no reason for him to not enjoy himself. As long as he remembered to keep her happy, there was a good chance he could get out of this alive. Feeling most of his fear evaporate, Roland leaned in further, letting the puckered star engulf the entire front of his face as he kicked around inside of her, massaging the clenching insides of her snatch with his legs. The gryphoness let out a deep series of pleased growls at his increased pressure, her giant body squirming with absolute ecstasy at his purposeful movements. He let out a groan himself as he felt the beast's vagina press around him, the soft lips squeezing his waist as the folds tightened rhythmically with each of his licks. Though each pulse threatened to pull him back, Roland kept a firm grip, using the tugs to fuel his own energy and keep himself in place.

"Mmmm, that's wonderful human, keep going," Rhea snarled, scrunching her avian face together with glee. She'd been right: the human would listen to everything she said. Roland's feeble human mind was taken by the stench of her sex, overpowered by the lust and arousal that a feral gryphoness in heat brought to the instinctual needs of their male lovers. Now that her dominance was almost complete, it was time for her to take over. Everything that the man had done up to this point had been leading up to this moment, the part where she used him as the little fuck toy that he was. The human's legs were stimulating enough, but nowhere near the depth her aching cunt was begging for with each, desperate pull on the man's squirming body. She needed him deeper.

Reaching down with her paw, Rhea hooked two of her claws around the human's shoulders, pulling him off her tailhole with a single, forceful tug. The human let out a small grunt of surprise at the female's sudden grip, looking back in confusion.

"Hey... w-why did you...ahhh!" Roland cried out, his question interrupted as the gryphoness let out a savage shriek and opened her legs, slamming her paw down to the lips of her cunt. The human only had seconds to register what was happening before the clenching folds of Rhea's vagina enveloped him, sucking him deeply into the dark, throbbing flesh.

He barely had any time to think about this new development as his world turned black, her claw forcing him down deep into her body. He hadn't experienced anything quite like the sensation of being inside a gryphon's sex, and doubted there would be many or any other humans who could claim such a thing.

Trying not to become overwhelmed, Roland sheltered himself within the logic of his mind. Musk and his various senses worked against his coherent thoughts, but he managed to keep it together. The first thing that he noticed was the feeling. In the inky blackness of her avian tunnel, he could feel it squeezing down around him from all sides. It was hot against his skin, slick and sticky from her lubricating fluids, and it only made his own irritatingly erect cock pulse from the stimulus. Her folds rippled over his skin, squishing and squelching loudly as they worked the oestrus-tainted juices into his flesh. All he could smell was her arousal, the rich, bestial scent of a hot, confined gryphon cunt. The flavour couldn't be avoided, her squishy, pulsing walls of flesh surrounding his face and working that syrup-like gryphon juice into his mouth. He was forced to swallow every now and then to clear his mouth of the liquid, and it tasted like a sweet, sweet honey. Trapped within Rhea's sex, it was difficult to tell which was up and which was down as he was assaulted from all sides by a myriad of sensations. Between his legs, his cock throbbed desperately.

For a moment, he was left there, left to think about where he was. Nothing he'd ever learned in life prepared him for what to do when wedged inside the slot between a giant mythical hybrid's horny hind legs, and that left him defenceless to her will. Just as invasive was her heartbeat, or at least he thought it was that. It could have just been the blood pulsing around his body from her mighty form, but it was certainly impressive. At this point, Roland was at a confusing crossroads in his own mind. Everything told him that he should be terrified, and that he was essentially being used and humiliated at the threat of his life. Humans, however, were not always rational beings, and as Rhea clenched down around him and he breathed deeply from the pockets of steaming, pheromone-laced air trapped within those huge, rippling inner folds, he could only feel arousal. He pushed out with his arms, and found to his surprise that the walls stretched immensely. In fact, he could fully extend his arms to each side, and her spongy flesh would simply give him room. He realized with a nervous swallow that she could easily fit more than one of him inside her, and the immensity of her body began to make him simultaneously fearful and shamefully aroused. The only, fleeting hope that crossed his mind was that the massive form couldn't pull him in further, and that he was as deep as the limits of the gryphoness' folds would allow; however, he knew by instinct that this wasn't the case.

It was during this train of thought that Roland felt his fleshy environment tense. The muscular walls closed in around him, pinning his arms and legs together as it rippled around him greedily, undulating around his naked form. Despite the horror that gripped him, he couldn't help but gasp out in sudden pleasure as his cock was squashed and melded by the moist interior. His mouth opened in bliss, filling his mouth with the hot flesh and steaming bodily fluids of the creature. He wiggled his entire body as best he could, stimulating the dark, throbbing surroundings to hopefully return the full measure of sexual ecstasy being pushed on himself. Then, almost as suddenly as it had begun, everything around him relaxed. The cocoon of pounding meat parted for the briefest of moments, allow him to slide deeper before slamming in on him again, causing him to exhale with a forceful grunt. With sudden terror, he realized that Rhea was engulfing him further, pulling him deeper in an obvious effort for his body to reach the furthest depths of her humid womb.

Struggling desperately, Roland pushed and clawed at the sides of the gryphoness' cunt as they gripped him, sucking on him greedily and swallowing him deeper into their clenching folds as if he were some sort of delicious food. Had she forgotten her promise? Did she not realize that taking him like this would mean the end of his life? Or had she simply forgotten all but her own sexual release in the midst of his unique stimulations? Such questions flooded his mind as he tried fruitlessly to battle the powerful undulations of the larger being. The answers would make little difference to him if he couldn't manage to free himself soon. He saw bright flecks of pins and needles dance across his vision as he tossed and turned inside his fleshy prison, his breathing becoming raspy and shallow in the dark, musky depths of the beast's vagina. He would need fresh air soon, lest he pass out in the sickly sweet embrace of the gryphoness' formidable body.

On the outside, Rhea was having the time of her life. The gryphoness was screeching loudly with glee, her shrill call echoing around her spacious home as she flexed the muscles of her cunt, toying expertly with the human inside. As soon as she pushed the human inside, she found with a particularly sadistic happiness that her claws didn't need to do any work to make the man move and slide around inside her. Planting her talons firmly on the ground for support, she spread her thighs wide and flexed her bestial haunches rhythmically to draw the man deeper inside. She toyed with him at first, experimenting with the new experience like a young female hen getting her first taste of cock. Her entire form shuddered as Roland wiggled around inside of her, his tiny body squirming and unknowingly tickling the pleasure center of her sensitive folds. With a deep growl that soon developed into a ferocious shriek, Rhea fell back against the cave wall, flexing her toned form with a frantic sense of urgency to force the human deeper. She reached a claw down and toyed with the lips of her cunt, her narrow, avian face scrunching with a powerful sense of glee as she clamped down on the intruding being. No other thoughts crossed her mind as she engulfed the human more, relaxing her body and clenching forcefully to draw him down into the caressing embrace of her womb. Despite her distraction however, the gryphoness slowly cracked open her clouded eyes as she felt a familiar, heavy scent fade into her nostrils.

A light breeze ruffled her feathers as the pressure in the cave changed, announcing the presence of another creature. The breeze was much too strong to be another meddling human. This new arrival was slightly larger than the gryphoness herself, walking down the tunnel at a calm, measured pace with the odd click of sharp claws on the cool, stone floor. Rhea smiled as she took in another quick sniff; she knew exactly who the newcomer was.

Picking herself up and sitting sprawled against the wall, Rhea smiled delightedly, relaxing the folds of her cunt. She could feel the human weakly struggling inside, his extreme panic evident in the way he frantically gripped and pulled at the surrounding flesh. Sighing deeply, the gryphoness lightly pushed, flexing her vaginal muscles as if her human dildo were the first of a fresh batch of eggs from her nurturing womb. Though releasing him was the last thing she wanted to do in the midst of her heightened pleasure, it would be rude to not reveal her new plaything to the approaching creature. This was, after all, his home as well. After a few more pushes, Roland's small form appeared at the lips of her vagina, his small, shivering form sprouting into the cold air with a moist, wet squelching sound. He gasped with sudden, panic stricken relief, sucking in greedily and hacking tremendously at the unexpected onslaught of clean, crisp air filling his lungs. The human was still coughing when Rhea turned her head, flashing the newcomer a smile as he walked dutifully through the cave's entrance.

"Well, well, well," echoed a deeper, more masculine voice, making Roland stop his coughing and turn his attentions upwards. Just a few meters away, standing just as tall as the female he was stuck inside of, was another giant gryphon. This one was a deeper brown in colour, and was quite possibly even larger than Rhea herself. He swallowed in fear; a second one... a second gryphon. His eyes were wide, and seeing that expression made the newcomer chortle quietly."

"Rhea my love, what have you been doing while I've been gone? Was it that hard to wait for me?" She shook her head with a smile and gently patted the human's head with her claw.

"You know me," she replied playfully, "besides, it was a request from the major. This one's been quite the problem for him." The male gryphon smiled and slowly leaned down until his beak was mere inches from Roland's exposed head.

"Enjoying my mate's pussy?" he asked directly, and Roland flushed with heat.

"I... it's... v... very wet," the human stammered in reply, both embarrassed and scared that he would say the wrong thing. The male threw back his head and laughed loudly this time.

"Oh-ho... I would certainly hope so," the big bird replied, stepping back and sitting down on his haunches next to the fire.

"His name is Takarth, human," Rhea informed the male trapped inside her vent, "my 'husband', to use a term you would be familiar with." The brown gryphon nodded and bowed his head.

"I would ask your name, little human, but I'm afraid that I won't remember it for long," Takarth said matter-of-factly, "I tend not to make a point of dwelling on my meals for too long." The colour drained from Roland's face, and he slowly began to feel the lust draining from his body and the old fear returning.

"Takarth!" Rhea said with a condescending wave of her claw, "don't go scaring the human like that. Can't you see he's being useful doing other things for me?"

The brown gryphon smirked, but kept his gaze lingering over the head poking from his lover's slit.

"I see," he responded curiously, before clicking his beak, "well I suppose that is a fair trade. Did the major not have specific instructions for him?"

"He never wants to see him again," the gryphoness explained, "but I doubt he'll hang around long once I'm finished using him as a sex toy." Roland breathed out, a little relieved: Rhea seemed intent on using him them letting him free. That was something, at least, although the hungry look on the brown gryphon's features was concerning. He almost wanted to slip back inside her and hide.

"Not going to let me fuck you?" Takarth asked, and Roland's eyes widened again.

"Can't wait until I'm done with my toy?" she replied, and a crude smirk crossed the male's beak.

"I'm sure we can make it work," he replied with a deep chuckle, and Roland began to realize what the beast was implying.

"N-no, you can't!" Roland exclaimed, his eyes wide with fear. "You'll kill me!"

"Now, now, there's no need to be overly dramatic," the male gryphon mused, stalking closer with a predacious look in his eyes. "How can you be so certain the experience will be harmful? My mate's snatch is quite flexible my little morsel; you might enjoy it." The human's face went white as he shrunk back from the approaching beast, seeking to push himself deeper into the now comforting depths. Servicing Rhea was one thing, but remaining inside her while that beast came over and...

Roland shuddered. Though he'd somehow managed to bear the unpleasantness of of the beast's vagina, he cringed at the thought of doing the same for a male of the same species. He'd never been interested in another man in his entire life. Though he found himself occasionally eyeing the men during his frequent trips to the whorehouse back home, he did so mostly out of pity or disgust rather than a sense of intrigue. With a nervous glance, he broke the monster's discomforting gaze and chanced a quick look between its legs. Thankfully, his view was blocked by a thick blanket of white feathers, though it didn't prevent him from shivering once again. He could only imagine what Takarth's cock looked like, but he didn't ever want to find out. If his two captors mated with him still inside, there was no possibility of him getting away unscathed.

"Rhea, please don't let him do this..." Roland said, turning his head back awkwardly. "You promised I could leave if I cooperated." He looked up at her pleadingly. If there was any chance of dissuading Takarth, it was vested in the giant gryphoness.

"Yes, indeed I did," Rhea said, looking up at her partner with a sly smile. "The human wants me to stop you Takarth, whatever should I do?" The male gryphon grinned in return, taking another step forward before sitting down a few meters away from the female's spread legs.

"I don't know about you my sweet, but whenever a human gives me orders I hop right to it, especially if said person is a low, dirty little thief," Takarth replied, the sarcasm and disgust clear on his deep, growling tone. Roland swallowed as he heard the edge in the gryphon's voice. He remained perfectly still, transfixed as the beast in front of him turned his head to look towards the other end of the cave.

"Do you see those eggs over there little human?" Takarth asked, flicking his beak towards the grand pile of white ovals on the far side of the fire. "It might be difficult to see from your vantage point," he chuckled, "but perhaps you got a glimpse of them on the way in." Rhea smiled and clenched her nethers, eliciting a grunt from the human and cutting off his response.

"Indeed he did my mate," Rhea purred, mewling teasingly as Roland squirmed at the pressure. "That's why he's here actually, he was trying to steal one of our eggs."

"Was he now?" Takarth rumbled, turning back with a murderous stare. "Now isn't that interesting." The man swallowed nervously, wilting under his fearsome eyes before he turned back towards the flames. "Each one of those precious eggs came from the very hole you're trapped in human. All of them are as special and sacred to me as the creature who was kind enough to not kill you as soon as you walked in here." He turned his head, his lean, predatory features outlined in the light of the fire. "A single one of my young is twice as big as you, human, and easily slid from my mate's womb when they were ready. This wasn't the first batch, and it certainly won't be the last." He stood up and stepped forwards, his giant body looming overhead. "I'm sure you'll find that there's more than enough room for my cock once you've moved just a little bit deeper," he said, growling with lust and gesturing at Rhea with his beak. "She's been in heat for a while now, as you've noticed. I've been trying to impregnate her for quite a few days now, and I would be grateful if you'd help me with the process. Besides, it's not like you have much of a choice."

Roland knew that he wasn't going to be able to convince them otherwise no matter what he did or said, and instead tried to wriggle deeper, to get away from the male gryphon who was getting up and approaching his mate. He found his progress into her blocked by her muscles, however; it seemed the gryphoness wanted him to watch. Takarth moved in and spread his thick, powerful hind legs wide, revealing the impressive package that lay between them. The human drank in all the details with a mixture of awe and fear, the male gryphon packing between his legs the most outrageous set of genitals he could have ever imagined. While Rhea had a huge sex, Takarth's not-even-aroused equipment was a sight to behold. Nestled in between those muscular thighs was a pair of the largest balls he had ever seen. They hung loose and low, encompassed in a huge, thick avian scrotum. Each was as large as he was, and the way they sagged the loose flesh made him think that they were dangerously full. The smirk on the gryphon's face left him with no doubts as to how proud the beast was of his endowment.

The smell that radiated from those steamy balls was enough to completely overpower anything that Rhea herself was producing, even though his body was stuffed inside hers. It was a real scent, a powerful scent, one that reeked of ferality and masculinity. It was an odour of thick musk and hot sweat, deep, earthy tones and the lingering wash of old ejaculate. It was clear this gryphon hadn't bathed for a while, and that was reflected sharply in the odorous waves emanating from his groin. That was only the beginning.

Just above those two perfectly rounded orbs was a thick, loose log of flesh. Roland was confused for a moment, before he realised with widening eyes that that huge slab was just the sheath that contained the beast's no-doubt obscenely large penis. The loose pouch hung over the balls slightly, a wide slit running across the tip of its soft-looking folds. That would be where the hybrid's shaft would slide free once he was aroused... and the very thought of that left the human scared. If everything was proportional, then this male gryphon's pride would be almost twice as large as his own body. He didn't see any way he could avoid it.

"Like what you see then?" Takarth snorted in amusement, seeing the wide-eyed shock of the human buried in his wife's cunt. Roland blinked, realizing he was being spoken to by the owner of those massive organs, and quickly stammered a reply.

"You're... very impressive... Sir." The feathered male laughed and gave him a firm glare.

"Sir, is it? I suppose that works... has a nice ring to it," Takarth responded, ruffling his feathers eagerly and stepping even closer to them. Every little bit nearer the male got to Roland, the more he felt like he was suffocating under that unbelievably potent stench. He wrinkled his nose, an action not lost on the perceptive avian.

"Something wrong?" the big bird asked, leaning in with a curved smile, "perhaps you need something to clear your nose?" He stood back up and leaned in over his wife, giving her an affectionate kiss on the beak. Her claws left Roland alone as they slowly rose up to curl around her mate, taking his long tongue into her beak as they made out passionately. This, however, left Roland alone, with his head poking out of the female's vent while a huge, pungent scrotum quickly began to descend over his head.

"No... no wait, stop," Roland pleaded. "You can't do this, I'll suffocate. I'll do anything! Anyth-" His desperate pleas were cut off almost as soon as they'd began as the giant set of testicles dropped onto his head. Surrounded by darkness, the struggling human could do little more than cry and shove weakly against the tide of heavy flesh and fur that pushed him hard into Rhea's moist cunt. The sheer weight of the massive orbs was incredible. Although he tried his best to fight it, he found that he could barely move, let alone breathe as he felt himself crushed from all sides. Almost immediately Roland found himself sweating profusely from the combined heat of the giant, bestial bodies that pinned him together without mercy. The hot air buffeted him constantly, wafting all around him as the ballflesh rolled and rippled around his naked skin. Grunting as the weight slammed down on him, he pushed hard against the spongy moisture at his waist, hoping to gain enough space within the humid furnace to catch a breath. With mild surprise, he inhaled the warm air easily, but he immediately regretted it. He coughed violently as the overwhelming masculinity of the larger beast screamed in his nostrils, driving him down onto the gryphoness' vagina once again. The potent smell of musk and sweat, coupled together with the palpable layer of intense heat filled his lungs, causing him to chokingly sputter as the heavy scrotum pushed him downwards yet again. The thick stench almost seemed to coat the inside of his nose, tickling the back of his throat. As he felt himself slammed down even harder, he tried frantically to think of way out of his predicament, yet nothing came. He was completely and utterly helpless.

Takarth let out a deep huff, followed quickly by a lustful growl as he felt his testicles drop heavily onto his mate's snatch. The human's useless pleas were silenced completely by his immense scrotum, and the powerful male couldn't help but let out a deep chuckle as he shifted his haunches, grinding himself eagerly into his new little toy.

"I can feel him moving under there," he growled, pumping his haunches lightly. He could already feel himself swelling at the light stimulations the human was giving him, not to mention the welcoming embrace and comforting warmth of his lover as he draped across her. Rhea offered him a smile.

"I can as well my mate," she replied, clenching hard on the man's legs as he nearly slipped deeper. "Our thief is quite the wonderful little sex toy, as I'm sure you'll soon discover." The gryphoness looked down as she finished speaking, staring with awe at the rippling muscles of her mate as he worked against her. The lines of his toned middle stood out even amidst the tawny fur as Takarth ground himself hard against her body, squishing the human between them and effectively multiplying the rate of their growing pleasure. Though she couldn't see the human between their conjoined forms, she could certainly feel him, kicking about inside her in clear distress. With a light laugh of her own, Rhea bucked her hips in return, granting her a chuckle from the other gryphon.

"Yes, I'm sure I will," he cooed, leaning forward to give her a lick on her beak. He paused there for a moment, looking deep into her golden eyes. His thick shaft was throbbing within his sheath, begging to come out and fill the warm folds of his lover's pussy. "Do you want more hatchlings my love? I'm sure our human would be more than eager to help." Rhea gave a small rumble in response, returning his lick with a peck of her own.

"Of course I do sweetie. I couldn't get him deep enough with my claws, but now that you're here..." she mused, holding his gaze with a seductive smirk. "I'm sure your cock could get him right where I need him." Growling lustfully and narrowing his eyes, Takarth ground himself harder into his mate, slamming his hips downwards in an almost painful amount of pressure. He leaned forwards, locking beaks with her in a bestial form of a kiss as they continued to squish the human hard between them.

In one, last desperate attempt to rid himself of the crushing weight, Roland pushed upwards at the avian's balls as they descended, trying to shove himself deeper into the safe confines of Rhea's snatch. As soon as his attempts began however, he felt the gryphoness' pussy-lips tighten around his waist, holding him expertly in place while Takarth continued to have his way. Once more he pushed upwards, trying hopelessly to call out to the female beast that had shown some restraint before, but it was useless. He fell down again, exhaling violently as the furred sac slammed down onto him again. He was a fool. If the giant gryphoness had any intention of going easy on him, she wouldn't have let him be smothered like this in the first place. Rhea obviously couldn't care less of his predicament, all she cared about now was her mate having his fun. Letting out a pathetic moan, Roland closed his eyes and let the immense weight squeeze him together, hoping that it would all be over soon.

Mushed between a thick scrotum and a firm snatch, the young human was unable to do anything but breathe. That, however, drew unbelievably potent musk and the smell of avian ball-sweat deep into his lungs. When fresh air finally came again, and the male gryphon broke his embrace with his lover, he gasped as the comparably lighter air filled his body. The smell lingered however, and his nose wrinkled from the strength of it. Looking up slowly he saw two sets of eyes looking down at him, making him feel as small and powerless as he was. Through all of his mistreatment his cock had remained painfully erect, pressed stiffly against those silky inner walls of the gryphoness.

"I think you understand how your punishment for being a bad little thief is going to go," Takarth stated flatly, glaring down at the man with a critical stare. Not sure if he was supposed to reply or not, he swallowed anxiously and nodded.

"Good," the male hybrid smirked, stretching out his wings luxuriously, "because I've been out for a fair while and need to work of some of my stress inside my lovely mate. It seems she doesn't want to let you out yet, so you're going to have to share with me." Roland gulped; he knew it was certainly possible to do, but that fact didn't do anything but make him more worried. Something that big could do some serious damage. Somehow he doubted the big bird cared much.

"Come now my love, don't keep a girl waiting," Rhea cooed, spreading her legs sensually to show off her dripping, human-filled target to the frisky male. Takarth squawked playfully and pounced forward, his massive foreclaws landing either side of her body with a loud thud. Once again the thief was faced with the male gryphon's imposing package as it swayed firmly overhead, but this time a flash of red could be seen emerging from that thick, fleshy sheath. The wrinkled cock-sleeve began to swell and expand before his eyes, inch after inch after foot of dark red, veiny avian penis slipped from its enclosure.

This was much more than Roland had expected. As more and more of the gryphon's erection poked free, he began to realize that it was going to be larger than his own body. The thought of being trapped within Rhea's body while that sizable organ was ploughed in alongside her was enough to have him wriggling slowly backwards. He didn't get far, as her muscles tensed up firmly just as his head was about to slip below her puffy lips. The way her heartbeat pulsed so rapidly around him left the man with no doubts that she was excited. He couldn't even see the wet, sloppy tongue-kisses the gryphons were exchanging, but he could certainly see and feel the arousal they were drawing out of the pair. Takarth's thick gryphondick stood at an intimidating two and a half meters in length, swaying heavily between his legs as his arousal peaked. Roland couldn't have felt any smaller at that moment, watching as the male slowly crouched down low and lined himself up, knowing that he was about to be sharing space with a penis that weighed at least three times his own body weight.

Takarth dropped his haunches low, his thighs bending and straining with the effort of holding his hindquarters in place before he slowly began to walk forwards. The massive, bestial cock throbbed excitedly in-between his legs, pulsing in rhythmic tandem to the accelerated heartbeat beating within his breast. His elation was beyond measure as he felt the heat of his mate's sex touch the tip of his sensitive length. Along with the recognizable touch of Rhea's pussylips however, there was a new sensation: the tickling, subtle motions of their new toy, shifting desperately to get away from the intruding spire of hot flesh. With a pleased growl, he arched his hips and slowly thrust forwards, purposefully missing his mark to tease the Roland further. He chuckled lightly into his mate's beak when he felt the recognizable squirming of the human press against the bottom of his weighty shaft. The unique touch made him excited. He renewed his passion, shoving his head forwards eagerly to stick his tongue further into the gryphoness' mouth. His mate cooed in response, shifting her haunches against his own to tease him even further. With a growl, he ground his hips forwards, twisting his haunches to press his hard, moist cock down into the human's face. He revelled in the dominance he and Rhea shared over this pesky, thieving intruder. Though he was eager to enter her, he wanted to draw the man's punishment out as long as possible for trying to steal one of their eggs. It was nothing more than he deserved.

With a terrible cry, Roland turned his head and grunted as the giant pillar of flesh descended upon his face. The underside of the gryphon's haunches filled his vision for the briefest of moments before once again, everything became darkness. Rhea's cunt held onto him tightly as the maleness came crashing down, pushing him down into the silk folds with an almost painful amount of pressure. The beast's cock ran up and down his exposed features, mercilessly marking him with layer after layer of the male's potent scent. A mixture of hard, rough surface and smooth, almost sponge-like skin matted into his face, rubbing against him like some sort of giant, throbbing log. The penis was completely covered in a heady coating of musky bodily liquids from deep inside the male's sheath, which made the man gag and sputter whenever the overpowering taste managed to leak into his mouth. The stench was horribly strong. The joined hindquarters of his monstrous captors sealed the smell inside, imprisoning the bestial odours of their lovemaking into a single, concentrated area. He felt the palpable musk enter his nose in a combination of wet sweat and heavy sexual juices, making him grunt and gag even more. With his arms trapped inside Rhea's moist folds, he was completely helpless against the terrible onslaught of flesh. Although it wouldn't help much, he needed to free them, if only to lightly combat the unstoppable weight of dickflesh that threatened to grind him down into blackness.

Roland pulled his arms upwards, grunting heavily in a last, desperate effort to ease his suffering. He failed at first, tugging uselessly just as the flesh holding him clenched tightly, holding him in place. It was almost unbelievable how strong the gryphoness was. She seemed to possess and almost precognitive intuition on when his movements suggested the desire of escape. He would need to make his next attempt count, as he was too exhausted to play tug-of-war with the female's cunt, especially with a massive cock smashing against his face. Taking in a deep as breath as he could muster, he pulled as hard as he could, grunting from the effort even as the muscles rippled to hold them in place. With one last, straining pull, he pulled his arms out with a wet shlorp, wheezing as Rhea's cunt squeezed hard around his middle in response. Lifting his hands, he pushed at the tremendous cock as it weighed against him, hoping to ease some of the pressure descending on his face.

Takarth broke the kiss as he felt the light pushing on the underside of his length. Chuckling again, he looked down for a moment, smirking as he returned his gaze to Rhea's lust-filled eyes.

"Can you feel that my love?" He said delightedly, giving the tip of her beak a soft lick. "I think he's eager to begin." Rhea returned his look with a grin of her own, offering him a quick peck on his cheek.

"Of course I can, he seems to have freed himself a little bit," Rhea said, her excited eyes never leaving his. "I think that means he's eager to begin." She let out a soft chuckle. Takarth smiled before slowly easing his hips back, teasing his mate with a slow drag of his immense hips. He lifted himself until the tip of his cock was resting softly against the lips of her vagina, pressing just beneath the portion that held their gasping, panicking prey.

The first thrust was firm and well-aimed; two meters of gryphon penis pushing inside of a very welcoming tunnel in a single powerful swing of the male avian's hips. Roland, having been using his arms to try and pry himself free, suddenly found himself being rapidly pushed downwards. In the space of a single second, the human experienced time slowly. He felt the steamy slab of cockflesh dip under his body, the gigantic tip poking him in the chest as it passed under him and nuzzled those plush female lips open.

He didn't even get time to react as Takarth penetrated; that somewhat reasonably-sized tip widening as more and more of the slick length began to enter Rhea's body. He could feel every little bump and vein as it slid in beside him, occupying more of the same space he was trapped within. With a small cry of surprise he felt his body being dragged down by the encroaching member by the friction and stickiness of the male's naturally-lubricated shaft.

His head slipped under the folds, sealing the human in darkness, sliding down only a short distance inside of her but far enough to ensure he was completely enclosed. It was almost a surreal experience; his entire body was being caressed and squeezed firmly by those velvety inner walls on one side, and pressed against his chest, face and legs was a male gryphon's cock. He grabbed onto it for support, realizing how humiliating the position he had been put in truly was, but he was still focused on survival. Sealed inside the inky blackness of Rhea's tunnel, all he had to go on were the sounds, smells and things he could touch. His nose was constantly assaulted, the steamy aroma of the gryphoness' sex coupling with the firm, feral musk of Takarth's breeding organ. It was making him lightheaded, but at the same time kept him alert and conscious to what they were doing to him. Powerful heartbeats pulsed around him, blood pounding to keep both animals aroused, made all the more audible by their sheer size. He kept his mouth shut as best he could, not wanting to have the feral male's sheathslime for dinner, but found it increasingly difficult due to the stifling atmosphere he had to breathe. He remained there for a few moments, taking in the sensations swiftly, before he felt motion in the organ under him.

The gryphon's cock throbbed in his grip, the spongy flesh pressing him harder into the folds around him before slowly sliding upwards, away from him and up to the entrance of Rhea's snatch. The tip had sunken just below his feet, yet now it dragged up his body, the slimy skin moving across his own in an uncomfortable smothering of hot flesh. He felt a small pooling of warmth below his knees that spread upwards, smearing across his face as the tapered head pulled away. It was slightly higher in temperature than the gryphoness' fluids around him, and much thicker. The creamy substance matted to his cheeks and lips, trickling steady into his mouth. He grunted in surprise as his prison clenched in happiness around him, forcing some of it past his sealed lips. Though it took a moment for him to realize what had happened, Roland shivered as the truth finally struck him. He tried desperately to spit Takarth's precum from his mouth, but the attempt immediately left him open for more to join the already thickening batch. In need of breath, and running out of options, the human opted to swallow the viscous spunk, cringing as the heavy heat washed down his throat. He was almost grateful when the massive penis lifted upwards, giving him a moment to relax in the extra space before realizing with horror what was about to happen.

Takarth swooned in bliss as he slowly lowered his haunches, pushing his erect cock into the velvety folds of his mate. He almost chuckled as he felt the human grab on, closing his tiny hands around the tip of his length to avoid being crushed by the weight of his body as it descended. Smart little man, though perhaps it was his only option, the beast thought with a small measure of amusement, right before he let out a low growl and let his hindquarters drop the rest of the way. His cock slid inside easily, dragging the man along with it as it plunged deep into the humid, pleasant grip of Rhea's vagina. The growl in his chest quickly turned to a vicious snarl, one that was matched in intensity by an eager shriek from the female gryphon's beak as her body tensed around his sensitive maleness. Both of the beasts rumbled with delight, pausing for a moment to enjoy the familiar warmth that spread through each of their conjoined forms as their mating began. He could feel the human twitching inside, every movement of the small creature amplified by the immense pressure rhythmically pulsing around his avian dick. Even after several clutches of eggs, the talented gryphoness was still as tight as ever. Looking up, Takarth found his mate looking back at him, her brown eyes glistening with need. No words were needed for him to understand the silent exchange. His cock throbbed deep inside her, drooling with precum as he backed his hips, leaving the human behind to marinate in the mixture of sexual juices before plunging forwards again to begin their savage mating.

Roland did his best to cry out as a low rumble announced the gryphon's returning cock, only to have his eruption garbled by the inflow of viscous fluids pushed forward by the shaft as it barrelled down into him. The walls around him parted briefly, just before the hot, bulbous length pushed him to the side and dragged him down, deeper into the clenching depths of Rhea's cunt. It mashed against him painfully, smacking into his shoulder heavily before throbbing once and spitting out more steaming pre-cum down his back. Leaning backwards, he gripped it desperately, hoping to ease the discomfort of its passage by moving it somewhere else. He only managed to press lightly against the spongy rod however, before it immediately lifted away, ripping from his grip to let the slick folds squeeze against him once more. His body bent oddly within the pressing flesh, mashing against him and holding him paralyzed in its grip as the gryphoness flexed with pleasure. As the walls encompassed him, Roland could hear the heavy heartbeat of the female beast like a deep drum within his ear, pumping and squelching with desire for the two creatures that sought to please her. He couldn't breathe anymore, not with the amount of pressure he was receiving. Rhea must've held back before, because he'd never felt her clench this hard up until this point. It seemed that the return of her mate had emboldened her enough to use the full extent of her strength, regardless of the effect it would have on the struggling creature edging closer and closer to her womb. A brief respite came a moment later as that same, deep rumble reached his ears. Knowing what it meant, the man braced himself, grunting as the hard tip of the gryphon's cock punched him again, driving him even deeper into Rhea's body.

Every time that thick slab of breeding flesh penetrated the wet tunnel of the gryphoness, Roland found himself forced just that little bit deeper. Takarth seemed to have found his rhythm now, crouched over his feathered lover as he drove himself deeper and deeper within her delightfully steamy sex. To Rhea, it was a little slice of heaven as she was bred properly by her mate, the firm shaft bringing her trembling pleasures as it stimulated her inner nerves and sated her lusts. Roland began to lose his sense of direction as he was battered and shoved aside by the unrelenting gryphon penis, bending to its immense power as he was used as nothing more than a living sex toy. While he could no longer tell which way was up, he could certainly taste what was happening to him. The big male was very leaky in his arousal, and not even the moisture pooling from the walls of Rhea's slick tunnel could match the sheer quantity of the seedy liquids Takarth drooled from his cock. He had to swallow it, the pressure from the gryphon's fucking forcing the mixture between his lips and down his throat. It tasted like nothing he'd ever had before, and the only thing he could think of was that it tasted masculine.

It felt like an hour had passed already, but he'd only been subjected to the rutting gryphons for just ten minutes. Still, it was enough to leave him feeling like he'd just fought a heavyweight boxer, and Takarth seemed to be showing no signs of slowing his feral assault. His body was there to provide extra pleasure to the gryphoness, who by the sounds of her moans was very much satisfied with what the two males were doing to her internally. What concerned Roland, however, was that another pressure was building behind him. For a while the gryphon's gigantic spear of a shaft had been effortlessly brushing him aside and mashing him into the velvety walls of Rhea's passage. Now, however, he was being pushed aside less and less. In fact, as the oversized organ came driving into her body, Roland was being caught by the tip as it wormed deeper inside. A few times the beast's gurgling urethra mashed against his chin, or his own lips, splattering him with fresh ooze. The pressure he felt he now knew was the bottom of the avian's vagina, and he was being pushed up firmly against her back wall. Even more concerning, Takarth only seemed to be getting deeper with every thrust, and soon Roland was beginning to have the wind knocked out of him as the head of that sizable member ploughed into his chest.

Takarth let out a purring whine, punctuated by a firm thrust of his haunches as he plunged deep into the velvety warmth of his mate's cunt once again. He could feel the peak of his pleasure approaching with each passing second as he drove himself forwards, grunting in unison with Rhea's blissful gasps as his cock spread her wide.

"I'm getting close my love," he grated, breathing heavily as the female clenched down in her passion. "I... gah... don't think I can last much longer..." As he finished speaking, the male gryphon shuddered and pushed his hips forwards, grinding them into his mate's haunches as a powerful surge of ecstasy came over him. The human squirmed against the tip of his buried cock, tickling his urethra with its useless struggles. Despite the onset of his release, Takarth grinned as he felt it, opening his eyes and giving his mate a wicked smile. Rhea met his eyes and smiled back, gasping as his avian cock pulsed within her once again, spitting out another glob of precum onto the man inside her.

"Give it all to me Takarth, fill me with your seed," Rhea mewled, pulling him tightly against her and giving him a needy lick on his beak. "Let's make another clutch of eggs, right now. I want to sit on another batch just as our first are given life and freedom to roam this land. Do it... please... fuck me hard, and don't you dare stop this time." Her eyes glowed with lust in the low light of the fire, shining with her unparalleled eagerness as she shifted her haunches and clenched her nethers hard on the invading member. Her partner growled as she did, bucking his hips involuntarily before drawing them back.

"Very well," Takarth said, pushing his haunches forward and eliciting a soft shriek from his mate. He smiled as he began moving against her once again, shoving his dick deep into her warm, wet tunnel. The sensitive flesh reacted to every soft ridge and bump on the surface of his spongy length, rippling and squeezing it in a desperate need to draw out his seed. As his body got closer and closer to release, the male gryphon began to increase the force of his humps, slamming himself forwards as the two beasts fell into a savage state. The only noises that filled the cavern were their deep, animalistic panting and grunting as the powerful sex began to take its toll, accompanied by the moist squelching of his cock and the meaty, wet slaps of the male's testicles as he thrust his maleness home. Lost in their primal passion, each of them forgot about the human inside, who was slowly but steadily getting pushed deeper...

Roland gasped in pain as the blunt tip of the giant cock punched him in the chest harder than ever before, shoving him against the hardened wall of flesh behind him. His panic reached a sudden, overwhelming peak at this point, as he realized that he was stuck. As big as Rhea's tunnel was, the male gryphon's cock seemed to be bigger. The massive rod of flesh was now easily reaching him with every downward plunge, slamming into his waist, chest and face before pulling away, usually leaving a steamy pool of cum behind to get swallowed up by the swirling folds of flesh that rolled and collapsed around him in response. He began to struggle even harder, even though he knew such actions would only bring the mating couple closer to drowning him in their sexual juices. Reaching out with his arms and spreading his legs, he frantically began to push and pull at the clenching walls as they pressed against him, manoeuvring himself in a last, vain attempt to find some sort of safe pocket where he could reside. As he reached around behind him, his hand slid up the slimy wall, massaging the oddly soft flesh before he touched what seemed to be another opening. He paused in surprise, wondering at what he'd found, before a deep rumble pounded in his ears and Takarth's cock came plunging down, hitting him in the side and burying his limb into the tight opening up to his shoulder.

Crying out in surprise for a brief moment before his mouth was filled with fluids once again, Roland tensed as the tight hole began to flex around his arm, pulling on him in a weak, steady series of throbs. He suddenly realized with horrible fear that the only explanation for this new opening was that he was so far inside Rhea that he was at her cervix. The tight tube that pulled on his arm could only lead to one place: the steaming furnace of her womb, and the inevitable destination of all the hot spunk that would soon follow. With another involuntary yelp, he began to tug, trying to free himself from the clenching opening. It wasn't as strong as the rippling muscles of the gryphoness' cunt, and he was sure he could've resisted until the dick came down again, punching him in the back and forcing the rest of his body into the now widened opening.

Immediately, Roland found himself too cramped to move or even open his mouth. The incredibly hot, silky tube crushed him from all sides, pinning his arms to his sides and helplessly dragging him along. His legs remained outside for a few more seconds, kicking desperately before they were pulled inside with a wet splorch, engulfing him completely. The beast's cervix slowly began to pull him along, seeming to sense his presence with an almost alien hunger as it swallowed him deeper into the warm depths of Rhea's womb. Every few seconds, Takarth's cock would pump into him from behind, shooting him forwards a few more inches as the pulsing flesh widened the tight tube, allowing him to slide in further with relative ease. His body sweated profusely in the searing heat, mixing in with the mixture of viscous bodily and sexual juices that coated his body. As he got deeper, the small amount of air available to him soon turned into an overwhelmingly potent stench of bestial musk and old, spent semen. The salty sweet cloud surrounded him, it's presence almost as palpable as the thick, goopy liquids that sloshed around him. Not having a choice in the matter, Roland struggled to breath it all in, cringing as the tightness surrounding him made it nearly impossible. The pressure was immense. For a brief moment he saw tiny prickles of light dance across his vision, and he feared that he would soon pass out. That was until he suddenly found himself at another opening, which he slowly slid out of before falling into another open space with a tiny, moist pop.

Rhea's cry of pleasure as the human slipped inside her body was enough to make Takarth's ears flick to the side, but it didn't stop his thrusts. Instead of colliding with the thief now, his fat shaft was able to slam against his mate's tender barrier relentlessly. He picked up the pace, plump balls bouncing off her rump as the powerful male rutted his lover with the intent to knock her up proper. Inside her body, Roland had no idea whether to be relieved or worried about his situation. His body was tender and sore from the harsh pounding it had just received, and inside his new location the battering had ceased. His ears could pick up on the heavy noises each time that horny gryphon hammered his length home, but they no longer hammered against his flesh. He was, however, now inside the womb of the gryphoness. It was a strange feeling as he rested against those inner walls of the feral hybrid's most intimate place. Despite being out of his depth, the young man was still able to process his thoughts somewhat clearly. There was most certainly no escaping from this place, and he wondered how they intended to get him out. Perhaps they would push him out when the new clutch came along, his body cramped in alongside many growing eggs like the ones he'd seen outside her body. That thought was intimidating, as they looked very large and heavy.

It was a sticky environment, and reeked stronger than anything he'd smelt in his entire life. A raw, fleshy smell filled his senses, punctuated with a scent that he knew belonged to the male gryphon. No doubt he had deposited his fill into this very chamber many times to make those eggs.

Roland tried to keep himself thinking objectively; if he lost himself to panic and struggle he wouldn't ever regain his composure again. Takarth would no doubt be filling this chamber any moment with a fresh batch of semen from his testicles, and somehow the idea of drowning in gryphon ejaculate wasn't his ideal way of passing into the void. That struck another thought into his mind: despite the fact he was inside a large, supple, fleshy prison sealed off from the outside world, he could still breathe. He didn't know how it was possible, but the fact he was still conscious and left to breathe the thick, feral air inside her body was testament to that. Perhaps they didn't plan to drown him... maybe there was some black magic at work. He had heard tales of such things, although he never really took much stock in them. Right now though, it the knowledge wouldn't really help him one way or another. He pushed against the spongy walls that hugged him from all sides, not knowing where anything was due to the darkness, but he was surprised by how soft and malleable the flesh was. He remembered, however, that Rhea was able to hold those massive eggs inside of her, and he figured that it would be able to expand many times wider.

His thoughts were interrupted suddenly as a loud noise occurred in front of him as Takarth's powerful shaft finally nuzzled through his lover's barrier. Roland couldn't see it, but he could certainly tell its presence as the space he resided in was penetrated. Thick buffets of steamy air assaulted his nose and splurts of pre-cum dripped from the tip and pooled under his body each time that rigid length was ploughed inside. Rhea's body was tense and loud moans escaped her beak as the beasts entered the last stages of their copulation.

Rhea began to feel light-headed as she felt the approaching wave of her orgasm tingle deep within her loins. Her mate's cock was beginning to throb heavily inside her, leaking his rich, bestial pre-seed along the rippling flesh of her tunnel. The male gryphon panted frantically above her, pumping his hips against her with an ever-increasing sense of desperation and ferocity. His deep growls of passion were turning to light, mewling whines between the ragged breaths, his tongue lolling from his beak and dripping hot saliva onto the feathers of her chest. She knew that it wouldn't be long before he came inside her.

With a sharp cry, Takarth hunched down low and starting humping in short, quick bursts, slamming his haunches forwards as fast as he could manage. His giant, furry sac slapped against Rhea with every push, impacting the soft fur above her tailhole before pulling back damp from the streaming fluids dripping from the lips of her gaping cunt. The smell of avian sex and spunk filled the cavern air, making each of their nostrils flare in pure, animalistic pleasure. Though he could no longer feel the human when he pushed forwards, it gave Takarth great pleasure to know that the little thief was somewhere deep inside, breathing in the musky fumes of their conjoined passion in greater quantities than he himself could ever possibly hope to experience. A light smile crossed his beak before another sharp twinge of pleasure caused it to twist in sudden surprise.

Takarth's cock was practically dripping with slime as he plunged inside the hot, moist depths, squirming against his lover in the final moments of their savage mating. In order to gift them with another clutch of eggs, he was going to have cum hard and deep. Any thought of what might happen to the human had long since passed the aroused gryphon's mind. All that mattered was getting his mate pregnant. If Roland drowned in a sea of cum inside his mate's steamy womb it would be everything the man deserved. What better way to answer for trying to steal a gryphon's eggs then to help in the making of new ones. With this pleasurable thought in his head, Takarth let out an incredibly loud, piercing roar and ground his haunches forwards, shoving his knot inside and tying with his passionate mate.

With a high, elated gasp, Rhea arched her back and bucked her hips, her entire body convulsing as the male gryphon spread her wide with the bulbous mass of flesh at the base of his cock. She clenched down hard on the veiny shaft, shrieking with delight as her tunnel spasmed and electric jolts of pleasure shot up the length of her body. The low tingling she'd felt earlier soon turned to pure ecstasy as the feel increased, building slowly inside of her until the gates finally exploded outwards, washing through her body in the form of a tremendously powerful orgasm. Her vagina rippled around the intruding cock, squeezing and clenching it rhythmically as her nethers thumped with the periodic spasms of her bliss. The male gryphon ground his haunches into her almost painfully in response, growling long and low as his testicles simultaneously swelled and lifted up into his body. A swirling pool of viscous warmth gathered just below the base of his shaft, building in pressure as pins and needles ran up the length of his thigh. The claws on all four of his limbs extended, gripping the sides of his mate and sticking deep into the ground as he prepared himself for what was to come. Then, as his lover clenched down on him particularly hard in the throes of her own pleasure, Takarth let out a desperate whine and threw his beak into the air in a silent cry, his cavernous chest heaving as his cock pulsed once, squirting a light spray of seed before throbbing violently, blasting thick ropes of steaming spunk deep into his mate's womb.

Having stuffed himself deep inside his mate, a full foot of Takarth's cock was lodged inside her womb. Roland could feel it as the tip nudged his chest, knowing now that the male gryphon was a deep as he could go. The entire chamber rumbled around him, drawing him in tight as muscles twitched and flesh swirled around his body. Roland wasn't stupid; he knew what was coming and he braced himself for a possibly harsh clench by the gryphoness' womb. What he hadn't quite counted on was the force of Takarth's ejaculations. The first burst sprayed out right against his chest, with enough force to almost take the wind out of him. He barely had time to even consider that as half a second later another creamy splurt splashed across his body, soaking his entire front. The young thief could do nothing as the cock used him for target practise, dumping wave after wave of semen against his trapped body. The only exit to this chamber was currently blocked by that very penis that was doing its best to hose him down with the most pungent liquid he had ever smelt in his entire life. With his mouth shut he was still able to smell the concoction brewed in the depths of the gryphon's balls, with more and more of it being added to the fleshy chamber each second.

He had no idea what he should focus on, and instead just lay there, somewhat curled up by the natural shape of the womb as he was cummed on. Takarth and Rhea made out passionately, tongues twisting as they ignored the plight of the human who was contained inside her. It seemed like his orgasm would never end, and that was concerning to the imprisoned man. The cum continued to pulse from that swollen shaft, coming up to his shins, then his knees, then his chest, and the hybrid didn't seem to be slowing as those two human-sized testicles transferred their entire contents into Rhea's receptive body. The knot locked it all in, leaving Roland to worry as the level rose up to his neck. The odor was so overpowering the human almost fainted, breathing in the steaming scent of hot breeding syrup as it enveloped his body. It was so warm and viscous that Roland felt as though he'd be dipped into a natural hot-spring, only made of thick custard in texture. As the cum rose up over his mouth he clamped it shut and breathed through his nose, panicking internally as the threat of humiliatingly drowning in spunk became more and more real. A few seconds later he was fully submerged, Takarth's orgasm finally tapering off as the last few 'smaller' spurts filled the last crevices of his lover's egg-chamber.

Roland pushed uselessly at the roof of Rhea's steamy womb as the last inches of space were filled with the beast's warm cum. Somewhere in his panic-stricken mind he knew it was useless, but desperation and the thought of a smelly, sticky end had driven him over the edge, and severed any hopes he had of thinking rationally. He didn't want it to end this way: trapped inside a giant, feral monster's breeding pouch. With a strong push, he kept holding his breath and moved himself through the heavy, viscous spunk towards where he thought the male gryphon's cocktip must still be stuck. It was an alien experience, swimming through so much of the goopy liquid. The gryphon's semen was consistently hot throughout, incubated by the continuously moving, sealing walls that surrounded it. Unlike water, within the horribly musky seed, Roland found it incredibly hard to move. Though there were some parts that were smoother than others, every now and then he would run across a weighty chunk of the white substance, causing him either to push it out of the way or squeeze through the troublesome swath of spongy sludge. No matter how much he tried to keep his eyes and mouth sealed, the invasive mixture seemed to penetrate his defences, filling the back of his throat with more and more of the salty taste as he trudged along. He began to feel weak and feverish in the incredible heat, sapping his energy as surely as his own exhausting movements. Despite this, his will to live enabled him to keep going. He was going to find Takarth's cock; it was his only shot. Though he'd been disgusted by the fleshy spire before, now it was his only hope of getting out. If he could manage a good grip on the slimy rod, perhaps he could ride it to the outside of Rhea's tunnel and back into the outside world. It was unlikely, but he had to try.

With one last, shuddering gasp, Takarth spasmed once and collapsed onto his mate, curling his neck slowly to rest his head against her cheek. They were both panting from exhaustion, each of them completely spent as they hugged each other in a powerful, loving embrace. The male gryphon smiled against her, listening to the steady thumps of their pounding hearts. He was moving up and down slowly, the massive weight of his body lifting with each expansion of his lover's breast. Rhea mewled softly against him, nudging the side of his face with her beak as she clenched down lightly on his buried member. With a smile, he turned and licked her in return, lifting himself up to stare down into her deep, satisfied eyes.

"I think it's safe to say that more of our young are on the way," he said with a small chuckle before leaning forwards to kiss her passionately once again. His beak enveloped hers as his tongue snaked inside her mouth, dancing along its interior before coiling around the female's own thick appendage. He humped lightly against her once more, enjoying the incredible warmth of his own seed sloshing around inside her as he did. His cock was growing more flaccid now that it was spent, but his knot would still prevent him from leaving her for a short while. It didn't matter though: he would remain inside her forever if he could.

Roland grunted in surprise as his face rubbed against a slippery, pulsing barrier of flesh in front of him. Bringing his arms forward through the torrent of cum surrounding him, he immediately began feeling around, searching for the tip of cock that was his only means of escape. Much to his horror, at first he only found smooth, rippling walls underneath his touch, pulsing gently before squeezing his hands lightly as if to mock the fruitlessness of his search. Holding his breath was beginning to grow painful, and his lungs felt like two, heavily weighted balloons ready to pop deep inside his chest. He began to see pins and needles across his vision as he slowly began to suffocate. Frantically he worked his way down, hoping that he was just off by a little bit and not completely turned around in the swirling vortex of sexual fluids and powerful, tensing muscles. After a few more feet however, all of his fears were put to rest. He felt his hands land on something bulbous and hard, just as the will to hold his breath became completely unbearable.

Opening his mouth in a silent cry, he gagged as the gryphon's semen entered his mouth, plunging down his throat as he involuntarily inhaled the foul liquid deep into his body. It travelled in a single, thick, chunky stream down into his lungs and stomach, filling every crevice of his body with its creamy weight. Despite everything that Rhea had promised and all of his effort to either please her or get away, this was how he was going to die: choking on avian spooge deep within a female beast's womb. He didn't deserve this. Wincing from the uncomfortable flow of liquids in his chest, he cringed and feared the worst, expecting to pass out at any moment. Much to his surprise however, the exact opposite happened. His vision cleared as he somehow felt energy wash into his body once again. It was an odd sensation, as he wasn't breathing in air by any means, yet his body felt rejuvenated. Although the incredibly powerful smell and taste of Takarth's seed remained, Roland found that he could breathe even more of the substance in without pause, as easily as if the spent cum was air itself. There was no reasonable explanation to why he was able to do so, but it hardly mattered now. Sucking in greedily, he desperately inhaled and swallowed the foul spunk simultaneously, gulping it down in an inexplicable lust to fill his chest and belly. It felt slick and slimy as it passed over his tongue, accompanied by the odd mound or ball of thickness that he had to chew before he was able to get it down. Holding tightly to the end of Takarth's cock, he readied himself for the final pull, hoping that his renewed strength would be enough for him to hold on as it dragged him out.

After a minute or two, he began to realize the male gryphon wasn't going anywhere. He wasn't aware of the knot that locked the two ferals together, but as the tip of the male's massive erection lounged in the sauna of Rhea's womb, he knew that they were enjoying a lengthy afterglow. His thoughts turned to his situation, now that the immediate fear of suffocation was gone. Somehow, in some way, his lungs were drawing oxygen from the liquids that had slipped down into his chest. This confirmed to him that the beasts were to some degree creatures of magic, and possibly explained their gigantic size. Still, the feeling of breathing the male's ejaculate was enough to make Roland shudder, but there was no avoiding the situation now. Despite how hard he tried, he was completely and utterly dominated. He was trapped inside the womb of a gryphoness, soaked from head to toe in Takarth's semen, and could do nothing as the liquids swirled around his mouth and down his throat. He'd never been gay, never considered such things when spending time with the lovely ladies in the dens of debauchery scattered across the city. Now, however, he was given no choice but to ingest the fresh, hot spunk of a male who had fucked him forcibly into a womb.

More and more time passed, and nothing seemed to happen. Submerged in his new home, he found himself more and more curious. His nose was clogged with seed but it didn't stop him from smelling the goop, growing more and more used to it each second. It was hard to know what to think, as the only things he could hear now were the shifting of liquids and that solid, steady heartbeat from Rhea's no-doubt massive heart. He couldn't call out or complain, as each time his mouth opened even slightly he was given another helping of hot cum to chew on.

That was something else; the consistency. Despite the smell, and general rich taste of the male's ball-cream, Roland found himself thinking about the gel-like texture of the mess that enveloped him. He shuddered as more found its way into his mouth, but instead of swallowing instinctively he held it there and pushed through the slop with his tongue. His eyes widened a little at the thickness, and he shuddered as his tongue felt around the warm semen. Parts of it were like a thick soup, and yet others were so chunky that he had to chew them to get a good idea of the flavour. As much as he wanted to hate it, he found himself growing to like the taste. It appalled him inwardly, and he spat it back out in disgust only to have more flow into his mouth. It was unavoidable, and he went back to savouring the dirty liquid. Billions of live, wriggling avian sperm swam around his tongue, all of them searching for Rhea's fertile eggs to fertilize. Little did the thief know that a few of them had already found their mark, burrowing into the eggs around him and making them begin their slow transformation into gryphon chicks.

Roland was so caught up in his new world that he didn't even notice or hear the tip of the male avian's penis slide out of her chamber. All he felt was a slight moving around him as the gryphoness relaxed, her cervix sealing tight and trapping both the human and all of the cum deposited inside her. Instead, the thief rested himself, laying down against the swollen wall of the chamber as he focused more and more on the steamy semen that had completely overtaken his mind.

Takarth let out a small grunt as he slid out of his lover, his knot having shrunk enough for his to pull out without hurting her. He leaned close as he did, giving her another soft kiss before pushing himself off and backing up a few steps and craning his head down to stare down at her vagina with an amused expression. The opening was leaking with his spent cum, trickling down her rump and onto the floor.

"He's still in there isn't he?" He said excitedly, sticking out his tongue to give her lips a soft lick and swallowing some of the sexual fluids. "Can you feel him at all?" Although he already knew the answer, he wanted to hear it from her beak as well. The thought of the human trapped inside his mate's womb was perhaps one of the most arousing fates they could've bestowed the little thief. His cock twitched lightly as he imagined what it must be like for the man, swimming around inside all of his spent seed. Rhea answered by wiggling her haunches and smacking him on the cheek with the tip of her tail.

"Only sometimes," she replied with a grin. "it's hard to tell when I'm filled to the brim with your spunk sweetie, but I can pick out his little hands along my walls every now and then." She closed her eyes for moment after speaking, focusing on the pleasant, liquid warmth sloshing about inside her. After a few moments, she perked up, returning her mate's excited stare.

"Yes, he's still moving in there, it seems that your semen really does have special qualities." Rhea said with a chuckle, bringing her claws down to press against the light swell in her middle. "I want to keep him in here." Takarth raised his brow.

"Oh? I thought you wanted him as an after-sex treat..."

"There'll be lots of 'after-sex' opportunities to do just that in the coming months Takarth," she replied, giving him an elated smile. "We've never done something like this to one of our little morsels before, and I want to see how long he can stay in there before his mind is broken. Roland was disgusted by us before, but imagine what he's going to be like when we pull him out after say... one month? Two months?" She smirked, rolling over onto her side and folding her hind legs over. "What could be a better form of punishment for trying to take our chicks, hm? I imagine my womb can act as suitable prison until our eggs grow big enough to force him out. And imagine what he'll taste like..."

As he listened to his mate speak, Takarth felt himself growing harder and harder by the second, despite having just satisfied such need moments before. Keeping the human marinating in their sexual fluids for months was perhaps the most dominant, sexy idea he'd ever heard from Rhea's beautiful, curved mouth. He wanted to share the experience with her more than ever.

Walking up behind her and leaning down, he kissed her again, cutting her off as he stuck his tongue down her throat and wiggled it before pulling back.

"I think that's the sexiest idea you've ever had," Takarth said, smiling down at her before laying down on his side as well and draping his body over hers, pulling her close. Their sleek coats shone brightly in the low light of the fire, which had only just begun to slowly die down. Rhea curled up in his warm embrace and closed her eyes, a grin flashing across her avian countenance.

"What about the time we fucked mid-flight?" She cooed, lifting her head to stretch her beak wide in a yawn before laying it back down. "I thought that one was pretty good." Takarth chuckled and laid his head down across her neck, letting out a small yawn himself before closing his eyes.

"I think this one takes the cake, "he said with mild exhaustion. "Besides, we can try that idea again tomorrow, with the human inside of you." He smiled as Rhea gave a small laugh underneath him, her body rumbling with delight against his chest. "I take it you like the idea?"

"What gave it away?" She replied, nuzzling closer against his encompassing warmth and curling her tail around his leg. "Tomorrow we can supply our little toy with a fresh dose. Our eggs are going to need all the love they can get."

Squirming against the loving embrace to get more comfortable, Rhea curled up into a ball and allowed Takarth to press even more firmly against her, cuddling with her in the dwindling warmth of the fire. As she settled, the mother gryphoness opened her eyes and cast her glance over to the eggs on the other side of the flames. "Can you wake me in about two hours my love?" She said with mild concern. "As much as I adore your comfort throughout the night, our eggs are going to need some as well before the morning comes."

"Of course," Takarth said, licking her cheek before resting his head once again. "You get some rest Rhea, I'll wake you in a little while."

After that, Rhea shut her eyes and began to purr softly, her mate hovering over her with his eyes half closed. Takarth would stay awake for her for a few more hours, acting as a watchful sentinel in case any other foolish humans decided to try their luck in taking one of their young. If they did, he knew exactly where he was going to put them.

Casting his gaze down at his lover's hindquarters, the male gryphon smiled, swallowing once to mask his growing excitement as he stared down at the perfectly formed haunches curled up next to him. He could only imagine what Roland was experiencing down there, tucked away in a sloppy mixture of his cum and Rhea's vaginal juices. Though there was nothing there to betray the presence of a human, it was the mystery behind what could actually be happening that gave the horny beast the most arousal. Flicking his tail over to the side, he continued to stare long into the night, his curved beak twisted upwards in a wicked smile. He couldn't wait to fuck her again.


It was easy to lose track of time. Roland found himself quickly becoming accustomed to his new home, and although he knew days slipped by, he was certain a few weeks had too. Little did he know, he'd been trapped inside the gryphoness for over two months, stewing away in the deepest recesses of Rhea's body. The gryphon and gryphoness seemed to have forgotten about him, but they certainly hadn't forgotten about one another. After that first rough breeding, his constant presence only seemed to invigorate the two beasts, allowing the horny pair to mate on an almost daily basis. After Takarth had pulled out and left him inside her body for the first time, he was left to soak in a hot, overpowering bath of gryphon semen. It engulfed him entirely in his new home, and while he tried to avoid it at first, he came to swallow copious amounts. The male avian's rich sperm were highly nutritious, and contained just the right amount of fluids and nutrients to keep the trapped human alive and well. The first day passed without incident beyond the initial breeding; left alone to think about his situation while he floated in a world of rolling, fleshy walls and all-encompassing semen. He thought about leaving, about trying to escape, but he knew it was entirely futile. They were bigger, much more cunning, and he suspected Rhea would definitely feel it if he even made the slightest attempts to escape her clutches.

So he relaxed, and simply waited. He thought it might have been for a little while, but almost an entire day later he felt Rhea's body shifting rather vigorously around him. He had no idea what was going on, and was rather fearful of the motions, but soon he was once again greeting with the head of Takarth's penis pushing through into the gryphoness' egg chamber. He recognized then that the two had been rutting once more, and he stayed out of the way as the cock plunged around for a bit before releasing another powerful torrent of spunk all over his body, refilling Rhea's womb of all the sperm that had escaped, or been swallowed by the hungry human. Roland hated his captors at first, but as he spent more and more days inside of Rhea, he began to grow a little fuzzy. Each day, at around the same time, Takarth would mount his mate and cum all over the thief once more. Within a week Roland was welcoming the male's cock, leaning in to rub and touch it as it sprayed its load into his home. It was something to do amidst the many hours spent alone, waiting and wondering. After two weeks, he was opening his mouth and pressing it against the male's urethra, willingly gulping down the fresh emissions from the tip as he came. It was during the second week Roland gripped his own cock and jerked himself off in the slimy lubrication of the sperm that surrounded him. His own ejaculation was pitiful in comparison, but swirled in amongst the gryphon's seed regardless.

After a month Roland was entirely comfortable with his new 'life'. Drinking potent gryphon semen and having it flood every last crevice inside and outside of his body was enough to overpower his mind and make him more malleable to the situation. At first, he could barely stand the vile liquid. It clouded every aspect of his being, surrounding him in a thick swathe of smelly sexual juices that made it hard to do anything but float around and lay still. Also, the soft mass in the middle of his home that could only be the female's developing egg sac disgusted him even more. Those days however, were long gone.

Any sense of his old life vanished in that moist, pleasant darkness. He could hardly remember anything but the soft, encompassing warmth and churning fluids that accompanied him for every hour of every day. Though he no longer had any sense of time, Roland found himself attuned to the schedule and habits of the larger beast that held him. Whenever the gryphoness was up and about, he would be awake, rubbing and massaging at her sides to comfort her as she walked around. It gave him great joy to feel her rippling walls tense around him as he explored every smooth inch of flesh in his new home. Everything remained the same for the entirety of his stay, besides the eggs slowly developing in the middle, but it didn't matter to him at first. It didn't take long for him to learn every nook and cranny of the female's breeding pouch, and which areas he needed to press to get Rhea to swoon under his touch. More often than not the proper application of his massages would cause Takarth's cock to come visiting again, the large, throbbing head pushing forwards to push and prod the gryphoness where his little human hands couldn't. Once the male had emptied his load and he'd gotten his daily meal of gryphon spunk, the human would then fall asleep with the happily satisfied pair, drifting off to the warm, wave-like sloshing of the newly ejaculated bestial sperm around him.

Despite this newfound love of the gryphoness' womb however, there was one aspect that he found mildly troubling: her eggs. With the pair fucking as much as they did, it only made sense that Rhea would get pregnant, though after a certain amount of time and much to Roland's dismay, the enlarging clutch of eggs soon began to hinder his once uninterrupted movement and relaxation within the comfort of his new home. They began as a silky, almost spongy roundedness in the middle of the gryphoness' womb, something he immediately recognized as an unfamiliar substance to him as he felt around in the humid darkness, but he soon realized what they were. His initial reaction was one of joy. He would pet the soft eggs as they grew, massaging them as tenderly and with as much care as he showed the female's walls in the midst of her passionate sex. After the second month rolled by however, the eggs began to grow huge. Soon, Roland found himself startled awake some nights when his head accidently bumped into them. Whenever the female beast rolled over in her sleep or got up to walk around, he found himself tossed against them rather than the soft flesh at the other side of her womb. Not only that, but the sperm surrounding them tasted bitter and spent, and not as full or flavoursome as the viscous seed he scraped off her walls with his tongue. It was a mild annoyance in his new home, but he soon learned to dismiss it. Despite the formation of the eggs, he still found his captor's bodies soothing, especially into the long hours of the night.

When both of the gryphons were still, Roland could hear the steady rise and fall of their cavernous chests, accompanied by Rhea's steady heartbeat in the aftermath of their sex as she drifted off to sleep. After a while, he began to feel part of the shared bond between the two feral creatures. Although he incredibly frightened by them during his first encounter, his intimate contact with them had given him a natural connection with the beasts. With every muffled, yet passionate mewl of within Rhea's breast or the odd gasp as Takarth plunged in to her, Roland felt that he shared it along with her, or at least participated in some odd, unnatural way. He enjoyed every second of it, almost as much as he enjoyed latching onto the protruding cockhead as it slammed home and coated him in another torrent of hot, gryphon spooge. It became easier and easier to mouth the male's urethra as it squirted its pungent seed inside. Every time it came through he would kiss and lick the opening as if it were a long-lost lover, right before wrapping his lips entirely around it as the meaty shaft throbbed heavily once or twice before releasing its load. He would turn his head away from the first few blasts, allowing them to shoot over his shoulder before quickly returning to suckling greedily on the squirting hole. The first couple were always too powerful for him to engulf properly, and would more often than not leave him reeling from the impact of the viscous liquid. It was fun however, to sometimes let the initial rope to smack him in the chest, propelling him into the eggs and around to the other side of the womb before burying him in another few gallons of the fresh reproductive fluid. In such moments, even he found himself elated enough to care for eggs, as he would smear the newly ejaculated gryphon spooge over their now-hardened surfaces, encompassing them in the same smelly warmth he'd grown to know and love.

After months and months of time inside Rhea's womb, everything was looking up for Roland. Any ties or thoughts that caused him to think of escape or his old life outside soon faded away amidst the mixture of new, pleasant sensations that became the summation of his wants and desires. There was a day however, when all of that changed.

Roland felt the usual motions around him, the shifting and the rumbling, the pounding of Rhea's massive heart, but this time it wasn't a penis that came to greet him through the female's barrier. He sat there for longer than usual as the female around him squirmed in pleasure, but there was no familiar pounding against her tunnel. Curious, the now cum-addicted thief found himself leaning in towards the area where he knew the gryphon's cocktip would usually emerge, now intimately familiar with every single inch of the female hybrids' womb he always knew where her cervix was in the perfect darkness of his liquid home. It seemed to be taking much longer than usual too, but eventually he could feel something pressing against her barrier on the opposite side, and he couldn't quite tell what it was. It was another few minutes before he got any clue, as Rhea's muscles slowly relaxed to accommodate whatever it was that was breaching her egg-chamber.

Eventually, however, Roland felt the opening stretch enough to allow 'it' through. He reached out with his hands, with a strong desire to know what was joining him in his home, when his fingers closed around something hot, wet and slightly bumpy. He was confused as the warm appendage wriggled about, squirming ever-so slowly through the gryphoness' opening to slip into her womb. After a few more moments, the thief realized that it was Takarth's tongue, not his cock, which had come to join him. Surprised by the new revelation, he rubbed it softly with his hands, delighted by the presence of something new and interesting in his home. The tongue certainly seemed to be making Rhea happy, her body trembling no different around him than it did when she was being mounted. In just a couple of minutes Roland had been joined by a lot of tongue, and he was rather impressed at just how long the avian's oral organs actually were. What he didn't realize, however, was that Takarth wasn't looking to pleasure his mate this time.

The tongue slowly curled around the human's arm, showing both its flexibility and its sheer strength as it gripped his forearm with rigid force. He tried to pull back but the bumpy surface gripped him hard and ever so slowly began to tug him back towards Rhea's open barrier. He couldn't resist as he slid through slick semen, feeling it wash around his body as his arm was pulled. A few seconds later he felt his arm slip through her barrier, and his eyes widened as the rest of his body began to follow suit.

Panic set in immediately as Roland felt the tongue pull him along. He'd been comfy inside Rhea's womb, not to mention satisfied with the predictable day to day actions of the two feral creatures. Now however, he was experiencing something new, and it terrified him. Doing his best to free himself of the slimy appendage, he cried out and began shaking his arm and yanking it backwards in an attempt to rip it out of the incredible strong grip. The desperation in his tone was muffled by the encompassing walls of the female's vaginal tunnel as the closed around him again, squishing against him from all side in dark, pressing warmth of hot, lubricated flesh. They rippled alongside him as he slid further along, tensing around him gingerly in a clear sign of bliss, yet not attempting to swallow him deeper as they'd done before. Did Rhea no longer want him? He didn't understand this sudden change of events.

Coiling around Roland's arm tighter, the rough tongue never ceased in its continuous pull, coaxing him along slowly like a thick, pulsing worm tugging his struggling form out from the ground and out into the light beyond. Roland didn't want to leave, but it seemed that he had no choice. Though it could've just been his imagination, he could've sworn that Rhea's tunnel was pressing against him with a sense of longing, as if the fleshy prison that had held him for so long was saying it's last, fond farewell to the little toy that had brought it so much pleasure over the past few months. He felt a fresh jolt of terror bolt through his chest at the thought and renewed his struggles, digging his feet into the flesh at all sides in a lame attempt at halting his progress. His movements only served to stimulate the sensitive folds even more as he slid steadily through the slimy encasement. He was still fighting to remain inside when a sudden, bright light filled his vision and frigid air tickled his face. The shock of being outside forced a frantic wail to burst almost involuntarily from his fluid-covered lips. His body shivered from the violent exposure. He dropped down low, fighting the tongue coiled around his arms and huddling against Rhea's pussy-lips to scavenge whatever leftover warmth he could from the pleasant interior before he was ripped roughly into the air, sliding out of the gryphoness' vagina with a single, wet squelch.

Roland continued to struggle as he was hoisted into the air. The bright light - even though it was merely from the fire in the center of the cave - seared into his sight, making his vision blurry and watery as his eyes adjusted to the monumental change. For the past many months, he'd been kept in complete darkness, relying on his other senses to detect a change in his environment or gain a more intimate understanding of Rhea's womb. The burning light and frigid air was more than his body could handle. He wanted nothing more than to return to the safety and security inside the feral beast that had held him for so long, but that was impossible now. He was a newborn in every sense of the word.

Allowing the curves of his beak to lift upwards in a smile, Takarth grinned amusedly down at the human hanging from his tongue. The man was shifting around uselessly, barely even managing to weaken the strong grip he had with his pitiable movements. He was completely disoriented, of that the gryphon had no doubt. Over three months inside a female's womb would most likely do that to a person, though it was nothing more than the tiny creature deserved. The human's skin was slimy and pale, not to mentioned slightly discoloured from the long hours of stewing in the darkness of warm flesh and his own thick, creamy spunk. For some reason, this made him even more delicious. Takarth's mouth watered as he held the man easily with his appendage, savouring the moment and letting him hang helplessly like the fish he caught in the river south of his home. Even seeing him like this, cowering from the light and shivering inside the coiled embrace of his tongue, Takarth found that he only wanted to torment the man more. Roland was in no state to properly listen to his taunting however, so inside of slurping him up into his mouth, the gryphon dropped him down onto his mate's belly. The human landed with a soft thump and immediately turned to hide his face in the white fur of the female's stomach. With a satisfied grunt, the predator looked up for the first time since he'd begun fishing the man out to find his mate staring back at him with a pleasured grin.

Rhea's eyes held to Takarth's for a brief moment, before they dropped down to properly observe the human on her stomach. She hadn't seen him for months, and he looked considerably pale; a side-effect of being doused in milky semen for an extended period of time. He certainly looked healthy otherwise, as male gryphon ejaculate was rich in all the right proteins and vitamins.

Roland slowly regained his senses, cum leaking from his nose, ears, and any other orifice that could hold the goopy liquid. As it slowly cleared from his body and dripped onto the lush fur below, he could feel his hearing clear up and his eyes begin to focus correctly once more. He could see her soft underbelly now, and his own naked body. It was somewhat disconcerting, but he slowly tested his hands and feet, working his way into a sitting position before finally managing to look up. He saw two massive avian heads looking down at him, both looking very pleased with the situation he was in. He swallowed the last bits of semen in his mouth before speaking the first words he had in three months.

"H... hi..." he stammered slowly, unsure of what to say. It wasn't exactly easy to think of something to talk about with a gryphon that had held him in her womb for weeks on end.

Rhea chuckled, her large stomach rumbling under him from the noise. Roland was slightly disoriented but with his hearing, sight and regular weight back he could manage himself somewhat.

"Welcome back, little human," she said with a firm gaze, "did you enjoy your stay?" Despite the length of time he'd spent inside her, it still brought a blush to his face.

"I... I... did," he responded slowly, "I did, it was... nice." Takarth smirked behind him, amused by the human's change of heart. It seemed that before he had been against it, and now he was very much agreeable to his treatment.

"That's good," Rhea purred, reaching up to slowly run a claw over his sopping hair, "it was quite enjoyable to have you inside of me as well. Unfortunately we had to end your stay, because my eggs need a bit more space to grow now, and you would only be getting in their way." Roland nodded slowly, understanding why they had brought him out. He didn't know why he felt so agreeable, but having spent so long within her it had given him plenty of time to think about his existence, and theirs.

He sat back on Rhea's stomach, gazing up at them with only one real question on his mind. What would they do with him now? Was he free to go since he had held up his end of the bargain?

"M... Miss Rhea?" he asked quietly, timidly. She turned her head slightly and looked down at him with a curious gaze.

"Yes?" she inquired, looking at him with a calm gaze.

"W... what do I do now?" he asked, and both avians slowly glanced at one another, a smile crossing their beaks. He'd been such a good, pleasurable little thing... but he had still tried to steal their eggs. If they let him go now, there would be no way to ensure that he would not go back to the town and take up his life of thievery again. And that would certainly make the town mayor upset with them. They didn't need a fight with a human army.

"Well Roland, you've been such a good little toy these past few months," Rhea began, clicking her beak in earnest. "How would you like to go inside me again?" Roland's expression grew wide with excitement.

"Yes! Oh yes I really would!" He said excitedly. "Do you want me to crawl down between your legs again?" Beginning with a small bounce of elation, he began to shuffle down the soft fur of Rhea's belly, staring greedily at the cleft between her legs before Takarth's claw came down in front of him, forcing him to stop. He looked up at the male in confusion, feeling a twinge of fear rise up in his chest as he stared up at those gleaming eyes.

"I'm afraid you don't quite understand what my mate means, Roland," Takarth said, his tone carrying a hint of amusement. "You get to go inside her once again, true, but not into her womb." His face grew serious. "You aren't going near any of our young again." Roland became even more confused then. If not inside her vagina, then where? He turned and looked up at Rhea for comfort, searching for an answer in her predatory expression.

"What does he mean?" He asked, wrinkling his nose as another possibility crossed his mind. "He doesn't mean that I'm going inside your ass does he?" Rhea chuckled softly.

"Oh no little one, not at all," she said happily, fixing him with a smile and licking her lips. "What he means is that now that my womb is full, we no longer have a use for you. Your presence has become more of an inconvenience rather than one of pleasure, so we're going to do what any good predator would do when they cross paths with a bite-sized morsel such as yourself." She blinked once, her face suddenly turning impassive. "We haven't forgotten what you tried to do."

Roland's eyes went wide with horror as he realized what the large pair was suggesting.

"What? No... you can't, I've been such a good toy! You can't eat me, we're family now," he said in a pleading tone, looking up at Rhea with a desperate expression. A booming laugh sounded from behind him.

"That you were, human," Takarth said with a smile. "And for that my mate is truly grateful. What she needs right now however, is a nice, nutritious meal to help with her pregnancy." He gave the human playful wink. "So in a way, you'll still be helping her."

"Yes, very much so," Rhea purred, licking her lips. "I hear that humans are the best for a female such as myself. It'll be fitting that your rich body will provide a healthy food source for the chicks inside me, Roland." A loud, wet growl sounded from deep inside her gut as she shifted excitedly, picking up a claw and running it down her chest towards the human on her middle. "And don't worry... just like before, my womb will find a good use for you."

The sound of the gryphon's stomach reverberated horribly in the human's ears. Roland didn't know if it was his fear-addled mind playing tricks on him, but for some reason the sounds coming from Rhea's middle seemed heightened, almost as if the churning interior was taunting him in beckoning, alien language. Begging was pointless, he soon realized. He'd done what the foul beasts had asked, yet it gave him no leverage or bargaining chips whatsoever. One look into Rhea's hungry eyes was all he needed to know that the female no longer had an interest in him. The once suggestive, lustful smile that had lead him to her snatch was replaced with a predatory countenance that desired only one thing: to feed. He was doomed if he didn't try to escape.

"No... please..." Roland begged one last time, slumping down against the gryphoness' soft fur. "I don't want to die..."

"You should've thought of that before you took the job, morsel," Takarth taunted behind him, leaning in close to bath the human in the hot, rank breath emitting from his beak. "In a few moments you're going to be inside the very surface you lay upon, stewing in a acidic swathe of my mate's fluids before being broken down in a true predator's digestive system." He clicked his beak in amusement, watching the human react fearfully to his words with a sadistic glee. "There's nothing you can do human... nothing you can say that will make us change our minds." The gryphon continued, eyeing the human and placing a firm paw down onto Rhea's belly right next to him. "How does that feel?"

"No! You can't!" Roland cried, turning to beg the male gryphon with every shred of desperation he could muster. "I'll do whatever you two want me to do! Anything! I'll crawl inside any orifice you desire, or pleasure every inch of your most intimate areas. I'll hunt, I'll keep your cave nice and clean and I'll never run away! Please, just anything but this!" His hands were folded in front of him now and he whimpered pathetically as a single tear ran down his cheek.

"Now you see, that's what amuses me the most," Takarth said, chuckling even as he brought his head down to the human's level and turned it, fixing him with a single golden eye. "Once I'd heard that you tried to steal our eggs, I wanted to punish you in the most humiliating way possible. At the time, I believed stuffing you inside my mate's cunt would be it, but the last thing I expected was for you to enjoy it!" The great beast laughed again, his feathery form shaking with mirth. "But now I see that that was only the beginning of your punishment." His face adopted an extreme look of satisfaction as he continued, saying, "To feed you to the very one you've grown attached to for the past few months, to the one I care for more than anything in this world, will be the most satisfying thing I've done in my entire life."

As soon as he finished speaking, Takarth lunged at Roland, his beak yawning wide to scoop the man up into his slimy, fleshy confines.

The human had no time to react; the avian's speed far outstripping his own. He could only watch in stunned surprise as a giant beak descended upon him and swept him off his feet. In seconds he went from standing on Rhea's soft underbelly to being assaulted by a wet, sloppy tongue. His body rolled into Takarth's mouth, his whole world turning upside-down as he was quickly flicked around by that thick, floppy organ. His brain still reeling from the realization that he was going to be eaten, Roland barely managed to get his wits about him as he was tasted for the first time. Just like the inside of Rhea's womb, the big male's maw was an overwhelming symphony of sensations. The first thing he noticed was the feeling; the sticky wetness of the thick saliva, the bumpiness of the gryphon's tastebuds, the firm grasp that tongue had around his midsection, and the firmness of the walls of that flesh-coated inner beak. Takarth wasted no time in savouring his taste, and the gryphon noted that he was complete and utterly soaked in the rich flavour of his own semen. It wasn't surprising, given how long Roland had stewed in the stuff, but it was so strong that he might as well have been eating his own load. Still, the bulky hybrid noted, his own cum wouldn't squirm so satisfyingly in his beak.

Roland was at the mercy of that massive tongue, larger than his own body as it pushed him around. He couldn't right himself as he was swished around the confines of the predator's huge beak, tossed and turned every which way. He tried grabbing onto something, anything, but his hands found no purchase; a beak didn't even have teeth to try and grasp, just a never-ending sea of smooth, slimy flesh. After a few moments of being tossed about it stopped as suddenly as it had started, and the gryphon opened his beak once more. Coming to a rest on top of that spongy tongue, Roland grunted as his slightly battered form looked up to see Rhea staring in at him hungrily. Takarth exhaled, and the young thief shuddered as the hot, rank air flowed over him and into his nose. In his stable position, he could focus on the other things aside from being thrown around. Thick, clingy saliva dripped from every inch of his body, and some had even gotten in his mouth. He spat it out and wiped his mouth, only to get more from his arm on his tongue. He shivered and tried to stand up, but Takarth wiggled his tongue slightly and he fell back to his hands and knees.

"He looks so delicious," Rhea commented, smiling at her lover's mouth, watching the morsel inside intently.

"I'm going to enjoy eating you," she added with a wink. Roland paled at the coldness of her words, and he clung just a little tighter to the tongue under him. He hadn't expected this... this wasn't the way he was supposed to go out. All those dangerous jobs he'd taken... clashing with guards and pistols and swords, and yet his fate it seemed would to be to feed a gryphon. Him, Roland, the infamous thief, gurgling away in the guts of some giant predator. Nobody would miss him, or even know where he was, and he knew it. He tried to get up one more time, to jump out of the beak and make one last dash for freedom, but he barely managed a single step before the beak slammed shut around him again and the tongue ruthlessly flicked him upwards and pinned him to the roof of that cavernous maw.

"Why don't you give him here sweetie?" Rhea stated, a hint of lust creeping into her hungry tone. She licked her beak to clear the gathering drool, swallowing lightly. A small trickle of drool that she missed fell from the corner of her mouth onto the feathers of her neck. The scent of the human filled the air, mixed with the pleasant tang of Takarth's semen. Either smell by itself was enough to make her long for it, yet a combination of each had set her head spinning. She'd never wanted to taste a morsel more in her life.

Takarth only grinned in response. He was unable to speak with the human in his mouth, yet his expression held all the words his mate needed to hear. Their prey continued to wriggle against his palate, uselessly struggling and pushing against his overpowering tongue in clear desperation. The divine taste continued to trickle down from the semen-soaked skin of the man down to deepest recesses of his flesh, mixing in the with the growing pools of saliva that gathered at an ever-increasing rate. He gave a light swallow, gulping it all down and eliciting a clear twitch of fright from the weight inside him. He smiled. Surely the human must know that he had no chance. This was going to be the end of his miserable, thieving, pointless little life. The only regret the male gryphon was going to have in following moments was that he wouldn't have the chance to engulf the human himself; however, watching his mate savour this unique treat would be a powerfully gratifying experience nonetheless.

With a slow, measured tilt of his head, Takarth stood up and stepped forwards, bringing his closed beak closer to his mate's waiting maw, cracking it open slightly in preparation for a kiss.

Roland was completely disoriented within the gryphon's mouth. Saliva covered him in an incredibly thick layer now, encompassing him in a viscous, smelly coat of pungent fluid just as surely as the male's semen had for the past few months. The tongue held him in place, pressing him against the hard roof while relentlessly undulating underneath him. He tried to struggle, but it was no use. There was no slipping past the massive muscle, and even if he did, there was no possible way he would be able to pry open the predator's iron-like beak. He was doomed man, destined to be nothing more than a satisfying meal for a hungry, pregnant gryphoness, yet something drove him onwards, screaming at him to find a way out. Somewhere deep inside, a instinctual fear was rising. Some part of him knew that as long as he had a tiny chance of escape, he had to take it. It was that urge that fuelled his continued struggles - movements that only seemed to excite his captor more.

He felt his environment lift upwards, his heart sinking to his stomach from the sudden gain in altitude before slipping backwards as the gryphon moved forwards. The tongue tightened then, holding him strongly in place. At first, Roland thought it might've been to prevent him from tumbling to the back of the beast's throat. He looked back in confusion, not seeing anything in the enveloping darkness. He heard a brief swallow however, followed by a gut-rumbling growl that released a cloud of foul, meaty-smelling air to fill the fleshy prison around him with a fetid warmth. He shuddered and closed his eyes, laying back against the tongue and holding it desperately. Anything was better than going back there. After a few more seconds however, he saw light.

Roland blinked from the sudden brightness as the gryphon's beak cracked open ahead of him. Light from the outside world streaked in, along with a tiny wind of fresh air to bathe his face and upper body in clean, welcoming air. The tongue lowered then, curling eagerly ahead of him before flicking forwards, causing him to slide up to the thinner portion of muscle at the front. At first, the air was like a gift from heaven. He pushed himself into a sitting position on the slimy appendage, grinning like a desperate fool and stretching out his limbs as the cold air embraced him, hugging his semen-flavoured, saliva covered body in a final, parting embrace. All thoughts of escape dropped from his muddled mind in that moment. After a few seconds however, there was darkness again.

Roland's eyes went wide as the beak tilted downwards, suddenly revealing the open, drooling maw of the second gryphon, ready to receive it's gift. He only caught a brief glimpse of Rhea's eager, lust-filled eyes before the blackened insides of her maw took up the entirety of his vision. It streaked forwards almost in slow motion, the tongue dancing amidst the lines of drool and spittle trailing down from her upper beak to gather in visible pools at the bottom of her beak. Takarth's own tongue shifted underneath him, moving inquisitively to the motions of the other appendage just ahead. In a single, horrifying moment of comprehension, he snapped back to reality, remembering what the gryphoness had said before Takarth had shut his beak around him:

I'm going to enjoy eating you.

"No!" Roland cried out, just as the two beaks came together. There was an audible clacking sound that rang in his ears as they collided, sliding together like two pieces of a puzzle as the two beasts renewed their passion at his expense.

From one beak to another the young thief tumbled, his body toppling off of Takarth's tongue as he landed on Rhea's. He knew exactly what was happening, but it didn't make the realization any harder to swallow. He gripped the large tongue tightly, expecting the massive gryphoness to ingest him, but it didn't come. Instead he was met with a thick lashing of saliva as the two gryphons kissed passionately, the warm drool slicking his semen-flavoured body with sizable helpings. He could do nothing as he was tossed around by the two warring tongues, feral beasts making out while he was trapped misfortunately between them. He was growing more and more tired with each passing second; all the time spent struggling and being battered against the walls of a gryphon's beak were wearing down his reserves of energy. After a minute he stopped trying to grasp anything, his arms feeling weighty and exhausted from the constant squeezing and twisting as he was pushed between two spongy tongues. After what felt like minutes Takarth finally broke the kiss with a wet slurp, withdrawing his tongue and leaving the human sprawled across his mates' one.

"That was delicious indeed, I'm so jealous," the muscular male avian admitted, licking his beak hungrily, "you'll owe me one after this." Rhea chuckled but gave him a slow nod, before finally turning her attentions to the human inside of her beak.

Roland looked up to see the outside world, or at least from his perspective, the inside of a fire-lit cave and the smiling face of a house-sized gryphon. He could see the look on those eyes, the cold, predatory stare which sent chills down his spine. He had tried to steal from them, and this was his punishment, and there would be no mercy. Nothing he could do or say would save him, and he very well knew it. A brief moment of understanding came over him, born of the months he spent stewing away inside of the gryphoness.

He was unimportant. That was what he had discovered during those months inside of her. Having spent years believing he was a grand thief, an untouchable friend of the shadows and the night, he had been shown how insignificant he truly was. Here in this cave he had no power, no control, no freedom. He was to the gryphons what a mouse was to a lion, and as Rhea's beak slowly began to close around him, he took one last glimpse at the outside world before it was closed off to him forever. Darkness enveloped him as the beak closed with a loud clack, leaving him trapped inside of the gryphoness' mouth. He was a sloppy mess, coated in a mixture of avian fluids which left him smelling very strongly, and Rhea's tastebuds could pick up every last delicious drop. Semen, saliva, sweat... fear; she could savour all of them upon his skin.

"Enjoy your meal," Takarth said to his mate, his voice audible even in the thief's sealed environment, and Roland shuddered with apprehension as he pondered his fate. Would it be fast? He doubted he would be able to breathe for very long, but then again... he had survived inside of her womb for months without air. If he didn't pass out... what would happen to him? Just as he was beginning to panic at that thought, he felt the large tongue shift underneath him as Rhea's head began to tilt upwards and he began to slide towards the back of her maw. Only one thought entered the helpless thief's mind:

I'm... food.

The thought made his limbs grow limp and his spirit fade. There was no use in trying to escape. Although his fate had been sealed long before, it was only now that he'd truly given up the fight. He rolled to the very back of her tongue, resting on the heavy muscle a mere two feet away from the dip that led back to the darkness of her gullet. No effort on his part was required to put a stop to his movement, nor did he care to try; it was only the grip of the predator's tastebuds and the natural curve of her tongue that held him in place. Only a small nudge was needed to send him down into the creature's gut, yet for a long moment, Rhea did nothing. Roland remained where he was in the small pocket of flesh, stewing in the gathering saliva that excreted from the creature's glands, covering him in the fetid smelling, slimy liquids. He felt a vibration stir in the rippling flesh surrounding him as the gryphoness enjoyed him, savouring him and treating him like the delicious, unique morsel that he was. It was a few moments after this, that his prison began to move.

Rhea lifted her prize at first, pinning the human to the roof of her mouth much like Takarth had done. Both gryphons recognized the benefits of holding him in place. Once the human was held in place, she slowly began running her tongue along her meal, closing her eyes and growling softly as the familiar taste of her mate's seed began to trickle down to the back of her throat. She swallowed noisily, making room for more and chortling happily as she felt Roland give a small twitch of fear inside her mouth. There was no struggling coming from him anymore, which was somewhat of a shame, yet not entirely unexpected. Her little toy remained strong for a good long while, but even the strong-willed have their breaking point.

"He's not fighting anymore," Rhea mumbled to her mate through her soft growls of pleasure. "I think he's given up."

"Has he now? That's... rather delightful," Takarth replied, giving her a smile and striding forward to hover over her sprawled form and stare intently at her continuously moving beak. "Can you swallow him now? I want to watch and listen to him travel down your neck; he might scream..." A mixture of lust and excitement came across the gryphon's features as he finished speaking. Rhea shook her head and raises a single claw, putting it on her mate's beak and giving him a soft smile.

"Patience my love, that will come soon," she said, her words slightly muffled by the weight in her mouth. "I have a better idea." The gryphoness could see that her partner was puzzled, yet quite curious as to what she meant. She gave him a soft smile as an answer before cracking open her beak, sticking out her tongue as far as it would go to display the human inside. Roland was huddle in the middle of her beautiful tongue, resting uselessly in the center of the red folds of undulating flesh. His body was still milky-white from his time spent in Rhea's womb, covered in the mixed saliva of each of the passionate beasts, lingering from their kiss. Despite the sudden exposure to the outside world, the human remained where he was, lay sprawled and seemingly half-dazed in the midst of the vigorous tasting he'd just received.

The sight gave Takarth an incredibly sense of joy, and he found himself almost giddy with glee as his mate slurped the man back inside and shut her beak once again. Rhea had been right: the human really had been thoroughly defeated. He continued to watched with wide, gleaming eyes as the gryphoness bobbed her head back a few times, shifting the human to the back of her throat.

As soon as Roland felt himself sliding to the back, he thought it was the end. Finally, the gryphons had stopped their relentless taunting and teasing. It would only be a short ride down to Rhea's stomach; then it would all be over. There was a slimy noise of peeling flesh as the throat opened up to accept him, widening briefly before crashing back down on him and holding him in place. The heavy, mucus-covered walls sandwiched him in their thick embrace, rubbing and undulating against him for only a few seconds before opening again, allowing him to slide further. He soon became disoriented and dizzy as he tumbled through the pressing muscles, his body growing feverish in the incredible heat, pressure and wet gulping sounds that assaulted every part of his exhausted form. He never imagined his descent down the beast's oesophagus could take so long and be so horrible, yet he wouldn't have to endure it for much longer. Only a bit longer and he would be inside her stomach, eventually becoming a part of the gryphoness and her warm, powerful body.

Rhea tilted her head towards the sky, displaying the smooth, white underside of her neck before giving a light swallow, opening up her throat and closing it firmly before the human had the chance to slip further. Her fluffy neck swelled and rippled in waves as she skilfully took Roland into her crop, the wet, gulping noises echoing loudly around the cavern as she put on a show for Takarth's amusement. The human was small, and hardly worth the effort she was putting into it. She could have the man down there within seconds, but there was no fun in that, and he appreciated the effort his mate was putting into it. He was going to have to give her a good fucking when she was finished.

After a few more, tiny gulps, Rhea brought her head back down and smiled, showcasing the tiny bulge that the human made in her crop.

As the young thief fell into the hot sack, he found himself struggling to get upright. He pushed against the squishy walls but could barely find enough friction to turn himself around with, flailing in the tight space. From the outside, his body could be seen wriggling around through the gryphonesses firm fur. Finally managing to get the right way up, Roland sat there, curled into a ball in the confined space. He tried not to think about what was happening; the heat was tremendous around him, making him break out into a sweat as he was enclosed by soft, rippling flesh. He wondered how long it would take for the gryphon to start digesting him, as it seemed at this point as though nothing was happening. He pressed his hands hard against the walls that rippled around him, feeling them bend and roll around his fingers. There was no way he would be able to make even the slightest bit of damage to such a body, and he knew it. He was entirely at Rhea's mercy, and she had none to spare for him.

As he felt the sack squeeze him firmly he began to wonder why exactly it was so painless. There were no digestive fluids, aside from the goopy saliva that had followed him down. The gryphons breath was rank, filling with the stench of digested meat, but he couldn't find a source for it. The walls around him was tight, but not squeezing him painfully. In fact, if he didn't know better...

"Comfortable?" came a muffled voice from outside his prison. He jumped a little in surprise; the only thing he expected to hear was that powerful, pounding heartbeat. He quickly realized Takarth was speaking to him, but he remained silent.

"I know you can hear me, you don't have to respond," the male gryphon spoke to his wife's chest, nudging his beak against the lump there. Roland felt his environment move at the contact, but listened intently. Were they possibly changing their mind? Would they find some other use for him?

"What you're in now is a gryphon's crop," the gryphon explained in a deep purr, and Roland's eyes went wide. So his guess had been right: they were a lot more like birds than he had thought.

"My mate's crop is where she stores her food before it is sent to the stomach. Normally if she was hungry like she is now, she would just send you straight there. Instead, I wanted to have a chat with you first. Are you listening, little human?"

Roland slowly sat forward towards the source of the noise and replied with a simple "Yes." The big male chuckled loudly, his booming voice reverberating through Rhea's skin, vibrating around him with intense power.

"Good, good," the beast rumbled, before lowering his voice a little and pressing himself right up against his mate.

"You tried to steal my eggs, the product of my sperm and love, and now I'm going to tell you exactly what your punishment will be. Don't block your ears; I assure you this will be quite... enlightening." Roland shivered with fear at the gryphon's words; it seemed he was still very upset about his attempted robbery. He closed his eyes, clenched his knees and waited for his sentence to be handed down.

"Before I begin..." said Takarth, allowing the word to hang murderously in the air. "I would like to ask you a question: what do you think it's going to be like once my mate swallows you, hm?" Roland cracked his eyes open and shivered, wincing at the gryphon's crop tightened around him.

"I-I don't know," he stuttered before huddling back into the warmth of the beast's flesh. It reminded him of her womb. Every fibre of his being longed to be back there, away from the giant male's taunting words. He heard a soft chuckle before the voice continued.

"That's not the answer I was looking for," Takarth chided. "My dear, if you please..."

Rhea nodded once and grinned, not needing any explanation as to what her mate meant. With a look of concentration, she lifted her neck and began to contort the muscles in her neck, squeezing them tightly. To an curious onlooker it might look like the gryphoness has finally swallowed her prey: her milky-white throat rippled with the effect, her eyes were closed, and the bulge at her lower neck seemed to grow suddenly smaller. What she was doing however, demonstrated a much greater control over her digestive tract. With such movements she tightened the grip of her crop, squeezing the human with all of the strength she could muster. The bottom of the fleshy sac was pinched closed, preventing Roland from moving anywhere as she worked. With a laugh, Takarth dropped his weight and pressed his tongue to his mate's fur, doing his best to increase the pressure on the little morsel and combine their continuing torment of the would-be thief.

Inside, Roland felt himself crushed from all sides. He tried to push back but he knew it was hopeless. The once pleasantly encompassing flesh was squeezing him so hard that he couldn't breathe. His knees were pushed painfully up against his chest, forcing a slow, aching pain to blossom in his ribs and spread quickly to the rest of his contorted body. The hot, slimy flesh continued to pulse and ripple all around him in its effort, matting to his skin in sticky undulations that served only to make his predicament more unbearable. Nothing like this had ever happened to him in Rhea's womb: those insides had always been so soft and welcoming, almost like he'd been staying in a big warm bathtub with spongy flesh for walls. Here, the walls were rough and powerful, squeezing him almost to the breaking point and contorting him against his will. He began to feel dizzy from the lack of air, and his muscles began to slowly lose whatever minimal vitality they had left. Hopefully the darkness would come soon...

Almost as suddenly as it had begun, the pressure let up and Roland found himself tumbling back into the middle of the crop, cringing as he desperately inhaled the stale, meaty air of the beast's horrid breath.

"Now then, where were we," Takarth said, his voice reverberating throughout the fleshy chamber. "Ah, yes, you were about to tell me what you think my mate's gut will be like." The amusement was heavy in his tone as he placed his beak right up to the bulge at his mate's chest. "Try to be imaginative this time."

"O-ok, Roland said. He felt a single tear roll down as his cheek as he searched desperately for words that would please the horrible gryphon. He didn't want to have to go through that again. "I think it will be like Rhea's womb, but a bit more... hot and acidic," he said, trailing off in his unsureness. The walls around him shook as the gryphoness let out a small chuckle of her own.

"Oh my, he really doesn't have a clue does he?" Rhea said, continuing to rumble with mirth even as she finished speaking. Takarth growled in amusement as well, finding his mate's joy quite addicting.

"No, he doesn't. That was perhaps the most pathetic description of the digestive process I've ever heard," Takarth said. "Allow me to describe it in a little more detail, human. I would hate for you to be swallowed with that bland, poor realization of your punishment." Roland whined within his prison, pressing against the sides and panting in discomfort.

"Be quiet and listen!' The gryphon snapped, all amusement vanishing from his tone in an instant. Roland shut his mouth and steadied himself, waiting for the beast's words to come.

"Much better," Takarth cooed. His giant body moved, shifting against his mate to get more comfortable as he prepared to give his long-awaited description to the doomed little man. He smiled with pride as he felt himself swell against Rhea's haunches, his excitement almost palpable as he dropped his beak down low. He took in a deep breath, and then began to speak:

"Once you drop into my mate's stomach, the first thing you'll feel will be a light, tingling sensation as her acids begin to slowly coat your naked body. It won't be painful right from the start. In the beginning they'll only be tasting and preparing you for what's to come: 'softening you up,' if you will," the gryphon said, letting out a morbid laugh. "The more sensitive bits of your body might pick up the acidity sooner though. Your eyes will start to water, your anus will burn, and your throat will tickle if you happen to get any in your mouth." Takarth paused for a few moments, allowing what he said to sink in before continuing.

"If you're lucky enough to have some air to breathe, the fetid, gastric odours will be powerful enough to make you gag, yet you'll still take it all in. Your body will want you to live as long as possible, even if your mind knows that you're already doomed. It doesn't take long for the potent, crippling atmosphere of a predator's gut to turn even the strongest of humans into nothing more than curled-up balls of whimpering nutrients," the gryphon stopped again to make sure the human was listening. "Got all that?"

Roland nodded weakly, despite the beast not being able to see him. "Yes," he said, feebly. Takarth grinned at his mate before continuing.

"This is where your punishment gets particularly delightful," he said. "Rhea's stomach will begin working on you slowly. The walls will tighten around you and contract lightly, teasing you at first to make sure acids are coating your body nicely. By then, you'll most likely begin to feel the digestive fluids beginning to break you down. The once tolerable tingling will quickly turn to a heavy burning sensation, starting at the skin touching the flesh underneath you before working up to your head and back. You might turn over at this point, but it'll only make it worse. The acrid stench you tested before will slowly begin to scream in your nostrils, adding to the many unpleasant aches and pains that will soon become almost more than you can bear."

Takarth stopped for a moment as he had done before, inhaling a deep breath to calm his spiking nerves. Never had the male gryphon felt such joy in passing a sentence, but he had to control himself if he planned on continuing with proper articulation.

"Keep going my dear, you're doing very well," Rhea cooed. "I do believe the human wants to hear more. That's not the end of course, and you've been doing amazingly well so far..." Takarth exhaled lightly and relaxed, spurred onwards by his mate's words.

He leaned in close again, saying, "After a few minutes of letting you stew, Rhea's stomach will pick up in energy. The caressing movements of her gut will soon turn into a deep, contracting prison of undulating flesh around your sensitive, tortured little form. The digestive fluids you tried so hard to avoid now completely surround you as the rolling muscles press and contort you into various awkward poses. A sweltering bath of slime, mucus and potent acids will squeeze at you from all sides, weakening your already pathetic skin. After a long hour of this, you will begin to melt. The hot, unbearable squelching noises of digestion that beat against your ears will soon be accompanied by the repulsive snap of bones as your body is twisted and deformed. At this point you may black out, but I hope you stay awake for all of it Roland. You'll be completely enveloped in my mate's powerful flesh, broken down to a soupy mixture of precious nutrients within the very churning fluids that had plagued you for so long. Then, and only then will you be ready to make the rest of your trip, and become nothing more than a wonderful source of energy for Rhea and our brooding young as you're pushed through her intestines." He snapped his beak shut as he finished, clicking it together with an audible snap that caused Roland to flinch inside the gryphoness' chest. "If you thought that my mate's crop was unpleasant when she tightened it, then there'll be no end to the horror you feel once you drop into her belly, human."

The thief was terrified now; he hadn't quite expected such events to befall him this way. He shivered softly despite the heat around him; here inside the gryphon's crop his fate had been spelled out explicitly. He knew exactly how he was going to perish inside of Rhea's body, and there was not one thing that could save him. The sack squeezed him firmly, and he knew that he was safe inside of it. It was the next one he had to fear. Silence surrounded him for a while as the beast outside let his words sink in. The human's mind raced as he thought about everything that was happening and would happen. There was no point in struggling or trying to escape, as he was completely and utterly outclasses by these feral monsters. He was already halfway down to her stomach, and it would only take a short trip downwards before he was introduced to it. The very idea was scary, and unlike every other situation in his life, this time he didn't have an escape route or a backup plan. The only plan he could follow was the one Takarth had laid out for him and the one Rhea would execute. Opening his mouth and drawing in a mouthful of the thick, meaty air, the frightened male began to beg before stopping himself before the first word left his mouth. What good would it do?

"It seems he's not going to complain," the male gryphon said to his mate, "perhaps now he realizes how powerless he is. Perhaps he realized the mistake he made in being a dirty thief." Rhea smiled at her lover and nodded slowly.

"He was most tasty thanks to you, but I think you've indulged him with delays long enough. I'm going to swallow him now; we've been more than generous in giving him three extra months of life. It's time for him to be food." Roland listened to her words from within, her voice magnified by his proximity to her vocal cords. This was his life now; not a thief, not even a human... food. Food for a gryphon. What a humiliating end.

"Yes, yes," Takarth agreed with a grin, leaning in to bump her crop with his beak.

"Hear that little human? It's time for you to digest. You're never going to be seen or heard from again, and I suspect the next few hours of your life are going to be quite intense indeed. If it's any consolation, my wife will enjoy it very much; you are just the right size to be nice and filling. You're going to be nutrients for a bigger, better creature, so you should be honoured. Your body will help our hatchlings grow up big and strong." The big male laughed softly, and then withdrew his beak slowly.

"He'll be more useful in death than he ever was alive."

Taking in a deep breath, Rhea pointed her head towards the roof of the cave, displaying the soft, white fur at the underside of her neck once again. The bulge in her chest became more prominent and her skin stretched along with the movement, growing taut over the weight inside her crop. The muscles of her gullet relaxed as she prepared to send the human along his way, her crop reflexively pushing him inwards and then squeezing him down towards the sealed folds of flesh at its base. Roland could feel the harsh, moist heat rising from the clenching, excited flesh beneath him, and his flaring nose picked up the scent of fetid meat and an acidic, tingling odour. Truly, he was about to enter the churning, boiling gut of an immense and powerful predator. If he could sense it from here, he could only imagine how strong it would be when he got there.

Rhea paused for a few moments, enjoying the last, fleeting sensations of a weight in her crop before she finally closed her eyes and swallowed. It was a long, teasing swallow. One that began as a slow, undulating movement in her throat before rippling downwards, pulling a gathering of saliva from the top of her oesophagus down to join the descending morsel beneath it. The muscles of her neck opened briefly in a moist, slimy squelch, allowing Roland to drop further into the humid tube while simultaneously squeezing on his upper body. The crushing grip of the gryphon's flesh contracted all around him, squishing his limbs together with mind-numbing force and contorting him into a painfully tight, straight line. The slick mucus and saliva that covered his entire body eased him along slowly amidst the compressed tube for a few feet before he stopped again, stuck amidst the circular walls that continued to eagerly flex around him.

Takarth watched his mate gulp down the human with a mixture of unfathomable happiness and satisfaction. He dared not speak to ruin the moment. His golden eyes radiated with rapt attention, taking in every detail of the event down to the most explicit detail: the slow bob of his mate's head as she swallowed, the subtle contraction of her neck muscles before they rippled around her crop and squeezed it downwards, and the barely noticeable curl of her tongue through Rhea's open beak that the male had come to recognize and adore about his pregnant partner gulping down a meal. He envied her so much in that moment: to be the one to engulf and digest the human that had dared soil their domain with his presence would've given him an unfathomable degree of pleasure, yet she needed it more than him. He could only hope Rhea's belly could draw out the human's life for as long as possible, and grant their prey the long, delightful fate that he deserved.

At this moment, Roland's fear slowly began to dissipate. The gryphoness' hot flesh was all around him, rubbing against every inch of his naked body in a slimy, undulating embrace that reminded him of his time inside her cervix and the steamy sauna of her womb. It was a sensation he thought he would never feel again. He felt himself grow hard as he embraced the heat and constricting folds once again, and he couldn't help but let out a small gasp as Rhea swallowed one last time, pushing him inside her chest and down to the final length of her digestive tube. The ribbed gullet massaged his sensitive cock as he travelled, sliding down at a slow, crawling pace that sent waves of pleasure rolling up his spine. Despite the horrible fate that awaited him, he couldn't help but feel some measure of sexual arousal at being deep inside the gryphoness once again. He blocked out the acidic, tingling sensation growing stronger at the bottom of his feet and instead concentrated on his delight, drawing in as much relief as he could before making the final plunge. His hands reached feebly for his crotch, yet the smooth flesh held him tightly, forcing him to remain as he was. A short, desperate whine ripped from his throat as he silently begged for the gryphoness to squeeze him tighter, to envelop him completely within her body and press his throbbing cock into the steamy folds and grant him the release he desired.

Due to the size of Rhea's tiny treat, it was difficult for Takarth to track the human's whereabouts. Once Roland disappeared from her crop, there was nothing more to see save for the smooth patch of white fur leading from Rhea's throat down to her belly. His eyes bobbed about intently, looking for any sign of the human's passage over than the satisfied look on his mate's face. Not daring to speak lest he ruin the natural serenity of the moment, he lifted a claw and traced it down the gryphoness' neck, pressing lightly before gently raking it through her velvety fur. He could feel her muscles moving under his touch, twitching at the delicate touch of his pointed talon. The soft slope of her neck curved downwards into a warm, v-shaped contour where it met her chest. Resting his digit in the cushiony pocket of fur, he waited, breathing heavily with anticipation as the warm flesh remained smooth under his paw. Then, with a sharp gasp, the male gryphon's eyes went wide as he felt a tiny, rounded bump pass underneath his avian digit before disappearing into Rhea's chest. He let out a small rumble of delight and brought his head low to rest gently at his lover's belly, waiting silently for the human to enter her deep, growling gut.

Roland's body was squeezed tightly from every size, the tightness of the space between the crop and the stomach leaving him breathless as he was forced down. It would be the last journey he made while alive, at the very least. He could feel his feet suddenly freed, and then his knees and waist. With a small cry of fear his body was pulled down with gravity instead of peristalsis and he slipped out of the rippling tube with a wet schlurp. His body came to a rest inside of a larger sack than the crop he had been trapped in beforehand, and he knew he had arrived in the stomach.

Immediately the poor human was assaulted with a myriad of sensations. All of his senses were suddenly rushed with the overwhelming nature of a feral gryphon's stomach. It was anything but dry, his body having landed in what could only be described as a shallow slurry. The foul muck was only hand-deep, but it wasn't the only liquid he could feel. All around him being massaged lightly into his skin was a thick, slimy ooze that seemed to be secreted from the very walls themselves. It coated every bit of him that came into contact with the fleshy, rolling sack, and he found himself curling up into a foetal position to fit better inside.

He tried not to think about what he was sitting in, but the simple fact of it was that he just couldn't ignore the smell of it all. If Rhea's breath had smelt meaty from her beak, it was utterly rank inside of her. The smell of digested meat and past meals rose up around him, making the thief gag as he tried not to succumb to the unbelievably awful odour. He hadn't even thought about this during the trip down, but now faced with his own future it was quite terrifying. He couldn't see any of it; it was pure darkness in the gryphon's belly. All around him the pounding of blood was audible, the gryphon's mighty heart beating firmly as its owner licked her beak and sighed happily. The human was oblivious to everything happening outside, and he tried not to panic as he dealt with his introduction to the gryphonesses gut. It moved around him, the thick, rippling folds of inner flesh kneading him softly with constant motions, smearing him with the thick slime. It only took him a few moments to realize that he wasn't in any pain, and he very slowly managed to take a putrid breath of the muggy stomach air, collecting his thoughts. It was foul, scary and claustrophobic but Roland managed to settle his mind enough to think rational thoughts.

The first thing he realized, to his great dismay, was that it was just as breathable inside the gryphon's stomach as it was her womb. That alone was fearsome; he would not be spared the onslaught of his own digestion by simply passing out. He could feel a slight tingling on his skin, the same feeling he got after he had drunk a little bit too much. This time however he knew what was happening. Takarth had spelled it out perfectly, and he knew exactly what was going on; those had been words he couldn't forget. He had been told it would be harmless at first... for a short while. This was the period where the stomach adjusted to him, before he was made to adjust to the stomach. His cock was still shamefully hard, the constant movements and rippling of the soft stomach caressing him and leaving his body stimulated constantly. It was humiliating and degrading, but the thief knew that he would have a fair while to go before he was finished. If he was going to relieve himself, it would be best to use it to distract himself with when the going got tough.

Takarth felt a fierce sense of pride for Rhea as he watched her eyes open, the twin, golden pools radiating with satisfaction. The once tightened muscles of her neck and breast suddenly relaxed under his paw, growing soft and spongy against his strong touch as no further effort was required. He didn't need to ask to know that the deed was done, but he wanted to hear it for himself.

"Is he in your belly now my love?" Takarth said, failing to keep the excitement from his voice. His claws kneaded her skin delicately as the edges of her beak curved upwards, granting him a tired smile.

"Yes he is," Rhea answered in light, sensual rumble. "I could've gulped him down within seconds but I knew you were enjoying the show sweetie." She leaned forward to click her beak delicately against his. "Our little toy is so small, I feared by gullet might not be able to squeeze hard enough to halt his progress. I fear that his time inside me may've shrunk him." A chirping laughter rolled softly from her open mouth as she finished. The male gryphon joined in as well, chuckling loudly and smiling as his mate's comment.

"Well then, perhaps it would've been best to eat him straight away," Takarth said. "He could've been a more filling meal if you're womb didn't compress him to the size of a minnow." This time, it was Rhea's turn to laugh heartily. Her beastial, feminine laughter echoed around the cave, all while the meal in her belly tossed and turned as her gut bounced from the joyful banter.

"Oh, he was filling enough," Rhea said when she regained her composure. "And the resulting taste made it all worthwhile." She smirked before shuffling backwards and spreading her legs, opening herself up for the male to get a better view. "Why don't you come and rest your head on my belly, hm? We can keep talking as you listen to my stomach work, and I don't want you to miss it."

Takarth couldn't help but feel gladdened at the eagerness his mate now seemed to be displaying. Now that the human was tucked away, Rhea now shared his enthusiasm, along with the intimate, enthralling bond that two predators as close as them could share. There was a sense of playfulness in her movement, not to mention a delightful expression of mischief plastered on her avian face. He'd never agreed to something faster in his life.

The male gryphon stalked forwards and stepped over her raised hind legs, lingering his gaze on her more intimate areas for long moment before lowering himself onto her belly. He turned and rested the side of his head on her fur, using the soft skin and milky-white texture as a pillow. Closing his eyes, he curled his arms around and hugged her sides tightly, listening to the animated grumbling and wet squelching of her churning gut. He could hear nothing of the human for now, but he could wait. It was only a matter of time before Roland could hold it in no longer, and Rhea's stomach was slowly picking up the pace...

Roland rolled over onto his belly inside the fleshy sac as it jumped underneath him, pushing him to the side before holding him tightly inside it's wet, meaty confines. The spongy muscles formed a cocoon around him momentarily before letting up, showcasing only a fraction of the true power vested inside them. He couldn't help but groan as his member was encompassed by the silky walls, coating it in the smelly excretions that were slowing working to break him down. They were warm and soft as they lathered all over his skin, enveloping him a thick, viscous blanket as the gurgles and groans of the beginnings of digestion sounded all around him, reverberating inside his eardrums. It was slightly different from Rhea's womb, but for now, not all that different. In the slimy, rank blackness, he could picture himself back inside that loving pouch, kept safe by the tons of delicate barriers protecting him from the outside world. The fact that these were his final moments remained a fleeting thought in the back of his mind, but for now he chose to ignore them. For now, he was home again. He reached outwards and hugged as much of the flesh as he could, sliding his hands downwards and pulling it in close to his body as he began moving his hips into the continuously churning muscle and enzymes. Even as they moved underneath him again and tossed him to another hot, steamy area, he simply tugged with his hands and renewed his efforts, finding that the heavy, dominating movements of his prison only excited him more.

His movements were not lost on Rhea, who felt his motions quite intimately. She smiled at her lover while she held him close, and licked her beak satisfactorily.

"He appears to be enjoying himself," she said incredulously, "I think he's happy to be back inside me again."

"Who wouldn't want to be inside you," Takarth chuckled, glancing down between her legs intently. She smiled at him and slowly pulled her mate closer to her stomach.

"You can mount me later," she told him gently, "for now lets just enjoy this. I'm sure he can hear you if you speak directly to my belly." The male gryphon's eyes gleamed, and he pressed his ear up close to hear those heavy gurgles inside.

Roland was unbelievably hard. While the stomach slowly drooled hot enzymes over his skin, preparing to break him down, he felt nothing but pleasure as the tingling liquids slowly worked on his hairs and flesh. His shaft was mashed against the rolling folds of the gryphon's stomach, and he tried humping into her walls to little effect.

"Having fun in there human?" came the muffled yet understandable voice of Takarth. Surprised, Roland tried to reply but found himself with a mouth full of disgusting slime, quickly spluttering as he tried to spit it out again. He heard soft laughter from the big male gryphon, and reached down and grasped his cock instead. There was nothing he needed to say now; there was only pleasure, and pain.

"I'll take that as a yes then," the powerful voice echoed again, as Roland's fingers squeezed around his aching maleness and began to pump back and forth with long, wet strokes. The foul, sloppy mixture in the gryphon's stomach made for a good lubricant, and he put all worries from his mind as he worked his erection with enthusiasm.

"You were a wonderful treat," Takarth continued, smirking at his lover's belly, "and we thank you for that. You might have been a useless criminal in life, but now you are inside my beautiful Rhea's stomach. The sly thief is now gryphon food, how does that feel? You're not going back to your town, back to stealing and making a nuisance for everyone. You're going to stew in there for a bit longer, and then you are going to be digested. What you feel now is only the beginning; the belly takes some time to soften you enough before the real fun begins. Your skin and hair are being weakened right now, and soon you will begin to lose them. It won't be long before that tingling turns into a burn, and then worse, but I suspect you'll find that out for yourself soon enough. Both of us will be right here listening to you pay for your crimes, and there will be no mercy from us as you are crushed and churned. You should be honoured; not many get the grand gift of being able to fuel a gryphon's body, and your nutrients will help make our hatchlings strong and proud like their parents."

The gryphon's words had a mixed effect on Roland. Most of them were either muffled by the flesh or completely lost through the continuous droning of the murky fluids gushing around him, but he understood the message plain enough. He felt oddly happy to be back inside Rhea again, but he wasn't entirely 'honoured' at the prospect of becoming her food. The finality of his predicament remained as an ever-present horror at the back of his mind, nagging at him even as he continued to grind his cock happily into the moist, squelching folds.

There was also, however, a growing sensation of reverence welling deep within the more primal sections of his desire. The deep, grumbling sounds of the stomach were only a small part of the noises he was hearing: the rise and fall of her heavy breathing, the pounding of her heart, and the muted tensing of muscles as tons and tons of bestial flesh continued to pulse in a steady rhythm around his gasping form. Only now was he able to appreciate the full prowess of her predatory form.

A sudden moan escaped his chest as he felt his rigid cock squeezed deftly by the encompassing walls of her belly. The hot liquids churned eagerly around him, turning the once pleasantly warm slime into a tingling, aching torrent of digestive fluids. His cock throbbed once, adding a small dab of his own precum to the mix as his pleasured neared its peak. Cutting out everything else, he pictured the entirety of Rhea's body in his mind, focusing on the smooth curves of her belly, leading down to her toned haunches, powerful legs, and a thick, corded tail. She was the embodiment of a perfect beast. Her musculature was flawless, at least in Roland's mind, and her hindquarters were the most arousing sight he'd ever known. He took himself back to that life-changing moment, picturing the look on her face as she spread her legs, showing him the full extent of her intimate areas for the first time. He couldn't understand why his initial reaction was one of disgust anymore, and the idea that her body was in anyway revolting was completely buried in his now overwhelming attraction.

Would it really be so bad to become a part of that?

Renewed by this sudden revelation, Roland pushing himself downwards, sliding himself deeper into the tight recesses of Rhea's stomach walls and rubbing himself against her pulsing flesh the entire time. He cried out in ecstasy, no longer caring if the gryphons heard his enjoyment or not. As he reached the deeper pockets of muscle, he gripped them as best he could and sank downwards, allowing them to press heavily around him. A swathe of goopy fluids poured down to join him, covering him in bath of hot, steaming enzyme and rank, aqueous solutions. He took it all in and began thrusting himself hard into Rhea's flesh, poking his sensitive cock into her folds with an animalistic energy. His head became clouded with an intense, sexual euphoria that fuelled his once tired limbs with an electric energy that threatened to send him over the edge at any moment. The groaning muscles surrounding his body almost seemed to share in his newfound elation. They clenched around him tightly, working against him in more powerful, churning motions that not only mixed the fluids around him into his skin, but also squeezed and massaged his sensitive member in gripping sensual motions that sent waves of chilling pleasure washing through his loins and up his spine. With an ecstatic, ragged cry, Roland pitched forwards and thrust himself hard into the rippling prison of muscles, humping drastically as his cock throbbed heavily and emptied its pitiful amount of cum to mix with the slimy excretions and rolling flesh.

Digestion ahead

It was a powerful end to a powerful experience, or at least it felt so to the thief as his body shuddered with the pleasure from his orgasm. From the outside, Takarth smirked and looked up at his lover, nodding slowly.

"I think your little snack just came," he chuckled softly, seeing her smile before he returned his ear back to her beautifully soft gut. Roland's muscles slowly relaxed as the high of his climax. Almost immediately he was squeezed back into a ball, the stomach taking his moment of weakness to push him into a foetal position. Surprised by the sudden force and with the pleasure winding down, he found himself faced with the clarity to comprehend what came next. In the throes of masturbation he had managed to forget himself, but now the reality of the situation began to take prominence in his mind. His arousal had gotten the better of him, and he began to push back against the firm flesh that squeezed him from all sides. The motions were not lost on Rhea, who looked down at her mate with a brief smile.

"I can feel him, he's starting to panic," she said quietly, running a claw over Takarth's head lovingly, "pretty soon you'll start to hear him too."

Grinning, Takarth's ears twitched in anticipation. Nothing was more exciting to him than hearing his beautiful female pleased, whether it is from intense lovemaking or a good meal. Roland could feel every last movement as the gryphon's body subjugated him to its will. He had no idea how long he'd been inside now, but it felt like an eternity. That alone scared him more than anything else; he was not digesting fast. He couldn't find purchase on those slimy walls, and his hands pushed through those rippling folds worthlessly. He tried to kick with his feet, but they simply slid through the thick, foul muck in the beast's belly.

"Damnit," he spat, before he reached down to rub his arm. It was a shock to feel the smoothness; all of his skin had been removed already. His breathing increasing as fear grew inside his chest, Roland began to notice other things happening to him. Despite having grown use to the thick, meaty air he was forced to inhale, he was beginning to itch. His exposed pucker stung a little with the exposure to the raw enzymes, and his lips, ears, tongue and cock were experiencing a similar sensation. It was terrifying, but he realized that the more vulnerable, exposed areas of his body would be attacked first.

Roland curled up again, doing his best to protect himself from the onslaught of digestive fluids but it was no use. Every inch of his body had already been cover in the thick, pasty juices, and every time he tried to hold himself in a position, the stomach would squeeze him hard, forcing his body to form a different posture or be crushed in the unbelieve power of the gryphoness' stomach walls. He had no energy left to resist: all of his strength had flooded from his initial struggles, not to mention the fatigue a male such as himself felt after an orgasm. The encompassing flesh of his tormentor only seemed to further sap his energy, draining him as any lengthy workout would. He tried to cry out, to beg the gryphons for another chance in a last, desperate chance at life but all he could manage was a loud, muffled yell as he was interrupted by a downpour of hot, viscous fluids and the gryphon's belly crashing in around him again.

"I thought I heard something there, but it's hard to tell," Takarth said, pressing the side of his head harder into Rhea's belly. The gryphoness grunted and gave him a playful swat with her paw, causing him to look up at her in mild confusion.

"I love your enthusiasm dear, but not so hard," she said, giving a light chuckle. "If you push yourself any harder against me my meal will come shooting back up." Takarth gave her a guilty frown and licked the encroaching paw tenderly.

"Sorry my dear, I didn't realize," he said. "Can you tell me what's happening in there though? I heard the human yell, I'm sure of it." He placed his head back down on her belly, this time being noticeably gentler. The tuft of his ear closest to Rhea's stomach continued to twitch amiably, moving back and forth along her fur in a frantic set of motions that betrayed his excitement. Rhea couldn't help but smile at her lover, even after his tiny interruption of her enjoyment. She thought it was adorable.

"Yes, that was him yelling my dear, I could feel the vibrations of his voice," she answered, putting her paw gently on the side of his head. "They were weak however, not as strong-sounding as he once could manage. Perhaps our little toy is all tuckered out after his ejaculation." Her tail flicked excitedly and coiled around the ankle of her lover's hind leg. "I think we might be nearing the end."

Roland couldn't hear much anymore, save for the deep rumble of the gryphons' voices as they penetrated the thick skin and muscles of his organic prison. The tingling around his body had grown steadily stronger as the predators continued their conversation. The once uncomfortable sensations had now grown to be excruciatingly unbearable. His legs and arms began to burn with fire as more and more enzymes and acids pooled around him, lathering him in a continuous, churning swathe of motions brought forth by the gryphon's rippling stomach. The walls around him moved in an almost predictable rhythm, shifting underneath him and pushing him to a new area before moulding around him and squeezing him hard, preventing any means of movement. The fluids would be fresh there, newly secreted from the seeping pores within the flesh to add more of the powerful organic chemicals into the mix. There, he would be trapped with the crushing embrace and the juices continued their gruesome task, working with the constricting embrace to spread to his most vulnerable areas and break them down, making way for the tougher parts of his body next. All would be broken down eventually and added to the predator's body. None of the nutrition offered by his delicious body would be wasted, as all would be needed to benefit the gryphoness' developing offspring.

All Roland ever wanted was to go back into Rhea's womb. Although this wasn't the route he had in mind, he would get there eventually. All he needed to do was be patient.

He wasn't even visible from the outside as his demise proceeded. Nobody would see so much as a bulge on the massive gryphon. He was an anonymous meal, swallowed and disposed of, with no care nor concern from his predator; those were the only thoughts on his mind as his body was slowly broken by the gryphoness' churning gut. There was no need to struggle or fight back, as it was impossible to do so. He was powerless, devoid of strength and dominated by a creature many times his superior. It was difficult to concentrate with such powerful sensations assaulting his body, and he began to lose control of his senses. The pain of his skin being attacked by the slurry of digestive juices was beginning to make him less coherent, and his hearing was starting to vanish. Slowly but surely, Rhea's stomach was stripping things away from him one by one until the last thing to go would be his entire existence. He wanted to speak, to tell them that he wasn't upset, that he appreciated the chance to become one with such majestic, powerful creatures, but he couldn't draw the words free from his throat. His voice was too damaged to produce any more sounds.

A cry was all he managed as his body was suddenly compressed by the firm walls. The gryphon's stomach worked to break down its prey in two ways. The first, as he was well aware, was chemical; the rich, soupy mixture of enzymes and acids that oozed from her walls and broke him down. The second was physical; as the process heated up, his stomach would become tighter and tighter. Roland tried to push back in his discomfort, but the rolling flesh pressed him into a ball and squeezed him into a more digestible shape. After a few moments the muscles relaxed, only to tighten up again a little harder. The stress was incredible and he felt his body being pushed to the limits of what it could handle. The power was impressive and awe-inspiring, and he couldn't help but feel happy that this was what he would help fuel. It was horrible yes, but oddly satisfying. He knew what his purpose was now. He had lived an empty life, stealing and making money to serve himself but he now understood how unimportant he was. Living inside of Rhea for the months he had was enough to show him what he was missing. He was merely human, and these were proud, beautiful gryphons. As another hard squeeze made his bones creak from the pressure, he gasped silently in pain and lingered on a single, encompassing thought:

I am food.

That thought grew steadily inside him, becoming more apparent as his body began to slowly disintegrate. The stench of corrosive acids and meat filled his now limited sense of smell, multiplied in it's power by the humid, moist air that accompanied it. He could taste that palpable odour on his tongue, which lingered at the back of his throat, and slowly began to layer the inside of his mouth more thoroughly than his saliva could hope to contend with. Every single one of his slowly weakening senses was drowning in the invasive environment of the gryphoness' stomach. Although the darkness of the predator's gut had never allowed him to see, Roland soon found himself experiencing an even deeper blackness. With the movements around him growing more animated with each passing second, he wasn't sure how much longer he would be able to last.

The walls of the stomach pressed into him with greater frequency and pressure as it instinctively sensed its meal begin to dissolve. Each powerful wrench of the gryphoness' gut made him ache with a pleasant numbness that spread down to his creaking joints. It was an unexpected feeling, one that allowed him to resign his fate with an even stronger willingness. It was kind of Rhea to make his passing so purposeful and sublime. Then, with a particularly strong lurch of the gryphoness' stomach walls, he found himself pressed unbearably tight into the moist folds, bending him and contorting with an unbelievable amount of force. It wasn't long before the sound of snapping bones joined in with the wet excretions and slimy gurgles of his new, permanent home. He let out a wordless scream and beat his fists against the walls in agony, shaking and uncontrollably sobbing as he entered the worst stages of the digestive process.

"Can I mount you now?" Takarth asked, his yellow eyes glowing with a powerful eagerness. He'd lifted his head off his mate's belly upon hearing a deep rumble reverberate through her middle, strong enough to shake her gut. Rhea shoved his head playfully, once again putting him in his place.

"I said no," Rhea said, chuckling at her mate's insistence. "Ask me again and you'll have to take care of yourself. You're ruining the moment." The male gryphon looked regretful, and gave her a sullen nod.

"Yes, sorry my love, it won't happen again," Takarth said, putting his head back on her belly. The churning motions and sounds echoing from her gut had been growing steadily stronger over the past few minutes, and he couldn't help but feel his excitement and arousal grow along with it. His cock swelled needfully between his folded legs as he lay against his love, pressing against the inside of his thigh and drooling sexual juices onto his fur. Every instinct told him to mount his beautiful mate now, in the middle of her passionate digestion of their helpless intruder, but he remained where he was out of love. This was her moment, and he didn't want to ruin it. Instead, he closed his eyes and remained focused on the sonorous vibrations of her filled tummy, losing himself in the soothing warmth that threatened to send him over the brink.

"Is he still moving in there?" He asked, hoping to make up for his unwanted persistence. Rhea closed her eyes as well, taking a paw and raking it down her chest-feathers before resting it on his head once again.

"Yes, he is, I don't think he can help it," She said with a light chuckle. "He's almost gone now, these are his final moments." The male gryphon purred against her and placed his own paws to each side of his head, kneading her belly gently to help with the rigorous process.

"Wonderful," Takarth said, "let me help you..." His claws dug firmly into her skin, pressing hard enough to make soft indents in her fur before dragging to another section in need of attention. He didn't know whether the human could feel him, but he knew that such motions would soothe his lover, and effectively make Roland's experience worse. His tongue darted out briefly, licking her white belly tenderly before rotating his claws in sensual, circular motions. Neither of them spoke as he concentrated on massaging the labouring sections of flesh, releasing any tension within the Rhea's powerful muscles. The gryphoness emitted a delightful cry before her voice dropped to low, peaceful hum as her belly twitched underneath her mate's loving care. The quick clenching of her stomach soon turned to unbelievably strong, fluid squeezing thanks to her mate's skilled paws. In all her years of consuming smaller creatures, Rhea had never experienced a more pleasurable meal.

After a few minutes of this divine treatment, Rhea felt a small vibration in her stomach. In her meditative state, it took a moment for her to realize the familiar sensation of air working its way slowly up her neck. Her paunch bubbled and groaned with the unexpected release, set loose by Takarth's pressing claws as he kneaded the deeper pockets of flesh that had once held onto it. Bracing herself against the stone floor, she opened her beak wide and let out a massive, thunderous belch. The fleshy folds at the back of her throat flapped wetly with the sudden torrent of toxic breath, making the once cool air of the cave hot and humid with the stench of Roland's digestion. The guttural cacophony lasted for nearly thirty seconds, emptying her belly of any life-giving breath that the human needed to stay conscious. Her stomach walls descended on him with eagerness, crushing him into the churning pockets of her belly that had once been held back by the released pressure. As she relaxed and settled down, Rhea closed her eyes and held her mate close, listening to the distant gurgles of her middle send the troublesome human on his way.

Roland was now close to his end. With the tight compressions of the stomach breaking his softened body, he was no longer able to focus on any rational thoughts. His hearing, sight, taste and smell had all been stripped from him, and only pain remained. His muscles spasmed as he was processed efficiently by the beast's gut, churned and broken by the relentless digestions that ravaged him. He thought of Rhea and her beautiful, graceful body, the one that had held him securely in her womb with her growing young. He thought of her eggs, large and strong, that his body would be used to help develop and make healthy. He thought of Takarth, strong and imposing, who would no doubt use the extra energy he gave his mate to rut her hard and long into the night. It was almost an enlightening sensation as he was punished for his crimes, one that he embraced as he was slipping towards the void. He did not hate them for what they had done, in fact, he could not have been happier. His existence was meaningless, and now he had found a purpose. He would become one with a powerful beast, one that would go on to live a long life.

These were the worst stages, and he was alive to experience every last bit of his demise. He was torn, battered and broken by Rhea's stomach, all to the delight of the avian pair as they listened to her paunch rumble and gurgle. Roland knew they were enjoying it and he would have smiled if he could, but he no longer was able to do anything. In just a few more hours he would be nothing but a thick, nutrient-rich soup bubbling away inside of her gut, the same as the slop he had landed in when he'd first entered her stomach. It was humbling, knowing that he would soon be reduced to his base components, but that was the only way her body could absorb what he had to offer. Would he help strengthen her lovely wings, or perhaps make her groin better for her lover to breed? Would he make her chicks stronger, or her own muscle ripple with the energy he provided. As the stomach finally pushed him beyond his limits, he gave the gryphons a silent thought of thanks before her stomach squeezed tightly and everything faded to black.

The two gryphons remained still for a long while, listening to the bubbling sounds of digestion mutely sounding through the layers of muscle, fat, and fur. Long minutes passed by as they laid there, joined a comfortable, warm embrace. When Takarth finally raised his head, the fire had died down to embers, casting their cave into a pale darkness, with a strong chill in the air. His golden eyes blinked once, and suddenly Rhea was staring back at him, regarding him with a cool, sleepy grin.

"I think our human is finally gone," Rhea said. "He won't be stealing from anyone anymore." A soft, visible breath left her beak as she finished speaking, the humid moisture fogging in the brisk air of her home. She could still feel miniscule vibrations in her gut, now weakly churning away at whatever lingering remains the human had left behind. His body was coursing through her own now, being absorbed by the thorough intake of her predatory digestive system. Though Roland had spent months in her womb, now, he was more a part of her than he could ever hope to be. He wasn't the largest meal the gryphoness had ever consumed, but he was certainly the most satisfying. Even now, when her belly was mostly empty, she felt more full and happy than she'd ever been.

"Are you sure?" Takarth purred, pressing his head against his mate's belly harder. "I can still hear... oops, sorry," he said, making a guilty face as he forgot to not push himself into the female's middle. Rhea reached out and gently caressed his beak, scratching his feathered cheek lovingly.

"It's ok my dear," she cooed. "I told you: he's gone." Slowly, she placed her paws on the ground and shifted herself into a more comfortable position. The cold air was becoming noticeably piercing, even with her heavy coat of fur. There was no way to rekindle the fire without ruining their loving moment, so instead, she pulled her mate close. The bodily warmth emanating from his embrace was a welcome contrast to the nipping air that began to prickle the back of her neck. For a single, ridiculous moment, she almost envied the human inside her: he never had to worry about being cold again. Her wing stretched out and curved around Takarth's body, gently stroking the length of his body with its impressive span. Understanding the message plainly, Takarth smiled and stood up, gingerly taking a few steps over Rhea's sprawled limbs to lay beside her and hold her close.

Again, they remained still for several moments, simply enjoying the lingering silence between them. Their tails curled about each other almost instinctively, completing their embrace as they both hummed softly to each other. Takarth leaned across and licked Rhea's cheek a few times, earning him a tiny, playful bite on the side of his neck in return. After laying their quietly for a few more moments in the stillness, their tails began to twitch. It started slowly and accidently at first, but soon, it turned into a small game. The joined tufts of fur on the end of their tails beat heavily at the ground as each gryphon fought for playful dominance. Both of them lay completely still otherwise, feigning innocence and pretending that nothing out of the ordinary was happening at all. After a short few seconds however, a joyful smile was plastered over each of their happy faces. Rhea began to chuckle as their tails squeezed and tugged at one another, which soon made Takarth unable to control his mirth as well. He suddenly pulled his mate close and draped his leg over her, planting another firm lick on her muzzle to put and an end to their mischief.

"Can I mount you now?" Takarth said, pleadingly. Rhea only rolled her eyes and bopped him on the front of his beak.

"I'm going to sleep you horny beast, you can have me in the morning," Rhea said in an amused tone. "Once we've had our cuddle you can rut me as hard you like." Takarth purred long and deep before placing his head on her breast.

"Mmm, I'll hold you to that," he said, raking his paws down her middle one last time. "Do you think any more thieving humans will come stumbling into our lair?"

"If they do, we'll know just what to do with them," Rhea replied, giving her mate one last nuzzle before leaning back and resting her head on the rounded stones behind her. "Next time that happens, perhaps you can have a turn storing them for a while. I'm sure a human could live quite comfortably inside your sheath for a few months on end." She let out a weak chuckle before yawning, her pink tongue curling inside her beak before she nimbly snapped it shut. Takarth couldn't help but smile at the thought before closing his eyes and burying his cheek into her soft feathers.

"Their comfort would be the least of my concerns, but I do wish to try it," he said. "Hopefully some more can come crawling our way soon so I can..." He took a moment to yawn. "... have a turn eating a few of them myself. Roland tasted so good..."

As Takarth trailed off, his snores soon joined those of his lover's and they fell asleep in their loving embrace. In some sense, Roland was now a part of that as well. As Rhea slept, his body slowly began fuelling the brooding young within the gryphoness' proud womb, lending energy and precious, bountiful nutrition to the promising little hatchlings. From the end of his life of greed and thievery, a new clutch of magnificent creatures would be given the chance at a healthy new beginning.

And then the cycle would begin again

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